Our Thanksgiving tradition started in an e ort for all family members to play a game together, from the very young to the eldest of the group. I found some basic Thanksgiving-themed picture BINGO boards from the internet, broke out the colored pencils to give them some pizazz, and glued the boards on construction paper. 16 years later the tradition continues, with the same worn BINGO boards (including slight tears, faded construction paper, and water stains). Despite the tattered boards, kids and adults alike ask when we are playing BINGO on Thanksgiving Day to find out who will win the coveted prizes, which may include lottery tickets, small stu ed animals, candy, or mystery bags. This holiday tradition has become as important as the Thanksgiving parade, football, and turkey!
Jessica BealEvery year, we put a small honeycomb tissue paper turkey decoration in the middle of the table. One of us inevitably puts a small pile of raisins underneath the turkey's tail. It's perfect because the turkey already has an embarrassed look on his face, so after the little "addition," he really has something to be embarrassed about.
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is Pie Day. Mom and Dad use to have us 6 kids all at their house for turkey day. Then we all got married and started having kids and the rooms were getting smaller and smaller. Mom decided to make the Saturday after Thanksgiving “Pie Day” where everyone brought pies. There were so many di erent kinds. After eating a big turkey dinner, who had room for pie? So Pie Day was perfect. You ate desserts all day. We would enjoy the daywith family and have so much fun and therewasn’t alot ofclean up after.MomandDadarebothgonenowandwe still have Pie Day. I’m sure Mom and Dad are watching and happy the tradition continues.
Donna KubikBreak the wishbone for good luck. It may soundsilly,butthisisarealthing! Aftercarving the turkey, the wishbone, a Y-shaped bone that carries much superstition, gets set aside to dry. Once the meal is over, two people make their wishes and break the wishbone. Whoever ends up with the bigger piece is said to have their wish come true and good luck for the upcoming year.
Sherry DalcinButter Lamb. My dad, who passed 10 years ago, used to cook our Thanksgiving turkey dinner and always purchased a butter lamb for the middle of the table. Now every Thanksgiving I buy a butter lamb for our table and thank him for this special family tradition that keeps his memory alive.
Dawn JohnstonOur thanks to all for sharing!
need this holiday season.
* “During the holidays, our schedules change so much, it’s hard to keep track. I used to write and re-write our family calendar, but now I just make a grid for the days/weeks, and I use Post-it notes to enter parties, school obligations and anything that is a ‘maybe.’ It’s much easier to move around, and to add or delete events as needed.” -- via email
* “Fasten all buttons, snaps, fasteners and zippers on your clothes before washing and drying. It will help them keep their shape. Turn socks inside out, too. It will help prevent them from getting fuzzballs.” -- M.W. from Saskatchewan, Canada
* “I pick up extra coffee mugs from second-hand stores, then clean and fill them with hot chocolate packets, small coffees and wrapped tea bags and a few little chocolate bars. These make nice little gifts for friends and service people. I am on a fixed budget, but I find that I can be generous this way.” -- T.L. in North Carolina
* When mailing packages, keep in mind that secure cargo is tightly packed. You don’t have to buy expensive packing peanuts or bubble wrap; you can use what’s around. For instance, plastic grocery bags are always in abundance. They can be tucked into any spare room and they barely weigh a thing. Same with newspaper; fill all the available space so that nothing bounces around in transit. Save your bubble wrap for the following tip.
* “When mailing cookies, make sure they are packed well. Use an appropriate size container, and give layers some space by separating them with small sheets of bubble wrap. My cookies arrive intact every time.” -- J.J. in Florida
Hi, I’m Niko and my brother behind me is Angel. We both were rescues and our mom adopted us at different times, but we love each other a lot. We play all the time and love our walks. We even stick together when mom turns her head, and we sneak through the field to visit our neighbor. When we hear mom call us then we know fun time’s over and we have to go home.
Italy: 6085 Italy Valley Road MLS #R1419194 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 1,988 sq. . country farmhouse with a large barn on over 5 acres. Many recent improvements include: New metal roof on the barn and house, new oors on 1st & 2nd level, newer propane furnace, new dishwasher. 2.5 car garage. High speed internet available. Ron Miller, Associate Broker ronkmiller68@gmail.com • 315-729-7858
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have a friend with multiple health problems, mostly digestive and throat issues, who has recently discovered the supplement astaxanthin through his treatment with a nutritionist. He is extremely optimistic that this supplement is his ticket to better health. He said it was developed by a biochemical engineer. As a doctor, would you recommend this for your patients? He says it is a powerful antioxidant and reduces inflammation. He also believes it will destroy any cancer cells. -- N.H.
ANSWER: Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring pigment related to vitamin A that was first isolated from a lobster in 1938. It indeed has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been used as a coloring agent in salmon, and is also naturally found in salmon. Most astaxanthin sold commercially is synthesized from petroleum products.
As a supplement, astaxanthin has been best studied to treat and prevent skin damage from aging. Multiple small studies have shown that it can improve skin appearance and function when used orally or topically. There is also some evidence it can reduce DNA damage from ultraviolet light.
The ability to reduce the type of damage that may ultimately lead to skin cancer is a far cry from the ability to “destroy any cancer cell.” There is no secret or hidden cure to cancer.
The Food and Drug Administration categorizes astaxanthin as “generally regarded as safe.” As I have often said, since supplements are not tightly regulated in the United States, you must rely on the manufacturer providing you with what they say they are, and there have been many, many instances where that has not been the case (in general, not about astaxanthin in particular).
Being conservative, I would say this supplement has potential, but I can’t recommend it until it has been better studied.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2022 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Living Christmas tree, which refers to those with their roots still intact, are popular among eco-conscious holiday enthusiasts. That’s because living trees can be promptly planted after they’ve served their purpose indoors. Opt for a moderately sized tree, as root balls on larger trees can be heavy and difficult to move. Living trees can typically be kept indoors for around seven to 10 days before they will need to be returned outside. Move such trees to a sheltered outdoor area for one to two weeks so they can reacclimate to the climate. So long as the ground is not frozen, trees can then be planted when the reacclimation period ends. Better Homes and Gardens suggests selecting a mild day to plant the tree.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Special Election of the quali ed voters of the Honeoye Central School District will be held at the Honeoye Central School District on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 between the hours of 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm, at the Honeoye Central School in the Auditorium Foyer, at which time the polls will be opened to vote by voting ballot upon the following item:
1) To elect one (1) member of the Board of Education for an unexpired term commencing December 7, 2022, and expiring on June 30, 2025, to replace Erika Asquino who resigned on July 12, 2022.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that petitions nominating candidates for the o ce of member of the Board of Education shall be led with the Clerk of said School District at the Honeoye Central School District O ce, no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, November 7, 2022. Each petition shall be directed to the Clerk of the District and shall be signed by at least twenty- ve (25) quali ed voters of the District, and must state the name and residence of the candidate and the signers. e District shall ll such vacant seat with the candidate receiving the most votes.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots (where applicable) will be obtainable between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm Monday through Friday, except holidays, from the District Clerk. e District Clerk must receive completed applications at least seven (7) days before the Special Election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. e District Clerk must receive absentee ballots not later than 5:00 pm, on the day of the Special Vote.
A list of persons to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection to quali ed voters of the District on and a er November 27, 2022 between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm each day prior to the Special Election except Saturday and Sunday, and on December 6, 2022, the day set for the Special Election, and said list will be posted at the polling place(s) at the Special Election. Any quali ed voter present in the polling place may object to the voting of the ballot upon appropriate grounds for making his/her challenge and the reasons therefore known to the Inspector of Election before the close of the polls.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the quali ed voters of the School District shall be entitled to vote at said Special Election. A quali ed voter is one who is (1) a citizen of the United States of America, (2) 18 years of age or older, and (3) resident within the School District for a period of thirty (30) days preceding the Special Election. e School District may require all persons o ering to vote at the Special Election to provide one form of proof of residency pursuant to Education Law 2018-c. Such form may include a driver’s license, a non-driver identi cation card, utility bill, or a voter registration card. Upon o er of proof of residency, the School District may also require all persons o ering to vote to provide their signature, printed name and address.
District Clerk, Jennifer Green Dated: October 2022 Honeoye Central School District Town of Richmond, Counties of Ontario and Livingston, New York
Bristol Library 6750 County Rd. #32 Bristol Center 585-229-5862
Hours: M, W. & TH. 3pm-7pm; TUES. & SAT. 10am-2pm
Gorham Free Library
2664 Main St., Gorham 585-526-6655
Naples Library
118 S. Main St., Naples (585) 374-2757
Hours: M,W,F 10am-6pm; T, Th 10am-8pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Honeoye Public Library
8708 Main St., Honeoye 585-229-5020 • Hrs: M. 12-6pm, T. 2-8pm, W. 10am-2pm, Th. 2-8pm, Sat. 9am-1pm, Closed Fri. & Sun.
Red Jacket Com. Library
89 S. Main St., Manchester
Hours: Sun. & Mon. Closed, Tues. & Wed. 11am-8pm, Th. & Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 10am-2pm
Wood Library
134 North Main St., Canandaigua 585-394-1381 woodlibrary@owwl.org www.woodlibrary.org
Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm
EnjoyaCelticYuletidewiththe Christmas CeilidhBand: The UnitedChurchofCanandaigua,11 E.GibsonStreet(cornerofGibson andNorthMain)invitesyourpresenceasweusherintheChristmas seasononSaturday,December3rd at7:00PM.TheChristmasCeilidh Band,apopulargroupoffivelocal Celticmusicians,willpresenta livelyeveningofChristmascarols andtuneswithabitofstorytelling andrevelry.Afreewillofferingwill bereceived.Formoreinformation: 585-394-0503.
CanandaiguaRotaryClub Presents the2022HOLIDAYCONCERTperformedbytheRPO. Thursday,December1,2022at 7pmattheCanandaiguaAcademy, 435EastStreet,Canandaigua. Cost:$20Adults;$10Students. Ticketscanbepurchasedatthe doorthenightoftheevent.
ParkinsonSupportGroupofthe Finger Lakes monthlymeetingis atWoodLibraryinCanandaiguaat 1:00onWednesday,November 30th.StuGillimMDwillbediscussing“DrugManagementof Parkinson’sDisease”.Atimeof sharingforCarePartnersandfor thosewithPDwillfollow.Anyone dealingwithParkinson’sDiseaseis welcome
ChristmasOrganConcert: Gather with friendsandfamilyforthe traditionalChristmasOrganConcertattheUnitedChurchof Canandaigua(11E.GibsonSt.)on Friday,December16that7:00PM. Thisfestiveeventwillfeaturelocally wellknownorganistTimSchramm, whocurrentlyservesasMinisterof MusicforSt.Michael’sChurchin Newark.Performingwithhimwill beTimBurdick,saxophonist,Sam Wersinger,vocalist,andDennis Overhoff,pianist.Afreewillofferingwillbereceivedandaholiday dessertreceptionwillfollow.For moreinformation:585-394-0503.
LandscapeWatercolorsby Tommy Beers- Ondisplayuntil December4byappointmentby calling585-398-0220.Cobblestone ArtsCenter,1622Route332,Farmington.https://www. cobblestoneartscenter.com/artgallery
JohnDadyHolidayConcertJohn DadyandFriendswilldelight uswiththeirmusicattheLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.,Hemlock,December10th, 7:00pm(doorsopen6:30).The evening’stheme,“SantaClausis ComingToTown”.Cost:$22.00pp andincludesasnack.Ticketscanbe purchasedonlinewww. littlelakesny.orgorattheLLCCgift shop,openTue.,Wed.,Thurs.and Sat.10-2.Alcoholicandnonalcoholicbeveragesavailableto purchase.Rafflesinclude-50/50, twogiftbaskets,andalovelygently usedVirginiaHouseRocker.Gift Shopsatthecenteropenbefore theconcert,duringintermission, andattheendoftheshow.
DecemberBookClub- Join uson December1foradiscussionofthe book“WestWithGiraffes”by LyndaRutledge.Awonderfulnovel inspiredbythetruestoryoftwo giraffeswhotraveledacross Americaaftersurvivingahurricane atsea.LittleLakesCommunity Center,4705S.MainSt.,Hemlock from6:30-8:30.Nocost,a$5.00 donationisalwaysappreciated. www.littlelakesny.org
AmericanLegionAuxiliaryPost 1278 MonthlyDinner: The HoneoyeAmericanLegion1278 Auxiliary’sMonthlyDinnerisMonday,December5,2022from4pm tilgone.DinnerwillbeHam& scallopedpotatoes,salad,and strawberrypretzelcakefordessert. Thedinnerwillbetakeoutonly andreservationsarerequired.The costfordinnerwillbe$7perperson.PleasetextBonnieat 752-2939toletusknowhow manydinnersandapproximatepick uptime.Seeyouthere!
HolidayJamTasting- Have avery berryChristmasattheLittleLakes ArtisanGiftShop.JoinKimCunninghamfromBlackFeatherjam andenjoyatastingofsomedeliciousjams.HowaboutStrawberry Rhubarb,BlackBerryPlum,RhubarbGingerorOrangeMarmalade asagiftoratyourChristmasmorningbreakfast.Alltheseandmore willbeavailabletosampleon December10thfrom10:00-1:00 attheLittleLakesArtisanGiftShop 4705S.MainSt.Hemlock.
ChristmasBazaarandHoliday Sale Crafts,decorations,ornaments,wreaths,bakedgoods, cookies,fudge,candies,“festive foods”,take-outsoups,childrenonlyshoppingarea(supervised), largeselectionofpre-enjoyed Christmasdecorationsandjewelry. Saturday,December3rdfrom9am3pmattheFirstPresbyterian Church,27N.MainSt.(bythe gazebo)inHoneoyeFalls.Enterat MainStreetRedFrontDoors!*Ifa Covidsurgeshouldoccurbefore ourevent,safetymeasuresmaybe requiredforattendees.*www. firstpresbyterianhoneoyefalls.orgor www.facebook.com/fpchf
CometoourAnnualChristmas Social in theOneRoom SchoolhouseoftheHoneoyeFallsTownofMendonHistoricalSociety onHarryAllenParkinHoneoye Falls.Thursday,December1from 6:30to8:30pm.Therewillbe: ChristmasCarolingbyChurch Choirs,InstrumentalMusicand Vocals.PlusFreeHotWassailand ChristmasCookies.Thiseventis nothandicappedaccessible.Questions?Call624-5655.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,December14,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.Pleasefollowsignsin churchparkinglotfordrivethroughinstructions.
Auction HostedbytheEast
BloomfieldHistoricalSociety.Held Saturday,December3rd,starting withcocktailsat6pm.Theinpersonauctionwillstart7pm.Wewill haveawideselectionofbeautiful itemstobidon.Thisisamajor fund-raisingeventfortheSociety andwewouldlovetohaveyour participation.Wearealsoaccepting donationsfortheauction,ifyou feelyouwouldliketomakea donation,itcouldbedroppedoff attheSocietyat8SouthAve.in Bloomfield.Youcancall 585-657-7244ifyouneedapickup.ComejointheFUN!
Concert! Choral concertwithsingersandpianoaccompaniment. Admissionisfree;donationsare appreciated.HeldSaturday, December10,7pmandSunday, December11,3pmattheFLCC Auditorium,3325MarvinSands Dr.,Canandaigua.
Tree Sale- FarmingtonFireDept. #2,1225HookRoad,Farmington. SaturdayandSunday,11/26-11/27 from10AM-5PM.Thursdaysand Fridays,4PM-8PM.Saturdays/ Sundays,10AM-5PM.Weekly thruDecember18th!Thankyoufor supportingScouts!
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Fri., Dec. 2nd • 9am-4pm Sat., Dec. 3rd • 9am-2pm
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 320 S. Pearl St., Canandaigua
Crafts, Holiday Decorations, Candy, Jams, Baked Goods, White Elephant Sale Homemade Soup & Sandwich Luncheon
MakeandTakeChristmasOrnaments TheUnitedMethodist ChurchofLivonia,21Summers Street,LivoniawillhostMakeand TakeChristmasOrnaments,on December10th,from1:003:00PM.Thisisafreecommunity familyeventforchildrenandyouth from2yearsofageto5thgrade (parentsareencouragedandwelcometostaytoassist).Craftsupplieswithsamples,coffee,cocoa andsnackswillbeprovided.There willalsobeanopportunityfora freefamilyportrait.Pleasejoin us!!!
Joinusforthe5thAnnualRochester UglySweater5K inMendononSaturday,December3, 2022.Theracestartsat11:00am attheMonroeCountyLinearPark, 1369PittsfordMendonRd.,Mendon.Racedetailsandsign-upare availableat:https://runsignup.com/ Race/NY/Mendon/ RochesterUglySweater5K#:~:text=December%203%2C%202022%20at%2011,be%20held%20at%20Mendon%2064.Therace benefitstheHoneoyeFalls-Mendon VolunteerAmbulance.
REVIVEWinterRetreat: Youth ministry formiddleandhigh schoolers(grades6-12).Individuals andgroupsarriveFriday,January 27th,5:30pmandwillstayuntil Sunday,January29th,10am.A timeoffellowship,worship,food, activities,andfocusedtimeinthe Word.Theretreatwillbe2nights, FridayandSaturday,andwillconsistof5meals,Fridaydinnerthen breakfast,lunch,&dinneronSaturday,andbreakfastonSunday.Early EarlyBirdPrice:$99through November30th.EarlyBirdPrice: $125December1-31st.Regular Price:$150January1-23rd.Day OnlyPrice:$99.ParentChaperone/ AdultLeaderPrice:$99.Registrationcloses5pmMonday,January 23rd.https://letourneau.org/events/
VisionBanquet-LeTourneau Christian Center: Godisdoing amazingthingshereontheshores ofCanandaiguaLake.Wewantto tellyouabouttheKingdomwork Heisdoingandtheexcitingways Heisleadingthisministryintothe future.PleasejoinusSaturday, December10thfrom6-8pm, LeTourneauChristianCenter,4950 EastLakeRd.,Rushvilleforatime ofcelebrationwithdeliciousfood, enjoyableconversationandtheopportunitytohearaboutallGodhas doneandisdoing.https:// letourneau.org/events/
RiverwalkhikeinHighFalls, Rochester Enjoyariverwalkhike alongHighFallsinRochesterwith SpringwaterTrailsonSunday, November27from2-4PMwitha socialget-togetheratGenesee BrewHouseafterwards.Foradditionalinfo/directions/updatesvisit thewebsite:springwatertrails.org
RochesterPhilharmonicOrchestra HolidayConcert-Victor: TheVictorBandBoostershaveannouncedthedateoftheAnnual RochesterPhilharmonicOrchestra (RPO)HolidayConcertatVictor HighSchool,SaturdayDecember3, 2022at7pm.Theconcerttickets are$25($20seniors),availableat victorbluedevils.organdproceeds benefittheVictorMarchingBlue Devils,theVictorIndoorPercussion Ensemble(VIPE),andtheVictor VarsityandCadetGuards.TheRPO deliversanexcellentselectionof beautifulandlivelyholidaymusic andthisyearpromisestobeno exception!
WestBloomfieldCongregational ChurchAnnualCookie Sale! ThefamousWestBloomfield CongregationalChurchCookie Saleishereagain!Wearethrilled tobringyouthisfun,festiveevent. Letusbeyourholidaybaker!100s ofcookiessoldfor$8/lb.Featuring cut-outsandotherChristmasfavorites.Evensomeglutenfreeoptions!We’llhavevendorsaswell. Letusbeyourholidaybaker!9035 Rts5&20.Accessibleentrance. Saturday,December10th,9am12pm.
WestBloomfieldCongregational Church presentsA ChristmasCarol,LiveRadioShowJoinusforthisliveradioshowstyle presentationofthebelovedclassic AChristmasCarol,withfoley soundsandlivemusic.Greatforall ages!Saturday,December10that 1pmand7:30pm.Allproceeds fromthesetwoperformanceswill benefitWestBloomfieldCongregationalChurch’sH.O.P.E.(Helping OtherPeopleEat)FoodPantry.At WestBloomfieldCongregational Church9035Rt5&20,W. Bloomfield.Accessibleentrances. Ticketsare$10or$25maxper family,andcanbefoundatwbucc. orgorbycalling585-624-1313.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Decking the halls is a holiday tradition, and hosts should make an effort to string some holiday decorations before welcoming guests into their homes. A Christmas tree might be the most ubiquitous decorative item come the holidays, so hosts can make their tree the centerpiece of their decor. Hang some mistletoe around the house, which also can be adorned with season-specific plants like holly and poinsettias. If kids are attending the party, a kid-friendly decoration station can even be set up to ensure the youngsters have fun and stay busy during the festivities.
By Fifi Rodriguez1. TELEVISION: At which popular restaurant does Penny work in “The Big Bang Theory”?
2. ASTRONOMY: Which one of Jupiter’s moons has active volcanos?
3. GEOGRAPHY: The Tiber River flows through which famous capital city?
4. LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel “The Martian Chronicles”?
5. U.S. STATES: Which river forms the eastern border of Iowa?
6. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the first president to give a televised address from the White House?
7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What image on Canada’s flag is a recognizable symbol of the country?
8. MEASUREMENTS: Which ancient civilization used palms, digits and cubits to measure length?
9. MOVIES: Who voices the character Princess Anna in “Frozen”?
10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: An elephant has the most muscles in which part of its body?
A maple leaf.
Harry Truman.
Ray Bradbury.
Answers 1. Cheesecake Factory. 2. Io.
CHILDREN’S BOOK - I’m So Glad You Were Born. Grandparents, this would be a nice Christmas gift: 585-229-2186
HP 8000 SERIES PRINTER. Needs ink. Works well: flasher1952@yahoo.com
WINDOW SASHES - Quantity 30 ñ 40. Various sizes, glass & screens. TAKE ALL. Pick up: 585-704-0573
Small 4 BURNER ELECTRIC STOVE 20î W, KITCHEN SINK 30.5” W, narrow UNDER COUNTER CABINET 12” W: Text 585-406-1967
LG 12,000btu PORTABLE AIR CONDITIONER, 2015 model: jimmaccallumjr@gmail. com
HAINES AMPICO PLAYER PIANO. You move. Irondequoit: 585-323-1762, please leave message
ELECTRIC WASHER, works great, new hoses and discharge. ELECTRIC DRYER, works fine, choice of 220 plugs: 585-335-8221
CLASSIC CLUB LITERATURE COLLECTION, 19 volumes. Pristine condition. Wayland area: 585-728-3801
BLACK’S READERS LITERATURE COLLECTION, 12 volumes. Pristine condition. Wayland area: 585-728-380
Box of FLAVIA 10oz. PAPER CUPS for warm beverages. Approximately 800 cups: maryjane.milano@outlook.com
100 SELF-SEAL CUSHIONED MAILERS 10”x 16” and 90 SELF-SEAL CUSHIONED MAILERS 8”x 14”: maryjane.milano@outlook.com
2-year-old king size STEARNS AND FOSTER MATTRESS: 585-766-2895
STAMP COLLECTION from the ‘60s. One binder plus two dozen envelopes of loose stamps sorted by denomination: den.and.ed@hotmail.com
POWER LIFT RECLINER CHAIR. Looks new, works well, maroon color. Must pick up, LeRoy: rgleber@rochester.rr.com
Bag of COOKBOOKS and RECIPES. Fairport: 585-388-0318
BOLENS RIDING MOWER, 30” cut. Needs repair. You pick up: 585-388-0445
Lazy Boy LOUNGE CHAIR, blue. Good condition. Pick up, Avon: 585-226-6912
Numerous 2½”, 2” & smaller 3 RING VINYL BINDERS, most with pockets: 585-815-7906
CPAP FULL FACE MASK - Philips, never used. Size large: 585-382-3705
KING SIZE WOODEN HEADBOARD. Includes swing away frame. Call or text: 585-698-4077
SOFA BED; queen size; very good condition. You haul. Bloomfield area: 585-657-6378
Queen size METAL BED FRAME and MATTRESS. Pick up: jcarlson15@rochester.rr.com
MINI TREADMILL for small apartment: stan1k1@yahoo.com
TRUE WEST / WESTERN-THEMED MAGAZINES: kilroy1983@hotmail.com
PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS in good condition (not toys) for middle schooler serious about his music: kallen6@rochester.rr.com
CROCHET THREAD #10. Looking for yellow, orange, white or any others. Thank you:585-584-3734
LESLIE SPEAKERS for electric organ: 585-323-1762, please leave message
Used METAL ROOFING, 8 pieces, approximately 10’ long. Nail holes not a problem: whitcap9@yahoo.com
COPPER BRACELET for arthritis purposes for senior citizen: 585-334-5263
QUEEN SIZE BED & FRAME, clean condition: 585-409-6477
STAINED GLASS MAKING SUPPLIES. Basic entry level tools for senior starting new hobby. Any supplies appreciated. Eastern Monroe County: penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Large CANNING/PRESSURE COOKER for senior couple: debn7595@gmail.com
OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR MACHINE and/or portable, for senior with COPD: petegoto@yahoo.com
KNEE SCOOTER- Having foot surgery 1-6-23. Leave message or text: 585-203-7119
2-3” RUBBER ALLIGATOR to use for decoration: 585-293-3688
MALL WHEELCHAIR WITH PEDALS in good condition for special needs boy, 4ft., 77lb. Can pick up: 585-704-5060
Vintage BARNETT CROSMAN CROSSBOWS/ARROWS needed for parts. Email or text to mintshape@netacc.net or 585-794-0448
Looking for 12-18’ ALUMINUM LADDER. Victor area: LarryPallo@gmail.com
Small ROWBOAT type dinghy: 585-507-8788
PALLET JACK, INSIDE & OUTSIDE LIGHT FIXTURES, SECURITY SYSTEM for a Community Hygiene Bank Outreach Ministry shed: Scarlett 585-953-0764
CPAP MACHINE for Elderly patient: 585-481-9913
OLD WOOD FENCE, BOARDS or PICKETS. Any condition. Ehgelinas@charter.net
Large NATIVITY SET for front yard. 585-507-8788
ICE SKATES, around size 11 women’s, around 9 men’s. dancealyssa85@gmail.com
FOOTBALL & BASKETBALL CARDS, 1980s Stuff, Sports Stuff & Magazines. 585-729-1259
VINYL WOOD DECKING used or scrap. Enough to cover a 6 x 4 foot area. Call or Text 585-802-9342
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Give-a-Li at Lifespan is seeking volunteer drivers to provide independence and safety for our older neighbors who are no longer able to drive. Rides are given to medical appointments and other necessary supplemental insurances are provided free of charge. If you have a couple of hours a week, or even a couple of hours a month, contact us by phone at (585) 244-8400 or email at info@lifespan-roch.org.
• Alzheimer’s Association: Be a part of our planning committees! Email Julie DeMersman at jademersman@alz.org or call (585) 257-4476.
• Aurora House of Western Monroe County: Only a few hours a week or a month can be a great bene t to our residents; there are many opportunities to share your gi s and interests with Aurora House. If you think you may be interested in hands-on care giving for residents, please know that you do not need to have healthcare experience to volunteer. ere is training provided, and no one is asked to volunteer as a primary person on a shi until comfortable with their skills. Email director@aurorahousewmc.com.
• Charlotte House Comfort Care Resident care help needed. We would love to bring new volunteers into our family. It is a rewarding experience and a great way to spend time with friends or make new friends. Email charlottehouseinc.@gmail.com.
• Crossroads House is looking for volunteers for Resident Care, Fundraising Support, Building and Grounds Maintenance, O ce Assistance and a variety of other support roles. Email: emilycrawford@crossroadshouse.com.
• Finger Lakes oroughbred Adoption Program (FLTAP): We are in need of basic barn help for the horses, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. Mostly cleaning stalls and basic grooming (no experience necessary). Email ladyalina14@yahoo.com or call (585) 478-4664.
• Generation Two: Volunteers needed to play with children in kindergarten to 2nd grade in select Monroe County schools in the fall. Training provided. Commitment of 1 day per week for 3 hours. Visit our website to learn about our program at www.g2rochester.org. Call Oni Colon at (315) 520-5064, or email oni.colon@g2rochester.org.
• Genesee County 4-H Program, 4-H Teen Club Leader: Coordinate monthly meetings and projects for youth age 13-18. Call (585) 343-3040 or email genesee4h@cornell.edu.
• Geneseo Groveland Emergency Food Pantry needs your help! Email ggefoodpantry@gmail.com.
• Girl Scouts of Western NY: e Avon-Caledonia area is looking for volunteers for troops Daisy, Brownie, and Juniors. Training and many resources provided. Contact Jeanne at (585) 226-6434 or by email at jfusco33@juno.com.
• PAX - Program of Academic Exchange is seeking host families for the 2022-2023 academic year (or “welcome families” for 6-8 weeks). Share YOUR America with an exchange student. Contact me with questions at emilypelkowski@gmail.com or (315) 576-2326.
• Richmond (Honeoye) Fire Department needs volunteers to help with everything from ghting res to re ghter support, ambulance driver and EMS support. ere is something for everyone to help with. Help us to help you, your neighbors and community. Volunteering is a rewarding experience. Contact us for details. Email Dale Doty at ddoty3@rochester.rr.com or call him at (585) 750-1173.
• Senior Wishes grants wishes to lower income seniors living independently and to those living in care facilities in Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming counties. Wishes have included attending sporting and cultural events, visiting a loved one not seen in years, and re-engaging a senior in a hobby. Simple needs are also considered. For more information about Senior Wishes, visit www.seniorwishes.org or call Executive Director, Wendy Backman at (716) 508-2121.
• Serenity House of Victor e Serenity House of Victor is a two-bed comfort care home serving residents with end-of-life care. Serenity House needs volunteers to share their time & talent through providing resident care, building & grounds maintenance, or fundraising support. Come join our team! Share your most valuable gi – yourself! Please contact the Director at serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call (585) 729-7617.
• Suzanne’s Comfort Care Home in Perry helps with end-of-life care in a 2 bed home. Come join our family of volunteers! Email Suzanne at suzannescch167@gmail.com.
• UR Medicine Home Care/Meals On Wheels: Help us deliver meals in Monroe County. Meals are delivered Monday-Friday between the hours of 10:30am and 1:30pm. Call (585) 274-4385.
• Vincent House: e Vincent House in Wayland is a Comfort Care Home serving residents with end-of-life care. We are in need of volunteers. Contact Christina Mattice at (585) 728-2427.
• Rochester Hope for Pets: Rochester Hope for Pets raises money through generous donors and grant programs in order to provide funds to Rochester area individuals needing assistance paying for veterinary care for their beloved pets. To learn more or to make a donation, please visit www.rochesterhopeforpets.org.
• Wayland Food Pantry at Lighthouse is looking for volunteers on two Wednesday mornings each month to help unload orders from the food truck usually two Wednesday mornings monthly. Email Waylandfoodpantry@gmail.com or call (585) 736-7586.
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
It’s that time of year again when we do holiday shopping, much of it online. It’s also the time when more scammers come out.
And what is it scammers want most? ey want your personal information so they can turn it into cash and fraudulent purchases. Here are a few ways to avoid getting scammed online this holiday season:
Beware sales emails that include links, even if the email is from a store you usually use. ieves are very good at making their scam pages look genuine. Instead of clicking a link, open a web browser and go directly to the website itself. Sometimes the email will request that you update your account information. Instead, call the store and ask if they’ve sent out that request.
Beware the tracking emails you get with updates about packages that you’re expecting. Remember that genuine FedEx and UPS emails won’t ask for any personal information from you. Don’t click links. Go directly to the website.
Be careful where you shop online. Check reviews to see what others have to say. Avoid those with few or low ratings.
Consider using Amazon for most of your online purchases and having a Prime membership. Amazon is good at protecting customers when it comes to you receiving damaged items or not receiving any items at all. A Prime membership now costs $139 a year, but it includes free shipping, free movies and videos, and more.
If you are scammed, report it. Call your bank and the police, and then notify the Elder Fraud Hotline at 833-372-8311.
A goal for 2023: Go inside your bank to do your transaction now and then. Yes, it’s easier to just use the drive-up window for deposits and cash withdrawals, but there is a lot to be said for letting them put a face to a name. Once they know you and your banking habits, they’re more able to quickly identify anything that might be wrong.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
Presentation is king when it comes to setting a memorable holiday table, and it needn’t be daunting or expensive. Here are some essential tips that will garner rave reviews at your next gathering.
It’s everywhere these days. From trees, to pumpkins, to candlestick holders, it’s timeless and transitions well from season to season.
Don’t be afraid to mix metallics. This gold flatware, purchased second-hand, is a standout.
Start by scouring the house to see what you can mix and match to bring your table to life. Don’t be afraid to ask parents or grandparents for family heirlooms that they may be willing to part with.
One of the best investments you can make is solid white porcelain dishes. You can get them for a steal at most places and they’ll take you through every season. For a fun twist, layer them with whimsical holiday plates. Solid red napkins add a pop of color, and when placed under the plates, there’s no need for a runner or placemat.
Wooden reindeer, real pinecones and mixed greenery take the textural feel to the next level. Snips of spruce or boxwood trees from the yard up the texture, and best of all are free.
A mix of faux and metallic pine trees give your table the height it needs. Be sure to place them strategically so your guests can easily see one another.
Experiment Pinterest is a great place to get ideas. Take a stab at different napkin folding techniques and see what suits your fancy.
Think outside the box. These heavy metal pinecones are confiscated from an old cuckoo clock. Add some freshly clipped greens and you’re good to go.
Details make all the difference. Adding personal placecards is a great touch that makes everyone feel special. How about adding a surprise lottery ticket to the bottom of a random plate? Sometimes a winner, and always a hit!
This dining room table is a restored farmhouse table. It seats 22 people when all leaves are in. If you’re going to go all out, do it here and know that it will be enjoyed for generations to come.
Geneseo, NY-November 10, 2022 - e Boy Scouts of America Troop 4070 of Geneseo, NY announces the 37th Annual Geneseo Boy Scouts Farm Toy Show and Auction will be held in person on Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3, 2022 at Geneseo Central School, 4050 Avon Road (State Route 39), Geneseo, NY. It is located six miles north of Exit 7 on Interstate 390.
On Friday, December 2, the auction preview begins at 6PM and the consignment auction begins at 7PM. e Farm Toy Show will be Saturday, December 3, from 9AM to 2PM. Saturday has an early buyer’s option of $12 for 7AM admission or $5 general admission at 9AM onward. Refreshments will be available. All proceeds bene t the ten ScoutsandtwoadultleadersofTroop4070whowillattendtheNational Scouting Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve in West Virginia in July of 2023.
Harke’s three sons were members of Troop 4070 when he held a small farm toy swap in 1986 as a fundraiser. is is his thirty-seventh annual Farm Toy Show and Auction. Harke maintains a nationwide network of nearly 1,400 dealers and collectors. “Our dealers and collectors travel from twenty- ve states and Canada to attend. ey are very generous with consignment items. Dealers know that they can build a quality collection quickly through our auction,” says Harke.
Harke prints over 1,400 postcard invitations featuring a picture of the door prize. e boys of the Troop apply address labels and stamps during a Troop meeting. Harke takes an advertisement in Toy Farmer Magazine. e event typically sees over 1,200 people over two days.†
looking forward to his 37th year a er starting the show in 1986.
A highlight of every Farm Toy Show is the door prize that Doug Harke refurbishes and donates. As a member of the National Farm Toy Show Hall of Fame, Harke is known for his expertise in authentic and detailed restoration work. “ is year’s door prize is a Minneapolis-Moline 445 with New Idea loader. Real ones were produced in the late 1950s. is toy is a stock high-detail model with some minor modi cations. e model was produced several years ago by Spec Cast of Dyersville, Iowa,” noted Harke.
e door prize started with a custom tractor with a mounted plow in 2005. A picture of this tractor was on the postcard and our badge each year. A er exhausting the variety of domestic tractor brands, he has created one with a loader or a dozer blade in 2015.
“Farm equipment dealers used to sell farm toys only around the holidays. In the 1970s, manufacturers listened to dealers and decided to havethemavailableallyear. isledtoaninventoryboomforcollectors, and the hobby took right o ,” says Harke.”
At the heart of the Farm Toy Show are the Scouts, says Geneseo Scoutmaster and Eagle Scout Bryan French. “Our Scouts will set up, receive, unload, move items at the auction, and sell concessions,” says French, “they make the show possible”.
Dann Auctioneers of Canandaigua will headline the auction Friday night, continuing a family tradition of over 20 years of service at the Farm Toy Auction. Steve “Doc” Wiener of Geneseo Rotary will run concessions again this year.
Local supporters include Geneseo Kiwanis, M&R Automotive, Dann Auctioneers, Geneseo Central School, and Sigma Tau Psi Fraternity and Omega Beta Psi Fraternities of SUNY Geneseo. ese local volunteers contribute over 600 service hours over the two-day event.
OverDoug’s37yearsofservicetotheTroop,morethan90Scoutsinour troop have earned the rank of Eagle Scout. At an average of 250 hours per Eagle Scout project, this means that the Farm Toy Show has raised over $210,000 and made over 22,500 hours of community service from our Scouts possible.
Established in 1968, Geneseo Troop 4070 is celebrating y-four years of service in 2022-2023. e Troop is sending 10 Scouts and 2 adult Scout leaders to the 2023 National Scouting Jamboree at Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve in West Virginia from July 19-28, 2023. e Geneseo Central Presbyterian Church charters the troop. Email geneseoboyscouts@gmail.com for additional information.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at AmandaDudek@gvpennysaver.com!
earned money. Your local merchant is working just as hard to earn your money. And when you choose to not support you’re local merchant and shop outside your community or county, you’ve robbed yourself of the bene ts of your money staying where you live.
THINK LOCAL, especially at this gi ing time of year. Make it a Merry Christmas for all of us because, ‘it matters!’
businesses was more important than getting the best deals. That may be due to the feeling of helping out a fellow neighbor.
Shopping at small businesses keeps those establishments afloat, along with their employees. Small businesses are the largest employers in the United States. That’s also true in Canada, where 68.8 percent of the total labor force works for a small business. A person may never know when he or she - or a relative - will need a job. Keeping small businesses viable provides a strong job market for locals.
The Small Business Administration says $48 out of every $100 spent at a small business stays in the community. Spend the same $100 at a national retailer and only $14 stays.
National retailers and other businesses follow a global business model that may not allow for much customization, but small businesses can provide products or services that relate directly to the needs of the communities they serve. These same small businesses may also be more inclined to work with local vendors and start-ups than national companies that have global supply chains.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I got scammed! I can’t believe it. For decades, I’ve purchased speci c dog breeds from reputable breeders locally and up to a few hundred miles away. But last year I decided to purchase a dog from overseas, speci cally Europe, because I wanted a speci c breed and there were none available locally. Normally I would happily y over myself to meet the prospective pet, but due to travel restrictions during the pandemic, that was not possible. ere’s a lot to my story of being scammed, but in the interest of time I will just say that I paid out several thousand dollars to a scammer who looked very legitimate online, and at the end of the day, no dog ever arrived. I want to warn other people who are thinking about buying a dog from overseas to be very careful. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. -- Heartbroken in Dallas
DEAR HEARTBROKEN: ank you for sharing your story. It will help so many other potential owners to avoid pet-buying pitfalls.
Overseas pet-buying scams have increased dramatically in the past few years -- so much so that such purchases, especially from Eastern Europe, were banned temporarily. But scammers don’t care about bans, and they’ll do anything to get money from people who just want a pet.
If you haven’t done so yet, report the scammer to authorities. File a report locally with your city’s police department. If you wired money to the scammer, contact the service provider to report the incident. Report the incident on pet scam websites, social media and anywhere that pet owners chat.
e International Pet And Animal Transportation Association has more strategies to report scammers here: www.ipata.org/pet-scams.
Were you scammed when trying to buy a pet? Tell us your story at ask@pawscorner.com.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
is selling miscellaneous household goods from the storage unit of Erica Cole, Unit # 36 Sealed
Thank you to all the residents who responded to Saturday’s food drive when the Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts went door to door. Sorry if we missed your house. There is a drop box outside the pantry and many others around town!
The Cal-Mum Middle School Veteran's breakfast was a genuine surprise. The students and faculty were so thoughtful and helpful, while the chorus singing was fantastic. I really felt humbled as I walked through the double line of applauding student faculty and principal. Wow! Thank you doesn't seem like enough to say.
Thank you to the wonderful people who bought our drinks for us (they were a wonderful couple with 2 beautiful children). Then there were 3 awesome people who were across from us who paid for our dinner. This was my birthday celebration on Election Day. My husband has Alzheimer's disease and had a stroke. He was overwhelmed with emotions. We were so moved that complete strangers would think of us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Our only child is out of state and she does everything she can for us, but with 4 children and a husband who travels all over the country she couldn't be here this year.
We recently posted a plea on the Penny Saver's "Give and Take" feature for a headboard needed as a set piece for the Pembroke Junior Senior High School spring musical. (The Sound of Music -- you may remember the scene.) We were amazed at the number of people who took the time to call us and happily offer to give away what they had. We were so pleased when we found one close to home. We nevertheless called back all the others who had offered to help to thank them for their kindness and generosity. In these difficult times this is an example of American generosity, friendship, and kindness, irrespective of any political, cultural, or other differences. People found our call for help in the Penny Saver. They didn't need to call us, but they did. What a wonderful story and spirit with which to enter the upcoming holiday season!
A few days ago my roommate fell and ended up with broken hips and femur. I had to call for help to get him up. The service was great from the local ambulance and fire company. A special thanks to Billy, Town Supervisor, and the rest of the crew– keep up the great job! : ) The happy ending: my roommate is in rehab now on a slow recovery. Thank you all again; there are some good people in this small town. God bless you all.
On Thursday, 11-17, I was loading my car after shopping in BJs. I accidentally dropped my phone while I was doing this. I heard the noise but looked around and saw nothing, so I left and went home. Then I realized my phone was missing. The noise must have been my phone. I went back to the parking lot and found my phone standing up against the bottom of the shopping cart corral. Some nice person must have found it and took it out of harm’s way and left it where I would see it. Thank you so much. There are still good, thoughtful people in the world and you are one.
Thank you to all the County parks workers who take care of the parks all year. I spend a lot of time in Dewitt Park and walk around the lake. The park is always clean and the restrooms are well taken care of. I appreciate your hard work.
Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
The dinner will be take out only and reservations will be most appreciated.
Please join the American Legion Auxiliary Post 1278 for their monthly dinner on Monday, December 5, 2022 from 4:00pm til gone.
Ham & scalloped potatoes, salad, and strawberry pretzel cake for dessert.
Cost is $7 per person. Please text Bonnie at 752-2939 to let us know how many dinners and approximate pick-up time.
The American Legion Post 1278 is located at 4931 County Rd 36, Honeoye.
Springwater, NY: At age 76, Joyce passed away on Friday, November 18, 2022 at FF ompson Hospital in Canandaigua, NY. She was born in Rochester, NY to the late Grayson and Gertrude (Ingallis) Smith. Joyce is predeceased by her beloved husband of more than 40 years, Donald D. Johnstone, and her brother, David Smith.
Joyce was a historian of Springwater and Great Lakes history. She was a homemaker, a cook, enjoyed reading and sewing. Joyce and her husband belonged to the Oliver Tractor Club for many years and they also belonged to Avon Harley Davidson Group. We would like to o er a special thank you to all of her neighbors and friends who were there during this di cult time. May she rest in Heavenly Peace.
To share a memory or a condolence, please visit: www.doughertyfuneralhomes.com 229-2444
Ever wondered what the first Penny Savers looked like? Take a step back in time and have your very own! This 1948 Penny Saver was one of our very first! This will be a keepsake item that all can enjoy!
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Valley Energy Services has an exciting, full-time career opportunity for a propane driver to deliver to our residential, agricultural, and commercial customers. e candidate needs to be energetic and customer-focused and possess a valid CDL B w/hazmat endorsement. is growing propane distributor o ers excellent pay and bene ts including health, dental, and life insurance, LTD, 401K and paid vacation. To join the Valley team, please send your resume to: Valley Energy Services, LLC 10121 Poags Hole Road, Dansville, New York 14437 or by email to: blavallee@valley-fuel.com
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