Dansville-Wayland-Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 6-9-23

Page 6

June 9, 2023 | DANSVILLE-WAYLAND | 585.226.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM A publication of featured MEDIA 10% OFF 3,000 sq. ft. or bigger $500 OFF 1,000 sq. ft. or less Free estimates and unbeatable prices! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Hello Western New York… Have you been considering a new asphalt driveway but the quote you received is ridiculous? Give us a call, we provide quality service at a ordable prices for your residential or commercial property. Big Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Care! In Business since 1956 LOCALLY OWNED Not a liated with any other companies. Discounts for Seniors! Call 585-204-3144 Mobile 833-728-3481 O ce Call today to schedule your paving for the season. One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 7/15/23 One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 7/15/23 15% OFF 1,500 - 2,500 sq. ft. One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 7/15/23 Tired of expensive quotes on your asphalt driveway? We work within your budget. We always deliver over 50 years of expertise! Announcing our new online shop for wedding invitations & more www.printingbypennylane.com created + printed just for you! invitation
AUTOMOTIVE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page2 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 A UTO S ECTION ActiveLiving50+ 34 Auctions&Antiques 14 Automotive 2 Body&Mind 26 Classifieds 42 Employment 35 GarageSales 19 Give&Take 31 HomeServices 15 HometownEvents 32 KidzKorner 4 Passages 30 PetPlace 17 PuzzleAnswers 30 RealEstate 8 Sip&Dine 3 Vibes&Rants 29 Worship 12 Christine White Digital Strategist 585-944-6453 christinew@featuredmedia.com We’re Featured and So Are You! FEATUREDMEDIA.COM Family owned and operated Properly maintained headlights vastly improve driver safety Recognize when bulbs start to dim. As headlight bulbs age, their light output is reduced by the effects of humidity, electrical resistance, filament fatigue, and general usage. The result is dim bulbs that make it difficult for motorists young and old to see when driving at twilight and at night, when a driver’s visual acuity is naturally reduced by 70 percent. Drivers should pay attention to how their headlights are performing, replacing any bulbs that are no longer providing adequate light. TIRE SALE! VanHyning’s Service Hours: M-F: 7:30am-5:30pm; Sat: 8-Noon 89 Franklin St., Dansville, NY 585-335-8210 • Oil Changes • Brakes • Exhausts • Wheel Bearings • Struts & Shocks • Suspension Work & More! We sell all major brands of tires, plus. EVERYDAY OIL CHANGE PRICE: Regular $32.95 Full Synthetic $39.95 Up to 5 Qts (most cars and light trucks) Honest, reasonable prices on ALL our tires, Auto repairs & other services. NYS Inspection Check our prices before you buy! LOWEST TIRE PRICES & LARGEST INVENTORY IN THE AREA! • Expert Tire Repair • Tires • Tires & Tubes for Lawn, Tractor & Farm Equipment FREE WithNewTirePurchase: Mount,Balance,ValveStem, RimPreparationOnMostLT &PassengerTires We Sell Interstate and Diehard Batteries $49.95 $39.95


1 1/4 pounds pork loin sirloin chops or pork shoulder blade steaks

2 teaspoons each ground cumin and chili powder

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 medium onion (10 ounces), cut into narrow wedges

1 can (14 1/2 ounces) Italian recipe stewed tomatoes

1 package (9 ounce) fresh linguini pasta

Grated Parmesan and fresh or dried minced herbs

Trim the fat from the chops or blade steaks. Trim the meat from bones, and cut into small cubes. Dust pork with cumin and oregano. Heat oil in skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and pork and sauté until cooked through, about 8 minutes. Add tomatoes and heat. Cook linguine in boiling water about 2 minutes or as package directs. Drain and serve with porkonion sauce on top. Sprinkle with cheese and herbs. Makes 4 servings.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page3 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-InTub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445
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15 e Little Mermaid COMING June 16 e Flash SUBMIT PHOTOS & CAPTIONS AT GVPENNYSAVER.COM SPORTS • EVENTS CELEBRATIONS VACATIONS HOMETOWN 1. Taking photos at Sara’s Garden Center for Brockport Senior Prom! 2. Birdbaths made using real leaves 3. Memorial Day in Retsof 4. Fun at Strong Museum of Play
Dansville, NY 14437
2. 3.

4000 BC

The first evidence of milking cows discovered

Through analyzing degraded fats on unearthed potshards, scientists have discovered that Neolithic farmers in Britain and Northern Europe may have been among the first to begin milking cattle for human consumption.

The world loves milk

The world's population consumes over 2.1 billion liters every day. That’s enough to fill up 813 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page4 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH | JUNE 2023 National Dairy Month now acts as a reminder of the health benefits that dairy products provide. They contain essential nutrients — including calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein.
Sponsored By: Love our weekly puzzles? Get your very own BRAIN GAME Puzzle book! Purchase at our o ce at 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY OR mail your order form to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Include a check made payable to Penny Lane Printing. $6.50 per book Includes tax & shipping. Includes Over 30 puzzles! Name Street Town State Zip BROUGHTTOYOUBY: 1471Route15,Avon,NY14414•585-226-8111•gvpennysaver.com


Highlight the challenges ahead and how agricultural professionals can help overcome them. UN projections indicate the global population will grow by more than two billion people by 2050. Finding a way to feed all of those people in the face of climate change will be no small task, but it’s a task that will require dedicated agricultural professionals. Educators and parents can emphasize these challenges when speaking to young people about a career in the agricultural sector, noting that such careers will present real opportunities to make a difference.


Nutritional benefits of dairy: Dairy products are nutrient-dense and great sources of protein,calcium and vitamins.Protein builds and repairs muscle tissue; carbohydrates in milk provide energy; and calcium and phosphorous can help strengthen bones and teeth. Vitamin D helps promote the absorption of calcium. Dairy also contains riboflavin, vitamin A, pantothenic acid, potassium and niacin. One eight-ounce serving of milk contains the recommended daily values of these nutrients based on guidelines from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.

Agricultural Events

Your guide to what’s happening 2023

Jun03 SteubenCountyDairyFestival SteubenCountyFairgrounds,Bath

Jun03 TractorPullatSteubenCountyDairyFestival SteubenCountyFairgrounds,Bath

Jun06 BataviaMuckdogsNoFarmsNoFoodNight DwyerStadium,Batavia

Jun10 EmpireStatePullersTruck&TractorPull DansvilleMunicipalAirport,Dansville



HemlockLittleWorld’sFair HemlockFairgrounds,Hemlock

TractorPullattheHemlockFair HemlockFairgrounds,Hemlock

Jul22-Jul29 GeneseeCountyFair


Jul24-Jul29 OrleansCountyFair OrleansCounty4-HFairgrounds,Albion

Aug03-Aug06 65thAnnualAtticaRodeo AtticaRodeo,Attica

Aug12 AvonCornFestival
















TractorPullattheSteubenCountyFair SteubenCountyFairgrounds,Bath

TheGreatNewYorkStateFair NYSFairgrounds,Syracuse

14thAnnualTractorParadearoundSilverLake CharcoalCorral,Perry















* On June 10, 1935, in Akron, Ohio, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith, two recovering alcoholics, found Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), a 12-step alcohol rehabilitation program. Today there are more than 80,000 local groups in the U.S. (The History Channel)


USDA MyPlate Nutrition Games and Activities Make Healthy Eating Fun and Easier

Healthy eating is important at every age. As the weather turns and farmers markets open, it seems to get easier, so let’s make this year the one in which we make a change toward healthier choices.

When we think of eating healthier, we sometimes feel overwhelmed by the wide variety of opinions and options out there. Healthier choices don’t have to be complicated or daunting, though, and thankfully today’s markets tend to have more options available to shoppers.

e main food groups (fruit, vegetable, grain, protein, dairy) remain constant as the ideal foods to comprise the bulk of human daily consumption. Generally, the closer to fresh we can keep those foods, the more nutrient-dense and thus healthier those foods are for us.

e area farmers unanimously agree: Eat local as much as you can and your family will be healthier (with less or no preservatives added to foods to keep them fresh from the farm to your table) AND you’ll help keep the local farmers and the adjacent economy going strong. e closer a product’s source, the fresher it should be and consequently the healthier it should be for you and your family.

Check out your local farmers markets for the week’s freshest produce, meats, and other agricultural products grown and made in your community.

Check out your county’s Cornell Cooperative Extension for more information as well. e Livingston County Cornell Cooperative Extension,forexample,supportsaBuyLocalCampaign,acommunitybased initiative to help sustain local agriculture and build a stronger local food system in Livingston and surrounding counties. ey also work to increase farm to restaurant connections, establish farm to institution connections, and provide access to fresh and nutritious food to low-income families. ey are de nitely a great resource for families across the area.

To make easy healthy choices, start simple. Infuse a new food or two in the week’s grocery shopping. Try a new fruit or veggie. Sample an alternative grain or protein. Just once a week, try something new. See who likes what and if something makes the cut, add it to the regular rotation. If not, try something else.

Keep ready-to-eat healthy choices in the pantry or fridge. If the apple or pear slices, the cheese sticks or yogurt cups, the carrot or celery sticks, the nuts, are readily available and need no cutting or other prep work, the kids (and let’s be honest, even the adults) will more likely to grab it to snack on instead of the bag of chips or other prepackaged, likely high preservatives-added food choices. So, prep the healthy choices when you have the energy and they’ll be ready when you need them.

To get children involved in healthy nutritional choices, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggests the MyPlate nutrition guide, and their website https://www.myplate.gov/life-stages/kids is rich with games and activities to help guide children on a healthy eating adventure, having fun while learning about healthy nutritional choices.

Parents and families can even use the MyPlate app to make healthy meal prep and shopping easier, whether for everyday meals or holiday celebrations. ey o er interactive downloadable and online games and apps so kids can have fun while learning about nutrition choices.

To be a MyPlate Champion, the USDA recommends children (and all of us):

Eat more fruits and veggies – Make half your plate fruits and veggies every day.

Try whole grains - such as oatmeal, whole wheat breads, or brown rice .

ink about what you drink – Choose water or milk when you’re thirsty.

Mix up your protein foods - including seafood, beans, lentils, nuts, eggs, meats, and poultry.

Get involved – Help put away groceries, stir ingredients, peel fruits, assemble salads, or set the table.

Be active your way – Find ways to be active and move your body for at least 1 hour a day.

e USDA o ers ideas for creating MyPlate menus children can engage with at home and take an active role in planning (and hey, maybe then even the pickiest of eaters will eat those green beans or brussels sprouts!).

Or take the Grocery Store Bingo board on your next shopping trip to keep the kiddos occupied and engaged with healthy food choices as you tackle the chore. ere are even MadLib-style word blanks, mazes, and word searches and scrambles. Maybe make a Food Group Friend out of food from each food group.

Use mealtimes to connect with those you love. Eat meals together whenever possible. Maybe work together to cook/make the meals. Turn o devices so you can “unplug” and focus on healthy foods and each other.

e USDA even o ers suggestions for holidays and other celebrations. Try hosting a holiday brunch to spice up the traditional proteins or add fun and healthy options with a festive yogurt parfait bar instead of ice cream sundaes.

“ e bene ts of healthy eating add up over time, bite by bite.” – USDA MyPlate program

Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!

Agriculture is the greatest and fundamentally the most important of our industries. e cities are but the branches of the tree of national life, the roots of which go deeply into the land. We all ourish or decline with the farmer.


Recognizing area businesses and individuals who support, participate or contribute to Agriculture in our area.


How does PA help farmers? Each situation is unique, but the principles of PA can help farmers access a wealth of information. It might have been possible to access such information in the past, but PA has sped up the process and made it more handsoff, allowing farmers to save both time and money. PA technology can help farmers maintain accurate records of their farms; inform their decisions; make it easier to detect and identify problems, sometimes before they escalate into larger issues; and avoid potentially costly mistakes.

Edgewood Farms, 2023 Livingston County Farm of the Year

Edgewood Farms of Groveland was named the 2023 Farm of the Year by the Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Livingston County Farm Bureau based on its level of community activity, a proactive stance on agriculture and land stewardship, good business practices and integrity, and as an advocate for Livingston County agribusiness.


Avocados can benefit vision. Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin, a pair phytochemicals concentrated in the tissues in the eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin are believed to block blue light from reaching structures in the retina, thereby reducing a person’s risk of developing macular degeneration. In fact, studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the American Journal of Ophthalmology and The Archives of Ophthalmology found that diets high in lutein and zeaxanthin are associated with a lower risk of macular degeneration, which the American Macular Degeneration Foundation notes is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States.

e Phelps family has been in Groveland Station at Edgewood Farms since the 1870s. Current owner Craig Phelps’ great-great-grandfather owned a piece of land just north of the current farm and the farmstead grew from there. Craig’s father took over the farm from his great-grandfather, since his grandmother was a school teacher who never actively farmed. Edgewood Farms grows approx. 4500 acres of shelled corn, soybeans, wheat, dried edible beans, onions, grass hay, and straw. e Phelps family also leases out parts of their farm, working with other businesses across the state, bringing dried beans to Genesee Valley Bean company, Caledonia’s Callan Farms, and even sending corn and wheat to Rochester’s Black Button Distillery.

Craig has served on the Groveland Town Council for 20 years, serves on the Geneseo Central School Board, and serves on the Genesee Valley Conservancy Board. A long-time member, past president and board member of the Livingston County Farm Bureau and Livingston County Cornell Cooperative Extension, Craig received NY Farm Bureau’s Outstanding Young Farmer award in 1992, and Edgewood was named Livingston County Chamber of Commerce’s 1998 Agriculture Honoree.

Craig and Clay Phelps. Photo - Livingston County News

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Email: sales@gvpennysaver.com

President ...........................Steve Harrison

General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam

Director of Advertising Sales

............................Colleen Mann


...........................Chris Harrison

Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone

Production Supervisor


If you have children, you may have the advantage of meeting people at school functions or at the bus stop. Volunteer with the PTA/PTO or sign up to coach youth sports or serve as a scout leader. These opportunities will help expand the number of people you meet in your new community.

Now is the time to list your

AndSpringaroseonthegardenfair, Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere; And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org




(NAPSI)—Whether you’re among the 50 million Americans over 65 (90 percent of whom hope to continue to age at home), the 60 percent of families with children at home, have other ability issues or safety concerns or think you could someday, incorporating ergonomic elements that promote a seamless experience in the kitchen can make it a more comfortable place for everyone for many years to come.

Smart Sinks Given the amount of time spent in front of the sink, selecting one that considers your lifestyle and how you cook should be a priority. Details such as the durability and hygienic qualities of a sink’s material along with its style and size can impact efficiency and comfort.

Circulation Manager

Members of:



For example, the latest sink from BLANCO, a manufacturer of finely crafted sinks, is designed to enhance workflow and accommodate all users. A first of its kind, the IKON® 33” Apron 1 3/4 Bowl with Low Divide sink is made with the brand’s exclusive SILGRANIT granite composite material. Easy to clean and scratch resistant, patented SILGRANIT material is a repellent, nonporous surface that eliminates the need to use harsh chemicals when cleaning.

The IKON sink also has a convenient low divide that sits just 5 1/2” from the sink bottom, making it easier to handle large pots and baking sheets while still dividing the sink into cleaning and prepping bowls. The apron front or farmhouse design, minimizes the need to lean over as much and so helps reduce strain.

Optional accessories further enhance comfort and workflow. A floating grid provides an extra level within the sink so handling hot and heavy pots can be safer and easier. A Floating Cutting Board that fits right on top of the sink instantly creates another workspace beyond the countertop.

Faucets Semi-professional and pull-down faucet models help make clean-up more efficient with their easy-to-maneuver design and powerful dual spray features. To make washing hands, food and dishes easier, consider a faucet with sensor technology such as the BLANCO SOLENTA™ Senso Semi-Professional Kitchen Faucet that lets you turn on the water with a wave of your hand. You don’t have to touch the faucet with your hands to get them clean—or if they’re full.

Other ways to enhance the ergonomics in your kitchen include:

• Use drawers instead of cabinets for storage so there’s less reaching

• Install different countertop heights to accommodate various users

• Raise the height of the dishwasher and oven if you can

• Select nonporous counter materials like quartz that are easy to keep clean

• Use LED lights for more brightness from less energy and that are cool to the touch

• Consider an easy-to-clean induction cooking surface—it can reduce energy costs, too

Learn More: For further facts about sinks and faucets that can make your kitchen safer, more efficient and even better looking, visit blancoamerica.com.

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DID YOU KNOW? According to the National Autism Association, autism is a bio-neurological developmental disability that affects the normal development of the brain in various areas. Those areas include social interaction, communication skills and cognitive function. Autism generally appears before a child reaches his or her third birthday, and the NAA notes it is diagnosed four times as often in boys than it is in girls. Roughly 40 percent of children with autism do not speak, but parents whose children speak between the ages of 12 and 18 months should know that such youngsters can still ultimately be diagnosed with autism. In such instances, the NAA notes that children lose the words they previously learned. Incidences of autism appear to be on the rise, though the reasons for that remain unclear. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of autism had risen to one in every 59 children by 2018. That’s twice as great as the rate in 2004, when the CDC reported one in 125 children were diagnosed with autism.


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that mushrooms contain about 15 vitamins and minerals, including folate magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, and zinc. Mushrooms also are low in calories and rich in antioxidants, which can help to lower risk for inflammation.

SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page9 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 HU-GEN FARMS GREENHOUSE 8284 Carney Hollow Rd. (County Rd. 60) • Wayland (585) 298-2338 • (585) 669-2773 • www.hugenfarmgreenhouses.com DansvilleWayland Rte. 63N Reservoir to Carney Hollow Rd. 5 miles from Rt. 63N Home of the Trixie Pot! Five Greenhouses To Shop In! Credit Card Friendly JUNE IS Monday-Friday 9am - 7pm Saturday & Sunday 9am - 4pm Perennial Gardening Month Good Selection of Flowers, Perennials, Hanging Baskets, & Vegetable Plants Still Available. Check us out on Facebook to see our Perennial of the Week and more! Big Savings when you buy directly from the grower! Decorate your porch, deck or patio with planters, flower pots & hanging baskets. Succulents • Potting Soil • Fertilizer • So Much More! Come see what we’ve grown for you! Spend $50, get a FREE 4” Pot Spend $100, get a FREE 10” Hanging Basket While supplies last
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GENESEE AYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 Curious what your neighbors are doing? Catch up with any of the other nine great editions of the Genesee Valley Penny Saver 59 MAIN ST.,BATAVIA 585.345.6788 • romansonmain.comTues.-Sat.11am-9pmBookyourprivatepartyoreventat: romansonmain@gmail.com Call us for your Day 20 .23 SPECIALS

his wife deemed too expensive and sent him back to return. He bought two Powerball lottery tickets with the

From: Durham, John H. (JMD) John.H.Durham@usdoj.gov

Sent: ursday, May 18, 2023 6:36 PM

To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <Curtissway@hughes.net>

Subject: RE: Automatic reply: [EXTERNAL] RE: Representation e US House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol: ‘Congressman Adam Schi ’ adam.schi @mail.house.gov

As of the close of business on May 19, 2023, I will no longer have access to or be using this email address. If you need assistance with any Special Counsel matters, please contact Ms. Joyce Moak at joyce.moak2@usdoj.gov.

From: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 4:17 PM

To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <curtissway@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6, 2021 Attack on the US Capitol:

Mr. Curtiss,

ank you for following up. While the Select Committee would prefer to receive submissions as soon as possible, there is no deadline by which information must be submitted.

ank you

From: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Sent: ursday, October 28, 2021 11:18 AM

To: Richard Curtiss <curtissway@gmail.com>; Select_ Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Subject: RE: House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6, 2021 Attack on the US Capitol:

Mr. Curtiss,

ank you for your reply. You can upload the attachments using the link below: https://house.app.box.com/f/ b7431151a43a44a4890ef579c74fa723

ank you, January 6th Select Committee Clerks

From: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Sent: Friday, December 10, 2021 10:00 AM

To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <curtissway@gmail.com>

Cc: Select_Clerks <Select_Clerks@mail.house.gov>

Subject: RE: House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6, 2021 Attack on the US Capitol:

Mr. Curtiss, e Select Committee is in receipt of the information you provided. At this time the Select Committee does not anticipate requiring your testimony. If that were to change, we will notify you.

ank you!

“US Senators Are Being Issued Satellite Phones in Preparation for a ‘Disruptive Event.”

May 23, 2023

Members of the U.S. Senate were recently o ered satellite phones that will allow them to communicate in the case of a “man-made” or natural disaster.

Citing numerous people familiar with the matter. All 100 Senators were recently o ered the phones.

More than 50 took Senate Sergeant at Arms Karen Gibson up on the o er.

e network reported Gibson said the phones were o ered last month as a means “to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event.”

Gibson reportedly demonstrated the phones. Senators who agreed to take the devices were urged to keep them close by during Travel.

Paid for by Richard C. Curtiss STRANGE
Lucie Winborne
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* A New Jersey man bought a $5 bottle of orange juice, which refund and ended up winning the jackpot worth $315.3 million.


Cornerstone Baptist Church

4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo • 243-4514 www.baptistchurchgeneseo.com

Pastor John Zatkiewicz

Worship 11am • Sunday School 9:45am

Wednesday Prayer, 6:30pm

Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130

Pastor Don Ray • E-mail: pvbc@frontier.com

pleasantvalleybaptist.com • Sunday School 10:00am

Worship Services Sunday, 11:00am • Bible Study Wed., 6:30pm

Children’s Church • Youth Activities

Grace Baptist Church

Pastor David eobald

9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190

Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM www.gracebcdansville.org


St. Luke the Evangelist Parish

Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo

Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo

Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas

Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community

St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia

www.stsmaryandmatthew.com - Rev. William Laird

9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s

Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew

Holy Family Catholic Community

O ce: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228

Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon

Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville

Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland

Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville

Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton


Christian Science Church

3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424

Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM

Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church

Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services

christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com

Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.


e Center Church

Meeting at the Lakeville Fire Training Grounds

5604 Stone Hill Rd., Lakeville, NY 14480

Service: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Phone: 585-376-0749


Livonia Community Church

A non-denominational Evangelical church

41 Spring St., 346-5290; Pastor Benjamin Nickels

Bible Study – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am LivoniaCC.org


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127 Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434

stpetesdansville.org • Handicap accessible Sunday Service @ 10:30am

Zion Episcopal Church

10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 zionepiscopalchurchavon.org

Sunday Worship and Holy Communion 10:00am

Online Facebook: facebook.com/Zionchurchavon

Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am


St. Timothy Lutheran Church - ELCA

A Sanctuary and Reconciling in Christ Church

5015 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-4490

Vicar Lisa Frauens • vicarlisaf@gmail.com • sttimothylutherangeneseo.org

Sunday worship 9:30AM, & Live Streamed: www.facebook.com/sttimothygeneseo

Intergenerational Sunday School, 10:30am 1st Sunday of the month Oct-May. Accessible building with hearing loop available.

List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.


What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.


Geneseo United Methodist Church

Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160

8:30am Non-Traditional, 10:30am Traditional, 9:30am co ee hour

Sunday School classes for all ages • Nursery care provided

Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired Worship services available via Zoom - more info at www.geneseomethodist.com

“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible

United Methodist Church of Livonia

Pastor: Hoyt Brown • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511

E-mail: UMCLivonia@gmail.com • Website: UMCL.us

Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: UMCL.us or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church). Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children.

Dansville United Methodist Church

5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville

Church phone: 585-335-5354

Sunday Worship: 11am

Pastor Michael Whitcomb-Tavey

Springwater United Methodist Church

8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560

O ce: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt

Sunday Service: 11am

Children’s Church/Sunday School

Handicap accessible.


Faith Fellowship Church

5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www. cny.org

Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship

Pastor Cli Baker, Youth

Sunday Worship Prayer 10am

Holy Ground Ministries Church

2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome.

Bible Study - Every Saturday at 9:30am

See what the Lord can do in your life. www.holygroundministries.org

Genesee Valley Church Of Christ

Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center)

Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 10:00-11:00am

Non-denominational New Testament Teachings.


Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church

100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554

Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish

Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians

Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org


First Presbyterian Church of Livonia Center

3836 Richmond Mills Road

Rt. 20A, Livonia Center


Sunday Worship 9:30 am • Handicap Accessible

Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church

161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311

Pastor David Missel


Adult Sunday School: 10am • Worship Service: 10:30am

Please Join Us!

York United Presbyterian Church

2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266

Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am

Available on the YouTube channel: “York United Presbyterian Church”.

Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome!

Central Presbyterian Church of Geneseo

Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669

Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster

Sunday Worship at 10am @www.cpcgeneseo.org

Sunday School and Nursery provided.


Lakeville United Church of Christ

5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville • 346-5235


Sunday Worship at 10:30am

All are welcome/Open and A rming Church.

South Livonia United Church of Christ

5087 South Livonia Rd., Livonia • Pastor Susan Smith

585-346-0420 • slucc2021@charter.net

Worship 10:00am

Children Sunday School 10:20am

FB - South Livonia UCC


Antique things have an appreciation and worth. Something can be old, but it can be timeless; therefore, it becomes an antique. If this antique is preserved and deemed precious, it could be passed down as a family heirloom.

Vacuum pumping of





Notice is hereby given to all registered Republican voters that the Republican Caucus will be held at the Ossian Town Hall, located at 4706 Ossian Hill Rd., Dansville, New York on Monday, June 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM. e purpose of the caucus is to select candidates for the November 7, 2023 General Election for the following positions: Town Council Members (2) Four Year Terms. Such other business as needed to be taken care of and the closing time of the caucus will be decided during the caucus.

omas P. Wamp, Chairman

Town of Ossian Republican Caucus

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page14 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 RETAIL MEATS 50 Years in Business We accept credit, debit & EBT cards! Gift Certificates Available Hours: M-F 8am-5pm Sat. 8am-12pm 3 Dock St., Dansville, NY • 585-335-5230 2# Burgers 2# Zweigle’s Hot Dogs 2# Italian Sausage Links 2# Boneless Pork Chops 2# Chicken Tenders 1# Ham Slices Chiavetta’s or Stearn’s Sauce $57.00 Bar-B-Que Box Planning A Party?
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Tractor For Hire FreeEstimate Text(585)355-0978 PostHoles Ditches GravelDriveways •WaterLines Rototilling •Electric •Gardens •Tiling •FoodPlots •Drainage “Selling Surplus Assets 7 Days a Week Online” For complete information, visit www.CayugaCoAuction.com or call 800-536-1401, Ext. 111 Tax Foreclosed Real Estate Auction Cayuga County • Online Only Online Auction Start: Monday, June 12TH, 12PM Online Auction Closing Begins: Friday, June 23 RD, 10AM 20+ Parcels: Lots, Acreage, Homes, Commercial Properties To participate in this online only auction, please visit our website and complete the “Online Bidder Registration Packet”. Bidder Packet Due By: Wednesday, June 21ST, 4PM **Action Required**
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page15 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME FOR THE SPRING SEASON Swap out throw pillows. Accent pillows on beds and sofas are quick and inexpensive ways to add new bursts of color to rooms. You may be able to make over a room’s entire color scheme with new pillows. Invest in pillows that you can switch with each season so your decor will never look tired or dull. You Dream It, We Build It! 607-329-2578 • www.mjcontractingwesternny.com Specializing in: PoleBarns•VinylSiding Additions • Windows Garages•Decks Reliable. FREE Estimates. References. Fully Insured. Local business with 20 years of experience serving Livingston County and surrounding areas. 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee Specials NOW On • Pole Barns • Vinyl Siding GENERAL CONTRACTING Picture the Possibilities For Your Home! Fully Insured • Free Estimates 335-3167 7653 Parker Hill Rd., Dansville, NY caldwellscustomconcrete@gmail.com ‘ Concrete Driveways • Compacted Stone Driveways • Patios Pool Decks • Floors • Stamped Concrete • Bunk Silos CONCRETE PATIOS/SIDEWALKS BENEFITS OF HIRING PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS Cost: Conventional wisdom suggests it’s less expensive to do something yourselfthantohiresomeoneelsetodoitforyou,butthat’snotnecessarily
of home improvement projects. Labor costs typically account for a
of professionally contracted projects,
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individual homeowners because contractors buy in
while labor costs might be lower on DIY projects, the cost of materials can offset those savings. We Put Integrity Back Into Business. • Roofing (Shingle & Metal) • Roof Repairs • Decking (composite & wood) • Windows/Doors • Pole Barns All Weather Contracting, LLC Senior & Military Discounts • Fully Insured Samuel Bartolone, Owner allweather70@gmail.com 8245 Groveland Station Rd. Dansville, NY 14437 585-305-5843
substantial amount
can cut those costs
do some of
simpler tasks themselves.
much lower
bulk. So

Take thy plastic spade, It is thy pencil; take thy seeds, thy plants, They are thy colours.

~William Mason, The English Garden, 1782




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Crack Repairing

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Yield: 12 squares

1 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup reduced-fat peanut butter

3/4 cup raisins

8 cups air-popped popcorn nonstick cooking spray

In large saucepan, combine corn syrup, sugar, brown sugar and peanut butter.

Bring to boil over low heat, stirring constantly; boil 2-3 minutes. Remove saucepan from heat.

In large bowl, combine raisins and popcorn; pour hot mixture over popcorn and toss carefully with wooden spoons until well-coated.

Spray 9-by-13 inch baking dish with cooking spray; press popcorn mixture into pan and cool completely.

Cut into squares and serve.

Homeowners with attics in their homes can inspect the ceilings inside the attic for signs of holes or leaks. Light peering through the top of the house indicates a hole or leak, as does stains or streaks on the ceiling.

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Maui is our rescue cat. He has brought us a lot of joy and laughter the last 4 years. He loves to lay by the patio door and watch the birds and squirrels. He also loves to play with his toys which he hides under the couch and chair.

* On June 14, 1789, English Captain William Bligh and 18 others, cast adrift from the HMS Bounty seven weeks before, reach the East Indies after traveling nearly 4,000 miles in a small open boat. On April 28, they were set adrift with 25 gallons of water, 150 pounds of bread, 30 pounds of pork, six quarts of rum and six bottles of wine. (The History Channel) 15, 20, 30 and 40 yard Containers Available When and Where You Need Them!
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Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: sales@gvpennysaver.com or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Penny Saver

Cooperative Extension, Livingston County

Q&A Master Gardeners with the

I’ve been hearing more and more about rain gardens. What key details should I consider when installing one?

A rain garden looks like a perennial garden but has a shallow depression to collectandfilterstormwaterthatrunsoff nearby hard surfaces (roofs, driveways, walkways). Most rain gardens are a few inches deep and hold water for a day or so. Water leaving the garden may enter a storm drain system or seep into the ground where it can help renew groundwater. Plants in the rain garden slowstormwaterrunoff andhelpreduce flooding and erosion. Vegetation may remove pollutants entering waterways. A properly constructed rain garden


will hold and filter approximately 30 percent more rainfall than the same area covered by a lawn. It’s a winwin. They do take careful planning and installation to be most effective, but if you have questions or run into problems,the CCE is happy to help. Considerations when installing a rain garden:

1. Plants in a rain garden must withstand alternating periods of wet and dry soil as well as occasional flooding. Also consider deer-resistant plants if populations are high in your area.


times to add diversity and interest to your rain garden.

3. Water your newly planted garden regularly for the first season or until the plants are established.

4. Keep weeds to a minimum, especially during establishment. A mulch layer will naturally suppress many weeds. Renew mulch at least once a year or as it decomposes. Composted mulch supplies nutrients

for native plants in your garden so there’s no need to add fertilizer.

5. Check water inflow and overflow areas occasionally and clear debris as necessary.

6. Over time, you may need to remove layers of silt or sediment that accumulate in the depression. At that point, you may want to divide plants that are crowded or fill gaps left by plants that failed to thrive.

* Any photo you’ve ever seen of the Milky Way from space is either of another galaxy or an artist’s rendition, since we’re inside the galaxy and can’t take an aerial view.
e Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county CCE o ce to extend information throughout their communities. SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO OUR EXPERTS! Your question(s) will be answered directly & may be featured in our column! Ask them today at: GVPENNYSAVER.COM/GARDEN

DANSVILLE:31Morse St. June16th&17th(9am-3pm)

Householditems,Adultclothes andshoes,couch/loveseat, bottlewindchimes,glassbead kiln,puzzles,antiques,jewelry.


Leave young kids at home. Many kids will grow bored after the first yard sale, if not earlier. Hire a sitter and shop unencumbered.

NOW HERE’S A TIP Got unexpected company?

For a quick, clean look, vacuum the floors and take care of these four things: the bathroom, dishes in the sink, piles of junk on tables or counters and an overflowing trash can. Your house will look great.

Junk in the Trunk SALE!

(A Unique Resale Event)

JUNE 17 • 9AM-2:00PM

Loon Lake Preserve

Chapel Rd & Rte 21 • Wayland

Up to 25 Sellers!

(Rain Date June 18th)

Magic Maze BOBBY

The Genesee Valley Church of Christ offers for

FREE the following:

(Check your choice or choices)

New King James Bible

Eight Lesson Bible Correspondence Course

DVD “Searching for Truth” with Workbook

Searching for Truth Workbook alone (has same info as DVD) Where do we go when we die? DVD

Mail this ad to: Genesee Valley Church of Christ

PO Box 324, Dansville, NY 14437 or email us at:

churchofchrist2@stny.rr.com with your request. We will need your:



Phone Number:

(if you wish someone to contact you)

No one will come to your home unless you request a Home Bible Study. If you would like to attend our services, we are located at 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg, NY. We meet in the Sparta Community Center. Bible Study at 9am, Worship Service following at 9:45am. We would love to see you! 10:00AM.


Cover the basics. Take inventory of your cleaning supplies. Some musthaves are mops, brooms, sponges, paper towels, trash bags, disinfectant wipes and bathroom-specific supplies. Make a list of what you need so you can get it all in one shopping trip.

• Catering by Canaseraga Co ee & Soup

June 12, 2023 3-7pm Re-dedication @ 6 pm 310 Second Street, Wayland, NY 14572 (585) 728-2427

• A thank you to all that made this happen • See what we are all about and our beautiful improvements
Meet our Board of Directors, sta , & volunteers
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page20 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 Additional products and services may be available through Joyce E. Davies Associates, Inc. Medicare On Medicare already? Turning 65 or disabled? Need a supplement? Understand “EPIC”? Confused or have questions? Call or stop by to schedule an appointment. Joyce Davies 170 Franklin St., Dansville, NY (585) 335-4750 38 years of experience in the Medicare market. HOW COUPLES CAN BENEFIT FROM HIRING LOCAL WEDDING VENDORS: Local vendors will be familiar with the area and possibly even the location where the wedding will be held. That can help couples avoid having to give directions, discuss venue protocols, and handle other tasks that must be worked out with non-local vendors. For example, local photographers familiar with a particular venue will know all of the best places to get shots, and some vendors may have preexisting relationships with venue representatives that could ensure wedding day operations go smoothly. COMPUTER SICK? We make house calls! The Computer Medic 585-919-9911 Ask for Larry Windows PC Repair & LCD TV Mounting Solutions LBthecomputermedic@yahoo.com Dansville, NY


Do Companies Advertise Ineffective Supplements?

DEAR DR. ROACH: I see supplements advertised on television that are supposed to clear “brain fog” and do many other beneficial things. Are these any good, and can they actually do the things that they claim? If they are effective, why aren’t they sold at drugstores? If not, how is it that companies are allowed to make these false claims and advertise these supplements on television? -- J.L.P.

ANSWER: I believe that there are over-the-counter supplements that are effective for treating some medical conditions, and there are a few instances in which there is strong evidence of benefit, such as a vitamin and mineral formula to slow progression of macular degeneration. Very often, there isn’t enough data to be sure a supplement is either effective or ineffective.

It is certainly true that supplement companies sometimes make claims that they cannot support. By law, supplement advertising can claim to support a body part or function (which is why you see claims like “supports heart health”), but these claims must be followed by: “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

Often, the advertising for a supplement is at odds with that statement, and there are many instances of supplement manufacturers having to pay fines or change their advertising. A supplement that is found to be unsafe can be removed from the market by the FDA. In addition, any substance can be toxic if taken at a high enough dose. Vitamin A supplements are a good example.

The U.S. FDA does not regulate supplements the way they do prescription drugs, and supplement manufacturers do not need to prove that their products are effective. Further, there is strong evidence that some supplements sold in the U.S. do not contain as much (or any!) of the supplement they claim to provide. I always recommend getting a supplement that is verified by a third party, such as the U.S. Pharmacopeia or the National Science Foundation, if possible.

There are very few supplements proven to prevent problems, so I generally recommend against supplements in people who are healthy and have no symptoms. This definitely includes vitamin supplements. Supplements may have benefit in relieving symptoms for some less-serious medical conditions, and physicians should be (or get) familiar with more common supplements, their potential benefits and their toxicities.


Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.

© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

article’s ultraviolet protection factor, or UPF. The UPF factor indicates what fraction of the sun’s UVA and UVB radiation can penetrate the fabric and reach the skin. Clothing with a UPF of 50 will only allow 1/50th of the sun’s UV radiation to reach the skin. The UPF rating system is relatively new, so consumers in North America may not find UPF ratings listed on the labels of clothing they typically purchase from their favorite retailers. In addition, the sun protective clothing industry in North America is self-regulated, which means some, but not all, manufacturers’ claims regarding the safety of their clothing may be dubious. However, consumers concerned about the safety of the clothing they wear when spending time in the sun can speak with dermatologists about finding clothing manufacturers with strong reputations of producing sun protective clothing that can protect them from the sun’s UV rays.



• Spinach is good for your bones. Green foods, including kale, spinach and brussel sprouts, are great sources of vitamin K and calcium, each of which promotes healthy bones.

• Spinach can help fight off viruses. Leafy green vegetables, including spinach, are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that strengthen the body’s immune response.

• Spinach promotes a healthy heart. Spinach is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, B vitamins, and fiber, making it a heart-healthy food worthy of addition to anyone’s diet.

• Spinach can benefit your eyes. Spinach is high in the antioxidant lutein. Lutein naturally absorbs UV blue light, which is the most harmful wavelength of sunlight. Uncooked spinach tends to be the most effective way to consume it and still benefit from lutein.

the Human Touch in Hearing Technology
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1. MOVIES: Which actor voiced the character of Darth Vader in the first three “Star Wars” movies released?

2. TELEVISION: Which was the first TV show to react to the 9/11 attack on the United States?

3. LITERATURE: Who is the youngest person to win the Nobel Prize for literature?

4. HISTORY: Which city did Anne Frank and her family live in hiding before they were discovered?

5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the tallest breed of dog?

6. FOOD & DRINK: What is considered the national dish of Spain?

7. GEOGRAPHY: Which is the only city that also is the smallest country in the world?

8. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which holiday is considered the Jewish New Year?

9. ANATOMY: What are the bones in the fingers called?

10. ASTRONOMY: How many primary phases of the moon exist?

Answers 1. James Earl Jones. 2. “The West Wing.” 3. Rudyard Kipling. 4. Amsterdam. 5. Great Dane. 6. Paella. 7. Vatican City. 8. Rosh Hashanah. 9. Phalanges. 10. Four. © 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

is Cat Clings too Much

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-year-old cat Ella has gotten very clingy lately. She was always fairly independent and preferred to lounge atop the sofa and watch the world outside the window. Now she refuses to do that. She runs to greet me at the door, meows nonstop until I feed her and then wants to climb into my lap the instant I sit down. She also begs to come into the bedroom and curl up at the end of the bed next to my feet. I know this sounds just darling, but it’s unusual behavior from her. What’s your advice? -- Susan W., Burlington, Vermont

DEAR SUSAN: It’s interesting that Ella’s behavior has changed so noticeably, so fast. Has anything changed in the home environment, like you have a new work schedule, or moved furniture around, or added (or lost) a human family member?

Also, has anything about Ella’s health changed? Does she have any underlying condition that might be getting worse? Check with the vet to be sure.

If neither environment nor health are the problem, you can try to enforce some rules to alter Ella’s behavior.

-- Boredom: Make sure you play with Ella more o en each day. e clingy behavior may be a request for additional attention.

-- Boundaries: Don’t change feeding times just because Ella demands it. And don’t let her into the bedroom if you don’t want her there. Keep the door shut.

-- Bribery: Well, not really bribes, but positive reinforcement. When Ella goes to her old lounging spot, reward her with praise or a treat. Don’t give her treats when she’s in your lap; instead, lead her away and give a treat to her elsewhere.

Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.

STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
(585) 335-6170 Service O ered: Implants • Crowns Veneers • Root Canals Early Intervention Orthodontics Dentures 191 Main St., Dansville, NY teachoutdental.com NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! The BATMAN Expert Bat Proofing & Removal Residential/Commercial Serving Western New York 585-335-7902
* Walt Disney’s “The Three Little Pigs,” released in 1933, was seen as symbolic of the Great Depression, with the wolf representing the Depression and the three little pigs representing average citizens who eventually succeeded by working together.
(c) 2023
Features Synd., Inc.

Call Us


1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414

Irresponsible Dog Owner

Dear Neighbor, You recently got a German Shepard that lives outside on a chain (I’ve got my own opinions on that but not right now.) How can you listen to your dog barking all the time at all hours of the day? Your neighbors don’t want to listen to it. On top of the barking, your dogs are frequently getting loose. They are coming onto neighboring properties and they are aggressive. When the one is chained up, it is barking and harassing us while we try to enjoy our own yard. The Chocolate Lab you keep off-leash is trying to get through and around the bad wire fence to come harass us. If you aren’t going to be good dog owners, get rid of them. Our peace and safety shouldn’t be diminished because you’re selfish, neglectful and irresponsible.

Volunteer at our food pantry

I am getting so disgusted. Myself and a couple other volunteers at our food pantry have to watch another volunteer fill his trunk week after week and bring things to his family and friends. The worst part of the whole thing is they don’t even need it. There are so many people who really need the food who come in each week and really appreciate the food we give them. These people really need the food. It is very difficult to sit here every week watching him fill his trunk. Doesn’t he have any shame?


The nice weather is finally here. We are able to open windows to let the fresh air in the house. BUT, people have to burn trash. Only way to keep the stink out is to close them back up. Can’t they smell it?

Today! Score a great deal on Grad Party Invites!


Buying life insurance. Much like various other types of insurance, life insurance can be purchased from an insurance agent or via an insurance company’s website. When choosing a company from which to buy a life insurance policy, look for a company with a strong rating, as no one wants to end up being burned by a life insurance provider who goes out of business. Some people prefer to work with independent brokers who can share information about products from various providers rather than just the ones offered by the firm company-affiliated agents work for.

June 1, 2023

Dansville: John P. Sullivan, 82 years of age, passed away late ursday evening June 1, 2023 at the Vincent House in Wayland.

John was born in Somerville, NJ January 3, 1941, the son of John and Helen (Moran) Sullivan. He grew up and was raised in Somerville, graduating from Bernardsville High School. Subsequent to high school, John chased his dream of becoming a professional baseball player. He played for numerous teams throughout the years and then became a coach. Many organizations and coaching positions culminated with his stint with the Toronto Blue Jays, the crowning achievement being World Series Champions in back to back years of 1992-1993. John loved baseball and would do anything to help anyone with the game. John’s complete baseball bio can be found at https:// sabr.org/bioproj/person/john-sullivan-4/

John and Elizabeth “Betsy” Schwingel were married October 7, 1961 in Basking Ridge, NJ and celebrated over 61 years together. John, Betsy and their children traveled the country during his professional baseball career. In 1972 they moved to Dansville and that became their home base. eir permanent residence has been there ever since.

Once John retired he was able to enjoy other hobbies. ey included golf, hunting, wintering in Florida and helping out with local baseball teams. John loved and cared for people in his own way and will be missed by all his family and friends.

John was predeceased by his father, Jack Sullivan (Gloria Crater) and his mother, Helen (Steve) Nemeth; his grandmother, Carrie Sullivan; a grandson, Je ery Sullivan; his in-laws, George Bacon, Mary Ellen (Arthur) Skove. He is survived by his wife, Betsy Sullivan of Dansville; his children, Carrie (Darrel) Gibson of Rochester, Jim (Jennifer) Sullivan of Dansville, Meg Sullivan (Dave Menz) of FL and Je (Trisha) Sullivan of Fairport; his grandchildren, Jack Gibson, Briana (Cenk) Seven, Kyle Quibell, Emma (Jesse) Lil, Tyler Sullivan and Anna Sullivan; his greatgrandchildren, Elaine and Dean “Sully” Lil; his siblings and inlaws, Christopher (Janet) Nemeth of NJ, Ann (Jim) Heath of NC, Kathy Bacon of Dansville and Peggy (Rudy) Kraft of FL.

John’s family and friends called Monday, June 5, 2023 from 4-7pm at St. George-Forsythe Funeral Home, 109 West Naples St., Wayland. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated for John Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 10am at St. Mary’s Church in Dansville. Interment took place immediately following at Holy Cross Cemetery in Dansville.

Contributions in memory of John P. Sullivan may be made to the Vincent House, 310 Second Ave., Wayland, NY 14572. Please visit www.stgeorgefuneralhome for online condolences.

St. George - Forsythe Funeral Home andM uments

Richard T. McNamara

June 4, 2023

RICHARD T. MCNAMARA passed away on June 4, 2023 at the age of 71. He is predeceased by his wife, Karen Kasiner McNamara, and his parents, omas and Josephine Dragano McNamara. Survived by daughter, Kathryn McNamara; brothers, Carl McNamara and Patrick McNamara; stepmother, Carolyn McNamara, and partner Deborah Bruegger. A Celebration of Life will be held at a future date yet to be announced.

Puzzle Answers This Week


109 West Naples St. • Wayland, NY 14572 (585) 728-2100

WOODWORKING MAGAZINES - 160 in all, six different kinds, 2020-2023. Pick up: 585-704-9816

DOCK SECTIONS - Sixteen 10’ long pressure treated with legs. Pick up Conesus: 585-346-2390

VARIETY OF CRAFT ITEMS. Pick up Lima: 585-624-2633 or najhedanglis@gmail.com

LOVESEAT, pale yellow, floral. Good condition: 585-233-6073

QUEEN SIZE COMPLETE BED. Excellent condition. You move: goodgilly1028@hotmail.com or text only 585-738-6232, 8am to 8pm


You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)

MIKASA (Harvest) CHINA, 61-pieces. Very good condition. Picture upon request. Pick up, Henrietta: 585-797-4133

EVERBEARING RED RASPBERRY BUSHES. You dig. Pick up, Village of Avon: 585-305-4786

Sears Craftsman 42”cut LAWN TRACTOR, 2003 model 917. Needs service. Pick up Wayland/Cohocton area: 585-461-0667

WIGS - 2 dozen assorted lengths, colors. In original packaging, new or opened only once to view product, never worn: jbe70@frontiernet.net

LUMBER - various sizes, pieces & types of wood available for woodworking projects or hobby. You pick up: schatziny@gmail.com

BROWN COUCH and four CAR SEATS: 585-721-2278

BOOKCASE/DESK – 6’ cabinet with storage shelves, desk compartment, and drawers. Pick up, Wayland: 585-766-5925

A couple hundred MIXED BRICKS. Many of a few types and in decent condition. Some poor. Take any amount desired! 716-954-3141

EGG CARTONS – Do you need any? How many? Must pick up, Hilton: 585-752-1562

Ten medium-sized MOVING BOXES. Fairport: 585-943-3226

OLD WOODEN DESK - 60”x34” removable top for easy transport. From Dr.’s office: amparmil@rochester.rr.com

LA-Z-BOY RECLINER and BUS ENGINE: sbly5722@gmail.com

Large GOLF TROPHY, Fisher & Paykel CPAP SUPPLIES - small cushions, headset, tubing & filters: 585-343-5957. Please leave a message.

Everett UPRIGHT PIANO – needs tuning. Pick up, Geneseo: 585-441-8978


GARDEN BOX SPACE (w/plants) available at St. Timothy Church in Geneseo: 585-243-4777

Six TIRES 185/55R/16. Very good tread: 585-424-0982

Food grade 55-GALLON BARRELS WITH LIDS: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net

WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt: 315-576-1278

CPAP. Gently used: 585-313-4315

VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, stereo equipment, Vintage radios

Test equipment, speakers, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, Early TVs, records, communication, parts: greg3151@ymail.com

Elderly disabled mechanic looking for a good VEHICLE to go to doctor appts., grocery shopping, etc. Minor repairs okay: 585-883-7387

BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)

Old TABLETOP MANUAL MEAT GRINDER in useable condition (sometimes worded vintage): 585-201-6001

Two disabled veterans would like a CAMPER TO FIX UP: dobstarczyk@hotmail.com

Working WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS for refugee family in Canandaigua area: Text or call 585-754-1275

COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: 585-334-6134

Looking for a decent GARAGE DOOR, 85”x9’: 585-298-0040

TRUCK for low-income Senior Citizen. Road-worthy, for transportation of elderly mother, and general handy work/yard work. Soon to be urgent need! 585-483-1054

Looking for CLEAN PINE NEEDLES: 585-520-3819

Looking for any OLD/NEW VIDEO GAMES/CONSOLES or COMPUTERS. High school student looking to learn. Can be working/not working. Text 585-450-1172

FOLD-UP TREADMILL. Can pick up: Breit11763@gmail.com

All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: timpani_m@yahoo.com

MANNEQUIN or MANNEQUINS. Used or unwanted for school project. Will pick up: stujaxon@yahoo.com

THE CHOSEN SERIES: braduns@yahoo.com

Small SUV or PICKUP needed for disabled veteran for transport to appointments and errands: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com

Full size SOFA BED / HIDE-A-BED needed for Boy Scout Leader’s cabin. Rips or stains okay. Will pick up: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com

LAWN ROLLER and a GRASS CATCHER to pull behind my lawnmower. Text or call: 585-260-0437

COMICS - Any and all! Any years, any condition, any amount. Avid collector who still loves comics: Text or call: 585-260-0437

RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition, scratches, and dents okay.

COSTUME JEWELRY, any condition and an ATARI 2600 w/accessories and games: 585-415-8513


Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.

Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com

under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111


Cohocton Public Library

8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170


Hrs.: Mon., Wed., Fri. 1pm-7pm; Tues., Thurs. 10am-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm

Dansville Public Library

200 Main St., Dansville, 585.335.6720


Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm

E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library

5 Beecher St., Atlanta, NY 585-534-5030

Hrs.: Mon., Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun.

Wayland Free Library

101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380


Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6pm; Fri. 12pm-5pm; Sat. 10am-noon

at your local library…


SaveTheDate:August11,2023. 31stAvonAlumniBanquet

HostedbytheClassof1973.The banquetisforallgraduatesofAvon CentralandtoclassmatesthatattendedSt.AgnesSchool(Avon). Thiswillalsobethe50threunion forclassof73.Classof63,thisis your60th,classof83,your40th andclassof93your30th.The reunionisallplanned,sogetyour classmatestogetherandcatchup witholdfriends.Togetacopyof theinvitationorformoreinformationpleaseemail:slane@rochester. rr.com.

SaveTheDatefortheSecond AnnualAvonDrivingParkPleasureShow2023!July29&30, 2023,Avon,NY.TraditionalAntiqueCarriageShow.Food-Vendors-2DayEvent-StallsAvailable. SundayPresentationParadeDrive. ClassesOffered:Turnout,Timed Obstacle,Working,Reinsmanship, CrossCountry,ChooseYourRoute. FindPrizeListandRegistration Formsat:WNYCCA.ORG


Father’sDayBreakfast: June18, 2023from8am-10am(ortillgone). HeldatCohoctonLegion.Pancakes,ScrambledEggs,Sausage/ Biscuits/Gravy;HomeFries,Sausage,FreshFruit,Juice,Milk, Coffee.Father’s-$7.00.Allothers 6andabove$10.00,5andunder free.SponsoredbytheAmerican LegionandLadiesAuxiliary.


ConesusLakeRidersMotorcycle Club-AllYouCanEatBreakfast: Helduntilfurthernoticethe2nd and4thSundayofeverymonthat theConesusLakeRidersMotorcycleClub,6199LibertyPoleRd.in Dansvillefrom9am-12noon.We supportCampGoodDays,Teresa House,WoundedWarriors, Christmasmealsandmanymore. AnyquestionscallJohnHynesat 585-314-1244.


Monday,6/12:Pasta&Meatballs, Broccoli,Peas,TropicalFruit,Vanilla Mousse

Tuesday,6/13:TunaSalad, Croissant,ClaremontSalad,Beet Salad,Melon,AppleJuice

Wednesday,6/14:BBQPork, RoastedPotatoes,BrusselsSprouts, Carrots,Apple,StrawberryJell-O

Thursday,6/15:Chicken&Veggie StirFry,WhiteRice,SugarSnap Peas,Peach,OrangeJuice, ChocolateMousse

SiteClosedonFriday (585)335-8130

AARPDriverSafetyCourseDansvillePublicLibrary,200Main St.,Dansville14437.LearnDefensiveDriving,NewTrafficLaws& RulesoftheRoad.ProvenSafety Strategies.Save10%onCar/Truck/ RV&MotorcycleInsurance.NoTest toPass-JustSignUp&Learn. Removeupto4PointsFromYour License.6HourCourse-Thursday, JUNE29&Friday,JUNE30,11:453PM.ToregistercallTomFellion (585)335-8935.$25AARP Members/$30Non-Members. CheckorMoneyorderonlymade outtoAARP(NOCASH).Course limitedto30Students.Opento ages18andabove.Be15Minutes early1stdaytocompletesignin.

HotDogFundraiserforMissions -Saturday,June17thfrom 11:30amto1:30pmatthe DansvilleFreeMethodistChurch, 25FranklinStreet,Dansville.$2.00 HotDog.$10.00Meal(2hotdogs, macsalad,bakedbeans).

HandsonCPRTraining,nocertification,nocost,heldatthe HeathHomestead4760OssianHill Rd.,Dansville.HeldMonday,June 12th,6:30pm.Pre-registration wouldbeappreciatedtohelpwith supplies.Call519-3976. Thelife yousavemaybethatofaloved one!


“GolfingForACause”Golf Tournament -Saturday,July22, 2023attheFarviewGolfCourse, Rt.39,Geneseo-AvonRd.,Avon. Registration/Lunchstartsatnoon. Shotgunstart1pm.HoleInOne plusothereventsoncourse.Dinner tofollowwithrafflesandprizes. $125perplayer,$500foursome. CallortextMarkat585-519-1917 formoreinformation. Friendsand FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation501(c)3not-for-profit organizationdedicatedtoimprovingthequalityoflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwithneuromuscular disorders/diseasesandover100 otherdiseases.


VeteranPlus1-Photography GroupFieldTrip: Veteransplus1 cancomejoinusandlearnthe basicsofphotographyfromalocal professionalphotographer.This monthwewillgotoGrimesGlenn ParkinNaples,NYJune14,10am12pm,bringacameraorphone. GrimesGlenisa1.1milemoderatelytraffickedoutandbacktrail locatednearNaples,NYthatfeaturesawaterfallandisgoodforall skilllevels.Thetrailisprimarilyused forhiking,walking,naturetrips, andbirdingandisbestusedfrom ApriluntilSeptember.Expectwet feet.Dressaccordingly.Wehopeto seeyouthere!

VeteranOnly-ConesusLake FishingCharter: Veteranscome joinusandfishConesusLakefor oursecondadventurewiththenew charterfishingopportunitiesinthe fingerlakes,HarringtonOutfitters. WewillfishConesusLakeforfour hoursandshareamealafterwards. ValidNewYorkStateFishingLicenseisrequired.Besuretoask abouttheVeterandiscountedfishinglicenseatyourlocallicensing facility.Spaceislimited,don’tmiss out,RSVPnowtogetaspot.We hopetoseeyouthere.HeldJune 30,5:30-11am,ConesusLakeBoat Launch,5030EastLakeRoad, Livonia.

VeteranOnly-EarlyRiser’sCoffeeClub: Veteranscomejoinus June19th,7am-9amatBrian’sUSA DinerinMt.Morrisforourmonthly EarlyRiserCoffeeClub.Thethird (3rd)Mondayeverymonthwewill meetwithotherveteransandenjoy thecoffee,conversation,andcompanyaswegetreadytotacklethe weektogether.Wehopetoseeyou there.RSVPonourwebsite,www. livcovets.conandclickonthelink, orbycalling/textingmeat 585-200-9742orbyemailat rwolter@vocwny.org.


Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation -ARTS, CRAFTERS&MORE!JoinusonThe Lake,6001BigTreeStreet(Rt20A) &ThomasDr.FieldBetweenReMax andLeisure’sRestaurant,Conesus Lake,Lakeville.Saturday,July8, 2023from10am-4pm.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.


Take-outSpaghettiDinner atthe UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,June14,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.

FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup- CometalkaboutGhosts, Aliens&Cryptids.OpenDiscussion Night!Shareyourfavoriteparanormalexperience.Saturday,June17, 6:00-8:00pm,UnitedMethodist ChurchofLivonia(UMCL),21SummersStreet,Livonia.$5.00donationtoUMCL.Snackstoshareare appreciated.Info:TextorcallMary Graceat585-766-9318,www. giftsofgraceministry.org

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. ~ Hal Borland


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’

Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414

Here’s what’s happening

PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot,Lawn&Garden EXTRAVAGANZA!Youthactivities includefreearchery&indoorpellet range.Lawn&GardenSale!Sunday,June11,8am-11amatthe MiddlesexConservationClub,6087 SouthHillRoad,Middlesex.http:// www.middlesexconservationclub. org/


CommunityDinnerTableSpaghettiDinner: Webster’s CrossingUnitedMethodistChurch, Route15betweenSpringwater& Conesus.HeldThursday,June22, 2023from4:30pm-7pm.DineIn orTake-Outbydonation.Music Jam!

HikeorBikeHoneoyeLake beginningfromSandyBottomPark onSunday,June11from4-6PM withSpringwaterTrails.Foradditionalinformation/directions/ updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org

Going Out Of Business SALE

Everything must go!

Open Mon-Fri 1 p.m. - ‘til


5 Elizabeth Street Dansville, NY 14437

(585) 432-2442



e Town of West Sparta’s town hall business section will be closed from June 18, 2023 through June 25, 2023.

We will resume regular business on June 26, 2023. We are sorry for any inconvenience it may cause anyone.

e Town Hall Parking Lot will be getting redone weather permitting.

Marie Powell, Town Clerk


e Town of West Sparta proudly presents MUSIC IN THE PARK WITH “KELLY’S OLD TIMERS”

Friday, June 16 at 6:30pm • In the Town Park Pavilion 8302 Kysorville-Byersville Rd., West Sparta

A free concert of old time square dance and classic American dance standards. anks to our many sponsors including Tony’s Pizzeria, Fender Bender Mender, Assemblywoman Marj Byrnes, Pam and Howard Perry, BBS Accounting LLC, Dogwood Floral, Joyce Davies Associates, Eschenlauer Construction, Swink Girls’ Quilts, Sick Brothers Motor Sports, and others for making this evening possible.

Bombay Sapphire Gin 1.75 liter............................................$53.99 Tanqueray Gin 1.75 ltr...........................................................$44.99 Nolet’s Gin 750 ml ................................................................$40.99 Hendrick’s Gin 750 ml...........................................................$39.99 Gordon’s Gin 1.75 ltr .............................................................$21.99 Seagram’s Gin 1.75 ltr...........................................................$22.99 New Amsterdam Gin 1.75 ltr.................................................$18.99 Gilby’s Gin 1.75 ltr.................................................................$19.99 Aviation Gin 750 ml ..............................................................$28.99 Broker’s Gin 1.75 ltr...............................................................$35.99 Roku Gin 750 ml ...................................................................$34.00 Citadelle Gin 750 ml .............................................................$37.99 Josh Sauvignon Blanc 750 ml...............................................$14.99 Josh Pinot Grigio 750 ml.......................................................$13.99 Josh Chardonnay 750 ml ......................................................$14.99 Woodbridge Pinot Noir 750 ml............................................... $6.99 The Dreaming Tree Crush 750 ml..........................................$15.99 Apothic Crush Red Blend 750 ml ..........................................$12.99 19 Crimes Revolutionary Blend 750 ml ................................$10.99 Meiomi Red Blend 750 ml ....................................................$21.99 Three Finger Jack Red Blend 750 ml.....................................$19.99 Cupcake Pinot Noir 750 ml ...................................................$13.50 Bread & Butter Rose 750 ml ..................................................$14.99 19 Crimes Cali Rose 750 ml ..................................................$12.99 Natura Rose 750 ml...............................................................$12.99

Summer tip for Seniors

Stay Cool and Hydrated

As the temperature rises during summer, it’s crucial for seniors to stay cool and hydrated. Wear light, breathable clothing and stay in well-ventilated areas. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Opt for hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid excessive exposure to the sun, especially during peak hours. If you need to go outside, wear a hat, sunglasses, and apply sunscreen. Consider using a fan or air conditioning to keep your living space cool. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the summer months comfortably and safely.

This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.


Per Diem Nurse


Send Resumes to: vincenth@frontiernet.net

OR Mail to: 310 2nd Ave P.O. Box 566 Wayland, NY 14572

Attn: Kim Snyder

Circulation Manager/ Director of Audience

Our long-time Circulation Manager is retiring at the end of the year. We’re looking to fill this in-house position now to facilitate a positive, on the job, training period. Primary responsibilities include managing the print and digital distribution of our award-winning GVPS and other publications across Western New York. Prior experience is not required but helpful skillsets include: knowledge of the United States Post Office, experience with direct mail, managing a small fleet of carriers, and digital media. Must be organized and dedicated to the long-term success of the company. The candidate should also have a customer service mindset when dealing with readers and advertisers.

Full-time • Generous benefits package

Email cover letter and resume to Manuel Karam, General Manager: manuelk@featuredmedia.com

The Genesee Valley Penny Saver is ranked the number one publication in New York by the Circulation Verification Council. With one of the largest footprints in the state, we bring businesses and readers together in Genesee, Livingston, Monroe and Ontario counties. At the heart of our organization are people who care about their customers and foster relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to create innovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising, design, digital, printing and promotional products.

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page35 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 9,2023 View complete employment listings at GVPENNYSAVER.COM

Full-time WITH health insurance rate range:

CNATs: $18.34

CNAs: $22.45 to $25.66

LPNs: $24.64 to $28.41

RN: $33.38 to $38.45

RN Charge: $35.83 to $41.22

To apply, contact:

mgmiller@co.livingston.ny.us or call or text (585) 322-2950 (EEO/AAE)


e Livingston County Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation is o ering this paid training to become a CNA.

Part-Time Activities Aide

Part-Time Telephone Operator

Part-Time Neighborhood Asst. CALL ABOUT RATES!

• Additional shift di erential pay

Full-time WITHOUT health insurance rate range:

CNAs: $27.70 to $30.91

LPN: $30.89 to $34.66

RN: $40.63 to $45.70

Charge RN: $43.08 to $48.4




Math Teacher 7-12

Special Education Teachers K-6 and 7-12

K-12 Counselor, Social Worker or Psychologist

TESOL Teacher

Cleaner (2nd Shi )

Food Service Monitor School Bus Driver Teaching Assistant

Continual Recruitment - Substitutes: Teachers (Certi ed and Uncerti ed) • Aides/TAs • RNs/LPNs • Cleaners

Food Service Helpers • School Bus Drivers

All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information and application available: www.yorkcsd.org

COME FOR A JOB... STAY FOR A CAREER! Body & Paint Technicians

$2,000 Sign-on Bonus after 90-Day Probationary Period

Matthews Buses, Inc. has an opening for a Body & Paint Technician at our Avon Facility. We are seeking a motivated individual who can work independently and possesses the following experience:

• 3 Years’ Experience

• Fabrication Skills

• Must have own tools

• Clean Driving Record

Matthews Buses offers excellent pay and a full benefits package including health, dental, 401k program with generous company match, holidays, and paid time off.

Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com


Salary: Of course everyone would love to earn more money when changing jobs, but there is more to changing jobs than just improving your bottom line. As you begin your job search, consider how much you currently earn and if that allows you to live a life you love. If so, don’t overemphasize finding a new job that pays considerably more than your currently earn. On the flip side, young professionals who want to start a family in the years ahead should consider the costs associated with such a decision and how the salaries they earn at their next jobs may affect what they want down the road.



Full and Part-time positions. Must have experience in light duty towing and recovery, light service work. No CDL required. Must have a tow endorsement and clean driver’s license.

For more information apply at: M&R Automotive Service Geneseo, NY or send resume to: mras1automotive@gmail.com


Dental hygienist: Cleaning teeth and inspecting mouths for disease is an important role. Job growth is still hovering around 20 percent, and hygienists can expect to earn up to $98,000.


Matthews Buses is seeking part-time & seasonal drivers at our Avon location. CDL required.

Excellent Pay!

Apply to mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com or call 518-584-2400 ext. 212


Live off of cash reserves first. Before cashing in investments or retirement accounts, tap your emergency fund first. If you have any tangible assets, like an unused car or a boat sitting idle, sell these items for cash to tide you over.

With graduations around the corner, what do you think is the most viable option for high school graduates?

• Pursuing higher education or trade/apprenticeship

• Entering the workforce and starting a career immediately

• Joining the military

• Taking a gap year to travel or explore other interests before deciding on a path forward

• Starting their own business or pursuing entrepreneurship

• Engaging in volunteer work or community service

• Other

Poll ends 06-13-2023

Poll ended 06-06-2023

Who is the first person you call with good news?

28.6% Significant other

19.0% Child/children

19.0% Friend(s)

23.8% Sibling(s)

9.5% Other (specify)

We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!

Online POLL

Wayland-Cohocton Central School


Anticipated School Psychologist

Special Education Teacher Grades 1-6

Math Teacher HS

Long-Term Substitute School Social Worker


Bus Driver, Bus Monitor, Food Service, Cleaners, Teachers, Teaching Assistants

Please go to https://wayland-cohocton.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities/ for details on speci c positions and to apply.

Résumés continue to evolve, and it is crucial for applicants - especially established workers - to familiarize themselves with the changes and market themselves accordingly.

Entry Level Technicians/Detailer/Bus Prep Tech

Come for a job…. Stay for a career

Matthews Buses, Inc., New York’s largest omas Built Bus dealer has immediate full-time openings for entry level technicians, detailers, paint & body technician, and a Bus Prep Tech in our Avon facility. Successful candidate must possess:

• Experience with lettering and/or graphics installation is a plus.

• Pro ciency in the cleaning/detailing of automobiles, vans, and buses.

• Fabrication Skills.

• Must have own tools or at least the basics to perform the job.

• Work independently and with a “team.”

• Clean Driving Record.

• Will train the right individual.

Matthews Buses o ers excellent pay and a full bene ts package including health, dental, vision, 401K program with generous company match, paid holidays, and earned paid time o along with sick time.

Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com


The ability to communicate, interact and work collectively with others is bothaprofessionalandpersonalasset.Butincertainways,therelianceon technology has made working as a team more complicated. People have grown accustomed to spending large quantities of time alone working at computers or on phones and tablets, potentially compromising their ability to work directly with others when the need arises.

According to Monster.com, when it comes to choosing a candidate for a new job or promotion, employers consistently say they want a team player. That means it’s advantageous for professionals looking to further their careers to brush up on their team-building and social skills.


ourorganizationarepeoplewhocareabouttheircustomersandfoster relationshipsthatlastalifetime.Ourmissionistocreateinnovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising,design,digital,printingandpromotionalproducts.

Full-time Customer Service Member We’re Hiring!


Salaries in the workplace have long been a hot-button issue for women. The differences in compensation for males and females continues to draw the attention of politicians and gender equality advocates alike. The United States Department of Labor noted that, in 2015, the median weekly earnings for fulltime male workers increased by 2.2 percent from the year prior. During that same period, female earnings increased by just 0.8 percent. That latest data marks the third consecutive quarter that the increase in males’ earnings doubled that of females. On average, women who work fulltime earn 81.1 cents for every dollar men earn.

Women aware of that unfair gap in pay may feel helpless to address it with their bosses out of fear of being seen as unappreciative or selfish. In fact, addressing compensation makes many workers uncomfortable, regardless of their gender. According to a salary survey from PayScale, almost 60 percent of male and female workers do not ask for a raise. Negotiating salary increases requires finesse, timing and being informed. It also requires a certain measure of gumption.


Serves 6 to 8

2 to 3 tablespoons unsalted butter

2 pounds apples, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices

1/2 cup honey, preferably sage honey

1/2 cup white wine

Zest of 1 lemon

Juice of 1 lemon

Fresh sage sprigs for garnish

1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the apples, turn the heat to high and sauté until they begin to brown on the edges, about 5 minutes. If some are getting too well done, remove them and place on a plate while the rest continue to cook, then return them to the skillet when all are done.

2. Reduce the heat to low and add the honey, wine, lemon zest, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup water. Cover and allow to cook until the apples are tender but still firm; you don’t want them to turn into applesauce.

3. Serve this in a bowl, tuck in a couple sprigs of fresh sage from your garden, and tell your guests all about sage honey.

“YOU’RE HIRED” Get that l ok.
our award-winning team and help customers thrive with a range of advertising and marketing solutions. Must be detail-oriented and have the ability to multi-task in a fast-paced deadline-driven environment. Excellent time management, computer experience (e-mail, data entry) a must. Inside customer service experience a plus.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’ve made a difference at the end of your work day?

To place aclassified ad… VISIT

www.GVPennySaver.com or call 1-866-812-8111


TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags withhandlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.

DIDYOUKNOW... PlacinganObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!

SINGINGBROOKEQUESTRIAN ANDEVENTCENTERLLCarticle’sof organizationfiledNYSecretaryof StateSSNY4242023officeinLivingstonCountySSNYdesignedagentof LLCwhomprocessto5964ShaferRd DansvilleNY14437purposeanylawfulpurposeprinciplelocation8773 GrovelandStationRdDansvilleNY 14437

GUNKNIFE&AMMO SHOW:SundayOnly!June18th (9am-3pm) Alexander Fireman’sRec.Hall,10708 AlexanderRd.(Rt.98)Alexander NY.100tablestoview.BuySell &Trade.$5admission. NFGShows.com


USEDTIRESALE! PassengerCar andLightTruckTires!VanHyning Service,89FranklinStreet,Dansville. 585-335-8210.

CASHFORCARS, trucks,vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140

info at gvpennysave

Classified ads with the Ads

Pluslogohavemorepictures, videos or info onlineproviding you with more details before making yourdecisiontopurchase!

Goto www.GVPennySaver. com and view the ad online to see the additional details. Scan the QR code below to learn more!

DONATEYOURCARTOCHARITY. Receivemaximumvalueofwrite offforyourtaxes.Runningornot!All conditionsaccepted.Freepickup.Call fordetails.1-855-587-1166.


Today!HelpandSupportourVeterans.Fast-FREEpickup.100%tax deductible.Call1-800-245-0398.

HIGHESTCASHFORJUNKAND UNWANTEDCARSANDTRUCKS. Localsalvageyardpayscashonthe spotandfreesamedaypickup.To getverybestpricecall 585-633-8610.


FIREWOODFORSALE:Soldbythe load.6to6-1/2facecord(4´x8´x16) loadsfor$500.Deliveredlocally.

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The History Channel

* On June 16, 1738, Patriot printer, publisher and postmistress Mary Katharine Goddard is born in New London, Connecticut. In 1777, when Congress decided to print the Declaration of Independence, they chose Mary Goddard as printer.

* On June 15, 1877, Henry Ossian Flipper, born a slave in Georgia in 1856, is the first African-American cadet to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Flipper was appointed a second lieutenant in the all-African American 10th Cavalry at Fort Sill.

* On June 14, 1968, a Federal District Court jury in Boston convicts Dr. Benjamin Spock of conspiring to violate the Selective Service Act. Spock, a doctor and the famous author of “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care,” supported draft resistance during the Vietnam War.

Vegan cuisine that packs a flavorful punch

People who do not adhere to vegan diets may assume that such diets are void of taste. But vegan foods can be just as flavorful as more traditional alternatives.

Such is the case with the following recipe for “Roasted Baby Parsnips with Sherry-Maple Glaze and Chanterelles” from Tal Ronnen’s “Crossroads: Extraordinary Recipes from the Restaurant That Is Reinventing Vegan Cuisine” (Artisan). When roasted, parsnips produce a sweet flavor, while the chanterelles provide a woodsy taste to prove that vegan foods can indeed be incredibly flavorful.

Roasted Baby Parsnips with Sherry-Maple Glaze and Chanterelles

Serves 4

24 baby parsnips, trimmed, or 8 regular parsnips, root ends trimmed and peeled

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

2 tablespoons sherry vinegar

1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

2 tablespoons Earth Balance butter stick

1 shallot, minced

2 garlic cloves, minced

1/2 pound chanterelles, wiped clean, quartered if large

Finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, for garnish

Flaked sea salt

To prepare the parsnips, preheat the oven to 400 F.

If using larger parsnips, peel and quarter them lengthwise so the pieces will be uniform in size and cook more evenly. Put the parsnips in a large mixing bowl, drizzle with 2 tablespoons of the oil, season with kosher salt and black pepper, and toss to coat evenly. Spread the parsnips out in a single layer on a large baking sheet and roast for about 20 minutes, shaking the pan from time to time, until tender and slightly charred. Set aside.(Theroastedparsnipscanbepreparedacouplehoursinadvance, covered and held at room temperature. Reheat before serving.)

Meanwhile, prepare the glaze. Combine the maple syrup, vinegar and red pepper flakes in a small saucepan and cook over medium-low heat, swirling the pan around occasionally, until the mixture is reduced and syrupy, about 10 minutes. Cover and keep warm.

To prepare the mushrooms, put a large sauté pan over medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and the butter substitute. When the butter substitute has melted, add the shallot and sauté until soft but not browned, about 1 minute. Add the garlic, tossing to combine. Add the mushrooms and sauté, stirring frequently, until they lose their moisture, soften and begin to brown, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.

To serve, crisscross the parsnips on a platter, overlapping them just slightly. Drizzle with the maple glaze and top with the mushrooms. Scatter chopped parsley on top and season with flaked sea salt.

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