3 minute read
Online POLL
Which of the following do you think best describes what movies today are trying to accomplish?
• Entertain audiences and provide escapism
• Portray social and political issues and raise awareness
• Push the boundaries of film-making and storytelling
• Make money for studios and investors
• All of the above
Poll ends 05-02-2023
Poll ended 04-25-2023
We are fortunate to live in a region rich with incredible sites attracting tourists from across the state and nation. With the current trend to treasure hometown sites we may otherwise overlook, what would you like to experience next as a “tourist” in your area?
15.0% State and local parks and greenspaces
40.0% Historic landmarks
10.0% Waterways such as the Erie Canal, Lake Ontario, Finger Lakes, and ponds
10.0% Concerts at the various venues around town
20.0% Unique small shops
5.0% Street Art hidden in plain sight
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
ITEMS ACCEPTED (Please have sorted)
• “Junk,” including old furniture, plumbing fixtures, mattresses, etc.
• White goods, such as stoves, washing machines and dryers, refrigerators (freon MUST be removed)
• Non-hazardous materials such metal, wood and building materials (no roofing) must be separated.
• Electronics
• Hazardous waste materials such as paint cans, motor oil, etc.
• Tires
• Garbage
• Brush
• Lawn Debris
• Light bulbs
• Roofing materials
• Auto parts such as batteries, oil filters, catalytic converters, etc. Any questions, you may contact Sheila Duffy, Sparta Town Clerk at (585) 335-9290
Put your dancing shoes on and get ready to step out. Humans simply love dance. It brings us together whether we are the ones on the dance floor or are watching the professional performance of others. Dancing is exhilarating and impressive.
In 1982 the Dance Committee of ITI founded International Dance Day to be celebrated every year on the 29th April, the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), creator of modern ballet. 3300 BC
The earliest signs of dance are found painted on Egyptian tombs and Indian rock walls.
72,000 The number of people who gathered at a fair in Ohio to do the chicken dance in 1996.
$4,000 The cost of the most expensive ballet slippers.
Where Knowledge Grows
May 2023
Library Events
Getting Started with Libby – Wednesday, May 3 @ 6:00pm. Learn how to access ebooks and audiobooks through the Libby App. Whether you have already accessed our library’s digital collection through owwl.overdrive.com, or would like to get started borrowing for the rst time, join Margo Prak to learn how to use the free Libby app! Registration is requested.*
It’s Not Magic – It’s Science! Levitation Demonstration with Dr. Ryan Vogt – ursday, May 4 @ 6:00pm. Join us as Dr. Vogt demonstrates quantum levitation, also known as the Meissner e ect. Audience members will see an object oat in two ways (Wait, how can you levitate in two ways? –come and nd out!). en learn about the science that makes this experiment come to life! Open to all ages! Registration is requested.*
Busy Bee Storytime Spring Session 2023 – Wednesdays @ 10:30am–11:15am. Spring into the Library to join our next session of Busy Bee Storytime with Ms. Mary Ellen. is session runs every Wednesday at 10:30am through June 7. Registration is required.*
ELEPHANT & PIGGIE LOVE TO READ! – Saturday, May 13, 10:30am–12:00pm. Visit the Library on Saturday, May 13 to meet Elephant & Piggie, the beloved characters from Mo Willem’s children’s books. Get your picture taken with this incredible duo, jump into some fun- lled activities, and take a grab ‘n’ go activity for home! No registration required!
Teen Time – Monday, May 22, @ 4:30pm. Calling all teens ages 13-18! Join Ms. Mary Ellen for a special teen event each month! Please register for each month’s session separately.*
Ravenous Readers: Adult Book Club – ursday, April 13 @ 6:30pm. e Engineer’s Wife by Tracey Enerson Wood. e Ravenous Readers Book Club meets in the Reeve Room at the Library at 6:30pm on the second ursday of each month. New members welcome!
*Space at Library programs may be limited & preregistration may be required. Please register in-person, by phone to: 585-335-6720, or online: https://owwl.libcal.com/ calendar/DansvillePublicLibrary.
Notice: Library Vote Ahead – A Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, May 2 at 5:00pm, at the Dansville Public Library for the presentation of the Library budget for the scal year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. e public vote on the Dansville Public Library 2023-2024 budget and for one candidate for Library Trustee will be held Tuesday, May 9 at the Dansville Public Library, between the hours of 12pm and 8pm. If you are 18 years old and a resident of the Dansville Central School District, you are eligible to vote.
Friends of the Library BOOK SALE! e Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale is back! Tuesday, May 16 through Saturday, May 20, during the Library’s open hours, in the Holden Meeting Room. Sale proceeds to bene t the Library! Memorial Day – e Library will be closed on Monday, May 29 in honor of Memorial Day.
1471 ginad@pennylaneprinting.com pennylaneprinting.com