Brain Processing: Implications for the student with disabilities
Educational & Memory implications
Introduction ď Ź
Neuroscience has established close links between how the brain processes information and the retention of that information.
Background ď Ź
To comprehend how the brain will impact the educational setting, especially with a student who has a deficit in processing, one must understand the brain and its functional components and how the processing takes place in order to meet the needs of all students.
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Understanding how information is processed by the brain and how acquisition can be impaired, a teacher will be able to better how to meet the needs of the students.
The Brain
The brain is composed of four primary lobes: occipital, frontal, parietal and temporal It is within these lobes that processing of information takes place. These lobes determine how students obtain, process and retrieve new information as well as whether the information is placed in short- or long-term memory This determines how information will be accessed in the future
Location and Function
Occipital Lobe-middle back of the brain –
Responsible for vision
Frontal Lobe- around the forehead -Responsible for purposeful acts from judgment to planning
Parietal- top back portion of the cerebrum -processes higher sensory and language functions
Temporal-above and around the ears on both side –
Responsible for auditory, memory meaning and language
How the brain naturally processes information
The brain will naturally look for a rhythm and pattern It will assess relevancy and meaning It responds immediate to symbols & images It absorbs to concrete visuals
Brain processing
PET scan shows different regions of the brain that are engaged Processing is the pathway to perceiving, recognizing and interpreting sensory information For some students this may cause sensory overload
Methods ď Ź ď Ź
The brain uses different methods to gain information and to retain it In the school setting a student uses mainly two methods *Auditory Processing * Visual Processing
Processing and Acquisition & Influence learning Auditory -lectures -dictations of procedures Visual -notes -reading -writing
History Science Language Arts Math P.E. Elective -computer -art -drama
Comprehension & Interpretation
Derive Meaning & Obtain Knowledge
Methods to academic achievement ď Ź
Learning is a process of interpretation by which we acquire knowledge and skills
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Memory is the process by which we retain the knowledge and skills for the future
What are the Educational Implications or results for a student with disabilities ď Ź
their visual/auditory processing will impact their acquisition of material
-meaning is distorted and/or misunderstood -information is lost -learning looses relevancy
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their learning ability has been compromised their perception will be different from other students without a processing deficient
Auditory Processing Auditory processing is more than hearing what is said. It is a perception and assimilation of what is perceived by the ears.
Auditory Perception Skills are:
Phonological awareness -what letter sound is heard (phonemes) -example: b/a/t
Auditory discrimination -recognizing a difference between phoneme sounds - example: pig/big
Auditory memory -recall and store what was heard -example: directions
Sequencing -hearing items in order -example: phone numbers, spelling
Auditory processing roles Discrimination sounds Segmentation of sounds
Memory Recall comprehension
Sequencing what is heard perception
Derive meaning Comprehension interpretation
Strategies for Auditory deficit students
Input/out put system -Explanation (say) -Modeling (see) watch -Structured practice (do)
See SayDo This method helps promote long-term memory.
Interpretation/application for auditory deficit
Give visual support “see”
-graphic organizers -props -examples
Have student repeat “say” -confirm understanding
role play “do”
-evoke meaning -relevancy {what does this have to do with me} -perception {how does this fit into my world}
Mnemonic strategy provides a visual or acoustic cue by developing rhythmic or visual patterns Connects ideas in developing concepts to concrete images Mnemonics helps with semantics and syntax order
Three main types Keyword rhyming pattern by providing a picture of the word or concept being taught
Letter strategy Acronyms and acrostics
Peg word rhyming words used with math facts in a sequence
Visual Processing Visual processing is more then taking in through the eyes Visual information is being aware of letters and their relationship within the content
Visual Perception skills
Visual discrimination -ability to differentiate one object from another
-difference between “n” & “m”
Figure-ground discrimination -ability to distinguish an object from its surrounding background
-ignore background stimuli on a page
Visual closure -able to recognize or identify an object
-to see the whole from parts
Spatial relations -awareness of the position of objects in space {size, distance, order relationships between objects}
Visual Perception task example
Visual Processing Roles in school Decoding Language
Visualizing Shapes Spelling picturing
Perception grammatical rules
spatial Relations Writing math
Literary analyses comprehension
Forming Images Part to whole
Strategies for visual deficits students Figure-Ground discrimination
“Window” in a index card- to clear focus on object blocking peripheral material* Straight edge - highlighted bookmark
Spatial Relations
Graphic organizers Number line Ruler manipulative
Visual discrimination
Raised lines / darker more distinct [writing] Color differential for spatial awareness
Visual closure
Recall the big picture of subjects-parts to whole Graphic organizers
Visualization & Imagery strategy Bring together the verbal and the nonverbal images Have students picture in their minds what the abstract (word) looks like -use function words to help student image
(shape,color,movement,sound …)
Using images to represent symbols Walking
Using symbols to represent image
What’s the connection between processing, memory and education
If information is not obtained through auditory or visual methods, the information will not reach long term memory which will impact the student’s education.
Memory storage system
The brain’s memory ability is distributed throughout the cortex within the hippocampus, the area where the formation of spatial and other explicit memories are taking place.
Executive system (working memory) – Phonological loop (left hemisphere) –
Holds acoustic/speech pattern
Visuo-spatial sketchpad (right hemisphere)
Visual, spatial, kinesthetic Mental imagery
Memory regions Phonology loop -auditory perception ď Ź
phonological awareness discrimination memory sequencing blending
Visual spatial sketchpad -visual perception ď Ź
discrimination figure ground visual closure letter recognition visual perception & reverse
Baddeley,2000 working memory system Central Executive Allocates cognitive resources to memory systems Fundamental in directing, shifting, sustaining attention Inhibits negative distracters
Visual-Spatial sketchpad The mind’s inner eye Visual imagery Mental rotation Facilitates mental academic skills
Phonological Storage Holds acoustical information for up to 2 seconds without rehearsal
Phonological loop The mind’s inner voice Verbal rehearsal of information Capacity associated w/calculation Automatic retrieval of information in Stored in verbal format
Subvocalization Rehearsal system Inner voice refreshes information in the phonological store
Information processing & memory model Visual/ auditory pathway
Active (working) memory Executive system •Phonological loop •Visuo-spatial sketchpad
Cognitive process
short term memory Perceiving Interpreting Associations Thinking Memory Decision making
Long term Memory retrieval Episodic semantic
Student out put Actions behavior
What does this mean for a teacher?
A student needs to gain the information being taught through these two methods. If either one is missing; the information will not be absorb Grades will not reflect the ability of the student The student’s education will suffer
Impact on students with a processing deficit This affects all aspects of learning regarding their education:
Discussion on all topics Reading text books-all subjects Listening during lectures Spelling/writing in Language Arts Math reasoning and calculations
Impact on students with a processing deficit
If a student has a deficit in either one of the common methods, they are not able to access the curriculum. They will processes information inadequately do to miss perceptions Low grades will result Inappropriate behavior may result
How do we put the pieces together?
Bridging the Gap
Develop lessons that are interesting and meaningful use models & interactive practice
Use a variety of methods for instruction (not just text) with the objective of perception in mind
Look for acquisition by the student Notice the discrepancies in work and ability Seek support for modifications and accommodations with a special ed. teacher if needed
Let’s Process
Success is learned and will take a team approach collaboration & consultation Be a part of the learning process team by learning and understanding how the brain functions and how students learn Be open to new ideas diverse strategies
The End
Brenda Heckathorn Endeavour Middle School Lancaster School District
Frances Alonso Jacobson Middle School Tehachapi Unified School District
Copland, D. E, Radvansky, G. A. (2006) Memory retrieval interference: Working memory issues. Journal of Memory and Language, 55, 33-46 Aspects for Evaluating Learning Disabilities. Journal of learning Disabilities, 38, 563-568 Pickering, S. J., Gathercole, S. E. (2004) Distinctive Working Memory Profiles in Children with Special Educational Needs. Journal of Educational Psychology, 24, Clikeman, M. S. (2005) Neuropsychological 394- 406 Vaughn, S. & Linan-Thompson, S. (2003) What is special about Special Education for Children with Disabilities? Journal of Special Education, Semrud-Clikeman, M. (2005) Neuropsychological Aspects for Evaluating Learning Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 563-567 Visual and Auditory Processing Disorders, By: National Center for Learning Disabilities (1999)
Swanson, H. L., Ashbaker, H. M. (2000) Working Memory, Short-term Memory, Speech Rate, Word Recognition and Reading Comprehension in Learning in Disabled Readers: Does the Executive System Have a Role ? Intelligence, 28, 1-30 Bayliss, D. M., Jarrold, C., Bradely, A. & Leigh, E. (2005) Differential Constraints on the Working Memory and Retrieval Abilities of Individuals with Learning Difficulties and Typical Developing Children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 92, 76-99 Salthouse, T. A., Siedlecki, K. L. (2006) An Individual Differences Analysis of Memory Control. Journal of Memory and Language, 55, 102-125 Jensen, Eric. (2000). Brain-Based Learning (Rev. ed.). Sand Diego, CA: USA Jones, Fred. (2000). Tools for Teaching, Ch.8, p.75
Recommendations for Resources for Diagnosis and Interventions Websites ď Ź
Books The Source for Solving Reading Problems ISBN # 0-7606-0404-5 The Neuropsychology of Reading Disorders ISBN #0-97033337-0-6 The Neuropsychology of Mathematics ISBN # 0-9703337-2-2 The Neuropsychology of Written Language Disorders ISBN #0-9703337-1-4