5 minute read
It is good to be alone in a garden at dawn or dark so that all its shy presences may haunt you and possess you in a reverie of suspended thought. ~James Douglas, Down Shoe Lane
Circulation Manager
In the weeks leading up to Easter, practicing Christians commonly commit to a period of fasting and abstinence known as Lent. This commitment commemorates Christ’s 40-day journey into the desert, and the sacrifices modern day Christians make are meant to replicate those made by Christ duringthatperiod.ManyChristians abstain from alcohol during Lent, but those who do may not realize that beer played a significant role in helping a small community of 17th century monks survive the Lentenfastingseason.Monksfrom the Order of St. Francis of Paola, often referred to as “Paulaner monks,” fasted from all solid foods throughout the season of Lent during the 1600s. According to the Paulaner Brewery, the monks, originally from southern Italy, relocated to Bavaria, once an independent country but now a southern state in Germany, in the 1600s. Their strict religious orders forbade the monks from consuming solid food during Lent, but they still needed nutrients to sustain them. So the monks concocted a strong brew loaded with carbohydrates and nutrients. The monks must have liked the beer, as they continued to brew it and even began selling it in their community. An early doppelbock, the beer was one of the first offerings from the Paulaner Brewery, which opened its doors in 1634 and remains open today.
President Joe Biden’s initiative, aimed at providing targeted debt relief to millions of student-loan borrowers, is now before the Supreme Court. Opponents to the program say it amounts to an unlawful attempt to erase an estimated $430 billion of federal student loan debt under the guise of the pandemic. What side do you fall on regarding student loan forgiveness?
• The effects of the pandemic are still being felt by many Americans and I agree that loan forgiveness needs to happen.
• Students borrowed this money expecting to pay it back and should.
• Loan forgiveness is a noble idea but shouldn’t we fix the system first?
Poll ends 3-7-23
Poll ended 2-28-23
Works by Children’s author, Roald Dahl, famous for works such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and James and the Giant Peach and being edited to remove certain words that could be deemed offensive to modern audiences. Do you think we should review and edit children’s books for the current times?
2.8% Any steps that will promote inclusivity should be taken, including rewrites.
97.2% Freedom of speech should protect the right to leave the works as is.
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Owner: Joseph Bruton, 15 years’ experience 585-201-8554 • Churchville, NY • www.brutonc.com
* On March 2, 1904, Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, the author and illustrator of such beloved children’s books as “The Cat in the Hat,” is born in Springfield, Massachusetts. Geisel used his middle name (which was also his mother’s maiden name) as his pen name.
* On March 4, 1918, the first cases of the deadly Spanish flu pandemic are reported in soldiers at Fort Riley, Kansas. The virus soon traveled to Europe with U.S. soldiers heading to aid the Allies in France. The flu would eventually kill 20 million to 50 million people around the world.
* On March 7, 1923, The New Republic publishes Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” which begins with the famous line “Whose woods these are, I think I know.”
By Lucie Winborne
* In 1862, the King of Siam offered Abraham Lincoln many elephants on the grounds that a “country as great as the United States should not be without elephants.” President Lincoln politely declined.
* “Digging a hole to China” is theoretically possible if you start in Argentina.
* A flower that smells like chocolate? Yep, but you’ll have to limit your enjoyment of this dark-red Mexican native to sniffing, as the “cosmos atrosanguineus,” or “chocolate cosmos,” isn’t edible.
30-50% OFF EVERYTHING A-Z! Antiques, Household, Collectibles Avon Trading Post
Open Fri., Sat., Sun. • 110 W Main St, Avon
Upcoming Consignment Auctions
Hosted by the Penn Yan Chapter of FFA
Saturday, March 11, 2023 - Auction at 2:30pm
Please note the location change as well as the time change of the auction!
Penn Yan Elementary Gymnasium
3 School Drive • Penn Yan, NY 14527
Farm Toy Show: Saturday, 3/11.
Open to Early Buyers from 7:30am to 8:30am. Open to the public from 8:30am to 2:00pm.
Admission Rates: Early Buyers $5.00, Adults $3.00/ea., Under 12 is Free. For more information on the Toy Show, please contact Troy Deamer at 607-760-2297.
Farm Toy Consignment Auction: Saturday, 3/11 at 2:30pm. Toy consignments are being accepted on-site Saturday, 3/11, from 9am until 2pm. To list your early consignments, please contact Je Dann at 585-233-9570 or email dannauctioneers@gmail.com.
Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 9:00am
At e Windmill Farm & Cra Market, 3900 Route 14A South of Penn Yan, NY Now Accepting Consignments of All Makes and Models! Farm ∙ Construction ∙ Parts ∙ Tools
To Consign and Advertise Your Items, Please Contact: Je Dann at 585-233-9570, Nelson Horning at 585-554-5335, Nelson Zimmerman at 607-243-8932 or email us at dannauctioneers@gmail.com.
Pre-committed and choice items will be available for online bidding via Proxibid. Consignments are being accepted on-site Wednesday, 3/22, through Friday, 3/24, from 9am to 6pm daily. To have your items included for online bidding, those items will need to be on-site prior to 5pm on Wednesday, 3/22.
OTHER UPCOMING AUCTION: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 9am
Farm Retirement Auction for Titus H. Nolt, 1064 City Hill Rd, Penn Yan, NY 14527
Dann Auctioneers
4215 Belknap Hill Rd., Branchport, NY
Jeff Dann: 585-233-9570
Nelson Horning, Lead Auctioneer: 585-554-5335
Make Managing Winter More Fashionable
Staying warm is a goal each winter, but that doesn’t mean you have to banish skirts and dresses to the back of your closet. Choose materials that will keep you toasty, including wool, synthetic blends and thick, cotton corduroys. Pair skirts with opaque tights to keep legs warm, and choose stylish calf- or knee-high boots, which are trending right now. Patchwork trends can be seen all over the fall and winter runway shows, and you can experiment with this trend on dresses or skirts to bring a bohemian touch to your winter ensembles.
Get On The Fast Track To Being Organized
• Keep a cleanup bin handy. Put an empty basket in a central location, using it to gather stray items scattered around main living areas. Once everything has been collected, items can be returned to their rightful place.
• Make the bed. One of the easiest ways to keep a room looking neat is to make the bed each day. Store clean linens in a pillow case so the entire set is together and ready to go.
• Purge closets and cabinets. There’s no point allowing old, stained or damaged items to take up space. Set aside days to clear expired medication from the bathroom cabinet, discard ripped or ill-fitting clothing from the closet, or to dispose of broken toys in a nursery.
• Write things down. Tasks seem more manageable when they are writtendowninblack-and-whiteandcanbecrossedoffascompleted. Writing things down also helps make the mind feel more organized.
• Exercise caution before buying. Don’t buy more than you need; otherwise, you’ll have to find space for extra items. Also, keep inventory of food and supplies in the house so you’re not unwittingly buying duplicates.
• Sort mail and paperwork. Establish different categories for papers so they can be sorted and discarded as needed. These may include bills, invitations, school papers, and junk mail. Reduce paper clutter by opting for digital correspondence when possible.
• Make one repair at a time. Tackle that source of stress by focusing on one repair and seeing it through to completion.
• Delegate the work. If kids want to help organize, let them. It can be a fun project for an adolescent to rearrange the pantry or offer their ideas for corralling messes.