PHELPSESTATESALE:48ParkSt. SaturdayJune17th(9am-3pm) Furnitureforeveryroom,kitchenand householdgoods,china,electronics, tools,pictures/decor,gardentools holidaydecorationsandmore
MANCHESTER:7Pratt Rd.6/16, 6/17,&6/18(9am-3pm)Moving Sale,clothing,furniture,electronics, kitchenappliances,tools,kids,lamps, more
CANANDAIGUA: Deseyn Drive(TraditionsDevelopment)Saturday,June10th(9am-3pm) NEIGHBORHOODSALE
EXIT9FLEAMARKET inAvon, OpeneverySunday,8am-3pmthru Oct.Bakedgoods,food,hunting& fishing,antiques,glass,kidstoys, matchbox,videogames.
FARMINGTON: 5943KingHill Drive.June16(8:30-4pm)&June 17(8:30-Noon). 2FAMILY STAMP&SCRAPBOOKSALE. Stamps,dies,embossingfolders, punches,ribbon,designerseries paper,scrapbookpaper,stamp pads,embellishments, Spellbindersdies,rollingcartwith drawers,BigShotmachine.Bring abag!
FARMBROOKHOMESASSOCIATION: AnnualCommunity GarageSale!June10th,8-?.FarmbrookDevelopmentoffofRt.332 inFarmington.(Behindtroopers barracks.)
CANANDAIGUA:360Oaktree DriveJune16-17from9-2 multifamilyyardsale,furniture, featherweightsewingmachines, homegoods,clothingforkidsand adults,purses,andtoys.
Starting Saturdays, July 8th.
Enjoy a two hour roundtrip from either direction. Or plan lunch in Cli on Springs by taking the early departure at 10:30 with a return at 2:15. Info. line at 315-702-6700
Ticketing and info at www. ngerlakesrail.com
* In 1995, Chris “Fenderman” Black got hitched to his Fender Stratocaster guitar that he’d purchased 35 years earlier, after his real wife quipped that he spent so much time with it, he should marry it.
Apply lessons learned during the pandemic. A recent Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. government and Eurostat data found that roughly 9.6 million workers in the United States lost their jobs in the first three quarters of 2020. That period coincides with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. When forced to confront sudden and unexpected job losses, millions of individuals learned how to get by on less income. Cost-saving measures adopted during the pandemic can be continued or reimplemented, helping individuals to combat higher energy costs and other rising expenses.
Through analyzing degraded fats on unearthed potshards, scientists have discovered that Neolithic farmers in Britain and Northern Europe may have been among the first to begin milking cattle for human consumption.
The world's population consumes over 2.1 billion liters every day. That’s enough to fill up 813 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Smaller homes: Home sizes in the United States steadily increased for decades, eventually leading to an average of 2,453 square feet in 2014, according to U.S. Census figures. However, Realtor.com reported in 2015 that new construction homes have already begun to shrink by 40 square feet. There seems to be a slight trend toward more modest homes as people consider affordability and maintenance on larger properties. The National Association of Home Builders states buyers are now looking for smaller, more livable homes with flexible floor plans, energy-efficient appliances and plenty of storage space.
Hang a hammock: Few things evoke feelings of relaxation better than a hammock. Fitted between two trees (or two posts if trees are sparse), a hammock is an ideal place to grab a nap or read a book.
Do your homework. Getting the best price typically require shopping around and not settling on the first bid. Experts recommend getting at least three estimates on the same job - and be sure to let each contractor know that you are soliciting multiple bids. This alone may entice a specific contractor to give you his or her best offer up front. Avoid simply choosing the lowest bid. Look at quality of work, reputation and reviews. If you like a costly contractor more than another, see if that contractor is willing to match a lower bid to win the job.
Bristol Library
6750 County Rd. #32, Bristol 585-229-5862 BristolLibraryDirector@owwl.org, thebristollibrary.com
Hours: M, W, & Th 3-7pm; Tu & Sat. 10am-2pm
Gorham Free Library
2664 Main St., Gorham 585-526-6655
Naples Library
118 S. Main St., Naples (585) 374-2757
Hours: M,W,F 10am-6pm; T, Th 10am-8pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Honeoye Public Library
8708 Main St., Honeoye 585-229-5020 • Hrs: M. 12-6pm, T. 2-8pm, W. 10am-2pm, Th. 2-8pm, Sat. 9am-1pm, Closed Fri. & Sun.
Red Jacket Com. Library
89 S. Main St., Manchester
Hours: Sun. & Mon. Closed, Tues. & Wed. 11am-8pm, Th. & Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 10am-2pm
Wood Library
134 North Main St., Canandaigua 585-394-1381 woodlibrary@owwl.org www.woodlibrary.org
Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm
GleanersCommunityKitchen has re-openedandisnowservinga free,hotmealeveryday,MondayFriday,atnoon.Doorsopenat11 am.GleanersislocatedinthebasementofSt.John’sEpiscopal Church,183N.MainSt., Canandaigua.http://www. GleanersKitchen.org
Father’sDayCarShow- Celebrate Dadwithclassiccars!Food, flowers&funforthewholefamily. Signuponlinetoshowoffyour wheels!June18,11-4:30pm,SonnenbergGardens&MansionState HistoricPark,250GibsonStreet, Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
AloquinFlintFundraiserChicken BBQ: Sunday,June11, 11amtilsoldout.JoinusatRunningsPlazainCanandaigua.Cost: $12each.
- Called toCare,CanandaiguainvitesyoutoobserveWorldRefugee DaywithusonTuesday,June20th, 4-6pmattheUnitedChurch,11 GibsonStreet.Featuringasampling ofinternationalfoods,apersonal testimonyfromalocalrefugeeand hissponsor,andamessagefrom CalledtoCare,Canandaigua’sVice President,MegHuff.Therewillbe anopportunitytoexplorewaysto jointhewelcomeandresettlement effortsinCanandaiguaasavolunteerorasaWorldRelief“good neighborteam”memberwhowill welcomeandwalkalongsidea newlyarrivedrefugeefamilyas theybegintheirnewlives.Information:LindaWerts,315-447-0276.
The cry of our heart is to know God and make Him known.
Trevor Price, Senior Pastor pastor@heartcry.churchwww.facebook.com/heartcrychristianfellowship 7609 County Road 36 • Naples, NY 14512
hccf.church@gmail.com • 585-374-5310
PuzzleSwap the thirdThursdayof themonth,startingJune15thfrom 1:00-3:00pmatLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.,Hemlock.ThisisanopportunityforallPuzzlers!Bringapuzzle toswapandtakeonehome.The puzzlescannotbemissingpieces andmustbeindecentshape.This isafreeevent.CoffeeandTeawill beavailableforasmalldonation. Comeandshareyourloveofpuzzleswithothers.
VeteranPlus1-Photography Group FieldTrip: Veteransplus1 cancomejoinusandlearnthe basicsofphotographyfromalocal professionalphotographer.This monthwewillgotoGrimesGlenn ParkinNaples,NYJune14,10am12pm,bringacameraorphone. GrimesGlenisa1.1milemoderatelytraffickedoutandbacktrail locatednearNaples,NYthatfeaturesawaterfallandisgoodforall skilllevels.Thetrailisprimarilyused forhiking,walking,naturetrips, andbirdingandisbestusedfrom ApriluntilSeptember.Expectwet feet.Dressaccordingly.Wehopeto seeyouthere!
HUGE BOOKSALEduringBRISTOL FUNDAY!Sunday,June11from 11am-3pmatLeviCorserPark.Filla baganddonatewhatyou’dlike! There’sfiction,nonfiction,children’s books,newreleases,oldclassics,local authors,coffeetablebooks,DVDs, ANDMORE!
SaveTheDate:August11,2023. 31st AvonAlumniBanquet HostedbytheClassof1973.The banquetisforallgraduatesofAvon CentralandtoclassmatesthatattendedSt.AgnesSchool(Avon). Thiswillalsobethe50threunion forclassof73.Classof63,thisis your60th,classof83,your40th andclassof93your30th.The reunionisallplanned,sogetyour classmatestogetherandcatchup witholdfriends.Togetacopyof theinvitationorformoreinformationpleaseemail:slane@rochester. rr.com.
“GolfingForACause”Golf Tournament - Saturday,July22, 2023attheFarviewGolfCourse, Rt.39,Geneseo-AvonRd.,Avon. Registration/Lunchstartsatnoon. Shotgunstart1pm.HoleInOne plusothereventsoncourse.Dinner tofollowwithrafflesandprizes. $125perplayer,$500foursome. CallortextMarkat585-519-1917 formoreinformation. Friendsand FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation501(c)3not-for-profit organizationdedicatedtoimprovingthequalityoflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwithneuromuscular disorders/diseasesandover100 otherdiseases.
In Spring, everything is full of promise.... The child sporting upon the lawn, and the season, sympathize together, and nature rejoices in her virgin loveliness. ~ Charles Lanman, “TheDyingYear,”1840
TourtheSmithOperaHouseJune 26thwithLittleLakes CommunityCenter(LLCC).This lovelyoldbuildinginGenevawas constructedin1894.Afterextensiverenovationsitisnowconsideredthe“centerstage”ofthe FingerLakesRegionandseats950 people.ArriveattheLLCCby 8:00am,wedepartby8:30am. Tourcostis$15.00pp.Lunchat Parker’sGrilleandTapHouse.Bring smallbillsaswemustpayonone check.Afterlunchwewillstopat EarthlyPossessionsLadiesBoutique andSimpleSweetsBakery.We carpool,ifyoucandrivethatis appreciated.Registeronlinewww. littlelakesny.orgoratLLCC,cutoff June26.
“SummerSolsticeCelebration”Bob andJodieKissarebackatLittle LakesCommunityCenter.Theywill becelebratingtheSummerSolstice alsoknownasthelongestdayof theyear.Jointheminthiscelebrationwhichwillincludeaguided solsticemeditationandahealing meditation;enhancedbyroundsof drummingandNativeAmerican StyleFlutes.Wednesday,June21st, 7:00pmatLittleLakesCommunity Center4705S.MainStHemlock.A $10.00donationissuggested.AlwayscomefromaPlaceofInfinite LoveandGratitude~
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…HEMLOCK
LearnaboutNaturalBodyProducts - Ifyouhaveadesiretolivea morenaturalwayoflifefromthe benefitsofnaturecomemeetthe expertAnnaHaleofofH&DNaturalBodyCare.Shewillbeatthe LittleLakesCommunityCenterArtisanGiftShop,4705S.MainSt., HemlockonJune17th,10am2:00pm.Herfamilyownedbusiness,H&DNaturalBodyCare,providesproductsthatarebothbody andbudgetfriendly.Shewillbein theshoptodiscusstheirproducts andprovidesomegreatgiftideas forFathersDay.Youaresureto findsomethingforDadoranyone specialinyourlife.
SpringRummageandBakeSale - UnitedChurchofChrist: Main Street,HoneoyeonJune23rd& 24th.Friday9am-7pm,Saturday 9am-4pm.BagSaleonSaturday. BakedGoodsforsaleonJune23rd.
TeamAliGaitersishostingtheir 17th annualClambake tosupport theGolisanoChildren’sHospital. Saturday,June10,2-7pm, HoneoyeFallsFireman’sTraining Grounds,321MonroeStreet.Adult Tickets:$40inadvance/$45atthe door,Children12andunderFREE, TweenTickets(ages13-20):$10. Tickets:AmericanHotel-Lima;Milk &HoneyCafe-Lima;Canandaigua NationalBank-HoneoyeFalls& BloomfieldBranches.OkayBeerCo WestMainLanes-HoneoyeFalls; IrishMafiaBrewingCompanyBloomfield;Mugsy’sFamily Restaurant-Bloomfield;FSIofficeRochesterorcall585-704-4124. Livemusic!Allyoucaneatfood (untilit’sgone),beverages,costumecharacters,clowns,bouncy houses,rafflesandmore!
Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation -ARTS, CRAFTERS&MORE!JoinusonThe Lake,6001BigTreeStreet(Rt20A) &ThomasDr.FieldBetweenReMax andLeisure’sRestaurant,Conesus Lake,Lakeville.Saturday,July8, 2023from10am-4pm.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,June14,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.
FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup - CometalkaboutGhosts, Aliens&Cryptids.OpenDiscussion Night!Shareyourfavoriteparanormalexperience.Saturday,June17, 6:00-8:00pm,UnitedMethodist ChurchofLivonia(UMCL),21SummersStreet,Livonia.$5.00donationtoUMCL.Snackstoshareare appreciated.Info:TextorcallMary Graceat585-766-9318,www. giftsofgraceministry.org
PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot, Lawn&Garden EXTRAVAGANZA!Youthactivities includefreearchery&indoorpellet range.Lawn&GardenSale!Sunday,June11,8am-11amatthe MiddlesexConservationClub,6087 SouthHillRoad,Middlesex.http:// www.middlesexconservationclub. org/
FrostTownTrailFest- June 10, 9-2pm,RMSCCummingNature Center,6472GulickRd.,Naples. Exploresomeofthebestterrain thattheBristolHillshastoofferthis summeratFrostTownTrailFest presentedbyIronwoodAdventure Works.Choosebetween10kand 25kraceoptionsthatwilltakeyou upridges,throughthewoods,and acrosseveryinchofthenature centerlandscape(plussomebonus neighboringlandsaswell!).Proceedsfromtheracewillbenefitthe CummingNatureCenter’senvironmentalandeducationalprogramming.TheBristolHillsarecalling.Areyougonnago? https://rmsc.org/events/frost-towntrail-fest/
OrchestrainthePines- June 24, 2-5pm,RMSCCummingNature Center,6472GulickRd.,Naples. Concertbeginspromptlyat3pm, withcomplimentarylightrefreshmentsstarting2pmthrough thedurationoftheconcert.Familieswillbeabletoenjoythe“OrchestraPettingZoo”2-3pm,where children(andadults!)willbeableto talktoorchestramembers,learn aboutthediverseinstrumentsthat makeupanorchestra,andlistento theiruniquesounds.Admissionis includedinthepriceoftheconcert, andattendeesareencouragedto arriveearlytoenjoyahikeorpicnic beforetheconcert.Limitedchairs available,andlawnchairsorpicnic blanketsareencouraged./events/ frost-town-trail-fest/
July3,5-7(noJuly4):Space Odyssey ThemeAllStarSports orMadScience-Campbeginsat 9amandendsat3pm,amidmorningsnackandlunchwillbe provided.Alongwiththeprimary activity,thecamperswillalso participateinmanyotheractivities suchasgroupactivities,Gagaball, swimming,rectime,Bibletime, visitingthePurpleMoosesnack shopandmuchmore.https://www. letcc.org/summer-camp/
AncientArcheologyTheme-Treasure HuntersorLEGOBuildersDay Camp - June26-30:Ancient ArcheologyThemeTreasureHuntersorLEGOBuilders.AsaTreasure Hunteryouwillenjoyworkingwith fellowcampersunlockingmysteriousadventuresandnavigating challengingscavengerhunts.Asa LEGObuilderyouwillhavethe opportunitytoworkwithothers whileassemblingancientstructures andthenbuildingyourowncreativewonder.Eachdayyouwill learnaboutthegreatesttreasure ever,JesusChrist.Campbeginsat 9amandendsat3pmeachday, lunchandamid-morningsnackis provided.AlongwithTreasure HuntingorLEGOBuilding,campers willalsobeparticipatinginmany otherfunandexcitingactivities suchasgroupgames,swimming, Bibletime,Gagaball,visitingThe PurpleMoosesnackshopand more.https://www.letcc.org/ summer-camp/
June26-30:AncientArcheology Theme TreasureHunters or LEGOBuilders:Campbeginsat 9amandendsat3pmeachday, lunchandamid-morningsnackis provided.AlongwithTreasure HuntingorLEGOBuilding,campers willalsobeparticipatinginmany otherfunandexcitingactivities suchasgroupgames,swimming, Bibletime,Gagaball,visitingThe PurpleMoosesnackshopand more.https://www.letcc.org/ summer-camp/
ShortsvilleRailroadStationMuseum OpenHouse: TheLehigh ValleyRailroadHistoricalSociety StationMuseumat8EastHigh StreetinShortsvillewillbeopento thepubliconSunday,June18. Hourswillbe1:00p.m.to3:00 p.m.Alargecollectionofhistorical artifactsfromtheLehighValley Railroadisondisplayatthemuseum.Thegiftshopwillbeopen. Admissionisfree;donationsare welcome.Formoreinformation, visitwww.lvrrhs.orgorcall 585-289-9149.
HikeorBikeHoneoyeLake beginning fromSandyBottomPark onSunday,June11from4-6PM withSpringwaterTrails.Foradditionalinformation/directions/ updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
BreakfastBuffet- Sunday, June 11th,7:30-11:00AMattheLima LegionPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.$10.00 Adults;$6.00Ages8-12;7&UnderFree.Sausagegravy&biscuits, scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice&coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.
Congregational Church -Sunday, June18th,11:30am’tilwerun out.Deliciouschickendinner, servedwithsaltpotatoes,choiceof coleslawormacsalad,androll& butter.Drivethruavailable.Bake saletoo!Locatedatthecornerof Rts.5&20andRt.65inWest Bloomfield.Cashorvenmo.Messagewbccoffice@rochester.rr.com withquestions.
Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.
~ Virgil A. KraftWith graduations around the corner, what do you think is the most viable option for high school graduates?
• Pursuing higher education or trade/apprenticeship
• Entering the workforce and starting a career immediately
• Joining the military
• Taking a gap year to travel or explore other interests before deciding on a path forward
• Starting their own business or pursuing entrepreneurship
• Engaging in volunteer work or community service
• Other
Poll ends 06-13-2023
Poll ended 06-06-2023
Who is the first person you call with good news?
28.6% Significant other
19.0% Child/children
19.0% Friend(s)
23.8% Sibling(s)
9.5% Other (specify)
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
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President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann
Distribution ...........................Chris Harrison
Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone
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Expert Bat Proofing & Removal
Serving Western New York
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
* On June 14, 1789, English Captain William Bligh and 18 others, cast adrift from the HMS Bounty seven weeks before, reach the East Indies after traveling nearly 4,000 miles in a small open boat. On April 28, they were set adrift with 25 gallons of water, 150 pounds of bread, 30 pounds of pork, six quarts of rum and six bottles of wine. (The History Channel)
Members of:
As the temperature rises during summer, it’s crucial for seniors to stay cool and hydrated. Wear light, breathable clothing and stay in well-ventilated areas. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Opt for hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid excessive exposure to the sun, especially during peak hours. If you need to go outside, wear a hat, sunglasses, and apply sunscreen. Consider using a fan or air conditioning to keep your living space cool. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the summer months comfortably and safely.
WOODWORKING MAGAZINES - 160 in all, six different kinds, 2020-2023. Pick up: 585-704-9816
DOCK SECTIONS - Sixteen 10’ long pressure treated with legs. Pick up Conesus: 585-346-2390
VARIETY OF CRAFT ITEMS. Pick up Lima: 585-624-2633 or najhedanglis@gmail.com
LOVESEAT, pale yellow, floral. Good condition: 585-233-6073
QUEEN SIZE COMPLETE BED. Excellent condition. You move: goodgilly1028@hotmail.com or text only 585-738-6232, 8am to 8pm
You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
MIKASA (Harvest) CHINA, 61-pieces. Very good condition. Picture upon request. Pick up, Henrietta: 585-797-4133
EVERBEARING RED RASPBERRY BUSHES. You dig. Pick up, Village of Avon: 585-305-4786
Sears Craftsman 42”cut LAWN TRACTOR, 2003 model 917. Needs service. Pick up Wayland/Cohocton area: 585-461-0667
WIGS - 2 dozen assorted lengths, colors. In original packaging, new or opened only once to view product, never worn: jbe70@frontiernet.net
LUMBER - various sizes, pieces & types of wood available for woodworking projects or hobby. You pick up: schatziny@gmail.com
BROWN COUCH and four CAR SEATS: 585-721-2278
BOOKCASE/DESK – 6’ cabinet with storage shelves, desk compartment, and drawers. Pick up, Wayland: 585-766-5925
A couple hundred MIXED BRICKS. Many of a few types and in decent condition. Some poor. Take any amount desired! 716-954-3141
EGG CARTONS – Do you need any? How many? Must pick up, Hilton: 585-752-1562
Ten medium-sized MOVING BOXES. Fairport: 585-943-3226
OLD WOODEN DESK - 60”x34” removable top for easy transport. From Dr.’s office: amparmil@rochester.rr.com
LA-Z-BOY RECLINER and BUS ENGINE: sbly5722@gmail.com
Large GOLF TROPHY, Fisher & Paykel CPAP SUPPLIES - small cushions, headset, tubing & filters: 585-343-5957. Please leave a message.
Everett UPRIGHT PIANO – needs tuning. Pick up, Geneseo: 585-441-8978
GARDEN BOX SPACE (w/plants) available at St. Timothy Church in Geneseo: 585-243-4777
Six TIRES 185/55R/16. Very good tread: 585-424-0982
Food grade 55-GALLON BARRELS WITH LIDS: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net
WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
CPAP. Gently used: 585-313-4315
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, stereo equipment, Vintage radios
Test equipment, speakers, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, Early TVs, records, communication, parts: greg3151@ymail.com
Elderly disabled mechanic looking for a good VEHICLE to go to doctor appts., grocery shopping, etc. Minor repairs okay: 585-883-7387
BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Old TABLETOP MANUAL MEAT GRINDER in useable condition (sometimes worded vintage): 585-201-6001
Two disabled veterans would like a CAMPER TO FIX UP: dobstarczyk@hotmail.com
Working WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS for refugee family in Canandaigua area: Text or call 585-754-1275
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: 585-334-6134
Looking for a decent GARAGE DOOR, 85”x9’: 585-298-0040
TRUCK for low-income Senior Citizen. Road-worthy, for transportation of elderly mother, and general handy work/yard work. Soon to be urgent need! 585-483-1054
Looking for CLEAN PINE NEEDLES: 585-520-3819
Looking for any OLD/NEW VIDEO GAMES/CONSOLES or COMPUTERS. High school student looking to learn. Can be working/not working. Text 585-450-1172
FOLD-UP TREADMILL. Can pick up: Breit11763@gmail.com
All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: timpani_m@yahoo.com
MANNEQUIN or MANNEQUINS. Used or unwanted for school project. Will pick up: stujaxon@yahoo.com
THE CHOSEN SERIES: braduns@yahoo.com
Small SUV or PICKUP needed for disabled veteran for transport to appointments and errands: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
Full size SOFA BED / HIDE-A-BED needed for Boy Scout Leader’s cabin. Rips or stains okay. Will pick up: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
LAWN ROLLER and a GRASS CATCHER to pull behind my lawnmower. Text or call: 585-260-0437
COMICS - Any and all! Any years, any condition, any amount. Avid collector who still loves comics: Text or call: 585-260-0437
RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition, scratches, and dents okay.
COSTUME JEWELRY, any condition and an ATARI 2600 w/accessories and games: 585-415-8513
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
With so many farms across the region, in spring we celebrate the fresh, delicious foods raised or grown right in our backyards. No need to depend on the big box stores shipping products across the country; everything people need or want is usually available at the neighborhood farmers markets, farm stands, pick-yourown farms, and community supported agriculture (CSA) partnerships. ese options provide freshness second-to-none and usually have a more personal touch as customers interact with farmers who put their heart and soul into the business. Win-win.
ere’s nothing quite like perusing the stands at a farmers market, bag or basket in hand, senses on alert, consuming the aroma or even samples of fresh baked goods, produce, and farm products, with the cadence of friendly, happy sounds of neighbors and friends reconnecting with smiles. Ideas ow for meals and dishes to accentuate the avors of the week’s harvest. e community comes together with each week’s harvest.
Ontario County’s Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) touts, “People are rediscovering the pleasure of fresh, healthy food from local farms and a more meaningful connection with the land and the community. Buying directly from farmers is a way to enjoy this experience and Ontario County has many opportunities to do it.”
Livingston County has a Buy Local campaign, a community-based initiative to increase farm to restaurant connections, establish farm to institution connections, and provide access to fresh and nutritious food to low-income families. ey say, “Our goals are to foster the environmental, economic, and social vitality of our community by increasing the connections between consumers and farmers.”
And Monroe County has a plethora of farmers markets across the region; the Rochester Public Market even runs year-round in their heated facility. Check out a farmers market this week to see what treasures you can nd.
Monroe County Farmers Market Locations
Brighton Farmers Market: Sundays 9am-1pm
Brockport Farmers Market: Sundays, 8am-1pm
Fairport Farmers Market: Saturdays 7am-12pm
Greece Ridge Mall Farmers Market: urs. & Sat. 8am-3pm
Irondequoit Farmers Market: ursdays 4pm-dusk
North Chili Farmers Market: Saturdays 8am-1pm
NOTA Farmers Market: Mondays 4-7pm
Pittsford Colony Plaza Farmers Market: Saturdays 9am-1pm
Pittsford Village Community Farmers Market: Saturdays 9am-1pm
Rochester Public Market: Tues. & urs. 6am-1pm, Sat. 5am-3pm
South Wedge Farmers Market: ursdays 4-7pm
Webster’s Joe Obbie Farmers Market: Saturdays 8:30am-1pm
Westside Farmers Market: Tuesdays 4-7pm
Livingston County Farmers Market Locations
Avon Farmers Market: Wednesdays 3-6pm
Dansville Farmers Market: Fridays 11am-4pm
Lima Presbyterian Church Farmers Market: Tuesdays 3-6pm
Hemlock/Little Lakes Farmers Market: Saturdays 9am-12pm
Nunda Farmers Market: Saturdays 9am-12pm
Geneseo Farmers Market: ursdays 3-6:30pm
Springwater Farmers Market: Fridays 3-6pm
Lakeville Farmers Market: Fridays 4-7pm
Ontario County Farmers Market Locations
Canandaigua Farmers Market: Saturdays 9am-12pm
Farmington Farmers Market: Fridays 3-6pm
Geneva Farmers Market: Saturdays 8am-1:30pm
Victor Farmers Market: Wednesdays 3-6pm
Don’t see your community listed? Search for your local farmers market in the National Farmers Market Directory (nfmd.org).
Community Supported Agriculture
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a mutually supportive and cooperative relationship between producers (farmers) and consumers(customers). econsumerpaysamembership/subscription fee at the beginning of the season, and then receives a crop “share” of fresh, quality produce each week throughout the season. Consumers enjoy a supply of fresh, quality produce grown in their region, o en without harmful chemicals or preservatives. ey also have the unique opportunity to connect with the land their food is grown on by assisting in production or visiting the farm for pick-ups and events. CSAs foster community and keep food dollars within the local economy. To nd CSAs in your area, check out usdalocalfoodportal.com
e Farm to School program puts food from local farms directly into school lunchrooms, providing students with fresh, nutritious foods and educating them about where their food comes from. Farm to School connects the community to agricultural producers, bene ting students and farmers alike. In Ontario County, several school districts and farms participate in Farm to School programming. Learn more at cceontario.org/agriculture/local-foods/farm-to-school.
MeatSuite is a CCE Agriculture Educators’ website to help consumers nd locally produced, high quality meats to purchase in bulk across many NYS counties. To search by zip code/neighborhood or by species across the region to nd farms near you, visit meatsuite.com.
People from all walks of life are united in their desire to eat healthier, support their local economy, and know where their food comes from. Enjoy the Rochester area’s bounty of farmers markets, road stands, CSAs, and livestock farms.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-year-old cat Ella has gotten very clingy lately. She was always fairly independent and preferred to lounge atop the sofa and watch the world outside the window. Now she refuses to do that. She runs to greet me at the door, meows nonstop until I feed her and then wants to climb into my lap the instant I sit down. She also begs to come into the bedroom and curl up at the end of the bed next to my feet. I know this sounds just darling, but it’s unusual behavior from her. What’s your advice? -- Susan
W., Burlington, VermontDEAR SUSAN: It’s interesting that Ella’s behavior has changed so noticeably, so fast. Has anything changed in the home environment, like you have a new work schedule, or moved furniture around, or added (or lost) a human family member?
Also, has anything about Ella’s health changed? Does she have any underlying condition that might be getting worse? Check with the vet to be sure.
If neither environment nor health are the problem, you can try to enforce some rules to alter Ella’s behavior.
-- Boredom: Make sure you play with Ella more o en each day. e clingy behavior may be a request for additional attention.
-- Boundaries: Don’t change feeding times just because Ella demands it. And don’t let her into the bedroom if you don’t want her there. Keep the door shut.
-- Bribery: Well, not really bribes, but positive reinforcement. When Ella goes to her old lounging spot, reward her with praise or a treat. Don’t give her treats when she’s in your lap; instead, lead her away and give a treat to her elsewhere.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Yield: 10 cups
3 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
8 cups popped popcorn
1 cup dried apple chips, broken into large pieces
1/4 cup toffee bits
Heat oven to 300 F. Whisk melted butter with vanilla. Toss brown sugar with cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg.
Toss popcorn with butter mixture. Sprinkle evenly with brown sugar mixture. Stir. Transfer to baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle apple chips and toffee bits over top. Bake 15 minutes, or until toffee bits start to melt. Cool before serving.
Tip: Add chopped pecans for extra crunch.
August 14-15 Seneca Niagara Overnight with Yakov Smirnoff Show $299 PP Dbl Auburn, Canandaigua & LeRoy Pickups
Sept. 12-14 PA Dutch Country with MOSES & Guys & Dolls at Dutch Apple $629 PP Dbl Canandaigua, Henrietta & Avon/Lakeville Pickups
Oct. 5-10 Country Trials: Nashville & Country Music Legends $TBA PP Dbl LeRoy, Henrietta, Canandaigua & Auburn Pickups
Nov 14-20 A Branson Christmas with 7 Shows! $1,395 PP Dbl
Auburn, Geneva, Canandaigua, LeRoy & Pembroke Pickups ALMOST SOLD OUT!
Nov 27-29 The Miracle of Christmas & National Christmas Tree Center in Lancaster:$375 PP Dbl
Bus #1 Pickups: Canandaigua, Henrietta & Avon/Lakeville
Bus #2 Pickups: Batavia, LeRoy & Gates
Dec 6-8 Christmas in NYC featuring the Rockettes: $699 PP Dbl Pembroke, LeRoy, Henrietta & Canandaigua Pickups
you achieve your goals!
Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community
St. Mary’s, Honeoye and St. Matthew, Livonia www.stsmaryandmatthew.com • Rev. William Laird
9am Daily Masses - Mon. & Wed. St. Matthew, Tues. & urs. St. Mary’s
Weekend Schedule:
Saturdays - 3:30pm Reconciliation and 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew
Sundays - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew
Christian Science Church
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM
Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church
Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
St. John’s Lutheran Church LCMS
153 Church Ave., Farmington • 315-986-3045 • www.pumpkinhook.org
Pastor Robert Weidmayer
Wednesdays 7:00pm live/streaming
Sundays 9:45am live/streaming (8:30am Sunday School) www.facebook.com/pumpkinhook
St. Mark Lutheran Church (Mendon) - LCMS
18 Victor-Mendon Road, Rte. 251, (east of Rte. 64) • 624-1766
Pastor Brian K. Smith www.stmarkmendon.org
Sunday 9am Services in person and streamed on Facebook Live (facebook.com/stmarkmendon)
Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church
31 East Street, Honeoye Falls • 585-624-3387
honeoyefallsumc.org • o ce.hfumc@gmail.com
Pastor Christine Mitchell • PastorChrisMitchell.UMC@gmail.com
Sunday Service is held in person at 10:30am and available on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/HoneoyeFallsUMC. Come as you are, all are welcomed.
Vine Valley Methodist Church
6370 Vine Valley Road, Middlesex 585-554-0402
Pastor J. Lanni
Sunday Worship – 9:15am
Finger Lakes Bible Church
Barry Slater, Pastor
“Building Lives on God’s Word”
FLCC, Canandaigua Campus, Room 2302
Worship: Sunday 9:45am • Bible Study: Wednesday 6:45pm (online only) 585-622-7161 • bcnys@gmail.com • FingerLakesBibleChurch.org
Faith Bible Church
9041 West 20A, Honeoye • 367-3230
Pastor John Karle
Sunday School 10am • Service 11am
Sunday Evening Services 6pm
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
Farmington Friends Meeting
A Quaker Worship Community
187 County Road 8 • Farmington, NY 14425
Sunday Meetings for Worship
Unprogrammed Worship 8:30 a.m. • Programmed Worship 11:00 a.m. 315.986.5559 • www.farmingtonfriendsquakermeeting.com
DEAR DR. ROACH: I see supplements advertised on television that are supposed to clear “brain fog” and do many other beneficial things. Are these any good, and can they actually do the things that they claim? If they are effective, why aren’t they sold at drugstores? If not, how is it that companies are allowed to make these false claims and advertise these supplements on television? -- J.L.P.
ANSWER: I believe that there are over-the-counter supplements that are effective for treating some medical conditions, and there are a few instances in which there is strong evidence of benefit, such as a vitamin and mineral formula to slow progression of macular degeneration. Very often, there isn’t enough data to be sure a supplement is either effective or ineffective.
* On June 13, 1966, the Supreme Court hands down its decision in Miranda v. Arizona, establishing the principle that all criminal suspects must be advised of their rights when in custody and about to be interrogated. (The History Channel)
It is certainly true that supplement companies sometimes make claims that they cannot support. By law, supplement advertising can claim to support a body part or function (which is why you see claims like “supports heart health”), but these claims must be followed by: “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
Often, the advertising for a supplement is at odds with that statement, and there are many instances of supplement manufacturers having to pay fines or change their advertising. A supplement that is found to be unsafe can be removed from the market by the FDA. In addition, any substance can be toxic if taken at a high enough dose. Vitamin A supplements are a good example.
The U.S. FDA does not regulate supplements the way they do prescription drugs, and supplement manufacturers do not need to prove that their products are effective. Further, there is strong evidence that some supplements sold in the U.S. do not contain as much (or any!) of the supplement they claim to provide. I always recommend getting a supplement that is verified by a third party, such as the U.S. Pharmacopeia or the National Science Foundation, if possible.
There are very few supplements proven to prevent problems, so I generally recommend against supplements in people who are healthy and have no symptoms. This definitely includes vitamin supplements. Supplements may have benefit in relieving symptoms for some less-serious medical conditions, and physicians should be (or get) familiar with more common supplements, their potential benefits and their toxicities.
*** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Maui is our rescue cat. He has brought us a lot of joy and laughter the last 4 years. He loves to lay by the patio door and watch the birds and squirrels. He also loves to play with his toys which he hides under the couch and chair.
Irresponsible Dog Owner
Dear Neighbor, You recently got a German Shepard that lives outside on a chain (I’ve got my own opinions on that but not right now.) How can you listen to your dog barking all the time at all hours of the day? Your neighbors don’t want to listen to it. On top of the barking, your dogs are frequently getting loose. They are coming onto neighboring properties and they are aggressive. When the one is chained up, it is barking and harassing us while we try to enjoy our own yard. The Chocolate Lab you keep off-leash is trying to get through and around the bad wire fence to come harass us. If you aren’t going to be good dog owners, get rid of them. Our peace and safety shouldn’t be diminished because you’re selfish, neglectful and irresponsible.
Volunteer at our food pantry
I am getting so disgusted. Myself and a couple other volunteers at our food pantry have to watch another volunteer fill his trunk week after week and bring things to his family and friends. The worst part of the whole thing is they don’t even need it. There are so many people who really need the food who come in each week and really appreciate the food we give them. These people really need the food. It is very difficult to sit here every week watching him fill his trunk. Doesn’t he have any shame?
The nice weather is finally here. We are able to open windows to let the fresh air in the house. BUT, people have to burn trash. Only way to keep the stink out is to close them back up. Can’t they smell it?
Math Teacher 7-12
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All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information and application available: www.yorkcsd.org
Take coworkers’ feelings into consideration. Be open and honest with coworkers, but do not gloat that you are leaving the company and they are not. And if anyone has strong feelings about your departure, accept their point of view and do not react outwardly. Take things in stride as much as possible.
Our long-time Circulation Manager is retiring at the end of the year. We’re looking to fill this in-house position now to facilitate a positive, on the job, training period. Primary responsibilities include managing the print and digital distribution of our award-winning GVPS and other publications across Western New York. Prior experience is not required but helpful skillsets include: knowledge of the United States Post Office, experience with direct mail, managing a small fleet of carriers, and digital media. Must be organized and dedicated to the long-term success of the company. The candidate should also have a customer service mindset when dealing with readers and advertisers.
Full-time • Generous benefits package
Email cover letter and resume to Manuel Karam, General Manager: manuelk@featuredmedia.com
The Genesee Valley Penny Saver is ranked the number one publication in New York by the Circulation Verification Council. With one of the largest footprints in the state, we bring businesses and readers together in Genesee, Livingston, Monroe and Ontario counties. At the heart of our organization are people who care about their customers and foster relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to create innovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising, design, digital, printing and promotional products.
I’ve been hearing more and more about rain gardens. What key details should I consider when installing one?
A rain garden looks like a perennial garden but has a shallow depression to collectandfilterstormwaterthatrunsoff nearby hard surfaces (roofs, driveways, walkways). Most rain gardens are a few inches deep and hold water for a day or so. Water leaving the garden may enter a storm drain system or seep into the ground where it can help renew groundwater. Plants in the rain garden slowstormwaterrunoff andhelpreduce flooding and erosion. Vegetation may remove pollutants entering waterways. A properly constructed rain garden
will hold and filter approximately 30 percent more rainfall than the same area covered by a lawn. It’s a winwin. They do take careful planning and installation to be most effective, but if you have questions or run into problems,the CCE is happy to help.
Considerations when installing a rain garden:
1. Plants in a rain garden must withstand alternating periods of wet and dry soil as well as occasional flooding. Also consider deer-resistant plants if populations are high in your area.
times to add diversity and interest to your rain garden.
3. Water your newly planted garden regularly for the first season or until the plants are established.
4. Keep weeds to a minimum, especially during establishment. A mulch layer will naturally suppress many weeds. Renew mulch at least once a year or as it decomposes. Composted mulch supplies nutrients
for native plants in your garden so there’s no need to add fertilizer.
5. Check water inflow and overflow areas occasionally and clear debris as necessary.
6. Over time, you may need to remove layers of silt or sediment that accumulate in the depression. At that point, you may want to divide plants that are crowded or fill gaps left by plants that failed to thrive.
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1. MOVIES: Which actor voiced the character of Darth Vader in the first three “Star Wars” movies released?
2. TELEVISION: Which was the first TV show to react to the 9/11 attack on the United States?
3. LITERATURE: Who is the youngest person to win the Nobel Prize for literature?
4. HISTORY: Which city did Anne Frank and her family live in hiding before they were discovered?
5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the tallest breed of dog?
6. FOOD & DRINK: What is considered the national dish of Spain?
7. GEOGRAPHY: Which is the only city that also is the smallest country in the world?
8. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which holiday is considered the Jewish New Year?
9. ANATOMY: What are the bones in the fingers called?
10. ASTRONOMY: How many primary phases of the moon exist?
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