8 minute read
Applications being accepted for all units
• Age 62 and older or disabled regardless of age
• Subsidized Housing
• Kitchen with appliances and dining room
• Laundry facilities
• Smoke-free community
For an application or more information please contact:
LeRoy Meadows
For an application or information please write:
For an application or information please write:
Office Bldg. 4
585-768-2169 TDD#711 leroy1@tmamgroup.com
Did You Know? If you have psoriasis, an autoimmune skin condition marked by red, flaky patches on the body, you also could be at risk for a certain type of arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis, which causes stiffness, swelling and pain in and around the joints, affects up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis, says the National Psoriasis Foundation. While psoriatic arthritis can develop at any time, it is most common in people between the ages of 30 and 50. This type of arthritis can develop slowly or come on quickly and be severe. Just like psoriasis itself, psoriatic arthritis tends to go through periods of flare-up and remission. Typically, the skin condition precedes the joint disease in 85 percent of patients. Keep in mind that a severe case of psoriasis will not necessarly translate into a severe case of arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis may be treated like other forms of arthritis. Doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, antirheumatic drugs, exercise, and complementary therapies.Those who have psoriasis and have begun to experience joint pain and stiffness should talk to a doctor about potential therapies.
$250 off any new stove or fireplace purchase Expires 7-2-23. Some restrictions apply.
Nothing warms a home like a beautiful fireplace
We're a full line Regency dealer. Call for appointment. We o er sales and service on wood, gas, & pellet stoves. Chimney cleaning, crowns, liners, dampers, caps. 42' li service.
30 new and used stoves on display!
Call/Text: 585-356-5567 dhw202@yahoo.com fireplaceandchimneyservice.com
After a long season of use, fireplaces need to be cleaned. Many homeowners think this is a job that can be put off until the fall, but spring is an ideal season to have the chimney and flue cleaned and inspected. One reason to include scrubbing the chimney as part of spring cleaning is to cut down on odor. After using a fireplace, a buildup of creosote forms in the chimney. As the weather gets warmer, creosote deposits can start to smell sour and that odor will seep into the home. In addition, moisture can mix with the creosote and start to degrade the flue liner, necessitating costly repairs. The sooner a chimney and flue are cleaned the better. A chimney sweep can do a thorough job of scrubbing down the chimney and fireplace and ensuring that everything will be in working order come next season.
General Contracting
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Spring Yard Clean Up &
Design A Garden For All Senses
Aesthetic appeal is one of the most sought-after benefits of gardening. However, many homeowners put in so much effort planting for one particular season that they may not give thought to ensuring the garden looks vibrant no matter the time of year.
Gardeners can research planting zones to find plants that will blossom at different times of the year so they can enjoy impressive, aesthetically appealing gardens year-round. Spring bulbs can bloom early on, while annual and perennial summer favorites will thrive under the summer sun. Beautyberry and caryopteris will fill out in the autumn, while holly or mahonia can look lovely in the winter.
Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan? (Family Features) When a home fire occurs, you have very little time to get out. A working smoke alarm doubles your chances of survival, yet more than twenty percent of American homes are without them. Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs teamed up to address this problem by providing vital fire safety information to families. Make a Plan Installing smoke alarms on every level of the home and developing a plan of escape can give your family precious minutes to get out and get to safety. Draw a floor plan of your home and sketch exit routes out of every room. Make sure you have a fire escape ladder long enough to reach the ground from upstairs rooms. Assign an outside meeting place, so you can quickly locate each other
Get professional advice: Many homeowners are under the impression that doing the work themselves can save a considerable amount of money. This may be the case for homeowners with renovation experience. But by and large, professional contractors are an asset to any renovation. They can provide a realistic overview of the project, map out projected costs, point out areas that could be troublesome, and may have industry contacts that can keep supply costs low. Even if a homeowner will do a portion of the job, a contractor can do the bulk of the work and keep the project on budget.
Dogs love spending time outdoors. Dog owners with yards know that dogs benefit greatly from some exercise in the backyard. While that time might be great for dogs, it can take its toll on lawns.
Dogurineandfecescanadverselyaffectthelookandhealthofalushgreen lawn. Nitrogen is essential to healthy soil, but only at certain levels. When those levels are exceeded, the result can be lawn damage. According to The Spruce Pets, an advisory site that offers practical tips and training advices to pet owners, this is what happens when pets frequently urinate on grass. Urine is naturally high in nitrogen, so when pets urinate on lawns, the grass might turn yellow or brown due to the excess nitrogen content. Nitrogen also is present in lawn fertilizers, further exacerbating the problem for pet owners who fertilize their lawns.
In addition to urine damage, dogs can trample frosted grass, contributing to problems that may not become evident until spring, and get into areas like gardens where they wreak additional havoc.
France (1815) believed it was the most hygienic of all colors.
* Early Hoover vacuum cleaners were hard to sell because potential customers refused to believe they could have that much dirt in their carpets.
* “Hurkle-durkle” is an old Scottish word meaning to lie in bed after it’s time to get up and get going.
CNC Tree Service
We look forward to meeting all your tree service needs. Please call us today at: 585-729-1488
D.G. Cassiano Excavating, LLC
• New
How Small Businesses Can Make The Most Of Local Markets
Do your research: Chances are business owners can find a number of festival or marketplace opportunities in or around their communities each month. Some of these festivals may be large scale events like annual Christmas bazaars, while others might be more toned down affairs that occur each week. Business owners can research local festivals, paying particular attention to how communities market the events and which businesses attend them. Community turnout is another significant factor to consider. Such research can help business owners determine which festivals best suit their businesses and what they’re hoping to accomplish.
TheAlexanderHappyAgersThenextseniormeetingofthe AlexanderHappyAgerswillbe MONDAY,JUNE5atthechurchin Alexander.Bringadishtopassand owntableservice.Drinkswillbe provided.Dinnerat5:30pmfollowedbyashortbusinessmeeting andentertainment.Anyquestions, callBarb585-591-0974.
ChickenBar-b-cue: Joinusatthe CurriersGrange,983ChaffeeRd. inArcadeonSunday,May28th fromnoontill4pm.Menu:1/2 Chicken,ScallopedPotatoes,Roll, BakedBeans.TakeOutsOnly.Cost: $15.ForInfo.:716-998-4866or 585-737-1803.
St.PaulLutheranSchoolAnnual FundraisingAuction willtake placeonSaturday,June3,at31 WashingtonAvenueinBatavia.The eventincludes:BasketRaffle,Balloon,Pop&SnackShack.Questions&Infotext:Joanna 585-993-2410.
FridayNightFoodTruckRodeo Batavia!May26th! Thefirstofsix FridayNightFoodTruckRodeois scheduledforFriday,May26that theGeneseeCountyFairgroundsin Batavia.FoodTrucksfromallover WesternNewYorkwillbereadyto serveyoufrom4PMuntil8PMor soldout.Thisisafreeadmission, freeparking,cashonlyevent.Stop insayHiandgrababitetoeat. FridayNightFoodTruckRodeois sponsoredbyGeneseeCountyAgriculturalSociety,Inc.
BattingWhat?SewingClass: “battingwhat?”Comeandsew projectsusingbatting.Examples areplacemats,bowlcoziesandpillows.ClassesareonthethirdFridaysJune-Augustfrom6-7:30pm atGOART!201EMainSt.,Batavia.Priceperclassis$20fornon membersor$18formembers. https://goart.org/events/adultsewing-classes/2023-06-16/
ArtistReceptionforJustinReynolds- Oliver’sGalleryintheSeymourDiningRoom.Open:June7Aug19,2023.ArtistReception: June15,2023from5-8pm.
VFWPost1602SouvlakiDinnerVFWPost1602,25EdwardsStreet, BataviaishostingaSouvlakiDinner onSaturday,June10,2023, startingat4PMtillSoldOut.$14 Donation/Dinner.Presaletickets recommended.Ticketsareavailable atthePostorbycalling 585-344-3249after4:30on Wednesday,Friday,Saturdayor Sunday.MusicbyTomRyanfrom6 PM-9PM.OpentothePublic.
ArtistReceptionforPatricia Schafer- BataviaRotaryClubGallery.Title:MyWhimsicalHeart2. Open:May31-August12,2023. ArtistReception:June15,2023 from5-8pm.
- BataviaClubGalleryinTavern
2.o.1.Title:PhotographyByCarla Coots.Open:June2-Aug12, 2023.ArtistReception:June15, 2023from5-8pm.
PorkChopDinner-Fundraiser forthePolishFalcons:ThePolish FalconsNest493ishavingaPork ChopDinnerFundraiseronSATURDAY,JUNE10THfrom4-6PM:$14. HeldatthePolishFalconsNest493, 123S.SwanStreet,Batavia.PreordersonlybyFriday,June2nd. Call343-4088or343-0225.
Bethany,EastBethanyandLinden,TownWideYardSales SaturdayJune3rd8-3pm,noearly birds.RouteMapsavailableat 7:45amattheCommunityCenter. RefreshmentsandRestroom available.Info.CallVickiat 344-1962.TobenefittheBethany Vol.FireDept.
SportAviationCenterOpen HouseFly-In: ExperimentalAircraftAssociationChapter44invites theaviationcommunityandthe generalpublicSaturday,June10, 10AM-4PMattheSAC,44EisenhauerDr.,ontheBrockportairport. RainDate-SundayJune11,announcedonourFacebookpage (EAAChapter44SportAviation Center)andwebsite.
Theme:“PathwayIntoAviation.” Chapter44willintroducevisitorsto thefunofbuilding,restoring,& flyingairplanesfortheir recreationalandeducationalvalue. Homebuilt,restoredandproductionaircraftwillbeonstaticdisplay. Thiseventisfamily-friendly,free andopentothepublic.Grillfood anddrinksavailableforsale.Classic carparkingavailableforthosewho cruisein.
AnnualMemorialDayChicken BBQwithBasketRaffle,Monday, May29thfollowing11amparade, untilsoldout.Eat-inorTake-out, nopresales,atByronFireHallon Rt.262nearRt.237.$15. 1⁄2 chickenservedwithmacsalad, coleslaw&roll.BBQproceedsgo towardthepurchaseofanew ambulancefortheByronFire DepartmentRescueSquad.Basket RaffleproceedsgotoLadiesAuxiliary.Winnersdrawnat1pm.
CorfuGardenClubPlantSale& YardSale: CometotheCorfu CommunityCenterparkingloton Route33inCorfuforourAnnual PlantandYardSale.Beautiful plantsfeaturingperennials,annuals,vegetables,herbsand houseplantandmoreonSaturday, June3rdfrom9am-1pm.“More thanaMouthful”foodtruckwill setupat8amforbreakfastandwill stayforthedurationofoursale. Reasonablypricedandlocally grown!
East Bethany
GuidedDogWalks-Bringyourbest friendforsomegreatsocialization andexerciseonaguideddogwalk throughthepark!Walkstakeplace onthefirstSaturdayofeachmonth fromApriltoAugust.Dogsmustbe keptonaleashatalltimes.Aggressivedogsarenotallowed!Genesee CountyPark&Forest,11095BethanyCenterRoad,EastBethany. InterpretiveNatureCenter,Feeis $5perdog;allproceedsbenefitthe GeneseeCountyAnimalShelter. Pre-registrationisrequiredbycalling(585)344-1122.
ElbaFireDepartmentBINGOJoinus!TheEFDBingowillbeheld everyTuesdaythroughDecember 12thwithastarttimeof7:00PM. Doorswillopenat5:00PM.Elba Firemen’sRecreationHall,7143 OakOrchardRoad,Elba.
LeRoyHighGraduatesofOver 50Years! LeRoyHighSchool graduatesofover50yearswishing informationonthisyear’sAlumni BanquetonFriday,July14thplease callRoseScottat585-768-7534. Lookingforclassinfoand/orrepresentativesfromthefollowing classes:1946,1947,1948,1949, 1952,1953,1956,1959,1963and 1972.
CoffeeHour-Wednesdays1011am. Bringafriendorcomemake afriend.JoinuseveryWednesday from10-11amattheTheGOOSE CommunityCenter,33SouthMain St.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
ChairYoga- Comejoinus Thursdaysat10amforChairYoga. Theseclassesaremeanttohelp withbalanceandstrengthandare FREEthankstoanawardfrom Univera.JoinusatTheGOOSE CommunityCenter,33SouthMain St.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
AmericanRedCrossBabysitter’s Course- June4th,1pm-4:30pm, TheGooseCommunityCenter,33 SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.Cost: $50.TextorCall(585)356-5519to register.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
Adult&ChildCPR&AEDClassCompletionofthisclassincludesa twoyearcertification.June10th, 9am-12pm,TheGooseCommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.Cost:$70.TextorCall(585) 356-5519toregister.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
YouthBFit -YouthFitnessClass, noregistrationbutparentsmust signwaiverat1stclass,allyouth welcomeanyskilllevel,different themeseachweek,ex.ninjawarriorclass.ClassesrepeateveryFriday,6-7pmatTheGOOSE CommunityCenter,33SouthMain Street,Oakfield.Cost:$5.http:// www.warriorhouseofwny.com
ChickenBBQ&BasketRaffle Benefit- Sunday,June4,11am4pmattheOakfieldFireHall,20 AlbertSt.,Oakfield.Joinusfora ChickenBBQ&BasketRaffleto benefitCherylPorter(Murphy). $15/dinner 1⁄2 chicken,macand potatosalad,roll,butter.Helpsupportthisselflessmotherofthree, grandmotherofthreewithherunexpectedmedicalexpenses.Ifyou havequestionsorifyouhavean itemorbaskettodonate,contact TammyDilcher(585-409-6538)or CarrieSharp(585-813-3600).
OgdenPresbyterianChurch PlantSale- 2400SouthUnionSt. SpencerportonSaturday,June3, 2023from9amuntilnoon.Rainor shine.Thesalewillbeheldinthe churchpavilion.Aniceassortment ofperennials,indoorhouseplants, andgarden-relateditemswillbefor sale.
AllYouCanEatBreakfast- Sunday,June11,2023from8:00AM to11:00AM.Includes:Scrambled Eggs,Sausage,Pancakes,Hash Browns,Fruit,Coffee,TeaAnd OrangeJuice.Adults:$10.00,Children:6-12$5.00,Children:Under 6Free.FromthelastBreakfastwe Donated$1000toTheUkraine SolidarityFund.HeldattheKnights OfColumbus,15WestMainStreet, LeRoy(BehindSaveALot).
GARDEN BOX SPACE (w/plants) available at St. Timothy Church in Geneseo: 585-243-4777
RUSTIC BLUEBIRD HOUSE. Call Sunday evening 315-524-5495
SCHWINN RECUMBENT EXERCISE BIKE, model 223, in good working condition. Adjustable seat: 585-235-0935
Six TIRES 185/55R/16. Very good tread: 585-424-0982
Three 5-gallon containers of W.R. MEADOWS SEAL TIGHT, CS-309-25. Nonyellowing, curing, and sealing compound for protection of concrete: 585-993-5523
QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS w/frame and an ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED w/mattress, sheets and covers: 585-889-9021
FORGET-ME-NOT PLANTS in Penfield: 585-671-0703 (lv. msg.)
POOL SUPPLIES - Dual water bags, sand filter, ladder, 16x32 solar cover, hose. Webster: Call4carol@gmail.com
PING PONG TABLE. You pick up, Henrietta: 585-404-5763
MEDICINE CABINET, 16” x 22” full mirror: 607-382-8350
SHONINGER SPINET PIANO and BENCH. Good condition. Needs tuning. You move: lbuckner31049@gmail.com
OLD MAGAZINES - 40s Screen Guide, 50s Life, 1952 Colliers, 1941 Radio Mirror. All poor condition: 585-671-2598
HEATWAVE PORTABLE CAMPFIRE UNIT. Good condition. Comes with a grill top and a HIBACHI GRILL. Good condition: 585-671-2598
AGED HORSE MANURE. Great for gardening. Can load. Clifton Springs: 585-208-3982
TIRES. Hankook 275/55R20. Factory tires F150. 2 y/o good tread remaining about 30k on: pdc964@gmail.com
2’x4’ FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE. Works. Good for a shop or garage. Conesus: 585-764-8301
Large quantity of BUSINESS ENVELOPES WITH WINDOW. Return address is printed on but can be covered with a label: 585-748-3148
LANDSCAPING BRICKS and PAVERS. Several different styles. You pick it up. Text only: 585-519-7369
QUIET GLIDE 5-DRAWER TOOL CHEST: sdimpfl45@gmail.com
LAP QUILTING VHS TAPES (set of 10) by Georgia Bonesteel: 585-362-7914
ONETOUCH ULTRA 2 GLUCOSE METER with case and a sealed bag of Lancets. Does NOT Include Test Strips: eschroll123@gmail.com
RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition, scratches, and dents okay.
COSTUME JEWELRY, any condition and an ATARI 2600 w/accessories and games: 585-415-8513
BROTHER ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER for senior citizen: 585-703-7196
VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Scout Archery Merit Badge: Text 585-794-0448 or email mintshape@netacc.net
Hobby grade RC VEHICLES, vintage or newer, gas nitro, electric, parts or whole, running or not, for father son projects: 585-363-1903
SPRING CEDAR TREES. Entire trees or just the limbs. Will load and remove! Mothersfield@aol.com
All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: impani_m@yahoo.com
INK PRINTER CARTRIDGES, Number 60 and 61 for HP Printer: 585-519-3325
Thank you
YARN - For a mission project. Can pick up. Thank you! Webster: 585-265-4548
One lightweight and one portable type of VACUUM CLEANER, TRANSISTOR RADIO, small FILE CABINET with key. Webster/surrounding area: 585-424-0732
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, a RECLINER, and a working 2.7L ENGINE to fit a 2008 Dodge Charger or a used vehicle in good working condition: 585-883-7387
LIFT CHAIR: Donna.lievense@gmail.com
70s STEREO EQUIPMENT: Receivers, Speakers, Turntables, Reel to Reels, Amplifiers, Records, Reel Tapes, Old Nintendo Games: 585-883-5334
RIDING LAWNMOWERS. Working or not: 518-888-4216
70s-80s-90s ROCK and ROLL 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, RECORDS for personal collection. Thanks: gzintel1967@gmail.com
INCONTINENCE ADULATION, men large, for elderly relative in nursing home. If you have any unused unwanted, I will take them! Bargainhunter22@ymail.com
Seeking DIRT BIKES, ATVs or GO-KARTS for father son project. Will pick up, call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
In need of a FOLDING GROCERY CART for a new refugee family: 716-430-2876
FLATSCREEN TV, any size. In good working condition: 585-867-3355
Used/New SUV in good working condition for retired couple to transport the elderly to appointments and errands: 585-398-7626
TWIN SIZE BED in good condition. Needed for elderly couple. Call or text: 585-719-7866
9” or 10” straight edge, GLASS PIE DISH: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111