Sat. Nov. 2nd • Phelps Fire Hall 77 Ontario Street
Doors open at 5:30pm • Raffle starts at 6pm
Complimentary hot dog, popcorn, & water. Other drinks available for purchase.
All proceeds benefit the Phelps Fire Dept.
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390
General Manager
Creative Director
Production Supervisor
Wasson Sales Department
Circulation Manager
diligent in maintaining the proper tire pressure. Fuel economy as well as handling ability can decline when tires are not inflated properly. Tires can be refilled at many gas stations for little cost.
It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. The rich colours of grass and earth were intensified by the mellow light of a sun almost warm enough for spring...
~P.D. James, A Taste for Death
Car buyers may find some great deals by using offered rebates. Rebates can take place at any time of the year. Dealers typically use rebates in order to clear out a particular model year. Rebates may also be offered through the manufacturer. Dealerships may sell a vehicle for less when certain incentives are applied. Shoppers can rely on Edmunds. com to search for rebates and incentives by vehicle make and geographic location.
Brought to you by the Genesee Valley Penny Saver’s printing division
Send your loved ones holiday greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday cards! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today.
Savanna just turned 17 and loves snuggling with her mommy and grandma. She’s our spoiled, loved, and pampered girl.
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
Pick up food bowls and water several hours before bedtime. This can prevent accidents by ensuring dogs’ stomachs and bladders are not full overnight.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’m heartbroken seeing the destruction in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina a er Hurricane Helene. ere must be a lot of lost, hungry and suffering pets. I want to fill my truck and trailer with pet food and drive it to where it’s most needed, but I’m not sure where to go. Do you have any advice? -- Maggie in upstate New York
DEAR MAGGIE: It is heartwarming knowing that you and other pet owners want to do something positive for people and their pets in these areas that have been so hard hit.
As I write this, organizations from across the country are getting in place, setting up in strategic locations so that they can distribute aid, assist with rescues and help recover those lost to this storm. With many major highways cut, travel is nearly impossible in North Carolina, and very difficult elsewhere.
e best thing that you can do right now is to stay put. Instead of driving supplies to disaster areas, start a fundraising drive and donate cash to an organization that is actively helping pets and their owners. For example, the ASPCA is working with the Humane Society in Charlotte, North Carolina, to evacuate rescue and foster dogs from Asheville and surrounding areas. e Humane Society of the United States is doing likewise. Both organizations are helping owners with pet food and medical care, and providing shelter to animals without families.
Donating to these major organizations, or selecting a local shelter or rescue group in these areas to support now and in the months to come, will help immensely.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it!
Submit at: gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Clarification: In a previous column on ticks, it was implied that ticks transmit heartworm. ey do not; however, they can transmit tapeworms.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
CANANDAIGUA:5052NORTH ROAD,CanandaiguaGARAGE SALESaturdayOct.19th(9am-3pm) Furniture,lamps,tools,housewares, smallandlargewindowAC’s,antiques,collectibles.Don’tmissthis!
❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ NAPLES: 6653PorterRdNaples. Oct.19(9-4pm)Pressurewasher, xcountryskis,downhillskis,tires, tools,LakePlacidSpitfirecanoe, Xmasitems,powertrollingmotor, glassware,rugs,jewelry,JennyLind bed,vintageoakdressers,2007 legacySubaru.(Needswork)andso muchmore Lalasestatesalesandorganizing. com.CashorVenmo.Bekind.
BYTERIANCHURCHOctober17-19 Multi-ChurchRummageSale.October 17:(9-4),October18:(9-4),October 19:(9-11).
Have a nice display. First impressions can mean a lot. Buyers are more apt to visit neat, well-laid-out sales than those that are just a bunch of boxes that have to be dug through.
Diningroomtable,buffet,living roomandbedroomfurniture,lotsof holidayitems,patiofurniture,small pulloutsofa,kitchenwares,women’s clothing,shoes,coats,potting containers,lamps,rugs,curiocabinet andsomuchmore
Lalasestatesalesandorganizing.com. Bekind.CashorVenmo
Place.October24(10-3pm)&25 (9-Noon).ESTATESALE.BOSE radioandCDplayer,recliners, kitchentableandchairs,cherry dropleafandbuffet,sidechairs, couch,endtables,dropfront desk,TempusFugitgrandfather clock(works),2matchingJenny Lindtwinbeds,fullbed,dressers, vintagetrunk,armoire,etc.Small woodenfilecabinet,computer stand,TVs.Clothes,bedding,linens,pots,pans,baskets, glassware,art(includingoriginal DianeDengelpainting),sewing suppliesandnewSingersewing machine.Christmas,icecream parlortable,lamps,Hummels, jewelry,vintageperfumebottles, waymore.STUFF.
Serving the Greater Rochester area and Finger Lakes regions T: (607) 592-9445
low in red and processed meats may lower breast cancer risk.
Since 1990, November has been designated National American Indian Heritage Month, to recognize & celebrate the culture, traditions, languages, stories, & achievements of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, & affiliated island communities. Our own local Ganondagan in Victor is the only NYS Historical site dedicated to Native Americans, particularly the Seneca & the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) people who lived here. Have you been to this historical site?
- I walk the peaceful trails - I have toured the facilities - I attend their special events & activities
- I haven’t been yet, but would like to Poll ends 10-22-2024
Poll ended 10-15-2024
Candy corn was originally produced in the 1880s as a candy called Chicken Feed, with its ‘cousin’ the mellowcreme pumpkins coming along around 1950. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 35 million pounds of candy corn are produced each year. Which do you prefer?
39.1% Candy Corn
13.0% Mellowcreme Pumpkins
47.8% Neither
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of walking penguins called?
2. MOVIES: What was the first movie to be adapted from one of Stephen King’s novels?
3. GEOGRAPHY: How many time zones does Australia have?
4. LITERATURE: Which country is featured in Sir Walter Scott’s historical novels?
5. HISTORY: How many essays are in The Federalist Papers?
6. SCIENCE: Who created the Periodic Table?
7. TELEVISION: What is the reality series “The Deadliest Catch” about?
8. PSYCHOLOGY: What irrational fear is represented in the condition called pogonophobia?
9. U.S. STATES: What is the only state with a one-syllable name?
10. MUSIC: Which branch of the U.S. military did Elvis Presley serve in?
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: About three months ago, I bled a bit while urinating. This was the first (and only) time in over 30 years that this happened since I went through menopause. An ultrasound was performed, and they found a mildly thickened endometrium (6.1 mm) with scattered cystic change and without focal lesion.
My gynecologist is suggesting an endometrial biopsy. I am concerned because I have no symptoms other than kidney stones. I’m due to see a urologist, but even with my kidney stones, I have no symptoms. I am 80 and concerned about anesthesia. Should I go ahead with the biopsy? - L.O.
ANSWER: A thickened endometrium is concerning for uterine cancer. The most common symptom of uterine cancer is abnormal uterine bleeding. This usually takes the form of red, pink or brown spotting. However, it sounds like you had blood in your urine, which is more concerning for kidney stones than uterine bleeding.
Your ultrasound is abnormal; 5 mm is the maximum thickness for a normal endometrium. Getting a biopsy is clearly the recommended procedure, as it gives guidance on the next steps. Still, your risk of uterine cancer is small. You do not have to proceed with the biopsy if you do not want to. An endometrial biopsy is an in-office procedure with minimal risk. My textbooks say there is minimal pain, but my patients tell me this isn’t always the case. You don’t have to receive anesthesia; you can take pain medication (such as naproxen), get a local anesthetic, or do both. I’ve had several patients who’ve requested a nerve block and were very happy with their decision. If the biopsy shows cancer of the endometrium, surgery is the preferred treatment, but radiation is also a possibility for some people.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
The end of the year is approaching, and your insurance benefits are running out!
Utilize the benefits you have left for any calendar year based (January – December) insurance policy. We are approaching our busiest season. Give us a call to claim your spot at 315-462-5633.
***Stop by Grape Lakes Family Dental for a spooktacular treat. We will be passing out goodie bags filled with fun surprises!***
Hormone therapy is a cancer treatment that removes hormones or blocks their action and stops cancer cells from growing. Hormones are substances made by glands in the body and circulated in the bloodstream. Some hormones can cause certain cancers to grow. If tests show that the cancer cells have places where hormones can attach (receptors), drugs, surgery, or radiation therapy is used to reduce the production of hormones or block them from working. The hormone estrogen, which makes some breast cancers grow, is made mainly by the ovaries. Treatment to stop the ovaries from making estrogen is called ovarian ablation.
Hormone therapy with tamoxifen is often given to patients with early localized breast cancer that can be removed by surgery and those with metastatic breast cancer (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body). Hormone therapy with tamoxifen or estrogens can act on cells all over the body and may increase the chance of developing endometrial cancer. Women taking tamoxifen should have a pelvic exam every year to look for any signs of cancer. Any vaginal bleeding, other than menstrual bleeding, should be reported to a doctor as soon as possible.
Hormone therapy with a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist is given to some premenopausal women who have just been diagnosed with hormone receptor positive breast cancer. LHRH agonists decrease the body’s estrogen and progesterone.
Hormone therapy with an aromatase inhibitor is given to some postmenopausal women who have hormone receptor positive breast cancer. Aromatase inhibitors decrease the body’s estrogen by blocking an enzyme called aromatase from turning androgen into estrogen. Anastrozole, letrozole, and exemestane are types of aromatase inhibitors. For the treatment of early localized breast cancer that can be removed by surgery, certain aromatase inhibitors may be used as adjuvant therapy insteadoftamoxifenorafter2to3yearsoftamoxifenuse.Forthetreatment of metastatic breast cancer, aromatase inhibitors are being tested in clinical trials to compare them to hormone therapy with tamoxifen.
Other types of hormone therapy include megestrol acetate or antiestrogen therapy such as fulvestrant.
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Allens Hill Free Library
3818 County Road 40
Bloomfield • 585-229-5636
allenshilllibrarydirector@owwl.org owwl.org/library/allenshill
Hours: Tues. & Wed. 3-6pm; Fri. 3-8pm; Sat 1-4pm
Bristol Library
6750 County Rd. #32, Bristol 585-229-5862
BristolLibraryDirector@owwl.org, thebristollibrary.com
Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs. 3-7pm; Tues. & Sat. 10am-2pm
Gorham Free Library
2664 Main St., Gorham, 585-526-6655
M & F, 12–6 PM; T & TH, 2–8 PM W, 9 AM–5 PM; Sat., 9 AM–1 PM Sun., 2–4 PM GorhamLibraryDirector@owwl.org
Naples Library
118 S. Main St., Naples (585) 374-2757
Honeoye Public Library
8708 Main St., Honeoye 585-229-5020 • Hours: Mon. 12-6pm; Tues., Thurs. 2-8pm; Wed. 10am-4pm; Sat. 9am-1pm; Fri. & Sun. Closed
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10am-6pm; Tues., Thurs 10am-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm Sunday Closed Red Jacket Com. Library
89 S. Main St., Manchester Hours: Sun. & Mon. Closed; Tues. & Wed. 11am-8pm; Th. & Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Wood Library
134 North Main St., Canandaigua 585-394-1381, woodlibrary@owwl.org www.woodlibrary.org
Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm
The History Channel
* On Oct. 18, 1867, the U.S. formally takes possession of Alaska after purchasing the territory from Russia for $7.2 million, or less than 2 cents an acre. Russia sold its Alaska territory to the U.S. rather than risk losing it in battle with a rival such as Great Britain.
CHAIR YOGA,Tuesdays&select Saturdays(seeourcalendar),99:45am.NAPLESWEAVERS’GUILD, Saturday,November9th(second Saturdayofeverymonth),10am12pm.KNIT&STITCH,firstand thirdTuesdayofeverymonth, 10am-12pm.CAREERCOUNSELING,Tuesday,October22nd (fourthTuesdayofeverymonth), 12:30-2pm.EUCHRE,Thursdays, 3-5pm.GUIDEDHIKEatOnanda Park.Saturday,October19th, 9:30am.MeetattheUplandsparkingarea.Co-hostedwith BloomfieldPublicLibrary.MOVIE NIGHT,Wednesday,October23rd, 5-7pm.ShowingPracticalMagic. COMPOSTINGMADEEASY,Monday,October21st,5:30-6:30pm. HostedbyCornellCooperative Extension.TRUNKORTREAT,Monday,October28th,5-7pm.StorytimewithHalley,thetherapydog, thentrunkortreat!MUSICINTHE PARK,Friday,November1st, 6-8pm.ComeseeScottyCash,cohostedwiththetownofBristol. NATUREWALKwithTomCollins, Saturday,November2nd,10am12pm.MeetattheBristolLibrary.
ACommunityBreakfast is held on4thSaturdaysfrom9-11am.All arewelcomeforfoodandfellowship.Afreewillofferingis accepted.EastBloomfieldUnited MethodistChurchat2ParkPlacein Bloomfield. BLOOMFIELD
OntarioCountyArtsCouncilArt Opening “Gatherings” -Joinus forournewexhibit“Gatherings” openingSaturdayOctober19, 1-3pm.OCACGalleryattheOntarioCountyHistoricalSociety,55 N.MainSt,Canandaiguia.Ondisplayandforsalewillbemany differentartmediumsfrom photographytofelting.Freeadmissionandrefreshments.Weinvite youtogatheranddonatenonperishablefoodstuffsforcharitable donation.www.ocarts.org, 585-412-6043
TheParkinsonSupportGroupof the FingerLakes willmeetat1:00 onWednesday,October30that WoodLibraryinCanandaigua.This monthsspeakerisMaggieKuhn fromtheMichaelJFoxFoundation presenting“2024Parkinson’sDiseaseResearchUpdate”.Hertalk willbefollowedbyaQ&Aperiod and“socialtime”.CarePartners and“PeoplewithParkinsons”will thenmeetseparatelytosharetheir experiencesandconcerns.Anyone interestedinoraffectedbyPDis welcome.
LIGHT[the]HILL:ALuminaria Celebration 2024- Saturday, November2,KershawPark, Canandaigua.(Rain/SnowDate: SaturdayNovember9th).Thelight ofeachcandleilluminatesaloving spirit,contributingtothequiet splendorofthisspecialevent.You cansupportLIGHT[the]HILLbypurchasingaluminaria(s)inmemoryor inhonorofalovedone.Group packagesof12luminarias$110; eachindividualluminaria$12.OrdersmustbereceivedbyOctober 25th.LightHillvolunteerswillcreateandpersonalize,placeandlight eachluminariaonNovember2nd. Communitymembersareinvitedto joinusatKershawParkbetween 5:30-8pmthateveningtosharein acelebrationofhope.
LunchtimeHistoryTalk:Four Fantastic Finds- Thisexcitingtalk fromJillJohnson(GeneseeCountry Village&Museum)willintroduce theintriguingstoriesoffouritems fromthecollectionoftheGenesee CountryVillage&Museum.Learn howadoctor’sbag,aletter,ahair wreath,andaphotographbecome somethingextraordinarywhenyou uncovertheirhistory.Findout whichitemsconnecttoresidentsof twoofGCV&M’shistorichouses andwhatwashappeninginhistory thatmakesthemsointeresting. Bringyourbaglunchtothisfree talk.DonationstosupportOCHS areappreciated.October20,121pm,OntarioCountyHistorical Society,55N.MainSt., Canandaigua.http://www.ochs.org
Then summer fades and passes, and October comes. Will smell smoke then, and feel an unsuspected sharpness, a thrill of nervous, swift elation, a sense of sadness and departure.
~Thomas Wolfe (1900–1938), You Can’t Go Home Again
AutumnPancakeBreakfast!! St Benedict ConferenceofSocietyof StVincentdePaulinvitesalltoa fundraisingPancakeBreakfaston Saturday,October26,2024from8 amto10:30amatCharlieReidel’s Restaurant,3140Co.Rd.10, Canandaigua.Ticketsare$6each. Ages2andunderfree.Maximum householdfamily$25.Tickets availableatthedoorondayof event.Advanceticketswillbesold byStVincentdePaulmembers, andafterMassesatSt.Mary’s CanandaiguaandSt.Bridget’s BloomfieldstartingOctober12.
AmericanLegionBreakfast- Join us SundayOctober20th, 8:00-11:00.Frenchtoast,pancakes,homefries,eggs,sausage, toast,orangejuice,coffeeetc.Cost is$8perpersonwithkids5and underfree.Sitdownandgetserved bytheAmericanLegionAuxiliary. Comeenjoyadeliciousbreakfast withyourfamilyandours. Honeoye-HemlockAmericanLegionPost1278,4931CoRd36, Honeoye.Seeyouthere!
AnnualElectionDayDinnerJoin usforourtraditionalturkey dinnerwithallthefixings!The menuincludesroastedturkey, stuffing,mashedpotatoes,butternutsquash,rollsandgravy.Enjoyasliceofpieorcakefordessert! Take-outsavailable.November5, 4pm,HoneoyeUnitedChurchof Christ,8758MainStreet,Honeoye. ucchoneoye.org
By Lucie Winborne
* Barking Sands Beach in Hawaii is famous for the “woofing” sound the dunes make when built-up sand slides.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia ThriftShop islocatedat thecornerofSpringandChurch StreetsinLivonia,NY.Theaddress fortheThriftShopis6SpringSt. Livonia(incaseyouareusingGPS tofindus).Gentlyused,quality clothingandhomegoodsare available.TheThriftShopisopen onThursdaysandFridays9AM3PMandSaturdays9AM-2PM.
FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup - Gatherwithlike-minded enthusiasts.Comeshareyourghost stories!Saturday,October26, 6:00-8:00pm.FollowedbySocial Hour.$5.00donation.Snacksto shareareappreciated.ForthelocationinLivonia,seewebsiteorText orcallMaryGrace:585-766-9318, www.giftsofgraceministry.org.FollowingMeeting:November16.
PotterVolunteerFireDept. Breakfasts - ThePotterVolunteer FireDepartmentwillbehavinga BreakfastatthePotterFireHouse, 1255PhelpsRoad,thethirdSunday ofeachmonthonOctober20th, from8AMtillNoon.Wewillbe servingPancakes,sausages,home fries,breakfastsandwiches,eggs, toast,coffee,juiceandmore!
MiddlesexHoseCo.RoastBeef Dinner - Thisyear’slastNext MiddlesexHoseCo.RoastBeefDinnerwillbeonSaturdayOctober26, 4-7pm.Dinnerswillbeheldonthe lastSaturdayofeachmonththru October26th,attheMiddlesex HoseCoFirehall.Adults$15,Children$10(schoolageto12),Preschoolfree(takeoutsexcluded) Dinnermenu:tossedsalad,rolls, relishdish,roastbeef,gravy,potatoes,Corn,pie,icedtea,milk,and coffee.Take-outsavailable.
FallFestivaland5KRun/Walk Fundraiser event! October26, 9-1pm,LeTourneauChristianCenter,4950CountyRoad11, Rushville.FallFestivalisafreeevent forkidsofallages.Kid-friendly games,PulledPorkBBQlunch,inflatables,facepainting,archery, pumpkinpainting,andour5KRun/ Walk.Registrationopens9AMwith theracestartingpromptlyat 10AM.FallFestivalactivities11AM1PM.Games,candy,andfun!BBQ 11AMandcanbepickedupatthe timeappointedonyourregistration andticket.EntryOptions:$25-race only(in-personorvirtual).$35-race andt-shirt.$45-race,bbq,andtshirt.Fundraisertobuildawareness andsupportfortheDavisSports Facility!
Eco-friendly lawn care can save energy, money and natural resources.
LoavesandFishes-Senior Luncheon: Every first,secondand fourthThursdayofeachmonth throughOctober.HeldatTrinity Church(notsponsoredbythem) from11amto2pm.Lunchserved atnoon.ProvidedbyNaplesLoaves andFishesMinistry.Wevalueour Seniorsandwishtoprovidethem withabalancedmeal,awordof inspiration,prayerandsocialization.Contactinfo:JeanSchwingle 585-694-0600orexodus8166@ gmail.com
LaurenandtheGoodSouls“A Tribute toJoniMitchell atBristol ValleyTheater-JoniMitchellisone ofthemostinfluentialsingersongwriterstoemergefromthe 1960’sfolkmusiccircuit.Seven memberbandLaurenandthe GoodSouls(orastheysay.”Good peoplecomingtogethertomake greatmusic“)paytributetothis iconicartistintheirownunique way.Youwon’twanttomissthis performance!HeldOctober27, 1pm,BristolValleyTheater,151S MainSt.,Naples.Ticketsare$20 pre-orderedand$25atthedoor. Visitourwebsiteatwww. bvtnaples.orgorcall(585) 374-9032toorderyourstoday!
EndoftheRoad:ATributeto The Band“IntheSpiritof” The LastWaltzatBristolValleyTheater: JoinusonNovember16thfor“End oftheRoad”,anelectrifyingtribute toTheBandthatchannelsthespirit ofTheLastWaltz.Don’tmissthis chancetorelivethemagicand honorthemusicthatdefineda generation.Secureyourtickets nowforanunforgettablenightof musicalbrilliance!HeldNovember 16,7pm,BristolValleyTheater,151 SMainSt.,Naples.Ticketsareonly $20andcanbepurchasedatthe door,bycalling(585)374-9032,or visitingtheBristolValleyTheater websiteatwww.bvtnaples.org.
BlessedHopeLadiesLuncheonLeTourneau ChristianCenter’s BlessedHopeNovemberLadies LuncheonwillbeheldonFriday, November1,2024at11:00AM. DeniseMcKenziewillshareamessageentitled“ChoosingtoTrustin TryingTimes.”Programandlunch are$17.Registrationandprepaymentrequiredby5:00PMFriday,October25whichcanbe madebycalling585-554-3400. LeTourneauChristianCenterislocatedat4950EastLakeRoad, Rushville.
CanandaiguaHistoryAlliance invites youtojoinusattheBristol HillsHistoricalSociety’sOctober 24thprogram.Dr.PrestonPierce, OntarioCountyHistorian,willpresent“Bounties,Bonds,Banknotes andTaxes:HowtheUnionFinancedVictoryintheCivilWar.” Theprogramwillbeginat7:00PM atBHHS’sBristolSpringsGrange Hall,6457StateRoute64,Naples. Thevenueisonthe2ndfloor;not wheelchairaccessible.Parkacross theroadatthegardencenter,at theSouthBristolTownHallorhighwaygaragelots.Forfurtherinformation,checkouttheirwebsite athttps://bristolhillshistory.org/. FREEADMISSION;donationssupportBHHS.
CelebrateNationalHospice Month - Pleasejoinyourlocal comfortcarehome,SerenityHouse ofVictor,incelebratingNational Hospicemonthbyenrollinginour freecaregiverweeklytrainingprogrambeginningMondayNovember 4th.Onlyafewhoursaweek servingourresidentswithend-oflifecareinourtwo-bedhomeis “yourgift:yourself”.Thetraining willbeheldMondays12-2, Wednesdays4-6ORThursdays 10-12forthreeweeks.PleasecontacttheDirectorat585-729-7617 oremailserenityhousevictor@ gmail.comformoreinformation.
The crabapple is the only apple nativetoNorthAmerica.
October 26, 2024 10AM - 3PM
Indoors at: Palmyra Community Center 424 Stafford Street Palmyra, NY 14522
More than three-and-a-quarter million women in our country are living in the aftermath of a breast cancer diagnosis. The National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program estimates that, in 2014, there were 3,327,552 women living in the United States who had a history of breast cancer.
Compiled by the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester
Stripe smut
The University of Maryland Extension notes that stripe smut primarily poses a threat to Kentucky bluegrass that is older than three years. Pale green streaks that run parallel to the veins in the leaves and leaf sheaths are symptomatic of stripe smut, which tends to be noticed in spring and fall, when weather is cool. As the disease progresses, stripes turn black or a silvery gray, causing the leaf blade to shred and curl. After the blades have shred, they turn brown and die. The grass thins because stripe smut makes it vulnerable to problems like drought.
One of the easiest and
defenses against heat loss is proper
Prevent cold drafts from entering and the loss of heated air through basement headers, which, when left exposed, can make your furnace work
Look for a moisture-resistant product offering high thermal performance, such as Roxul Comfortbatt insulation. This type of mineral wool insulation makes installation simple. All that’s needed is a serrated blade or bread knife. Cut the batt to fit the cavity and press into place. The insulation will help improve energy efficiency as soon as it’s in place and provide savings over the lifetime of your home. Comfortbatt can also be used to top or replace old attic insulation. Aim for an R-50 or a depth of 16 inches.
Trees may require pruning for a variety reasons. Storms may have damaged branches, necessitating a pruning. In other instances, trees may have outgrown their yards, overpowering the landscape. Autumn and winter, when trees largely go dormant and fallen leaves make it easier to see the branches beneath, may be prime times to prune. Pruning during the dormant period also minimizes sap loss and stress to the tree, and can help cut down on the growth of fungi. In addition, insects are less likely to be problematic during the colder months of the year.
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Eckankar Center of Rochester
312 W. Commercial Street • East Rochester, NY
Phone: 585-288-4721 • email: eckankarrochesterny@gmail.com
Public events on Sundays at 11am: www.eckankar-ny.org/public
Learn about ECKANKAR at www.eckankar.org
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* “If you have magazines or books that you are finished reading, perhaps you’d consider donating them to local seniors centers. You can look in the yellow pages to see if there are any near you. O en, the seniors are grateful to have new reading material.” -- T.C. in Florida
* Many more of us are using the reusable fabric shopping bags nowadays. A few cities have banned the use of plastic bags for retail shops. ese bags are much better for the environment, and can hold a lot more groceries per bag. One thing many people forget to do is wash them. You can take out the plastic insert (if there is one) and toss them in the washing machine. Hang to dry and you’re carrying around a much cleaner bag!
Older Troy Bilt ROTOTILLER, runs but needs clutch replaced. Text only 585-698-5645
BN GM LUGGAGE RACK CROSS RAILS Part #19154852 Tahoe, Suburban, Yukon, not for Traverse. Box of two. RHCL88@rochester. rr.com
Sturdy DOG HOUSE with shingled roof. 52” L x 34” W x 45” H. 585301-6088
Huge pile of BLACK WALNUTS. tamilynn38@aim.com
Car BIKE RACK, 2 bikes, needs trailer hitch. Good condition. 585455-6116
Oak BOOKCASE with open front, heavy, VGC. sscott01@rochester. rr.com
Cream Craft Dairy Canandaigua MILK BOX & 4 quart BOTTLES. Excellent condition. You take all. 585-742-3687
50+ Used CINDER BLOCKS. Whole. You haul. Clarkson. Jim 585352-9395 jeschneima@aol.com
RECIPE BOOKS (large collection). Pride MOBILITY SCOOTER with extra batteries. 585-789-0764 or 585-385-9956 Pittsford
Smith Corona electric TYPEWRITER and case. 585-347-4402
Mature CHRISTMAS CACTUS; heavy, you must move. Text 404-3133602
Blackstone OUTDOOR GRIDDLE, uses 1# propane can, 17” x 17” x 9”, lavender3661@yahoo.com
1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Please leave message 585-323-1762
WURLITZER SPINET PIANO and BENCH. Good condition. You move. Canandaigua. Text 585-690-9916
Ethan Allen harvest style DROP LEAF TABLE with four matching CHAIRS. 585-538-2224
ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED w/LIFT. Macedon. 585-236-7091
7.5 ft artificial CHRISTMAS TREE with stand. Good condition. You pick up. Livonia. 585-346-2215
17 USED washable INCONTINENCE BED PADS 31”x34”. nadlhoc1@gmail.com
50+ CINDER BLOCKS. Whole - some used. You haul. Clarkson. Jim 585-352-9395 jeschneima@aol.com
Boxes/bags of COSTUME JEWELRY, hand SEGA GENESIS SYSTEM with games, fold up CANE, COMPUTER CHAIR. Call 585-415-8513
Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS & POKÉMON CARDS. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Unwanted BOOKS! New Age, Children’s, Educational and/or Horror Fiction! 585-729-1259
TREE HOUSE. 585-734-7971
ADULT SCOOTER and Buffalo Sabres hockey team QUEEN BED SHEETS. Jacklynn12370@aol.com
SEWING MACHINE that works. 585-498-6013
Aluminum HANDICAP RAMP with railings at least 20’ long in good condition. 585-447-2176
HEAVY DUTY TRIPOD. 607-936-3137
WALL INSULATION in good condition. michelle@thechildrensagenda.org
OLD DIRT BIKES. Call or text 315-576-1278
PEDAL EXERCISER. 585-698-5937
LADDER FOR BUNK BEDS. Text 585-750-2834
DOG FOOD, CAT LITTER & TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Queen size BED FRAME (RAILS). Not looking for head/foot boards. Salubrious48@yahoo.com
Old, colorful PYREX GLASS BOWLS, butter dishes, casserole dishes and more from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Call or text 315576-1278
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Breast cancer affects millions of individuals each year. e World Cancer Research Fund International reports that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women across the globe, affecting roughly 2.3 million women each year.
Despite the global prevalence of breast cancer, various organizations report high five-year survival rates, particularly among women whose cancers are detected in the earliest stages of the disease. In fact, a 2023 study published in the journal BMJ found that the risk for dying from breast cancer in the five years a er an early-stage diagnosis fell to 5 percent in recent years, a notable improvement from the 14 percent risk of death that was reported in the 1990s.
Increased survival rates for breast cancer are welcome news for women and their families. e higher survival rates are a byproduct of the tireless efforts of cancer researchers, who have also discovered links between the disease and certain lifestyle factors. ough there's no way to eliminate one's risk for breast cancer entirely, the American Cancer Society notes certain variables are within women's control. With that in mind, women can consider these three strategies that can lead to improved overall health and might help women lower their risk for breast cancer as well.
Reach and maintain a healthy weight. e benefits of maintaining a healthy weight include a lower risk for heart disease and stroke, and women should know that weight and breast cancer risk are linked as well. According to the ACS, increased body weight and weight gain as an adult are linked to a higher risk of developing breast cancer. at’s particularly so among post-menopausal women. A 2023 study published in the journal BMC Women’s Health found that the chances of developing breast cancer increase among post-menopausal women who are obese.
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise is one of the ways to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, so it makes sense that being physically active can reduce breast cancer risk. e National Cancer Institute reports that a 2016 meta-analysis of 38 cohort studies found that the most physically active women had between a 12 and 21 percent lower risk for breast cancer than women who were the least physically active. e NCI also notes that additional studies have found that women who become more physically active a er menopause also have a lower risk for breast cancer than those who do not.
Limit or eliminate alcohol consumption. e ACS urges women who drink to consume no more than one alcoholic drink per day, noting that consumption of even small amounts of alcohol have been linked to an increased risk for breast cancer. Officials with the MD Anderson Cancer Center note that the link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk is low. However, the MDACC notes that alcohol can contribute to unwanted weight gain, thus increasing cancer risk. In addition, alcohol can increase levels of estrogen and other hormones associated with breast cancer.
It may be impossible to completely prevent breast cancer. However, women can embrace strategies that improve their overall health in ways that lower their risk for breast cancer.
Feature your birthday girl or boy in our BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS SECTION! Submit online at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Birthday Celebrations; stop by the office; or mail to: Birthday Celebrations, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414 Costis$10for1stedition,$5foreachadditionaledition. Submissions must be received at least 1 week prior to publication date. Your child must be 15 years or younger. Photo may be submitted by a parent/guardian/grandparent.
Thank You
I want to thank the couple who bought me breakfast last Sunday at Denny's. You had the sweetest little boy. I appreciated it very much. It made my day!
Hometown People
I love reading the Hometown Stories column each week. Learning about local people and organizations doing amazing things makes me thankful to live in such a great community. In an age of increasing technology and weaker personal connections, it's great to know our communities still thrive and bring people together. Thank you to everyone who has been featured on that page and I look forward to learning more about other great folks around town!
Why can’t things be easy?
I called [national fix it company] to repair a washing machine. First they had a tech come out that said we needed to order a part but that we could get it cheaper online. So we ordered it online and called the company to come back. They replaced the part and the machine was working for a short time and then stopped again. They came back again and said the same part was broken but that it wasn’t covered under warranty since we bought it online. So now we have to buy the same part again and it will take 3 weeks for it to arrive. UGH.
Dockworkers Strike
Greed has already begun. If there’s a shortage of items due to the strike, why do businesses get away with raising prices of items already in stock? Businesses already paid for the items that are staged in their stockrooms. A shortage is one thing, but price increases is price gouging.
Teri Pink’s story is one of resilience, passion, and an unyielding love for dogs. Growing up in Honeoye, NY, she always had a dog by her side. “ ey were part of the family,” Teri recalls. Now, as a single mother raising two teen boys, she has carried on that tradition, surrounded by a bustling pack of her own dogs and foster pups. Her life’s journey, while not without its challenges, has led her to a new chapter focused on fostering dogs, cra ing homemade organic dog treats, and helping shelter dogs find forever homes.
Teri’s childhood was filled with dogs, and her connection to them only deepened through the years. A er surviving domestic violence, she found herself and her boys rebuilding their lives independently for the past twelve years. During this period, they welcomed their first foster dog, Henry, from Pibbles N More Rescue (www.PMARinc.org), a pivotal moment that would steer Teri towards her calling.
“Meeting the founder of the rescue, Saleena McLaughlin, and all the amazing, selfless people there is what led my boys and me into fostering,” Teri shares. Over the years, Teri and her family have fostered 87 dogs, each experience a rollercoaster of emotions. “ ere’s been tears, heartache, laughter, cursing, but most of all, so much immeasurable love and happiness.”
Stepping back from a career in real estate and property management to pursue dreams in veterinary medicine, Teri discovered a love for making food and treats for her own dogs, Walter, Mabel, Betsy Mae, Greta, and Prince. “I want to know what they’re eating and make sure they’re getting all the healthy, nutrient-filled foods that I feed us,” Teri explains.
With encouragement from close friends like Kim Duvall and Maggie Coleman, Teri turned her passion into a business. “ ey always support anything I get my crazy self into,” she laughs. So, in August, Pink’s Pup Treats was born, focusing on simple, organic ingredients designed to promote dogs’ health and longevity. Her treats are packed with ingredients that aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and increase vitamin intake.
Teri’s commitment to helping dogs doesn’t stop with treats, though. Shelter and foster dogs play a starring role in her business. Inspired by her current foster pup, Rudy, Teri decided to feature adoptable
dogs on her treat packages, giving them extra visibility. She explains, “Rudy was born into foster care and has lived his entire first year of life between several fosters. He laid his head in my lap while I was creating my website, and I said, ‘You know what? Maybe if I featured a dog that is struggling to get adopted on my treats, it would give them more exposure and help!’”
Every month, Teri plans to release a new flavor that features an “Adopt Me” dog. Her goal is to highlight local shelter and foster dogs, especially those who are older, have health issues, or need to be the only pet in a home. is initiative aligns with her broader dream of building a foster care facility where she can take in dogs with special needs, older dogs in hospice care, and those who need extra time to heal from past trauma. Teri’s passion for rescue is deeply personal. “Being a survivor of domestic violence, I was one of those people who found themselves in a situation they never dreamed they’d be in. I am trying to be the help I so desperately needed,” she reflects. Her dedication to fostering and rehoming dogs stems from a deep empathy for both people and animals in crisis. “No living soul deserves to live an unhappy life, especially one that truly has no desire other than to love and be loved.”
rough it all, Teri remains focused on what matters most to her: her family, her dogs, and her community. “I want to wake up every day and know that I have what I need to get by and that the people and pups around me are happy,” she says. “It brings me joy to bring other people joy, so I will continue to help dogs and people come together to find their best friends.” In a world where rescue organizations are overwhelmed, Teri is determined to make a difference, one dog treat at a time.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
47 N. Main St., Canandaigua, NY 14424
James Johnson 585-394-4280
Deciding if you need coverage. While life insurance seems like the kind of thing every person should have, that’s not necessarily the case. For example, single men and women with no dependents and no tax or debt concernsgenerallydonotneedlifeinsurance.Ifyouaresinglebuthavetax issues or a considerable amount of debt, then a life insurance policy can be used to pay those debts upon your death. Adults with dependents, such as a spouse and/or children, should consider purchasing life insurance, which can help your surviving dependents maintain their quality of life and pay their bills in the wake of your death.
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The U.S. Small Business Administration notes that small businesses make up 99.7 percent of all employers in the United States. Percentages are similar in Canada, where BDC, a bank devoted exclusively to entrepreneurs, notes that 99.8 percent of businesses employ fewer than 499 workers.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
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Rent your first home. The Allied survey found that 31 percent of respondents indicated the most challenging part of relocating for a job was finding a home, while 29 percent felt acclimating to their new community was the most challenging aspect of their relocation. Adults who rent their first homes upon relocating can remove some of the pressure to find the perfect home, knowing full well their first home in their new community will be temporary. If possible, rent in a location that makes it easy to immerse yourself in your new community, which should make the adjustment easier. In addition, place items that are unnecessary for day-to-day life in storage. Having some of your possessions already packed should make your next move less stressful.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
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