9 minute read
Dansville Mini Storage
9384 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 e above-named tenants have been, or attempted to be, noti ed of this action as required by State law as stated in the rental agreement. All contents to be disposed of at the discretion of the landlord. e past due amounts will be increased by the passage of time incurring additional rent/late charges and any other additional expenses including, but not limited to, the cost of inventory, transportation, labor and disposal of items. e property will be disposed of by any means the Landlord deems t and necessary.
REQUESTS A NOTICE OF LIEN SALE BE PUBLISHED FOR THE PAST DUE ACCOUNTS RENTING THE FOLLOWING STORAGE UNITS: Unit #65, rented in the name of Mary Alverson, l.k.a., Dansville, NY 14437, for the past due amount of $220.00. All contents are to be disposed at the discretion of the landlord.
All payments for redemption of these goods must be made in cash, money order or certi ed check. NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Final date for payment in full is April 12, 2023, at the Landlord’s place of business. All payments in full must be with the understanding the units could be vacated at that time and the goods could be removed in total.
An additional $50.00 fee will be assessed against the Tenant’s account at this time for additional labor involved in the removal of property from the unit.
- Pay off debts
- Donate to my favorite charity
- Treat my family and friends
- Invest it in my retirement account
- Take my dream vacation
- A combination of the above Poll ends 4-04-2023
Poll ended 3-28-2023
New York State Maple Producers Association features the 27th annual Maple Weekends the last two weekends of March. Farms across New York State invite visitors to their sugarhouses to experience firsthand the production of pure maple syrup. What do you visit these farms for?
25.0% To sample delicious maple products
16.7% To enjoy an annual tradition with friends and family
25.0% To learn how sap is made into syrup and other products
16.7% To get out in nature after winter hibernation
16.7% To stock up on maple products from the producers
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Where Knowledge Grows
Spring Break Events
Wegmans Zoomobile: “Cycles of Life” – Tuesday, April 4 @ 11am. Sta from the Wegmans ZooMobile will be at the Library to present a free program entitled “Cycles of Life.” Families with children of all ages will be able to see and investigate the life cycles of several di erent types of animals.
One Book, OWWL Kids – Wednesday, April 5, 1:00-1:30pm. e goal of One Book, OWWL Kids is to create a community reading program with children and caregivers across Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston Counties. In 2023, we will be sharing Free to Be Elephant Me by Giles Andreae. e event at Dansville Public Library will include reading the book and a cra , with each family receiving one copy of the book to keep!
Library Events
*Space at Library programs may be limited & preregistration may be required. Please register in-person, by phone to: 585-335-6720, or online: https://owwl.libcal.com/ calendar/DansvillePublicLibrary.
Family & Children’s Programs
Busy Bee Storytime Spring Session 2023 – Wednesdays @ 10:30am-11:15am. Spring into the Library to join our next session of Busy Bee Storytime with Ms. Mary Ellen. is session runs every Wednesday at 10:30am, April 12 through June 7. Registration is required.*
Family Movie Night – Tuesday, April 11 @ 6:00pm. Bring the family to the Library for our nal movie night of the season! is movie event has been sponsored by Norma & Bill Forsythe and Tony’s Pizzeria.
Teen & Adult Programs
Teen Time – Monday, April 17 @ 4:30pm. Calling all teens ages 13-18! Join Ms. Mary Ellen for a special teen event each month! Please register for each month’s session separately.*
Ravenous Readers: Adult Book Club – ursday, April 13 @ 6:30pm: Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing. e Ravenous Readers Book Club meets in the Reeve Room at the Library at 6:30pm on the second ursday of each month. New members welcome! Reading ahead? May’s title is e Engineer’s Wife by Tracey Enerson Wood.
Tech Tutoring, 1-on-1 Sessions – Monday, April 17 @ 2:00pm & 3:00pm. Dansville Public Library has two 1-hour timeslots available for one-on-one tech tutoring with Morgan Cendoma; brought to you by the Livingston County Libraries. Contact Morgan to register at lctechtutoring@gmail.com or 585-568-7602.
AUNT FLOW – Easily Accessible Period Products: When visiting our facilities, you may notice a new addition! Dansville Public Library is excited to share our involvement with the OWWL Library System - Aunt Flow Partnership Program to provide easily accessible period products to our library community free of charge. Dansville is one of 14 libraries that have received a grant for free period products in our public restrooms. We supply toilet paper, soap and paper towels - so why not period products?
Looking ahead to May
Getting Started with Libby – Wednesday, May 3 @ 6:00pm – Learn how to access ebooks and audiobooks through the Libby App.
Levitation Demonstration with Dr. Ryan Vogt –ursday, May 4 @ 6:00pm – It’s not magic; it’s science!
Keep an eye out for Elephant & Piggie – Mo Willems’ beloved characters will be visiting the Library in May!
On September 12, 2019, Baron Winds LLC (“Baron Winds”) obtained a Certi cate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (“Certi cate”) from the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment. e Certi cate authorizes Baron Winds to construct and operate a 242 MW wind-powered electric generating facility and associated project components in the Towns of Cohocton, Dansville, Fremont, and Wayland, Steuben County, New York (“Facility”) subject to certain conditions. Subsequently, Baron Winds proposed to construct a portion of the Facility known as Phase I and sought approval to modify the Certi cate to allow Phase I of the Facility to consist of 33 turbines up to 650 feet in height. In May 2020, the Siting Board amended the Certi cate and approved Baron’s construction and operation of Phase I.
On September 6, 2022, Baron Winds and Baron Winds II LLC petitioned the Siting Board for an amendment to the Certi cate for Phase II of the Facility. Baron Winds proposes that Phase II will have a maximum generating capacity of 117 MW and will be comprised of 26 turbines, 10.9 miles of access roads, and 32.5 miles of underground collection line. Baron Winds Phase II is located in the Towns of Cohocton (components include underground collection lines and O&M building), Fremont (components include underground collection lines, access roads, 26 turbines, and a laydown yard), and Wayland (components include underground collection lines).
e following modi cations are proposed to Project components located within Baron Winds Phase II: increasing the height of 26 turbines from less than 500 feet to approximately 650 feet, eliminating ten previously approved turbines, shi ing the location of 24 turbines, adding a collection substation to be located at the POI in the Town of Cohocton adjacent to existing switchyard, adding an ADLS Tower in the Town of Fremont, proposing two new turbine locations, and relocating access roads, underground collection lines, the O&M building, one permanent met tower, and a laydown yard/batch plant. A map showing the planned location of the turbines and other Phase II components is included with this Notice.
e reasons for the proposed modi cations are to optimize Facility design, ensure Phase II of the Facility can remain nancially viable, and help New York achieve the mandates under the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act to generate all electricity from renewable sources by 2040.
As with the Certi cated Baron Winds Project, the construction and operation of Phase II will result in certain unavoidable impacts. A copy of the Phase II Petition to amend the Certi cate and all supporting documentation being considered by the Siting Board can be found at the following locations: https://www.rwe.com/en/research-and-development/project-plans/baron-winds e Phase II Petition and supporting documentation can also be found on the Department of Public Service’s webpage at http:// www.dps.ny.gov/. Click on “Commission Files,” “File Search,” and enter the Case Number “15-F-0122” in the search bar.
Printed copies of the Petition can also be found at Location Document Repositories in the Phase II Project
• Cohocton Public Library; 8 Maple Ave., Cohocton, NY 14826
• Hornell Public Library; 64 Genesee St., Hornell, NY 14843
• Howard Public Library; 3607 County Route 70A, Hornell, NY 14843 For further information on the Petition or any questions, please contact:
Jason Dagger Director of Development East
Baron Winds LLC
1251 Waterfront Place, 3rd Floor Pittsburch, PA 15502
O: 937-604-8820 • jason.dagger@rwe.com
Thanks to our girls, Jennifer & Heather, for helping us, Gwen & Brian, after our surgeries
Two Public Statement Hearings on the Phase II Project will be held on: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Town of Fremont Town Hall, 8217 Cream Hill Road Arkport, New York 14807. ose persons wishing to comment on any aspect of this proceeding will have the opportunity to present a statement on the record at the public statement hearings.
For those who cannot attend or prefer not to speak at the public statement hearings, there are several other ways to provide your comments to the Siting Board regarding the proceeding. Comments should refer to “Case 15-F-0122.” Although comments will be accepted throughout the pendency of this proceeding, they are requested to be submitted by no later than June 30, 2023.
By Internet or Mail: Go to www.dps.ny.gov, click on “File Search” (located under the heading “Commission Files”), enter “15-F0122” in the “Search by Case Number” eld, and then click on the “Post Comments” box located at the top of the page. Alternatively, comments may be mailed to the Hon. Michelle L. Phillips, Secretary, New York State Board on Electric Generation and Siting, ree Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350.
All written comments will become part of the record considered by the Siting Board and may be accessed on the Department of Public Service website by searching, as described above. Toll-Free Opinion Line: You may call the Public Service Commission’s Opinion Line at 1-800-335-2120. is number is set up to take comments about pending cases from in-state callers 24-hours a day. ese comments are not transcribed verbatim, but a summary is provided to the Siting Board. Please refer to “Case 15-F0122” when submitting comments on the Opinion Line.
Lucie Winborne
can themselves. volunteering
Construction From The Ground Up
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Home Improvement
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Demolition: Demolition involves more than picking up a sledgehammer and swinging away. Some demolition projects are best left to the pros. For example, any projects that involve exposure to hazardous materials are risky and therefore best left to experienced laborers. However, many homeowners are capable of safely and effectively pulling cabinets from walls, removing flooring or knocking down drywall. Homeowners unsure of how to approach demolition tasks can ask their contractors to demonstrate the proper technique so the demolition is done right and on time.
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Home renovation projects can be both exciting and tricky. Do-ityourselfers are inspired by designs showcased in magazines, websites and their own communities. When DIY enthusiasts see a design they like, it’s understandable that they may want to emulate these looks at home. Remodeling is one of the larger DIY undertakings, and it goes beyond simple carpentry. Considering demolition, reconstruction, electrical, plumbing, and masonry work may be part of the DIY package, homeowners who are thinking about renovations must first stock up on the tools and other supplies of the trade. Having the right tools can mean the difference between a job well done and a job that needs to be redone.
According to WorldAtlas.com, the largest city park in the world is Bosque de la Primavera in Guadalajara, Mexico. At 74,132 acres, Bosque de la Primavera is more than 14,000 acres larger than the world’s second largest city park, Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. Bosque de la Primavera features the Rio Caliente, a geothermal river, and is home to a massive nature reserve inhabited by wild animals. The largest city park in the United States and fifth largest such park in the world is the McDowell Sonoran Preserve in Scottsdale, Arizona. The McDowell Sonoran Preserve includes 180 miles of hiking trails within its 27,800 acres. And while it might be one of the most recognizable city parks in the world, New York City’s Central Park is not counted among the world’s 20 largest city parks, despite estimates that it draws more than 40 million visitors each year. However, it is one of the most visited places in the United States.