4 minute read

Holy Week

April 2nd to April 9th


Palm Sunday, April 2nd, 10:00 am • Distribution of Palms

Holy Thursday, April 6th 5:00 pm • Foot Washing

Good Friday, April 7th 5:00 pm • Communion/Special Music

Easter Sunrise, April 9th 6:30 am • Pavilion on grounds

Easter Celebration, April 9th, 10:00 am • HE IS RISEN INDEED!

Please Join Us In Celebrating Jesus Resurrection From The Dead.

HOLY WEEK Services

Palm Passion Sunday April 14, 10am service

Palm Passion Sunday Service

April 2nd • 10AM

Maundy ursday April 7th • 7PM

Maundy Thursday April 18, 7:30pm Communion/Tenebrae Service

Easter Sunday April 21, 9:00am Easter Continental Breakfast; 10am Easter Festival Service

Easter Sunday April 9th • 10AM

First Baptist Church of Batavia

306 East Main Street

Main entrance and ample parking behind the church at Liberty and School Street.

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Lucie Winborne

* A newly sworn-in Barack Obama visited the U.K. in 2009 and presented some rather curious gifts to the prime minister and queen: 25 DVDs to David Cameron, and an iPod Classic to the then-octogenarian Elizabeth II. Cameron returned the gesture with some “wellies” and Hobgoblin ale.

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614

(585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org


UPRIGHT PIANO. Great condition, moving and must find a home for it. You must pick up and move yourself: 585-362-9575

CROSLEY MUSICIAN ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - plays records, CDs, cassettes, AM/ FM radio. Excellent condition. Also, 70s/80s RECORDS. Pittsford area. You pick up: jul217@rochester.rr.com

OTTOMAN, navy blue print. Excellent condition. Pittsford area. You pick up: jul217@rochester.rr.com

COMPLETE SET OF DISHES (plates, bowls, big dishes, cups, saucers, etc.) White w/blue line and GLASSES. Good condition: 585-236-0426

CHAIR LIFT for raised Ranch. 2 units. One for basement to front door landing. Second from landing to upstairs: rwells388@yahoo.com

UPRIGHT PIANO. Needs love. Free. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-236-6995


KODAK CAROUSEL SLIDE PROJECTOR, 20 regular carousels, 4 mini carousels: debilholt@yahoo.com

LIFE MAGAZINES from 1989-2000. Not all years complete. Good to very good condition. Prefer non-profit organization for donation. Lima: SRWL22@aol.com

FIREWOOD. Cottonwood tree, felled and already cut in sections. Easy access, you pick up: 585-230-3011

Two large boxes of AVON BOTTLES. You pick up or can meet: 315-331-9391

Vintage, white, TREADLE SEWING MACHINE with cabinet: bnlfiber@gmail.com

ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, 48”H, 50”W, with storage drawers, glass door shelves with working SONY 25” TV. 585-485-2905

LYON & HEALY BABY GRAND PIANO. You move: 585-323-1762 (lv. msg)

HOSPITAL BED in very good condition. Mt. Morris: 585-658-3188

CANCELED STAMPS for stamp collectors. Couple of boxes. American and Canadian stamps: 585-734-8359

MEDICAL - PICC/central line dressing change kits, caps, extra Tegaderm, saline flushes, Foley insertion trays, night/leg bags, irrigation trays: P.FRIED91@GMAIL.COM

SOCKS, fair to good condition, others can be used for crafts: 585-236-0426

LOWREY ORGAN Model M-375, Walnut Finish. You pick up: 585-370-2535

TREADMILL, suitable for walking, not running on. Works. You pick up: lorali58isdone@gmail.com

Older CPAP MACHINE, works well: lorali58isdone@gmail.com

SLEEPER SOFA, good condition and a SOFA, good condition but has some stains. Bloomfield: 585-747-5521

SHED, I will take down and a UTILITY TRAILER. Thank you: 585-447-0201

Long length STEEL RETAIL CLOTHING RACK w/wheels: 585-490-6808

Old 7” REEL-TO-REEL AUDIO TAPE RECORDER to listen to a 60-year-old family recording I found: 607-936-3137

STORAGE BINS w/LIDS and one PICNIC BENCH: 585-748-8531

CLAY POTS (broken pieces too) Thank you. email: amdobb@rochester.rr.com

HAY BALE FORK with handle or a PITCHFORK. Thank you. amdobb@rochester.rr.com

INTERNATIONAL STAMPS (no Canada) for grandson’s inherited stamp collection: 585-334-6134

Good working BASIC SEWING MACHINE for my granddaughter: 585-584-3734

Older versions of PLASTIC CANDY MOLDS. No more than 30-mile radius from Cohocton, Wayland, Springwater or Bath area: 585-447-0087, leave message

Small, 1.5 or 2 cup, FOOD PROCESSOR. No more than 30-mile radius from Cohocton, Wayland, Springwater or Bath area: 585-447-0087, leave message

BOX SPRING for twin bed: 585-657-5451

Gently used WHITE WEDDING GOWN, size large (12?). Preferably with short or long sleeves: 585-346-9777

Old, abandoned CANOES and KAYAKS in need of repair for parts: jerrywilsen99@gmail.com

Small CART to pull with riding lawn mower for 80-year-old senior who still loves gardening: 315-310-3897

ELECTRONICS & PARTS for electronic organs: 585-323-1762 (lv. msg)

Boy Scout requests VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Parts/Repairs: Text 585-794-0448 or Email mintshape@netacc.net

Seeking ATVs, DIRT BIKES or GO KARTS that are either running or not for father and son projects. Call/text. Thanks! 315-576-1278

WEBER GRILLS. Not being used or just in your way, I will come pick up. Call or text please: 315-576-1278

VINTAGE MOOG ANALOG SYNTHESIZERS PARTS OR WHOLE WANTED. Micro, Mini, Taurus, Sonic, Poly - also accessories: 585-599-3142

SNOWMOBILE wanted running or not. Call or text: 585-733-2026

LARGE POTTERY JARS for indoor gardening: 585-374-5768

Jars of OLD, BROKEN JEWELRY for artwork: 315-748-3378

Clean EGG CARTONS: 716-432-4249

PIANO MUSIC (classical, pop, country): 585-358-6142

SLEEPER SOFA, any size. Please, not if it smells like smoke or cat urine. Will pick up! Thanks! 585-443-9338


Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.

Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111

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