September 9, 2022 | DANSVILLE-WAYLAND | 866.812.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM your Hometown connection Free estimates and unbeatable prices! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Big Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Care! Tired of expensive quotes on your asphalt driveway? We withinworkyourbudget. 10% OFF 3,000 sq. ft. or bigger One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 10-15-22 $500 Off 1,000 sq. ft. or less One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 10-15-22 15% Off 1,500 - 2,500 sq. ft. One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 10-15-22 In Business since 1956 LOCALLY OWNED Not a liated with any other companies. Discounts for Seniors! Hell Wester Ne York… Have you been considering a new asphalt driveway but the quote you received is ridiculous? Give us a call, we provide quality service at a ordable prices for your residential or commercial property. Call 585-204-3144 833-728-3481MobileOce We never ask for a deposit upfront and always deliver over 50 years of expertise! Announcing our new online shop for wedding tions & more created + printed just for you! invitation
Children benefit in various ways from their involvement in youth sports. Being part of a team fosters feelings of belonging, inspires collaborative play and strategy and can be an excellent form of exercise. Still, despite the benefits, parents often worry about the injury risk their children face on the playing fields. Those fears are justified. A Safe Kids Worldwide survey of emergency room visits found that a young athlete visits a hospital emergency room for a sports-related injury more than a million times a year, or about every 25 seconds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more than 2.6 million children 0 to 19 years old are treated in the emergency department each year for sports- and recreation-related injuries. Some of the more common injuries young children face have to do with the skeletal and muscular systems of the body. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons stresses that children’s bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are still growing, making them more susceptible to injury. Fortunately, with some education, many youth-sport injuries can be prevented.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page2 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 2 Classifieds 42 Employment 35 GarageSales 11 Give&Take 34 HomeServices 6 HometownEvents 25 KidzKorner 27 Passages 30 PetPlace 10 PuzzleAnswers 43 RealEstate 28 Sip&Dine 13 Vibes&Rants 9 Worship 32
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page3 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 (585) 335-6170 Service O ered: Implants • Crowns Veneers • Root Canals Early InterventionDenturesOrthodontics 191 Main St., Dansville, NY NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT DENTAL CLEANINGS WHILE WEARING BRACES Clean at home. Special “pipe cleaner” brushes can get in between the wires and brackets, pushing out any food particles that are missed by larger toothbrushes. Floss can be snaked under wires to get in between teeth as well; it just requires some finesse. Waxed floss generally is easier to use as it less likely to get stuck. Discover the Human Touch in TechnologyHearing Serving Our Community for over 20 years. Lakeville 3513 Thomas Dr., Suite 2 Henrietta 20 Finn Road, Suite C Accepting New Patients. 585.286.3664 Sue DeBruyne, Au.D.
Doctor of Audiology DID YOU KNOW?
Halitosis, or bad breath as it’s commonly known, can result from any number of factors. While food can be a culprit, some additional factors may be contributing to mouth odor as well. Poor dental hygiene is a particular concern. According to Colgate and the American Dental Association, failure to brush and floss teeth regularly leads to the accumulation of food particles in the mouth. This food can collect bacteria and begin to break down, causing a bad aroma. Dry mouth is another condition that causes bad breath. Without adequate saliva production, particles of food that may cause odor are not swept away regularly. Bad breath also may be an indication of a medical condition elsewhere in the body. Upper respiratory infections and gastrointestinal disturbances may contribute to halitosis.
For more information how and where to get your COVID Vaccine call NY Connects at 1-888-564-5171
David Wantuck - Amherst, NY
“Everyone is di erent. If you catch COVID, there’s no way to predict how severe it might be. It can kill you or you can have no symptoms at all. That’s why I got Vaccinated.”
Size of
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Krystle Babbs - Bu alo, NY
Valerie Swarts - Holland, NY Vaccinated and Boosted!
NEW YORK STATE NY Connects Your Link to Long Term Services and Supports
If you are listening to all the misinformation out there, listen to this. The COVID vaccine is still the safest and most e ective way of reducing risk of a serious illness or death. Just ask your doctor, I did.”
*** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to All©,Inc.RightsReserved
Unfortunately, many people now feel that COVID isn’t a deadly threat anymore, but if you’re an older adult or a person with chronic or disabling conditions, getting COVID can still kill you. Getting Vaccinated was de nitely the right decision for me.“
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband will be 83 in September and was recently diagnosed with an ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm measuring 4.8 cm. Five centimeters is when the doctors decide to do something. After hearing about the survival rate based on your recent column, along with your comment that “most people do not survive a rupture of the aorta,” I’m scared. Why do they wait until 5.0 or rupture? His doctor says to test again in six months and to just keep his blood pressure down. Shouldn’t he be careful about strenuous activities until repair? We can only wait at this point, it seems. -- C.G. ANSWER: The aorta, the largest blood vessel in the body, comes directly off the heart, ascends to form an arch, and then descends through the chest into the abdomen. The aorta is then considered in three divisions: the ascending thoracic aorta; the descending thoracic aorta; and the abdominal aorta. Aneurysms can occur in each of these areas, and each has slightly different criteria for when to intervene. In my most recent column, that was an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Most adults with an ascending TAA are recommended for surgical repair at a diameter of 5.5 cm. However, if the aneurysm is rapidly expanding, surgery may be considered earlier. If a person has a medical illness, making surgery very risky, surgeons may wait until the size exceeds 6 cm. The decision on when to operate requires judgement from an experienced surgeon and cardiologist. This is a major surgery with potential for harm, including death, and it’s not to be undertaken unless the benefits clearly outweigh the risks. Rupture is unlikely at less than 6 cm. Keeping the blood pressure down (below 120 systolic) is a good idea. Beta blockers are most commonly used for that, based on studies in people with genetic risk for TAA, such as Marfan syndrome. Statin drugs are often used, as there is evidence to suggest that they slow down expansion of the aneurysm.
AUTOMOTIVE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page5 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 A UTO S ECTION Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-YearWarranty*Extended A $695 Value! STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * Calvin Graham was just 12 years old when he enlisted in the U.S. Navy following the attack on Pearl Harbor. He won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart before the Navy found out how old he was (courtesy of his mother) and discharged him two days before his 13th birthday. INNOVATIVE SCHOOL IS A TRAINING GROUND FOR ARTISTS (NAPSI)—Art classes have slowly but steadily all but disappeared from public schools over the years. Lack of funding has been the culprit, but encouragelessonGovernor’swithcommunitycablecableThisopportunitiesthroughrevenuesGovernor’sThebringinThereceivinghelpsarts.studentsSchooldiscover,modelOnecreativeeducatorstendtoagreethattheartsplayacrucialroleintheacademicanddevelopmentofourchildren.publicschoolinGreenville,SouthCarolinaisembracingadifferentandprovidesahavenforyoungartistsfromacrossthestatetodevelopandhonetheirtalents.TheSouthCarolinaGovernor’sfortheArtsandHumanitiesofferspreprofessionaltrainingtoitsintheareasofcreativewriting,dance,drama,music,andvisualAsapublic,residentialhighschoolservingjuniorsandseniors,itstudentsrefinetheirtalentsinamaster-apprenticecommunitywhilenationallyrecognizedacademiceducation.Governor’sSchoolalsoservesasaresourcetoallteachersandstudentsSouthCarolina,offeringcomprehensiveoutreachprogramsdesignedtotogetherartists,educators,communityorganizations,andschools.schoolissupportedbyitsownfoundation—TheSouthCarolinaSchoolfortheArtsandHumanitiesFoundation—byraisingtobridgethegapbetweenfundsprovidedtotheschoolgovernmentappropriationandtheactualcostoftheeducationaltheschoolprovidestoitsstudents.extraordinaryschoolrecentlycapturedtheattentionofOvationTV,aanddigitalchannelthatisdedicatedtothearts.OvationandlocalproviderSpectrumacknowledgedtheschool’scontributionstotheandinnovativeapproachtoartseducationandskillsdevelopmenta$10,000awardviaitsStandfortheArtsartsadvocacyinitiative.SCSchoolfortheArtsandHumanities’successprovidesagreatforcommunitiesacrossthecountrylookingtosupporttheartsandthecreativedevelopmentoftheiryouth. S ving the Area F Ov 51 Ye s! We sell all MAJOR BRANDS of tires, plus: Expert Tire Repair • Tires • Tires & Tubes for Lawn, Tractor & Farm Equipment • Oil Changes • Brakes • Exhausts Wheel Bearings • Struts & Shocks • Suspension Work & More! Check our prices before you buy! LOWEST TIRE PRICES & LARGEST INVENTORY IN THE AREA! EVERYDAY OIL CHANGE PRICE: Regular $34.95 Full Synthetic $46.95 Up to 5 Qts (most cars & light trucks) Honest, reasonable prices on ALL our tires, Auto repairs & other services. NYS Inspection VanHyning’s Service 89 Franklin St., Dansville 585-335-8210 M-F: 7:30am-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-12pm FREE with new tire purchase: Mount, balance, valve stem, Rim Preparation On Most LT & PASSENGER TIRES NYS INSPECTION
* Pill bugs, also known as roly-polys, are not insects but rather crustaceans. They breathe through gills and are more closely related to shrimp and lobsters than other bugs.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Call: Jim 585-519-3579 or Josh 585-245-1972 • FinancingAvailable•Allmajorcreditcardsaccepted. GUTTERPROTECTIONSYSTEM • heavy gauge aluminum • fits over existing gutters • no roof penetrations required • eliminates cleaning SEAMLESS GUTTERS • leak proof system • aluminum seamless gutters • color options available LOCKOUT leaves and debris from clogging your gutters! Call today for your roofing & gutter needs Does your roof leak? Does your house need a facelift? Try Metal Roofing! 40 year paint warranty, 18 different colors available. Contact me now for your free estimate! Ben Troyer 8020 Shaut Road • Avoca, NY 14809 Send me a note with what you want, and I’ll call you back! ROOFING & SIDING ROLL-OFF Family owned for over 60 years 10, 12, 20 and 30 Yard Dumpsters Call now for pricing 585-967-7919 Benson Roll-off OTHER (585) 967-7919 Mike Benson, Owner/Operator Commercial/Residential • Best Rates SNOW PLOWING Seasonal rates starting at $99! Sign Up Early For More Savings! SNOWPLOWING
While sun-loving plants often have broad leaves and expend significant energy to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, shade-tolerant plants expend less energy and tend to be more efficient consumers of soil nutrients and sunlight.
Penn State Extension’s Plant and Pests division says the amount of shade a plant is growing under will directly affect the density of the foliage and the plant’s flowering and fruiting characteristics. Blending shade-tolerant plants into the landscape can be an effective use of space. Before offeringShade-tolerantbasedassistancethecomestheyOnceofchoosingplantsforanexistinglandscape,it’simportanttoassessthelevelshadeorsuntheplantswillreceive.homeownersunderstandwhichtypeofshadetheyaredealingwith,canthenvisitplantnurseriesandselecttheirplants.Mostgreenerywithcareinstructionsthatincluderecommendationsregardingamountofshade/sunlighttheplantwillneedtodowell.Iffurtherisneeded,aknowledgeableemployeecanmakesuggestionsonlandscapeneeds.plantscanmakewelcomeadditionstothelandscape,greeneryandcolorinthedarkerareasofaproperty.
Plants need sunlight to thrive and grow, but some need less sunlight than others. People who find their landscapes are less supportive to sun-loving plants can choose from a variety of shade-tolerant plants, shrubs and trees. Shade tolerance refers to a plant’s ability to withstand low levels of light. Certain plants have adapted this feature to survive in the wild. Plants that grow at the base of forest floors, for example, will get less sunlight than others outside of the tree canopy. Such adaptations enable a wide variety of foliage to grow even though they are not exposed to much sunlight.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page8 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 9 deliveredEditionsweekly to 85,000 Homes 140,000 Print Readers 75,000 Digital Readers Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414 Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 ...........................Steve Harrison Vice President ...................Kimberly Dougherty General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone Production Supervisor .................................Je Wasson Circulation Manager .............................Shari Rapone Members of: GoldPublicationStandard National Award Winning Paper 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 yard Containers Available When and Where You Need Them! We’ve Got Dumpsters! Great Service! Call Dave, 585-292-9871 • Cell 585-703-1936 10131 Poags Hole Rd. • Dansville, NY 14437 • The Duke Company Locations in Rochester, Ithaca, Auburn and Dansville MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On Sept. 9, 1776, the Continental Congress formally declares the name of the new nation to be the “United States” of America. This replaced the term “United Colonies,” which had been in general use. OTHER
I'm tired of being awakened several times during the night by teens roaming the streets, being loud and obnoxious, and causing mischief. No one needs to be out roaming between midnight and 5am. Where are your kids? If you want to allow them to stay up all night, then they can do it at your house and keep you awake. Some of us have to work and need a good night's sleep. If you say anything to these kids, you get sworn at, you're given the middle finger, or your property gets destroyed. There is no respect for other people. What is wrong with these parents and these kids? Teach your kids respect or keep them home.
Rough Roads
Go to submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
Last Sunday, Aug. 28th, as I was leaving Wal-Mart I tripped in the parking lot and did a face plant. A beautiful person by the name of Debbie came to my aid. She summoned two Marines who were fundraising at the door of Wal-Mart and they came to my rescue, lifting me very quickly off the pavement and walking me into the store and finding me a chair. An ambulance was called, and I ended up in Noyes Hospital Emergency. A CAT scan and an EKG later, I was pronounced good to go with an icepack and a trip home with my son. I am so very grateful for these folks and their kindness to me. May God richly bless you all and special thanks to Debbie!
Parents be parents!
I'm a single mom with a hidden disability. My surgical scars are all covered when I'm fully dressed, so many people think I'm just slow or lazy until they learn more.
Irresponsible Pet Owners
Debbie & the Marines
Thanks for Kindness!
To the [local road] who has put off resurfacing this one road by the [local school] for years: Are you nuts? Did you go with the cheapest bid available? I swear it's like they repainted the awful road and left it that way! This [local town] stinks! Where is the money going?
To the irresponsible pet owners that walk their dog on [local road] and seems to think it’s ok for your pet to do its business and for you to leave it there five times: We are seniors and have enough trouble getting around without having to clean up after you. Show some consideration!
On top of this, I have a non-verbal child who has some special needs, but you couldn't tell this without knowing us. When we go out, I am always overwhelmed, and I'm sure I look like a terrible mom who's not on top of being strict with my child since he has outbursts. I have been so blown away by how, instead of judging us, so many people have reached out and asked if they could help push my cart or carry my groceries or just soothe my child. This is from a whole range of people, from a young boy with his mother to a retired grandma who said she just had extra time to help. Usually, I say no because I don't want to burden anyone, but I can't tell you how touching it is when this happens. Thank you to everyone who has gone above and beyond to show kindness to people whether they deserve it or not. You make more of a difference than you know!
& ShareSNA Send us your photos and captions at under My Hometown
Simple Solution
Thank you for being kind and helping the dog. There is no excuse for all of the bad behavior in society today, but unfortunately it is the society that has been created.
Response to Dog Rescuer
I don't understand why simple logic is so difficult for people lately. I have heard so many people complain about littering and tossed garbage or having dog poop bags dropped in parks and thought to myself, "Well that is ridiculous that people can't walk 10 feet to throw away their trash in the bin." Then I went to a park and realized there are no trash bins! Playground and facility equipment are tens of thousands of dollars; you can't tell me the price of a trash can and hour pay for someone to clean it out each week isn't justified. If a problem has a simple solution, then the powers that be should fix it already!
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page10 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 Penny Saver Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS. This is Bane He’s almost 4 years old. He LOVES stuffed animals and treats. He loves walks, the snow, and gets the “zoomies.”occasionalHisbestfriendisacatandheloveshishumanmomanddad. BENEFITS OF WORKING WITH ANIMAL TRAINERS Trainers train owners as well. Trainers won’t just work with pets, but also with pet owners. Obedience trainers will work with pets to teach them how to behave while also teaching owners various ways to positively reinforce the animals. This is a great way for owners to get hands-on experience and learn proper obedience training techniques, which are not always as easy to learn as owners may think. 585-335-9380 Grooming By Appointment Only! Monday-Saturday LAURA’S GROOMINGPET 16 Bunnell Dansville,LaneNY SUBMIT PHOTOS & CAPTIONS AT GVPENNYSAVER.COM SPORTS • CELEBRATIONSEVENTSVACATIONS HOMETOWN 1. West Bloomfield bloom! 2. Excited for new opportunities the day I passed my Civil Service Exam! 3. The “Big Chief” of Letchworth State Park 4. Rollins Pond Campground, Saranac Lake
sign up to compete in adult sports leagues.
might be
focused on
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page11 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10% off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to 1 subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 12.31.22 STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES Upgrade Your Home witha NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Made in the USA Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-877-350-3053 New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires December 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved. HOBBIES FOR DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES
or volunteering
provides a chance to stay involved even if competing is no longer possible. Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-InTub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-517-1892 SPECIALOFFER The BATMAN Expert Bat Proofing & Removal Residential/CommercialServingWesternNewYork 585-335-7902 on a complete Bath Fitter system UP TO SAVE 450*$ ®Registered trademark of Bath Fitter Franchising Inc. *Save 10% up to $450. Special o er good on the purchase of a bathtub or shower, wall and faucet kit. One o er per customer. May not be combined with any other o er. O er must be presented at the time of estimate. Discount applies to same day purchases only. Previous orders and estimates excluded. O er valid only at the above location. †Subject to certain limitations. O er expires 2022-3-31. standardsFITS YOUR Easy to MaintenanceVirtuallyClean,Free AcrylicHigh-GlossMaintainsItsShine OUR BENEFITS SeamlessWall With quality you can trust and a lifetime guarantee, Bath Fitter doesn’t just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. Why have over two million people brought Bath Fitter into their homes? It Just Fits. Take advantage of our SPECIAL OFFER 844-672-8936 STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * The Greek name for the mosquito is “anopheles,” which means “good for nothing.” Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! 855-972-3529 Limited Time O er - Call for Details Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. DANSVILLE: 141Main Street,9/15-9/17(9am-2pm) ESTATESALE, Office furniture,Officeequipment& supplies,musicitems,antiques, midcenturyart,catalogues& books,vintagephonesand kitchenitems,andmuchmore. Nochecksaccepted,cash Venmoandcreditcardsonly, pleasebringhelptoloadheavy items.Numbersdistributedat 8am.Questionsonly: A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken. ~James Dent COHOCTON:9328Wager Rd. September16th,17th,18th(9-5pm) Kingsizebedandmattress,couch, furniture,householditems,bench, lumber,antiques,JohnDeere1025R Tractor,withtillerfrontloader,snow pusher,60”mowerdeck,new2021. Muchmuchmore.Movingeverything mustgo!
competition. For athletes who can no longer lace
may even be
Athletes can pursue a host of potential hobbies or activities that will foster their love of sports. Men and women who still have a hop in their step can Depending on the sport, leagues available to adults of various ages and skill levels, some more fun than up their cleats, coaching youth sports to at nearby school
Visit consignment stores: Consignment shops and Goodwill(R) stores are popular places to buy preowned items. These stores take donations or offer items for sale on consignment, which means once sold the person who provided the item gets a portion of the sale. When browsing the racks of these stores, it’s possible to discover highend items mixed in with less expensive items. Shoppers may find designer handbags and clothing for much less than they would sell at retail, especially if the pieces are one or two seasons old. Relying on these stores to supplement classic wardrobe pieces is cost-effective and beneficial to the environment. If you regularly shop consignment stores, you can develop a rapport with the shopkeeper, who may alert you when new items are available. Surplus Assets 7 Days a Week Online” For complete information, www.StLawCoAuction.comvisit or call 800-536-1401, Ext. 111
To participate in this online only auction, please visit our website and complete the “Online Bidder Registration Packet”. Originals must be received at our office no later than Wednesday, September 21ST Required**
Preowned Items Can Be Good For The Environment
Tax Foreclosed Real Estate Auction
St. Lawrence County • Online Only Online Auction Start: Saturday, September 10TH, 12PM Online Auction Closing Begins: Saturday, September 24TH, 10AM 100+ Parcels: Lots, Acreage, Homes, Commercial Properties
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page12 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * In the 18th century, King George I of England declared pigeon poop to be the property of the Crown because it could be used to make gunpowder. Echo Valley AUCTIONS Visit Now accepting quality consignments, please call. 5810 Goodale Rd., Canandaigua (585) 394-4722 • Open 8am-5pm; Closed Sun. Auctions now online! “Selling Surplus Assets 7 Days a Week Online” For complete information, orwww.SchuylerCoAuction.comvisitcall 800-536-1401, Ext. 110 Tax Foreclosed Real Estate Auction Schuyler County • Online Only Online Auction Start: Wednesday, September 14TH, 12PM Online Auction Closing Begins: Wednesday, September 28TH, 10AM Lots, Acreage, Homes To participate in this online only auction, please visit our website and complete the “Online Bidder Registration Packet”. Originals must be received at our office no later than Friday, September 23RD **Action Required**
By Sam Mazzotta
-- Janice L., via email Dear Janice: troops to hunt for Charlie. Call your family members, friends, acquaintances, church -- everyone you know. Post on Facebook. Ask for their assistance in looking for Charlie and explain your Asituation.Facebook
Contact all the local shelters -you can call or email them -- to see if Charlie is being cared for there. ese shelters may have a newsletter that you can subscribe to, and if they have a lost pet section, they might mention it in the newsletter. (Shelters rarely announce lost pets on public social media groups.)
e Town of West Sparta reserves the right to refuse any or all items Recycling Day Saturday, September 24 • 8am-1pm
* Tickling has been divided into two types. Knismesis refers to “light featherlike” tickling, and gargalesis refers to “harder laughter-inducing” tickling. NY
14437 Movie Info: 585-335-6950 • Inquiries: startheatredansville.com585-622-6722 Open 7 days a week! Nightly @ 7pm, Wed. @ 1pm, Sat. & Sun. @ 3pm & 7pm Book Your Birthday Party, Private Event, Wedding or Fundraiser Call for details. SHOWING September9th-15th Top MaverickGun
THESE ITEMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Smoke detectors, radioactive material, Large appliances (stoves, washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators), any items containing Freon Alkaline, wet cell, or dry cell batteries, Items containing mercury or PCBs, Broken or bare CRTs CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, Household hazardous waste, materials containing liquid, Gas powered equipment
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* Scotland has 421 words for snow.
Have friends or family members put up “lost cat” signs around the neighborhood with a photo and description of Charlie and a contact number. See if they can periodically drive the nearby streets to see if Charlie darts past Ithem.wish you all the best in nding your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner. (c)com.2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
THESE ITEMS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR A FEE YOU MUST PAY THE TOWN CLERK IN ADVANCE LCD Computer Monitors =$15 CRT TVs and Computer Monitors 24” diameter or less = $20 CRT TVs and Computer Monitors larger than 24” diameter = $30
DOWN HOME APPLE PIE POPCORN Yield: 10 cups 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 8 cups popped popcorn 1 cup dried apple chips, broken into large pieces 1/4 cup toffee bits Heat oven to 300 F. Whisk melted butter with vanilla. Toss brown sugar with cinnamon, allspice and Tossnutmeg.popcorn with butter mixture. Sprinkle evenly with brown sugar mixture. Stir. Transfer to baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle apple chips and toffee bits over top. Bake 15 minutes, or until toffee bits start to melt. Cool before serving. Tip: Add chopped pecans for extra crunch. SPARTA
* Prior to becoming America’s 38th president, Gerald Ford had a side gig as a model. In 1942, shortly after joining the Navy, he landed an uncredited spot on the cover of Cosmopolitan in his uniform.
*All LCD and CRT items MUST be paid for in advance at the Town Clerk’s o ce. Proof of payment will be required before these items are removed from resident’s vehicle. For questions about what items will or will not be accepted, TowncontactClerk, Marie Powell, 335-3138 or
144 Main St., Dansville,
SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Drivers, passengers and especially children MUST stay in their vehicles at all times. Please organize your load to make it easier for our volunteers to unload ITEMS ACCEPTED AT NO COST Computers and accessories—mice, keyboards, webcams, speakers, microphones, Cables, wires, and IT accessories, storage devices, Printers, ink, toners, cartridges, Scanners, copiers, fax machines, answering machines, phone systems, projection equipment, Circuit boards and cards, Rechargeable dry cell batteries—nickel cadmium, nickel hydride, Lithium ion, Small home appliances without Freon, GPS units, Fitness trackers, Smart watches, Cell phones, smart phones, tablets, PDAs, cameras, MP3 players, gaming devices, Stereo equipment, video and audio equipment, speakers
I’m not able to walk far or drive these days. How can I let people know to look for him?
Rally Family, Friends to Find Lost Cat DEAR PAW’S corner: My orange striped cat, Charlie, went outside for the night about two weeks ago. I haven’t seen him since. He’s been an indoor/outdoor cat since I adopted him at a year old and always goes outside for about two hours a er the sun sets, then scratches at the screen door to be let back in.
post will get the word out to friends or family that you’re connected to. From there, they should post a photo or description of Charlie to local community groups and lost pet groups on the social media service.
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
While using a di erent pharmacy to get a much lower drug cost has one de nite bene t, there is also a potential problem: A new pharmacist won’t know you. If you only take one drug prescription to that new pharmacy, they won’t know what other drugs you’re taking. And therein can lie a serious outcome.
It’s called polypharmacy, and it means that we’re taking multiple prescription drugs. Technically, the de nition means we’re taking at least ve medications, but it doesn’t take ve to potentially create a risk. Even taking four drugs comes with an increased risk of falls, for example. ere are several ways this situation can occur. We might be seeing more than one doctor for a condition and be given a prescription by one doctor and another by a di erent doctor with instruction to keep taking it until the next visit. We might be on a pharmacy auto-re ll program that sends us drugs, which we dutifully take. We might see a doctor with a subpar medical assistant who blithely renews all our prescriptions without asking. e so ware at the pharmacy’s computer might not be updated or might not even be new enough to pick up drug contraindications and ash an alert on the screen. We need to take charge! When you go for a doctor visit, take all your drugs with you in a bag, including any vitamins and over-the-counter drugs you picked up along the way. Line them up on the desk and ask the doctor (not a nurse) to verify that you should be taking all of them. Remember that when a health care provider treats you, it’s part of their job. At the end of the day, they go home. And at the end of the day, you live with the results of what they either do or don’t do.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
Multiple Drug Prescriptions
By Matilda Charles
NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson
It’s a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed while it’s light out. ~Bill Watterson
-- D.B. in Minnesota
* When microwaving items of different sizes, arrange the largest parts toward the outside of the plate for more even cooking.
* Before I pluck my eyebrows, I rub on a bit of my granddaughter’s teething gel. She’s done teething and doesn’t need it anymore, but it works well for me. Be very careful to apply, let dry and wash your hands before touching your eye any further!
* When figuring up the cost of moving yourself or using a service, be sure to consider the cost of your time and your health. And be certain that you are able to drive the moving van if you rent a large *truck.Ifyou don’t keep a lot of foods in your freezer, you can fill large gallon-size zippertop bags with ice cubes. You will always have plenty of ice on hand, and your freezer will not have to work as hard to keep the items in it frozen.
Fostering intergenerational connections is a great way to broaden social circles, improve communication and learn new things.
* When going fishing and you are only bringing a couple of lures, use an old, empty pill container. It holds well and you won’t be poked.
DIFFERENT GENERATIONS CAN LEARN AND BENEFIT FROM ONE ANOTHER In the not-so-distant past, extended families frequently lived in close proximity to one another. Such families shared meals and experiences and essentially grew up together. Nowadays, families separate for various reasons, such as job opportunities and cost of living concerns. While there are advantages to spreading out, there are also some disadvantages, namely that grandparents and grandchildren may not see one another frequently enough. Even though people of different age groups may not entirely have the same interests, the interactions between generations can benefit both young people and their aging relatives.
-- M.L. in California
* Lemon juice mixed together with coarse salt makes an inexpensive copper cleaner.
6. U.S. STATES: Which state’s motto is “Mountaineers are always free”?
8. MYTHOLOGY: Which Egyptian god has the head of a jackal?
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Chinese zodiac animal is celebrated in the year 2022?
Answers 1.Nauru,anislandnationinthecPacifi YearOcean.2.TheoftheTiger. 3.1995. 4.70.ShejustcelebratedherPlatinum HughJubilee.5.Jackman. 6.WestaVirginia. 7.Earth. 8.Anubis,godofdeath. 9. BuddhaThree.10.wasborninwhatis modern-dayNepal. © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
By Fifi
1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the only country in the world without an official capital city?
7. ASTRONOMY: What is the only planet in our solar system that isn’t named after a Greek-Roman deity?
9. TELEVISION: How many times has the hospital’s name changed in the drama “Grey’s Anatomy”?
10. RELIGION: Where was the founder of Buddhism born?
4. HISTORY: How many years has Queen Elizabeth been on the 5.throne?MOVIES: Who played Wolverine in the X-Men movie series?
3. BUSINESS: When did the auction site eBay launch?
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To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you can help, just download this simple app and watch this story come to life: GET ZAPPAR ZAPTHE CODE TO DONATE Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers
Yes, more than you might think. Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale), Common Purslane (Portulaca oleracea), Broadleaf Plantain (Plantago major), Common Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) and Common Burdock (Arctium minus) to name a few. their
Are there other weeds that are edible?
this weed, preferably after a rain when the wet soil will release the taproot more easily.Remove the weed when it is young, before it sets flower and seed.You can add the plant to the compost pile as long as it hasn’t set seed. Do not leave remnants of the plant on the garden bed because moisture remaining in its succulent leaves and stems can be used by the plant to develop new roots. It can regrow where it touches the Maintainingsoil.adense healthy lawn with no bare spots will reduce its likelihood of germination. Likewise, mulching landscape beds and vegetable gardens will keep sunlight from the seedbank, preventing germination. Be aware that tilling can bring hidden seeds to the surface. And, remember, the seeds of common purslane can remain viable for up to forty years. Link to external resources where this was taken weedscommon-purslane-ubiquitous-edible-
Purslane’s small bright yellow flowers develop beginning in July, just four to six weeks after the plant’s life begins. Each flower has five two-lobed petals and is basically stalkless. Instead, the flowers cluster at the tip of a branch or in the leaf axils, the point where the leaf emerges from the stem. The flowers open only when it is sunny. The seed capsules are small,only ¼ inch long,and contain many flat black seeds. The seeds are only 1 mm long, the size of a penciltip. A good sized-plant can produce up to 240,000 seeds in a season. The seeds can remain viable for up to forty years. Purslane has a taproot with some fibrous secondary roots. Stems can root when a node touches soil. Purslane is native to India and Persia but is now widespread throughout most of the world. It was cultivated in Plymouth Colony in New England as early as 1631.
Stop grilling if you smell gas and see no flame. If there is no flame, but you still smell gas, turn off the tank and grill immediately. Some leaks may cease, at which time men and women can take their tanks to be serviced. If the leak persists, contact the local fire department.
Is Purslane edible?
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page17 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County Q&A Master Gardeners with the e Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county CCE o ce to extend information throughout their communities.
The succulent leaves and stems are prized as crunchy and nutritious, a rich source of vitamins A and C as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Use them in salads and on
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * One million U.S. dogs hold first place in
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page19 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 Is your current plan still meeting your health needs? Find out what’s changing for 2023. Please call me to schedule an appointment (585) 335-4750 Medicare OPENEnrollment For 2023 Joyce Davies 170 Franklin St., Dansville, NY 40 years of experience in the Medicare market.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page20 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 Donald H. Fredericy, Jr. (Donny) 3/24/1975-9/13/2004 It’s been 18 years since your passing. We loved you and one day you were gone, but your legacy and memories ll our hearts with joy, not sorrow. Because you are so special, your memory will never leave us. Never Forgotten #4 Owen, Cindy, John, Don, Dianne, Dawn, Dustin, Family & Friends STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * Mozart sold the most CDs in 2016, beating out Adele, Drake and Beyonce, even though those artists all had Grammy-winning hits that year. Twin ELECTRICTiers Serving Livingston & Steuben Counties Residential -Fully Insured Call 607-382-2826 Why Not Travel A Little & Save A Lot! DISCOUNT PRICES Our Everyday Low Prices!! Monday-Thursday 10am - 7pm; Friday & Saturday 10am - 8pm LIQUEURS WINES Rt. 21, Wayland, NY (Foodmart Plaza) • 585-728-5150 Liquor & WinesWAYLAND Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream 750 ml. .............$21.99 Jackson Morgan Salted Caramel Cream750 ml $22.99 The Whistler Irish Cream 750 ml.....................$19.99 Rum Chata 750 ml ..........................................$25.99 Carolans Salted Caramel Cream 750 ml ...........$13.99 Merry’s Irish Cream 750 ml..............................$12.99 Merry’s White Chocolate Cream 750 ml............$16.99 Bailey’s Colada 750 ml ...................................$32.99 Bailey’s Irish Cream 750 ml ............................$42.99 Vermont Ice Maple Cream 750 ml....................$26.99 Tequila Rose 750 ml ......................................$24.99 Amarula Cream Liqueur 750 ml .....................$21.99 Ole Smoky Strawberry Cream 750 ml ...............$23.99 Josh Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml.......$20.99 Meiomi Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml...............$21.99 Josh North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml .$19.99 Rodney Strong Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml .....$25.99 Napa Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ........$29.99 Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml .............$19.99 J Lohr Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml .................$21.99 Bonterra Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ..............$17.50 Francis Coppola Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml...$18.99 Three Fingers Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ......$19.99 Gnarly Head Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml........$13.50 Toasted Head Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml.......$16.99 Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml ..$12.99 Magic Maze FOOTPRINTS AT GRAUMAN’S CHINESE THEATRE SINCE 2010 BUDGET-FRIENDLY LOCAL ACTIVITIES: Live music: Arenas and football stadiums are not the only places that showcase talented musicians. Music lovers with a passion for live music can visit local venues that cater to local musicians or even more established professionals who play small venues. Open mic nights at local bars can introduce music fans to new artists and/or styles of music, and can provide great opportunities to meet fellow music lovers in your area.
Dansville Public Library 200 Main St., Fri.Hrs.:www.dansville.lib.ny.us585.335.6720Dansville,Mon.-Thurs.10am-8pm;10am-5pm;Sat.9am-1pm E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library 30 Main St., Atlanta, NY Hrs.:585-534-5030Mon.,Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun. Wayland Free Library 101 W. Naples St. • Fri.Hrs.:www.gunlockelibrary.org585-728-5380Mon.-Thurs.10am-6pm;12pm-5pm;Sat.10am-noon
Tuesday, September 13th
WoodFlowerArrangement Class WoodFlowerArrangement Class-9/13,6:00-7:30pmatLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.Hemlock.Createabeautifuleverlastingwoodflower arrangementinarusticwatering cancontainerorchoosefroman assortmentofmugs.Costsformaterialsandclassforthewatering canarrangement$35.00,amugis $25.00.Venmo@Brittany-Gilbert13orPayPal@bgilbert23toreserve aspot.IfyoucannotdoPayPalor VenmocallLLCC585-367-1046 andBonnieSykeswillreturnyour call.Thesearrangementsarebeautiful,greatgiftsforfamilyand friends.
FromGeneseotoEurope&Back Again: Major GeneralJamesS. Wadsworth’sdaughter,Elizabeth WadsworthPost,ledaninteresting lifebothinGenesesoandabroad. Thepresentationwillcoverher youthandthelossofherfather; herfirstmarriageandlifeinFrance; hersecondmarriageandsubsequentlifebetweenIrelandand England(LadyBarrymore);hertwo daughters’upbringingandthesocietyaroundthem.PresentedbyMarieGuillotofIrelandandcosponsoredwiththeAssociationfor thePreservationofGeneseo.Held September18,1:30-3pm,LivingstonCountyMuseum,30Center Street,Geneseo.https://www. livingstoncountyhistoricalsociety. com/ AGospelCelebration- The Adult ChoiroftheGeneseoUnitedMethodistChurchwillpresentAGospel Celebrationwithaperformanceof RobertRay’sAGospelMasson Sunday,October16at2:00PM. GuestmusiciansfromSUNY Geneseo,RIT,&EastmanSchoolof Musicwillbefeatured.Visitorsare welcometojoininsingingGospel Mass.ContactOffice@ geneseomethodist.orgforfurther information. BombsandBloomsHistorical Musical Drama- September29at 10am;September30at10amand 7:30pmandOctober1at4pm. BombsandBlooms-a70minute musicaldrama,followingthetrue lifestoryofhome-frontlifeand WorldWarIIservice.ItisafundraiserfortheNationalWarplane MuseumandalsoincludesBOCES ApprovedMS-HSCurriculum.TicketsareonsaleatWestShurFinein Livonia,LivoniaPharmacyand onlineatwww.
Doors open 6pm • Drawings start promptly at 7:00pm Refreshments will be served.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* The famous Battle of Hastings didn’t take place in Hastings, but a town seven miles away, today called Battle.
GENESEO DansvilleStorytellers- Do you wanttolearnmoreaboutStorytelling?DoyouliketotellStories? WouldyouliketolistentoStories? PleasejointheDansvilleStorytellers atMacFaddenCoffeeCompany, 211MainSt.,Dansville.Following gatheringswillbeonthethird Tuesdayeverymonthgoingforwardatthesamelocation.Social gatheringat6:15PM,andwewill beginat6:30.Weareencouraging newtellersandlistenersfromthe localareatoattend.Thereisno charge,coffee,teaandlightfare willbeavailable.Information:call ortext603-491-1451.
DANSVILLE CallingAllSingers! Finger Lakes Choraleinvitesyoutojoinourfun group.Tuesdayeveningrehearsals forholidayprogramatFLCC(3325 MarvinSandsDr.,Canandaigua). Registrationnights:8/30,9/6,9/13. Concerts:12/10&12/11.Contact: 12pm).
WaylandFreeLibrary: Library Hours: Mon-Thurs.10am-6pm Fri12:00to5:00pm Sat.10am12pm TechHelpisavailablebyappointment. StorytimeisonTuesdays10am.(no program9/6) Tween/TeenClubMondays@3:30 pm. BookDiscussion-AuthorFamilyVisitSandraUwiringiyimanaSept.20that 6:00pm. DecoratingonaDimeWorkshopSept. 14th6pm FairyHousesWorkshopSept.22ndat 6pm. ArtNightattheLibrary-Sept.28that 6:00pm. PleaseCall585-728-5380toregister foranyoftheaboveprograms. StaytunedonFacebookforthelatest information. Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
St. Peter’s UCC Church of Perkinsville PENNY SOCIAL Annual Perkinsville Fire Hall
YouAreInvitedToOurCommunity Picnic! OnSaturday,September17thfrom!2:00-3:00pmwe arehavingacommunitypicnicat GraceandTruthChristianFellowship.TherewillbeFreeFoodand Drink!FreeGames&Prizes!A “BOUNCYHOUSE”forthekids andFunforAll!TheLocationis: GraceandTruthChristianFellowship:3462EastGrovelandRd.,Mt. Morris.FormoreinformationPlease call:585-658-9880.WeHopeto seeyouthereandhaveaWonderfulDay! TourofMountMorrisDamMount MorrisDamVisitorCenteris opendailyandguidedtoursof MountMorrisDamareofferedMay 1-October25,2022.Tours: Monday-Thursday2pm,andFridaySundayat11amand2pm.TheUS ArmyCorpsofEngineersoffers onlineadvancedreservationsfor ranger-guidedwalkingtoursof MountMorrisDam.Reservetour ticketsupto7daysinadvance www.Recreation.govor 877-444-6777.Spacelimited.Reservationsstronglyrecommended. Availabilityofwalk-upticketsnot guaranteed.MountMorrisDam andRecreationArea,6103Visitor CenterRd.,MountMorris.Visitor Centeropendaily,10am-4:30pm. Information:585-658-4790.
Cohocton Public Library 8 Maple Ave. • Sat.Tues.,Hrs.:www.cohoctonlibrary.org585-384-5170Mon.,Wed.,Fri.1pm-7pm;Thurs.10am-7pm;10am-2pm
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,September14,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.Pleasefollowsignsin churchparkinglotfordrivethroughinstructions.
LIVONIA CommunityYardSale: CommunityYardSale9-2andFarmer’s Market10-1onSaturday,September17thattheLittleLakes CommunityCenter4705S.Main
FallFestforHospeaceHouse: Two fun-filleddaysofchildren’s activitiestobenefitHospeace House!September17&18from 10-4pm,FlitandSteelFarm,250 BassetRd.,Naples.Joinusonthe farmforthefirstFallFestForHospeace.Therewillbesilentauctions, bakedgoodsandsnacks,sunflower bunchesandcornstalks,andgreat familyfun.Admissiontothefestival includes:Farmanimalstopet, Bouncehouse,Pumpkinpainting, Cornpitfortoddlers,Flower crowns,Facepainting,Scarecrow making,Tractorpulledrides,Photo Opareas.TolearnmoreaboutFlint AndSteelFarmyoumayvisittheir
TourArtisanWorksinRochester. Take aguidedtourofArtisan WorkslocatedinRochester.Thisis a40,000sq.ft.renovatedfactory thathasnearly500,000piecesof artwork,memorabilia,antiques, andautomobiles.WewillleaveLittleLakesCommunityCenteron September23rdat11am.Thecost oftheeventis$20.00/$15.00for seniors60orolder.Lunchonyour ownatPhillipsEuropeanRestaurantinHenrietta.Weshouldbe backatLLCCby5:30.Registration deadlineisSeptember19thby 3:00PM.RegisteratLLCC,4705 MainSt.,Hemlock,585-347-1046, oronthewebsitewww.
Lecture:TheHistoryofBristol Hills Soil- Howthesoilinour glaciallycarvedBristolHillswas composed,andhowitscompositionhasshapedhumanhistory here.ThistalkbyDr.BruceGilman, aleadingexpertonourlakewaters, geology,andflora,ishostedbythe BristolHillsHistoricalSociety.Held September14,7pm-9pmatthe BristolSpringsGrangeHall,6457 StateRoute64,Naples.https://
Chicken&BiscuitDinner- Saturday, September24thfrom3-6pm attheYorkBaptistChurch,2738 MainStreet,York.Drive-ThruOnly! $12-Adults,$8-Students(School andCollege),Free-Children(5and under).FollowingCOVID-19Safety Guidelines. YORK HikeRochesterFolkArtGuildin Middlesex! Hike &Explorethe groundsoftheRochesterFolkArt Guildandlearnaboutthearea’s geologicalhistoryonSunday, September11from2-4PM.For additionalinformation/directions/ WaylandFarmer’sMarket is locatedat102NorthMainStreet, Wayland(behindthelegion).Dates tobeheld:September11th& September25th/October9th& October23rd.Vendercontact: AmandaParker@315-576-3210. WAYLAND CampStellaMarisCar,Motorcycle, &TruckShow- September 17,10-3pm,PinnacleAthletic Campus,7600PinnacleRoad,Victor.VehicleshowingwithBestin show,car,bike,andtrucktrophies. Top30,camper’spick,veteran owned,andfemaleownedawards. Preregisteronlineathttps://www. $15acar.Atshow-$25percar. CentrallylocatedrightoffofNYS Thruway90.Fullypavedparking lot.Raffle,SilentAuction,50/50, andFood.Proceedsbenefitthe campershipfund.Sendakidto camp!https://www.
GrapePieBakingWorkshop sponsored bytheNaplesHistorical Society.HeldSeptember17,123pm,TrinityFederatedChurch Kitchen,123NorthMainStreet, Naples.Learnhowtomakeagrape piefromformerNaplesGrapeFestivalPiecontestwinnerMeghanne Freivald.Thisisexcellentpracticeif youwouldliketoparticipateinthe NaplesGrapePieContestthefollowingweekend.Cost:$15.All participantsmustbepre-registered -registrationformcanbefoundon NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.orgwebsite. Heat, ma’am! it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones. ~Sydney Smith, Lady Holland’s Memoir
ChickenBBQ SouthBristolFishn-GameClub,willbeholdinga ChickenBBQSaturday,September 24th&Sunday,September25that Field’sGravelPit,Routs21&64, from10:30amuntilsoldout.Meal includes:ChickenHalf,saltpotatoes,coleslaw&roll/butter.Drive thrutakeoutonly.BenefitsDEC Kid’sCamperships.Meal$12.00 DiggingIntoBristolHillsPioneer Life: September 26,1-5pm,RMSC CummingNatureCenter,6472 GulickRd.,Naples.Lectureandsite tourexplainingarchaeologists’ findingsatFrostTown,oneofthe BristolHills’earliestindustrialsites. Dr.AlexanderSmithofSUNY Brockportwillgiveatalkonhis team’sworkinthesummerof 2022,followedbyahiketooneof thedigs.Thisevent,sponsoredby theBristolHillsHistoricalSociety. CummingNatureCenteradmission feeis$3perperson,whichwillbe waivedforthiseventforHistorical Societymembers.
Scott Joplin (c. 1868-1917): Born into a musical family that included his mother, a singer and banjo player, and his father, a violist, Scott Joplin grew up in Texarkana, learning to play the guitar and later the piano at a very young age. By the time Joplin was a teenager, he was working as a traveling musician and eventually,thatragtimebecametheforemostcomposerofjazz.Biography.comnotesJoplinwasatruestudentofstudyingattheGeorgeSmithCollegeforNegroesinduringthe1890s.Thoughofhistory’smostcelebratedmusicians,Joplinalsoballetsandoperas.
FirstAnnualFestCraftandVendor Fair-September17th! Location:MaxfieldHoseRecreational Center@theCornerofMaxfield RoadandCountyRoad36,Naples. Time:10AM-4PM.20+Vendors rangingfromhandmadehomedecortoessentialoils,food,tumblers, farmfreshvegetablesandlots more!Comecheckitout&Support ourlocalartistsandvendorsallout oftheFingerLakesregion!Thereis somethingforeveryone,bringthe familyalongfortheride-lotsof funactivitiesinNaplesforallages!
VICTOR TurkeySupper NorthCohocton MethodistChurch,10University Ave.,No.Cohocton.DriveThruTake-OutOnly.Cost$14.Saturday,September24from4PMon.
NORTH COHOCTON Vacations don’t have to be taxing. Cut down on some of the stressful aspects of traveling by simplifying and delegating tasks. Free weekly seminar providing help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. Mondays, starting September 19, 5pm Springwater Church of the Nazarene 8498 Indian Valley Rd (Rte 15), Springwater For more info: 585-728-5961
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page27 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 On Swap Ideas Day, people have the opportunity to bounce different ideas off each other. It is always a fun time with friends, families and coworkers. Pick someone to brainstorm and swap some ideas with. They can be absolutely random or based on a topic. When you’re ready, create a small story using your ideas you thought up together!IDEAS DAY September 10, 2022 Every human being is unique, and we all have different talents and thoughts. This is why it is important to exchange ideas with others. Ever since the dawn of time, humans have shared ideas. Create a small story! BRAINSTORM IDEAS THAT’S HOW GREAT THINGS GET DONE. Sponsored By: Love our weekly puzzles? Get your very own BRAIN GAME Puzzle book! Purchase online at puzzlebook,,Avon,NYORmailyourorderformtoday. Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Include a check made payable to Penny Lane Printing. $6.50 per book Includes tax & shipping. IncludesOver30puzzles! TownStreetName State Zip BROUGHTTOYOUBY: 1471Route15,Avon,NY14414•585-226-8111•
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* Brunettes are more likely than anyone else to become hooked on nicotine. The high levels of the pigment melanin in their hair also make it difficult for the liver to metabolize the nicotine, keeping it in the system longer and making it easier to become addicted.
REAL ESTATE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page28 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 R EAL E STATE S ECTION Visit us at one of our three locations! 31 Main Street, Livonia, NY 14487 • (585) 346-2222 2 Milton St., Dansville, NY 14437 • (585) 335-SOLD (7653) 9 Honeoye Commons, Honeoye, NY 14471 • (585) 229-1054 The Largest Family Owned Real Estate Brokerage serving The Greater Rochester Nine-County Area as our agents are vested in their communities! Search WWW.EMPIREREALTYFINGERLAKES.COM to nd: • All MLS Listed Properties • Contact information for all our Empire Realty Group Team • Valuable Market Information for both Sellers and Buyers Why Choose Howard Hanna? Call Me and Find Out! Aimee Campbell, Lic. RE Salesperson 585-705-2082 • Dansville Office 182 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437 Digital Ads ReportMarketWeekly Back100%MoneyGuarantee Print Ads #1WebsiteforSellers OFFICE SPACE available at the former office of Dr. Stafford. Call 585-721-3146 Online POLL This week was back-to-school week for many school districts. What are you most concerned about this school year? • Bus driver shortage • Covid • Hybrid learning • TeacherPollPollshortageEnds09-13-22Results09-06-22 Like many areas around the nation, Rochester is experiencing a teacher shortage. The President of the Rochester Teachers Association states that the shortage is five times worse than it has been in recent years. What do you think is the primary cause for this? 8% Covid 28% Insufficient Pay 36% Lack of Respect 8% Virtual/Distance Learning 20% Other We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!
Labor Day: A Legacy of the American RevolutionIndustrialWorkforce
It was a time of great unrest across the United States. Far fewer protections existed for workers in most states – if there were any protections at all – and labor for children as young as 5 was still legal and common in many states. It was brutally normal for people, even these little children, to work 12-hour days, seven days a week in all kinds of working conditions just to survive. In the late 1800s, this was the state of labor at the pinnacle of the American IndustrialNevertheless,Revolution.theAmerican people did not consider themselves powerless. ey rose up. Labor unions, many of which had formed late in the previous century, grew stronger, their voices louder. Ultimately, there were strikes, marches, and riots. Violence erupted, and people lost their lives. e immediate impact of this social turbulence was clear. On June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland made Labor Day a legal holiday. e everyday American worker would nally and forever to be recognized and celebrated at the nationalUnfortunately,level. the American worker wouldn’t see any real breakthroughs in labor relations until 1902 when President Teddy Roosevelt motivated coal mine owners to negotiate with the coal workers’ union. Even then, perhaps one of the most meaningful pieces of labor legislation wasn’t passed until more than 30 years later with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Wagner Labor Relations Act of 1935. Yet, these changes did come, and the welfare of American workers continued to improve.Today,Labor Day evokes thoughts of cookouts, preparing children to go back to school, perhaps even a “cheers to us” sentiment or two. Yet, those who made it normal to return from work with their ngers intact are too o en forgotten. We may even be tempted to think disparagingly of our current working conditions and compensations.
• Reasonably safe working conditions ( ink OSHA.)
Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great story online at
• Workers’ compensation laws
• Building my Home with Habitat for Humanity: One Year Later Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at!
• Anti-discrimination policies & hiring practices
While it is true that there is still room for improvement, as Americans, we continue to enjoy many work environment and compensation guarantees thanks in no small part to the brave men and women who stood up for the welfare, dignity, and humanity of everyday American workers like themselves. Here are just a few those legal guarantees:
• A minimum wage
• A workplace environment free of harassment, sexual or otherwise
American workers enjoy these and many other guarantees and protections, so if you haven’t already, please pause for a moment of gratitude and remember those who made them possible.
Lillian Ruth Hemmer September 3, 2022
According to Mental Health America, individuals’ reactions to the death of a loved one can elicit unique emotions linked to their relationship to the deceased. For example, MHA, a community-based nonprofit focused on promoting mental health, notes that a child’s death could inspire different feelings than the loss of an elderly spouse. When parents lose a child, that death may arouse a sense of injustice that can overwhelm the child’s parents as they contemplate lost potential, unfulfilled dreams and, in certain instances, the child’s suffering. Elderly individuals who lose a spouse may be overcome by feelings of loneliness. Recognition of these different reactions is important because it can help individuals and their support networks more effectively cope with their grief.
St. George - Forsythe
Funeral Home andM uments 109 West Naples St. • Wayland, NY 14572 (585) 728-2100
Dansville: Lillian Ruth Hemmer, 92 years of age, passed away peacefully on Saturday September 3, 2022 at Elderwood in Hornell, NY where she has been a resident for the past few months.
Lil was born April 19, 1930 in Wayland, NY to Edna & Russell Buck. She was raised in Bloom eld, NY and was a 1948 graduate of Bloom eld Central School.
According to Lincoln Heritage Funeral Advantage, the average funeral costs between $7,000 and $10,000. It can be easy to overlook planning for such a large expense, and many people may think their funeral costs will be covered by their life insurance policies. However, that isn’t always the case and certain complications can arise. The funeral planning information guide Funeral Basics states that sometimes insurance policies become invalid if payments have not been made. Policies may have liens on them, or some named beneficiaries may no longer be alive. This can stall the process as issues are worked through. In addition, it can sometimes take between six and eight weeks for beneficiaries to receive life insurance policy payouts. Since many funerals take place within a week of a person’s death, it’s unlikely that surviving family members will be able to finance funerals with life insurance payouts. In addition, some policies may not be assignable, which means the benefits cannot be assigned to go to a third party who will file the claim for you (i.e., the funeral home or an assignment company with which the funeral home partners). It’s important to determine if an existing policy is assignable and to take appropriate measures if it is not. Individuals may want to consider burial insurance or preneed funeral insurance. Another option is to use preplanning services, which allow people to prepay for funeral expenses and make planning decisions regarding the services and burial so that family members will not be tasked with financing and/or planning a funeral during a difficult time in their lives.
Lillian was married to Robert N. Hemmer on September 18, 1948, who predeceased her January 16, 2020. She was a loving mother to Lynn (Debi) of Horseheads and Marcia (James) Miller of Dansville. In addition, she is survived by her brother, L. James (Joyce) Buck of North Carolina; special cousin, Debby Jerome Ohstrom; brother-in-law, Richard “Pete” (Mary) Hemmer, along with many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her cousin, Barbara (Howard) Jerome; sister-in-law, Natalie Hemmer; sisters and brothers-in-law, Gertrude (Reg) ompson,Gladys “Bun”(Cli ord) Lockhart,Hilda (Jim) Conklin,Marion “Mernie”(Jean) Mason,Eve (Marty) Smith; nephews, David ompson, Geo & Jimmy Warren Conklin, and Scott Smith.
Lil was a communicant of Holy Family Catholic Community in Dansville for 74 years. Lil worked for a time at FA Owen, and for over 50 years at Barrett & Lau er Jewelers on Main Dansville, NY. Lil volunteered at the American Red Cross and Spicebox at Noyes Hospital. She was a lifetime member of the Brae Burn Women’s golf association, winning the Brae Burn Cup in 1990. She loved taking care of her home and her gardens. Lil’s pride was in her children. She was a master sewer, making Marcia’s clothes when she was little, her Barbie doll clothes, and her wedding dress in 1987. Lil had the greatest imagination. She could make anything she or you wanted out of materials she had laying around the house.
Lil’s family and friends called on Monday, September 5th from 4-7pm at St. George-Forsythe Funeral Home, 109 West Naples St., Wayland. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated for Lil on Tuesday, September 6th at 10am at St. Mary’s Church in Dansville. Committal prayers and interment took place immediately following at Holy Cross Cemetery in Dansville. In lieu of owers, please make contributions in Lil’s memory to e Myers Cancer Center at Noyes Health, 111 Clara Barton St., Dansville, NYPlease14437.visitforwww.stgeorgefuneralhome.comonlinecondolences.
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130
By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
Cornerstone Baptist Church 4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo •
Vicar Lisa Frauens • • Sunday worship 9:30AM, & Live Streamed: Intergenerational Sunday School, 10:30am 1st Sunday of the month Oct-May.
Zion Episcopal Church 10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 Sundayzionepiscopalchurchavon.orgWorshipandHolyCommunion 10:00am Online Facebook: Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127 Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434 • Handicap accessible Sunday Service @ 10:30am
Children’s Church • Youth Activities
Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM
Christian Science Church 3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424 Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services • Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
Livonia Community Church A non-denominational Evangelical church 9 High St., 346-5290; e Rev. Harry V. Vellekoop Sunday School – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am
Pastor Don Ray • E-mail:•SundaySchool10:00amServicesSunday,11:00am• BibleStudyWed., 6:30pm
Grace Baptist Church Pastor David eobald 9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - ELCA 21 Clara Barton St., Dansville Pastor J. Eric ompson • 335-5260 • Sunday Worship 9am All are welcome. Handicap accessible. St. Timothy Lutheran Church - ELCA A Sanctuary and Reconciling in Christ Church 5015 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-4490
~Thomas Merton Holy Family Catholic Community O ce: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228 Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia - Rev. William Laird 9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew St. Luke the Evangelist Parish Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas
Geneseo United Methodist Church Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160 8:30am Non-Traditional Worship, 10:30am Traditional. 9:30am co ee hour • Sunday School classes for all ages. Nursery care provided • Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired. “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible METHODIST
Holy Ground Ministries Church 2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome. Bible Study - 2nd and 4th Saturday at 9:30am See what the Lord can do in your life.
Central Presbyterian Church of Geneseo Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669 Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster Sunday Worship at 10am Sunday School and Nursery provided. York United Presbyterian Church 2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266 Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am Available on the YouTube channel: “York UP in the 585”. Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome! Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church 161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311 Pastor David Adultwww.seekinggodtogether.comMisselSundaySchool:10am•Worship Service: 10:30am Please Join Us!
South Livonia United Church of Christ 5087 South Livonia Rd., Livonia • Pastor Susan Smith 585-514-3796 • Worship Children10:00amSundaySchool www.southlivoniaucc.com10:20am•FB- South Livonia UCC Lakeville United Church of Christ 5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville •
Dansville United Methodist Church 5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville Church phone: 585-335-5354 Sunday Worship: 11am Springwater United Methodist Church 8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560 O ce: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt Sunday Service: 11am Children’s Church/Sunday School Handicap accessible. United Methodist Church of Livonia Pastor: Hoyt Brown • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511 E-mail: • Website: Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church). Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children.
All are welcome/Open and A rming Church. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST
Genesee Valley Church Of Christ Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center) Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 9:45-10:30am Non-denominational New Testament Teachings. Faith Fellowship Church 5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www. Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship Pastor Cli Baker, Youth Sunday Worship Prayer 10am
ADULT INCONTINENCE UNDERWEAR (pull-up style), size XL, UNDER PADS (any size) and NUTRITIONAL DRINKS (any brand). 585-346-9777
Two LARGE TRACTOR TIRES. Good for planter, sand box or other lawn decoration: 585-737-7966
MINI FREEZER. Not a fridge/freezer combo:
Guidelines: Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
VHS TAPES – all Disney movies. You pick up, Canandaigua: 585-364-8666
DOGHOUSE for my feral cat. I would love to get him protection from the weather:
CHAISE LOUNGE CHAIR, plastic(?), sturdy. Needs cleaning but it works. Rush area:
Box of assorted UPHOLSTERY and FABRIC REMNANTS, BUTTONS, etc. Good for projects: 585-394-7493
SMALL WOODEN SHED, approx. 5’ x 7’ W. Used for storing tools/garden stuff. Take as is or for its wood:
STORAGE BINS with LIDS: 585-748-8531
WEIGHT TRAINING EQUIPMENT – Benches, bars and weights for local student athlete and families. Send picture if you can. Text Jim: 585-465-0111
DEER ANTLERS, SKULLS, TURKEY WINGS – anything to do with wildlife for a non-profit’s wildlife education class for young adults:
PLANT POTS and HANGING BASKETS. Various sizes. East Rochester: 585-586-8843
OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR and/or PORTABLE for senior with COPD: 585-831-5873
Several JIGSAW PUZZLES with missing pieces. Does someone want them for craft projects?
TWIN BED MATTRESS SPRINGS and FRAME, DINING TABLE & CHAIRS, WALL UNIT (comes apart). You pick up, Batavia: 585-536-6188
EGG CARTONS - Styrofoam only, for kids’ art club/camp. We make paint trays for kids: 585-217-3397
QUILTED CRYSTAL JELLY GLASSES, one dozen, size 1 cup, Ball brand. Churchville/ Chili area: 585-889-4763
Old SADDLE and BRIDLE to be used for a display. Any condition: VINES, small BURNING BUSHES, and LEMON DROPS. You dig, Naples: QUEEN SIZE METAL BED FRAME: 585-657-5451 10’ x12’ METAL SHED, CAST IRON RADIATOR, CANNING JARS, BLADDER TANK:
PIPING FOR WOOD STOVE or DUCT WORK, 6”: 585-323-1762
OLD UNWANTED MOWERS and SMALL ENGINE STUFF. Can pick up: 585-447-0201 BLACKSMITH FORGE wanted, any condition. Just starting out. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, any condition: 585-538-9341
JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PARTS, and ACCESSORIES. All kinds, any condition. Thank you: 585-377-4604
CANNING GOODS: 6-1/2 dozen quart jars, 16 dozen zinc tops porcelain liners. 20 dozen rubber seals: CANNING GOODS: 8-pint jars including 1 blue: MICROWAVE - Over the Range, cream color. Good condition. You pick up: Manyllmurray57@gmail.comempty
HAMMOND ORGAN, model 328322. Works except for rhythm/percussions sections. Must move: UPRIGHT PIANO with BENCH. Good shape, may need tuning. You pick up, Leicester:
ROCK and ROLL 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and ALBUMS from 19701990s for personal collection. Thanks in advance: LOCK-A-DRAW or DRAW-LOC (bow modifier) for compound bow for disabled senior: 585-415-3377 text or voice message or
EARLY RECURVE ARCHERY HUNTING BOWS and/or ARROWS. Call or email to or 585-794-0448
HP PRINTER, NUTRITION ACTION MAGAZINES and other health magazines, GREETING CARDS for crafts and a box of HANGERS. Fairport: 585-388-0318
BRICKS, red, to use in garden borders:
3’ DEEP ABOVE GROUND POOL, 16’ wide. Includes pump, pool cover, ladder. You pick up, Ontario, NY: 585-943-1714
3 or 4 WHEEL ELECTRIC SCOOTER in good working condition, Canandaigua area: 813-648-2954
CAT CLIMBING TOWER for two new kittens. Please text or call. Thank you: 585-356-9306
In need of two, but will take one, clean and in working condition MINI REFRIGERATOR(S) for a school building: 585-301-1247
Used SOLAR POOL COVER. Any condition okay. Batavia area:
Minimum Qualifications: High school diploma or GED equivalent; you must have a valid license to operate a motor vehicle in New York State at the time of appointment and continuously thereafter
• Superior
George and Swede Sales & Service, located in Pavilion, NY is seeking an experienced A/P A/R AssistantClerk/Administrativetojoinourteam is position receives, veri es, and enters incoming invoices; directs incoming telephone calls; performs administrative/clerical duties for management; maintains and invoices rental contracts; maintains customer and machine ling systems; purchase order handling; and provides clerical assistance to co-workers as needed.
For more information: Finger Lakes DDSO Human Resources Office: (585) 461-8785 Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) of Resources Lakes DDSO, 620 Westfall Rd., Rochester, NY 14620 Action/Equal
Minimum Qualifications: Must have a current license and registration to practice in New York State, or a limited permit to practice in NYS, or an application on file for a limited permit to practice in NYS. *Salary includes $2,000 geographical differential. Chemung, Seneca, Schuyler, Monroe, Livingston, Steuben, Wyoming, Yates, Ontario and Wayne Counties
An Affirmative
license • Notary
The Finger Lakes DDSO is seeking LPNs. Monroe, Livingston, Steuben, Wyoming, Yates and Wayne Counties
Special Requirement For Both Positions: Possession of a valid New York State Operator’s license at the time of appointment, and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position. Applications are available on the Naples Central School website at and must be submitted by September 22, 2022 to Naples Central School, 136 North Main St., Naples, NY 14512
Quali ed candidates will possess 3 years’ A/P and A/R or bookkeeping experience; must have entry level bookkeeping/accounting knowledge organizational skills and the ability to prioritize driver’s Public a We o er competitive salary, health insurance, life insurance, AD&D, 401k, and paid vacation and holidays. Interested and quali ed applicants should email resumes to To submit resumes by mail or in person: George and Swede Sales and Service, Inc. 7155 Big Tree Road, Pavilion, NY 14525 Attn: Wendy George and Swede is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.
Join the New York State Workforce
Professional Salary
responsibilities • Attention to detail • Superior customer service skills • Able to regularly li 25 pounds • Pro cient with Outlook, Word, and Excel • Ability to learn new computer programs • Valid
ONE Full-time BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Hours: 6am-2:30pm (including ½ hour unpaid lunch); Minimum Quali cations: Either 1. One year of experience as a journeyman plumber or HVAC technician; OR 2. Four years of experience in either plumbing, electrical, or heating, ventilating, and air conditioning or graduation from an accredited two-year school in HVAC or plumbing. Starting salary range: $18.70-$30.70. Bene ts include health insurance.
AIDE NEEDED Mon. - Fri. mornings to help paralyzed man get off to (585) 384-5736
ONE Full-time BUILDING MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Hours: 6am-2:30pm (including ½ hour unpaid lunch); Minimum Quali cations: Two years of general experience in either building construction or maintenance work. Starting salary range: $13.20-$16.20. Bene ts include health insurance.
work. Call
Use your contacts to your advantage. Even if much of your experience won’t transfer to your new career, your professional network might still be valuable to a prospective employer. The longer you have been working the larger your professional network likely is, so highlight those contacts in your interview and illustrate how you can put them to good use should you be hired.
Attn: Shawn Mason, Director of Facilities. EOE As a Practical Nurse (LPN) range: $41,653 to $50,662 As a Direct Support range: $42,419 to $46,013
Opportunity Employer
Email resume to:
other kinds of printing at our Avon facility. Our crew is welltrained and fun to work with. Our customer list is extensive and varied as we produce everything from booklets/ magazines to business cards. Cold-set web and digital printing are our specialties. In our bindery we “ nish” the print jobs on our Muller-Martini saddle stitchers & inserters and cutting machine.
1471 Route 15 and fill out application.
A SALARY INCREASE Salaries in the workplace have long been a hot-button issue for women. The differences in compensation for males and females continues to draw the attention of politicians and gender equality advocates alike. The United States Department of Labor noted that, in 2015, the median weekly earnings for fulltime male workers increased by 2.2 percent from the year prior. During that same period, female earnings increased by just 0.8 percent. That latest data marks the third consecutive quarter that the increase in males’ earnings doubled that of females. On average, women who work fulltime earn 81.1 cents for every dollar men earn. Women aware of that unfair gap in pay may feel helpless to address it with their bosses out of fear of being seen as unappreciative or selfish. In fact, addressing compensation makes many workers uncomfortable, regardless of their gender. According to a salary survey from PayScale, almost 60 percent of male and female workers do not ask for a raise. Negotiating salary increases requires finesse, timing and being informed. It also requires a certain measure of gumption.
e ne art of printing....putting ink on paper. If you’ve ever ondered how it’s done and more importantly wanted to learn the cra of print production, give us a call. Our print operation is growing and we are training for the future. We print a variety of publications on our commercial web presses and we’re looking for either entry level (will train) or an experienced pressman. If you have mechanical abilities, a good attitude and want to work with a very dedicated crew, we’ve got the job for you.
f Wasson, Production Supervisor, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414.
Full-time Position:
Special Quali cations:
Minimum Quali cations : [Applicants must meet ALL requirements]
General Experience: One (1) year of full-time paid experience in the operation of light automotive equipment cates: Possession of a valid New York State Class B commercial driver’s license. (Class A may be substituted)
Duties: Safe and e cient operation of trucks and various types of road maintenance and construction equipment including but not limited to: snowplows, dump trucks, loaders, rollers, tractors, power tools, chain saws. Work performed under general supervision in accordance with established policies and procedures.
* The first webcam was created to check a coffeepot! In 1993, researchers in the University of Cambridge’s computer science department really didn’t like getting up from their chairs to check the coffeepot just to find it empty, so they wired a system that would stream three images per minute from the Trojan Room, where the pot was kept, to the internal computer network. By the end of that year, the stream made it onto the new World Wide Web, endowing the Trojan Room coffeepot with international, if brief, fame.
1. Must authorize and execute necessary releases to enable the Town to verify licensure and driving history involving violations and/or crimes. Appropriate licensure must be maintained throughout employment. Take and pass employment physical & drug screening throughout employment. Ability to li and move y (50) pounds. Any person who meets the quali cations and wishes to be considered for the vacancies must le an application with the Town Clerk’s o ce. Applications can be obtained at: 8022 SOUTH MAIN ST., SPRINGWATER, NY 14560
Starting Salary: $22.93 hour Bene ts: 70% Town Paid Medical • Personal Leave Time Annually • Sick Time Accruals • Uniforms & Work Boot allowance
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page38 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 NOTICE OF VACANCY Teaching Assistants Quali cations: • NYS Certi cation as Teaching Assistant • Associate’s degree Location: Dansville, Mt. Morris CTE, Mt. Morris CSD, Batavia Salary: Based on experience, Full-time with bene ts Start date: ASAP Visit our website at Reply by September 23, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 23-41, letter of interest, resume and proof of certi cation and location preference to or mail to: Human Resources Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 effective way for workers to recharge. The APA notes that avoiding the negative effects of chronic stress and burnout requires workers to take time away to replenish and return to their pre-stress level of functioning. Taking time off to disconnect from work and avoid thinking about work can be just what workers need to overcome their work-related stress. And plenty of workers have the time to take off; they just need to take it. AssistantManagerMountain Must be knowledgeable in all phases of Mountain Operations Pay commensurate with experience To apply, send resume to or Stop in personally M - Th 8 - 4 7532 COUNTY ROAD 36 • NAPLES, NY 14512
3. Minimize distractions. Social media, the internet and texting can distract attention away from tasks that must be completed, ultimately affecting greatalertsonline.alertswork,mediaconcertedprojectshowquicklyandefficientlysucharefinished.MakeaefforttoavoidsocialandtheinternetwhileatandturnoffsmartphonethatenticeyoutogoInaddition,turnofftextiftheyareprovingtooadistraction.
4 EASY WAYS TO CREATE MORE TIME IN YOUR DAY Managing one’s time can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. As a result, adults with hectic schedules and multiple responsibilities may pine for an extra hour or two in the day. While it’s impossible to extend a day from 24 to 26 hours, there are ways for busy men and women to create more time in their day.
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page39 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” -- Dolly Parton Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, have a valid CDL A or B, a clean driving record, pass a pre-employment physical and drug test and be willing to work nights and weekends. $18.88/hr + benefits NEW YORK STATE DOT IS HIRING Highway Maintenance Workers Contact your county office to fill out application: Genesee/Orleans 585-343-0502 Livingston 585-346-3036 Monroe Eastside 585-586-4514 Monroe Westside 585-352-3471 Wayne/Ontario 315-332-4000 Wyoming 585-786-3310 Additional information is available at: or NYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ Affirmative Action Employer.
1. Embrace organization tools. Whether it’s day planners, smartphone reminders or more traditional print calendars with meetings and deadlines written on them, organization tools can greatly cut back on time spent trying to remember and/or confirm meeting times, project schedules, deadlines, and other obligations.
4. Reconsider your commute. Professionals who drive to work but find themselves sitting in traffic on their way to and from work can investigate possible alternatives to driving themselves. Public transportation might not get you to work more quickly than driving yourself, but time spent on a bus or train can be used to spentanTimeclearinganswerworkonprojectsandcheckandwork-relatedemails,uptimelaterintheday.spentbehindthewheelofautomobilecannotbesafelyworking.
2. Assess your productivity. Some people are most productive in the mornings, while others do not hit their strides until after lunch. Identify the time or times of day when you tend to be most productive, and make an effort to focus exclusively on work during these times. Resist any urge to schedule meetings or conference calls during those times of day when you are most productive, as it can be hard to multitask or focus when discussing projects with coworkers or clients.
EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page40 DANSVILLE-WAYLAND EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,2022 Come join our team on September 20th! LIVINGSTON COUNTY CENTER FOR NURSING AND REHABILITATION 11 MURRAY HILL DRIVE • MT. MORRIS, NY 14510 11 MURRAY HILL DRIVE • MT. MORRIS START OR GROW YOUR CAREER AT OUR HIRINGON-THE-SPOTEVENT ★ Complete our application ★ Participate in an interview ★ Get your start day ALL IN ONE VISIT. JOB FAIR CNA, LPN, Charge LPN, RN, Charge RN positions • Enhanced rates with shift differentials and incentive pay. • Eligible for the NYS healthcare worker bonus up to $3,000. • Eligible to enroll in the NYS state retirement system and become vested after 5 years. All who attend the 9/20 event and submit a completed application will receive a gift card! LIVINGSTON COUNTY CENTER FOR NURSING AND REHABILITATION September 20th • 1-6pm Are you interested in becoming a CNA? Free classes coming soon.
People with multiple hobbies recognize there are many great ways to spend one’s time. But even people with plenty of ways to pass their time may find themselves wasting time each day, a phenomenon that seems to be growing. In its 2014 “Wasting Time at Work” survey, found that 89 percent of participants acknowledged wasting time at work each day. That marked a sharp increase from a year prior, when 69 percent of workers surveyed reported wasting time at work. Thirty-one percent of workers surveyed admitted wasting roughly 30 minutes per day, while another 31 percent estimated they waste around one hour each day. Perhaps the most surprising finding from the survey was that 4 percent of participants admitted they waste four or more hours, or at least half a typically eight-hour workday, at work each day. Some people might be wasting time out of sheer boredom, but many may be able to trace all those squandered minutes and hours to inefficiency.
Please send your resume to Kim Danzig at for more information. Come 585-346-3001NY
• Competitive rates based on experience. • Shi di erentials and exible scheduling o ered
Just a short drive from Henrietta, Mt. Morris, Lima, Springwater, Geneseo, Dansville and Hornell to our two amazing scenic locations in Livonia and Avon, NY.
Production Help Wanted
Or mail to: Jeff Wasson, Production Supervisor, Penny Lane Printing, PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. OR stop in at 1471 Route 15 and fill out application.
RNs, LPNs and CNAs needed to join our team to make a di erence in the lives of our residents.
• Enhanced Sign-On Bonuses
Join our Winning Team! NURSING FACILTY A Hurlbut™ Care comamunity Conesus Lake Nursing Home 6131 Big Tree Rd., Livonia,
About Us: A family owned business, Penny Lane Printing produces the Genesee Valley Penny Saver along with many other kinds of printing at our Avon facility. Our crew is well-trained and fun to work with. We have two web presses, two saddle stitchers and two inserting machines. Our customer list is extensive and varied as we produce everything from booklets/magazines to business cards. Cold-set web and digital printing are our specialties. In our bindery we “ nish” the print jobs on our Muller-Martini saddle stitchers & inserters and cutting machine. The Position: Full-time, Monday-Friday. Pressroom or bindery experience helpful, but we’ll train the right person. Ideal candidate will be detail-oriented, motivated and want to be recognized for a job well done. Wage dependent upon experience. Email resume to:
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Work with area hospitals. Similar to school districts, many hospitals would struggle to meet their missions of providing compassionate care if not for the contributions of volunteers. Contact area hospitals to learn about volunteering. Some may need volunteers to read to sick children, while others may need help keeping elderly patients company.
Giving back to one’s community is a great way for men and women to make use of their talents and foster strong towns and cities. Volunteering opportunities abound in big cities, but small town residents may not have as many options as they look for ways to give back.
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Small town residents may not have a wealth of volunteering opportunities at their disposal. But with a little creativity, such men and women can still give back to their communities.
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Start a volunteering group. Small town residents without much access to volunteering programs can organize groups through their offices or neighborhoods. Organize groups willing to pitch in with charities such as Habitat for Humanity®. Group leaders can arrange transportation to work sites for members of the group while working as liaisons between their community groups and the organizations they choose to work with.
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Contact local schools. Teachers, afterschool caregivers and coaches can always use some helping hands. Contact local schools to determine if there is any way to help out. Prospective volunteers might be able to read to young children, serve as assistant coaches for youngsters’ sports teams or even help tend to playing fields. Small town school budgets tend to be stretched thin, so chances are local educators will welcome citizens looking to pitch in with open arms.
Start a program through your place of employment. Another way for small town residents to give back to their communities is to begin a mentoring or internship program through their places of employment. Once their employers give the go-ahead, men and women can begin working with local high schools and/or colleges to develop programs that encourage youngsters to gain professional experience that can benefit them as they apply to college or graduate school or prepare to begin their own careers.
Small town residents looking to give back may need to create their own opportunities if the options available to them do not suit their fancies.
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