7 minute read
Give & Take
Two TWIN MATTRESSES with BOX SPRINGS. In good shape: vangellow@bluefrog.com ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, hardwood (5’ W x 6’ 7” H x 18” W (approx.). Pick up, Batavia: 585-300-7776 CORNER TV CABINET, light color wood, 35” W x 30” H x 20” D. Good condition: bsmurphy54@gmail.com JESUS MOVIE - VHS format, two cases in about 9 or 10 different languages: 585-624-4124 BAKERS RACK – one wooden shelf, two wire shelves above and two below. WOODEN BREAD BOX, two compartments. Churchville: 585-4942567 OFFICE/SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Text 585-261-4991 Large collection of OLD NEWSPAPERS highlighting various historical events of the late 20th century from Democrat & Chronicle and Canandaigua Messenger. Take all: 585-742-3687 EPSON WF-3540 PRINTER, COPIER, SCANNER, FAX with extra #127 ink: 585-265-2615 KENMORE DRYER, LP gas. Older but works great. Pick up, Canandaigua: 585-729-3796 after 5pm MIRROR, 30” wide x 58” long, 585-820-9245. 90” BLUE LEATHER COUCH. Lots of life left. Great for mancave or rec room. You pick up, Caledonia: estiecamm@hotmail.com JAZZY 1113 MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIR needs new battery and CHRISTIAN TRACTS. You pick up: 585-436-8158 leave message EXTERNAL MALE URINARY (sheath) CATHETERS (many), LEG BAGS, NIGHT COLLECTION BAGS and CATHETER TUBING LEG HOLDERS all in original packaging: perfectdaytoday25@gmail.com Six RECORD BINS. Pick up Fairport: 585-381-8875 after 3pm PRE-OWNED PATTERN STYLES for ladies, children and men (Simplicity, Butterick, McCalls, Vogue). Call or Text for curbside pickup Henrietta: 585820-2554 ICE CREAM CONE ORNAMENTS, Call Nancy 585-437-6322 PIANO SHEET and BOOK MUSIC; all kinds/levels; old but good condition. Pile of music stands 10” high! 585-388-5768 PAMPERED CHEF KNIVES. One kitchen knife, one chef ’s knife. Both with CHAIRLIFT for stair needed for disabled senior. In good working condition and CHAIN LINK DOG KENNEL: 585-905-6586 VINTAGE ELECTRONICS TUBES, TUBE TESTERS, VINTAGE STEREO EQUIPMENT, old RADIOS, MICROPHONES, MOTORS, SPEAKERS, METERS, TURNTABLES, COMMUNICATION GEAR, BOOKS, etc.: greg3151@ymail.com HEAVY DUTY FANS and DEHUMIDIFIERS in good working order to help after thaw: 585-491-0119 9am-8pm. Can pick up if required. CLIMBING TOWERS, SCRATCH PADS. Any kind of cat supplies would be appreciated: loriag6364@yahoo.com REUSEABLE/WASHABLE UNDERPADS/BEDPADS for incontinence: 585-430-0561 QUART SIZE CANNING JARS and a good working condition PRESSURE COOKER: sohill15@gmail.com Old ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS. Mendon area: 585-721-8488 CAMERA with ZOOM and TIMER that uses fi lm for disabled senior to take pictures. In good working condition: 585-381-6546 NON-WORKING RAZOR ELECTRIC SCOOTERS. Looking for a project. Batavia area: 585-297-6906 1954 and/or 1958 EAST HIGH “ORIENT” YEARBOOK(s): 585-425-2312 CAT TOWER in good condition: 585-293-2926 ADULT NUTRITIONAL DRINKS (any brand) and COMPRESSION SOCKS (Medium, Large, XL): 585-346-9777. PADDED WEIGHT BENCH and two 15lb BARBELLS: mmshining42@ gmail.com. Working WIND-UP WRIST WATCH, old CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS, 1948 DANSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK and old JEWELRY for kids to play with: 585-447-2176 BED LINERS for elderly gentleman: 585-438-4122 HOSPITAL BED TABLE that is spring load to move up and down: 585- 727-7328 AMBER LIGHT BAR: 585-447-0201 1946 LEROY HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK, the O-At-Kan: 585-343-9222 BAHR Tack Shop 501(c)(3) looking for gently used BARN, STABLE and RIDING SUPPLIES. Drop off 2834 Plank Rd., Lima: 585-322-2427 CASSETTE RECORDER or BOOM BOX with cassette recording capabilities. In good working condition: 585-764-8815
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Hanging weight. Includes processing, vacuum sealed. 1⁄4, 1⁄2 or full cow.
George & Sue Pickering Fresh Brown Eggs $3/dozen Duck Eggs $4/dozen
Magic Maze
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Cl o t h i n g : Po s t - Ch r i s t m a s s a l e s a r e bo o m i n g , a n d s t o r e s a r e l o o k i n g t o se l l w h a t ’ s l e f t o f t h e i r i n v e n t o r i e s to m a k e r o o m f o r s p r i n g a n d su m m e r s e l e c t i o n s . Ev e n t h o u g h th e w e a t h e r o u t s i d e i s s t i l l c o l d , sw e a t e r s , p a n t s , c o a t s , a n d m o r e ar e u s u a l l y a v a i l a b l e a t a d i s c o u n t co m e J a n u a r y. I t m a y t a k e s o m e di g g i n g t h r o u g h t h e r a c k s , b u t th e r e ’ s a n e x c e l l e n t c h a n c e t o di sc o ve r so m e g r e a t i t e m s.
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
By Sam Mazzotta Dog Goes on Strike Against L eashes
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My dog “Perry” tugs, ghts and whines when I put a collar and leash on him. He will even op down and refuse to move. I don’t know what to do. -- Mike D., Roanoke, Virginia
DEAR MIKE: Oh, that’s frustrating! But you can help Perry to tolerate his collar and leash by making some adjustments and rebuilding a positive association with the leash. Here are a few tips to start with: * Check the t and comfort of Perry’s collar. Sometimes owners buy stylish collars that look great on their pet but are uncomfortable and either too big or too small. * Consider a chest halter instead of a collar. is provides a supportive t and when you tug on the leash, pressure is distributed around a dog’s torso rather than its neck. * Re-introduce Perry to the new collar or halter gradually. Show him the new gear while o ering a treat at the same time. When he’s eating, gently drape the leash over his back. Give lots of praise at the same time. is starts to create positive connections with the new gear. * Conduct obedience training at home, in 10-minute sessions, while Perry wears the new collar or halter. Review basic commands of “come,” “sit,” “stay” and “lie down.” Leave the leash o at rst. * Add the leash, but don’t tug on it. Continue obedience training while Perry wears the new gear. Take the gear o when done. * Gradually increase the time your dog wears the collar or harness and leash. is will take patience, lots of love and encouragement. Always be positive with Perry while retraining to the leash. And if, despite these e orts, he still doesn’t respond, contact a professional trainer to help you both get through this stuck spot.
Send your tips, questions or comments to ask@pawscorner.com.
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