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Embarrassing parents
A shout out to our local first responders
We were suddenly plunged into darkness last night when a car struck a utility pole at the north end of Bronson Hill Rd. in Avon. The first police officer arrived on the scene in what couldn’t have been more than 3 minutes. I counted four police cars and I don’t think ten minutes had gone by. The ambulance arrived shortly thereafter. The power company was there in less than 30 minutes and power was restored within an hour and a half. I hope all is well with the accident victims. I was amazed at how quickly the first responders were on the scene. Thanks to all involved. You really start to appreciate it when you’re sitting in the dark with no heat or electricity on a cold 30 degree night!
Thanks for helping our cat
Years ago, Anna, my daughter, went fishing. She heard loud meowing nearby. Anna found a small, gray kitten with funny, spiky hair. Anna brought the kitten home. Stryker got her name because she likes to stick out a paw and playfully strike people as they walk by. She has the heaviest, thickest fur coat I have ever seen. We are not sure if she is part Maine Coon, but she has a fur ruff around her neck, a bushy tail and thick fur like a bear. When Stryker went outside she would come back with ticks hidden in her thick fur. I tried to groom her myself but ended up taking her to the vet after I accidentally cut her. Beth at Lab’s Landing in Darien Center has been a lifesaver. We even discovered Stryker has gray stripes under all her baggy fur. Thanks Beth for making life so much easier.
To the wonderful people who helped me!
I want to say thank you to the three people who stopped on Route 63 yesterday to help me when I flipped my car over the guardrail in the snow storm. You stopped and helped me get out of my car and waited with me til 911 arrived. I really and truly appreciate your kind hearts to wait in the blistering cold with me. I am home and doing ok thanks to all of you and everyone who helped me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!
At a recent hockey game with 10yr. old players I was shocked by some parents’ behavior. First, the kids can’t hear you screaming constantly: helmets, hats, it’s noisy on the ice. Second, you are not the only parent who paid for gear, got up early on weekends and brought kids here, then help them get dressed. Third, your entire family should be embarrassed as you taught those kids to scream and complain if things don’t go your way. I did not go there to listen to you up in the top row screaming your opinion about refs, coaches and calling kids by name, telling them you know best! You are rude, sir.
Technically Handicapped
Not really a Rant, but there is a lot of computer help out there. Libraries offer free computer use and probably instruction. Also used and rebuilt are really cheap these days. I’m no wizz but over 70 and I get by with the tech stuff.
Technology Choice
This is in response to Technically Handicapped. I have an old-fashioned cell phone for use when I leave the house. I CHOOSE not to have a smart phone! I do have a computer, know how to use it, and think it belongs at home. I agree that there’s far too many businesses and medical
An average user spends 2 hours and 31 minutes daily on social media. Half of our time on our phones is reserved for social media. If you were forced to choose just one source for social media, what would it be?
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None, I don’t have time for social media
Poll ends 3-21-23
Poll ended 3-14-2023
March is National Craft Month. Learning a craft offers many benefits. Expressing one’s creativity provides stress relief and can lower blood pressure much like meditation. There’s natural positive reinforcement from learning a new skill. What craft do you most enjoy?
35.7% Knitting 21.4% Painting 14.3% Woodworking 14.3% Sewing 7.1% Jewelry Making 7.1% Scrapbooking
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: What is the name of Scarlett and Rhett’s daughter in “Gone with the Wind”?
2. GEOGRAPHY: What body of water lies between Australia and New Zealand?
3. TELEVISION: Eric Camden is a minister on which TV dramedy?
4. CHEMISTRY: Which element has the Latin name stannum (Sn)?
5. LITERATURE: Which book is first written in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series?
6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the bird logo on Twitter?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How long does it take a sloth to digest food?
8. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the irrational fear represented by coulrophobia?
9. MYTHOLOGY: Which Greek god stared at his own reflection until he died?
10. INVENTIONS: What did Alessandro Volta invent?