Best of Singapore intro vol 2

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Best of Singapore

Vibrant Singapore Every National Day, this City-State comes alive to celebrate its amazing achievements and looks brightly towards its future.

Best of Singapore


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Just as the world turns, the eyes of the world have been turning east in recent years. The rise of China as a global superpower and economic giant have diverted attention from traditional Western markets and made Asia the most important place on the planet. Perfectly situated to benefit from this both in geography and ideology is Singapore – a small nation with large ambitions and a track record of impressive achievement. A nation of just over 4 million, Singapore has a global reputation and presence that belies its size. Everywhere you look there are accolades and achievements, worldfirsts and pioneering technology. Sitting at the gateway of east and West, and flanked by huge markets in India and China, the Singapore success story shows no signs of slowing. Whether in Singapore for a well-earned family holiday or on a business stopover, the Lion City will impress you from the moment you arrive at its world-famous airport. Changi Airport has won more than

With its rich history of immigration, talents from all over the world have contributed in developing Singapore into the vibrant and cosmopolitan city of today – a hub for commerce, creativity, culture, education, finance, healthcare, information technology, transportation and research and development. 250 awards in its 26-year history, perhaps the most prestigious one coming in 2006 when it was voted the World’s Best airport by Skytrax. Your first experience of service standards in Singapore, arriving by air, is guaranteed to be a memorable one. It’s no wonder so many expatriates decide to make the island their home. People are a resource that has been key to Singapore’s success. Today, Singapore continues to welcome immigrants to work, study or set up home in the garden city. As Singapore’s forefathers were largely immigrants from all over the

This page: Trishaw rides are a relaxing way to see the various sights of Singapore. Opposite page: National Day brings families together and unites all in the vibrant colours of Singapore. 16

Best of Singapore

Best of Singapore


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Best of Singapore

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Singapore is a modern and cosmopolitan city, with a reputation for having a stable and responsive government, safe and secure environment, and an efficient infrastructure to attract foreigners to study, work and live here.

Opposite page: Founder of Modern Singapore, the Statue of Sir Stamford Raffles. This page: Fresh flowers being sold at one of many open air markets near a Chinese temple.

Best of Singapore


World, Singapore is a mix of cultures and religions woven together by a common respect and understanding. Singapore is a modern and cosmopolitan city, with a reputation for having a stable and responsive government, safe and secure environment, and an efficient infrastructure to attract foreigners to study, work and live here. Permanent residency in Singapore is attractive with the country’s high employment rate, financial and political stability, mature infrastructure, high quality of life and a genuine sense of safety and security that is the envy of the world. With its rich history of immigration, talents from all over the world have contributed in developing Singapore into the vibrant and cosmopolitan city of today – a hub for commerce, creativity, culture, education, finance, healthcare, information technology, transportation and research and development. Singapore welcomes foreigners who can identify with its way of life and wish to contribute positively to its development. Many of these foreigners decide to take up Permanent Residence and eventually Singaporean Citizenship. Permanent

Residents enjoy better privileges than foreigners ranging from dedicated immigration facilities to subsidized education and healthcare. Located at one of the crossroads of the world, Singapore’s strategic position and passionate people have helped it grow into a major centre for trade, communications and tourism. WINNING FORMULA Think Singapore has solely been a runaway success due to its location and luck? Think again. It has taken hard work and investment for the small state to become the envy of the world and a consistent winner of international awards, for both leisure and business. The earliest mention of Singapore dates back to the 3rd Century and a Chinese account which described Singapore as “Puluo-chung” (“island at the end of a peninsula”), but it was not until the 11th Century that the island gained its now famous moniker. According to legend, a visiting prince spotted an animal he thought was a lion and Singapore’s modern day name



“Singa Pura” (“Lion City”) was born. Before the British arrived in the 18th Century, Singapore had already become a small town, welcoming traders from China, India, Arabia and Europe on their long sea voyages. The British saw the need for a strategic port to repair and maintain their fleet, during its journeys to the far corners of the then mighty British Empire. So it was that Sir Stamford Raffles established Singapore as a trading station. The policy of free trade attracted merchants from as far afield as the Americas. By 1824, just five years after the founding of modern Singapore, the population had boomed from 150 to 10,000. The trade between east and West escalated and advancements in technology, such as steamships and the telegraph, and the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, increased Singapore’s importance as a centre for trade. After the Second World War, Singapore became a Crown Colony. The growth of nationalism led to self-government in 1959 and on 9 August 1965, Singapore became an independent republic. In those 43

Permanent Residency in Singapore is attractive with country’s high employment rate, financial and political stability, mature infrastructure, high quality of life and genuine sense of safety and security that is the envy of the world. years, Singapore has not looked back and has grown into one of the world’s great city states. Singapore is the busiest port in the world with over 600 shipping lines. One of the world’s major oil refining and distribution centres, Singapore is a major supplier of electronic components and a leader in shipbuilding and repairing. It has also become one of the most important financial centres of Asia, with more than 130 banks. Singapore’s strategic location, excellent facilities, fascinating cultural contrasts and tourist attractions contribute to its success as a leading destination for both business and pleasure.

This page: National Day Parade Celebrations are held each year on the 9th of August to commemorate Singapore’s independence. Opposite page: LASALLE College of the Arts A conducive environment for artists, curators, researchers, intellectuals, students and members of the public to exchange ideas about art and design. 20

Best of Singapore

Best of Singapore





Singapore is a mix of cultures and religions that is woven together by a common respect and understanding. BEST FOR LEISURE It’s fair to say that Singapore has built its success on business, but it has also used those foundations to develop another key industry – tourism. The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) is a statutory board operating under the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) that focuses on developing and implementing policies, strategies and plans to transform the tourism sector into a key driver of economic growth. The STB was established in 1964 to promote Singapore as a tourist destination. Then known as the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board (STPB), its mandate was to coordinate the efforts of hotels, airlines and travel agents in promoting the overall image of the destination. Through the 1960s and 1970s, the STPB actively encouraged investments in infrastructure such as the building

of hotels and tourist attractions like the Jurong Bird Park and the resort island of Sentosa. The STPB was re-named the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) in 1997, to reflect the Board’s expanding role beyond that of simply tourist promotion. From attracting 91,000 visitors in 1964, the Board today attracts more than 10 million visitors annually. In 2007, a record number of 10.3 million visitors landed, an increase of 5.4% over 2006. In pursuing its mission to develop and champion tourism, the STB adopts a comprehensive and holistic approach. To ensure that the tourism industry continues to be a key contributor to the economy, the STB unveiled the tourism 2015 Master plan, in which targets were set to achieve S$30 billion in tourism receipts and 17 million in visitor arrivals. “We see no need to adjust our strategy under the tourism 2015 plan at the moment,” says STB. “Our current focus is still giving us good growth from key markets and from key segments.”

This page: Singapore is a mix of cultures from Chinese, Malays, Indians, Eurasians and people of other descent. Opposite page: One of the eagerly anticipated highlights of the National Day Parade are the parachuters who make a spectacular entrance to the show. 22

Best of Singapore

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BEST FOR BUSINESS The Republic of Singapore is one of the world’s great economic successes. A tiny, multiracial island state, Singapore offers its disciplined and hard-working citizens a standard of living unmatched in Asia. Though predominantly Chinese, English is the language of Singapore -the language of international business inherited from its Colonial past. Singapore is right here, right now, at the very epicentre of world growth. As the economy of the world shifts from West to East with the opening up of China and India, in particular, and countries like Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia working towards First World status, Asia will become the centre of the economic boom. And when you consider that Asia’s population is over three billion people – that’s half the world’s population – and that the population will rise to 5.6 billion in 2050, the understanding of how significant Asia will be in the future, becomes clear. With one of the most stable

Singapore is at the very epicentre of world growth. Asia’s population is over three billion people – that’s half the world’s population – and that will rise to 5.6 billion in 2050. The understanding of how significant Asia will be in the future is clear. political regimes in Asia, a reputation for being honest, efficient and free of corruption and a government that offers numerous free trade agreements, it is no wonder that Singapore is, and will become even more, the strategic gateway to Asia. And as more and more international companies from the Americas and Europe wish to do trade with China and India, Singapore will be there to help and to offer itself as the premium hub for international organisations and associations to set up headquarters as well as invest in and the ideal place to live, meet and do business.

This page: Bumboats ply visitors around favourite sights along the Singapore River including Clarke Quay, Boat Quay, The Singapore Merlion and Riverside Point.


Best of Singapore

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Best of Singapore

Strong infrastructure and a highly skilled workforce, together with a perfect location on the cross roads between East and West has ensured that Singapore is the amongst the worlds leading choices for doing business.

Best of Singapore


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Singapore has one of the world’s most developed economies with 7,000 resident multinational companies and 100,000 enterprises, creating a vibrant business environment. According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Singapore economy is expected to grow by 4-5% in 2008. For the first half of 2008, real GDP grew by 4.5% -bucking the trend towards a global economic downturn and confirming the strength of Singapore. In particular, the services sector continued to grow, while financial and business services continued to register strong growth. Construction sector also remained strong. Singapore remains the world’s second-freest economy, behind Hong Kong, according to the latest index of Economic Freedom, released by US think tank, the Heritage Foundation. The gap behind Hong Kong has also narrowed this year, with Singapore increasing its score. The higher the score, the lower the level of government interference in the economy. In 2007, Singapore scored 87.4 out of 100.

Singapore is renowned for the ease of doing business. Amongst the world’s globalised nations, the workforce is recognised for its high level of productivity and positive can-do attitude. For the second year in a row, Singapore has come top in the World Bank’s Doing Business report. Singapore finished ahead of New Zealand and the United States when it comes to the ease of doing business in a report that covered 178 countries. Besides having a safe environment that is conducive for individuals and families to make Singapore their best home, Singapore is also renowned for the ease of doing business. Amongst the world’s globalised nations, the workforce is recognised for its high level of productivity and positive, can-do attitude. As economic freedom is linked

This page: Biomedical Research has been one of the fastest growing areas and a key focus for Singapore’s economic development. Opposite page: The Marina Bay Financial Centre - Singapore has found innovative solutions such as reclaiming its land to find space for its growing economy.


Best of Singapore

Best of Singapore






Best of Singapore

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Favourable tax system as compared to many other global cities and residents appreciate that those taxes contribute directly to bettering the lives of its people

Opposite page: Biopolis This campus is dedicated to providing space for biomedical research and development activities and promoting peer review and collaboration among the private and public scientific community. This page: Singapore can boast of a highly efficient public transportation network which is amongst the world’s best. The Expo MRT as seen above is near the Singapore Expo which regularly holds some of the regions biggest exhibitions and draws in delegates from around the world. Best of Singapore


with economic growth and prosperity, this ranking and recent growth means that Singapore is, in 2008, in a very healthy position. The Singapore government encourages companies, investors and start-ups, with no restrictions on foreign ownership of Singaporean assets; tax incentives to attract foreign multinationals (especially those offering to impart knowledge and technology); and no exchange controls. The government and numerous trade associations proactively encourage Singaporeans to set up their own businesses, ventures and entrepreneurial projects. While the Association of Small & Medium Enterprise helps to elevate the profiles of SMEs in Singapore and motivates entrepreneurs, International Enterprise (IE) Singapore provides Singapore-based companies with business-critical support. As for regional industry, Singapore boasts machinery, mineral fuels, chemicals, agricultural products, foodstuffs, and crude materials among its principal exports – sending them as close as Malaysia, Hong Kong and China and as far as the

US. Ship-building, shipping and marine-related sectors are also a huge part of Singapore’s economy and they have recently experienced a boom as orders for oil rigs, tankers and specialised vessels surge on the back of rising global demand for energy. New shipbuilding and conversion activities are also taking place in the region, driven by increasing inter-regional trade as Asia’s economies continue to strengthen. This, in turn, has led to a growth in the regional steel industry too -another huge Singaporean industry. Thanks to high oil prices, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries have boomed and with China’s need for energy seemingly insatiable, Singapore is in the perfect position to supply new oil and gas reserves. Masses of foreign multinationals already use Singapore as their regional headquarters for Asia and remarkably, they now account for 75% of Singapore’s manufactured exports. Coming to Singapore will be easy and ideal then for many



internationals who wish to use the Republic as a springboard into the regional and global markets. Favourable tax system as compared to many other global cities and residents appreciate that those taxes contribute directly to bettering the lives of its people Add to this Singapore’s global network of air links, shipping lines and freight forwarders that make it a highly efficient logistic hub and you can see why Singapore is the smart choice for business. Singapore is the leading centre in Asia for major trade fairs, conferences and conventions and has won any number of accolades for its facilities. In September 2006, Singapore proudly and successfully hosted the annual meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. By further offering numerous incentive schemes and joint promotional support to overseas exhibition organisers and great Intellectual Property (IP) protection (Singapore is ranked number one in Asia), the Singapore government is making sure that Singapore becomes

the premier location for international trade exhibitions. The International Exhibition City (IEC) programme, with endorsement from the Approved International Fair (AIF), has been set up to help make this happen. Singapore’s spotlights for the coming years are on using Singapore as an international conference arena, meeting demands with excellent infrastructure and networking, superb facilities and world-class accommodation. While the Singapore economy is doing well, the government is certainly not resting on its laurels but instead is seeking to fund Research and Development (R&D) initiatives that would reap economic benefits for the country, in particular two new sectors – Environmental and Water technologies, and interactive and Digital Media (sectors that Singapore believes it has a competitive market in) – have been targeted for the next 10 years. When it comes to business, Singapore is leading the way.


Best of Singapore


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Best of Singapore

From food festivals to shopping sprees and unique attractions, Singapore is a vibrant business and holiday destination and has something to satisfy everyone.

Best of Singapore


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Singapore continues its evolution into a compelling, must-visit destination with mega developments such as the Integrated Resorts (IRs) in the works, and world-class events like the world’s first Formula OneTM night race, held on 28 September 2008. Singapore also has a calendar of regular events to draw in millions of tourists every year. These include the Singapore Airshow, the Great Singapore Sale, the Singapore Arts Festival, the Singapore Food Festival, the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival, the Singapore Garden Festival and the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, among others. This nation is also the region’s preferred business destination, with about 5,000 Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) held here annually. Singapore has enjoyed four successive years of record growth in Visitor Arrivals (VA) and Tourism Receipts (TR) since 2004, with continuous growth each month for 46 months since March 2004. Latest fullyear’s (January to December) results released for 2007 showed that the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) had

Key attractions in Singapore which continue to be popular among visitors comprise the Night Safari, the Singapore Zoo, the Jurong Bird Park, Sentosa Island and its Underwater World, Asian Civilisations Museum, and the National Museum of Singapore. 10.3 million visitor arrivals registering a growth of 5.4 per cent over 2006, and posted an estimated S$13.8 billion in tourism receipts. Further, in line with its Tourism 2015 vision, STB hopes to attract 17 million visitors and targets S$30 billion in tourism receipts. Singapore’s top five-visitor generating markets for 2007, with arrival figures, were Indonesia (1,956,000), PR China (1,114000), Australia (768,000), India (749,000) and Malaysia (646,000). These countries accounted for about 51 per cent of total visitor arrivals. Benefiting from these impressive arrival figures, the hotel industry saw both the Average Room Rate (ARR) and the Average Occupancy Rate (AOR) setting new highs. The ARR

This page: Dragon Boat races are a common sight and the participants are often seen training near the Kallang River. Opposite page, above: Clarke Quay facade at night featuring five blocks of restored warehouses, Clarke Quay offers a quirky alternative to mainstream attractions, with second-hand and antique shops and restaurants with an amazing array of F&B options. In the evenings, dance clubs and pubs come alive with music from the 1960s to the present. Opposite page, below: National Museum of Singapore at night.


Best of Singapore

Best of Singapore




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Best of Singapore


Opposite page: One of the island’s latest attractions, the Singapore Flyer is the world’s largest observation wheel. Standing at a stunning 165m from the ground, the Flyer offers you breathtaking, panoramic views of the Marina Bay, the island city – and beyond. This page: Little India is a kaleidoscope of vibrant lights during Deepavali celebrations, as seen on Serangoon Road. Best of Singapore


for 2007 was S$202, an increase of 23.1 per cent year-on-year, while the AOR was estimated to have reached 87 per cent. In January 2005, STB identified three key areas of focus under its Tourism 2015 plan: (a) Strengthening Singapore’s position as a leading Convention & Exhibition City in Asia with a strong and dynamic business environment. (b) Developing Singapore as a leading Asian leisure destination by providing an enriching experience that is Uniquely Singapore. (c) Establishing Singapore as the Services Centre of Asia – a place where visitors come to enjoy high-end quality services such as healthcare and education. To achieve the 2015 targets, STB has focused its efforts on achieving leadership positions in key customer segments, including Leisure, BTMICE (Business Travel, Meetings, Incentive travel, Conventions and Exhibitions) and Services (Education and Healthcare). Key attractions in Singapore which continue to be popular among visitors comprise the Night Safari, the Singapore Zoo, the Jurong Bird Park, Sentosa Island and its Underwater World, Asian Civilisations Museum, and the National Museum of Singapore. Besides these there are many smaller yet consequential niche museums like the Chinatown Heritage Centre, Malay Heritage Centre, Changi Chapel and Museum and Mint Museum of Toys. Other must-visit attractions include Singapore’s ethnic districts of Chinatown,

Little India, Kampong Glam, and the Katong / Joo Chiat area. These are where you can participate in festive light-ups and religious and cultural festivals such as the Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Thaipusam, Singapore River Hang Bao, Chingay, the Fire-walking ceremony, and Deepavali among others. These are charming precincts in their own right and give visitors a fairly good idea of the nation’s rich history, how the various ethnic groups have coexisted and how they worked together to create the Singapore of today. In March 2008, another addition to the range of new attractions was the Singapore Flyer, a giant observation wheel with 28 capsules, each capable of holding up to 28 people. Also for history and culture buffs, the first-of-its kind Peranakan Museum opened its doors. By 2010 Singapore will have two Integrated Resorts (IRs) developed in its tourism landscape – The Marina Bay Sands™ and the Resorts World at Sentosa. There are also plans to develop the natural reserves of Mandai into a unique nature destination embracing the precinct’s rich biodiversity and natural attributes. Other upcoming attractions include the Gardens by the Bay and the National Art Gallery, each of which will add depth to the islandnation’s product offerings. A visit to Singapore isn’t complete without the experience of the sun and sandy beaches and trips to soak in the rustic charm of Kusu Island, Pulau Ubin and St. John’s Island. Singapore’s culinary options are



legendary and besides its range of hawker centres, food courts, restaurants and dining hubs, there are two annual events which attract food enthusiasts in large numbers. One is the month-long Singapore Food Festival (SFF) – a Uniquely Singapore event – featuring an exciting line-up of weekly core events, culinary workshops and competitions, and multicultural cuisines. The World Gourmet Summit (WGS) appeals to discerning individuals who appreciate fine wine and cuisines. This epicurean festival showcases the craftsmanship of prestigious chefs from around the world and is complemented by an exposition of the internationally acclaimed vineries. In recent years, the dining and entertainment scene has also seen new concepts and establishments that bring novel experiences to visitors while enlivening one’s senses with the varied flavours, textures, colours and aromas of Singapore. Dining options around the island have expanded to include lifestyle enclaves such as Dempsey Road / Harding Road and the Rochester strip which have restaurants, pubs bars, and boutiques and antique shops housed in buildings which were originally army barracks, black-and-white bungalows and chapels. For nightlife, iconic world-class home-grown products that enjoy strong international appeal are those dotting Clarke Quay and Dempsey Hill, and the famed Zouk Club with its popular ZoukOut annual

dance party on Sentosa’s Siloso Beach. These have placed Singapore on the global party map and injected much buzz to the city’s leisure options after dark. For those wanting to get an adrenaline high, there is Singapore’s first and only G-Max Reverse Bungy at Clarke Quay. Shopping is another activity that ranks high on the agenda for visitors – namely along Orchard Road which is studded with high-end malls. Between 2009 and 2010, this popular shopping belt will see new developments – ION Orchard, Somerset Central and Orchard Central. These will, in turn, add another 100,000sqm of retail space and introduce new retail concepts and international brands that will benefit shoppers. In other parts of the island, shoppers can indulge in the offerings at Marina Square, VivoCity and Central at Clarke Quay. Singapore was the first Southeast Asian stopover in the Volvo Ocean Race in January 2008. Hailed as the FORMULA 1 of the sailing world, and taking place over a period of 10 months, spanning Europe, Asia and the Americas, it will again have millions of viewers worldwide watching the next stopover in Singapore in January 2009 which will be hosted at OneDegree 15 Marina Club in Sentosa.

This page: Singapore’s Chinese New Year celebration is one of the most vibrant in Asia. The Singapore River Hang Bao, as one of the major events of this festival, showcases the best of Chinese culture. Opposite page, above: One Fullerton offers an array of restaurants, lounges and pubs. Opposite page, below: Fine dining and lounging at One Rochester.


Best of Singapore

Best of Singapore






SINGTEL SINGAPORE F1 GP – FIRST EVER NIGHT RACE September 2008 saw Singapore hosting the highly-successful inaugural FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix, the first night race in the F1 calendar and Asia’s first street circuit. There were some ‘firsts’ notched – and milestones created – in Singapore during the recently concluded 2008 FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix. To begin with, the first night race in F1’s World Championship history had an unexpected winner when Fernando Alonso, ranked seventh in the Driver’s standing with 28 Points, proved his mettle by piping his challengers to the finishing post. Alonso had virtually stood no chance after the qualifying rounds! And behind the success of this event was the important role Singapore Tourism Board (STB) played in coordinating, planning and executing the show with the trademark attributed to this body. Many parties contributed to Singapore’s success in securing the rights to host a Formula One™ Grand Prix. It was a result of a multi-agency effort and close collaboration among various government agencies, including the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), Land Transport Authority (LTA), Singapore Police Force (SPF), Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), National Parks (NParks), Singapore Sports Council (SSC), People’s Association (PA) and many others.

Working with the various government agencies, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) coordinated various areas of the race preparation, such as the construction of the Pit Building, re-surfacing of roads for the race track, installation of the lighting system and managing the business continuity needs of stakeholders in the Marina Centre area. STB was also responsible for ensuring a positive and enriching total visitor experience for the overseas visitors coming to Singapore for the race, and increasing tourism spend in Singapore during the race period. In the swing of things, soon it was party time on the fringes in Singapore. On the top of the list was the Charity Luncheon held on the lawns of the Presidential Palace, Istana, which besides President SR Nathan had high net worth individuals such as F1’s Bernie Ecclestone, HPL’s Ong Beng Seng and Esplanade’s CEO Benson Puah and all the F1 drivers present. The luncheon was open to the public with 18 tables at S$30,000 each and 12 tables at S$50,000 per table which were picked up by the movers and shakers of the corporate world. The smart casual event was a departure from the normal black tie dinners usually hosted on Day One of the F1 races. Luxury brand Chopard premiered its L.U.C Tourbillon Tech Twist watch tagged at more than S$200,000 which was auctioned among other items to raise funds for the President’s Charity. VIPs gracing various occasions and enjoying the F1 included Minister

This page: Felipe Massa of Ferrari leading the inaugural Singtel’s Singapore F1 GP. Opposite page, above: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore and F1’s Bernie Ecclestone. Opposite page, below: The Singapore GP Circuit Map.


Best of Singapore

Best of Singapore






Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong who gave away the winning trophy, Cabinet Ministers and the Who’s Who of F1 aficionados. Spotted among visitors from abroad were Indian industrialist Vijay Mallya of the UB Group and Kingfisher Airlines who had his Force India cars participating in the race, and Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty escorted by London-based tycoon Raj Kundra. The SP season continued with other parties dotting the island, including the ultra-exclusive, luxurious evening at Amber Lounge set up outside Millenia Tower which had Mika Hakkinen present. This travelling venue accompanies F1 to selected races. Event title sponsors SingTel hosted a packed evening at White Rabbit housed in a converted chapel in the Dempsey area. Mercedes Benz transformed its show room to host the Stylo evening, while an invitation-only party was at the waterfront Prive at Keppel Bay Marina where Renault’s Nelson Piquet turned up. On the ground the preparatory work to build the infrastructure started a year in advance. The island-nation living up to its reputation of efficiency created a brandnew track matching the high specifications and expectations of the standards set by motor racing’s premier category, FORMULA 1™. The result was one of three F1 circuits worldwide to run in an anti-clockwise direction, with the 5.067 km track having 61 laps and 23 turns (13 left, 10 right). The organisers surmounted one of the

greatest challenges of creating a track through the heart of one of Asia’s most active and bustling cities without unduly disrupting or bringing to a halt commercial and private life and transportation. The installation of the lights was another test – to create a day-like scenario during the night time event. This task was handed over to Italy’s competent lighting genius Valerio Maioli. He successful transformed the racing track from night-time into day – or ‘Day for Night’: a term borrowed from Hollywood. The three-storey high, 350-metres long Pit Building, completed at a cost of S$40 million in under a year has 36 garages to house the visiting race teams for this premier – and annual future F1 races. With overall floor space measuring 23,000m2, it will continue to be home to the Media Centre, to VIP hospitality areas and the top-of-the-range Paddock Club with its capacity for 4,000 guests. With the success of first ever night race, the world is looking forward to next year’s race in Singapore.

Some interesting trivia (Courtesy SingTel Singapore GP): • 180 Corporate Suites accommodated 50 guests each • 13 Five star hotels prepared meals for Corporate Suites and Paddock Club™ guests • 350 Chefs prepared meals for guests in the Corporate Suites and Paddock Club™ • 15,000 - Estimated bottles of champagne consumed • 1,700 - Floral arrangements for Corporate Suites and Paddock Club™ • 650 tonnes - equipment air-freighted by Formula One™ teams • 150 tonnes - equipment sea-freighted by Formula One™ teams • 1,000 – Marshals on duty

This page: The first Singapore GP was showcased against the city’s dramatic night skyline. Opposite page, above: Fernando Alonso celebrates his maiden victory in Singapore. Opposite page below: The top three winners address a press conference.


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