your Hometown connection November 13, 2020 | EASTWAY | 866.812.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM
OPENING Friday, November 20th TWO LOCATIONS:
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Free drilling and baling.
Fresh Cut 7976 North Main St. (Rte. 21), Naples W, TH., F.: 11am-5pm; Sat. & Sun.: 9am-5pm Phone: Phon Ph one: on e: 5 585 585-245-4142 85-2 85 -245 -2 45-4 45 -414 -4 142 14 2
U-Cut & WEEKENDS ONLY! 7905 Swartz Rd., Naples Opens Nov. 28th AWD Vehicle Recommended Nov. 28, 29; Dec. 5, 6; Dec. 12, 13; Dec. 19, 20 (10am-4pm)
Medicare Made EASY and simple – schedule a consultation today with
Stan Steele Agency! 585-657-6101