Rochester’s own William Pruitt taught English as a Second Language at BOCES 2 for 26 years, and in summers at the University of Rochester and the New York State Migrant Education Department. He wrote a unit for the volume Integrating the ESL Standards into Classroom Practice Grades 9-12. He and his wife, Pam, have a daughter, Cedar, a son, Elliott, and two grandchildren. However, this National Poetry Month, we also recognize William Pruitt as a poet, storyteller, fiction writer, and Assistant Editor at Narrative Magazine
Pruitt’s poetic odyssey began immediately a er completing his undergraduatestudies,ignitedbytheprofoundversesofWaltWhitman. Since then, Pruitt’s pen has traversed a range of styles and forms, from the concise beauty of short American-style haiku to the fluid free verse, capturing landscapes, personal reflections, and interactive narratives.
Reflecting on his poetic genesis, Pruitt fondly recalls a pivotal moment in his 12th-grade English class. A brief discussion on Shakespeare’s possible sexual orientation led to a poignant insight on open-mindedness and acceptance, and literature’s power.
For Pruitt, inspiration is not a distant muse but an intrinsic part of existence. Breathing, simply being alive... these are the catalysts that drive his creativity. “I am a poet. I don’t wait for inspiration,” he says. With a disciplined routine of writing three hours every weekday morning, Pruitt embraces the freedom to explore any topic or theme that strikes a chord within him. ere’s no waiting for inspiration; there’s only writing. He says, “Part of the pleasure of being a poet is that you are free to write anything you want.”
Pruitt cherishes the simple joy of “participating in the game” of life. For him, writing is at the same time a solitary pursuit and a means to connect. Whether through open mic nights around Rochester, such as at Geneva’s Sea of Coffee or Rochester literary circles like Just Poets, Pruitt finds camaraderie and inspiration in the shared love of words.
In his career, Pruitt has ventured beyond the confines of solitary creation, sharing his tales and verses with audiences far and wide. As a storyteller, he has engaged listeners with traditional and original tales, bringing to life stories of historical figures like Mary Jemison, Daniel Boone, Frederick Douglass, and Susan B. Anthony in venues such as the Memorial Art Gallery, Rundel Library, the Bittner Street YWCA, and the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
With poems and stories published widely and six books to his name, including e Binding Dance and Middle Man and Other Stories, his work has garnered recognition and praise, earning him the prestigious Taj Mahal poetry prize among other honors.
As the world continues to evolve, the role of creative writing and poetry, according to Pruitt, is clear: to expand horizons and foster connection. rough his words, Pruitt invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and above all, the profound beauty of the human experience.
Follow Bill on Instagram at @billpruitt48 and at Facebook.com/ bpruitt7.
(all poems from e Binding Dance, 2021, cyberwit.net): e Old Life
Remember when you activated your cell phone and it showed the old time for an instant before switching to current time, do you know what that really is?
It is a sleeping soldier supposed to be on guard duty, standing at attention when the officer walks in.
It is the old life, the old attitudes, hanging on when you thought they were gone.
It is the master magician, getting caught with his wand down – he almost let you see time is an artifice.
A thin strand of Horizontal cloud
Across the lower
Half of a full moon
A er a night of rain:
A hair out of place? e thrill of her
Letting you see her As she is
What If
What if I say a constricting snake, Bound with stars & studded
With gold hasps, strains to bursting, & Looking through the moving water
For an instant you see a shape below at makes everything mean something else
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print!
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Phone: 585-226-8111
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President ...........................Steve Harrison
May1: CardioDrumming10:30am-11:15 am
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann
Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan
Members of:
Gold Standard Publication
National Award Winning Paper
Clifton Springs Library
4 Railroad Avenue
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street
Geneva, NY 14456
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Macedon Public Library
30 Main Street
Macedon, NY 14502
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri & Sat 10-2
Newark Public Library
121 High Street
Newark, NY 14513 315-331-0552
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9:30-7; Fri 9:30-6; Sat 9:30-1
Palmyra Community Library
402 East Main Street
Palmyra, NY 14522
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Phelps Library
8 Banta Street, Suite 200
Phelps, NY 14532
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
May2: Euchre2:00pm-4:00pm Mahjong2:00pm-5:00pm
CardioDrumming2:00pm-2:45 pm
May4:CodingClubforGrades 6-1210:00am-11:30am
ChickenBBQ -Saturday,May 4th,10:30-2ortilgone,Runnings ParkingLot,Canandaigua.ByGale WynCatering&FirstBaptist ChurchofCliftonSprings.Only$13 includes1/2Chicken,SaltPotatoes, ColeSlaworMacSalad,Roll& Butter.
ChickenBBQ-Saturday,April27, 11am. ChickenBBQatTopsPlaza, KendallStreet,CliftonSpringsstarting at11:00a.m.untilsoldout.$13per dinnerincludeshalfchicken,saltpotatoes,coleslawandmacaronisalad. CateredbyGale-WynCateringforSt. John’sEpiscopalChurchinClifton Springs.
April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go. ~ Christopher Morley, John Mistletoe
ChickenBBQ! ByC&BRoasters.Includes1/2Chicken,SaltPotatoes, MacSaladorSignatureMangoColeslaw,Roll.Saturday,April27,11:304pmattheFirstBaptistChurch,58 MainSt.,Macedon.Donation:$15. TAKEOUTSONLY. Proceedsto benefitcapitalimprovementprojects.
SpringRummageSale atFirst UnitedMethodistChurch,301South MainSt.,Newark.Thur/Fri,May2& 3,9am-5pm,pleasebringyourown bags.OnSat.,May4,9am-11am,$1 pergrocerysizebag(bagsprovided). Offeringlargevarietyofitemsincludingclothing,household,linens,holiday,tools,electronics,toys,shoes,jewelry,etc.
PlantSale- Saturday,May11,8:3011:30am,CornellCooperativeExtension,1581Rt.88N.,Newark.Plants arefromlocalnurseries&Master Gardeners’privatecollections:Vegetables,Herbs,Perennials/Annuals, Woodyplants.Pricedtosellquickly. *Quantitiesarelimitedandnotfor resale.*ProceedssupporttheWayne CountyCornellCooperativeExtension.www.ccewayne.org
ChurchRummageSale- Newark FirstUMC,301SouthMainSt.,Newark.May2-4Thurs&Fri9-5bring yourownbag.SatMay4th9-11$1 perbag(Bagsprovided).
Hundreds of thousands of new businesses are started each month, with Yahoo! reporting that about 543,000 entrepreneurs open a business in a typical month.
May 3, 4, & 5 • 10am-5pm
20 Shops participating! A free gift at each location.
Plus enter to win a gift basket! Please see our website for participating stores
May4th-ChickenBBQatEast PalmyraFireDepartment: Take-out serviceonly.ServingMay4,3:30to 6:00oruntilsoldout.Dinnersinclude 1⁄2 chicken,saltpotatoes,coleslaw, dinnerroll,pudding,applesauceand whiteorchocolatemilk.Cost:Adults $12,Children$8.Reserveyourtickets (recommended)bycallingortexting (315)573-1794.Onthedayofthe BBQ,callthefirehallat(315) 597-0049.
ATake-OutRoastBeefDinner will beheldattheWideAwakeGrange, Route88inPhelpsonSaturday,MAY 4.Dinnersmaybepickedupatthe doorfrom4:30pm-’tillgone.Menu includes:Mashedpotatoesandgravy, roastbeef,vegetable,coleslaw,apple sauceanddessert.Ticketsare$15.
HotDogFundraiser- TheUnited ChurchofPhelps(58MainSt)is havingtheirannualYouthGroupHot DogFundraiseronMay5that12 noonuntilgone.Cost$5:includeshot dog,chipsandwater.
VictorianBrunch -May11,Phelps
GeneralStoreandResidence.Treat yourselfandsomeoneyouloveto brunchinourhistoricPhelpsFamily residence,140MarketSt.,Palmyra. Tourthegeneralstorewherethe familyworkedfrom1869-1940,leavingtheoriginalproductsonthe shelves!Theupstairshomeofthe Phelpsfamilywasleft“asis”afterthe deathofSibylPhelpsin1976.Doors openat11:00am,brunchwillbe servedatnoon.Seatingislimitedto 20.$30pp.https://www. historicpalmyrany.com
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
The Path of Spiritual Freedom
Eckankar Center of Rochester
312 W. Commercial Street
Phone: 585-288-4721
• East Rochester, NY
• email: eckankarrochesterny@gmail.com
Public events on Sundays at 11am: www.eckankar-ny.org/public
Learn about ECKANKAR at www.eckankar.org
She is a photo ham. Loves her toys of any kind. Loves her sips of coffee like her Mom. She is young but going on 10.. Lot of energy for a Husky! We love our Emma as much as she loves us!
Helps reduce inflammation: Honey is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, honey can help treat diabetes, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and other diseases traced back to widespread inflammation, according to Greek researcher Natalia Vallianou of the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens.
Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan? (Family Features) When a home fire occurs, you have very little time to get out. A working smoke alarm doubles your chances of survival, yet more than twenty percent of American homes are without them. Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs teamed up to address this problem by providing vital fire safety information to families. Make a Plan Installing smoke alarms on every level of the home and developing a plan of escape can give your family precious minutes to get out and get to safety. Draw a floor plan of your home and sketch exit routes out of every room. Make sure you have a fire escape ladder long enough to reach the ground from upstairs rooms. Assign an outside meeting place, so you can quickly locate each other
• Flower & Vegetable Plants
• Seed Potatoes
• Onion Sets
• Seed Packets
• Fertilizers 5-10-5, 10-10-10, 15-15-15
• Straw
• Grass Seeds
The University of Maryland Extension notes that stripe smut primarily poses a threat to Kentucky bluegrass that is older than three years. Pale green streaks that run parallel to the veins in the leaves and leaf sheaths are symptomatic of stripe smut, which tends to be noticed in spring and fall, when weather is cool. As the disease progresses, stripes turn black or a silvery gray, causing the leaf blade to shred and curl. After the blades have shred, they turn brown and die. The grass thins because stripe smut makes it vulnerable to problems like drought.
The wrong windows can adversely affect home value. The National Association of Realtors says homeowners get about 73 percent of their replacement window investment back when they resell a home. But choosing the wrong windows might lower the value of the home. It’s important to match the look of the original windows, including window material and the divided light pattern (the number of panes in each window) with the original windows.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 79 and can move around without any problem. I walk five days a week, and my weight is normal. However, it seems to me that many people -- some younger than I am -- have mobility problems. I wonder what causes this problem. Is it lack of exercise, genes, weight, etc.? -- E.G.
ANSWER: Be very grateful that you can move around without a problem, as most people in their late 70s do have mobility issues. The most common reason is osteoarthritis, but there are many causes, such as neurological diseases, cardiovascular issues and other types of arthritis. While it is true that not exercising can lead to poor mobility, most of the time, it isn’t a person’s fault that they have difficulty with mobility. Arthritis can happen to a person of any weight and at any level of exercise.
Exercise helps the vast majority of people improve their mobility, but there are exceptions. Many people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome are intolerant of exercise, and overdoing it can lead their condition to worsen. This syndrome has also been known as systemic exertion intolerance disease. Well-meaning physicians, friends and family might have recommended exercise to a patient, which could have caused them to have a flare-up.
Although being very overweight increases the risk of arthritis, having a normal weight doesn’t prevent its development. Genetic influences are very complicated, but they also have a role in the development of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can also come about as a result of significant trauma to a joint.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
It can take a matter of days for a hurricane to form if the temperature is warm and there is a lot of water vapor rising from the ocean. The organization American Oceans says hurricanes have formed in one to two days in a small number of cases.
How to pack a suitcase: Roll pants and tops, adding to suitcase first, toward the handle side. Then add heavy items (shoes, boots) toward the wheel end. Make sure you choose the right size case for the trip; too much room will cause items to shift around.
• Highlights starting at $65
• Cut $18
• Perms $65 Call for appointment. 4 W. Main St. • Shortsville, NY (585) 289-3200
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
1. LITERATURE: What are the names of the four sisters in “Little Women”?
2. U.S. STATES: Which northeastern state has a desert?
3. MOVIES: Which long-running movie series features the character Legolas?
4. ANATOMY: What does the lacrimal gland produce?
5. GEOGRAPHY: Ellesmere Island belongs to which nation?
6. SCIENCE: Which of the human senses is most closely related to memory?
7. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase “ad meliora” mean?
8. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom features a mom named Rainbow Johnson?
9. THEATER: Who wrote the play “A Little Night Music”?
10. MUSIC: Which alternative rock band went by the name of The Warlocks before becoming famous?
9. Stephen Sondheim.
8. “Black-ish.”
7. “Toward better things.”
6. Smell.
5. Canada.
4. Tears.
3. “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” trilogies.
2. The 40-acre Desert of Maine.
1. Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.
10. The Grateful Dead. ©
❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ CANANDAIGUA: 2150Sandhill Road,Saturday&Sunday,May4th &5th,(9-4pm)ClubCadetRiding LawnMower,Polishpottery,MackenzieChildsitems,tools,beds, dressers,outdoorfurniture,kitchen ware,freezeroutdoorwicker furniture,andsomuchmore.Lalas EstateSalesandOrgainizing,Be Kind.Wedonotgiveoutnumbers ❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■
SPRINGS:1651CountyRoad43, May4,(8am-2pm)Hugeselection ofqualitypreviouslyloveditems. Windchimes,shepherdshooks, fountains,plantersandmore.
PALMYRA: 3689 ArmingtonRoad. May3rd&4th(9-5pm).MULTIFAMILYSALE.11families.Our largestsaleever!Indoors/under tents.Rainorshine.Bakedgoodsto benefitAlzheimer´s.Somethingfor everyone.Greatdeals!
Bereasonablewhenpricingitems. Be objective in your assessment of your things. What has value to you may not have as much value to someone else. Pricing items at one-third of their initial cost is a good starting point. This leaves room for negotiation.
❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ BLOOMFIELD: 7377EDDY
April27th(9am-4pm)NoEarly Birds.Ifyou’reaHandymanand needwoodworkingmachineryyou needtocometothissale.(Oneday only).JetJoiner,GrizzlyVacuum, Grizzlyjoiner,Leighplaner,drill press,mortiser,bandsaw,jetitems, portercab,Craftsmanitems,and muchmore.Holidayandhome items,kitchenitems,tools,antique oakgorgeousbuffet,oakvintage rockingchairs.Pleasebringyour trucksandfriendstoassistinmovingtheitems.
Bonus hunting: Another pitfall to avoid is the temptation to use credit cards instead of cash in an effort to accumulate more travel miles or cash back bonuses. Consumers should aspire to use cash over credit whenever possible. Doing so ensures consumers are not spending money they don’t have, which is one of the most common ways that individuals build significant consumer debt.
Mon.-Sat. 8am-5pm; Closed Sunday • We accept credit cards.
Men wear boutonnières on special occasions, including weddings, religious ceremonies and prom night. At weddings, the groom and his groomsmen typically boutonnières. But some historians believe men have not always worn flowers strictly on special occasions. Some believe the modern-day boutonnière traces its lineage to sporting events in ancient civilizations, including Egypt. During those times, men might have worn certain colored flowers as a show of support for particular participants in sporting events, not unlike how many modern sports fans wear team shirts, jerseys and other attire to display their support for their favorite teams. But according to GentlemansGazette.com, the boutonnières of today likely started appearing just a few centuries ago. A 1771 painting of British Captain William Wade by the artist Thomas Gainsborough depicted Wade wearing a bouquet of flowers in his top buttonhole. And in the 19th century, men’s fashion included coats that folded over the top, revealing the inside of the buttonhole. Boutonnières provided an aesthetically appealing way to cover up that buttonhole.
Share your favorite photo memories with Mom for a chance to win our “Queen for a Day” Mother’s Day prize pack!
Enter online at gvpennysaver.com/queenforaday Brought to you by:
Contest ends May 5, 2024. No purchase necessary. Must be 13 or older to enter. Parent or guardian may enter for those under 13.
There are good people out there!
Pharmacy disappointment
On Good Friday, I went out for a fish fry at a local well-known restaurant and had a wonderful meal. When the server asked me if I needed anything else, I said just the check. She said it’s been taken care of, along with the tip. I have no other way to say thank you to whomever did that, so thank you! I’m in my 80s and that’s never happened before, so I say there are good people out there!
Mustangs contribution to the Pop Up Pantry
I would like to thank Mrs. Auble and her students in the Entrepreneurship Class for collecting and giving food to the Pop Up Pantry in Dansville on April 15th. I was one of the fortunate ones to receive your bag of goods. It not only helped out my household but three other households that were in need of food. So, thank you again! An older Dansville citizen.
The large grocery store pharmacy I use in [local town] is always so backed up with customers. There is often a very long line inside at the counter as well as at the drive-thru window. I never use the drive-thru because of how busy it is, but the other day I decided to utilize it because there was only one car at the window. I was the first car waiting behind the car being serviced at the window. That car took 19, yes 19, minutes at the window! I did not have the option to leave because during the first few minutes of waiting, several cars (at least 7 or 8) took their place in line behind me. So I was stuck there. If there is an issue with an order that is taking that long, why can’t pharmacists ask the car/customer to pull around or come inside so that the other customers in line are not stuck for that long? I only decided to use the drive-thru that day because I was tired of waiting in line at the counter, and thought with just one car ahead of me it would be quicker. What a mistake.
Animals in grocery stores and carts
I understand that many people love their pets like family. Pets, however, do NOT belong in stores where groceries are sold. Regulations are posted at the entrances of all of the groceries in our area stating that service dogs ONLY are welcome. Pets, therapy and emotional support animals are NOT service dogs!
The potential risk of contamination from fur, dander, or pathogens is a valid concern, especially concerning food items. These animals especially should be prohibited from being placed in carts. Pets may carry parasites and germs, as well as leave fur, dander andallergens, and a cart that held a pet is unsanitary! It concerns me that the management and workers do not enforce these rules.
Saturday, May 4th, 2024 ~ 10:00 AM
Pine Creek Feed Store
Rt. 31, Lyons, NY
Boxes W/Animals MUST Have Holes On All Sides For Ventilation BEFORE You Sign In Or We Will NOT Accept Your Consignments. You Will Be Turned Away!
Rabbits, Ducks, Geese, Feeder Pigs, Goats, Pigeons, Pheasants, Peacocks, Chickens, Lambs, Baby Chicks & Ducklings, Cages, Aquariums, Always Something Different And Always Fun!
All Boxes MUST Have Holes On All Four Sides BEFORE You Consign em, Or You Will Be Turned Away!
Terms: Cash, Good NYS Checks, Visa, M/C, Discover Cards Accepted w/4% Charge For Cards. No Goods Removed Until Settled For. Standard 10% Buyer’s Premium. I.D. Required For Bidding
Numbers. We DO NOT Guarantee Condition Of Any Animal. Consignments Will Be Taken Starting @ 7:00 AM And Will Be Sold In Order Of Consignments. Commission 25%.
Selling at 5:30 pm • Preview at 4pm
REAL ESTATE: 2,128 SF Colonial built in 1856 with 3 bedrooms and 3 Full bathrooms. Setting on .94 Acres (228 x 207). Large eat-in kitchen! Formal dining room! Living room! 1st floor primary bedroom with full bath! 3 more bedrooms up with 2 more full baths! Wrap around front porch! Would make a great BNB or place to call home! TERMS for Real estate - NO Buyer’s Premium! 10% down on day of auction and successful bid! Sold as is! OPEN HOUSES - SATURDAY April 27th (12-2pm) or call Cheryl Bonnell, Coldwell Banker Finger Lakes 315-521-2220. Buyers must provide preapproval or proof of funds prior to bidding.
CONTENTS: Large Caldron, Farm implements, Early farm wagon, Wheels, Lawn tractor, Battery charger, Grain elevator, Feeders, RR Cart, Commodes, Dressers, SCHOOL BELL, Bedroom sets, Chairs, Trunks, Beds, Baskets, Bottles, Toys, QUILTS, Artwork, Silverplate, Stonewares, Rockers, Recliners, EARLY Navy spotlight, Depression glass, chop saw, hand tools, power tools, sofas, advertising items, lg corner cabinet, square oak table with leaves, trunks, early tricycle, dishes, blue willow, etc. Cups and saucers, scales, paper goods, kitchen wares, Griswold iron wares, shelves, radios, artglass, lamps, lanterns, end tables, books, magazines, LARGE Horse statue, photos, post cards, prints, sofas, recliners, Tables and much more! STILL UNPACKING!
TERMS for CONTENTS: 10% BP/14% if paying with credit card. Most credit cards accepted, cash or good check. Food served. All items sold as is.
Breakfast & Lunch Available. Bring Your Own Chairs.
Checks Will Be Available e Wednesday A er Each Auction. No Consignments Accepted A er 10:00AM.
James C. Hoyt – Auctioneer
Sodus, NY • 315-483-1900 OR 315-573-4466
Gift auctions are a fun way to raise money for good causes.
* Get started by collecting prizes. The prizes can be purchased by the organization hosting the auction, but organizers can also solicit donations from local businesses and individuals. Prizes can range from photography packages with a local photographer to gift certificates to area restaurants to vouchers for trips to zoos or other family-friendly activities. Prizes also can be categorized by value. For example, grand prizes may include vacations or furniture. Categories can be determined once all the gifts have been purchased.
Family furniture: Save chairs, tables, and other furniture passed down through the generations by doing repairs, if needed, and staining/painting to suit your current decor. Village Auction Co.
Turn old or discarded furniture, cabinets and doors into fresh new creations through “upcycling” -- high-end “recycling” that reduces trash at landfills by refurbishing or repurposing existing pieces, often enhancing the value.
* It’s tough to eat home-cooked meals as a single eater. Most recipes are geared for multiple portions, and you probably don’t want to eat the same thing for five days straight. Try this: Get together with some friends and have a potluck. Each guest brings an entree and at least two side dishes, in extra-large portions, and his or her own le overs containers. Split the food up amongst the guests, packaged as meals. Everyone can cook once and eat for a week.
* Did you have too much summer fun last year? Be ready to soothe that sunkissed skin this year with frozen aloe vera. Use an ice-cube tray to freeze aloe vera gel, and let the soothing begin!
We are thrilled to be sending you this FREE edition of the Genesee Valley Penny Saver. Now serving the homes in Macedon, Palmyra, Newark, Cli on Springs, and Phelps, this edition of the Penny Saver is dedicated to helping you find out what’s going on in the community as well as what local businesses are offering you and your family. We believe that supporting local couldn’t be more important these days and we look forward to fostering that mission by bringing you our award-winning publication in print and online. Enjoy!
Consider this paper and those that follow an invitation to sign up for a FREE weekly subscription to the Genesee Valley Penny Saver. We’ll be sending out weekly papers until we feel we have enough sign ups to sustain this new edition. en we’ll be mailing only to subscribers every week a er. Make sure you don’t miss out! Use the form below to sign up for your FREE subscription today!
First published in 1948, the Genesee Valley Penny Saver has been serving readers and businesses in the Finger Lakes region for over 75 years. Now second and third generation family owned and operated, we are committed to serving our community by producing the best possible publication that brings readers and local businesses together. We’re excited to be making long term investments in our ability to serve you, including the installation of all new printing equipment at our headquarters in Avon, NY, the addition of new digital products and services for our customers, and, of course, this brand-new edition in your area. Learn more about us at gvpennysaver.com and featuredmedia.com.
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Sat., April 27th, 2024
Donation: $15.00 (Take Outs Only)
by C&B Roasters
1/2 chicken, salt potatoes, mac salad or signature mango cole slaw & roll
Fir Bap tChurch
58 Ma ., Mac , NY 14502
Proceeds to benefit capital improvement projects.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted a sweet but somewhat rambunctious little mutt, “Karla,” who is about 13 months old. e problem is that she wants to jump and bark at other dogs when we’re out for a walk. How can I calm her down? -- Jen in Duluth, Georgia
DEAR JEN: Reactivity is natural behavior for a puppy that loves to play with other dogs, but of course, it’s not desirable behavior. Jumping and barking can trigger an aggressive response from some dogs, or stress out other dogs. It can scare humans.
Fortunately, it’s a behavior that you can moderate with a specific, daily training regime that will teach Karla to stay calm on the leash.
First, gather your tools: A sturdy leash that is about 5 feet long (no retractable leashes allowed), a harness and a pocketful of Karla’s favorite treats, cut into tiny pieces. I recommend the harness over a collar because it allows you to strongly control Karla if she starts jumping, without risking an injury to her throat.
Next, teach and reinforce three crucial commands: sit, stay and heel. From the moment you put on Karla’s harness and leash, to when you take them off at the end of the walk, she needs to follow your commands. Karla should sit calmly while you attach and remove the leash. During the walk, she should remain next to you, with a little slack in the leash. If she starts to tug ahead, stop, command her to sit and, once she sits, start off again, giving the command “heel.”
Keep the training positive, and remember that it will take time and consistency. As she learns what you expect from her, Karla will become a great walking companion.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
APRIL 2024 30
Raisins are produced by the Ancient Egyptians.
Oats were cultivated thousands of years ago and were actually used as fodder for animals. Oats were rarely consumed in North America but in parts of northern Europe and Scotland they were used in porridge.
Before the oatmeal cookie came into existence, there was oatcake. Since Roman times this was popular in Scotland and it was relied on for an energy boost. Apparently, during wartime, soldiers would carry oatcakes with them as a quick snack.
The First Oatmeal Cookie | Fannie Merritt Farmer creates the first-ever oatmeal cookie in the U.S.
Over half of the world’s raisins come from California. Although Napa is known worldwide for its wine-producing grapes, the Golden State’s raisin capital is actually the city of Selma— just southeast of Fresno. This area produces over 350,000 tons of raisins annually.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
ORLEANSCEMETERYASSOCIATION: The annualmeetingwillbe heldonSundayMay5th,2024at23 HibbardAvenue,CliftonSprings,at 7p.m.AnyquestionscontactBob Maslyn315-447-9541/ 315-462-9425.
CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140
PENTAIR125POOL HEATER: For abovegroundpool.4yearsoldbutnot usedlastsummeratall.Costnew $1500,asking$750.585-967-3830.
ONTARIO:1bedroom apt, suitablefor1person,1stfloor,central location,offstreetparking, references,lease,non-smoking,no pets.Utilitiesincluded.Avail. immediately.585-545-5431
NEEDLANDSCAPING? Mowing, bush trimming,rakingleaves,&more. CallEdFroniear315-331-7709.
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING &STAINING: No jobtoobigorsmall.30years experience.Insured.References. ForFreeEstimate,callScott, 585-301-6138.
MOVING? Local &LongDistance. Also,cleanOuts!FinewoodEnterprises,133WilliamStreetPalmyra, NY.14522.NYS#32574. 315-331-1365
BUYING: Antiques, includingPyrex bowlsanddishes,porch&house furniture.Barnitemsincludingcabinets,cupboards,tools,andmanyother items.Musicalinstrumentsand records.Vintagehunting,fishing,and trappingitems.Taxidermymounts, oldtoysandtrains,gasandoilrelated items,anyadvertisingsigns.Ibuya widevarietyofitems.Willbuyone pieceorestate.Callandtellmewhat youhave.Cashwaiting. 585-721-1005
CHAPPELLSJUNKYARD: Free towingofyourjunkcars, trucks,vans. WE’RELOCAL! Upto$500cash.Upto$5000for newermodels. 585-394-9450 www.chappellsjunkyard.com
WANTED COINS - CURRENCY US Coins,Currency,Collections HIGHESTPRICESPAID PrivateCollector Honeoye-Pittsford 585-322-5909
In printandonlinebypublishinganObituaryinourPassages section.Includescolorphoto. Call: 585-226-8111 MISC.
Recipe courtesy of Momma Cuisine
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 15-20 minutes
Servings: 12
1 jar (16 ounces) Aunt Nellie’s Sliced Pickled Beets
nonstick cooking spray
1 sheet frozen puff pastry, approx. 16-by-11 inches
1 tablespoon olive oil, divided 4 navel oranges, segmented 4 ouncescrumbledGorgonzola or other blue cheese, divided 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt (opt’l)
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
2 cupsmixedbabysaladgreens
1/4 cup chopped pecans, toasted if desired
Heat oven to 400 F.
Drain beets well; set aside on paper towels to absorb remaining liquid. Discard liquid or save for another use.
Spray large sheet pan with nonstick cooking spray. Gently place puff pastry sheet on pan. With pastry brush, gently spread 1/2 tablespoon olive oil on pastry sheet.Placeabouthalftheorange segments in two rows on top of pastry sheet, leaving 1-inch margins on all sides.
Fold edges of pastry sheet to create border. Sprinkle 2 ounces crumbled Gorgonzola over oranges. Sprinkle with salt, if desired, and basil.
Bake until golden brown, about 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven; cool on wire rack.
Coarsely chop beets. In large bowl, toss together remaining orange segments, salad greens and chopped beets. Drizzle with remaining olive oil; toss gently to combine.
Cut cooked galette into 12 pieces. Top with beet salad. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and pecans.
Lots of LEFTOVER WOOD – boards and pieces and other materials from handyman projects. Must take all. Pickup truck full. Canandaigua. 585-394-8189
DVD-Rs, MUSIC CDs, CD-Rs recordable discs, different amounts in each container. Never used. DELL MONITOR and KEYBOARD. harley22@gmail.com
KING SIZE MATTRESS, three and a half years old. Has always had a protection cover on it. 585-762-8250
New in box, TOILET SEAT RISER W/ARMS. VICKS VAPOR STEAM. EXERCISE WEIGHTS. Excellent condition. rayjentayok@gmail.com
4-DRAWER FILING CABINETS. colleen.henry@lalrr.com
ResMed CPAP MACHINE. Comes w/hoses, etc. Practically new. Webster. 585-750-5774
Clean LG FRIDGE, 3 years old. Two drawer freezer on bottom – does not freeze. Pick up Livonia. 585-346-6089
Sears Craftsman ROTOTILLER, 17”. Heavy duty. Not used for several years. 585-708-4385
RECLINING LOUNGE CHAIR, dark brown leather. A large chair that both rocks and reclines manually with a side lever. kjkofod@yahoo.com
Two COUCHES and two LOVESEATS. A single MATTRESS, BOX SPRING and FRAME. You pick up, Newark. 315-576-8951
Panasonic Omnivision 4 Head Hi-Fi Stereo VHS PLAYER with remote. 585-730-2101
Queen size BED FRAME, MATTRESS, BOX SPRINGS. Very good condition. From smoke free home, Palmyra. Available after 5/17. Salubrious48@yahoo.com
FLAMINGO THEME COLLECTION in various materials- metal, art glass, frames, mug, candle, etc.; please take all. Pick-up from Penfield/Webster. penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Gold CHOIR ROBES (13 of them). Call or text 585-590-1982
HOOVER STEAMER RUG CLEANER. Manual included. You pick up, Pittsford. 585-381-6581
GLASS FRONT BOOKCASE, eight movable shelves, 45” W x 59” H x 14” D. Bushnell’s Basin. marycthor@gmail.com
VINTAGE LIGHT WEIGHT TV TABLE or TABLES. rayjentayok@gmail.com
Looking for very large TERRACOTTA BROKEN TILES for erosion control. raineylady51@gmail.com
Looking for MINI AMBER LIGHT BAR, preferably clear lenses, and FLOOR TILES. 585-447-0201
SPORTS CARDS – Football, baseball, hockey, basketball. OLD TIME RADIO SHOWS on CDs. Handheld SEGA GENESIS GAME SYSTEM w/games. COSTUME JEWELRY. 585-415-8513
ADULT NUTRITION DRINKS, any brand. Any DOG SUPPLIES; harness, leash, clothes, gate, etc. Call or text 585-649-8706
BIRD CAGE. Call or text 585-880-7995
50 feet of 4 foot or taller FENCING for garden. wkwalker74@gmail.com
CPAP MACHINE used or unwanted, for senior with sleep apnea. jimsharks@yahoo.com
VHS TAPE PLAYER. 585-507-8788
STOVETOP PRESSURE COOKER to use for cooking. Call/text 607-936-3137
ROCK 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES and RECORDS for own personal collection. gzintel1967@gmail.com
SUBMERSIBLE WATER WELL PUMP and/or PRESSURE TANK in working condition. Will pick up within 50-mile radius of Batavia. 585-664-3617
BSA Scouts in Canandaigua need a small WOOD STOVE for camp. It does not have to be pretty! scoutmasterdavid@yahoo.com
FLY FISHING pole and gear for beginning fly fisherwoman. Text 585-356-6117
If you have an ORCHID that you no longer want, I will adopt & pick up, Webster/Penfield area. Text 585-217-3397
Seeking an ATV or DIRT BIKE - running or not for father/son project. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
• - Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County: 4-H Cloverbud Club Leader - Plan monthly educational meetings for youth ages 5-7. Inspire the next generation, call us today! 585-3433040 or genesee4h@cornell.edu
• - National Warplane Museum: We’re looking for Volunteers! All opportunities can be flexible to fit your schedule. Aircra /Hangar/ Motor Pool, Pilots, Tours, Grounds & Facility Maintenance, Gi Shop, Administration and our biggest event: AIRSHOW! If you enjoy aircra & history, contact us to learn more. Email john.peckham@ nationalwarplanemuseum.com
• - Pet Adoption Network (P.A.N.): Foster homes for rescued cats and kittens desperately needed. P.A.N. will provide needed supplies (bed, food, toys, litter); foster provides daily care and transportation to Sunday Open House (12-4pm). More details/apply at https://www. petadoptionnetwork.org/foster. Email: info@petadoptionnetwork.org or 585-338-9175
• Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department: Volunteers are needed to become active firefighters. Training is provided free and retirement benefits are available. Help with social activities is also needed. Please contact our Fire Chief Patrick McGrath at chief@lakevillevfd.org. Email chief@lakevillevfd.org
• Serenity House of Victor: Please share your time & talent providing end-of-life resident care, building and grounds maintenance, website/ media, or fundraising support. No experience necessary. Free training. Share your most valuable gi - YOURSELF at our two-bed comfort care home. Email: serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617
• Caledonia Library Association: We have lots of volunteer opportunities available for you. Join a committee, help at a fund raising event, teach a class, give a presentation. Join the association. Email glouise4605@yahoo.com
• Begin Again Horse Rescue: Work directly with our equine trainer with a weekly commitment. Also help is needed in the used tack shop on Saturdays. And there is always work to be done with outreach and fundraising. Email info@beginagainrescue.org
• Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County: 4-H Dog Club Leader - Plan monthly educational meetings for youth ages 5-18. Inspire the next generation, call us today! Email genesee4h@cornell. edu or call 585-343-3040
• Patrick Place Comfort Care Home: We are a 2-bedroom comfort care home providing 24/7 care to residents. We are in need of hands-on resident care volunteers; no experience required, all training will be provided! Call or email us today to learn more! directorpatrickplace@gmail.com
• UR Medicine Home Care: Deliver meals to our participants in Monroe County. Email julie_cunningham@urmc.rochester.edu or call 585-274-4385
• Girl Scouts Western NY: Adults needed to work with troops as leaders, those with a special talent to offer girls or be an extra pair of hands at events. Jfusco33@juno.com or 585-226-6434
Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
FLACRA is growing and adding positions!
Walk-in/Open Interviews! Wednesdays, 10am-2pm in the Human Resources Office
440 Professional Park, Cli on Springs, NY 14432
We have immediate openings for:
• Registered Nurses
• Licensed Practical Nurses
• LMSW, OT and other licensed staff
• Counselors • Peer Advocates
• Behavioral Health Technicians
• Cleaners and more!
Competitive Pay Career Development Educational Opportunities
Learn more about our agency and how you can help us to save lives.
For additional information applicants may contact FLACRA Human Resources at 315-462-9116 or email resume@flacra.org
Benco Inc. is seeking an experienced Corporate Driver to join our team.
If interested email: olachibenson@gmail.com
When leaving a job, professionals should always be courteous and considerate toward their current employers.
Seeking hardworking, reliable MASONS
with experience in brick, block, and stone
Start ASAP. Pay will be based on experience. Willing to train the right individual. Only serious inquiries.
Please apply in person, online or send resumes to: Pooler Enterprises, Inc. 783 County Rd. #42, Fishers, NY 14453 Phone: 585-924-5200 • Fax: 585-924-5205
*For more information about our company visit our website www.poolerenterprises.com
Please email: or call Gina at 585-721-1782