7 minute read
Patient With Risk of Breast Cancer Questions Safety of Yearly MRI
DEAR DR. ROACH: Due to a slight genetic risk of breast cancer (my Tyrer-Cuzick Model score was 20.6%), my doctor wants me to get breast MRIs with contrast annually. I am concerned about long-term exposure to the gadolinium-based contrast dye. I’ve learned that this heavy metal is considered safe, but traces of it can be stored in the brain and other body tissues.
I am 49 and in very good health. I also get mammograms annually. I consulted my doctor about spacing out my MRIs every two to three years, but he said I should have an MRI every year. So I could be getting these MRIs for the next 35 or so years. Do the benefits of contrast dye outweigh the harm in a person with my health profile? -- S.A.
ANSWER: I’m afraid I don’t have a good answer for you. It is true that most authorities recommend an intensive breast cancer surveillance program for women at a high risk of breast cancer, in the range of a 20% to 25% lifetime risk. (The average risk for developing breast cancer for a woman born today is estimated to be about 13%.)
The Tyrer-Cuzick model of estimating breast cancer risk tends to give higher estimates than the other commonly used models, such as the BRCAPRO. Other models may not put you over the threshold for intensive screening with MRIs, which is usually combined with mammograms. The question about gadolinium (the chemical element used in the contrast dye for MRIs) is important because some people do store gadolinium in various tissues, including the brain, but the clinical significance of this is unknown. (People with kidney disease can develop a skin disease due to gadolinium, so they aren’t recommended to have MRIs with gadolinium.)
Although gadolinium can stay in the body for months or years, there has been no evidence of harm from gadolinium in brain tissue, despite these agents having been used for many years. Some agents have less retention than others. The U.S. FDA has mandated patient guides for these contrast agents, which relay the information above.
Given that there is a probable benefit to intensive screening for breast cancer in your case due to your high genetic risk, and no more than a theoretical risk from gadolinium, I believe that the benefits outweigh the risks, but I can’t say that with complete certainty.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
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Paint Recycling Collection
Cost: Conventionalwisdomsuggestsit’slessexpensivetodosomething yourselfthantohiresomeoneelsetodoitforyou,butthat’snotnecessarily true of home improvement projects. Labor costs typically account for a substantialamountofprofessionallycontractedprojects,buthomeowners can cut those costs by volunteering to do some of the simpler tasks themselves. In addition, contractors often purchase materials at a much lower cost than individual homeowners because contractors buy in bulk. So while labor costs might be lower on DIY projects, the cost of materials canoffsetthosesavings.
We Put Integrity Back Into Business.
The planet is comprised of a remarkable set of organisms that, when working correctly, produce some awe-inspiring results. However, the Earth is constantly under attack from a growing population and the mechanisms of man that can have very real environmental impacts. Education is the key to inciting real change. One in four mammals is at risk of extinction, while 78 percent of marine mammals are threatened by an early and preventable death due to getting caught in fishing nets intended for other species. Furthermore, at least 50 million acres of rainforest are lost every year, totaling an area the size of Great Britain, says the organization Solar Energy World. By making real changes, including recycling, cutting down on emissions and protecting wildlife habitats, individuals can help to preserve the world’s resources for many years to come.
Moments In Time
On May 2, 1972, after nearly five decades as director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover dies. By 1969 the media, the public and Congress the FBI might be abusing its authority. Congress passed laws requiring Senate confirmation of future FBI directors
Chinch bugs: The experts at BobVila.com report that chinch bugs are not necessarily problematic when their populations are limited to around 10 to 15 bugs per square foot of lawn. In such instances, chinch bug populations are generally controlled by ants and ladybugs. However, extreme heat and drought, problems that have plagued various regions in North America in recent years, reduce the populations of bugs that feed on chinch bugs, thus increasing the population of these unwanted guests that feed on grass. GardenTech® indicates that damage from chinch bugs is most visible between June and September. That damage begins with grass taking on a purple tinge before it turns yellow and then brown after wilting.
Care For Tools Properly
Homeowners often choose to save money and learn valuable skills by doing their own home improvement projects. These minor or major renovations are made much more successful by having the right tools for the job. Investing in good tools can be smart, but those tools are only effective if they are accessible and in good repair. Homeowners who emphasize taking care of their tools can make DIY projects that much easier and more rewarding.
beside his bowl and howls -- making it impossible for me to work at my desk. What can I do to calm him down and help him lose weight? --
Jim G., Quincy, Massachusetts
Dear Jim: It’s di cult to help overweight pets lose those extra pounds, and it’s clear that Seeker has no qualms about complaining about it!
Since you’re working from home, one way to mitigate the howling is to implement a divert-and-reward system to take his mind o his empty bowl. In essence, keep Seeker away from the kitchen and as busy as your schedule allows.
Immediately a er his breakfast, close o the kitchen. Use a baby gate or shut the door, and hide the food bowl out of sight. Take Seeker outside for a short walk to burn o extra energy and a few calories. If you’re in a high-rise apartment or another situation where going outside frequently is more di cult, opt for a ve-minute training and play session instead.
Corral Entryway Clutter
Create another drop zone. If the entryway is too small to serve its purpose, outfit another room or area that also can do the job. This can be a laundry room or mudroom area. Install shelves, a bench, cabinets and hooks. Just besurethisspaceiscloseenough totheentrywaytomakeituseful.
Ways To Make Homes Safer
Repair loose floorboards and pull carpet taut if it has started to stretch out. Address cracks outdoors and ensure that patio stones, bricks and pavers are secure and level to reduce tripping hazards. Fix areas of the landscape where water may pool and freeze, creating potential hazards.
While you’re working, Seeker should be separated from the kitchen -- either in a closed-o room or with you in your o ce (but in his own corner) -- and given plenty of toys to chew on. Spend time with Seeker on each break from work. Play, work on basic obedience, or just hang out. Once you’re nished with work for the day, take Seeker out for a long walk before giving him dinner.
Stick with the diet prescribed by the vet. Be patient but consistent with Seeker to change his behavior. He can and will lose the weight, because you care about him!
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
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Yard sales are popular ways to make money and clear homes of unwanted items.
Stay Safe In Bright Driving Conditions
Weather often contributes to motor vehicle accidents. Snow, rain and other factors that compromise drivers’ vision can make driving hazardous, but there’s a dark side to sunny skies as well.
Glare from the sun can compromise drivers’ vision and lead to driving mishaps, regardless of drivers’ experience or skill level. The sun can pack a powerful punch any time during the day, but can be especially hazardous in the early morning sunrise and late-afternoon sunset.
A 2017 study published in the journal Medicine titled, “Life-threatening motor vehicle crashes in bright sunlight” looked at the risks posed by bright sunlight. Researchers found that the risk of a life-threatening crash was 16 percent higher during bright sunlight than during normal weather. Researchers concluded that bright sunlight may create visual illusions that lead to driver error, including poor distance judgement.
Plentifulsunlightisoftenahallmarkofspringandsummer,butsun-blindness is a real concern for drivers. As anyone who has turned into blazing sun only to discover their windshield has been rendered opaque by sun glare can attest, driving on sunny days can be challenging. Unfortunately, the sun might create substantial glare during rush hour, making driving during these times more dangerous and accidents more likely.
Unique Ways Local Businesses Can Work Together
Form a local business network. When one business on Main Street is thriving, others tend to follow suit. That’s especially true when businesses network in the hopes of creating a bustling local shopping district. Local business owners can organize a network via social media or in person communication. Encourage business owners to share what worked, and didn’t work, as they built their businesses. Local networks also can be a great forum to plan and pitch community-based events like festivals, holiday bazaars and other functions designed to bring more consumers to Main Street.
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