Happy New Year!
H appy N ew Y ear 2 0 16 fr o m o u r Fam ily t o Yo u r s
G enesee V alley P enny S aver P enny Lane P rinting P enny Lane P rom otional P roducts P enny Express The Canandaigua-Naples Edition
(585) 393-1111 • (866) 812-8111
Januar y 1, 2016
When YOU Experience Lakeshore Family and Cosmetic Dentistry,
D e vote d to D e ntal W e llne ss, W eareY our F rie nd ly, P rofe ssional T e am Be Ready to Experience… Comfort Dental Excellence Detailed Attention
A nd E njoy B e autiful ntal R e sults. D e Meet Sandro R. Popelka, DDS MPH FAGD University of Rochester, Eastman Dental DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery MPH Master of Public Health FAGD Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry
Not a Patient Yet? Please Call or Visit Us
A BIG Welcome to YOU in 2016 From
Lakeshore Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Wishing You a Happy New Year! 3200 West Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424 • www.lakeshore-dentistry.com • 585-394-5800