The Bakery at ML Cakes & Catering
Pumpkin Roll • $16
Pumpkin Pie • $16
Sweet Potato Pie • $16
Apple Crumb Pie • $18
Cherry Crumb Pie • $18
Chocolate Cream Pie • $18
Coconut Cream Pie • $18
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie • $18 Pecan Pie • $20
Accepting Orders until Friday, Nov. 22nd
Pick Up Wednesday, Nov. 27th • 10am-2pm 585-213-4274 • 11461 St. Rt. 21, Wayland
Continuing an annual event, The Dansville Rotary Club is offering a FREE Thanksgiving Dinner of fresh turkey, potatoes, dressing, vegetable and pie for anyone in the Dansville area. ALL MEALS WILL BE DELIVERED!
All deliveries will be restricted to a 10 mile radius of Dansville. All meals delivered between 11:30am and 1pm. Make sure you are home. Meals will be left on the 1st and only delivery attempt.
Please fill out the attached application and return by Nov. 18th to Dansville Rotary Club, 9384 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437
Number of Dinners ________ Special Instructions ___________________________________________
Ifsomethingisnotrightwiththemeal,mentionitearlysoitcanberemedied. Do not eat an entire meal before filing a complaint with the server.
Dansville Area Historical Society Annual Dinner Meeting
Saturday, November 16
Dansville American Legion • 34 Elizabeth St. • Dansville Social Hour - 5PM • Dinner - 6PM
Craig Braack will present a program on Mindsets and Origins Behind the Creation of the Erie Canal and talk about the Dansville spur. Tickets $30 each - Available at Dogwood Trading Company, Dogwood Floral, or from any DAHS board member. Call 585-733-5035 for more information. American Legion is handicapped accessible.
Harrison General Manager
Karam Creative
Hosts who are overly concerned that guests may go overboard can tame portion sizes by hiring servers who can oversee buffet lines. Otherwise, serve guests plated meals directly from the kitchen, from which hosts can dole out the right amount of food to ensure everyone gets enough to eat.
Canal Path: Mon., Nov 25 at 3pm
Monroe East: Mon., Nov 25 at 5pm
Eastway: Tues., Nov. 26 at 10am
Rush-Henrietta, Canandaigua & 4 County Papers: Tues., Nov 26 at Noon
Batavia, Oatka & Dansville: Tues., Nov 26 at 2pm
Tri-County: Tues., Nov 26 at 4pm
Livingston: Tues., Nov 26 at 5pm
Proof deadline for all editions is Friday, Nov. 22 at 1pm
(Grilled Sardines With Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette)
Juice of 2 lemons
6 cloves fresh garlic, peeled and minced
1 tablespoon sea salt
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup Spanish extra virgin olive oil
12 fresh sardines, gutted with head on
Heat an outdoor grill to high heat. Toss all ingredients in a bowl with the sardines. Let marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes. Grill for about 4 minutes per side. Transfer to a platter and top with Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette (see below). Serve with a cold drink and crusty bread.
Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette
4 lemons, cut in half
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup Spanish extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon sea salt
Grill the lemons cut side down for 2 minutes on high heat. Turn and grill for another 2 minutes. Remove from grill. Allow to cool to room temperature. Squeeze all the juice from the grilled lemons into a small bowl. Whisk in all other ingredients. Pour the mixture over a platter of grilled sardines. This grilled lemon vinaigrette also tastes great on grilled shrimp, tuna, beef steak, and grilled vegetables.
Starting Sat., Nov. 23rd through end of Christmas Day!
Cut Trees Available: Douglas Fir, Balsam Fir, Concolor Fir, Fraser Fir and Grand Fir
Christmas Trees • Choose & Cut
Open: Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays Nov. 29th - Dec. 15th • 9am-5pm
Quality Trees at Reasonable Prices
Tom & Cindy Smith
8668 Mattoon Rd. • Cohocton, NY • 607-329-8824 Follow the signs • Between Wayland and Hornell
Jameson Black Barrel Whiskey........................ $53.99
Shanky’s Whip 1.75 ltr .................................... $38.99
Josh Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml....... $20.99
Meiomi Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml............... $21.99
Josh North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml . $19.99
Rodney Strong Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ..... $25.99
Napa Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ........ $29.99
Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ............. $19.99
J Lohr Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ................. $21.99
Bonterra Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml .............. $17.50
Francis Coppola Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml... $18.99
Three Fingers Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ...... $19.99
Gnarly Head Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml........ $13.50
Toasted Head Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml....... $16.99
Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml .. $12.99
Gloria Korth
1C butter
1C sugar
1 Tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 C flour
2 eggs
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Cream butter and sugar, add milk and eggs. Mix flour, baking powder, soda, and spices and add to wet mixture. Roll out and cut with cookie cutters. Place on greased cookie sheet and bake for 10 min or until lightly brown at 350 degrees. Remove when done, cool and frost. Note: ese cookies stay so and keep for several weeks. Dough is easy to handle.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Permanent Hair Removal Confiden al & Discreet
Kristi Harris
Have a good emotional connection. A desire to have a great body may not be enough to motivate you to workout and push harder. If not, think of a better reason to exercise, and it may be the mind over matter you need. Many people find inspiration from family health history risk factors or through the goal of reversing negative health reports from doctors’ offices. These motivating factors will help you press on and push harder.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” what is Andy Dufresne’s occupation before he was imprisoned?
2. LITERATURE: Which of Shakespeare’s plays features the characters of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
3. TELEVISION: Which 2000s TV drama starred a character named Jack Bauer?
4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: What was First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy’s maiden name?
5. HISTORY: Which dynasty built the Forbidden City in China?
6. MYTHOLOGY: What is the name of the mythical creature who is half man and half horse?
7. CHEMISTRY: What is aqua regia?
8. GEOGRAPHY: Where was the ancient region of Mesopotamia mostly located?
9. ANATOMY: Where are the alveoli located?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What is hummus mostly made of?
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
Disabilities affect people from all walks of life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around 55 million Americans have a disability of some kind. Of these people, 33 million have a disability that makes it difficult for them to carry out some daily activities. Statistics Canada states that, as of 2012, 13.7 percent of the population age 15 years or older reported having a disability that could impact daily life. People with disabilities may need assistive devices to reclaim some measure of their independence. For example, millions of people rely on wheelchairs or walking aids to get around. These are called assistive technology and rehabilitative devices, which include tools, equipment or products that can help people with disabilities get around more easily. These devices may be as small as magnifying glasses for reading to as large as wheelchairs.
Allergies: The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology notes that there are occasions when allergies can contribute to headaches. For example, individuals with rhinitis, often referred to as “hay fever,” can experience headaches that may result from sinus disease in and around the nasal passages. Individuals who feel their headaches could be a byproduct of allergies can consult with an allergist for tips on how to treat their allergies and potentially reduce the frequency of their headaches.
The National Institutes of Health state that 2.2 million people in the U.S depend on wheelchairs for day-to-day tasks and mobility. More than six million use canes, walkers or crutches to assist with mobility. Assistive devices can be highly effective, but only when they are used properly and safely. Assistive devices should be measured for each user. Many walkers are height-adjustable. The width of a device also is important. A walker or another device that is too wide can affect mobility or require modifications to be made around the home. Weight is another consideration. The device should be lightweight so it can be maneuvered, but also weigh enough to provide enough stability to keep users upright. Users should proceed slowly and favor their stronger sides when relying on canes or walkers. Devices should not be used to climb atop other items like step stools. Children should not be allowed to play with or ride on assistive devices. If there are safety belts or locks on any assistive technology,theyshouldbeputinplacebeforeusetopreventfurtherinjury.
Cancer survival rates are on the rise, and that rise can be credited to a host of factors. Advancements in cancer research and treatment have played a big role in rising survival rates, as have the efforts ofvariousorganizationstopromote cancer prevention and raise awareness about the disease.
The World Health Organization notes that between 30 and 50 percent of cancers can currently be prevented by avoiding certain risk factors and implementing evidence-based prevention strategies. However, people can be vulnerable to cancer if they do not pay attention to their bodies or make an effort to protect themselves against certain risk factors for cancer. In such instances, cancer may already have spread to other parts of their bodies, or metastasized, before they are even diagnosed, greatly reducing their likelihood of surviving the disease.
Cancerthatspreadstodistantparts of the body is known as metastatic cancer and is often referred to as “stage IV cancer.” According to theNationalCancerInstitute,when observed under a microscope, metastatic cancer cells feature traitslikethatoftheprimarycancer and do not mimic the cells in the part of the body where the cancer is found. That is how doctors can tell that the cancer is metastatic cancer and has spread from another part of the body.
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On Nov. 20, 1947, Princess Elizabeth marries distant cousin Philip Mountbatten, former prince of Greece and Denmark, who renounced his titles to marry the English princess. Mountbatten was made the duke of Edinburgh.
When doctors diagnose metastatic cancer, they will refer to it with the same name as the primary cancer regardless of where the metastatic cancer was discovered. For example, the NCI notes that breast cancer that has spread to the lungs will not be referred to as lung cancer, but metastatic breast cancer. In addition, when treating the disease in this example, doctors will treat the cancer as stage IV breast cancer, not as lung cancer.
Understanding metastatic cancer can help recently diagnosed men and women better comprehend their disease and their prognosis.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m 85 years old and in good health for my age. I am an active nonsmoker, eat healthy, practice tai chi, and enjoy having many friends. I have no reason to experience extreme anxiety. Yet, for months, I’ve had unexplained blood pressure spikes.
The highest I had was 243/127 mm Hg, and this is when I called local EMTs who took me to the emergency room. I was given meds to lower my blood pressure, two electrocardigorams, and an X-ray. I was discharged after three hours and was told that my heart seemed fine.
I am now taking losartan and propranolol. I tried triamterene after consulting with a cardiologist, but I couldn’t tolerate the side effects. I occasionally use lorazepam.
Today a blood pressure reading showed 197/100 mm Hg. Just the thought of checking my blood pressure spikes the reading. How long can I go on with these blood pressure levels? Can these readings be normal for some people? - S.O.
ANSWER: No, these readings are not normal. Since you s ay that your blood pressure “spikes,” I think you mean that most of the time, your blood pressure is normal.
The biggest concern is a condition where the body intermittently secretes substances that raise the blood pressure. This may be caused by a tumor called a pheochromocytoma. They are exceedingly rare but must be looked for in a case like yours, with sudden and dramatic spikes in your blood pressure. Your regular doctor or cardiologist will know how to look for a pheochromocytoma.
If you have a spike, a blood test will be dramatically elevated for epinephrine and norepinephrine. But if your blood pressure is normal at the time of the visit, a 24-hour urine test is done.
There are other rare causes, including blockages in the arteries to the kidneys and certain drug use, such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (very rarely used for depression) in combination with some foods. Cocaine use is another cause in a person on a beta blocker, like the propranolol you are on.
Even more likely is a condition called labile hypertension, where emotional stress leads to an increase in blood pressure levels. This is more likely for you because of the last thing you said: Just the thought of checking your blood pressure may cause it to spike.
Managing labile hypertension should be done by an expert. There are experts in hypertension who know how to manage very unusual cases of hypertension, whether they’re generalists, nephrologists or cardiologists. Your doctor may have already considered this diagnosis because lorazepam is often used for spikes, sometimes in combination with short-acting blood pressure medicines, like labetalol or clonidine.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
In the wake of the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene, several farming families from Western New York, all members of the National Hay Association (NHA), came together to support their counterparts in western North Carolina. eir efforts were a shining example of neighborly kindness and the deep-rooted sense of community that binds the agricultural world, even across great distances. e hurricane ravaged farms, destroyed barns and winter feedsupplies,andle manyfarmersindireneedofassistancetosustain their animals and operations through the coming winter.
One of the key players in this local relief effort was Cosmos Fitzpatrick of Aden Brook Hay, who generously provided a truck, a driver, and the necessary fuel for the journey. is enabled the transport of a full trailer load of hay donated by various local farming families,includingNeenanFarmsofLima,RogersFarminBloomfield, andKnightFarmsofHoneoye.RichardKnighttooktheleadinloading the hay, working from his barns and those at Randi B Farm, where he helped fill the trailer with large square bales of hay.
clothing, sleeping bags, and tarps. e Rogers children, adding a personal touch to the mission, cra ed 40 handmade cards to send along with the hay to the families in North Carolina. e effort was a multi-faceted response to a complex crisis, with agricultural aid and essential supplies both playing a critical role in helping the devastated communities.
e National Hay Association (NHA) has long been an organization dedicated to more than just the trade of hay. Founded in 1895 by a group of hay dealers and producers, the NHA was established to share information, improve the industry’s ethical standards, and bring structure to an o en-chaotic market. In the 19th century, hay dealers were o en seen as untrustworthy “hay sharks,” and the NHA worked to change this perception by introducing quality standards and arbitration systems that helped settle disputes without the need for legal action. e motto of the NHA, “Not for self but for all,” reflects this commitment to ethical business practices and mutual support.
e organization has also cultivated a strong culture of humanitarian assistance, especially in times of disaster. When word spread of the destruction caused by Hurricane Helene, NHA members from across the United States began mobilizing to send aid to the affected areas. Feed was shipped in to sustain livestock through the winter months, and essential goods were collected and distributed to help the farmers recover. One NHA member from Idaho, with a hay terminal in Florida, was among the first to send relief to North Carolina, including hay and dog food. BenshoterFarmsinsouthernOhiodonatedthreefullloadsofsupplies, including clean-up tools and other necessities.
e Western New York farming community is no stranger to hard work and selflessness. Responding to the North Carolina farmers’ call for help, Barbara Randall brought together local NHA members for this mission. She reached out to Fitzpatrick at Aden Brook Hay, who quickly volunteered to provide the transportation. Randall contacted area farmers to contribute the hay, and in no time, they had a full load ready to go.
Meanwhile, Randall’s neighbor, Stacie Rogers, rallied the local community for additional donations of winter clothing. A er posting the call to action on social media, donations poured in. People contributed sweaters, coats, boots, tarps, and other supplies.
e western New York farmers who participated in this effort represent a cross-section of America’s agricultural backbone. Many of these families have been farming for generations, with multiple members working together to run their operations. ey balance the demands of farming with family life, community involvement, and, in this case, an extraordinary act of kindness for their fellow farmers in need.
As this trailer load of hay and supplies made its way to North Carolina, it carried with it not just the tangible goods necessary for survival, but also the spirit of solidarity that defines the National Hay Association and the farming community at large. With efforts like these,farmersareshowingonceagainthattheyarethereforeachother, ingoodtimesandbad,embodyingthemottooftheNHA:“Notforself but for all.”
Share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us and you could earn CASH! It may be featured on our website for all to see and even selected for print, email hometown@gvpennysaver.com for more information!
Is it just me, or did Christmas decorating start early this year? It feels like the lights went up even before the last leaf hit the ground, but I'm all good with it. There's something so happy about the Christmas lights on the houses, the 'Tis the Season section in the paper, and seeing all the hometown events being scheduled. It might be early, but I can’t help but smile when I see our little
After I had a fall at Red Creek Rheumatology on Monday, November 4, the doctor and nurses took immediate care of my injury. The care provided a quick recovery. It was appreciated.
Now that Election Day has passed, can people please remove their signs? There’s still too much political hate and some can’t control themselves. It’s time to move on.
I live in [local county] and have horses, dogs and cats. Most people are considerate and follow the rules when using the public parks. Last week when riding, a loose dog lunged up, biting me and then biting at my horse. The situation was chaotic as the dog owner rushed at my horse while yelling (at their dog) who was nipping/barking at the horse. Off leash dogs do not need to be the problem they are. Follow the rules. Leash your dog. It’s that simple.
Two bins of BEANIE BABIES, PRECIOUS MOMENTS. West Henrietta. 585-576-3185
GRANDMOTHER CLOCK to work on. WINE CORKS for crafters. Penfield. 585-381-8224
KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER, many attachments. 10” long HAMMER DRILL BIT with SDS shank. Caledonia. 585-370-0592
Large amount of MEDICAL SUPPLIES - dressing, tape, cotton balls, bandages, and RAGS. 585-233-6073
Mehlin & Sons SPINET PIANO w/bench. Pick up, Honeoye Falls. 585-314-2192
Gently used VERA BRADLEY WALLET (blue, purple, & black pattern). Pick up only. Text Janice 585-752-5809
WEIGHT BENCH. Like new. Victor. marmobvett@aol.com
30 clean EGG CARTONS. Webster. jgouse@aol.com
2-1/2 boxes of 12” FLOOR TILE (tan color), NATURAL GAS HEATER, wall mount and a COUNTERTOP MICROWAVE. Canandaigua. 585-394-8189
Troy-Bilt 10 hp CHIPPER/SHREDDER and Bolens PUSH MOWER. Both work fine but require minor repairs. Penfield. 585- 613-6548
CANDLES: Numerous new candles. Various shapes, sizes and colors. White, floral floating candles. 12 decorative, glass votive holders. Fairport phermann2@rochester.rr.com
STADIUM SEATS: two folding stadium seats. Make bleacher seating comfortable! Pick up in Fairport. phermann@2rochester.rr.com
BEIGE SOFA and LOVESEAT, both with reclining sections. Upholstery in great shape. You pick up, Avon. Text only. 585-519-7369
Dark wood DOUBLE BED, two DRESSERS and MIRROR. Two NIGHTSTANDS (do not match). Hemlock. 585-704-2786
LOWREY ORGAN, Deluxe Model. Works. Batavia. 585-356-0839
SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINES - Lifetime collection. North Rose. 315-587-9811
BARITONE SAX. 585-402-5379
ASPHALT SHINGLE CUTOFFS, 13” x 13” or larger. 585-733-1090
Fold-up type TREADMILL in good working condition. 585-624-5709
Working ROWING MACHINE. 585-330-5905
Old LICENSE PLATES, old tin or porcelain ADVERTISING SIGNS. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
FIELDSTONE/SMALL BOULDERS and/or CLEAN FILL DIRT. Springwater. 585-481-0897
WOODEN DINING ROOM TABLE - sturdy and strong. 585-381-6546
COAT TREE, BOARD GAMES, small IGLOO DOGHOUSE, small/medium DOG CRATE, PET/BABY GATE, two 2-drawer FILE CABINETS, small BOOKCASE (4’ W). 585-507-8788
HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61 new or expired okay. 585-519-3325
CLEAN-”ISH” FILL wanted. 585-813-8389
HUBCAP for a 2003 Buick LeSabre. 585-671-3822
TOY BOX. 585-410-4672
Any CAT FOOD (wet or dry) or canned TUNA FISH. Text 585-298-8581
VINTAGE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Will also use vintage bulbs. The large colorful ones from back in the ‘50s. 315-559-1406
CANON AE1 PROGRAM 35MM CAMERA with zoom lens or similar. 585-733-4085
DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, CAT LITTER, TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* “I have added an additional shower curtain bar in my tub. I hang up my towels and washcloths there to air dry, and they are out of sight behind the shower curtain. It’s very convenient.” -- A reader
* “I have small candy dishes out in my home, and I like to keep them filled with goodies throughout the year, but now, when I have little children over, I put them up high and let parents know that they and the children are welcome to have as much as they like. e parents appreciate this, as the children sometimes like to overindulge.” -- D.A. in Rhode Island
* Unexpected company on the way? row clutter in a laundry basket and stash. Clear the sink of dirty dishes; take out the garbage; clean the faucets, sink and mirror in the bathroom most likely to be used; and, finally, sweep or vacuum the floors. is should not take long, but these moves will maximize the feeling of cleanliness in your house.
The kids have lost their compass
Help them get to their camp. Use the cardinal points to find the shortest route.
Forstarters,there’smorethan60,000 miles of trails across the nation. Not to mention, hiking is great exercise. Plus,beingintheoutdoorsallowsyou to get away from your phone and appreciate nature’s beauty and wonder.
Why take a hike? 1819
Trailblazing begins
One of the first, major manicured hiking trails is created to lead up Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.
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Ready to show off your brand? Give us a call at (585) 226-8111 with your ideas or get inspiration at www. pennylanepromo.com and explore our products and services.
Let’s work together to make your brand shine!
Branded apparel like shirts and sweatshirts have a remarkable staying power! Most houses have an average of 30 promotional products and some promotional statistics show that roughly 40% of consumers keep their promo merch for over ten years!*
momma was a stray. She had such a personality we decided to keep her. She’s still a character five years later and is quite the princess in our house.
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
Ear infections: Dogs that scratch at their ears, continually shake their heads or have an odor in the ear might have ear infections. In such instances, vets will clean, drain and medicate the ear canals.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’m 16 and love pets -- I have a dog, cat and an iguana already -- and I want to start my own pet sitting business. What is the best way to start? How do I get customers? Do I need a license or something? -- Jeannie H., Pittsburgh
DEAR JEANNIE: Pet sitting can be a great business to get into. Every pet owner needs someone to watch their pet from time to time: long workdays, vacations, illness and so on. However, it’s a business that carries a lot of responsibility. Being reliable is very important and is essential to building your reputation as a sitter that pet owners can trust. I recommend a trial period first, with a couple of neighbors or your parents’ friends. is will give you an idea of what the job entails, how long it takes to care for each pet, and can open your eyes to opportunities. For example, a neighbor who works from home may not need a sitter, but their dog could use an extra walk in the a ernoon.
At the same time, study up on the requirements for running a business. Entrepreneurship courses are o en available for free through your local library or at the Small Business Association (where you can also find a business mentor).
Most states don’t have a licensing requirement for pet sitters, but you can get a certification through Pet Sitters International (petsit.com), or the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (petsitters.org). ese organizations offer a wealth of information -- including how to find clients.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it!
Submit at: gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Most of all, have fun! You’re getting into this business because you love pets, and that will be a big factor in your success.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Cohocton Public Library
8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170 www.cohoctonlibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon., -Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Dansville Public Library
200 Main St., Dansville, 585.335.6720
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm
E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library
5 Beecher St., Atlanta, NY 585-534-5030
Hrs.: Mon., Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun.
Wayland Free Library
101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380 www.gunlockelibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6pm; Fri. 12pm-5pm; Sat. 10am-noon
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Autumn is springtime in reverse. ~Terri Guillemets, “Falling up,” 1999
VeteransOnly-2025Boots2 Beekeeping: We arenow searchingforournextgroupof Veteransthatwanttolearnbeekeeping.Veteransareinvitedto learnaskillthatisbothrewarding andgoodfortheenvironment.We willteachsix(6)localVeteransthe basicsofbeekeepingfromourmasterbeekeeperandpreviousVeteransfromourprogramin2023and 2024.Wewillstartclassroomwork inDecemberandbuildtohandson learningthroughout2025.If interestedpreregisternow.Held December15,1pm,LittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705SMain St.,Hemlock.
Monday,11/25:OvenFried Chicken,ScallopedPotatoes,Sweet &SourCabbage,WholeWheat BreadSlice,MandarinOranges.
Tuesday,11/26:SalisburySteakw/ Gravy,Squash,GreenBeans, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Apple Juice,SnickerdoodleCookie.
Wednesday,11/27:Maple-Glazed Pork,HarvardBeets,Broccoli, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Peach Cobbler.
Thursday,11/28:SiteClosedfor Holiday. SiteclosedFriday.
CookieWalk,BasketRaffle& Bake Sale! WestSpartaUnited MethodistChurchishavinga CookieWalk,BasketRaffle&Bake SaleonSaturday,November23rd. CookieWalk-Startsat1PMtil gone.DeliciousFavoritesbythe pound.Containerprovided.Basket Raffle-Startsat1PM.Drawingsat 2:30PM.BakeSale-Startsat1PM. Varietyofdelectablebakedgoods. Pricedasmarked.Refreshments AvailableToo!Wearelocatedat 4287RedmondRd.,WestSparta/ Dansville.
Veterans+1-DayattheYMCA: Veteran’s Plus1comejoinus,we willbeattheDansvilleYMCAon6 Dec2024at10:00a.m.Theywill havesomestaffonhandtoassist youinthegym/fitnessequipment ifyouwanttoworkofftheholiday meal.Requestaseatbyclickingthe linkonourwebsite,www.livcovets. com.We’llbeintouchtoconfirm yourrequest.
ConesusLakeRidersMotorcycle Club PancakeBreakfastBreakfastwillbeheldNovember 17th(9-12)attheConesusLake RidersMotorcycleClub,6199LibertyPoleRoad,Dansville.Opento thepublic.
NovemberHolidayBazaar at The InterfaithCenter,11FranklinSt., GeneseoonFriday,November 22ndandSaturday,November 23rdfrom9amto4pm.Holiday Vendor&CraftSale,Christmas Wreaths.BeefSticks&RaffleBaskets.TobenefittheInterfaithCenter.Paymentscanbemadebycash, check,Venmoorcreditcard.
MakeyourownminiLight-Up Christmas Tree- December1st getintheholidayspiritandMake YourOwnminilight-upChristmas tree!FunclassatLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St,Hemlock,from1:00-3:00PM. $25perpersonandspotsare limitedto15sopre-registrationis requiredbyemailto lunaswirewraps@gmail.com. Snacksandbeverageswillbeprovided.
Springwater-WebsterCrossing Historical Society presentsWesley Mills,speakingonThe SchoolhousesoftheSpringwater Township.Guestsareinvitedto comeandsharetheirmemoriesof schooldaysinSpringwater.Saturday,November23,3:00P.M.atthe AmericanLegion,7998SchoolSt., Springwaterwithsoup,sandwich anddessertservedafterforadonationof$5.00.Everyoneiswelcome.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
When looking for a new hobby, adults may find that activities that suit their personalities tend to be the most rewarding.
Popcorn garland: Garland made of popcorn is a classic handmade holiday project. For a new twist, toss the popcorn with food coloring and allow it to dry before stringing for some bright color on the tree.
According to the VA, Veterans Day falls on 11/11 to recognize the end of “the war to end all wars” WWII fighting between the Allied nations and Germany ceased on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, and has been observed since 1919. How do you observe the holiday?
- Community service to honor and thank veterans - Public ceremonies and official duties - Read / reflect on history - Connect with veterans in my life - All of the above - None of the above
Poll ends 11-19-2024
Poll ended 11-12-2024
According to Food Institute, industry experts suggest the pumpkin spice “flavor profile is so popular because it evokes and capitalizes upon positive feelings associated with the fall season.” How do you feel about pumpkin spice flavored products?
28.6% Love them – I try everything pumpkin spice!
38.1% Like them – I enjoy a few items each season
23.8% Indifferent – I don't mind them, but I don’t seek them out
4.8% Dislike them
4.8% Strongly dislike
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Locally grown, fresh dressed, ready to cook. $3.75/lb.
3 Dock St., Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-5230
Share experiences through word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth marketing still works, and consumers can play an important role in ensuring that it benefits local businesses. According to the marketing solution experts at Hibü, word-of-mouth marketing remains the most popular way to recommend a business. Consumers trust what others say about a business, so positive experiences with a local firm can be shared with family, friends and neighbors looking for similar services.
I cherish the loneliness of autumn.... I am forty, I have become mortal. I have no further psychic, emotional, or intellectual need to prolong summer seasons, and it is only when autumn begins its play that I can truly focus on therichandvitallifeIamliving.All of a sudden I grow alert. October is a hallelujah! reverberating in my body year-round.... The air is dusty,itsmellsofdrypineneedles; yet I sense imminent ice in the clear blue sky.... How I appreciate everything…fully! After all, tomorrow this reprieve will be buried by blizzards, crushed under slabs of doomsday ice. I cannot waste a minute indoors! I must take advantage of this gift, wedged so tentatively between summer’s hectic somnolence and winter’s harsh apogee.... Each perfect day, I know, is going to be the last beautiful day of autumn.
~John Nichols (b.1940), The Last Beautiful Days of Autumn
Pack the right gear
Whilemostpeoplearenotwithoutasmartphonethatcancaptureamazing high-resolution imagery, serious leaf photographers may want to take out their prized camera equipment for leaf-peeping excursions. Also bring along a map or a GPS-enabled device so you can explore back roads and areas off the beaten path more readily.
There are plenty of apps that can help with foliage-finding adventures, so a phone is a handy tool. When packing, also bring along hiking boots, comfortable layered clothing and any equipment you’d normally take for an afternoon in the great outdoors.
Another idea is to hit the ATM machine prior to the visit. Many smaller towns and their local shops may not take credit cards, so it’s best to have cash on hand for food and souvenirs.
Get cooking. Cooking can certainly pass the time, and it can be even more enjoyable when done in the company of others. Send out an invitation for friends to stop by for a meal or plan a meal prep party.
Residential Commercial Agricultural Excavation
Schedulemediahours.Setasideblocksoftimewhenmediauseisallowed, and resist the urge to activate devices throughout the rest of the
Improving traction around the house also can minimize falls. Throw rugs and runners can be made more secure with nonslip rubber backings. Bath rugs can reduceslippingonwetsurfacesin the bathroom. Also, nonslip mats can be used inside of showers and bathtubs.
Use shoe trays to reduce puddling from melting snow or rain runoff in entryways. Mop up spills quickly, and consider the use of matteor textured-finished flooring to improve stability underfoot. Promptly remove snow and ice from driveways and walkways. For those who live in cold climates, heated concrete can help melt precipitation before it accumulates.
County Rte. 36 Wayland, NY 14572 585-402-1579 kimmelexcavatingllc@yahoo.com
Few people, young or old, look forward to writing a will. A will is not an easy subject to broach, but it is important to have documents in place to ease the burden for family members.
We buy deer hide or trade hides for a pair of gloves!
We slaughter Monday through Friday Beef • Hogs • Buffalo • Lambs Goats • Rabbits • Alpacas
We sell Beef (whole, 1/2s, 1/4s) or by the piece Hogs (whole, 1/2s) or by the piece Lambs, Goats, Rabbits, Chickens
Debbara J. Applin-Burr Sept. 30, 1949 – Nov. 19, 2023
When a person dies without a will, his or her assets might not go where he or she intended. In some instances, assets might go to the government. For parents who die before their children are grown, a will can also serve as a legal document indicating a plan for custody of the kids.
109 West Naples St. • Wayland, NY 14572
Fund renovations at museums, schools or arts centers. Another way to memorialize a loved one is to make a donation to his or her favorite organization. Donors’ names routinely are memorialized on walls, floors or plaques on buildings.
Think of small business sponsorships when putting together school- or clubbased fundraisers.
It is no joy to me to sit On dreamy summer eves, When silently the timid moon Kisses the sleeping leaves, And all things through the fair hush’d earth
Love, rest—but nothing grieves. Better I like old autumn
With his hair toss’d to and fro, Firmstridingo’erthestubblefields When the equinoctials blow.
~Dinah Mulock Craik (1826–1887), “October”
Special Hamburger $2.99 lb.
With 50# Min. Purchase
Whole Tenderloin $15.99
7 Kinds of Sausage
Dog Bones Trapping Supplies
Deer Season Started October 1, 2024
We take them 7 days a week. We take them with hide on.
We also do Hot Dogs, Jerky, Pepper Sticks, Bologna, Summer Sausage, Liverwurst, Salami, Smoked Hams, Deer Bacon & More
Look for a new job or fresh income streams. A rising cost of living is a concern for people from all walks of life, but it may be especially concerning for retirees or individuals with costs like childcare that can be hard to pare back. In such instances, individuals can look for new a job or fresh income streams. According to the Q3 2021 CNBC | Momentive Small Business Survey, 50 percent of small business owners say it’s gotten harder to find qualified people to hire compared to a year ago. And nearly one-third of survey respondents indicate they have open roles they have not been able to fill for at least three months. Individuals can explore local employment opportunities in an effort to find a new, more lucrative job that can help them combat a rising cost of living. Others who want to remain in their jobs can look for part-time work to supplement their existing income.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Rotary drill operator: The oil and gas industry relies on rotary drill operators to extract oil or natural gas from underground sources. Salaries for these jobs can range from $30 to $40 per hour.
In Cohocton, Mon. - Fri. mornings to help paralyzed man up for work. Good atmosphere and pay. Call John at (585) 384-5736
With NYS Class B Crane Certification and Class A-B driver’s license. Pinning Boom experience preferred.
Pay per experience.
• NYS Certification in Agriculture or Animal Science
• A Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science with one year of experience in the Agriculture industry involving the reproduction, husbandry, care & maintenance of large & small animals including farm, domestic, laboratory, wildlife and/or exotic animals. Experience may include, but is not limited to, veterinary medicine, dairy production & management, the animal feed industry, & wildlife management OR
• An Associate degree in Animal Science & two years of experience as described above OR
• A high school diploma or equivalent & four years of experience as described above
• Livestock production experience preferred
• Mount Morris May Center
• $50,000-$55,000
Starting date:
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
is position will be open until filled. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Please send a letter of interest with reference to Vacancy 25-53, proof of certifications and resume to hr@gvboces.org or mail to: Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
Prioritize saving. Lightning may not strike twice, but plan ahead for another job loss by prioritizing savings in the future.
We’re hiring talented, family-oriented people to work with us!
Minimum qualifications:
• Valid NYS Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Class B w/P&S endorsements.
• Must comply with required Drug and Alcohol Testing.
• Must pass fingerprint background check & 19A physical exam.
We train on our buses to obtain your CDL license.
We pay for all testing to get you up and driving!
Bus Driver Starting Rate $26/Hour
Apply online at: https://avocacsd.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities
Call 607-566-3000 x3300 for information
Saturday, Nov. 16th • 10am-12pm Tuesday, Nov. 19th • 6-8pm
Apply online, then come in and interview with one of our departments for this winter season.
• Snowsports School Instructors
• Snowmaker
• Snowcat Operator
• Lift Operators
• Ticket Scanner
• Rentals Attendant
• Guest Services/Ticket Sales
• Retail/Demo Center
Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve, and retirement age can arrive in the blink of an eye. Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can find themselves in financial straits at a point in their lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts from Money, CNN and The Motley Fool advise that financially solvent people should begin saving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’ financial futures.
Economist: Economists study and analyze the effects of resources on costs and their relation to industry and government.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
USEDTIRESALE! Passenger Car andLightTruckTires!VanHyning Service,89FranklinStreet,Dansville. 585-335-8210.
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SNOWCHAINS to fit20-22.5”truck tires.2sets.$150forboth.Dansville. 585-335-5586
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GRAVELFORSALE: Crushed gravel,bankrungravel,crushed stone.Truckingavailable.Wilson DairyFarms,CanaseragaRd., Dansville.607-382-3342www. wilsongravel.com
SLATEROOFINGTILES, 7”x14”, 5-600 pcs($2each).ANTIQUETYPE PLOWPARTS,shareslandsides,etc ($125).Geneseo.585-245-1178
FORSALE: Hay andstraw,small squarebales$5.75perbale.Cracked corn,56lb.bag$11.00.Shelledcorn, 56lb.bag$10.00.Blackoilsunflower seeds,40lb.bag$22.00.Alsobaleage forsale.Pickupatfarmintan/green building.Walk-MoorFarmsLLC, 10459StateRte371,Cohocton,NY. 607-738-1180.
FORSALE: 3 pieceLeatherliving roomsetwithsolidoakcoffeetable and2endtables.$1800/OBO.Call 585-245-3352.
SEWINGMACHINEREPAIRS: Any Make.Freeestimates.30+years experience.Factorytrained.Guaranteed.PhoenixHearth&Power (DansvilleAgway)585-335-7670.
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[T]here is a harmony In autumn, and a lustre in its sky ~Percy Bysshe Shelley
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10 Seward St.: Charming Village Colonial on a huge deep lot!! 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath up and 1 bedroom, 1 full bath down! Featuring high ceilings, large rooms and some hardwood floors!