1 Vowel-Vowel Syllable What do these words have in common? aim eat sweep stay steam tree
pie tie
roast throat
due fruit
1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________
This kind of syllable is called vowelvowel. The abbreviation is vv. Why do you think it has this name? ___________________________________________________________ Fold back this bottom section, or place a sheet of paper over it._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Please copy this page as an overhead transparency to introduce vowelvowel syllables. Record correct responses in any order. 1. All of the words have two vowels next to each other. 2. The first vowel is long. 3. The second vowel is silent. Mark the vowels right after students discover the sounding rule. 4. They are all onesyllable words. Remind students that every syllable has only one vowel sound.
Another important concept is that the two vowels must be kept in the same syllable. Do not divide between them. This type of syllable is called vowelvowel because two vowels are next to each other. The vowelvowel syllable is not to be confused with diphthongs. Diphthongs also have two vowels next to each other, but they follow an arbitrary sounding rule that must be memorized.