1 R-Controlled Syllable
What do these words have in common? art
sport shirt
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We call this type of syllable rcontrolled. The abbreviation is rc. Why do you think it has this name? __________________________________________________________ Fold back this bottom section, or place a sheet of paper over it._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Please copy this page as an overhead transparency to introduce rcontrolled syllables. Record the following correct responses in any order.
1. All of the words have only one vowel. 2. The vowels are followed by the letter r. 3. The letter r controls the vowel and changes it to say ar as in art and or as in sport. The other three vowels have the same sound: ur as in turn, ir as in birth, and er as in her. 4. All are onesyllable words. Mark the vowels by circling the vowel and the r, art. This syllable is called rcontrolled because the r changes the vowel sounds.