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Magic Maze
‘BREATHE workers on the front lines of the pandemic are in desperate need of creative solutions to the lack of personal protective gear and supplies that help block harmful airborne pathogens. But civic-minded companies can help.
For example, NasalGuard Airborne Particle Blocker, an electrostatic topical nasal gel that prevents airborne particles from entering the nose, created the “Breathe Easier HealthcareWorkers Donation Program.”The firm offers free nasal gel to any healthcare professional who’d like to try it. Requests can be sent via www.NasalGuard.com.
“NasalGuard is drug-free and safe for children, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, and those concerned about potential drug interactions with other medications,” says Kanika Wahi, a biomedical engineer and co-inventor of the micriofiltration technology. “As people take protective measures to help themselves during this time, NasalGuard is another tool in their arsenal of prevention. We at NasalGuard are proud to support the frontline healthcare workers as well as anyone else in need of preventative products.”
The company has long believed in giving back and has donated thousands of units of NasalGuard Airborne Particle Blocker nationally and internationally through a number of well-known charitable organizations.
LEROY:THRIFTSALE AT THE PARSONAGE.Saturday,April1st,8 amto3pm.7EastMainStreet, LeRoy.Householditems,books, furniture,dolls,glassware,craftsand more.8roomsfull!
Santa Hat Society
Purchases Christmas gifts for families with children, who have suffered a traumatic loss of a parent or child, family members suffering from an incurable illness or a hardworking family in serious financial distress through no fault of their own.
Tax Time
Periodontal Ultrasonic Scaling To Your Good Health
During your next dental cleaning, the hygienist may use an ultrasonic scaler to remove calculus (tartar) from your teeth and under the gumline. Ultrasonicscalersareverygentletoyour teeth, gums, and roots, making them a good option for patients with gum disease. They use water, ultrasound, and mechanical vibrations to make tooth calculus easier to remove. They also create shock waves that disrupt bacteria biofilms, allowing bacteria and debris to be flushed by a stream of water emitted from the ultrasonic scaler. Tiny bubbles in the water create an oxygenated environment that further disrupts bacteria. In addition to safely cleaning the surfaces of teeth, ultrasonic scalers are used below the gumline to clean tooth root surfaces without damage.
At BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL, we stay on the leading-edge of dentistry, always up to date on the latest dental techniques, materials, therapies and health studies to ensure all our patientsreceivetheverybestindental health care. If you are looking for a family dentist who understands the needs of everyone in your family as individuals and patients,we welcome you to stop by 6 Batavia City Centre and get acquainted. We’re sure you’ll leave with a good feeling about our practice. For an appointment, please call 585.343.4246 www.bataviafamilydental.com
P.S.Ultrasonicscalersaresignificantly more effective than manual instruments at removing tartar from periodontalpockets deeper than four millimeters.
By Keith Roach, M.D.