August 12, 2022 | DANSVILLE-WAYLAND | 866.812.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM your Hometown connection let’s play! We withinworkyourbudget. 10% OFF 3,000 sq. ft. or bigger One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 8-31-22 $500 Off 1,000 sq. ft. or less One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 8-31-22 15% Off 1,500 - 2,500 sq. ft. One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 8-31-22 Call Free estimates and unbeatable prices! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL In Business since 1956 LOCALLY OWNED Not a liated with any other companies. Hell Wester Ne York… Have you been considering a new asphalt driveway but the quote you received is ridiculous? Give us a call, we provide quality service at affordable prices for your residential or commercial property. Discounts for Seniors! Big Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Care! 585-204-3144 Mobile 585-398-7458 O ce Tired of expensive quotes on your asphalt driveway? We never ask for a deposit upfront and always deliver over 50 years of expertise! Announcing our new online shop for wedding tions & more created + printed just for you! invitation

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page2 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 ActiveLiving50+ 14 Arts&Entertainment 8 Auctions&Antiques 20 Automotive 3 Body&Mind 27 Classifieds 42 Employment 37 GarageSales 30 Give&Take 19 HomeServices 15 HometownEvents 12 KidzKorner 9 Passages 25 PetPlace 2 The season of Summer Lovin’ starts inside of your home. Culligan Water 1240 Rochester St. • Lima, NY 14485 *Dealer participation may vary. See local dealer for details. Financing for qualified buyers. **Or Whole house filter. Limited time offer. Offer good through Labor Day, 9/5/22. FREE In Home Water Consultation STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * In the 1880s, businessman LaMarcus Thompson was so upset over the temptations presented by saloons and brothels that he decided to clean up what he viewed as one of America’s most immoral places—New York’s Coney Island. To that end he built the country’s first roller coaster in a bid to give folks some good, clean fun well away from sleazier pursuits. How to protect your pets from extreme heat Learn to recognize the signs of heatstroke. Pets suffering from heatstroke will exhibit certain symptoms, and pet owners who learn to recognize those symptoms can do something about them before it’s too late. Heavy panting, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, excessive thirst, and lack of coordination are just a few potential indicators that a pet is suffering from heatstroke. Animals that are very old, very young, overweight, and unaccustomed to prolonged exercise, as well as those who have heart or respiratory conditions, are especially susceptible to heatstroke. Learn more about pets and heatstroke at 585-335-9380 Grooming By Appointment Only! Monday-Saturday LAURA’S GROOMINGPET 16 Bunnell Dansville,LaneNY Penny Saver Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS. Hi! My name is Ricky. I’m 2 1/2 years old. I started doing agility a year ago and went from novice to masters in that time. I love walks at Hamlin Beach and traveling to agility trials in the RV with my buds, Rain & Harriet.

AUTOMOTIVE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page3 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 A UTO S ECTION SUBMIT PHOTOS & CAPTIONS AT GVPENNYSAVER.COM SPORTS • CELEBRATIONSEVENTSVACATIONS HOMETOWN 1. The love of a dad and his boys 2. Kiara Gramkee with her rooster, Dr. Crow Watson, at the Hemlock Fair! 3. The beauty of nature 4. A flock of geese flew in to visit the memorial at Vitale Park, Conesus Lake S ving the Area F Ov 51 Ye s! We sell all MAJOR BRANDS of tires, plus: Expert Tire Repair • Tires • Tires & Tubes for Lawn, Tractor & Farm Equipment • Oil Changes • Brakes • Exhausts Wheel Bearings • Struts & Shocks • Suspension Work & More! Check our prices before you buy! LOWEST TIRE PRICES & LARGEST INVENTORY IN THE AREA! EVERYDAY OIL CHANGE PRICE: Regular $34.95 Full Synthetic $46.95 Up to 5 Qts (most cars & light trucks) Honest, reasonable prices on ALL our tires, Auto repairs & other services. NYS Inspection VanHyning’s Service 89 Franklin St., Dansville 585-335-8210 M-F: 7:30am-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-12pm FREE with new tire purchase: Mount, balance, valve stem, Rim Preparation On Most LT & PASSENGER TIRES NYS INSPECTION SAFETY IN NUMBERS: WHY IT PAYS TO REPLACE HEADLIGHT BULBS IN PAIRS Why replace aging headlight bulbs? Few drivers include headlight bulb replacement in their vehicle maintenance routines. But old headlight bulbs can drastically compromise visibility at night, when drivers’ visual acuity is naturally reduced by as much as 70 percent. As headlight bulbs age, the effects of exposure to sunlight, ozone and pollution can significantly reduce their light output. According to Philips Automotive, a leading manufacturer of vehicle lighting components, headlight bulbs begin to project significantly less light within two to three years of their initial usage, producing dimmer light outputs that compromise the safety of drivers and their passengers. For example, new headlight bulbs capable of projecting 240-foot beams in front of a vehicle may see that projection dwindle to just 160 feet within two to three years. 24 585-732-5999TowingHour 1212 Rochester St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-2301 • CORBY’S COLLISION proudly servicing the area for 80 years. “We work with the insurance company, making the repair process easier” GEICO • USAA • Travelers • Nationwide • Metlife • NYCM State Farm • Erie • Progressive • Allstate • Hanover • & many more To serve and safeguard our community, we are taking all necessary precautions to clean and disinfect your vehicles in this most critical time. We are here for your trusted repairs, and deeply care for the health of you and your family.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page4 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Mon.- urs. 11am-11pm; Fri. & Sat. 11am-Midnight; Sun. 11am-10pm Serving Henrietta for over 20 years 5665 W. Henrietta Rd. • WE DELIVER Limited Delivery Area Order online at: Call us! 334-0090 Open for walk-ins, curbside or delivery! Pizza Corner • 334-0090 $1.00 OFF An Italian Dinner or Plate Exp. 8/31/22. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Pizza Corner • 334-0090 $3 OFF Sheet Pizza or $2 OFF XL or L Pizza Toppings additional. 1 coupon per pizza Exp. 8/31/22. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Pizza Corner • 334-0090 ORDER ONLINE $5.00 OFF Exp. 8/31/22. Enter Code: 5 ONLINE Use code at checkout Pizza Corner • 334-0090 2 Lg. Cheese Pizzas $33.99 Toppings additional. 1 coupon per pizza. Exp. 8/31/22. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. NOW HIRING Call for an interview, stop in, or apply kenspizzacorner.comonline! Every Day Fish Fry! DAY TRIPS SENIORS CAN ENJOY Museums: Museums are ideal day trip destinations because many are indoors. That means weather never needs to be an issue while visiting. With historic artifacts, paintings, sculptures, or niche items like pop art or collectibles, there are museums for just about every interest. For example, railway enthusiasts can visit the National Railroad Museum in Wisconsin, one of the oldest railroad museums in the country. INDOOR AND OUTDOOR DINING ONLINE ORDERING ALSO AVAILABLE at FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! 36 Main St., Mount Morris • (585) 658-1083 Pizza and Traditional American fare featuring standby classics & innovative dishes Broad beer showcasingselectionlocalmicrobreweries Creative cocktail specials Join us to watch your favorite teams! IDEAS FOR FAST AND EASY ENTERTAINING Make fast snacks. Grilled cheese is not only a delicious comfort food that can be transformed into gourmet fare depending on the cheese used, but it’s also a relatively easy appetizer to make. Bake grilled cheese between two baking sheets in the oven. The bread will turn out crispy, the cheese sizedperfectlymelted,andyoucanmakeseveralatthesametime.Cutintobite-piecesandserve. 144 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437 Movie Info: 585-335-6950 • Inquiries: startheatredansville.com585-622-6722 Open 7 days a week! Nightly @ 7pm, Wed. @ 1pm, Sat. & Sun. @ 3pm & 7pm COMING August19th Super Pets NOW SHOWING 7 days a ruweek!Aug. 18 Bullet Train Re-OpenHours!New7daysaweek! Ham and Turkey Roll-ups Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 2 4 ounces Eckrich Deli Oven Roasted Turkey Breast 4 ounces Eckrich Deli Black Forest 2lettuceHamleavestablespoons chunky guacamole 1/4 cup chopped cucumbers 1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese 2 slices bacon, cooked and Layercrumbledturkey and ham slices. Layer lettuce, guacamole, cucumber, cheese and bacon crumbles. Roll meat and secure with toothpick.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page5 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County Q&A Master Gardeners with the e Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county CCE o ce to extend information throughout their communities. Look for this weekly column! Your answerquestionsedbythelocalCornellexperts. SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO OUR EXPERTS! Your question(s) will be answered directly & may be featured in our column! Ask them today at: GVPENNYSAVER.COM/ GARDEN
that you don’t want. ~Oscar Wilde LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10% off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to 1 subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 12.31.22 STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES Upgrade Your Home witha NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Made in the USA Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-877-350-3053 New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires December 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved. (Family Features) Families are always looking for ways to enjoy vacation time together that maximizes fun, while minimizing the budget. To help your family reduce costs on summer travel: Be flexible. Keep in mind the highest rates for hotels and entertainment stops are typically on weekends. Plan a mid-week getaway, or start your vacation on a Sunday to take full advantage of off peak discounted tickets and overnight stays.
If you don’t get everything you want, think of
How do you get rid of moles in your garden that are eating all your plants? If the animals are actually eating your plants, then they are not moles. Moles eat insects and earthworms in the soil. You probably have voles that can look similar to moles. Voles eat plants. Voles prefer the bark of young fruit trees as well as tender stems, foliage, flowers, seeds and fruits of grasses, sedges and many other herbaceous plants. They will make surface and underground tunnels. Cats, dogs, foxes, skunks and coyotes will eat voles as will some snakes and birds. Keep a clean space around your garden. Mow it short or keep it dead. They do not like to be in the open due to the above-mentioned predators. You can use live traps but it is illegal in NY to relocate the animals so you will need to kill and bury them on your property. You can use a half inch mesh to surround your garden or individual plants, but you will need to bury it 6 to 10 inches or so underground and have it extend about 12 inches above ground. Moles are not much for climbing. I have several Emerald Green Arborvitae which have brown patches from dead branches. Is it best to trim these brown spots or leave them? Dead branches on arborvitae are common in the spring. You can remove them now, and new growth will fill in the area. This problem can be reduced by providing ample irrigation in the fall the things don’t get

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page6 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 1. Beginning this week, check your Penny Saver each week in August for our contest page where you’ll answer questions about participating advertisers. 2. Submit your answers, preferably online, at or by mail. . 3. At the end of the contest we’ll select winners with correct answers to receive FREE gift certificates to participating Oneadvertisers.luckygrand prize winner will win up to $1,000 in additional gift certificates purchased by GVPS! You can enter once per edition, per week. SUMMER SWEEPSTAKES Submit yourentry today!Enter online or by mail! Local At the Penny Saver we believe in supporting our communities and you can too by participating in this contest! Shop

Enter to win $1,000 in local gift cards **RULES TO ENTER** Eligible entries must be postmarked by Friday, September 2, 2022. Contest open to all residents in our circulation area 18 years or older. Winners’ names may be published online and in future editions of this publication. One entry per person, per edition, per week. Good News! By providing your email you are automatically entered into our weekly Coupon Club. WEEK #2 If you need another copy or want to submit your form online go to: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: OR Mail this completed entry form to: GVPS Sweepstakes 1471 Route 15 • Avon, NY 14414 Email Submit your answers online at 1. Pizza Corner - How much do you save by ordering online (with coupon)? ____________ 2. Corby’s Collision - We are here for your _______ repairs. 3. Culligan Water Treatment - Culligan Water offers a free __________________. 4. Raging Winds - What is coming soon? ____________ 5. Suburban Propane - How long have we been serving the community?___________ 6. Livingston Eye Care - What is Livingston Eye Care’s Phone Number?____________ 7. Anytime Coach Lines - Where does the scenic Railroad Trip take you?____________ 8. Family Dental Care of Livonia - How many dentists are pictured in the ad? ____________ 9. Lakeview Construction - (Firewood Ad) We can provide ___________quantities. 10. Lakeview Construction - (Construction Ad) We buy___________ timber. 11. J&A Farm Market - Open ______ days a week. 12. M&G/Aman - Now accepting ______ cards. 13. Family Dental Care of Geneseo - What insurance are we accepting?____________ 14. High Banks - What NY Logo do we have in our ad?____________

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page8 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Our 9 editions are published weekly with a total circulation of over 147,000 Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414 Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 President ...........................Steve Harrison Vice President ...................Kimberly Dougherty General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone Production Supervisor .................................Je Wasson Circulation Manager .............................Shari Rapone Members of: GoldPublicationStandard National Award Winning Paper Save Gas Money, Travel with Us! Reservations Required - Call now! DAY TRIPS: The Great New York State Fair In Syracuse Monday, August 29th $35!* $35* includes your admission to the Fair! ScenicAdirondackRailroad Thursday, September 22nd Depart Avon at 6:30am, Ride the train from Utica to Old Forge, spend time in Downtown Old Forge, depart at 2pm. Call for details. $110!* Finger Lakes Beer Festival at Watkins Glen International Saturday, October 29th $99* Includes ride + Ticket to Festival. NEW BransonTRIP!Country Christmas in Buffalo! Nov. 9th Lunch and show at The Grapevines Call for details $89! pp NYC 24 Hr. Holiday Express Trips! Shopping and sights! 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 $80! MULTI-DAY TRIPS: Washington DC August 26th-30th 5 days, 4 nights lodging, 4 breakfasts, 4 dinners. Guided tours of DC monuments and memorials. Mount Vernon, tram ride thru Arlington and MUCH more! $573!* Beautiful Vermont September 5th-9th 5 days, 4 nights, 8 meals, tours (Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory!), dinner cruise with entertainment, much more! $763* Lancaster, PA Sept. 14th-16th Hershey Farm, Amish Experience, Call for details! $489* Cape Cod & Martha’s Vineyard! Oct 10th-14th 5 days and 4 nights in quaint Cape Cod, 8 meals, tours, more! $508!* Lancaster, PA Oct 26th-28th Hershey Farm, Amish Experience, Call for details! $489!* The EncounterArk & Creation Museum Nov. 14th-18th 5 days, 4 nights, 8 meals, admissions, tours including riverboat on Ohio river! $586!* *Price per person based on double occupancy. 585-226-6738AVON,NY Member United Motor Coach Association 90th Birthday Celebration FOR Marian Sliker Kennell Saturday, August 13, 2022 2-4pm Union Hose, 66 Elizabeth Street, Dansville Cards Appreciated. No Gifts Please. STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * “Albert Einstein” is an anagram for “ten elite brains.” Hmm, seems fitting to us. Seasoned Firewood Log loads available. Also buying standing timber 585-721-3770 We deliver • Can provide large quantities advantageTake of placing wood orders before the fuel increase.prices LAKEVIEW CONSTRUCTION

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page9 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Guess what August 18th is by using the first letter of the word pictured above each line. 1 2 3 National Roller Coaster Day August 16, 2022 It’s forSteelcalledVengeanceareason Head to Cedar Point Park to ride in Steel Vengeance, a super hybrid roller coaster, said to be one of the fastest in the world, clocking 74 mph while traveling along 5,740 feet of track. “Starting anything is a roller coaster with the highest highs and lowest lows.”DorseyJack It is a well-known fact that with the right motivation, you can move mountains. This day was created for this reason. This day is a reminder to keep chasing our dreams! Sponsored By: Love our weekly puzzles? Get your very own BRAIN GAME Puzzle book! Purchase online puzzlebook,,Avon,NYORmailyourorderformtoday. Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Include a check made payable to Penny Lane Printing. $6.50 per book Includes tax & shipping. IncludesOver30puzzles! TownStreetName State Zip BROUGHTTOYOUBY: 1471Route15,Avon,NY14414•585-226-8111•

REAL ESTATE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page10 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Visit us at one of our three locations! 31 Main Street, Livonia, NY 14487 • (585) 346-2222 2 Milton St., Dansville, NY 14437 • (585) 335-SOLD (7653) 9 Honeoye Commons, Honeoye, NY 14471 • (585) 229-1054 The Largest Family Owned Real Estate Brokerage serving The Greater Rochester Nine-County Area as our agents are vested in their communities! Search WWW.EMPIREREALTYFINGERLAKES.COM to nd: • All MLS Listed Properties • Contact information for all our Empire Realty Group Team • Valuable Market Information for both Sellers and Buyers OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, 8/13 • 1–3pm! DALTON: 11451 Old State Road. Beautifully maintained manufactured home w/ 3 bedroom and 2 full baths on over 55 acres! Open concept kitchen/ living room, 1st floor laundry and private yard w/ deck and patio! $250,000 TEXT: H047947 TO: 843367 Aimee Campbell, Lic RE Salesperson 585-705-2082 Why Choose Howard Hanna? Call Me and Find Out! Aimee Campbell, Lic. RE Salesperson 585-705-2082 • Dansville Office 182 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437 Digital Ads ReportMarketWeekly Back100%MoneyGuarantee Print Ads ofShowcaseHomes #1WebsiteforSellers PEACH BRUSCHETTA WITH BLUE CHEESE Serves 4 4 slices country bread 2 Extra-virginpeaches olive oil for brushing 1/4poundbluecheese,gorgonzolaorBlueCastellocheesePreheatthebroiler.Arrangethebreadslicesonarimmedbakingsheet,slipunderthebroilerandtoast,turningonce,untilgoldenbrownonbothsides.Thisshouldtakeonlyafewminutes.Whilethebreadistoasting,halvethepeacheslengthwise,pitthemandthenpeeleachhalf.Cuteachhalflengthwiseinto1/4-inch-thickslices,keepingtheshapeofeachhalfintact.Whenthebreadisready,removefromthebroilerandbrusheachsliceonbothsideswitholiveoil.Spreadone-fourthofthecheeseoneachsliceofwarmbread,placeaslicedpeachhalfontop,andserve.

Livingston County Board of Elections David M. DiPasquale, Rebecca (Becky) L. Schroeder, Election Commissioners
Livingston County Early Voting Polling Hours
Tues., Aug. 23, 2022 there will be a Republican Primary for the 24th Congressional District You must be an enrolled Republican in Livingston County to be eligible to vote. will be open from 6:00AM to 9:00PM at the following locations.
Springwater Springwater Fire Department, 8145 S. Main St.
Livingston County Voters can vote at the Livingston County Board of Elections 6 Court Street, Room 104, Geneseo, NY 14454
Portage Portage Town Hall, 2 North Church St., Hunt Sparta Sparta Community Center, 7351 State Route 256
SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 2022: 9AM TO 5PM SUNDAY, AUG. 14, 2022: 9AM TO 5PM
Avon 1-4 Avon Village Hall, 74 Genesee St.
Groveland 1 & 2 Groveland Town Hall, 4955 Aten Rd. Leicester Cuylerville Fire Department, 2943 Canandaigua St. Lima 1 & 2 Lima Town Hall, 7329 East Main St. Livonia 1-5 Lakeville Fire Training Grounds, 5939 Stone Hill Rd. Mt. Morris Mt. Morris Central School Gym, 30 Bonadonna Ave. North Dansville North Dansville Town Hall, 14 Clara Barton St. Nunda 1 & 2 Nunda Fire Hall, 4 S. State St. Ossian Ossian Town Hall, 4706 Ossian Hill Rd.
Caledonia 1-3 JW Jones Hall, 366 Leicester Rd. Conesus Conesus Town Hall, 621 South Livonia Rd.
TUESDAY, AUG. 16, 2022: 8AM TO 8PM
Town and District Location
THURSDAY, AUG. 18, 2022: 8AM TO 8PM
For questions about voting in Livingston County, please contact the Board of Elections at (585) 243-7090 or (585) 335-1705.
MONDAY, AUG. 15, 2022: 8AM TO 4PM
West Sparta West Sparta Town Hall, 8302 Kysorville-Byersville Rd. York 1 & 2 York Town Hall, 2668 Main St.
SATURDAY, AUG. 20, 2022: 9AM TO 5PM
Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! 855-972-3529 Limited Time O er - Call for Details Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. CAN MAKE THE MOST OF LOCAL MARKETS Do your research. Chances are business owners can find a number of festival or marketplace opportunities in or around their communities each month. Some of these festivals may be large scale events like annual Christmas bazaars, while others might be more toned down affairs that occur each week. Business owners can research local festivals, paying particular attention to how communities market the events and which businesses attend them. Community turnout is another significant factor to consider. Such research can help business owners determine which festivals best suit their businesses and what they’re hoping to accomplish. Rolling Hills, 8 Hillcrest Circle 1,680 sq. . Vertical li with 750lbs $89,100 585-204-7134 For Sale in Dansville Blueberry Hill Farm NOW OPEN! The Pick-Your-Own Blueberry Season is opening! Hornell, NY - “New York’s Premier Berry Farm” HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturday 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. *We suggest calling ahead for picking dates. Follow direction signs on Route 36, 11⁄2 miles South of Arkport (607) 324-5321 • Picking buckets and stools, field transportation, a picnic area, and modern restrooms are all provided. Wayland Naples Conesus Hornell TO ROCHESTER Watch for Direction Signs on Rt. 36 or Rt. 21 ➡To Corning ➡ ➡ Rt. 17/86 Dansville Canisteo Check us out on Facebook. NOW OPEN
FRIDAY, AUG. 19, 2022: 8AM TO 4PM
Geneseo 1-3 St. Mary’s Parish Center, 13 North St. Geneseo 4 Morgan Estates Community Center, 4339 Clear View Rd. Geneseo 5 SUNY Geneseo Ball Room, 10 MacVittie Cir.
SUNDAY, AUG. 21, 2022: 9AM TO 5PM Where can I vote early?

annualBeerandWineEventon August26from7-10pmat60 CenterStreet,Geneseo.BeerTastingsfromDublinCorners,Strange DesignPublicHouse,andtheVillageTavern.WineTastingprovided byGoodSpirits.Musicby GrovelandStation.Ticketsare$25 andareavailableatthedooras wellasFlorence’sPerpetualEstate, TouchofGrayce,andGoodSpirits Wine&Liquor. GENESEO AARPSmartDriverCourseDansville PublicLibrary,200Main St.,Dansville.LearnDefensiveDriving,NewtrafficLaws&Rulesofthe Road,aswellas,ProvenSafety Strategies.Save10%onCar/Truck/ RV/MotorcycleInsurance.NoTests toPass!JustSignUpandLearn. RemoveUpTo4PointsFromYour License.6HourCourse.Thursday, September1,12-3PM&Friday,and September2,12-3PM.ToRegister CallTomFellion(585)335-8935. $25AARPMembers/$30NonAARP Members.CheckOrMoneyOrder OnlyMadeOutToAARP.www. 18.Limit30. drive DansvilleStorytellers- Do you wanttolearnmoreaboutStorytelling?DoyouliketotellStories? WouldyouliketolistentoStories? PleasejointheDansvilleStorytellers atMacFaddenCoffeeCompany, 211MainSt.,Dansville.Following gatheringswillbeonthethird Tuesdayeverymonthgoingforwardatthesamelocation.Social gatheringat6:15PM,andwewill beginat6:30.Weareencouraging newtellersandlistenersfromthe localareatoattend.Thereisno charge,coffee,teaandlightfare willbeavailable.Information:call ortext603-491-1451. DANSVILLE CallingAllSingers! Finger Lakes Choraleinvitesyoutojoinourfun group.Tuesdayeveningrehearsals forholidayprogramatFLCC(3325 MarvinSandsDr.,Canandaigua). Registrationnights:8/30,9/6,9/13. Concerts:12/10&12/11.Contact: 12pm). CANANDAIGUA Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 GUIDELINES FOR HOMETOWN EVENTS: STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * Cats have more than 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10. IsraeliFolkDanceWorkshop on 8/27 from10:00am-12:30pmat LittleLakesCommunityCenter, 4705S.MainSt.,Hemlock.Thisisa uniqueopportunitytolearnsome Israelifolkdancesandhavefun. Thedancesareshortsequences dancedoverandoverinacircle. Variationsofstepswillbeoffered toaccommodateanymobilityissues.Nopriordanceexperienceis neededtoattend.Theworkshopis bestsuitedforages13andup.The costfortheeventis$15.00pp. Registercutoffis8/22.Registerat www.littlelakesny.orgoratthe
andautomobiles.WewillleaveLittleLakesCommunityCenteron September23rdat11am.Thecost oftheeventis$20.00/$15.00for seniors60orolder.Lunchonyour ownatPhillipsEuropeanRestaurantinHenrietta.Weshouldbe backatLLCCby5:30.Registration deadlineisSeptember19thby 3:00PM.RegisteratLLCC,4705 MainSt.,Hemlock,585-347-1046, oronthewebsitewww. HEMLOCK TheHistoryofNaplesMemorial Town Hall presentedbyTown HistorianJohnMurphy.Sunday, August14th1:00PMonthe groundsofMemorialTownHalloutdoors(rainlocationMorgan HoseBuilding,22MillStreet,Naples).Bringlawnchairsandquestions.150yearsago,Naples MemorialTownHallwasbuiltto Honormorethan200Neapolitans whofoughtintheCivilWar.Itis oneofonlytwobuildingsinNew YorkStateerectedasamemorialto thosewhoservedintheCivilWar andoneofthreebuildingsinNapleslistedontheNationalRegisterof HistoricPlaces.http://www. NAPLES ArenaArtGroupattheGenesee Valley CouncilontheArts “CollectiveReflections”anexhibitionbythemembersoftheArena ArtGroupisnowattheGenesee ValleyCouncilontheArts,4MurrayHillDrive,Mt.Morris.Also checkouttheterrificWPAart collection.HelduntilAugust20th. Hours:Tuesday,Wednesdayand Fridaysfrom11-5pm,Thursdays 11-7pmandSaturdays11-3pm. TourofMountMorrisDamMount MorrisDamVisitorCenteris opendailyandguidedtoursof MountMorrisDamareofferedMay 1-October25,2022.Tours: Monday-Thursday2pm,andFridaySundayat11amand2pm.TheUS ArmyCorpsofEngineersoffers onlineadvancedreservationsfor ranger-guidedwalkingtoursof MountMorrisDam.Reservetour ticketsupto7daysinadvance www.Recreation.govor 877-444-6777.Spacelimited.Reservationsstronglyrecommended. Availabilityofwalk-upticketsnot guaranteed.MountMorrisDam andRecreationArea,6103Visitor CenterRd.,MountMorris.Visitor Centeropendaily,10am-4:30pm. Information:585-658-4790. MOUNT MORRIS
CohoctonPublicLibrary: Cohocton PublicLibraryisOpen, Masksareavailablebutnotrequired.Wehavemasksandhome testkitsavailableforfree!
Storytime:Thursdays10:30amand Tuesdays4:00pmattheLibrary, Saturday11:00amatLoonLake. BookClub8/3112:00pmThis month’sSelectionisavailableatthe library.SummerCrafts5:00pmIn personattheLibrary,registration required.Someactivitiesavailable self-directedfortheweek. 8/2EscapeRoom(FindandUnlock thepiratetreasure) 8/8WalkThroughOcean-library displayfulloffactsandactivities 8/15NauticalKnots(MacraméKey Chain) 8/22BubbleSnakes Calltosignupfortheseallages programs.(585)3845170 OceanBingo:Friday8/19at 5:00pmBringyourfriendsand competeforprizes! MagicShow!August12that 6:00pmFunnightofmagicforall ages. SummerReadingBubbleParty:August,25th3:00pmWearewrappingupsummerreadingwithbubblesandprizedrawings! Here’s what’s happening at your local library… Cohocton Public Library 8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170
Sat.Tues.,Hrs.:www.cohoctonlibrary.orgMon.,Wed.,Fri.1pm-7pm;Thurs.10am-7pm;10am-2pm Dansville Public Library 200 Main St., Fri.Hrs.:www585.335.6720Dansville,.dansville.lib.ny.usMon.-Thurs.10am-8pm;10am-5pm;Sat.9am-1pm E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library 30 Main St., Atlanta, NY Hrs.:585-534-5030Mon.,Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun. Wayland Free Library 101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380 Fri.Hrs.:www.gunlockelibrary.orgMon.-Thurs.10am-6pm;12pm-5pm;Sat.10am-noon BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne earliest written record that mentions the practice of medicine is Hammurabi’s Code from the 18th century BC in Mesopotamia, which includes information for physicians about payments for successful treatments and punishments for medical failures. For example, payment was better for curing the wealthy, but failing to do so could result in the loss of a hand. 26: JoinusforAPOG’s CommunityCenter. WoodFlowerArrangement Class 8/21,2:00-3:30pmatLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.,Hemlock.Createabeautifuleverlastingwoodflower arrangementinarusticwatering cancontainerorchoosefroman assortmentofmugs.Costsformaterialsandclassforthewatering canarrangement$35.00,amugis $25.00.Venmo@Brittany-Gilbert13orPayPal@bgilbert23toreserve aspot.Registrationcutoffis8/15 at3:00pm.IfyoucannotdoPayPal orVenmocallLLCC585-367-1046 andBonnieSykeswillreturnyour call.Thesearrangementsarebeautiful,greatgiftsforfamilyand friends. TourArtisanWorksinRochester. Take aguidedtourofArtisan WorkslocatedinRochester.Thisis a40,000sq.ft.renovatedfactory thathasnearly500,000piecesof artwork,memorabilia,antiques,
* The

to contact you)
ROCKSTOCKMusicFestival Fundraiser- ProceedstoBenefit the:ROCKSTOCKYOUTH MUSICIANSFUND.AUGUST18-21, 2022attheBrooksholmWedding BarnandEventCenter,565PavilionWarsawRd.,Wyoming.Camping,SWAGVendors,FoodTrucks, BBQ&FullBarAvailable.OVER20 BANDSincluding:JonathanBoogie Long;ClaudiaHoyser&Band.Musicstarts:6pm-Thursday,August 18;3pm-Friday,August19and 12noon-August20.Ticketsand Informationat:rockstocknewyork. com. PRESENTEDBYTHETEED AGENCY. WYOMING WSHSChickenBBQandMusic by“Connie&Henry”- Saturday, August27,12-2pmattheTown Parkandpavilion.WestSparta HistoricalSociety’sChickenBBQ andWSUnitedMethodistChurch’s BakeSale. MusicInThePark”78RPMBig Band“- Friday,August19, 6:30pm-8:30pm,TownParkpavilion.AfreeconcertofBigBandand Jazz. WEST SPARTA Hike/KayakSugarCreekin Branchport- HikeorKayakSugar CreekandKeukaLakein BranchportonSunday,August14 from4-6PM.JoinSpringwaterTrails fortheoutingfollowedbyasocial get-togetherattheBlueEagle.For additionalinfo/directions/updates visitthewebsite:springwatertrails. org WaylandFarmer’sMarket islocatedat102NorthMainStreet, Wayland(behindthelegion).Dates tobeheld:August14th&August 28th/September11th&September25th/October9th&October 23rd.Vendercontact:Amanda Parker@315-576-3210. Genesee Valley Church Christ PO Box Dansville, (if someone No to home a Home Bible Study. If you would like to attend we are located at 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg, NY. We meet in the Sparta Community Center. Bible Study at 9am, Worship Service following at 9:45am. love EASIER’ HEALTHCARE DONATION PROGRAM (NAPSI)—Healthcare workers on the front lines of the pandemic in desperate need creative to the lack of personal protective gear and supplies that help block harmful airborne pathogens. But civic-minded companies help.
to see you! ‘BREATHE
CampStellaMarisCar,Motorcycle,&TruckShow- September 17,10-3pm,PinnacleAthletic Campus,7600PinnacleRoad,Victor.VehicleshowingwithBestin show,car,bike,andtrucktrophies. Top30,camper’spick,veteran owned,andfemaleownedawards. Preregisteronlineathttps://www. $15acar.Atshow-$25percar. CentrallylocatedrightoffofNYS Thruway90.Fullypavedparking lot.Raffle,SilentAuction,50/50, andFood.Proceedsbenefitthe campershipfund.Sendakidto camp!https://www.
you wish
NY 14437 or email us at:
We would
VICTOR 5thAnnualSpringwater CommunityDay2022 -“SponsoredbySpringwaterGala”:Sunday,August14th,7AM-Darkatthe LarryJ.CanuteMemorialPark, SchoolStreet,Springwateratthe intersectionofRoutes15and15A. (Legiongrounds).FREEADMISSION &FREEPARKING.OpenCarShow &AntiqueTractorPulls.Gatesopen at7AMwithaPancake&Egg BreakfastservedintheLegion. ChickenBar-B-Que11:30AMtill gone(togo).FoodVendors,etc. Pleasenote:Nocoolersorcontainersareallowedinthepark.Alsono dogsorbicycles. Farmer’sMarket- HeldMayto October2022.EveryFridayfrom 3pm-6pmattheflashinglight4 cornersroute15&15A.BAKE GOODS,PRODUCE,FLOWERSAND GIFTS! SPRINGWATER
WAYLAND The Genesee Valley Church of Christ offers for FREE the following: (Check your choice or choices) New King James Bible Eight Lesson Bible Correspondence Course DVD “Searching for Truth” with Workbook Searching for Truth workbook alone (has same info as WhereDVD)do we go when we die? DVD Mail this ad to:
one will come
our services,
For example, NasalGuard Airborne Particle Blocker, an electrostatic topical nasal gel that prevents airborne particles from entering the nose, created the “Breathe Easier
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page13 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 WAYS TO SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES Speak with business owners about your experience as a customer, sharing insight about both good and bad experiences.
with your request. We will need your: Name:Address:PhoneNumber:
unless you request

We’re in our third summer of the Covid pandemic and another winter is coming.inkabout that statement for a minute. Did any of us imagine, back in the summer of 2020, that the problems would still be with us in 2022? I for one was betting that once the vaccines started coming out, Covid would surely be vanquished. Oh, how wrong I was. Many of us settled in during that rst year of Covid isolation, missing meetings, dinners out and friends. We just didn’t dare go out, even if we had been the rst to qualify for the vaccines. We didn’t host family during the holidays, and some of us had ham sandwiches for anksgiving dinner.But it hasn’t been all bad. We learned how to attend meetings and talk to family on Zoom, we checked in with friends by phone and we gured out how to place curbside grocery orders on the computer. During warm weather we took walks and saw outdoor concerts and sometimes even dared to visit certain businesses when they weren’t busy. Already, however, upon realizing that this is our third summer with Covid and with the vaccine boosters continuing to show i y results for long-term e cacy, I’m no longer taking bets about when it will all go away. I’m thinking ahead to winter when everyone goes back inside and the risk of infection increases. Some thoughts on getting through this coming winter: Increase the level of exercise you get. Hunt for interesting YouTube videos of exercise and yoga for seniors. Find ways to address anxiety. Double up on communication with others to avoid isolation. Find a new hobby. Buy a few new houseplants. Splurge on home delivery of groceries now and then, instead of curbside pickup. What do you think? Can we do it again? Can we make it through another Covid winter?
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page14 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
SENIOR NEWS By Matilda Charles Another Covid Winter
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page15 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 (585)Canandaigua394-9000 Avon (585) 226-3800 Are you losing energy through the cracks? Isaac Energy Consultants perform comprehensive whole-house inspections that focus on health and safety, comfort and e ciency. They inspect your basement, living spaces and attic looking for issues like poor ventilation, mold, and insu cient insulation. They also inspect the operation and e ciency of your HVAC system. Our experts measure your home against NYS Home Performance with Energy Star program standards to determine which improvements to recommend and present them to you for consideration Schedule a free Healthy Home Assessment. You may qualify for NYS rebates and grants on our improvements. Visit to learn more! CALL THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPERTS
MAINTAIN SPARKLING CLEAR POOL WATER Maintaining a satisfactory level of disinfectant will help prevent the multiplication of bacteria and algae in the pool. Many pools are kept clean through the use of chlorine products. The ratio of chlorine to water needed to maintain the clarity of the water depends on the size of the pool, the sanitizer used, weather, sunlight and evaporation, and the pH. In many instances, the available free chlorine in a pool when tested should be between 3 and 4 ppm to offer adequate sanitation. Frequent testing will help pool owners gauge how well the pool water is holding chlorine and how to compensate if extra is needed.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page16 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 585.202.6794 ALL MAJOR EXCAVATION&GRADING LAKEVIEWCONSTRUCTION.NET Take advantage of placing wood orders before the fuel prices increase. • Additions • Decks • Windows • Garages • Siding • Pole Barns • Septic System Installation & Repair • Land Clearing • Site Development SEASONED FIREWOOD • Log Loads Available • We Buy Standing Timber 585.721.3770 WeDeliver&LargeQuantitiesAvailable LAWN & LANDSCAPING Help plants survive sizzling summer heat Lay down mulch. Mulch helps insulate and protect soil during summer, when soil can quickly dry out. When applied correctly (ideally before summer temperatures get too hot), mulch helps the soil conserve moisture and prevents weed growth. Weeds can rob soil of the water it needs to promote strong root systems, which can help plants get the experienceexperiencenutrientstheyneedtowithstandsummerheat.Mulchedsoilsalsodonotthefluctuationsintemperaturethatnon-mulchedsoilscanduringsummerheatwaves,helpingplantstogrowevenly. We Put Integrity Back Into Business. • Roofing (Shingle & Metal) • Roof Repairs • Decks • Windows • Doors • Standing Water Removal/Drain Tile Installations All Weather Contracting, LLC Senior & Military Discounts • Fully Insured Samuel Bartolone, 8245allweather70@gmail.comOwnerGrovelandStationRd.Dansville,NY14437 Fax 914-412-9901 • 585-305-5843 GENERAL CONTRACTING • New Roofs • Re-roofs • Tear-offs Call Josh, 585-245-1972 • All major credit cards accepted. Residential/Commercial • Metal Roofs • Flat Roofs • Vinyl & Steel Siding • Soffit & Fascia • Gutter Cleaning • Gutter Leaf Protection Trust Your Roof to a Specialist Financing Available FULLY INSURED SEAMLESS GUTTERS ROOFING & SIDING STAY SAFE WHEN GARDENING IN HOT WEATHER Take note of your physical condition. Many people garden alone, so it’s important that gardeners learn the symptoms of heat-related illnesses. The CDC notes that elevated body temperatures, headache, rapid pulse, dizziness, nausea, and/or confusion are some common symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Gardeners should go indoors the moment any such symptoms appear. Does your roof leak? Does your house need a facelift? Try Metal Roofing! 40 year paint warranty, 18 different colors available. Contact me now for your free estimate! Ben Troyer 8020 Shaut Road • Avoca, NY 14809 Send me a note with what you want, and I’ll call you back! ROOFING & SIDING PEST CONTROL

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page17 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Grass is the cheapest plant to install and the most expensive to maintain. - Pat Howell Locally owned & operated. 10 di erent colors to choose from. So ts & Fascia Aman Roofing Tear-Offs • Re-Roofs • New Roofs Residential & Commercial (585) 346-7150 • Free Estimates • Fully Insured Gutters LeafGuard Gutter Cleaning - 5 and 6” gutters. Leaf Guards Gutter Cleaning Now Accepting Credit Cards (585) 245-1946 • ROOFING & SIDING New Low Price • Local Honey & Maple Syrup • Local Cheese • Leo’s Pies Like us on OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PRODUCE SWEETHOMEGROWNCORN NOTE: We are closing Sun., Aug. 14 @ 3pm due to our award we are receiving at the “Farmer of the Year” dinner. Thank you to all of our supporters! BENEFITS OF HIRING PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS The DIY movement has inspired many homeowners to tackle home repair and remodeling projects on their own. DIY projects can be rewarding, and many homeowners who have embraced the DIY movement have discovered talents they never before knew they had. But no matter how simple popular home renovation television shows make remodeling projects appear, homeowners should know that such undertakings are far more difficult than they appear on television. Homeowners who overestimate their abilities and the time they have to complete projects can cost themselves substantial amounts of money. In fact, there are a variety of reasons homeowners might want to work with professional contractors when tackling home improvement projects. ROLL-OFF Family owned for over 60 years 10, 12, 20 and 30 Yard Dumpsters Call now for pricing 585-967-7919 Benson Roll-off OTHER

ENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page18 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * Sociologists have discovered an interesting correlation between economic health and women’s clothing: The worse the economy, the longer women’s skirts become, while the better the economy, the shorter they rise. 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 yard Containers Available When and Where You Need Them! We’ve Got Dumpsters! Great Service! Call Dave, 585-292-9871 • Cell 585-703-1936 10131 Poags Hole Rd. • Dansville, NY 14437 • The Duke Company Locations in Rochester, Ithaca, Auburn and Dansville OTHER By Fifi Rodriguez 1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the only vowel on a computer keyboard’s middle row of letters? 2. LANGUAGE: What is the diacritical mark used over the first “a” in 3.“chateau”?GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of the Czech Republic? 4. MOVIES: Where was the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy filmed? 5. MEASUREMENTS: What is 4 ounces of liquid equal to in cups? 6. U.S. STATES: Which is the only American state that begins with the letter P? 7. LANGUAGE: What is the word that stands for the letter Y in the international radio alphabet? 8. CHEMISTRY: What is the symbol for the element zinc? 9. TELEVISION: What is Kramer’s first name in the sitcom “Seinfeld”? 10. MUSIC: Which country is home to the rock group AC/DC? Answers 1.A. 2.ex.Circumfl 3.Prague. 4.NewZealand. 5.1/2cup. 6.Pennsylvania. 7.Yankee. 8.Zn. 9. Australia.Cosmo.10. © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

Pink HELLO KITTY FABRIC, about two yards. Two sets of TWIN SHEETS. Pick up, Batavia: Text ELECTRIC845-309-9374AIRCONDITIONER. Approx. 30”x25” About 30 years old. Works. Cord needs attention: 585-229-2186
GOLF BALLS and gallon size bag of TEES: 585-356-3399
2 CLEAN double closed system BREAST PUMPS - Ameda (almost new) and Spectra (missing one part - easily found online): 225-205-4255
ELLIPTICAL/INCUMBENT EXERCISE MACHINE. Like new. You move and take away. In York area: 585-243-2973. Leave a message. Solid wood HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER with storage underneath and five shelves. Beautiful: 585-300-9201
Two TWIN BEDS, includes mattresses, box springs & frames. Pick up, Stafford: Two585-343-3741UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, maple settee and chair with cushions. Good condition. Pick up, Fairport: 585-425-2367
QUEEN SIZE WATERBED FRAME with headboard and mattress insert. In very good condition: 72” x 36”
FOOSBALL TABLE, TREADMILL, GOLF CLUBS and BAGS, BOWLING BALLS, and BAG, EXERCISE BIKE, TWIN MATTRESS, PEDAL EXERCISER, BEAN BAG, BAR STOOLS, etc.: GREETING585-548-3231CARDS for crafts. 585-388-0318 (leave message if no answer) SOFA with fold-out queen size bed. Dansville. You pick up. 585-335-5314
CLICK CLACK COUCH/BED. Fair condition. Canandaigua area: 585-507-8788
FRONT DOOR with glass oval. TONGUE and GROOVE BOARDS, multiple lengths. You pick up:
3 Rolls of STRIPED WALLPAPER: (585) 265-2615
Several pair of WOMEN’S SHOES and SANDALS, size 10w. Women’s RED LEATHER JACKET, med/large. Pick up, Batavia: Text 845-309-9373
ITHACA ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN. Very ornate. Pick up, Irondequoit: 585-323-1762
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page19 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Guidelines: Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111 and LILY OF THE VALLEY PLANTS. Penfield, Webster area only: 585-670-0688 EXERCISE BIKE for senior in good working condition. Geneseo area: 585-346-6506 Working REFRIGERATOR WITH FREEZER. Preferably one from at least the year 2000 for an after-school program. No leaks please: Gardeners: have too many ZUCCHINIS? I’m willing to help you out. Love some: Preferably585-698-5937LARGE MOUTH CANNING JARS - 1 Gallon, 1/2 Gallon & Quart Size. Need for canning asap: 585-282-4881 REFRIGERATOR in good working condition. Genesee Co. area: 585-604-9069 Calling all gardeners to SHARE EXTRA PRODUCE - Donate to the Geneseo Parish Outreach Center Food Pantry, M-Th 9-12: 585-243-3120 WASHING MACHINE that is in good working condition for a family in great need: Old585-346-3566MANUREFOR GARDEN. Got a pile you want moved? I have a trailer and a pitchfork! LEATHER WORKING TOOLS/SUPPLIES, 4’-6’ folding tables, legs, and tabletop fold: DOG585-398-9907PLAYYARD ITEMS: children’s play gyms, children’s pool, big balls, splash pad, tether tug, agility etc. In good condition: 585-301-1247 COMIC BOOKS & SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS. All conditions. I can pick up. Thank you & God Bless: Call or text 585-260-0437 IRONING BOARD and IRON for 55+ community. Thank you. Call or text: HDTV585-356-9306CONVERTER BOX with REMOTE: WASHING MACHINE in good condition. Will pick up from Avon or surrounding area: 30-GALLON585-455-1680METALDRUM: Jim 585-624-4502 PLAYER PIANO ROLLS: 585-323-1762 Small aluminum STORM WINDOWS for playhouse. Approx. size, 15” - 28” wide x 20” - 28” high. 585-317-0270 Double reclining LOVESEAT in good condition. Monroe County area. 715-864-3034 Looking for a large old SUPER SOAKER WATER GUN from the 90s. 585-883-5334 GARDEN TRACTOR, 25hp preferred. Spencerport area. 585-943-4060 SPINNING WHEEL. Pittsford area. 585-381-4823 Long BLACK TUBING, 1” diameter. 30-40 ft. 585-343-1870 Any USED VEHICLE that will pass inspection. 585-905-4992 CPAP MACHINE. Call or text 585-831-5873 OIL BARREL. BATHROOM MIRROR (60”x30”). No frame. In good shape. Pick up, Rochester: 7’585-944-6899SOFA,twotone gray. In good condition. Pick up, Dansville: 585-432-2442 Men’s guards DEPEND and TENA. Will deliver in Dansville or Wayland area: UPRIGHT585-728-3801PIANO, Kimball, walnut cabinet. Cabinet and mechanics refurbished; bench reupholstered. You pick up. Wayland area: 585-728-3801
HOSPITAL BED in good condition:
RAISED TOILET SEAT with arms. Absolutely brand new, never out of the box: nadlLargehoc1@gmail.combucketofUSED

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page20 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Additional products and services may be available through Joyce E. Davies Associates, Inc. Medicare On Medicare already? Turning 65 or disabled? Need a supplement? Understand “EPIC”? Confused or have questions? Call or stop by to schedule an appointment. Joyce Davies 170 Franklin St., Dansville, NY (585) 335-4750 38 years of experience in the Medicare market. The BATMAN Expert Bat Proofing & Removal Residential/CommercialServingWesternNewYork 585-335-7902 Echo Valley AUCTIONS Visit Now accepting quality consignments, please call. 5810 Goodale Rd., Canandaigua (585) 394-4722 • Open 8am-5pm; Closed Sun. Auctions now online! NOW HERE’S A TIP How to pack a suitcase: Roll pants and tops, adding to suitcase first, toward the handle side. Then add heavy items (shoes, boots) toward the wheel end. Make sure you choose the right size case for the trip; too much room will cause items to shift around. Magic Maze –– BRIDGE: CROSSING THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER 338 Route 14A, Penn Yan 315-536-3012 E-BIKES Wide variety of bike racks and other accessories also available. IncludingInventoryofHundredsBikesin HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-6, SAT. 9-4, CLOSED SUNDAY Twin ELECTRICTiers Serving Livingston & Steuben Counties Residential -Fully Insured Call 607-382-2826





PAW’S CORNER By Sam Mazzotta DEAR PAW’S CORNER: ree months ago, I adopted a beautiful orange striped cat. Felicia is a darling but has a traumatic past. Her previous owner declawed her front paws and later abandoned her to the street. She was rescued, fostered and then adopted by me. But she still su ers from that trauma, and she walks gingerly on her front paws. Can I do anything to relieve her su ering? -- Janine C., Alexandria, Virginia Dear Janine: She sounds like a real beauty! I’m so glad you two were brought together through pet adoption, and I know you’ll do your best for her. Talk with Felicia’s veterinarian about the way she’s walking. Declawed cats not only are traumatized by the removal of their claws -- it’s similar to amputating a limb -- they o en su er pain throughout their life and can develop complications like arthritis. Declawed cats o en exhibit signs of chronic pain, walking gingerly or limping, squirming out of your lap when you touch their front paws, or even showing increased aggression.evetshould look for any possible injury to the paw that she’s limping on, because it’s clear that she has more pain in one paw than the other. From there, a treatment can be developed that addresses the limp and the possible chronic pain that she may be su ering from. O en, pain medication alone does not solve the problem. A combination of therapies to help “reset” pain receptors can be very e ective for declawed cats. Follow the vet’s recommended therapies, and keep giving Felicia lots of love and good food so that she can continue to recover from the trauma she experienced. Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner. Cat With a Traumatic
Past Online POLL
During the past week, the Senate passed President Biden’s sweeping climate, health and tax bill. The estimated $740 billion bill was reduced from last year’s $3.5 trillion proposal. This
is... • A wonderful achievement • A mostly positive step forward • A concerning development • A serious problem Poll Ends 08-16-22 Poll Ends 08-09-22 In light of the tragic death of Rochester Police Officer Anthony Mazurkiewicz, how much support do you feel the Rochester Police force receives from the City of 21%58%12%9%Rochester?StrongSupportSomeSupportLittleSupportNoSupportWelovehearingfrom you! Vote and make your voice heard when you!visit Arc Livingston-Wyomingof The recreation program at the ARC for those living with developmental disabilities focuses on empowerment, trust, commitment, excellence and respect. St. Peter’s UCC Saturday, Aug. 13th from 9am-1pm at Perkinsville Fire Hall 1904 County Rt. 90 ALL CLOTHING FREE! ClothingAnnualGiveaway TRICKS TO KEEP FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS FRESH Prune the foliage: Before placing cut flowers in a vase,remove extra leaves at the base of the stems that will fall underneath the water line.This helps to limit bacteria growth in the water and cuts back on foul odors.Plus,removing foliage focuses flowers’ energy on the main blooms rather than the leaves. St. George - Forsythe Funeral Home andM uments 109 West Naples St. • Wayland, NY 14572 (585) 728-2100
(c)com.2022 King Features Synd., Inc. Helping a


* If you have stubborn shellac on your paintbrush, try dissolving it by soaking in alcohol. Make sure you do this in a ventilated area.
Dr. Dan DoagaDr. Lenny SantosDr. Karen Milla We are trying to contact all patients who missed their appointments during Covid. Please call our o ce if you do not have your cleaning recall schedule. ank you for your patience. Please remain safe and healthy. All patients of Dr. Eleczko are now being seen at our o ce! CSEAacceptingNowdentalinsurance. Remember… Your ral health is imp rtant Most insurances accepted (585) 335-6170 Service O ered: Implants • Crowns Veneers • Root Canals Early InterventionDenturesOrthodontics NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! Comprehensive and optimal care for those suffering with chronic pain. Dr. Chirag Patel Pain Management Specialist (585) 243-0150
* You can whiten chopping boards with lemon juice. Just use the cut side of a lemon to scrub the board, let it sit for up to 10 minutes, and rinse clean.
* Need a funnel quickly? Double a sheet of aluminum foil and roll into a funnel shape. It works! 585.243.2320
NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson
* Here’s a fun activity for the kids: Let them “paint” cookies. Using clean craft brushes or watercolor brushes, the kids can use food coloring to paint designs on cookies. They can even paint the dough before it’s been cooked and see how the design spreads and settles.
4384 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo
* “We made our own umbrella stand by taking the bottoms off of two large coffee cans, and then stacking them on top of a third can with only the top removed. We taped the cans together and covered the whole thing with leftover wallpaper, which we sealed where it overlapped.” -- I.D. in Ohio
* If you are stuffing pillows or a child’s toy with foam rubber chips, rub a bit of fabric softener over your hands first. The tiny pieces won’t get stuck to your hands with static, and it will smell nice to boot!

Page28 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Dr. Adela Guset Nownewacceptingpatients RECOGNIZE AND AVOID YOUTH SPORTS INJURIES Periostitis: Periostitis is commonly known as “shin splints.” This is an overuse injury that occurs in athletes who are engaged in activities that involve rapid deceleration. Periostitis causes inflammation of the band of tissue that surrounds bones known as the periosteum, and typically affects people who repetitively jump, run or lift heavy weights. To head off potential pain in the shins, young athletes can gradually build up their tolerance for physical activity. Supportive shoes or orthotic inserts may also help. Incorporating cross-training into a regimen also can work. Discover the Human Touch in TechnologyHearing Serving Our Community for over 20 years. Lakeville 3513 Thomas Dr., Suite 2 Henrietta 20 Finn Road, Suite C Accepting New Patients. 585.286.3664
By Keith Roach, M.D. Length of Hormone Treatment Depends on the Individual DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 60-year-old woman at the end of a five-year regimen of hormone therapy. My doctor has advised me to eventually stop the use of estrogen and progesterone by this summer, as she says women have an advanced risk of breast cancer at this age. Another friend a few years younger than me was told by her doctor that she could continue with hormonereplacement therapy until she is 70. Which doctor is correct? I am experiencing constant hot flashes again and am able to snatch only little bits of sleep each night, along with all of the other issues that come with the loss of estrogen (inability to regulate temperature, hair falling out, flaccid skin, vaginal dryness, etc.). My other question is, am I able to use other herbal compounds, specifically saw palmetto and/ or St. John’s wort, without any risk of breast cancer? Or are these and other estrogen-mimicking compounds also a contributor to breast cancer? -- R.N.
ANSWER: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the first question about how long to continue hormone treatment for symptoms of menopause. I disagree with any absolute rule, such as stopping at five years or waiting until 70, because any woman may place a different value on her well-being, and a woman’s individual risk for breast cancer also needs to be considered. You haven’t told me about any particular risk, but my answer would be very different for a woman with average risk compared with a woman with increased risk due to family history, for Aboutexample.40%of women will have symptomatic hot flashes until age 65, and continuing estrogen is reasonable in women who are willing to accept the increase in risk. The risk is not just breast cancer. Women taking combined estrogens and progestins have a small increase in the risk of heart disease, stroke and pulmonary embolism (blood clot to the lung), but a decreased risk of colon cancer and hip fracture. That all sounds scary, but the increase in risk of any of these is less than 0.5%. Overall, women on combined hormones were slightly LESS likely to die than those who were not. Many women choose to continue taking their hormones when their symptoms are significantly affecting their quality of life. I feel very strongly that it’s the physician’s job to advise so a woman can make the best decision for Sawherself.palmetto is not commonly used for menopausal symptoms (it’s used very frequently by men with prostate issues), and there is inconsistent evidence on its contribution for breast cancer. Similarly, there is no consensus on the risk of St. John’s wort for breast cancer, and only limited evidence that it helps menopausal symptoms. St. John’s wort can interact with many medicines, so it’s wise to discuss its use with a pharmacist if you are taking other medication. Many women ask about phytoestrogens (such as in soy protein or red clover) and other herbs with estrogenic activity (such as black cohosh). There is a theoretical risk, and although there are some studies suggesting they may be safe, many experts advise against these for women at high risk. That group would include women with a history of an estrogen-sensitive tumor.
*** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYour ©,Inc. All Rights Reserved
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology

An essential requirement parents must find time for is completing their children’s health screenings and immunizations so youngsters can return to school. Health screenings may include, but may not be limited to, routine physical exams, eye exams and dental cleanings. Each school district may have its own set of health requirements that must be met in order for children to attend school. Many schools require that children are up-to-date with all immunizations before they can begin a new school year. While the issue of vaccinations has inspired debate in recent years, parents havevisionoffensuresbeforeprescriptionstheyofexaminationsParentsrecentsomedicaltoclassroom.whatwhileupfacilitatesaordocumentationmodificonditionslearningStudentstoreceivingwillshouldrecognizethatmanyschoolsonlyexemptstudentsfromcertainvaccinationsduereligiousreasons.whohavespecificdisabilitiesormedicalthatrequireclassroomcationshouldobtainrecentfromanytherapistsspecialistspriortobeginningnewschoolyear.DoingsotheprocessofsettingprocedureswithintheschoolensuringchildrenhavetheyneedtoexcelintheAllparentsmaywantaskdoctorstoprovidecopiesofandimmunizationrecordsthatschoolswillhavethemostcopiesonfile.shouldscheduleeyewellinadvancethefirstdayofschoolsohaveampletimetofillnewforyoungstersschoolbegins.Thiskidswon’tbestartingonthewrongfootbecauseofproblemsthatcouldalreadybeenaddressed.
Warsaw (585) 786-3676 • Geneseo (585) 243-5588 SCHEDULE TODAY This school year may be a bit di erent, but our commitment to your dental health is here to stay. Call us today or go online to schedule your Back-To-School dental appointment. Schedule Online at EyeLivingstonCare Dr. Jennifer J. Dotterweich, Optometrist 243 East Main St., Avon, NY 14414 585-226-3400 We have great styles from Lilly Pulitzer, Ray-Ban, Vera Bradley, Under Armour, Penguin, and more.
Add health screenings to back-to-school checklist
Quality Sleep To help you feel your best and sleep more soundly, try the following tips: Take a shower – About 90 minutes before bedtime, take a hot bath or shower. This will help to reduce muscle tension & accelerate sleep onset. Create an electronics curfew – The blue light from your favorite electronic devices interrupts your ability to relax and fall asleep. Don’t use your smartphone, tablet and other digital devices for one hour before bed. Stretch to relax – Stretching for 10-15 minutes before bed will help reduce muscle tension. Turn down noises and do some gentle stretches to relax the muscles and mind. Set a wake-up schedule – Try to wake up at the same time each morning, even on the weekends. This will help keep your internal clock ticking correctly so you can fall asleep more quickly and sleep deeply. Embrace natural light – About 15 minutes of sunlight each morning will help reset your circadian rhythm so you can rise more naturally and then sleep better in the evenings.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page30 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Our Everyday Low Prices!! Why Not Travel A Little & Save A Lot! DISCOUNT PRICES Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday & Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Rt. 21, Wayland, NY (Foodmart Plaza) • 585-728-5150 WAYLAND Liquor & WinesCases available LIQUORS WINES Fireball Whiskey ltr ........................................................... $21.99 Pendleton 1910 Rye 750 ml .............................................. $36.99 Hochstadter’s Slow & Low Rock & Rye 750 ml ............ $24.99 Wild Turkey 80˚ ltr ............................................................. $24.99 Wild Turkey American Honey 750 ml ............................. $23.99 Jim Beam Bourbon 1.75 ltr .............................................. $34.99 Jim Beam Apple, Fire, Peach, Vanilla ltr....................... $20.99 Evan Williams Honey 1.75 ltr ........................................... $26.99 Seagrams VO 1.75 ltr ........................................................ $25.99 Black Velvet 1.75 ltr .......................................................... $18.99 Canadian Hunter 1.75 ltr................................................... $15.99 Canadian Club 1.75 ltr....................................................... $26.99 Jameson Irish 1 ltr ............................................................ $42.99 Smoking Loon Cabernet or Chardonnay 750 ml........... $10.99 Gnarly Head Cabernet 750 ml.......................................... $11.99 Josh Cabernet 750 ml ....................................................... $15.99 Ménage à Trois Decadence Cabernet 750 ml .............. $17.99 Bread & Butter Pinot Noir 750 ml................................... $17.99 19 Crimes Pinot Noir 750 ml............................................... $9.99 Oyster Bar Pinot Noir 750 ml ........................................... $17.99 Bogles Merlot 750 ml........................................................ $11.99 Fat Bastard Merlot 750 ml................................................ $11.99 Robert Mondavi Merlot 750 ml........................................ $12.99 Woodbridge Pinot Noir 750 ml .......................................... $6.99 The Great American Wine Red Blend 750 ml............... $12.99 Brotherhood I Love New York 750 ml............................... $9.99 InsureResponsibly! Don’thopeand drive.CallHart’sInsuranceAgency, Perry,NYtogetyourcarinsurance right.237-2126.TheStandardofExcellenceSince1877. GENESEO:27Tuscarora Ave. Friday8/19&Saturday8/20 (9-4pm)VintageandAntique Furniture;Dropleaftables,Dining roomtable,Antiquesoldporcelain signs,bedframes,footstools, couches,baskets,Pyrex,sewing machines,trunks,lamps,mirrors, teapots,holidayitems,much more.NoEarlyBirds ❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ WAYLAND: 2170CountyLineRd. August18-20(9-4pm).3FAMILIES. Varietyoflovelyitems,newor gentlyused.Somefurnitureand somefreethings.Pricedtosell! ❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ GVPS DOWN HOME APPLE PIE POPCORN Yield: 10 cups 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 8 cups popped popcorn 1 cup dried apple chips, broken into large pieces 1/4 cup toffee bits Heat oven to 300 F. Whisk melted butter with vanilla. Toss brown sugar with cinnamon, allspice and Tossnutmeg.popcorn with butter mixture. Sprinkle evenly with brown sugar mixture. Stir. Transfer to baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle apple chips and toffee bits over top. Bake 15 minutes, or until toffee bits start to melt. Cool before serving. Tip: Add chopped pecans for extra crunch. Simply Perfect WEDDING INVITATIONS Created just for your big day, we've put together sets of stunning wedding invitations to perfectly match your style. Scan our QR code to find your perfect invitation! OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT ESSENTIALS Projector and screen: A screen and a way to project the movie are must-haves for any outdoor movie night.Projectors should be small enough that they can be carried outside, but large enough to emit enough light to fill the screen. Options range anywhere from $400 and up for quality projectors. Screens run the gamut from inflatable and freestanding options to white sheets hung from a clothesline. A dedicated screen will be more stable and look better, but it all comes down to budget. Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-YearWarranty*Extended A $695 Value! FairStatementHousing All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • EQUALwww.lawny.orgHOUSINGOPPORTUNITY

RANTS Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US Orioles! It is beautiful to see all the orioles swarming at my oriole feeder. Everyone should get one to help hydrate the birds on these hot and dry days. I got the oriole feeder that you put a grape jelly jar on, and the orioles just love it! I watch females and males at the feeder. There are skirmishes too, as one oriole may take too long to enjoy the sweet treat, but usually the males let the females go first. Nice birds! I also keep my hummingbird feeder clean with fresh homemade, no color added, sugar and water, weekly or less depending on how fast the hummers go through the nectar. No problems with ants or rodents as I keep the oriole feeder 30 feet away from the house and on a shepherd’s hook stand. I think there are about four pairs of orioles and their offspring who visit the feeder now. Just this morning, I spotted five orioles at the feeder at one time; two eating the jelly, and three waiting on the shepherd’s hook for their turn. It’s comical, too. Animals in Stores? I like animals; I truly do. I have a cat of my own and would love to own a dog one day. However, there is no need to bring a dog into any store that is not a pet store. Unless you have a service animal, please keep your animals at home. Not everyone wants dogs by their food or where they generally grocery shop. This includes outdoor restaurants. Some dog breeds are massive in size and can make people uncomfortable. Take a minute and think about that. I’m glad you love your pet, but please don’t expect me to. Let’s have common courtesy and leave our pets at home or only bring them in pet stores. Respect private property! I recently looked out my window and saw a family of strangers in my field, posing their children for photos using crops as props. They did not ask for permission, just proceeded to do what they wanted. It shouldn’t matter whether land is posted or not. It’s common sense and common decency. Would they like it if I came into their yard and started treating it like it was my own? Unless it’s designated a public space, it’s obviously private property, and you are not entitled to be on it without the owners’ consent. Midterms Now’s the time we all should be looking closer at our leadership. Midterm elections are around the corner. Remember [to vote] at election time.
SNAP & ShareSNA Send us your photos and captions at under My Hometown

Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia - Rev. William Laird 9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew St. Luke the Evangelist Parish Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas Church David eobald 9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190
Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130 Pastor Don Ray • E-mail:•SundaySchool10:00amServicesSunday,11:00am• BibleStudyWed., 6:30pm Children’s Church • Youth Activities Cornerstone Baptist Church 4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo • WednesdayWorshipPastorwww.baptistchurchgeneseo.com243-4514JohnZatkiewicz11am•SundaySchool9:45amPrayer,6:30pm BAPTIST The cry of our heart is to know God and make Him known. Come and join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am for worship. Trevor Price, Senior Pastor•Naples,•585-374-5310 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - ELCA 21 Clara Barton St., Dansville Pastor J. Eric ompson • 335-5260 • Sunday Worship 9am All are welcome. Handicap accessible. LUTHERAN Zion Episcopal Church 10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 Sundayzionepiscopalchurchavon.orgWorshipandHolyCommunion 10:00am Online Facebook: Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127 Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434 • Handicap accessible Sunday Service @ 10:30am EPISCOPAL Livonia Community Church A non-denominational Evangelical church 9 High St., 346-5290; e Rev. Harry V. Vellekoop Sunday School – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am COMMUNITY CHURCH Christian Science Church 3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424 Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services • Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Holy Family Catholic Community O ce: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228 Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton
CATHOLIC Grace Baptist

Genesee Valley Church Of Christ Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center) Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 9:45-10:30am Non-denominational New Testament Teachings. Holy Ground Ministries Church 2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome. Bible Study - 2nd and 4th Saturday at 9:30am See what the Lord can do in your life. Faith Fellowship Church 5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www. Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship Pastor Cli Baker, Youth Sunday Worship Prayer 10am NON-DENOMINATIONAL
Dansville United Methodist Church 5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville Church phone: 585-335-5354 Sunday Worship: 11am Springwater United Methodist Church 8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560 O ce: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt
Sunday Service: 11am Children’s Church/Sunday School Handicap accessible. United Methodist Church of Livonia Pastor: Hoyt Brown • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511 E-mail: • Website: Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church). Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children. Geneseo United Methodist Church Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160 8:30am Non-Traditional Worship, 10:30am Traditional. 9:30am co ee hour • Sunday School classes for all ages. Nursery care provided • Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired. “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible METHODIST South Livonia United Church of Christ 5087 South Livonia Rd., Livonia • Pastor Susan Smith 585-514-3796 • Worship Children10:00amSundaySchool www.southlivoniaucc.com10:20am•FB- South Livonia UCC Lakeville United Church of Christ 5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville • All are welcome/Open and A rming Church. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Central Presbyterian Church of Geneseo Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669 Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster Sunday Worship at 10am Sunday School and Nursery provided. Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church 161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311 Pastor David Adultwww.seekinggodtogether.comMisselSundaySchool:10am•Worship Service: 10:30am Please Join Us! York United Presbyterian Church 2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266 Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am Available on the YouTube channel: “York UP in the 585”. Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome! PRESBYTERIAN


GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page35 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 on a complete Bath Fitter system UP TO SAVE 450*$ ®Registered trademark of Bath Fitter Franchising Inc *Save 10% up to $450. Special o er good on the purchase of a bathtub or shower, wall and faucet kit. One o er per customer. May not be combined with any other o er. O er must be presented at the time of estimate. Discount applies to same day purchases only. Previous orders and estimates excluded. O er valid only at the above location. †Subject to certain limitations. O er expires 2022-3-31. standardsFITS YOUR Easy to MaintenanceVirtuallyClean,Free AcrylicHigh-GlossMaintainsItsShine OUR BENEFITS SeamlessWall With quality you can trust and a lifetime guarantee, Bath Fitter doesn’t just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. Why have over two million people brought Bath Fitter into their homes? It Just Fits. Take advantage of our SPECIAL OFFER 844-672-8936 Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-InTub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-517-1892 SPECIALOFFER FUN WAYS TO KEEP KIDS OCCUPIED OVER SUMMER BREAK Find something free: Play dates are a great way to make kids happy and take a little off of parents’ daily plates. Arrange routine summer play dates with children’s school friends, neighbors and/or cousins. Parents can alternate hosting responsibilities so they can get work done at home and enjoy a break when it’s not their turn to host. OPEN DAILY 9AM ‘TIL DUSK! 7906 Kysorville-Byersville Rd., Dansville, NY 585-335-2963 MARKET • PEACHES • Plums • Tomatoes • Cukes • Squashes • “Candy” Sweet Onions • Much More! Unique succulent planters & single succulent plants Farm fresh brown eggs from happy cage free hens APPLES coming soon!
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* Eating Kentucky Fried Chicken on Dec. 25 is such a popular tradition in Japan that the chain asks customers to place their orders at least two months in advance. The custom started in 1974 when it was introduced to Japan for visitors who were looking for a dinner that resembled a traditional holiday meal.
* Aside from being the first commercially successful 3D game, Battlezone also was used by the U.S. Army to train tank gunners.
* When Victor Hugo was facing a tight publication schedule for “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” he asked his valet to confiscate his clothes so he wouldn’t be able to leave the house.

Josh Anderson, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Dominic Pezzimenti was nominated by coworker Christine White, as well. “I became involved because I always think it’s good to give back when you can, and Christine thought I had the drive and personality for it. CFF and RF are such a top-notch group, and it’s nothing short of an honor to be a part of it. CF can be such a burden to those living with it, and CFF has paved great paths to help those living with this disease,” Pezzimenti added. “I have learned so much during my time with CFF and RF, not only regarding fundraising and the wide range of smart and unique people we have in this area, but also regarding the visibility CFF and RF create for a disease that does not get a lot of attention, yet deeply impacts people living right here in our communities.”
Tom Rickettson, Woods Oviatt Gilman, LLP Anthony Sanganetti, LaBella Associates Michael Sellars, Ameriprise Financial, LLC Matthew Stives, KeyBank Marin Valentino, URMC Patrick Williams, Passero Associates The Rochester’s Finest are honored for their career success, commitment to the community and dedication to raising funds and awareness to help support CF research, patient services, and other mission-based initiatives of the CF Foundation. e program runs for 12 weeks and culminates in a celebration of their accomplishments on September 15, 2022. Included in the program are opportunities for professional development, networking, and developing skills as a leadership volunteer.“Together with our community we are transforming cystic brosis from a deadly childhood disease to the best story in medicine,” said Heather McKeever, Executive Director of the WNY Chapter. “When the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was rst founded, children with CF typically did not live long enough to attend elementary school. Today, people with CF are achieving milestones like going to college and starting families of their own. We are making incredible progress, but we can’t do it alone. We invite everyone in the Rochester community to help us make ‘CF’ stand not for cystic brosis, but for ‘Cure Found.’” ree of this year’s prestigious Rochester’s Finest (RF) honorees are outstanding employees of Genesee Valley Publications: Sarah Christ, Mackenzie McGrain, and Dominic Pezzimenti. “I was nominated for Rochester’s Finest by my coworker, a RF graduate from 2021, Laurie Abbott,” shared Sarah Christ. “At the Creekside event where we fundraised for CFF last year, I met Patty Schwarzweller, the Associate Executive Director at CCF of WNY, and I instantly fell in love with her passion for CFF and RF. A few of my friends’ family members live with cystic brosis and have bene tted directly from CF, so I was honored to get involved.” Christ was paired with CFF Ambassador. “I had the privilege of meeting Nicole and her 13-year-old son Nate who shared his journey with CFF,” she said. “Nicole shared how CFF and RF had made development and research resulting in breakthrough treatments and medications possible. RF gave me the opportunity to network and get involved with my community, to learn about CFF and raise funds in a fun and creative way, and to develop a personal connection with someone living with CF.”
Noah McDonald, Northwestern Mutual Mackenzie McGrain, Genesee Valley Publications
BY PATTY SCHWARZWELLER, EXPANDED BY AMANDA DUDEK “When I was nominated for Rochester’s Finest by my mentor and RF 2020 graduate, Christine White, I decided to get involved so that I could learn more about cystic brosis and help raise funds for a cure,” said Mackenzie McGrain. “I met a wonderful woman who had been diagnosed with CF as a baby. She invited me into her home and showed me what her daily CF routine looks like. I was shocked at how many medications and precautions she had to take several times daily, without which her life expectancy would be shortened, and her organ function would drop signi cantly low. CFF and RF are very important in their work to raise CF awareness, to raise funds for necessary medications and equipment, and to hopefully nd a permanent cure for CF,” McGrain added. “I have met amazing individuals who commit their time and e orts to this, and I am honored to be a part of the RF Class of 2022!”
Gannon Connors, Constellation Brands, Inc. Emily Cullen, SFG Wealth Management Greg Dechert, Conway Beam Truck Group
Joe Ingrassio, WestHerr Auto Group
Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great stories online at
Nick Como, Keyence Corporation of America
Patrick Gri n, LeChase Construction Services, LLC Chris Higgins, US Employee Bene ts Services Group
Stefan Muoio, Equitable Advisors, LLC Adriana Passarell, 58 Main BBQ & Brew
Sarah Christ Genesee Valley Publications
Dominic Pezzimenti, Genesee Valley Publications
Celebrating Rochester’s Finest Class of 2022
Mackenzie McGrain Genesee Valley Publications
Dominic Pezzimenti Genesee Valley Publications
• A Summer Read Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at!
Jessie Cocquyt, Villager Construction, Inc.
Alex Querns, Livingston Associates
The WNY Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation announces the CFF Rochester’s Finest Class of 2022. This year’s honorees (with employer) are:
Jordan Bernstein, Brown & Brown Insurance Company
Zooey Bowman, ENALAS Group Alexandra Camp, Good Apple Sarah Christ, Genesee Valley Publications
About the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation e Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is the world’s leader in the search for a cure for cystic brosis. e Foundation funds more CF research than any other organization, and nearly every CF drug available today was made possible because of Foundation support. Based in Bethesda, Md., the Foundation also supports and accredits a national care center network that has been recognized by the National Institutes of Health as a model of care for a chronic disease. e CF Foundation is a donor-supported nonpro t organization. For more information, please go to

Send resume to: Dept. 793, c/o GVPS, P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414 NOTICE OF VACANCIES Clinical Site Instructors Quali cations: Current NYS Registered Nurse license Geriatric Experience Preferred Location: Batavia and Mt. Morris Campuses Rate of pay: $29.00 - $31.00 per hour, based on experience Starting date: September, 2022 Visit our website at Reply by August 19, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 23-25, letter of interest, resume and proof of license to: Human Resources Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street LeRoy, NY 14482 Updating a résumé with the goal of standing out among a crowded pool of applicants is a great way for job seekers to land a new job. Dansville Public Library is seeking an organized, detail-oriented person for the position of Full-Time Library Clerk Duties include serving the public at the circulation desk and assisting with collection development. Applicant should be personable, enjoy working with people of all ages, and have excellent written, verbal, & computer skills. This is a competitive civil service position. For full position description go to: To apply, send cover letter, resume, & three references to Dansville Public Library, Attn: Library Director, 200 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437 or email to,laterthanAugust26,2022. Interested candidates, please call (585) 512-2456 WNY Fortune 500 Company is hiring Heavy Equipment Operators, Scale Operators, and Laborers. Year-round employment, competitive pay, 401K, and more!
Looking for a part-time or full-time, experienced Dental Hygienist for our growing practice in Geneseo.
HIGH-PAYING VOCATIONAL JOBS Elevator installer and repairer: This career is listed as a top-earner. These employees can earn anywhere from $74,000 to $105,000 per year. Elevators are in demand as urban centers increase, so this career has staying potential.
JOB OPENING VILLAGE OF WAYLAND VILLAGE CLERK/TREASURER (MUST BE RESIDENT OF STEUBEN COUNTY OR ANY ADJOINING COUNTY) Position requirements: Minimum- Associate’s Accounting degree and 2 years’ experience in an accounting position working with payroll, accounts payable/receivable, budgets and othernancial transactions, accounting so ware, MS Word, MS Excel and the operation of a variety of o ce equipment. Must possess good organizational skills, have the ability to work independently, manage multiple projects and meet deadlines. Accuracy and attention to detail are critical. Previous experience in a municipal setting, dealing with the public, working with an organizational board, and experience in fund accounting techniques are a plus. Majority of duties related to this position are primarily nancial/accounting in nature. Resumes will be accepted until August 31, 2022.
Send resumes to: Village of Wayland • 15 N Main Street • Wayland, NY 14572 Village of Wayland is an Equal Opportunity employer. e Village of Dansville Code Enforcement O ce is seeking a quali ed NYS Certi ed Building Inspector or a Certi ed Code Enforcement O cer Part-time is position o ers up to 10 hours per week. Tasks include property maintenance inspections. For more information, please contact Tammy Malone via email: or in person at 14 Clara Barton St., Dansville, NY

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page38 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 NOTICE OF VACANCY Custodial Workers (2) Quali cations: • Civil Service Eligibility • High School Graduate or equivalent • Physical ability to perform assigned duties • Team player with strong work ethic and positive attitude • Dependable and safety oriented • Valid NYS Driver’s License Location: Mt. Morris CTE B-shi , 2:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Salary: $28,380 and up based on experience + $939.60 shi di erential Start date: ASAP Visit our website at Reply by August 19, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 23-22, resume and cover letter to or mail to: Human Resources Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street LeRoy, NY 14482 Please send your resume to our Director of Nursing at Avon Nursing Home, Beth bleven@avonnursinghome.comLeven 585-226-2225 We are seeking Certi ed Nursing Assistants (CNAs) ALL Shi s. $1,000 SIGN-ON BONUS! Great Bene ts • Friendly Team Members GET A HANDLE ON WORK-RELATED STRESS Speak up about your stress. As noted, stress at the workplace can affect workers’ performance, which employers are looking to optimize. Workers can speak to their employers if they feel their work environments are conducive to stress. Work in tandem with an employer to develop time-saving strategies that make it easier to get work done on time. Supervisors may encourage employees to delegate more often, freeing up time to get their work done. Employers may also direct employees to wellness resources that can help them more effectively combat stress. The outcomes of such discussions may never be known if workers never take the initiative and speak up about their stress.

$46,013 The
As a Direct Salary range: $42,419 to Finger DDSO
Support Professional
As a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Salary range: $41,653 to
is seeking LPNs. Monroe, Livingston, Steuben, Wyoming, Yates and Wayne Counties Minimum Qualifications: Must have a current license and registration to practice in New York State, or a limited permit to practice in NYS, or an application on file for a limited permit to practice in NYS. *Salary includes $2,000 geographical differential. Chemung, Seneca, Schuyler, Monroe, Livingston, Steuben, Wyoming, Yates, Ontario and Wayne Counties Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or GED equivalent; you must have a valid license to operate a motor vehicle in New York State at the time of appointment and continuously thereafter Join the New York State Workforce For more information: Finger Lakes DDSO Human Resources Office: (585) 461-8785 E-mail: NYS Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) Office of Human Resources Finger Lakes DDSO, 620 Westfall Rd., Rochester, NY 14620 An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer COME FOR A JOB... STAY FOR A CAREER! Body & Paint Technicians $2,000 Sign-on Bonus after 90-Day Probationary Period Matthews Buses, Inc. has an opening for a Body & Paint Technician at our Avon Facility. We are seeking a motivated individual who can work independently and possesses the following experience: • 3 Years’ Experience • Fabrication Skills • Must have own tools • Clean Driving Record Matthews Buses offers excellent pay and a full benefits package including health, dental, 401k program with generous company match, holidays, and paid time off. Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon
Conservation methods can help save energy and preserve natural resources, but business owners may also be intrigued by the potential cost-savings of conservation. Utility costs vary depending on the size of a business, but the U.S. Small Business Administration notes that prospective business owners must estimate and include such costs when seeking loans to start their businesses. Estimated utility costs can be intimidating, especially for those owners who have never before owned their own businesses. Traditional conservation methods like recycling and reusing are great ways to conserve and save around the office, but business owners also can embrace some other ways to lower their office energy costs while benefitting the planet at the same time.

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page40 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 NEWLY INCREASED PAY RATES! HEALTHCARE HEROES • $6 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL • REFERRAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM • SUPPORTIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT • DAY, EVENING AND NIGHT SHIFTS AVAILABLE POSITIONS INCLUDE: Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) Registered Nurses (RNs) Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) Patient Care Aides (PCAs) Neighborhood Assistants and Schedulers Laundry TelephoneWorkerOperator Joi ou tea toda! To apply, contact: or call or text (585) 322-2950 (EEO/AAE) LIVINGSTON COUNTY CENTER FOR NURSING AND REHABILITATION MT. MORRIS, N.Y. WE’RE HIRING! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING • Provides administrative support to the Director of Nursing Services • Supervision of nursing staff • Applicants must possess a New York State license to practice as a Registered Professional Nurse LICENSED HAIRDRESSER • Hair cutting, shampooing and styling as well as other grooming services for residents and patients • Must be able to work effectively with ill, aged and physically disabled persons • Must also maintain high standards of sanitation for equipment and work areas ACTIVITIES AIDE • PT position available • Provide a diversified activities program geared to the specific interests and needs of residents in a residential health care facility • Offer opportunities for participation in activities with emphasis on providing residents physical, intellectual, social, emotional and sensory stimulation

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page41 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 Livingston County O ce of Workforce Development Tuesday, Aug. 16 4-6PM Livingston Co. Gov. Center 6 Court Geneseo,StreetNY Employers have over 510 openings (FT, PT & Seasonal) Participating Employers: • Seneca Foods • Kra Heinz • Maximus • Nutrien Ag Solutions • Once Again Nut Butter • Barilla America NY, Inc. • Campus Auxiliary Services, Inc. • Tri-County Family Medicine Program, Inc. • Coastal Sta ng • Land Pro • Painters and Drywallers Union • Power & Construction Group • RTS Livingston • YMCA of GLOW • Wright Beverage • ARC of GLOW • Catholic Charities • Center for Nursing and Rehab. • NYS O ce for People With Developmental Disabilities • Sabin Metal Corporation • Department of Corrections and Community Supervision • Liv. County Personnel O ce • National Guard POSITIONS INCLUDE: Accountant - Activities Aides - Advanced Life Support Tech. - Agricultural Tech. Applicators - Assembly - Assistant Chef Asst. Director of Nursing - Automotive Mech. Bus Drivers - Care Managers - Carpenter/ Laborer - CASAC - Cashiers - CDL A & B Charge RN - Chefs & Supervisor - Civilian Dispatchers - Clerk/Typists - CNAs Corrections O cers - Culinary Supervisor Customer Service - Cyber Systems Operations Daycare - Deputy Historian - Deputy Sheri Corrections & Road Patrol - Direct Support Asst. - Dishwashers - Drivers - Drywall Electricians - Emergency Medical Tech. Field Client Service Rep. - Food Production Forkli Ops. - Formwork Carpenters General Laborers - General Mechanic Glazier - Health Services Mgt. - Heavy Equipment Ops. - HHAs - Human Resources Index Clerks - Industrial Maintenance Tech. Industrial Painter - Laundry Worker Licensed Hairdresser - Lowboy Driver - LPNs Machine operation - Maintenance - Mason & Forman - Mechanics - Mental Health Clinical & Licensed erapists - Merchandiser - Motor Vehicle Clerk - Neighborhood Asst. - O ce Clerks - Order Picker/Loader - Packaging Operators - Painters - Patient Service Advocates - PCAs - Plumbers - Processing Operators - Production Workers - Program Nutritionist - Receptionists - Residential Counselor - RNs - RPN - Schedulers - School Site Aides & Coordinators - Security Guards Stock Clerks - Turf Technicians - Typist Warehouse Operators - Welders View complete employment listings at GVPENNYSAVER.COM Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, have a valid CDL A or B, a clean driving record, pass a pre-employment physical and drug test and be willing to work nights and weekends. $18.88/hr + benefits NEW YORK STATE DOT IS HIRING Highway Maintenance Workers Contact your county office to fill out application: Genesee/Orleans 585-343-0502 Livingston 585-346-3036 Monroe Eastside 585-586-4514 Monroe Westside 585-352-3471 Wayne/Ontario 315-332-4000 Wyoming 585-786-3310 Additional information is available at: or NYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ Affirmative Action Employer. HOW TO NEGOTIATE (AND GET) A SALARY INCREASE Bring convincing materials. Have your “proof” in writing or in substantiated documents. You’ll beforeDouble-onandneedtobeasconfidentaspossiblehavingtherightinformationhandcanhelpsealthedeal.ortriple-checkyourinfothemeeting. Lumber Yard Help Needed Full-Time Apply Within: Ward’s Lumber 4806 Honeoye Business Park 585-229-2333 Honeoye

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page42 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,AUGUST 12,2022 To place aclassifiedad… VISIT or 1-866-812-8111call info at gvpennysaveClassified ads with the Ads Plus logo have more pictures, videos or info onlineproviding you with more details before making yourdecisiontopurchase! Goto www.GVPennySaver. com and view the ad online to see the additional details. Scan the QR code below to learn more! VIAGRAandCIALISUSERS! 50 Generic PillsSPECIAL$99.100% guaranteed.24/7CALLNOW! 888-445-5928HablamosEspanol. AttentionViagrausers: Generic100 mgbluepillsorgeneric20mgyellow pills.Get45plus5free$99+S/H. CallToday1-866-589-1706 DENTALINSURANCE from PhysiciansMutualInsuranceCompany. Coveragefor350plusprocedures. Realdentalinsurance-NOTjusta discountplan.Donotwait!Callnow! GetyourFREEDentalInformationKit withallthedetails!1-855-434-9221 ATTENTION: Oxygen Users!Gain freedomwithaPortableOxygenConcentrator!Nomoreheavytanksand refills!GuaranteedLowestPrices!Call theOxygenConcentratorStore: 855-839-1738. HEALTH FIREWOOD: Sold bytheload,6face cord4x8x16$420perload.SMFirewood585-880-4665 FIREWOOD: Sold bytheload,6to 6-1/4facecord(4x8x16),$420per load.TerryR.FoltsLogging, 585-734-4998. FIREWOOD HOME/OFFICECLEANING BY JOANIE: 30yearsexperience.Simple ordeepcleaning.Reasonablerates. Callortext(585)315-7200. CLEANING CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$500-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140 DONATEYOURCAR to Veterans Today!HelpandSupportourVeterans.Fast-FREEpickup.100%tax deductible.Call1-800-245-0398. DONATEYOURCARTOCHARITY. Receive maximumvalueofwrite offforyourtaxes.Runningornot!All conditionsaccepted.Freepickup.Call fordetails.1-855-587-1166. USEDTIRESALE! Passenger Car andLightTruckTires!VanHyning Service,89FranklinStreet,Dansville. 585-335-8210. AUTOMOTIVE DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation! ANNOUNCEMENTS MOBILEHOME TRANSPORTATION: NYSCertified Installers.WealsoBUY&SELLMobileHomeswithSPECIALINTEREST inBUYINGyourDoubleWides! 585-727-2060;585-245-4115. ANYSEWINGMACHINE / VACUUM REPAIRED:Freeestimates. 27yearsexperience.Factorytrained. Guaranteed.PhoenixHearth&Power (DansvilleAgway)585-335-7670. SERVICES PRATTSBURGH:Land For Sale, $57,000Call304-538-7949 FOR SALE FORRENT: Three bedroom apartment,VillageofDansville.Call 335-2061. FORRENT: 1 Bedroomapartmentin villageofMt.Morris.Veryniceprivate apartmentwithwater/sewerand garbageremoval.Privatedriveway AvailableSept.1st.$700.00monthly. ContactFrank@585-658-4704 OCEANCITY,MARYLAND. Best selection offull/partialweekrentals. Dailyspecials.HolidayRealEstate, codeBeach22Boundfora$50gift cardmailedwithyourFREEBrochure. Expires2022-08-15 FOR RENT MINIPEEK-A-POOPUPPIES: M/f available.Willbevetchecked, shotsandwormed.MomandDadon site.$1000Call585-794-0550 PETS GRAVELFORSALE: Crushed gravel,bankrungravel,crushed stone.Truckingavailable.Wilson DairyFarms,CanaseragaRd., Dansville.607-382-3342www. ITEMS FOR SALE ATTENTIONOXYGENTHERAPY USERS! Inogen OneG4iscapableof full24/7oxygendelivery.Only2.8 pounds.Freeinfokit.Call 877-929-9587. DENTALINSURANCE- Physicians Mutual InsuranceCompany.Covers 350procedures.Realinsurance-nota discountplan.Getyourfreedental infokit!1-855-526-1060www. HOLESDRILLED: For pole buildings,mobilehomes,fencing,etc. Reasonablerates.The“Hole”works. (585)493-5274. EXTERIOR/INTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING House/WindowWashing& SanitizingOutsideofStructure tokillCoronavirusonyour property. Freeestimates. Allworkguaranteed. 4.5NationalStarRatingfor Contractors/Painting. 585-335-3636;585-259-0931 COMPUTERISSUES? FREE DIAGNOSISbyGEEKSONSITE!Virus Removal,DataRecovery!24/7 EMERGENCY$20OFFANYSERVICEwithcoupon42522!Restrictionsapply.844-355-9106 JUNK CLEANOUT JUNKCLEANOUTSERVICES: Rates startingat$49. CleanoutofAttics,Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removalgarages,fences,etc. Also,Tree/BrushRemoval FastResponseTime SAMEDAYSERVICE! MasterCardorVisaaccepted. SUMMERCOUPONSPECIAL: Expires9-15-22 JDJunk&CleanoutService, 585-719-8004 M&M’sE-ZRUBBISH REMOVAL Residential JunkRemoval Cleanout... Estates,Hoarders,MoveOuts Attics,Basements,Garages,Barns Demo...Garages,Pools, Sheds,Barns BBBMember Mike,585-975-9019, 585-482-8366. HEATING&COOLING: We repair &servicealltypesofoil& gasheatingsystems.Boilers,furnaces,waterheaters,residential& Mobilehomes.Oilheatservice contracts.A/Ccleaning&repair. Fastservice,honestadvice,guaranteedwork.24houremergency service.VISA/MC.CallSummit BurnerService,585-554-4492.

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