______________ School District Coordination between General and Special Education Key Elements February, 2011 The _______ School District intends to implement a model of coordinated support services for at risk students in its schools. This implementation will begin during the 20__-20__ school year. This checklist of key elements is intended to guide schools to implement the coordination model. This checklist describes a process that takes 3-5 years to fully implement. _____ Articulate the Issues/Building Consensus. Staff discussion has been held reviewing the key elements of the coordination model. All members of the community are knowledgeable regarding the model. Consensus agreement has been explicitly obtained that all students are capable of meeting or exceeding grade level standards. _____ Assessment & Data Analysis: Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring. A site plan has been developed for assessment of all students upon entry into the school, including assessment tools to be used and the process for analyzing the assessment data leading to instructional decisions. A site plan has been developed to monitor progress of below grade level students a minimum of three times per year to a maximum of as often as appropriate for most intensive students. This plan must include a description of assessment tools, a calendar for data collection and analysis, and a process for regrouping target students. _____ Design Instruction. A site plan has been developed to match instructional strategies, materials, and schedules to assessed instructional need. This plan includes a commitment to systematic early basic skills instruction, extended learning opportunities (full day Kindergarten and before, during, and after school small group instruction), identification of research-based effective instructional materials aligned to identified instructional need, and the development of schedules to support instructional grouping and regrouping. _____ Collaboration between all instructional staff. A site plan has been developed for coordination of instruction and support between the regular classroom and all support services. This plan includes an understanding that support and instruction for at risk students must supplement, not supplant regular classroom instruction. A site plan has been developed for coordination between regular classroom and support services instruction, including a description of coordination between formal special education services, remedial services, and regular classroom instruction. _____ Student Study Team. The existing Student Study Team has been reworked to incorporate coordination between general and special education. The priority function has been shifted from referrals for Special Education assessment and eligibility to the facilitation of early intervention and assessing the student response to those interventions. _____ Budget and resource allocation. A budget and description of resource allocation (staff, materials, time/schedule, and money) to support the coordinated model has been developed, including a site plan for providing the necessary instructional skills and materials for all staff to meet the needs of below grade level students. _____ Attention to legal issues. Agreement has been obtained between site and district staff regarding job descriptions, caseloads, referral practices, and eligibility criteria.
__________ School District Pre-Student Study Team (Pre-SST) Referring Teacher Checklist To refer a student for a Pre-SST, sign up for a meeting with the principal. Pre-SST’s will be held for approximately 30 minutes. Before the Pre-SST meeting: θ Complete Level 1 Data Collection (pages 1 and 2) θ Language and health θ School history θ Special services/assistance history θ Document dates of prior teacher conference(s) θ Academic/Educational performance page θ Complete Pre-SST Referral Form (pages 3, 4, and 5) θ Hearing/vision screening; all assessment data from your class and found in CUM folder. θ Document dates of parent conferences and phone conversations. θ Complete the Classroom Modification Checklist. θ Gather any information/documentation that would be helpful in making the appropriate adjustments (running records, writing samples, anecdotal notes) to bring with the CUM to the meeting. θ Prior to the meeting, return the completed Level 1 Data Collection pages and the Pre-SST referral form to the principal—he will copy and share with all Pre-SST members. Team members come to the meetings PREPARED (please read the referral
form in advance). The teacher is responsible for the follow-up, unless otherwise noted. If the action plan was not effective after implementing for 4-6 weeks, schedule an SST meeting with the principal.
Pre-SST Meeting date/time:
___________ School District Pre-Student Study Team (SST) Referring Teacher Checklist (Updated 8/08)
To refer a student for a Pre-SST, sign up for a meeting with your site coordinator. Pre-SST’s will be held ______ for approximately 30 minutes beginning at _____. Occasionally meetings will have to be scheduled on different days and at different times. •
Complete Pre-SST Referral Form. (These forms are located __________________________.) 1) Check results for hearing/vision screening (in cum folder) and record on Pre-SST referral form. 2) Document dates of parent conferences or phone conversations on Pre-SST referral form. 3) Complete the Classroom Modification Checklist (Step 5 in PreSST referral form). *Anytime you make modifications for a student, document those modifications on the Classroom Modification Checklist ASAP, even if you aren’t quite ready to call a Pre-SST. 4) Complete the Phonics for Reading Placement Test (found in PreSST referral packet) 5) Gather any information/documentation that would be helpful in making the appropriate adjustments (running records, writing samples, anecdotal notes) and bring to the meeting.
• Prior to the meeting, return the completed Pre-SST referral form to the Pre-SST Coordinator. • In order to stay on schedule and to make informed decisions, all team members MUST come to the meetings PREPARED (please read the referral form in advance). ***Teachers need to bring the student’s cum to the meeting along with the student’s assessments and work samples. • The teacher is responsible for the follow-up, unless otherwise noted. If the action plan was not effective after implementing for 4-6 weeks, please schedule an SST meeting.
DATE/TIME for P-SST: ____________
Date/Time of P-SST: ______________________
_______________ School District Pre-Student Study Team Referral Form (Updated 8/08)
Student Name__________________________ DOB_________________
Referring Teacher_______________________ Date ______________________ Hearing: ____ pass ____ fail Vision: _____ pass _____ fail
Mark the area of concern: Academic Behavioral
Benchmark Levels: Indep. and Instr. Levels Math Assess CAT/ STAR Dibels CELDT Level Other Literacy Assessments
Problem Identification Step One: Student’s Strengths: __________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Step Two: Describe the academic or behavioral problem: _____________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Step Three: Clarify problem. Identify where, when, how long, etc. the problem occurs.
___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Step Four: Identify and clearly state two goals. If behavioral, write one to improve behavior and one to reduce unproductive behavior. If academic, write two specific academic goals.
Goal #1:__________________________________________________________ Goal #2:__________________________________________________________ Step Five: Classroom Modification Checklist Federal and state laws now require documentation of interventions used with students referred for special education programs/testing.
Please check those interventions you have utilized with your student (for at least 4-6 weeks, unless otherwise noted) and state the results of each intervention implemented.
Check Modifications Example: Provide written instruction CHANGE OF MATERIALS modified assignments grade level/shorten length
SEATING CHANGE near teacher/next to buddy
INDIVIDUALIZED INSTRUCTION – daily: teacher/aide /volunteer
PRAISE AND REINFORCEMENT For starting or completing, etc.
BREAKDOWN TASKS INTO SMALLER STEPS oral/written instructions
PEER TUTOR after school or class buddy
SMALL GROUP INSTRUCTION for subject areas or daily activities
ELIMINATION OF DISTRACTIONS space dividers, work space
STUDENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE develop an action plan
Implementation (Period/Results) Example: 6 weeks/student began completing all assignments
CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE CHART: for homework, classwork, specific behaviors
DAILY PROGRESS REPORT progress made, completed work, etc.
WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORTS progress made, completed work, etc.
DAILY SCHEDULE PROVIDED class, homework, etc.
USE OF STUDENT INTERESTS Earn rewards, utilize strengths, etc.
ADAPT TEACHING TO STUDENT LEARNING STYLES visual, auditory, multisensory, tactile, kinesthetic
NOTES SENT HOME daily/weekly
Step Six: Current Instructional Program for Student
Directions: Please meet as a team and document your current plan to address the needs of your student who needs intervention. Include in your summary all instructional opportunities (whole group and small group) that comprise this program for your student. Curricular Area & Programs/ Materials Used
Time Allocated
Time Allocated
(# min./day; # days/week) Whole Group
(# min./day; # days/week) Small Group
#min _____/day
#days _____/wk
#min _____/day
#days _____/wk
#min _____/day
#days _____/wk
#min _____/day
#days _____/wk
Interventionist (Who delivers the intervention?)
____________ School District
Organization/ Delivery
Assessment System
(How many students in group? Where is intervention delivered?)
(Frequency and measures used to monitor progress)
Intervention Planning Form Student Name_____________________________ Grade_______ Date__________________ Homeroom Teacher________________________ Team Members: See signature page
Problem Identification Step One: (5 min) Have the classroom teacher describe the academic or behavioral problem.
Step Two: (5 min) Clarify problem as a group. Identify where, when, how long, etc. the problem occurs. If behavioral, try to identify the ABC’s (use form B). If academic, try to identify specific challenges within the subject area(s).
Step Three: (4 min) Identify and clearly state two goals. If behavioral, write one to improve behavior and one to reduce unproductive behavior. If academic, write two specific academic goals. Goal #1: Goal #2: Step Four: (5 min) Brainstorm up to eight strategies to improve the student’s performance/behavior.
Step Five: (2 min) Finalize the plan by having the teacher select 1-3 new strategies to try. The strategies may be implemented together or singly, as appropriate. Strategy Who’s Responsible 1. 2. 3. Step Six: (1 min) Identify things that other staff members could do to assist teacher. Step Seven: (2 min) Discuss how the plan will be monitored and set a follow up date to evaluate and/or revise the plan. Follow Up Date: ________________ Team Members: Signatures ________________________________
Resource Teacher
Reading Recovery Teacher
Speech/Language Pathologist
Classroom Teacher