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with less
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ROAD 28,October14th-16th.25 yearsofaccumulatedtoolsandoutdooritems,fromsmalltolargeritems. Allmustgo!Open(9-4pm)weather permitting.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat Isaiah o en gets eas in the late spring through summer, but by September the eas are usually gone. is year, he still has eas, even as we get into the chillier October month. What can I do to drive the eas out? -- Maddy in Biddeford, Maine
DEAR MADDY: While ea activity tends to drop during the colder months, chillier weather isn’t a guarantee that they’ll go away. A number of factors could keep them around, conceivably, all year. ings like a constantly warm environment in which to live (your house) or a higher than usual ea population (this can vary from year to year).
To really get rid of Isaiah’s eas, you’ll need to treat him and tackle possible ea problems inside the house.
Treat Isaiah with a ea treatment, available at the pet store or from the vet. Perfumed soaps aren’t good alternatives; they can dry and irritate his skin.
Wash or replace Isaiah’s bedding, and wash any furniture upholstery, blankets or other items where he likes to lounge for long periods.
Treat the carpet with a ea preventative, available at the pet store or online. Put Isaiah into a safe room and sprinkle the treatment into the carpet as directed, then vacuum it up. e treatment will take care of any live eas or eggs hiding in the carpet.
If your cat spends time outdoors, consider making him an indoor cat. is will reduce the chance of him contracting eas outside and bringing them into the house.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner. com.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
...I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. So I have spent almost all the daylighthoursintheopenair.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne, 10th October 1842
Limit hormone therapy. Combination hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women may increase risk of breast cancer, indicates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Similarly, taking oral contraceptives during reproductive years may increase risk. Women can speak with their physicians to weigh the pros and cons of taking such hormones.
practical support.
may wane and certain
also can make it difficult to
with daily
So an offer to help with
associated with daily living, such as cooking meals,
or cleaning up around the house, can be practical and much
Approach the individual and ask questions in pointed ways. Rather than, “What can I do to help?”, which may result in an answer of, “Nothing,” figure out a way to pitch in and then ask if that would be acceptable. This may be, “Would you like me to run to the supermarket for you today?”
Offer emotional support. Someone with breast cancer may just need a person who can be there and listen. A hug, a nod of understanding or even a companion who can chat and take the person’s mind off the cancer can be immensely helpful. Keep in mind that emotions may change on a dime, and some emotions may be directed at support systems. While it can feel hurtful, remember the real reason for any outburst is the disease. Patience is needed at all times.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-old male who was diagnosed about 15 years ago with mild coronary artery disease, with some blockages in my peripheral arteries. I was taking the maximum recommended dosage of pravastatin to maintain a low cholesterol, but I experienced complete ruptures of both Achilles tendons. These incidences occurred five years apart, but after the second rupture, my doctor discontinued the pravastatin. I then started Praluent injections twice a month to control my cholesterol, which has been incredibly effective -- maybe even too effective -- and is the purpose of my writing to you. With Praluent injections, my LDL level is about 26, and my HDL is 100. When my primary doctor’s assistant recently called to inform me of my bloodwork results, she said she has never seen anyone with such a low LDL level -- and she sees a lot of bloodwork! My primary care doctor doesn’t like it that low, but two different cardiologists I have seen think that the lower it is, the better. What do you think? -- J.W.
ANSWER: The first issue is whether statins increase the risk of an Achilles tendon rupture, and I can’t answer that with certainty, because there is some evidence it does. (Some studies have reported anywhere from an 80% relative risk increase to triple the risk, but the risk is still very, very low. Even if they triple the risk, the risk would be only three people per 10,000.) The studies that have shown there is risk suggest that the risk is only in the first year of taking statins, but other studies have shown no risk at all from statins.
The second issue is your very low LDL level, and the data for LDL levels is firmly on the side of the cardiologists you spoke with. The lower the LDL, the lower the risk of heart disease, and levels under 30 are not at all unusual in a person taking alirocumab (Praluent) or the other drug in that class (called PCSK9 inhibitors), evolocumab (Repatha). Your doctor’s assistant will likely be seeing more people with LDL levels like yours. Do remember that a healthy, mostly plant-based diet and regular exercise still have benefits in people with LDL levels as low as yours -- and not just in heart disease, but in reducing cancer risk, too.
Roach regrets that he is unable to
will incorporate
column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to
Bristol Library
6750 County Rd. #32 Bristol Center 585-229-5862
Hours: M, W. & TH. 3pm-7pm; TUES. & SAT. 10am-2pm
2664 Main St., Gorham 585-526-6655
Naples Library
118 S. Main St., Naples (585) 374-2757
Hours: M,W,F 10am-6pm; T, Th 10am-8pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
8708 Main St., Honeoye 585-229-5020 • Hrs: M. 12-6pm, T. 2-8pm, W. 10am-2pm, Th. 2-8pm, Sat. 9am-1pm,Closed Fri. & Sun.
7 Lehigh Ave., Shortsville, NY Mon.-Thurs. 4pm-9pm, Fri. 4pm-7pm, Sat. 10am–5pm Call 289-3559 or email us to order materials or schedule an appt. for services.
Wood Library
134 North Main St., Canandaigua 585-394-1381 woodlibrary@owwl.org www.woodlibrary.org
Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm
The HauntingofWoodLibrary! GetspookyatWoodLibrary! Experiencethrillsandchillsasyou walkthroughourhauntedlibrary. Kid-friendlyHalloweenfunandactivitiesfrom11:00AM-2:00PM. Thelightsgooutat4:00PMfora spookierexperience(recommended age13+). Suggesteddonation$1perperson.
52ndAnnualHolidayFairCraft Show: Saturday, November19th, 9AM-3PM;atBloomfieldHigh SchoolGym,OakmountAve., Bloomfield;sponsoredbytheIonia UnitedMethodistChurch.120 crafterspacessellingawidevariety ofcrafts,gifts,&homemade goodies!Freeadmission&parking. Lunchisavailable.Bringyourholidayshoppinglist!
BloomfieldGardenClub Evening Presentation- Comejoin theBloomfieldGardenClubon Thursday,October27thforan eveningpresentationonFallPerennialspresentedbySusan KrobusekanOntarioCountyMasterGardener.Coffeeanddessert willbeavailableat6PMandthe presentationwillbeat6:30PM.Our meetingsarefreeandareopento thepublic.PleasejoinusatVeteransPark-6910Rtes5&20.For moreinformationpleasecontact Jeanetteat585-314-6966.
HauntedStroll: October 30th, 5:30pm-8:30pm.HauntedStrollStrollthroughthegardensand encounterwitches,goblinsand ghouls!Ticketsavailableonline&at admissionshttps://www. sonnenberg.org/events/.Admission $10.00|$5.00(3-15yearsold)| Free(Under3yearsold).Pre-sale Online(onlinesalesthroughOctober27th,afterthisdateyoucan purchaseticketsattheAdmissions Booth).
HowtoLiveinaWorldofCatastrophes A GuidetoDealingWith Disasters-October30,4-5:30pm, FortHillPerformingArtsCenter,20 FortHillAve.,Canandaigua.Cost: $25.https://gmeforum.org/talks/ how-to-live-in-a-world-ofcatastrophes/
AloquinFlintChickenandBiscuit Dinner,vegetablesanddesserts.JoinusSaturday,October15 from4:15tilsoldout.Drivethru only.Cost:$12.50Adults,Children under12$6.Exactchangeappreciated.AloquinFlintUMC,2760 StateRoute5and20,Stanley.
AARPMeeting: Come joinusas wemeetthe3rdTuesdayofevery monthattheSalvationArmyin Canandaiguaon110SaltonstallSt. upstairs(elevator).OurnextmeetingisonTuesday,October18,at1 PM.Wewilllearnhowtomeditate whichcanhelpusmanagestress, feelmorealert&energizedand lowerourbloodpressure.Please wearyourmask.Formoreinfo,call Karenat229-2116.
Spaghetti Dinner: Wednesday, October19th,4:30-6:30pmorSold Out.Dinnerincludes:Spaghetti, meatballs,salad,bread,butter& icecream.Adults$10(13+),Children$5(12-).VeteransPark AmericanLegionBuilding,6910 Routes5&20,EastBloomfield.
TheEastBloomfieldHistorical Society is hostingaprogramgiven byPerryGroundonThursday, October20,7pmatVeteransPark onRt.5&20,Bloomfield.Perryisa memberoftheTurtleClanofthe OnondaganationandaMinett professoratRIT.Theprogramwill be“LifeinaLonghouseVillage”. Heisanexcellentspeakerand speaksalloverthestate,weare veryluckytohavehimspeaktous. Hetellsusthatthisisalsoa wonderfulprogramforstudents. Hewillhaveartifactsanddressesin fullregaliaandisveryentertaining. Refreshmentsservedanditisfree!
PreparingforCold/Flu a class presentedbyFlowertoFlower HerbalCraftsandGiftsonOctober 19th,11:00am-12:30pm,atLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.Hemlock.Learnhowto prepareforcold/fluseasonusing commonkitchenherbslikesage, thyme,horseradish,garlic,mint, andcayenne.Participantswillmake threeproductstorelievecold/flu symptoms.Classincludingmaterialsis$35.00ppnonrefundable. Youmustpay/registerwithPayPal nolaterthanOctober17th.Ifyou payandcannotattend,the instructorwillmaketheproducts foryou.Formoreinformationcontacttheinstructor,herbalistKate Aghaghiri,585-261-1937, mavenkate@gmail.com
GettingThroughWinter Aclass presentedbyFlowertoFlower HerbalCraftsandGiftsonNovember2nd,11:00am-12:30pm,at LittleLakesCommunityCenter, 4705S.MainSt.Hemlock.ParticipantswillmakeaWinterBlues EssentialOilSpray,awarming musclerub,andwarming,relaxing beverages.Classincludingmaterialsis$35.00ppnonrefundable. Youmustpay/registerwithPayPal nolaterthanOctober28th.Ifyou payandcannotattend,the instructorwillmaketheproducts foryou.Formoreinformationcall ortexttheinstructor,herbalistKate Aghaghiri,585-261-1937, mavenkate@gmail.com
FallOrganConcert- The United ChurchofCanandaiguaat11GibsonStreetishostingacommunity organconcertonFriday,October 21stat7pmfeaturingKateriAndress,theyoungandtalentedOrganistattheUnitedChurch.A nativeofMilwaukee,Wisconsin, KateriiscurrentlypursuingaMasterofMusicdegreeinOrgan PerformanceandLiteratureatthe EastmanSchoolofMusicinthe studioofDavidHiggs.Kateri’s musicalinterestshavealwayscenteredaroundsacredmusic,andshe hasbeenservingasachurchorganistsinceshefirstbeganorgan studiesatage16.Areceptionwill followtheconcertandafreewill offeringwillbereceived.
2ndAnnualCraftShow Extravaganza! The CrystalBeach FireHall,4468Rte364/EastLake Road,Canandaigua,willhostits 2ndAnnualCraftSaleonSaturday, October15thfrom10am-3:00pm. StartyourHolidayshoppingand enjoyallthelocaldisplaysforsale. Foodtrucksonsite.
“APlayonFashion”Show& Craft Sale.ArtisanCraftSale 10am-2pm.FashionShowat2pm (entryfeeapplies-guaranteeyour seatsandgetticketsinadvance!) CraftSaleResumes3pm-4pm. BenefitfortheOntarioCountyArts Council.PresentedbyCobblestone ArtsCenter&OntarioCountyArts Council.JoinCobblestoneaswe supportlocalclothingdesigners andfashionistasofallwalksoflife. Themissionoftheshowisto showcaseoneofakindupcycled andcreatedfiberitemsforenjoymentandinspiration.Refreshments willbeserved.Saturday,October 22-CobblestoneArtsCenter, 1622Route332,Farmington. https://www. cobblestoneartscenter.com/fallperformance-series
* On Oct. 18, 1867, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than 2 cents an acre. Russia sold its Alaska territory to the U.S. rather than risk losing it in battle with a rival such as Great Britain.
FallSampler-Sip,Taste,and Shop Event: SipandTasteatthe ArtisanShopattheLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.Hemlock.October22ndfrom 10:00-1:00PM.TastelocalOSB ciderpairedwithtastycheeseand crackersforour“sipandtaste” event.Thisisawonderfulopportunitytobrowsetheshopforunique oneofakindtreasuresmadeby localartisans.Twootherstoreslocatedinthebuildingwillalsobe open.Wehopeyouwillstopinto joinusforthisfreeevent.http:// www.littlelakesny.org
ANightofMagic OnOctober 28thTheLittleLakesCommunity Centerissponsoring“ANightof Magic”forchildrenaccompanied bytheirparents.Thisisafreeevent tocelebratethefunofHalloween. Ourowninhousewitchwillbe thereplusthemagicofStephen Ingraham.Thedoorsopenat 6:30pmandtheshowbeginsat 7:00.Childrenmustbeaccompaniedbyanadult.Asnackwillbe providedtotakehome.Welook forwardtoafunfillednight!Come incostumeifyoudare!LLCC,4705 S.MainSt.,Hemlock.http://www. littlelakesny.org
AmericanLegionBreakfast: Join us Sunday,October16th, 8:00-11:00.Frenchtoast,pancakes,eggs,sausage,toast,orange juice,coffeeetc.Sitdownandget servedbytheAmericanLegion Auxiliary.Comeenjoyadelicious breakfastwithyourfamilyand ours!Cost$7perperson,kids under5eatfree.Honeoye-Hemlock AmericanLegionPost1278,4931 Co.Rd.36,Honeoye.Thiseventis opentothepublic-Seeyouthere!
FingerLakesUFOMeetup- Let’s talk UFOs,ETs,&AncientAliens! Joinustomeetlike-mindedpeople. Saturday,October22,6:00-8:00 pmattheUnitedMethodistChurch ofLivonia(UMCL),21Summers Street,Livonia.$5.00donationto UMCL.RSVPMaryGraceviatextor call:585-766-9318,www. giftsofgraceministry.org
LivoniaRotaryPancake Breakfast TheLivoniaRotary ClubinvitesyoutoaPancake Breakfast,afundraisertobenefit LivoniaHighSchoolSeniorMaddox Olsenandhisfamily.October23, 9:30-12:30pm,UnitedMethodist ChurchHall,21SummersStreet, Livonia.Allproceedsgotothis worthyfamily.Breakfastincludes pancakes,sausage,orangejuice, applesauce,andcoffee.Donations gratefullyaccepted.
MiddlesexHoseCo.October Roast BeefDinners(WeAre Back!)Afterbeingonholdfor almost3years,ourRoastBeef Dinnersreturnedthisfall!Joinus onSATURDAY,OCTOBER29at 5537WaterSt.,Middlesexfrom 4-7pm.Adults$15,Children$10 (schoolageto12)andPreschool Free(TakeOutsExcluded).Dinner Menu:TossedSalad,Rolls,Relish Dish,RoastBeef,Gravy,Potatoes, Corn,Pie,IceTea,MilkandCoffee.
2022HomeFortheHolidaysBazaar TheNorthOntarioUnited MethodistChurch(otherwise knownas“TheBrickChurch”)will behostingaHomeFortheHolidays BazaaronFriday,October28th from9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.and Saturday,October29thfrom9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.at7200Ontario CenterRoadinOntario.Wewillbe servingTakeOutlunchonlyon bothdaysfrom11:00a.m.-1:30 p.m.andsharingmanydelicious bakedgoods,craftsand“Nextto New”treasurestosharewith everyonethatstopsbyforavisit. Welookforwardtoseeingyou there!
ScrapbookingEtceteraRetreatLocated alongtheeastsideof CanandaiguaLake,LeTourneau ChristianCenter.Weadded “Etcetera”toourprogrambecause wefoundthatLeTourneauisthe perfectplacetobringpaper crafterstogetherfordedicatedtime toworkonalbums,createcardsOR workonothercraftssuchas embroideryprojects!LeTourneauis alsotheperfectplacetosetaside timetoseekGod,enjoyHiscreationandberefreshed.Weareso excitedtohostthiswonderful groupforthe13thannualFall ScrapbookingWeekendfrom Thursday,October20th-Sun. October23rd,2022.Wehopeto seeyouthere!https://letcc. churchcenter.com/registrations/ events/1210665
LeTourneauLadiesLuncheonLeTourneau ChristianCenter’s BlessedHopeNovemberladies luncheonwillbeheldonFriday, November4,2022at11:00am. KellyLeewillspeakon“TheGospel isthePowerofGod.”Registration and$13pre-paymentbeforeOctober28arerequiredforin-person attendanceandlunch,whichcan bemadebycalling585-554-3400. LeTourneauChristianCenterislocatedat4950CountyRoad11, Rushville.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
QuiltersPlusRetreat: Quilters PLUS (Play,Lessons,You,Surprises) desirestoprovidealightatmosphereinwhichquilterscan havefunwhilelearningnewskills andevenbeblessedwithacouple ofsurprises.PleasejoinusMonday, October24th,2pmthrough Thursday,October27thuntil2pm. Bringafriendforthistimeofbeing upliftedandrefreshedthrough fellowship,dailyencouragement fromGod’sWordandintentional timeenjoyingyourhobbyorcraft. Thisisanovernightquiltingretreat, however,acommuteroptionis available.HeldattheLeTourneau ChristianCenter,4950County Road11,Rushville.http://www.bit. ly/Quilt2022
ShortsvilleRailroadStationMuseum OpenHouse: TheLehigh ValleyRailroadHistoricalSociety StationMuseumat8EastHigh StreetinShortsvillewillbeopento thepubliconSunday,October16. Hourswillbe1:00p.m.to3:00 p.m.Alargecollectionofhistorical artifactsfromtheLehighValley Railroadisondisplayatthemuseum.Thegiftshopwillbeopen. Admissionisfree;donationsare welcome.Formoreinformation, visitwww.lvrrhs.orgorcall 585-289-9149.
HikeHatchHill along aportionof theFingerLakesTrailinNapleson Sunday,October16from2-4PM, thenenjoyasocialget-togetherat theMiddletownTaverninNaples. Foradditionalinfo/directions/ updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
CelebrateNationalHospice Month atSerenityHouseofVictor -Pleasejoinyourlocalcomfort carehome,SerenityHouseofVictor,incelebratingNationalHospice monthbyenrollinginourfree caregiverweeklytrainingprogram beginningMonday,October31. Onlyafewhoursaweekserving ourresidentswithend-of-lifecare inourtwo-bedhomeis“yourgift: yourself”.Thetrainingwillbeheld Mondays12-2,Wednesdays4-6 ORThursdays10-12forthree weeks.PleasecontactDirectorat 585-729-7617oremail serenityhousevictor@gmail.comfor moreinformation.
CornballCapersisBack! The West BloomfieldChurchisreviving ourlongrunningCornballCapers showthat’sbeenonholdduring theveryunfunnyCovid!ThisHeeHawtypevarietyshowwillbe stagedOctober21stand22ndat WestBloomfieldCongregational Church,cornerofCountyRoad37 andRoutes5&20.Greatcountry music,entertainingperformances, andplentyoflaughs!The7pm performanceeachnightcosts$10 perperson(maximumof$25per household-immediateparentsand children).Ticketscanbepurchased fromcastmembers.Withonly200 ticketsavailableeachnight,you’ll wanttogetyourticketsearly! Facilityiswheelchairaccessible.Call 624-1313fortickets.Info.: wbccucc.org
WestBloomfieldHistoricalSociety Program: “VintageModel Trains”onTuesday,October18,at 7pm.Thisfreepubliceventtakes placeattheSociety’sfullyaccessiblebuilding,8966Rt.5&20, WestBloomfield.TrainexpertDan Ericksonwillshowandspeakon toytrainsofthepast.Heinvites attendeeswhowanttolearnmore abouttheirownmodeltrainsto bringthemalong.A20-yearmemberoftheToyTrainCollectors Society,Ericksontakespartin showsacrosstheregionandalso sellsvintagecollectiblesasthe ownerofLeif’sTrains.SocietyWebsite:wbhsny.org.
For a quick, clean look, vacuum the floors and take care of these four things: the bathroom, dishes in the sink, piles of junk on tables or counters and an overflowing trash can. Your house will look great.
HOT PEPPERS: habanero & jalapeno. You pick. Canandaigua. 585-394-8189
Assorted SCRAP METAL including metal cabinets. Also, six large SKYLIGHTS, decent condition, glass needs cleaning. Honeoye Lake area: 585-354-3346
ANNALS OF AMERICAN (historical writings and speeches) 1493-1973, 19 volumes. Excellent condition. Wayland area: 585-728-3801
COOKIE TINS. Different sizes and shapes. Great for gift giving. sbly5722@gmail.com
FULL SIZE PLATFORM BED with underneath drawers. Real wood, not composite veneered. You pick up, truck: mrnyjet@gmail.com
CLEAN WINE BOTTLES for the home wine maker: 585-448-9107
TART APPLES. Could be used for applesauce or for horses. You pick. Near Brockport: 585-565-2037
HOSTAS, green & white and solid gray. In bag. Pick up: 585-455-6116
Pronto M61 Sure Step POWER WHEELCHAIR. Gently used, been sitting in storage for around two years. Pick up. Very heavy: sbennett2748@gmail.com
SLEEP APNEA MACHINE. Pick up Henrietta: 585-444-9176
Two sets of TWIN BED SHEETS; size 10w brand new tan ANKLE BOOTS. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
Several pieces of CLOTHING, mostly sleepwear, size S/M. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
QUEEN SIZED MATTRESS & BOX SPRING. Excellent condition: 585-223-3903
MAYTAG REFRIGERATOR and a stand-up FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER (about 4’ high). Both in working condition: 585-667-1431
FULL SIZED MATTRESS, BOX & METAL FRAME. 3 years old. Available 10/2410/30 in Geneseo: livingston2969@gmail.com
Quantity of OLD USED SHEETS/BLANKETS. Some worn, but usable. Some suitable for rags, etc. Call or text: 585-330-7818
HOUSEPLANTS: 2 Christmas cactus, 1 large African violet. 585-388-0318
MUSIC CASSETTE TAPES & CDS, Christmas VHS tapes. 315-663-5483
WYNDHAM TIMESHARES: 1 – Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and 1 – Las Vegas, Nevada. Fully paid. Available for one week, anytime: 680-766-0811
10’ x 12’ METAL SHED: 585-430-4205
WALKER in good condition. Brakes need repair. Nunda: 585-468-5047
WING-BACKED SOFA BED (Queen size), Medium Blue. Pick up in East Bloomfield. 585-657-6378 landline; no texts
USED MEDICINE CABINET for drug prevention education campaign. Will pick up. Reach Jerry at: jprevention@earthlink.net
PORTABLE DISHWASHER in good working condition: 585-300-7630
Small ROWBOAT type dinghy: 585-507-8788
Smaller type PIANO for our granddaughter. In good condition: 585-637-0933 10’ or 12’ ALUMINUM ROWBOAT for 92-year-old vet: 585-494-6025
GOOSEBUMPS BOOKS by R.L. Stine. I am building a collection and would give any unwanted/unused copies a great home: bewarevega@gmail.com
PELLET STOVE in good working condition to help with heat for an elderly, handicapped person: 585-905-8809
FLAT SCREEN TVs, 55inch or larger. Used or unwanted. Will pick up: stan1k1@yahoo.com
GOLF CART for disabled Marine, for school booster club president. Needing minor repairs okay: butts38@hotmail.com
Avon is getting an ice rink! Seeking ICE SKATE DONATIONS, all sizes. Donate at the Village Office (74 Genesee Street): avonholidayspectacular@gmail.com
INFARED HEAT LAMP BULBS for chicken coop: 585-374-5768
Used RUGS to use in barn studio. Will pick up: 607-968-4094
HO SCALE ITEMS for train layout. Norfolk and Western J611 with Powhatan Arrow passenger cars, working transformer, track, scenery; buildings: 315-694-6197
DAGUERREOTYPE/TIN TYPE PHOTOS. Any subject: Text or email mintshape@netacc.net or 585-794-0448
FULLSIZE TRUCK TOOLBOX, doesn’t have to look pretty. Call Jason: 585-447-0201
Pet Safe HOUSEPLANTS. Disabled veteran will pick up. Near Medina please: 585-297-6095 / Terry
EARLY RECURVE ARCHERY HUNTING BOWS and/or ARROWS. Text or email: mintshape@netacc.net or 585-794-0448
DEER ANTLERS, SKULLS, TURKEY WINGS – anything to do with wildlife for a nonprofit’s wildlife education class for young adults: paulamir55@gmail.com
STAINED or LEADED GLASS WINDOW SASHES. Any condition, missing pieces or otherwise: kboheim@rochester.rr.com
UTILITY TRAILER: Jason 585-447-0201
Working 60 GALLON HOT WATER HEATER for double-wide in Penn Yan for local
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Follow along all 4 weeks in October as we spread awareness about breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, recovery and life after breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Awareness SERIES Sponsored By:
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. It is estimated that in 2022, approximately 30% of all new women cancer diagnoses will be breast cancer.
FAQWhat can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer?
• Limit alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer.
• Maintain a healthy weight. If your weight is healthy, work to maintain that weight.
• Be physically active.
• Breast-feed.
• Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy.
No one, regardless of their age, occupation, skin color, or socioeconomic status, is immune to cancer. In fact, individuals might be hard pressed to say no one in their family and/or circle of friends has been diagnosed with cancer at some point. According to the National Cancer Institute, there were 18.1 million new cancer cases across the globe in 2018. Among women, when excluding non-melanoma skin cancer, no cancer was more prevalent globally than breast cancer. e World Cancer Research Fund reports that, in 2018, breast cancer accounted for 25.4 percent of all new cancer diagnoses in women. at gure is nearly three times as high as the percentage of cases of colorectal cancer, which accounted for the second most new cancer cases diagnosed in women in 2018.
It’s understandable to be fearful of such gures, which can make a breast cancer diagnosis seem almost inevitable. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that not all risk factors for breast cancer are set in stone. ough age and family history, two known risk factors for breast cancer, may be beyond a woman’s control, she still can exercise some control over other risk factors.
Physical activity e CDC notes that women who are not physically active have a higher risk of getting breast cancer than those who are. e O ce on Women’s Health, a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, notes that women should get two hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity every week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. is should be accompanied by muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days each week. Carrying around extra weight can make moving around more di cult, so the O ce on Women’s Health urges larger women to start slowly if it’s been awhile since they exercised. In addition, aging women can speak with their physicians for advice about exercise regimens they should or need not avoid.
replacement therapies that include both estrogen and progesterone taken during menopause can increase a woman’s risk for breast cancer when taken for more than ve years. In addition, the CDC reports that oral contraceptives, such as birth control pills, have been linked to a higher risk for breast cancer. Women can speak with their physicians about how to control hormone-related risk factors for breast cancer.
Alcohol consumption Studies have found that the more alcohol a woman consumes, the greater her risk for breast cancer becomes.
Smoking, exposure to chemicals that have been found to cause cancer and changes in hormones related to working night shi s are some additional risk factors for breast cancer that women may be able to control.
Breast cancer a ects millions of women across the globe each year. ough that may instill a feeling of helplessness, women should know that many risk factors for breast cancer are within their control.
The two major types are the four-toed and five-toed sloths.
Their closest relatives are anteaters and armadillos.
Sloths spend their lives in the mountains.
They munch on leaves and twigs.
Sloths can swim three times faster than they can walk on land.
Their ability to slow their heart rates to one-third its normal rate, gives them the ability to hold their breath for a whopping 40 minutes underwater.
Sloths are good pets.
They can live anywhere between 10 and 30 years!
It is hard for sloths to camouflage in the trees.
Although sloths have peaceful demeanors, wild sloths can be aggressive and bite very hard.
St. Mary’s, Honeoye and St. Matthew, Livonia www.stsmaryandmatthew.com • Rev. William Laird
9am Daily Masses - Mon. & Wed. St. Matthew, Tues. & urs. St. Mary’s Weekend Schedule: Saturdays - 3:30pm Reconciliation and 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew Sundays - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
58 Main St., Phelps, NY 14532 • 315-548-2772 • Rev. Jamie Tyrrell, Pastor Traditional worship at 11 Sunday Morning, Contemporary worship ursday at 7. Web: www.unitedchurchofphelps.org • facebook: unitedchurchofphelps Youtube - see our services: United Church of Phelps, NY “We welcome all people so they may worship God passionately, become people of prayer, develop a deep faith, demonstrate faith through service & share their faith.”
We’re a Di erent Kind of Church! • All Are Welcome!
SUNDAY WORSHIP IN THE CHAPEL 10:30am Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen, Pastor
IN-PERSON WORSHIP: 58 N. Main St., Canandaigua
LIVE STREAM: www.canandaiguachurch.org • 585-394-2184
153 Church Ave., Farmington • 315-986-3045 • www.pumpkinhook.org
Pastor Robert Weidmayer
Wednesdays 7:00pm live/streaming Sundays 8:30am & 11:00am live/streaming www.facebook.com/pumpkinhook
St. Mark Lutheran Church (Mendon) - LCMS
18 Victor-Mendon Road, Rte. 251, (east of Rte. 64) • 624-1766
Pastor Brian K. Smith
Sunday 9am Services in person and streamed on Facebook Live (facebook.com/stmarkmendon)
Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church
31 East Street, Honeoye Falls • 585-624-3387 honeoyefallsumc.org • o ce.hfumc@gmail.com
Pastor Christine Mitchell • PastorChrisMitchell.UMC@gmail.com Sunday Service is held in person at 10:30am and available on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/HoneoyeFallsUMC. Come as you are, all are welcomed.
Vine Valley Methodist Church
6370 Vine Valley Road, Middlesex 585-554-0402
Pastor J. Lanni Sunday Worship – 9:15am
Faith Bible Church
9041 West 20A, Honeoye • 367-3230
Pastor John Karle
Sunday School 10am • Service 11am Sunday Evening Services 6pm
Barry Slater, Pastor
“Building Lives on God’s Word”
Holiday Inn Express, 330 Eastern Blvd. Canandaigua (Across from Wegmans)
Worship: Sunday 9:45am • Bible Study: Wednesday 6:45pm 585-622-7161 • bcnys@gmail.com • FingerLakesBibleChurch.org
A Quaker Worship Community
187 County Road 8 • Farmington, NY 14425
Sunday Meetings for Worship
Unprogrammed Worship 8:30 a.m. • Programmed Worship 11:00 a.m. 315.986.5559 • www.farmingtonfriendsquakermeeting.com
United Church of Bristol, U.C.C.
County Rd. 2 (Oakmount & Co. Rd. 2) • Bloom eld, NY 14469
Services: Sunday at 10am • Open with restrictions. Handicap accessible & assistive listening Services can be viewed on YouTube under unitedchurcho ristol OR on our website: www.unitedchurcho ristolucc.org
Strong: Women with strong risks have much higher chances of developing breast cancer than the general population. Conditions like having one or more first- or seconddegree relatives with breast cancer diagnosed at age 45 or younger, triple negative breast cancer, primary cancer of both breasts, and both breast and ovarian cancer in the same relative are warning signs of increased risk.
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
With cold weather here, we’re all trying to nd ways to stay warm both indoors and when we go out. Are you set up for winter? is is the time to be sure.
Here is what I’ve done so far this year.
Slippers that you wear around the house: Have yours stretched out over the years? Is there any chance you could walk right out of them?
is might be the year you need to invest in new indoor footwear for safety. Slippers are jotted down on my own list because yes, I do need new ones, and I’m going for slippers with a solid bottom.
Indoor vest: I’ve had one for years that adds a layer of warmth when the house is a bit chilly when worn over a sweatshirt or a long sleeve wa e shirt. It’s still ne.
Gloves: I’ve discovered that my insulated gloves that have kept my hands warm for years now have worn through the seam on the thumb, creating a 1-inch hole and letting in very cold air. I discovered how that happened: It’s from holding the steering wheel in the car. I’ll be pulling out my needle and thread to make that repair.
Hat, scarf, boots: check.
Winter coat with hood: And this is where making a major purchase is i y. Do I need a new winter coat this year ... or not?
And the answer is no. ree winters into Covid, it’s still out there. Despite the new omicron booster, there are experts who say we’ll have another Covid surge this winter with rising cases and hospitalization numbers, mostly due to human behavior and dwindling interest in getting a booster.
So no ... once again, I don’t need a new winter coat. I still won’t be going out as much as I used to long ago.
Category 4 Hurricane Ian has been heralded as one of the deadliest hurricanes of the century with its death toll rising past 100 persons this week. Many of the hurricane survivors have lost everything and face an uncertain future. If you are so moved, how will you help them?
• Donate money
• Fundraise to send supplies
• Volunteer to rebuild
• Not sure yet
Poll Ends 10-18-22
Poll Results 10-11-22
Autumn has officially descended upon Western New York, and its flavors are in full swing. As the apple cider vs. pumpkin spice debate continues, what side do you “fall” on?
54% Apply cider all the way!
39% Pumpkin spice for the win!
7% Neither
We love hearing from
Consume a healthy diet. The link between diet and breast cancer risk is still being studied. However, research suggests that a diet high
and fruit, and calciumrich dairy products, but low in red and processed
may lower
Avoid or limit alcohol consumptions. Alcohol increases risk of breast cancer, even in small amounts. For those who drink, no more than one alcoholic drink a day should be the limit.The more a woman drinks, the greater her risk of developing breast cancer, states the Mayo Clinic.
The Naples Grape Festival is known all over New York State!
Folks come to sample Grape Pie, take in the autumn foliage, sample fresh grape juice, visit a winery, listen to a plethora of musicians, and shop for those unique arts & cra s found only at such festivals.
In late 2021 e Naples Grape & Arts Festival LLC conducted a survey to determine how to best maximize the guest experience of the thousands of visitors to the Naples Grape Festival. Along with helping shape the 2022 Festival, this survey also highlighted that local residents really were nostalgic for the long-ago events that many Neapolitans enjoyed in the earlier days of the Festival. With an enthusiasticteamofvolunteers,theNaplesGrapeFestivalCommunity Events were created and took place this past September, drawing on a rich past and o ering the most memorable hometown events!
e rst Naples Grape Festival was described as an agricultural fair dating back to 1874. Grapes were rst grown in Naples in 1848, and the rst wine cellar in Naples was established in 1854. In the 1940s, the Naples Grape Festival fell victim to World War II as did the area’s overall grape production. In 1961, the Naples Grape Festival (NGF) was reintroduced and operated by the Naples Historical Society, drawing nearly 5,000 people.
By 1964, the Naples Grape Festival drew crowds of 60,000 people including famous visitors such as Paul Harvey and Robert Kennedy. However, it was canceled in 1971 due to unruly crowds. In 1989, Bob and Bill Vierhile recreated the NGF and operated a two-day event featuring arts, cra s, music, and a grape pie contest. e Naples Grape Festival bene ted the Naples community by giving to two vital organizations: e Naples Historical Society and the Naples Rotary Club. In 2009, a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) was established, identifying e Naples Grape and Arts Festival to be owned solely by the Naples Rotary Club, which has been in force ever since.
e Naples Grape Festival 2022 was once again a celebration of the grape harvest and the rich history of the Naples Community. e focus was on bringing friends and families together. On Friday, September 16th the Naples Grape FestivalCommunityEventskickedo withaFireworksExtravaganza in the front yard of Hazlitt’s Winery. It was an amazing show with hundreds of spectators. On Saturday morning, the Naples Grape Festival Parade was hosted by the newly crowned King and Queen of the Grape Festival, Mike and Sherie Heins, who marched down Main St. with oats from local businesses. e Naples Central School
Marching Band, the mayor and town supervisor, cub scouts, the local re department and others participated in the parade, as well!
If a parade wasn’t enough, that evening Main Street shut down again for a Street Dance! e dance took place in the heart of the village with Rick Constantino opening up for the Stid Hill Stompers. Hundredsoffamiliesenjoyedmusicinthevillage,localfood,vendors, sidewalk chalk, dancing in the street, and just being together. On Sunday morning, the Community Events continued with a Home Winemaker’s Competition hosted by Engine 14, followed by a Chili Cook-O .
en to nish, the Community Events kicked o the rst annual “Boots & Blue Jeans” Grape Country Gala held at the Parish Hill Event Barn. e event was a Texas BBQ by none other than Naples Grove Boys BBQ and Catering. e Gala was a sold-out event and served as a fundraiser to help raise seed money for next year’s community events.
eentirevillageandtownenjoyedlivemusic,artsales,foodspecials, and, of course, Grape Pie all throughout the entire week! e focus of the 2022 Grape Festival was bringing friends and families together, and we did just that! Stay tuned for next year’s free community events in Naples, NY! For more information and to check out pictures and history please visit naplesgrapefest.org. e Naples Grape Festival
Community Events would like to thank all of the sponsors, donors, and volunteers that helped bring these events to fruition. Without you, it wouldn’t be possible.
Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great stories online at www.gvpennysaver.com:
• ReStore & Habitat for Humanity: Helping to “Restore” Hope in the Genesee Valley
• Grow LivCo Workshop Promising for 2022 Holiday Experience
• Meet Spencerport’s Simon Devenish: Director of the Spencerport Depot & Canal Museum - Online Exclusive!
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at AmandaDudek@gvpennysaver.com!
Moderate risk: This is a somewhat higher risk that may not turn into breast cancer. It occurs when there is one or two first-degree or two second-degree female relatives with breast cancer (in one breast only), with both relatives diagnosed after age 50; otherwise, one or two first- or second-degree relatives with high grade prostate cancer.
Before Passion came to her foster mom, she was used for breeding, amongst other things, and thrown out on the street to be found in very rough shape. Despite everything she has been through, she is the most loving, gentle, playful and sweet girl! She now lives a life of happiness and comfort with her two new brothers who are also rescues. She will only know love for the rest of her life!
write-up of
P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414.
Last Friday I was walking to my car in a suburban store parking lot. Unbeknownst to me, I was followed from the store by someone. I was warned of this by a kind young lady who noticed this person following me and pulled her van alongside me until I got in my car safely. Thank you for taking time from your busy day to help a stranger.
My sincere thank you to the lovely couple who sat behind me at the Batavia Town and Country Restaurant early in September. I found when I went to pay for my dinner that it had been paid for by these nice people. What a wonderful surprise and gift! Thank you and blessings to you.
I love football. I'm all for supporting a team, the excitement, etc. However, when there's a very late game on a night when people have to work the next day and you're just getting back at 1am with a bus full of people on a quiet residential street, have some consideration about waking your neighbors up with beeping your horn and yelling just because your team won.
Do people know that when it’s raining and your headlights are not on, it’s difficult to see you! It’s the law: if wipers are being used, headlights are supposed to be on. It’s not that hard to flip a switch.
We live in a village home in and among many other homes on a well-traveled street. Occasionally, my wife and I have things we no longer use. These items are too good to simply discard, so we put them in front of our home with a painted, wooden sign stating "Free Stuff" attached to the nearby tree. We are happy that people find uses for these items. We are not happy when they also take our painted signs which are securely nailed or bungeed to the tree. Why would anyone do that? Maybe I'm too literal. Maybe I should keep it simple and discard this stuff. Otherwise, along with the signs, someday I'll hear a chainsaw cutting down the tree, as well. Wow, this country is in serious trouble.
The abuse of the handicap parking system is beyond the pale! The number of people pulling into a handicap spot, hopping out of their vehicle and fast walking into a building or then upstairs is wrong. Sometimes, that sort of person hops out of their car with a nametag on, showing they're working. Most of these people are not elderly. Then, an elderly person with a cane or someone who has difficulty walking must walk an extreme distance because there's no close handicap spot for them. It's selfish and greedy. These people know they don't need that spot. You know who
Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
Avon: Born February 20, 1939. He passed from a short illness on October 3, 2022, at age 83. He is survived by his children,Tracy, Jason, Justin, James, Jessica (Snyder) eis; sisters, Suzanne (Snyder) Conner,Judith (Snyder) Fenton; 11 grandchildren; several loving nieces, nephews and grandnieces and grandnephews as well as many friends.
“Louie”was an avid rider from an early age.He showed jumpers,competed in steeplechase races, worked with thoroughbreds and standardbreds in Maryland and New York State. He shared his love and knowledge of horses with children by giving lessons, and adults as they would reach out to him for advice. He was a member/rider of the Genesee Valley Hunt, and then continued to follow the hunt in his retirement years. Services and interment will be held at a time to be announced.
To share a memory or send a condolence visit stephensondoughertyfuneralhome.com
Honeoye Lake: At age 82, Dianne passed away on Friday, October 7, 2022 at FF ompson Hospital in Canandaigua, NY. She was born in Swain, NY to the late Edward and Lorraine Nichols. Dianne is predeceased by her son, David Cornish. Survived by her beloved husband of over 40 years, Bill J. Spollio; her children, Kim (James) Jadlowski, Wanda (John) Blancato, Tania Holler, Jay (Marchele) Cornish, and Dustin (Andrea) Cornish; her brother, Russ (Marie) Nichols; and her grandchildren, Arielle (Tom) Albers, Joshua Miller, Leah (Justin) Brock, Dustin Cornish, Heather Holler, Tyler Holler, Delaney Cornish, Allie Cornish (Josh Cowart), and Lyndsie (Mike) Doyle, along with her great-grandchildren, Paxton Brock and Liam Doyle.
A private graveside service will take place at Lakeview Cemetery in Honeoye, NY.
To share a memory or a condolence, please visit:
Robert L. Fardette, age 84 of Naples, passed away peacefully on ursday, October 6, 2022 surrounded by family.
Robert was born on February 8, 1938 in Rochester to the late Lyle M. & Anna I. (Rodak) Fardette. He graduated from Charlotte High in 1957 and joined the United States Marine Corps. Robert was honorably discharged in October of 1961 and received a Good Conduct medal. ough he was a plumber by trade for many years and retired from Kodak, Robert could build any home or replace any roof!
In addition to his parents, Robert is predeceased by his siblings, James Fardette & Carole Foulkrod.
Robert is survived by his children, Nancy (Kevin) Carrier, Jeanine Fardette, Kim Fardette, & Rob (Toni) Fardette; his grandchildren, Erica Fardette, Narak Spencer, David Alkaher, Leah Carrier, Robbie Fardette, & Skylar Butler; his sisters, Janice & Yvonne, and many dear nieces, nephews, cousins & longtime friends.
Robert loved his family, his home on the “hill” in Naples and being outdoors. He was an avid hunter, sherman, and enjoyed playing golf. He loved gardening too! Robert loved a good joke or story and will be fondly remembered for his great laugh, infectious smile and his big hugs.
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Baird-Moore Funeral Home in Naples.
To leave an online condolence, please visit BairdFuneralHomes.com
e Nurse Leader, LPN in collaboration with the Wellness Director and Wellness Coordinator will coordinate resident care, coach care sta regarding care practices and standards, and provide oversight for the Evening shi . Experience in an Assisted Living setting preferred. Leadership experience, initiative and sound judgment required. Licensed Practical Nurse in NYS required. Quail Summit o ers excellent bene ts and competitive wages. is position is eligible for a sign-on bonus.
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A new year often sparks change. Many people aspire to change jobs at the dawn of a new year, and such changes are more frequent than one might think.
Immediate opening for an energetic self-motivated individual to assist our sales manager.
Job duties include: customer service working with other publications to book and place ads, helping with agency accounts, and generally assisting the sales manager to make sure the department is running smoothly.
Candidates must have excellent time management, customer service, organizational and interpersonal skills. Computer experience (ad order entry, email, Internet) a must. Must be goal and detail-oriented and able to work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment.
Competitive salary and bene ts. Email cover letter and resume to: colleenmann@gvpennysaver.com
For the 2022-2023 winter season. New York State Coaching Certi cation required. Experience preferred.
Please send letter of interest, resume and completed application by October 21, 2022 to:
Jennifer Green | Honeoye Central School
PO Box 170 | Honeoye, NY 14471 (585) 229-4125
York Central School has the following openings:
General Education Teacher (K-6)
ELA Teacher (7-12)
Special Education Teacher (7-12)
Bus Mechanic/Driver
Technology Assistant
Cafeteria Monitor
More Information and Application procedure available: www.yorkcsd.org
Teachers (Certi ed and Uncerti ed)
RNs & LPNs • Food Service Workers
Interviews upon receipt of application.
Send cover letter, resume, and application to: York Central School
Attn: Heidi Newcomb, District O ce P.O. Box 102 • 2578 Genesee Street
Retsof, NY 14539
Responsibilities will include: Supporting the payroll and bene ts of the company, as well as billing and accounting functions. Computer literate, con dentiality and attention to detail are a must. Paychex, Quickbooks and Excel experience preferred. Collections and monthly reconciliations experience a plus. Must be able to multitask in a deadline-driven environment.
is person will interact with all departments within the organization and must have a positive disposition and a customer service mindset. e ideal candidate will want to grow with the company and take on more duties and responsibilities over time.
Email cover letter and resume to:
For the position of Purchasing O cer.
Job Description: Purchasing O cer Hours: Part-time, exible hours. Approximately 5-8+ hours per month. Status: Work from Home Reports to: Board of Fire Commissioners
Direct reports: None Compensation: Flat rate monthly e Purchasing O cer is responsible for researching and obtaining multiple estimates from suppliers, following District purchasing guidelines, prior to the purchase and procurement of District equipment and supplies based on speci cations provided by the Fire Chief or Board of Fire Commissioners. Upon approval by the Fire District the purchasing o cer will make the purchase and follow through on delivery. Occasional maintenance scheduling with approved vendors. is position works independently and reports to the Board of Fire Commissioners. e hours are exible, and the position will be work from home, with monthly attendance at the Board of Fire Commissioner meeting required. Pay is at rate monthly. Grant writing experience is a plus, but not required. East Bloom eld Fire District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For more information or to send a cover letter and resume email: eastbloom eld redistrict@gmail.com Or contact by mail: East Bloom eld Fire District
ATTN: Purchasing O cer PO Box 205 Bloom eld, NY 14469
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View complete employment listings at GVPENNYSAVER.COM
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