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Hometown Events
Bloomfi eld Public Library

9 Church Street, Bloomfi eld 585-657-6264 Mon. 2-8, Tues. 10-8, Wed. 2-8, Thurs. 10-8, Fri. 2-7, Sat. 10-2 Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org M.-Th.: 9am-8pm Fri./Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org Hours: Mon.–Thurs. 9AM–8PM; Fri. 9AM–6PM Sat. 10AM–4PM; Sun. 12PM–4PM
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
As through the poplar’s gusty spire The March wind sweeps and sings, I sit beside the hollow fi re, And dream familiar things; Old memories wake, faint echoes make A murmur of dead Springs... ~”Long Ago,” in Chambers’s
Journal of Popular Literature,
Science, and Art, Conducted by
William and Robert Chambers, 1868 October 24th
Bloomfield Public Library: STAMPIN UP for Adults will meet Monday, March 28th at 6pm, contact the library for more information. STORY TIME PALS meet Tuesdays at 10:30am. Pre-school age children and their caregivers are welcome! BUILD & PLAY at the library! Join us for this new program for children ages 3-10 years and their caregivers. On the 2nd Thursday of the month, from 3:305:00p.m., children are invited to play and build with select toys and materials set up in the Community Room. Thursday March 10th will have puppets (with a stage!) and Bowling! Masks are now optional in the library. We are still offering lobby and curbside service. Free Covid-19 tests available at the library, please inquire at the front desk. Please use the hand sanitizer in the lobby before entering. Check out our website https:// bloomfieldpubliclibrary.org/ and follow us on Facebook!
February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March. ~J.R. Stockton
Victor Farmington Library: Ongoing Programs: Mondays 2-4PM: Mah Jongg Join us for these friendly games (no beginners please). Mondays 12:15PM On-Site Chair Yoga* Stretch, breathe and de-stress with Alison Gilbert, RYT. Suggested donation: $3/class Tuesdays 12:30-2:30PM: Scrabble Calling all wordsmiths! Join us for a few fun games! Wednesdays 10:00AM: Library Walkers Victor Hiking Trails and the library have teamed up to explore local trails, neighborhoods and parks by foot. Meet at the library just before 10AM. Please dress for the weather. Thursdays 11AM: ON-SITE* and ONLINE Chair Yoga See above Thursdays 2:00-4:00PM: Euchre Friendly, wager free games are back! Tuesday 3/8 11AM&6PM: Book Buzz* and Booked for the Evening Join one of our book clubs to discuss The Personal Librarian. Mondays 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11: Beginning Mah Jongg* Learn Mah Jongg in this 4-part series! *to register and see all our programs visit www.tinyurl.com/VFLcalendar
The BCS Drama Club is pleased to present “Matilda the Musical” on Friday, March 11th at 7pm and Saturday, March 12th at both 2pm and 7pm, at the Bloomfield Performing Arts Center. Packed with high-energy dance numbers, catchy songs and unforgettable characters, Matilda is a joyous production that both children and adults alike will be thrilled and delighted by. All seating is reserved. Tickets are available at www. bloomfieldcsd.seatyourself.biz Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door. $10 adults/ $8 students and seniors. Current school masking guidelines will be followed.
The Embrace Your Sisters (EYS) Tea At Two Fashion Show Fundraiser is scheduled for May 1, 2022 at Casa Larga Vineyards in Fairport at 2:00 pm, with doors open at 1:00 pm. Enjoy an inspirational afternoon of fashion, friends, food and fun. The models include breast cancer survivors along with their families, friends and members of our communities. You can now buy tickets or reserve a table for the Embrace Your Sisters Tea At Two Fashion Show Fundraiser! There are also sponsorship opportunities. https://www.embraceyoursisters. org/2022-fashion-show
C o m f o r t D i n n e r - T h e Canandaigua Elks Lodge #1844, 19 Niagara Street, will hold a take-out only dinner on Thursday, March 10th. This month’s menu consists of a stuffed pork chop, mashed potatoes, vegetables & dessert for $10. Please call the day of take-out only, from noon to 4:00pm to place your order and schedule a pick-up time between 5:30 - 7:00pm. NO voicemail orders will be accepted, so if the numbers are busy, please keep trying. 585-944-9775 or 585-905-1687.
Spring Rehearsal - Spring is on its way! How about springing your way to a rehearsal of Seneca Soundwaves Chorus and singing your morning away!Held at the G o o d S h e p h e r d C h u r c h i n Canandaigua every Saturday until June 25th from 9:30 AM - 12 Noon. Love to meet you! For more info, call 585-364-9686 or email info@senecasoundwaves.net. Seneca Soundwaves Chorus is a member of Sweet Adelines International, the largest women’s singing organization in the world.
Bloomfield Lions & Leos Club “Drive-Thru” Spaghetti Dinner: Wednesday, March 9th, 4:306:00pm or Sold Out. Dinner includes: Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, butter & ice cream. Adults $9 (13+), Children $5 (12-). Veterans Park American Legion Building, Parking Lot, 6910 Routes 5&20, East Bloomfield.
Gallery Opening Reception: Retrobots by Daniel J. Bentley Meet the artist and see the fantastic creations of Daniel Bentley, a sculptor of recycled products that live a new life as “Retrobots”, the future of the past. Reception on March 3 from 5-7 pm with music, wine and tiny bites at Cobblestone Arts Center, 1622 Route 332, Farmington. Daniel Bentley’s Retrobots will be on display until April 10th by appointment. For more information call 585-398-0220. www.CobblestoneArtsCenter.com. American Red Cross Blood Drive - Wednesday, March 9, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Faith Baptist Church, 860 Hook Rd., Farmington. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross.org. HONEOYE FALLS
Garden Club of Mendon - The Garden Cub of Mendon will be meeting on March 15, 2022 at 1:30 PM at the Mendon Community Center. Duane Pancoast will be our guest speaker this month, talking about Adaptive Gardening for Seniors. He will be bringing books he has authored to sell at our meeting. All are welcome to attend. If there are any questions, please contact Joan Heaney at (585)-624-8182.
Take-out Spaghetti Dinner at the U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h o f Livonia, 21 Summer St, Livonia on Wednesday, March 9, 4:30-6:00PM (or until sold out). Spaghetti, sauce, meatballs, undressed salad, and garlic bread. Donations accepted. Please follow signs in church parki n g l o t f o r d r i v e - t h r o u g h instructions.
American Red Cross Blood Drive: Monday, March 14, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., St. Catherines Church Community Center, 26 Mendon Ionia Rd., Mendon. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross.org. PHELPS
United Church of Phelps’ Spring Chicken BBQ - The United Church of Phelps at 58 Main Street, Phelps is having a Spring Chicken BBQ. This event will be held on Sunday, March 13th, from noon to 1PM. Cost of $12 includes Chicken Half, Macaroni Salad, Salt Potatoes, and Brownie. To reserve your tickets, please call 315-548-2772, or to purchase tickets see a UCP member. All dinners are Pre-sale and Take out only. Yum, stop by and enjoy!! ROCHESTER
Genesee Region Orchid Society Show and Sale - Hundreds of blooming orchids on display and for sale. Orchid plant giveaways. Orchid talks and demos. Orchid repotting service available. Saturday, April 2: 10AM-5PM; Sunday, April 3: 10AM-4PM at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, Eisenhart Auditorium, 667 East Ave., Rochester. Admission $10.00; children under 12 free. Visit our w e b s i t e h t t p s : / / w w w . geneseeorchid.org for more info or like us on Facebook: Genesee Region Orchid Society.
RTOS March Theater Organ Concert - The Rochester Theater Organ Society presents the next live pipe organ concert Sunday, March 13th, 2:30PM at the Auditorium Theatre. One of the most prominent and sought-after artists on the concert circuit, Jelani Eddington, returns to the console of the RTOS-Grierson Wurlitzer 423 theater pipe organ! Admission for NON-members $15 per person. Children 12 and under, and students with school ID are free. The doors open 1:45 PM. Proof of Vaccination, photo ID, properly worn mask, and social distancing are required. General admission seating. Accessible for people with disabilities. For information: http://www.rtosonline. org or call RTOS Concert & Information Line 585-234-2295.
NOW HERE’S A TIP DIY Hand Pampering: Mix together 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1/5 cup milk, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup honey. Soak hands in mixture for 2 minutes, then rinse and dry hands.
RPY & RPO Side-by-Side: TURNING TO CLASSICAL COMPOSERS The Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra turns to the music of classical composers for its Side-bySide concert with the RPO. Come hear the music of Bach/Stokowski, S m e t a n a , W a g n e r , a n d Tchaikovsky. The Rochester Philharmonic Youth Orchestra plays alongside the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra in this annual educational and performance event. RPYO Plays Alone. Bach/Stokowski: Komm’ Su[{cc}{88}]sser Tod. Wagner: Prelude to Die Meistersinger. RPYO and RPO Plays Together. Smetana: The Moldau.Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 4. Held March 6, 4pm at the RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl.org/ events/rpyo-rpo-side-by-side/ Cirque International: With their artistic interpretations of the world’s greatest acrobatic skills, Cirque du Soleil changed the landscape of Cirque-style productions. With sold-out shows worldwide, Cirque du Soleil soon became the world leader in this style of presentation. This wonderful show features an international line-up of some of the world’s finest acrobats, gymnasts, and aerial artists in an enchanting and mesmerizing spectacle of entertainment. Cirque International is perfect for the entire family as it brings to the stage breathtaking excitement in a magnificent extravaganza that will leave you spellbound. Held March 12, 8pm at the RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl.org/ events/cirque-international/ RENT 25th Anniversary Farewell Tour - For a quarter of a century, Jonathan Larson’s RENT has inspired us to choose love over fear and to live without regret. This Tony Award and Pulitzer Prizewinning phenomenon follows a year in the lives of a diverse group of artists and friends struggling to follow their dreams without selling out. It has become more than a musical it’s a cultural touchstone, a rite of passage and a source of joy and strength for millions. RENT has become a part of us forever. March 7th & 8th, 7:30pm, RBTL’s Auditorium Theatre, 885 East Main Street, Rochester. https://www.rbtl.org/ events/rent/

American Red Cross Blood Drive - Wednesday, March 9, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., St. Dominics Parish Center, 97 West Main St., Shortsville. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross. org. VICTOR
American Red Cross Blood Drive: Thursday, March 10, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., Victor Town Hall, 85 East Main St., Victor. Participants must be ages 17 or older; 16 with parental consent and bring ID. For information: redcross.org.
Henrietta Ol’ Henries 21st Annual Scramble Golf Tournament - Saturday, May 21st, 2022 at the Victor Hills Golf Course. Registration deadline May 13th. $85 per Golfer. 9:30am Registration, 10am Tee Time. Dinner at 4pm (ish). Includes 18 holes, cart, lunch at the turn, refreshments and our usual bevy of door prizes. For more information contact Greg Wood 585-202-2204 or Dean Marshall at 585-532-8875.
Saint Patrick may have not been Irish, but millions of other people are. According to the travel resource WalletHub and the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data, 33.3 million people in the United States claim Irish ancestry. That’s around seven times greater than the entire population of Ireland. The fi rst St. Patrick’s Day parade took place in Boston in 1737, and New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade is perhaps the largest and best-known parade for Saint Patrick. What’s more, Saint Patrick’s given name wasn’t Patrick. His “real” (Brythonic) name was Maewyn Succat, according to Irish legend. But Maewyn Succat Day just doesn’t have the same ring to it as St. Patrick’s Day.
Friday Fish Fry! Francis M. Dalton American Legion Post #282, 2475 Rt. 65, West Bloomfield. January 7th - April 8th, 4:30 - 7pm or until gone. Call Ahead after 3PM 585-582-1024. Take Out or Dine In. Large Breaded Fish Fry** $13. Half Fish Fry** $7. Broiled** $14. Chicken Fingers $5. Chicken Fingers w/Fries $7. Soup “Chowder” Cup $5. Soup “Chowder” Bowl $6. **Comes with fries, coleslaw, roll, tartar sauce. Donations to Benefit American Legion Post 282.
Breakfast Buffet - Join us on Sunday, March 13th, 7:30-11:00 AM at the Lima Legion Post 282. 2475 State Route 65, West Bloomfield. $10 Adults, $6 Ages 8-12, 7 & under Free. Enjoy delicious scrambled eggs, home fries, French toast, bacon, sausage, pastries, fruit, juice & coffee. Take outs available. Everyone welcome.
Attention: All Singers!! The Canaltown Chorale will begin rehearsals Tuesday, March 15, 6:45PM with registration for the new season. Rehearsals held Tuesday evenings 7-9PM at United Church of Marion, 3848 N. Main Street, Marion (right side door entrance). Auditions not required but some choral experience is helpful. Tenor and bass voices are especially needed; all voices welcome! Anyone interested in joining this SATB chorale is invited to attend the March rehearsals. Registration fee of $10 is required as is proof of COVID vaccines. All CDC guidelines will be followed. Information: Barb VanDelinder 315-597-9558, General Manager/ Debbie Holloway 585-752-6891 the Canaltown Chorale page on Facebook.
One kind word can warm three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
GUILT-FREE WAY TO TAME CHOCOLATE CRAVINGS Guilt-Free Banana Chocolate Smoothie Makes 4 1-cup servings 11/2 cups chocolate soy milk 3 ounces chopped dark chocolate 3 tablespoons cocoa powder, preferably Dutch-processed 2 tablespoons bee pollen 2 tablespoons fl axseed oil 2 cups sliced banana 1 cup chocolate frozen yogurt 2 tablespoons shaved chocolate for garnish (optional)
Combine soy milk, chopped chocolate, cocoa powder, bee pollen, fl axseed oil, and banana in a blender or smoothie maker. Blend on high speed for 45 seconds or until mixture is puréed and smooth. Add frozen yogurt, and blend on high speed again until mixture is smooth. Serve immediately, garnished with chocolate shavings, if desired.