CARSPLUS 30th Annual CARS+ Convention Sacramento – “A Capitol Idea” Application to Present
Presenter Information: Primary Presenter Name: Nancy Nos
CARS+ Member: YES
Job Title: Program Specialist School/Organization: Twin Rivers Unified School District Mailing Address:
Twin Rivers Unified School District c/o Nancy Nos Special Education Dept, Bay B, #331 3222 Winona Way North Highlands, CA 95660
Phone: (916) 566-1617 Fax: (916) 566-3510 Email:
Presentation Information: Title: Developing Number Sense in Young Learners Workshop Description: This interactive session will focus counting, 1:1 correspondence, conservation of number, and beginning addition and subtraction concepts and mathematical reasoning skills. Participants will participate in “hands-on” activities that support CA Mathematics Standards and Preschool Learning Foundations and leave with ideas to use in their classrooms on Monday. This session highlights a product: NO Audience Level: Preschool and Elementary (K-3 rd grade) Strand: Early Childhood, Math, Instructional Strategies I am available to present on Friday, Feb 18, 2011 AND Saturday, Feb 19, 2011: YES I am available both days: YES I would be willing to repeat this session if requested: YES I have presented at previous CARS+ Conventions: NO A/V Equipment: LCD Projector, Easel with Chart paper if possible
Detailed Description of Presentation: Attendees will participate in activities using readily-available manipulatives, chants, rhymes, and story-telling to promote student acquisition of the following skills: Rote Counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s 1:1 Correspondence Numeral Recognition Conservation of Number Beginning Addition and Subtraction Concepts Mathematical Reasoning Activities and concept development will be linked to the CA State Mathematics Standards for Kindergarten through Second Grade and to the CA Preschool Mathematics Learning Foundations. Classroom management and assessment tips will be included as well as discussion of the theory behind and the purpose of the activities and strategies presented.
One Paragraph Biography: Nancy Nos is currently a program specialist in the Twin Rivers Unified School District responsible for curriculum implementation and staff development for elementary and preschool SDC and RSP teachers. She has taught 25+ years in grades preschool through college in both special education and general education settings. She has also presented at national conferences and to teachers around the country on a wide variety of instructional strategies to use with at-risk learners.