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Statins and Thiazides Acutely Increase Blood Sugar, Risk of Diabetes

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DEAR DR. ROACH: My question regards the results of my fasting glucose tests for the past couple of years. I am 81 and weigh around 150 pounds. The medications I am taking concern me, with relevance to the A1C levels of my quarterly blood work. My A1C levels have mostly been near mid-5%; the last showed 6%. Medications relevant to this that I am suspicious of are 100-12.5 mg of losartan/hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and 20 mg of simvastatin. I have read that these medications can have an effect of raising blood glucose. My doctor is adamant that this does not exist, but it seems to me that there is a conflict on this. Should I perhaps ask him to change those medications because of my blood sugar? I am concerned about issues with the thiazide and the statin. -- P.R.

ANSWER: There isn’t a conflict. You are absolutely right that both simvastatin (like all statins) and HCTZ (like all thiazides) increase blood sugar and the risk of diabetes. The risk, however, is small. For thiazides, the risk of high blood sugar seems tied to potassium levels -- the lower the potassium, the higher the risk of diabetes. Interestingly, the losartan in combination with the HCTZ you are taking tend to raise potassium levels, so that combination may have a lower risk of worsening blood sugar levels than taking HCTZ alone. You are already taking the smallest effective dose of thiazide. The risk of statins seems greater in higher doses and with more potent statins, like atorvastatin and rosuvastatin; however, the risk is still small. About one person in 100 treated with a high-dose intensive statin, such as 40 mg of atorvastatin for five years, would be expected to get diabetes, while a dosage of 20 mg of simvastatin would be expected to have an even lower risk.

The conflict isn’t whether the increased risk exists (it does), but whether the treatments to prevent heart attack and stroke are worth the increased risk. For nearly all people, the benefit of keeping blood pressure and cholesterol under control greatly outweighs the small increased risk of diabetes. Given your normal A1C level, I would say your risk is low, and I do not generally recommend changing treatment based on your concern over blood sugar. ***

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.

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585-728-5961 or 585-669-2319

DID YOU KNOW? As more people work remotely, electricians and safety advocates are warning that various missteps may be putting people at unnecessary risk of fire and other unsafe conditions. Electrical equipment is necessary to run home offices just like it is traditional offices. Some people may find they have a shortage of electrical outlets to power their devices, and as a result they may turn to extension cords or power strips. While that may seem like an easy fix, it is easy to inadvertently overload outlets and circuits by connecting more than one power strip or extension cord together in a practice known as “daisy chaining.”

According to the U.S. Office of Compliance, using a daisy chain in the workplace violates the National Electrical Code as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s rules. While it may not break code at home, overloading any outlets increases risk for fire. The National Fire Protection Association indicates that more than 45,000 residential fires are started each year due to electrical failure and malfunction. Overload causes products to overheat, and that can spark fires in the power cords themselves or inside the wall where electrical lines are hidden.

OTC MELAGENINA PLUS LOTION, 235 mL, unopened. Expiration April 2025. Can send photos of the bottle if interested: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net

SUBARU VERTICAL SHAFT ENGINE, did run, needs pull start replaced: 585-737-0491

BOXES and PACKING MATERIALS: donna.lievense@gmail.com

WOMEN’S DIAPERS, size large. Still in bags: 585-236-0426

Clean QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, 2” thick. Perfect for camper: 585-755-1948

FELLED 4-5’ SECTIONS ASH WOOD; take as much as you want. Easy access; wood on edges of lawn: 585-281-1717

CASTRO CONVERTIBLE COUCH and SLIPCOVER - cushions ripped, but mattress perfect: grleah1@juno.com

ICE FISHING SLED: jpt423@yahoo.com

FIREWOOD. Large cotton wood tree; felled, trunk and large branches broken down. Easy access. You pick up, Ionia: 585-657-4894


You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)

WURLITZER PIANO - great condition; only one sticky key. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-755-9697

YOUNG CHANG PIANO. You pick up, Honeoye Falls: 585-944-5825

RESMED S8 ELITE II CPAP - Case, Heater/Humidifier, 2 Tanks, Cord, Manual, Hose, but CPAP part probably no good. West Henrietta: cmonroj1@rochester.rr.com

AVANA COMFORT MATTRESS ELEVATOR (king size). Pick up, Webster: 585-872-6756

PATTERNS for an 18” doll: 585-624-5144

NORDIC TRACK EXERCISER. Very good condition. Pick up, LeRoy: 585-880-1096

MISCELLANEOUS STEREO EQUIPMENT - SONY Receiver, SONY 5 Disc Player, 2 Magnavox Speakers. Pick up: 585-880-1096

DELL 3.06 GHz UBUNTU LINUX, 500Gb HDD, DVD, 4Mb RAM, Ethernet 100, onboard graphics NO monitor NO KB: m0kpc6s3g@mozmail.com


Small IGLOO DOGHOUSE and a LANE CEDAR CHEST in fair condition. You pick up: 585-507-8788

SLEEPER SOFA, any size. Please, not if it smells like smoke or cat urine. Will pick up! Thanks! 585-443-9338


VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, motors, speakers, meters, turntables, communication gear, Advertising, Ham, Test Equipment: 585-538-9341

ROSARIES (old and new) to add to my 300+ collection: 585-293-2199


COMICS AND SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS, any condition, will pick up. I enjoy everything. Thank You! God Bless. Text: 585-260-0437

KEYBOARD in working condition for a 90s Dell computer for a disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022

CLEAN STORAGE BOXES, like copier paper boxes, with lids for moving. Stored indoors. Will pick up: 585-497-2327

HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61, new or expired okay. Thank you: 585-519-3325


OLD ELECTRONICS, will refurbish and pass on to others in need, or recyclecomputers, stereos, printers, etc.: terrybeckley1@gmail.com

Senior Navy Veteran needs any running VEHICLE that has passed inspection for himself and animal rescue: 585-531-4004

Rock music - 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL RECORDS for my own personal collection. Thanks in advance: gzintel@yahoo.com

BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)

COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and carrying case for granddaughter who will be in this summer’s tournament: 585-334-6134

AIR COMPRESSOR - 10+ gallons: mhoskins@pvac.org

INVERSION TABLE, for senior with bad back: stujaxon@yahoo.com

TRAILER WHEEL & TIRE, ST175-80D13 13” wheel, 5 lugs: 585-993-1917

BUILT/UNBUILT MODELS OR KITS. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector seeks projects/restorations/customs. Auto, Truck, Plane, Military, etc. Call 585-314-6989, thanks

DIRT BIKES, ATVs, GO-KARTS wanted that are running or not running for father-son project. Thank you in advance! 315-576-1278

Looking for a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Thank you and feel free to call or text me: 315-576-1278

Looking for GARAGE SIGNS, OIL CANS, or other decorative automotive memorabilia from the 1970s and earlier. Thank you! 315-576-1278

LARGE FREEZER in good condition: 585-424-0732


Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.

Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111

SpaghettiDinnerFundraiser: Saturday, March4th2023from 4pmtilsoldoutattheCohocton AmericanLegion,6WilcoxSt., Cohocton.Cost:$10perticket (cashonly).Specialthankyouto TheBakeryatMLCakesandCatering(WaylandNY),WaylandFire Department,PerkinsvilleFire Department,CohoctonLegionand WaylandFoodMartfortheirgeneroussupportofourfundraiser.



Monday:PorkLoinwithapplesand RaisinSauce,Asparagus,Corn, WheatBreadSlice,Peaches

Tuesday:StuffedShellswithMeat Sauce,Peas,Carrots,MixedFruit, Brownie

Wednesday:PotRoastwithGravy, GarlicMashedPotatoes,Mixed Vegetables,WheatBreadSlice, Applesauce,CranberryJuice

Thursday:OvenFriedChicken, MashedSweetPotatoes,Broccoli, WheatBreadSlice,Clementine,AppleJuice

SiteClosedonFriday (585)335-8130


Seeking nominationsforthe upcominginductiontobeheldon Saturday,October21,2023.Please submitnominationapplicationsby June1,2023onformsobtainedat theDansvilleCentralSchoolDistrict Office(337MainSt.)oravailable ontheDistrictwebsitewww. dansvillecsd.orgundertheCommunitytab,FoundationforDansville Education.


VeteranPlus1-PaintPlatoonMarch 5,3pm.Wewillcreateour owninterpretationofaselected pieceofartundertheguidanceof localartistJillRossboroughather ArtsmartStudioinGeneseo,NY. Wewilllearn,becreativeandenjoy thecomraderyoffellowveterans. RSVPisrequiredandcanbedone inmanyways;visitourwebsiteand clickontheeventlink,callortext 585-200-9742,oremailrwolter@ vocwny.org.Approvedattendees willreceiveanemailfromusto confirmyourseat.Ifyoudonotsee aresponsefromus,checkyour SPAM/Junkinboxorcontactusvia phoneandletusknow.

And there is quite a different sort of conversation around a fire than there is in the shadow of a beech tree.... [F]our dry logs have in them all the circumstance necessary to a conversation of four or five hours, with chestnuts on the plate and a jug of wine between the legs. Yes, let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ~ Pietro Aretino, translated from Italian


VeteranPlus1Photography Group - Veterans,doyouliketakingpictures?Wouldyouliketo learnhowtotakebetterpictures fromaprofessionalforfree?Come joinusandlearnthebasicsof photographyfromalocalprofessionalphotographer.Wewill meetonthesecondTuesdayofthe monthatLittleLakesCommunity Centerfrom6-8p.m.,bringacamera,phoneornotebook.RSVPon ourwebsiteatwww.livcovets.com orbyemailing,textorcallingwith yournameandnumber.rwolter@ vocwny.org,585-200-9742.You willreceiveaconfirmationreply withthestatusofyourRSVP. https://www.livcovets.com

TeenTheatreClasses- Beginning March 7theveryTuesdayuntilApril 25ththeLittleLakesCommunity Center,4705S.MainSt.Hemlock, willbeofferingTeenTheatre Classes5:30-7:3PM.Focusingon: 1.WhatIsTheatre.2.Movement andSpace.3.Where,MyEnvironment.4.Who,MyCharacterDevelopment.5.Why,WhatIsMyMotivation?Studentswillbedoing improvworkandpickingouttwo monologuestoworkonforafamilyandfriendspresentationatthe endoftheeightweeksession. Eightclasses$175.00,dueatsignuponthefirstdayofclass.Class limitedtoeightteenswithaminimumoffour.http://www. littlelakesny.org

VeteranPlus1Photography Group - March14.Comejoinus andlearnthebasicsofphotographyfromalocalprofessional photographer.Wewillmeetonthe secondTuesdayofthemonthat LittleLakesCommunityCenter 6-8pm,bringacamera,phoneor notebook.RSVPcanbedonein manyways;visitourwebsiteand clickontheeventlink,callortext 585-200-9742,oremailrwolter@ vocwny.org.Requestswillreceive anemailfromustoconfirmyour seat.Wehopetoseeyouthere.If youdonotseearesponsefromus, checkyourSPAM/Junkinboxor contactusviaphoneandletus know.

SpringtimeSucculentMakeand Take Class- Springtimeisjust aroundthecorner.Comejoinusas KatieKlattbringsbackhersucculentplantsandcutecontainersto addtoyourjoyofSpring.These makewonderfulgiftsaswellas personalpleasurepieces.Theclass isbeingofferedMarch19thfrom 1:00-3:00atLittleLakesCommunityCenter,4705S.MainSt.Hemlock.Costis$25.00ppandincludesallmaterials.Registrationfor thiseventcanbedoneontheLLCC websitewww.littlelakesny.orgor bystoppingbytheLLCCoffice Tue.,Wed,Thurs10-2.Thecutoff dateisMarch17thby3PM.

SilkTieEasterEggsinaNest Centerpiece Class: FortheEaster holiday,makesilktieeggsinanest centerpieceon3/11intheWhimsicalLadyandWhimsyCreationsgift shopatLittleLakesCommunity Center,4507S.MainSt.Hemlock. Ifyouhaveaspecialbasketyouuse todisplayyoureggs,certainlybring italong,ifnotwewillmakenesting centerpieces.St.Patrick’sDay snackswillbeavailable.Classstarts at11:00am,thecostis$30.00pp andincludesallmaterials.Youcan payatthedoor,butyoumust registerbyphoneat585-703-7536 or585-703-7095.


Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,March8,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.

I prefer winter and Fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape — the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show.

~ Andrew Wyeth

Mount Morris

VeteranPlus1-BowlingBrigade: We lookforwardtoseeing ourVeteran’sandoneofyour supporter’scomeoutandjoinus forsomebowling,foodandfun March11th,2-4pmatLivingston LanesinGeneseo.Veteranscan RSVPbyvisitingourwebsiteand clickingontheeventorbycalling, texting,oremailing585-200-9742 orrwolter@vocwny.org.Spaceis limitedsowatchforouremailto confirmyourattendance.Ifyoudo notseearesponsefromus,check yourSPAM/Junkinboxorcontact usviaphoneandletusknow.

St.Luke’stheEvangelistParishSt. Patrick’sDayDinnerand Dance:HeldMarch17,5-10pm, GeneseeRiverRestaurantand ReceptionCenter,134N.MainSt., Mt.Morris.EnjoyadelicioustraditionalSt.Patrick’sDaydinner.Dinnerwillbeservedat6PM.KelliJ Sperino-PeasefromCJCountryRadioisourDJfortheevening! Alwaysagreattime!Cashbar. Ticketsmustbepurchasedinadvance.Cost:$25perperson.ContactCathyattheParishOfficeat 585-245-110forticketstoday!


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