7 minute read
While leaving my SUV to enter Tops in Avon on March 3rd, a young man was coming out with a large bouquet of flowers. I said, “Oh, flowers for me? You shouldn’t have.” We both laughed and went on our ways. When I came out, my daughter (who had waited in the car) had a bouquet of flowers on her lap. She said the man came over, said he was a Christian, and God wanted him to give the flowers to me and he would go back in and get more for his wife. My daughter said thank you and my mom will cry, which I did. What he did not know was that our family had a very difficult week. I will think of his kindness each time I look at these flowers and when the time is right will do the same for someone else. They say bad people are taking over our world, but I continue to believe that the good ones are all over; we just don’t hear as much about them. Many thanks to this kind man.
I can't express my gratitude and thanks enough to the volunteers and the two Amish women who spent 2 hours in the freezing cold February 25th helping me look for the money i dropped in the parking lot of the Church Thrift shop in Livonia. Your assistance and kindness will not be forgotten. It meant more than you will ever know.
A Huge Thank You
To the individual(s) who paid for our dinner on January 19th at the Finger Lakes Public House. Our family had just come from my niece’s mother’s funeral. We just want you to know, from the bottom of our hearts, that your thoughtfulness did not go unnoticed. We want to say a huge thank you, and to let everyone know that there are still wonderful and caring individuals out there.
Technically Handicapped
My rant is to open the eyes of the masses to the technically handicapped. I am one of them. At 68 years of age I fall in the gap of no major training of computers, smart phones, etc. I am also on a fixed income and can’t afford all the gadgets nor the price of the Internet. When I need help for things that have to be done online. I have to hire someone to do so. Every shop, restaurant, government, and medical office has some form, deal or discount that is only online. Having no cell phone, computer to access these deals, or forms, etc. Life for myself with technology is extremely frustrating! I only ask that businesses and the government, etc. stop discriminating against my handicap as they do for the physically handicapped, waiting just a while longer until demanding things be only assessed online until every generation is technically taught at a young age. Yes, I have taken classes available at libraries. I also do not want a government issued phone. Do others agree?
Life is short. Why do people aleays have to criticize each other for choices they make? We each only have one life to live. Just because someone does things differently than you would doesn't mean you should chastise them for it!
When we get a snowstorm in Western NY, why do people all of a sudden become race car drivers who cut each other off and make people slam on their brakes, maneuvering precariously in the icy snow?! Ice and snow, take it slow.
Cornerstone Baptist Church
4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo • 243-4514 www.baptistchurchgeneseo.com
Pastor John Zatkiewicz
Worship 11am • Sunday School 9:45am
Wednesday Prayer, 6:30pm
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church
4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130
Pastor Don Ray • E-mail: pvbc@frontier.com pleasantvalleybaptist.com • Sunday School 10:00am
Worship Services Sunday, 11:00am • Bible Study Wed., 6:30pm
Children’s Church • Youth Activities
Grace Baptist Church
Pastor David eobald
9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190
Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM www.gracebcdansville.org
St. Luke the Evangelist Parish
Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo
Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo
Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas
Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community
St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia www.stsmaryandmatthew.com - Rev. William Laird
9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s
Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew
Holy Family Catholic Community
O ce: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228
Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon
Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville
Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland
Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville
Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton
Christian Science
Christian Science Church
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM
Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church
Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
Church Of The Nazarene
e Center Church
Meeting at the Lakeville Fire Training Grounds
5604 Stone Hill Rd., Lakeville, NY 14480
Service: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Phone: 585-376-0749
Community Church
Livonia Community Church
A non-denominational Evangelical church
41 Spring St., 346-5290; Pastor Benjamin Nickels
Bible Study – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am LivoniaCC.org
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127 Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434 stpetesdansville.org • Handicap accessible
Sunday Service @ 10:30am
Zion Episcopal Church
10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 zionepiscopalchurchavon.org
Sunday Worship and Holy Communion 10:00am
Online Facebook: facebook.com/Zionchurchavon
Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am
St. Timothy Lutheran Church - ELCA
A Sanctuary and Reconciling in Christ Church
5015 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-4490
Vicar Lisa Frauens • vicarlisaf@gmail.com • sttimothylutherangeneseo.org
Sunday worship 9:30AM, & Live Streamed: www.facebook.com/sttimothygeneseo
Intergenerational Sunday School, 10:30am 1st Sunday of the month Oct-May. Accessible building with hearing loop available.
By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
~Thomas Merton
Geneseo United Methodist Church
Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160
8:30am Non-Traditional, 10:30am Traditional, 9:30am co ee hour
Sunday School classes for all ages • Nursery care provided
Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired Worship services available via Zoom - more info at www.geneseomethodist.com
“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible
United Methodist Church of Livonia
Pastor: Hoyt Brown • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511
E-mail: UMCLivonia@gmail.com • Website: UMCL.us
Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: UMCL.us or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church). Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children.
Dansville United Methodist Church
5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville
Church phone: 585-335-5354
Sunday Worship: 11am
Pastor Michael Whitcomb-Tavey
Springwater United Methodist Church
8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560
O ce: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt
Sunday Service: 11am
Children’s Church/Sunday School
Handicap accessible.
Faith Fellowship Church
5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www. cny.org
Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship
Pastor Cli Baker, Youth
Sunday Worship Prayer 10am
Holy Ground Ministries Church
2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome.
Bible Study - 2nd and 4th Saturday at 9:30am
See what the Lord can do in your life. www.holygroundministries.org
Genesee Valley Church Of Christ
Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center)
Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 10:00-11:00am
Non-denominational New Testament Teachings.
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr, Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Spend Orthodox Lent & Pascha With Us! Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians. Full schedule of services at www.pomog.org
First Presbyterian Church of Livonia Center
3836 Richmond Mills Road
Rt. 20A, Livonia Center
Sunday Worship 9:30 am • Handicap Accessible
Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church
161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311
Pastor David Missel www.seekinggodtogether.com
Adult Sunday School: 10am • Worship Service: 10:30am
Please Join Us!
York United Presbyterian Church
2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266
Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am
Available on the YouTube channel: “York United Presbyterian Church”.
Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome!
Central Presbyterian Church of Geneseo
Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669
Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster
Sunday Worship at 10am @www.cpcgeneseo.org
Sunday School and Nursery provided.
United Church Of Christ
Lakeville United Church of Christ
5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville • 346-5235 www.facebook.com/Lakevilleucc
Sunday Worship at 10:30am
All are welcome/Open and A rming Church.
Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan? (Family Features) When a home fire occurs, you have very little time to get out. A working smoke alarm doubles your chances of survival, yet more than twenty percent of American homes are without them. Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs teamed up to address this problem by providing vital fire safety information to families. Make a Plan Installing smoke alarms on every level of the home and developing a plan of escape can give your family precious minutes to get out and get to safety. Draw a floor plan of your home and sketch exit routes out of every room. Make sure you have a fire escape ladder long enough to reach the ground from upstairs rooms. Assign an outside meeting place, so you can quickly locate each other