
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
There are thousands of different
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 69-year-old, very active male. My left Achilles tendon severed two years ago, but it was surgically repaired. I had an 8-inch incision that has totally healed, with the exception of one small area about the size of the lead of a pencil. It’s 3 inches above my heel. This small area would close up for a few days, then reopen with small amounts of off-white fluid oozing from the little hole.
Sometimes I apply Iodosorb, which keeps the area dry for a while. But, for whatever reason, showers seem to make the incision release fluid. I apply a bandage over the wound for most sporting or exercise events, just so that it doesn’t get rubbed by the top of my shoe. Is there any solution to this, or do I just have to live with it?
-- R.M.
ANSWER: The Achilles tendon is a thick, tough piece of connective tissue between the calf muscles and the heel bone. It can rupture under extreme trauma (often sports injuries), in people who have weakness of the tendon, or due to treatment with antibiotics that are in the quinolone class, such as ciprofloxacin. When repairing the tendon, the surgeon uses sutures or wires to put it back together.
A residual wound defect is quite concerning to me. The foreign material in the tendon is at a high risk for infection. It’s possible that there is an infection, which led to a fistula (an abnormal connection) between the tendon.
I definitely recommend going back to see the surgeon. They may want to do further testing (possibly imaging) to see if there is any evidence of an infection in the repaired tendon.
Ontario County Office for the Aging presents:
October 30th • 6-7:30pm
e Seneca Room at Hobart & William Smith Colleges Next Steps A er Home: Hear from experienced professionals on what to prepare for and expect when looking for Senior Living Communities. Registration is required: Call 585-396-4040
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Breast cancer awareness campaigns have helped destigmatize the disease but have not had a significant impact on the incidence of Stage IV disease or on mortality. Stage IV breast cancer is disease that has, at initial diagnosis, spread to distant sites within the body. The incidence of this has not changed since 1975. In 2017, an estimated 40,610 women in our country will die as a result of breast cancer.
Compiled by the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester
Various organizations urge women to familiarize themselves with their breasts and conduct somewhat routine self-exams so they can uncover any lumps or other issues that may warrant further examination by a physician. Though self-exams can lead to discovery of breast cancer when the disease is most treatable, the World Health Organization notes that as many as 90 percent of breast masses are not cancerous. Non-cancerous abnormalities may be benign masses such as fibroadenoma and cysts or indicative of infection. It’s also important that women recognize that breast cancer is not always accompanied by a lump. In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports that many women with breast cancer never experience any signs or symptoms of the disease. In such instances, the disease is discovered during screening tests, which include mammograms.
10 Editions delivered weekly to 105,000 Homes
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Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann
Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan
Members of:
“Born from the collision of rhythm & blues, country, and gospel, rock & roll is a spirit that is inclusive and ever-changing.” Each year, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame recognizes a handful of musicians and bands with at least 25 years since their first commercial recording. Which of the 2024 inductees is your favorite?
- Mary J Blige
- Cher
- Dave Matthews Band
- Foreigner
- Peter Frampton
- Kool & The Gang
- Ozzy Osbourne
- A Tribe Called Quest
Poll ends 10-29-2024
Poll ended 10-22-2024
Since 1990, November has been designated National American Indian Heritage Month, to recognize and celebrate the culture, traditions, languages, stories, and achievements of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and affiliated island communities. Our own local Ganondagan in Victor is the only NYS Historical site dedicated to Native Americans, particularly the Seneca and the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) people who lived here.
Have you been to this historical site?
16.7% I walk the peaceful trails
33.3% I have toured the facilities
5.6% I attend their special events and activities
44.4% I haven’t been yet, but would like to
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
National Award Winning Paper
[T]he sun declined, and we both fell into twilight silence. Night, which in autumn seems to fall from the sky at once, it comes so quickly, chilled us, and we rolled ourselves in our cloaks...
~Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly, Les Diaboliques
the neighborhood critically. Neighborhoods also can be a factor to consider. What may be a safe environment during the day may no longer be so safe when darkness descends and children are unchaperoned. If parents recognize the neighborhood tows the line between being safe and dangerous, they may want to push off trick-or-treating alone until their children are older. But even the neighborhoods parents would characterize as “safe” are not invulnerable to safety issues.It pays to check where registered child predators live nearby, and that information is available to the public in most areas.
Sat. Nov. 2nd • Phelps Fire Hall
77 Ontario Street
Doors open at 5:30pm • Raffle starts at 6pm
Complimentary hot dog, popcorn, & water.
Other drinks available for purchase.
All proceeds benefit the Phelps Fire Dept.
Ifsomethingisnotrightwiththemeal,mentionitearlysoitcanberemedied. Donoteatanentiremealbeforefilingacomplaintwiththeserver.
Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024
Serving starts at 4:00pm At the Port Gibson Fire Hall
Presale tickets must be reserved by Friday, November 1: $13.00
November 2 and at the door: $14.00 Children (6-10): $6.00
TAKE OUTS with Seating available
For information or presale tickets contact
Daisy Mae is a beagle. She loves to go for walks, play and have her picture taken too!
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it!
Submit at: gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I noticed that my long-haired cat, Charlie, is scratching many times per day. He also is shedding more than usual -- mostly undercoat, rather than hair. What’s going on? I can’t see any evidence of fleas on his coat or skin. -- Dan in Colorado Springs
DEAR DAN: Fleas are o en the first thing we think of when a cat starts scratching incessantly, but other conditions could be causing skin irritation. And it may be hard to see lesions or hot spots, especially in long-haired cats. Charlie’s undercoat is coming out because he’s really scratching those spots.
e best thing to do is take Charlie to the veterinarian. Some itching issues have an external cause and can be eased pretty quickly. But some chronic conditions and diseases have itching as one symptom, and only your vet can diagnose these.
Make sure to tell the veterinarian where exactly Charlie is scratching the most. e vet, with an assistant holding Charlie still, will check these areas more closely for broken skin, lesions, rash and evidence of fleas. ey’ll also take skin scrapings and fur samples to see if mites are to blame or if there’s a bacterial or yeast infection. Blood samples should be taken to test for underlying medical conditions and/or specific allergies. ey may send you home with specimen kits to collect urine and poop and bring them in for analysis, too.
e vet will advise you on whether to use a prescription or over-thecounter medication to ease Charlie’s itching. When the tests come back (some may be same-day, others may need to go to a lab), they’ll know the best treatment path to take.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Brought to you by the Genesee Valley Penny Saver’s printing division Send your loved ones holiday greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday cards! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today.
Upcycling: Transforming the ‘Old’ into a Better ‘New’
Turn old or discarded furniture, cabinets and doors into fresh new creations through “upcycling” -- high-end “recycling” that reduces trash at landfills by refurbishing or repurposing existing pieces, often enhancing the value.
Family furniture: Save chairs, tables, and other furniture passed down through the generations by doing repairs, if needed, and staining/painting to suit your current decor.
Tractor - Shop Tools - Woodworking Tools
Lawn & Garden - Smalls
Sunday, October 27, 2024 • 12:30 pm (Fairville) 2967 Tack Rd. • Newark, NY (off Maple Ridge Rd)
Partial List: Ford 8N Tractor, Ford 3pt Brush Mower, Heavy Duty 3pt Back Blade, (2) John Deere Lawn Tractor, Wheel Horse 212-5 Garden Tractor, Huskee LT 2400 Lawn Tractor, Jobsmart Upright Air Compressor, Buffalo Floor Model Drill Press, Cra sman HD Table Saw, Floor Model Bench Grinder, Band Saws, Cra sman 2pc Tool Box Unit, Stanley 2pc Tool Box, Poulan 3300 Chainsaw, Poulan Gas Blower, Job Carts, Sears 10” Jigsaw, Cra sman 6hp Power Mower, STIHL HT 133 Ext. Weed Eater, Shop Vice, Anvil Vice, Air Tools, Power Tools, Several Parts Cabinets (full), Battery Charger, Lots of Hardware, C-Clamps, Portable Air Tanks, Jump Box, Many Log Chains, Garden Tractor, Snowplow, Early Outboard Motor, Lockers, Many Cabinets, B&D Drill Press, Drill Bits, Extension Cords, Hand and Garden Tools, Scaffold Ladder, Fishing Poles and Tackle Boxes, Coleman Lanterns, Hand Cart, Ice Tongs, Cast Iron Pans, Horse Shoes, Ladders, Coleman Gas Stove, Chain Link Fence and Gates, Tonka Toys, Tools, Grease Guns, Wheelbarrow, Quantity of Pipe and Steel. Also: 4pc Stacking Oak Bookcase w/Sliding Doors, 7 Drawer Oak Cabinet, Roll Top Desk, Several Wooden Boxes, 2 Amish Electric Heater/Fireplace, Bookshelves, (2) Jewelry Box w/Jewelry, and MORE!
Terms: Cash Or Good NYS Check. I.D. Required For Bidding Numbers. No Goods Removed Until Settled For. 10% BP. Master Card, Visa, Discover Cards Accepted.
315-483-1900 OR 315-573-4466
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Medication labels can fade, so when you get yours, put a piece of clear tape over the instructions. is way, you’ll always be able to read the instructions.
* “During the holidays (the height of baking season for me), I keep a large plastic saltshaker filled with flour and a bit of dry rice. e rice helps the flour to shake out without getting clumped up, and I use it to dust cake pans, rolling pins, kneading boards, etc.” -- W.F. in Canada
* “One of the household cleaners I prefer comes in a spray bottle, and it’s on the expensive side. I make sure to get all of the liquid out by adding some regular glass marbles to the bottle. It displaces the liquid up, ensuring it finds the bottom of the sprayer’s suction tube.”
-- T.H. in
Nestled in the historic canal town of Palmyra, New York, the Wm. Phelps General Store and Residence is a time capsule of 19th-century life and commerce, as well as one of the allegedly most haunted locations in the Finger Lakes region. Originally constructed in 1826, the building served as a boarding house, tavern, bakery, and general store. A er renovations in 1875 by William Phelps, it continued as a family-run business until 1940 when his son, Julius Phelps, abruptly closed the store doors and le everything as it was, untouched for decades. Today, the Phelps General Store and residence above stand as part of the Historic Palmyra Museum complex, allowing visitors to step back in time, into the lives—and a erlives—of the Phelps family.
According to Historic Palmyra, the Wm. Phelps General Store is a “curious retail time capsule,” a museum where “time stands still,” with products le on the shelves as they were on that day. e upstairs residence is also frozen in time thanks to preservation efforts, showcasing the elegant post-Civil War furnishings, a kitchen devoid of modern conveniences like electricity or indoor plumbing, and Sibyl Phelps’ piano resting by the window.
Sibyl Phelps, the last of the Phelps family to reside in the home, lived in the house until her death in 1976, long a er the store had closed. Despite her education and worldliness—she attended both the Eastman School of Music and acting school in New York City—she returned to Palmyra and worked as a tombstone distributor. She continued to live in the house without electricity or indoor plumbing. Tracy Murphy, director of Historic Palmyra’s museums, imagines Sibyl’s presence still lingering: “I envision a smiling Sibyl, perhaps sitting in her chair by the window or playing the piano by streetlight.”
e Phelps General Store is also famous for something more eerie—its hauntings. Historic Palmyra has been dubbed one of the “most haunted places in the Finger Lakes,” with countless reports of paranormal activity throughout its history. Visitors to the store, residence, and museums have experienced unexplainable phenomena such as items moving or disappearing, strange noises, and even the sight of objects flying through the air. Brian Cano, of the Haunted History Trail of New York State, attests that “unidentifiable sounds” have echoed through the building, adding to its haunted reputation.
Among the spirits said to haunt the building is a ghostly man seen pacing in the upstairs bedrooms, disembodied voices, and even the apparitions of children playing, possibly connected to the horrific fire that took the lives of seven people nearby in 1964. Some believe that a couple of the Breedon children, victims of that fire, have been spotted on the second floor of the Phelps residence. Others, like a little girl known as “Holly,” whose identity remains a mystery, are rumored to haunt the upstairs rooms. According to some, she may have been a victim of a horse accident or a former resident from the building’s days as a boarding house.
Sibyl Phelps herself, during her lifetime, was known to have dabbled in spiritualism, further intensifying the building’s connection to the supernatural. Sybil, who reportedly owned a crystal ball and placed mirrors facing each other to create “spirit portals,” may have even attracted some of these wandering souls. Her reclusive nature, affinity for animals—she reportedly had up to 15 cats at one point—and her deep engagement with the spirit world, led some local children to whisper that she was a witch. It seems fitting that her home is now considered one of the most haunted places in New York.
Historic Palmyra, a 501(c)(3) organization, has been instrumental in preserving the rich history of the town and the Phelps General Store. In addition to the store, Historic Palmyra operates the Palmyra Historical Museum, the Erie Canal Depot, and the Alling Coverlet Museum, ensuring the stories of Palmyra’s past endure. During October but also year-round, the town becomes a destination for ghost hunters, with paranormal investigation teams and curious visitors flocking to the museums to experience the lingering spirits firsthand.
As Murphy notes, history is not just something to be studied in books—it is a tangible, sensory experience. “History is a wonderful thing, especially when it is something you can see, touch, and smell,” she says, explaining what makes the Wm. Phelps General Store a unique window into both the past and the supernatural.
From its origins as a bustling general store to its current reputation as a haunted museum, the Wm. Phelps General Store continues to captivate visitors with its rich history and eerie atmosphere. Whether they come for the ghost stories or to glimpse a preserved moment of 19th-century life, those who visit o en leave with more questions than answers about the past inhabitants—both living and dead.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Aerate the turf. Aerating reduces soil compacting, facilitating the delivery of fertilizer and water to a lawn’s roots. While many homeowners, and particularly those who take pride in tending to their own lawns, can successfully aerate their own turf, it’s best to first have soil tested so you know which amendments to add after the ground has been aerated. Gardening centers and home improvement stores sell soil testing kits that measure the pH of soil, but homeowners who want to test for nutrients or heavy metals in their soil may need to send their samples to a lab for further testing.
• Shade & flowering trees
• Green Giant & Emerald Green Arbs
• Fruit Trees
• Hydrangeas
• Winterberry Holly
• Ornamental Grasses
• Raspberry
• And a wide variety of landscape plants
1536 Friend Road, Penn Yan, NY • 585-554-5325
Mon.-Sat. 8am-5pm; Closed Sunday
We accept credit cards.
Collect and harvest
Be sure to gather any useable garden vegetables and fruits and prepare them for storage if they cannot be consumed in the next few days. Canning is a time-honored preservation method. Herbs and seeds can be dried and saved for use later on. Vacuum seal fresh basil and parsley.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
DID YOU KNOW? The American Heartworm Society advises dog owners to have their furry companions tested for heartworm annually. Such tests can typically be conducted during routine preventive care visits to the veterinarian. The AHS notes that such tests are necessary even for dogs that are taking year-round heartworm prevention medications. Tests can confirm that such programs are working or indicate if they are not effective. The American Veterinary Medical Association notes that antigen tests are the most commonly performed tests. These tests detect the presence of adult female heartworms and they are typically highly accurate. If a test is positive, veterinarians may recommend further testing, including radiographs, a blood profile and an echocardiogram. Such tests can determine a number of things about the infection, including its severity. The AVMA also notes that the additional testing can help determine the best course of treatment. Cat owners should know that it’s more difficult to detect heartworm in cats than in dogs. The AHS indicates that cats are much less likely than dogs to have adult heartworms, making the disease harder to detect in felines. Veterinarians may recommend cats receive both the antigen test and an antibody test, which detects exposure to heartworm larvae. The AVMA notes that more testing may increase the likelihood of detecting the disease in cats.
The main producers of apples in the United States include the states of Washington, New York, Michigan, California, Virginia and Pennsylvania.
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Oct. 26:
(10:00am-2:00pm)WayneCounty PitchCompetition
(1:00pm-2:00pm)WholeFoods, PlantBasedSupportGroup
Clifton Springs Library
4 Railroad Avenue
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street Geneva, NY 14456
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Macedon Public Library
30 Main Street Macedon, NY 14502
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri & Sat 10-2
Newark Public Library 121 High Street Newark, NY 14513
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9:30-7; Fri 9:30-6; Sat 9:30-1
Palmyra Community Library
402 East Main Street Palmyra, NY 14522
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Phelps Library
8 Banta Street, Suite 200 Phelps, NY 14532
315-548-3120 phelpslibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
(2:00pm-4:00pm)Euchre (6:30-8:00)MacedonPublicLibrary BoardMeeting
(5:00pm-7:45pm)GEDInstructional Help
(10:15am-11:00am)Preschool StoryTime (6:00pm-8:00pm)SaturdayJam GuitarWorkshop
(3:00pm-5:00pm)Hailey’sCuriosity Leagueforgrades3-5.Contact Haileyat(315)986-5932ext.119. (5:00pm-7:45pm)GEDInstructional Help
(2:00pm-5:00pm)Mahjong (6:00pm-6:40pm)Exercisewith Kristi,50yearsandolder. (6:00pm-7:00pm)TeenTime: MovieCandyParty Callthelibrarytoregisterforprograms@315-986-5932.
RummageSale: First UnitedMethodistChurch,301S.MainSt.,Newark.Thurs/Fri,Oct.31-Nov.1, 9am-5pm.Pleasebringyourownbags. Sat,Nov.2,9am-11am.$1perBag SaleonSaturday(bagsprovided).Offeringalargevarietyofitemsincludingclothing,household,linens, purses,coats,holiday,tools,electronics,toys,shoes,jewelryetc.Enterat theMainSt.entrance.
VeteransTributeConcert- The concert willfeaturetheNewarkVFW andAmericanLegionColorGuard. NewarkFUMCChancelChoirand theCanaltownChorale,alongwith othermusicalguests,willperforma varietyofpatriotictunesfromthetime oftheRevolutionaryWartopresent. Allarewelcomeandadmissionis FREE.Freewilldonationswillbe acceptedtobenefitthe“MightyOaks Foundation”.Areceptionhostedby theVFWAuxiliaryandNewarkFirst UMCwillbeheldimmediatelyfollowing.November9,3-5:30pm,First UnitedMethodistChurch,301S. MainSt.,Newark.Questions:Callthe churchofficeat315-331-3895.
In a pinch, you can use toothpaste to scrub your faucet in the bathroom.
50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
Saturday, Nov. 2nd at 5pm
58 Main Street • Phelps, NY
All neighbors are welcome to our dinner to celebrate 50 years of being united.
Please call the office to reserve a spot: (315) 548-2772
Love offering accepted.
Dinner includes: roast beef, mashed potatoes and dishes from our church’s Recipes from the Heart Cookbook printed 25 years ago. ese sides include: cranberry JELL-O mold, cranberry-pineapple minis, pineapple orange salad, cabbage pepper slaw, scalloped corn, summer squash delight, baked cauliflower, and four bean salad. Desserts, also from the book, include: pineapple cream cheese cake, zucchini cake, hummingbird cake, raison rice pudding, apple brownies, ginger sparkle cookies, no bake bars and sugar free pumpkin pie.
Shop&Treat: Family friendlyevent tobenefitArcofWayneCounty.Bring thekidstotrickortreatwhileyou shopwithour20+craftersandvendors.Food&drinkwillbeavailablefor purchase!HeldOctober26,10-3pm, RooseveltChildren’sCenter,848 PeirsonAve.,Newark.https://www. facebook.com/share/ Czx4zWi7NGpEKEMe/
WomenSpiesoftheAmerican Civil War- JoinHistoricPalmyra’s MeghanLeiterforaninterestingand eyeopeninglecturediscussingwomen spiesfromtheAmericanCivilWar. LearnaboutPaulineCushman, ElizabethVanLewandmore.Admissionis$10pp.andlectureandrefreshmentswillbeheldintheparlor oftheWm.Phelpsresidence.Seating islimited.HeldNovember2,1-3pm, Wm.PhelpsGeneralStore,140MarketSt.,Palmyra.PleaseRSVPbycalling315-597-6981
Shop at small businesses regularly.
Honeybees are a popular pollinator of apple trees.
FingerLakesRailwayTrainExcursion - RidethehistoricFingerLakes Railway!Boardingatthecornersof ChurchandPleasantStreetstartsat 9:30AMonSaturdayNovember9th. Experiencethescenic2.5hour roundtripfromPhelpstoCanandaigua andback.Restroomsareavailablein everycoach.Snacksandwaterwillbe available(cashonly).FreeParkingon sidestreetsanddowntownoffChurch Street.Ticketsare$35each,kids2 andunderridefreeonyourlap! Ticketsareavailableonlineatwww. phelpsnyhistory.comortheycanbe purchasedattheHoweHouse66 MainStreet,Phelps.Phone(315) 548-4940.Allproceedsbenefitthe PhelpsCommunityHistoricalSociety
50thAnniversaryCelebrationDinner - TheUnitedChurchofPhelps locatedat58MainStinPhelps, invitesyoutojoinusaswecelebrate our50thAnniversaryDinnerCelebrationSaturday,November2nd@5 PM.(Loveofferingaccepted).Please call315-548-2772forreservation.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
United Church of Phelps
58 Main Street
Fri., Nov. 8th 12-7pm
Sat., Nov. 9th 10am-3pm
Fantastic Silent Auction Items
• Handmade holiday and gi items
• Homemade canned and baked goods
• Upcycled creations • Vintage treasures
Friday - Homemade soup & chili
Saturday 11:30am-1pm, Soup served with sandwich We would love to have you visit!
• - Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home: Patrick Place-A Comfort Care Home in Scottsville is looking for additional volunteers, Resident Care and other opportunities. No experience necessary, all training provided. Go to https://patrickplace.org/volunteer for info and application.
• - Webster Association of Senior Program Supporters: Volunteer drivers will drive Webster School District Residents, seniors and disabled, to their medical, dental, physical therapy, health related appointments anywhere in Monroe County. A great Webster service for those who are no longer able to drive themselves. Email websterwasp@gmail.com.
• - Serenity House of Victor: We are a two-bed comfort care home needing caregiver, grounds, or fundraising volunteers. Free 2 hour weekly training Mondays, Wednesdays OR ursdays beginning 11/4. Share your most valuable gi - yourself! Come join our team. Email serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617.
• - Teresa House: Could you spare 4 hours twice a month? Teresa House, Livingston County’s only comfort care home, invites you to join our compassionate end-of-life care team. No experience necessary—hands-on training provided. Email nurse@teresahouse. org or visit teresahouse.org/volunteer to apply today!
• - Friends of the Red Jacket Community Center: RJCC is looking for volunteers to help plan, advertise and staff community events. Social media, grant searching/writing, and volunteers for our October Punkin Chunkin event especially desired. Make a difference today! Email: FriendsOfRJCC@gmail.com
• - Light Hill: A caring heart is all you need! Join our family in caring for those at a profound and beautiful time in life. Flexible shi s. Training & support provided. Email: marie@lighthillhome.org
• - Livonia Volunteer Fire Department: Come join us in helping our community and its citizens in what may be the worst day of their life during a fire, accident or many other emergencies. Contact Dave Peck at 585-519-2360 for more info.
• - Hospeace House, Inc.: Do you have 4 hours a month to volunteer? Our Comfort Care Home is located in Naples, NY. We are looking for folks that enjoy helping others. Volunteer hours are 4 hour shi s. Reach out to visit us at our home. Email: kathymincer@ hospeacehouse.org
• - Crossroads House: Genesee County’s only comfort care home. Please consider lending your time and talents to care for our two residents at end-of-life. Will train! Email: ashleymanuel@ crossroadshouse.com
• - Literacy Volunteers of Wayne County: Share your love of learning! Become a Tutor to help an adult with reading, English Language, or math. Join us for our next Volunteer Orientation. Contact Heidi at heidi.barnes@lvwayne.org to sign up.
• - Finger Lakes Treasure Trove ri Store: Sort donated clothing, footwear, and linens. Straighten, clean, vacuum, and genuinely welcome all who enter. Email: Fltreasuretrove@gmail.com
Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
Purchase at our office at 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY OR mail your order form to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
areindigenous to the Western Hemisphere. As Frenchman Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence region of North America in the 1500s, he melons.” The name was translated into English
Not only are they one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene (an antioxidant converted to vitamin potassium, and vitamin C.
Help your parent make a pumpkin recipe whether it’s a pie, bread, cookie, scone, soup or smoothie!
Carve a pumpkin! Think of your favorite cartoon character, slogan, or image and have fun carving it into a pumpkin. Pumpkin Activities
This is a zigzag word search puzzle. Words go left, right, up, down, not diagonally, and can bend at a right angle. There are no unused letters in the grid, every letter is used only once.
Find all the words from the list (ignore spaces and dashes, if any)
We just moved to [local town] and live on [local road]. At one end of the road the speed limit is 45 and at the other end it is 30. No other speed limit is posted. Cars go by our house 55 +++. We have farm tractors/joggers/bikers/horses going by all day. It should be 45 all the way til the village line. I emailed the town highway about speed limits about 3 months ago. Maybe they are way to busy to read it. Also there are many deer in the area
There is nothing quite like fall in upstate New York. We recently had visitors from out of state and they could not get over the beautiful foliage all around the area. Whether it’s the Finger Lakes, Letchworth State Park or just 75 degree sunny days in mid October, sometimes we take our surroundings for granted and it takes visitors to remind us just how lucky we are.
Driving down local streets and seeing neighbors displaying their choice of political sign demonstrates what a great country we live in. We can voice our opinions and coexist with a neighbor who may have differing views. I’m thankful for a democracy that encourages open dialogue, mutual respect, and allows diversity of opinions.
I recently spent a couple of days at [local casino] and was shocked and appalled that almost all the slot machines had racist imagery, specifically seeming to be aimed at Asian cultures. They feature caricatures of Japanese women and other offensive stereotypes like dragons. I was wondering if there would be interest locally in helping eradicate these awful slot machines. I love to gamble and this just puts a damper on the whole thing.
It is impossible to identify the first Halloween costume and which masks the earliest celebrants donned in efforts to keep away the evil spirits during Samhain, which historians believe is the Celtic precursor to Halloween. According to Lesley Bannatyne, an author who has written extensively about the history of Halloween, masks and coverups were designed to symbolize ghosts and the souls of the dead, first for Samhain and later for the custom of “souling,” which was intended to cut back on pagan influences. Costumes of saints and evil spirits also were popular during this time. When immigrants brought Halloween customs to North America, early 20th century costumes featured much of the same - ghosts and ghouls. It wasn’t until the 1920s and 1930s that pop culture began to infiltrate costumes. In fact, one of the first costume companies, J. Halpern Company, began licensing pop culture images like Mickey Mouse and Popeye around this time. By the 1960s, costumes were largely store-bought, spurring entire industries. Many 1980s kids recall buying boxed costumes that consisted of rigid plastic masks with eye holes (and very small holes by the mouth and nose) that stayed in place with thin elastic straps, and a plastic sheeting costume that went over clothes. Modern costumes have evolved into outfits that are far more complex.
Candy, time spent with friends and colorful costumes make Halloween a day to be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Halloween also can be a lucrative time of year, as the National Retail Federation notes that Halloween spending equals roughly $6.9 billion each year. But as popular as Halloween seems,many countries do not celebrate the holiday. Halloween observances are limited mainly to North America and areas of Great Britain. Thanks to North American influence and trade, some elements of Halloween have spread to other areas, including South America, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Asia. But Halloween celebrations outside of North America may not be recognizable to those accustomed to celebrations stateside.
In Scotland and Ireland, traditional customs of Halloween include dressing up in costume or “guising.” Parties may be held, and some people have bonfires or set off firework displays. Filipinos meanwhile return to their hometowns and purchase flowers and candles in preparation for All Saints Day, which takes place the day after Halloween. In China, the Halloween festival is known as Teng Chieh. Food and water are placed in front of photographs of family members who have passed away while bonfires and lanterns are lit in order to light paths for the spirits as they travel the planet on Halloween night. In Latin America and Mexico, Halloween is known as “El Dia de los Muertos.” Translated as “the day of the dead,” Dia de los Muertos is a three-day celebration that begins on the evening of October 31 and culminates on November 2. It is more a celebration of departed friends and family members than a chance to get hordes of candy.
In France, Halloween was relatively unheard of until the mid-1990s. It was considered an American holiday and not celebrated. However, the draw of parties and costumed festivities led some French to embrace certain components of Halloween.
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Halloween is certainly known for the spooky decorations that adorn homes and for the creative costumes children put on to canvas the neighborhood.But for many youngsters,Halloween is all about the candy.
In just a few hours, trick-or-treaters can accumulate a substantial amount of assorted chocolates, confections and other sweet treats. Once everyone has had their fill of their favorite items, candy often gets relegated to a giant bowl on the kitchen table, where it beckons each resident who passes by.
Rather than submitting to the call of the candy and sacrificing your dental health as a result, enterprising individuals can repurpose that leftover Halloween candy.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. U.S. STATES: Which is the least populated state?
2. TELEVISION: Which character on “The Office” has a heart attack during a fire drill?
3. HISTORY: Why is Delaware’s nickname The Diamond State?
4. LITERATURE: Which children’s book features the characters Tweedledee and Tweedledum?
5. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of The Bahamas?
6. MOVIES: What is the name of the villain in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”?
7. SCIENCE: Which unit measures food energy?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of swimming ducks called?
9. MUSIC: Where does the pop group name The Bee Gees come from?
10. PSYCHOLOGY: What irrational fear is represented in the condition called globophobia? Answers
HOT TUB, five person Caldera spa in good condition. Two covers. AS IS. You haul away. Canandaigua. Leave message 585-905-0109
Approximately 300 small GLASS GEMS, great for crafts. Variety of colors. 1wilcox.mj@gmail.com
Electrolux REFRIGERATOR - EWF01 water filter and EAFCBF air filter. Text only 585-415-3825
OUTDOOR TABLE with glass top, 40” x 60”, with six chairs. Henrietta. Smfiske@gmail.com
AUTO PUSH MOWER with small bagger. Not used many years but ran great. Some rust. Needs TLC. 585-697-4618
STANDING PHILCO TUBE RADIO 37” HIGH 25” WIDE 11“ DEEP FULLY INTACT MODEL 42-358. kbradstreet@rochester.rr.com
CONCRETE PAVERS. (4) 2” x 2”, (6) 2” x 3”. Rush area. Please text 585-414-9921
2025 WALL CALENDARS from animal rescue and wildlife organizations. They are beautiful! Call 585-359-0359
NEWSPAPERS. Good for fire starters, wrapping or even reading. Clean bundles and box full. sohill15@gmail.com
OAK FRAME QUEEN SIZE FUTON. New black mattress. 585-266-3198
HOLY BIBLE New International Version. Side page tabs for each book. Excellent condition. 585-742-3687
Large three-person gray COUCH w/electronic extending seats at both ends. Heavy. 585-831-6040
HP PRINTER INK - cartridge #67 black & tricolor and black & tricolor 910XL. 585-314-7308
Play On TRAINING PADS for puppies. Standard size 21” x 21”. 585704-1030
Sky blue fabric SOFA, ex. condition. White rectangular DINING ROOM TABLE, 30” x 48”, very good condition. Second floor apartment. Pick up Honeoye Falls. Buch4999@gmail.com
2-PERSON BED, needs assembling, but only used once. Excellent condition. A van or truck needed to remove. 585-624-7998
Older Troy Bilt ROTOTILLER, runs but needs clutch replaced. Text only 585-698-5645
Sturdy DOG HOUSE with shingled roof. 52” L x 34” W x 45” H. 585301-6088
Huge pile of BLACK WALNUTS. tamilynn38@aim.com
A small HARD-SHELL CAMPER needed. Call Bill 585-396-7381 or email bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
Clean, used BLANKETS, MATTRESS PADS, BATTING. No fabric needed. jhblank68@gmail.com
WHITE CHRISTMAS TREE, any size. Conesus Lake area. 585-7309292
GRASS CATCHER for behind lawnmower. 585-762-9245
ALUMINUM CAP for an 8’ truck bed. Does not have to look pretty. Waterproof a plus. 585-208-9784
WOODEN DINING ROOM TABLE- sturdy and strong. 585-381-6546
MODELS* Built or Unbuilt. Automotive, Military, Aviation, Ships, etc. Parts and pieces ok. 585-314-6989
TREE HAMMOCK or one on a stand. 585-443-9974
COMIC BOOKS, any & all. Will pick up any amount, any condition. Call/text 585-260-0437
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Unwanted BOOKS! New Age, Children’s, Educational and/or Horror Fiction! 585-729-1259
TREE HOUSE. 585-734-7971
ADULT SCOOTER and Buffalo Sabres hockey team QUEEN BED SHEETS. Jacklynn12370@aol.com
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Losing a job can be devastating. Even in a strong market, companies can go out of business or reduce payroll. Being let go can initially tug at one’s pride, and after a layoff sets in, it may cause individuals to start worrying for their financial futures.While many people can survive and may even enjoy a few weeks of rest and relaxation after a job loss, financial concerns may surface soon thereafter. A 2017 GOBankingRates survey found that more than half of American adults have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts. Financial planners typically advise people to have at least three month’s worth of earnings socked away for emergency situations, like a medical issue or a job loss. Even though the survey also found more than a quarter (27 percent) of respondents have $10,000 or more saved, that might not be enough to survive a job loss for six months or more.
A job loss can come as a shock. However, with level-headedness and smart planning, many people can avoid dire financial situations in the wake of a layoff.
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Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve, and retirement age can arriveintheblinkofaneye.Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can findthemselvesinfinancialstraits at a point in their lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts fromMoney,CNNandTheMotley Fooladvisethatfinanciallysolvent people should begin saving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’financialfutures.