VICTOR:6382Lambert St. sumMills)5/20(9am-4pm)MOVING SALE,Everythingmustgo!lotsof goodstuff.
RUMMAGESALE: The Colony Caregiver’sFundraiserFriday,May 19th(9-5pm)andSaturday,May 20th(9-2pm)attheAmericanLegionPost34,1513Palmyra Road,Route21,Shortsville,NY. DropOffMay17th(9-7pm)& 18th(9-5pm).NoClothes!Variety ofitems,somethingforeveryone. Pleasecall585-289-6353tovolunteerortomakearrangements forpickup.
SALE: AshwoodStreet(off ScottsvilleRoad,RollingAcres Subdivision)Wheatland.May 19th&20th(9-4pm). Householdgoods,furniture, crafts,kitchensupplies,home schoolmaterials,antiques, toolsconstructionitems,gardentools,lawnmowers.
May-Day is never allowed to pass in this community without profuse lamentations over the tardiness of our spring as compared with that of England and the poets.
~ Thomas Wentworth Higginson, “April Days,” 1861
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Parts unknown: Moms who love to travel and experience other cultures would certainly appreciate a trip abroad or a domestic getaway to a region of the country they have yet to explore. Before booking any such trips, speak to your Mom and ask if there’s anywhere in particular she’d like to go. Such trips can be expensive, so adults might want to speak to their siblings and finance such an excursion together.
While Mother’s Day traditions have changed since Jarvis first proposed the holiday, many people feel it’s customary to give mothers gifts on Mother’s Day, when moms take the day off from chores and relax with their families. Flowers make for popular Mother’s Day gifts, and wellwishers who want to give the special women in their lives flowers this year can consider a host of varieties.
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5810 Goodale Rd., Canandaigua Call 585-394-4722
* In 1907, an ad campaign for Kellogg’s Corn Flakes offered a free box of cereal to any woman who would wink at her grocer. (By Lucie Winborne)
* My mom was dealing with a rough health patch recently, and my dad was in charge of all her doctor visits. There was a lot of follow-up to keep track of, and many different doctors. He used a wallet-size photo holder to corral all the different appointment cards to put them in order of appointment. He really did a great job, and Mom’s all better now.
-- Y.R. in Ohio
* A fast, cheap and effective treatment for leg cramps is drinking a little bit of pickle juice. I’m not sure if it’s the vinegar or the combination of vinegar and salt, but it works -- and fast! My grandpa told me about this, and recently I have seen it in magazine articles and on television shows. Nothing fancy, just take a big slug of the juice at the very first sign of a cramp. -- E.E. in Maine
Circulation Manager
Members of:
* Here’s a tip for brides: For the couple of weeks before your wedding, wear your wedding shoes around the house several times a week. This breaks them in, and you will be more comfortable with all the standing and dancing on your special day!
* I think cleaning wipes are so very handy, but they can be quite expensive. To make my own, I add cleaner to baby wipes, right in the container. I don’t have babies in the house, but I do mark the container well so that nobody would use it for his or her skin. They work well for me.
-- via email
* To thread a needle, run the tip of your finger and thumb over a stick of lip balm, then roll the end of the thread between your fingers. It keeps the threads together and goes through the eye of the needle much easier.
Josie is a rescue cat. She has been a part of our family for 1.5 years and provides great comfort and joy! She loves to watch the birds from the house windows. She also likes to play fetch with her pink stuffed mouse. We throw the mouse and she always returns it to us. She has a sparky personality and always wants to be the favorite cat in the house.
I’ve read a lot of plant packages saying plants are deer-resistant and then the deer come through during winter and decimate them anyway. How do I know which aredefinitelydeer-resistant?
Although a plant may be marketed as deer-resistant, unfortunately, deer are curious and hungry creatures. Mothers and fawns, especially, are known for their voracity and their tendency to nibble many plants as they move along a landscape. The
result is that a planting of young pawpaws or currants, both marketed as “deer-resistant,” might have all the leaves chewed off overnight. After eating a “deer-resistant” plant, an individual deer may feel sick or realize (after a few big bites) that they don’t like the taste of the leaves. If the plant is small to begin with, it may be already dead after being munched. And there will likely be more, unfamiliar deer that also need totastetheplanttocometothesame conclusion.
The only sure-fire solution is to use netting while the plants are small. Some have suggested planting allium crops around young plantings, as deer don’t like the smell. But, I think physically blocking the plants from deer will workbest.If youareabletogrowthe “deer-resistant” plant out to a large
enough size — perennials usually reach this stage around 2 or 3 years –you can let deer graze on it and learn theirlessonwithoutworryingthatthe plant will die from its leaves getting eatenoff.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 55-year-old perimenopausal woman who developed asthma a few years ago. My symptoms always start right before my menstrual cycle. My doctor ruled out allergies as the cause. I used to get colds and sinus infections premenstrually in my younger years. Most medical practitioners don’t see the correlation between hormones and respiratory symptoms. I sometimes take 10 mg of prednisone when I’m wheezing more than usual, and it seems to help. Is this dose putting me at risk for diabetes if taken regularly? -- B.S.
ANSWER: Perimenstrual asthma is a wellrecognized condition that is nevertheless not well-known by most nonexperts. It is less likely to be caused by allergies and more likely to be aspirin-sensitive -- meaning that aspirin, or other anti-inflammatory drugs (like ibuprofen) commonly taken by women during menstruation, can trigger an asthma attack. Maybe a quarter of women with asthma have perimenstrual asthma. As you say, it is thought to be the hormone changes around menstruation that trigger the asthma.
Oral contraceptives used continuously prevent large changes in progesterone and estradiol, and may be helpful in managing perimenstrual asthma. Although I didn’t find a lot about it in literature, I suspect that when your periods stop, your asthma symptoms will get better.
Increased medication at the time of menses is frequently needed. However, because prednisone, even at the fairly small dose of 10 mg, does increase risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, glaucoma, cataracts and many other conditions, oral prednisone is not my first choice for medication in this situation.
Inhaled steroids would be one choice, but they take a while to begin working. One recommended treatment is the oral medicine montelukast (Singulair), which has been proven effective in a small study and starts working right away.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Healthy kidneys are something many people take for granted. But those who want to do everything they can to keep their kidneys healthy can consider the following tips.
• Stay hydrated, but avoid overhydration. Adequate hydration definitely promotes healthy kidneys. But overhydrating has not been proven to enhance kidney function. Adults should drink between four and six glasses of water per day.
• Exercise. Regular exercise benefits various parts of the human body, including the kidneys. High blood pressure and diabetes are two of the biggest risk factors for kidney disease, and regular exercise can reduce a person’s risk of both conditions. However, overexertion can strain the kidneys, so avoid going too hard.
• Speak with a physician before taking vitamin supplements or herbal remedies. Excessive supplementation can harm the kidneys. Discuss any supplements or herbals remedies with a physician before taking them.
• Quit smoking. Smoking decreases the blood flow in the kidneys, decreasing their ability to function at optimal capacity. Smoking also increases a person’s risk of high blood pressure and cancer of the kidneys.
• Eat healthy. A healthy diet decreases a person’s risk for high blood pressure and diabetes. Adhering to a healthy diet and controlling portion sizes can help control weight and blood pressure and contribute to healthy kidneys as well.
• Get screened. Adults who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes should make sure their physicians screen for kidney dysfunction during routine appointments.
Allens Hill Free Library
3818 County Road 40, Bloomfield
Tues. 6-8pm; Wed. 3-6:30pm; Fri. 2:30-8pm; Sat. 1-4pm
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon. 2-7pm; Tues. 10am-7pm; Wed. 2-7pm; Thurs. 10am-7pm; Fri. 2-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat.: 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
WEAR A BASE LAYER. A thin T-shirt is a must as a base layer, better if it is made of fabric that wicks away moisture. There are even some that are made to be water repellent and stain resistant with anti-odor properties for those in warmer climes. Since this is the layer that is in direct contact with your skin, you want something that will allow moisture to escape as you sweat.
Outdoor FamilyStoryTime:Mondays, May8-22|10:30AM|forthefamily| noregistrationrequired
BabyStoryTime:Tuesdays,May9-30 |11:30AM|forbabies|registration required
MuffinswithMomStoryTime:Saturday,May13|10:30AM|forkids| registrationrequired
AuthorVisitwithFrancescaPadilla: Monday,May15|6:30PM|forteens &adults|registrationrequired
TweenMakers:Thursday,May18| 4:15PM|fortweens|registration required
EatingAwayattheClimateCrisis: Saturday,May20|10:30AM|for adults|registrationrequired EnjoyNorthernCroatiawithLove: Sunday,May21|2PM|foradults| registrationrequired
TeenCraftShrinkyDinkKeychains: Tuesday,May23|4PM|forteens| registrationrequired
VictorFarmingtonLibrary: Ongoing Programs:
Mondays2-4PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!
11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays6:00PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library WalkersExplorelocaltrails, neighborhoodsandparksbyfoot.
Wednesdays10AM-1PM:Basic ComputerSkillsforAdults*Oneon-onehelpwithyourtechnology questions.
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Tuesday5/16/2023:12:00PMButtons,Buttons,Buttons!*Jointhe RochesterButtonGuildforafun button-relatedcraftproject.
Wednesday5/176:30PMRochester’sBestKeptSecret:Unveiling theMightyWurlitzerOrgan*Witnessthehistoryandsoundsof Rochester’sMightyWurlitzerOrgan.
Thursday5/181:00PMeBayWorkingGroup*:Sellers,learntolist similaritemswithdifferent characteristics/pricesinonelisting.
Wednesday5/186:00PM: Cardmaking:20Cardsfor$20*
Thursday5/256:00PM:BikepackingAdventureswithDave Schenck* *Visitwww. victorfarmingtonlibrary.orgfor moreinfoandtoregister.
According to KidsHealth.org, more than one-third of child injuries and deaths happen at home. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that most incidents at home occur where there is water, such as in the bathroom or kitchen; heat or flame, like in the kitchen or around the grill; toxic substances, like those found in medicine cabinets or beneath kitchen sinks; and in places where kids can fall, such as on staircases.
SaveTheDate:August11,2023. 31st AvonAlumniBanquet HostedbytheClassof1973.The banquetisforallgraduatesofAvon CentralandtoclassmatesthatattendedSt.AgnesSchool(Avon). Thiswillalsobethe50threunion forclassof73.Classof63,thisis your60th,classof83,your40th andclassof93your30th.The reunionisallplanned,sogetyour classmatestogetherandcatchup witholdfriends.Togetacopyof theinvitationorformoreinformationpleaseemail:slane@rochester. rr.com.
ScrapMetalDrive to benefitSt. AgnesSchool.HeldSaturday,May 13th9am-1pm,St.AgnesChurch ParkingLot,96ProspectSt.,Avon. Examplesofaccetpeditems:Appliances,ACunits(freondrained), bikes,carbatteries,Christmas lights,hotwaterheaters,exercise equipment,microwaves,lawn mowers(fluidsdrained),potsand pans,silverware,tools,etc.NO ELECTRONICS,KEGS,ORFLUIDS OFANYKIND.Seeour”Commonly Accepted”and”Unwanted”items listonourFacebookpage:www. facebook.com/stagnesavon.We willhavevolunteersavailableto helpunloaditems.Formoreinformation,visitStAgnesAvon.org orcall585-226-8500.
CommunityBreakfast- A Community Breakfastisheldon 4thSaturdaysfrom8:30-10am.All arewelcomeforfoodandfellowship.Afreewillofferingis accepted.EastBloomfieldUnited MethodistChurchat2ParkPlacein Bloomfield.http://www. eastbloomfieldumc.org
TheBloomfieldGardenClubs 49th AnnualPlantSale willbe heldonSaturday,May20from 9AMto1PMattheBloomfield HistoricalAcademyBldg.8South Ave.,Bloomfield.Thesalefeatures annuals,hangingbasketsandour homegrownperennials.Proceeds supportourmanycharitableand gardeningprojects.Thepublicis invited.Formoreinformation,contactLaurieO’Mara585-406-3457.
HeavenlyTreasuresRummage Sale - Th,June1(9am-2pm);Fr, June2,(9am-2pm);Sat,June3 (9am-noon),bagsaleandyouth bakesale.Somethingforeveryone! Wealwayshavemanygreattreasures!Allproceedswillbenefitthe ministryofourChurch.Bringing yourownbagsishelpful.East BloomfieldUnitedMethodist Church,2ParkPlace,Bloomfield. http://www.eastbloomfieldumc.org
NearlyNewSale at Unitarian UniversalistChurchonSaturday, May20thfrom9am-2pmat3024 CooleyRd.,Canandaigua.
PastelPaintingWorkshop: Working FromPhotos withMary Padgette,PSA-TheOntario CountyArtsCouncilannouncesa pastelpaintingworkshopwithrenownedartistandworkshop instructor,MaryPadgett,PSA.For allskilllevels.Friday,June2nd, 1-5pmandSaturday,June3,105pm,WestLakeRoadSchool House,3660Co.Rd16, Canandaigua.Workshopis$250 forOntarioCountyArtsCouncil membersand$300fornonmembers,refundableuptoten dayspriortotheevent.Register on-line-ocarts.org.Moreinformationandamaterialslistare availablethroughtheArtsCouncil website,orbycontactingworkshop chairmanNealH.Allenat nallenfap@gmail.com.Mary’sartist statementandbio:https://www. marypadgett.com/.
UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
Mother’sDaySpecial: Tell your momhowmuchyouloveheras youstrollthenineformalgardens andwalkthroughthehistoricmansionandgreenhouses.Sunday, May14,9:30-4:30pm,Sonnenberg Gardens&MansionStateHistoric Park,250GibsonSt.,Canandaigua. AllMom’sgetinfor$5.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
Father’sDayCarShow- Celebrate Dadwithclassiccars!Food, flowers&funforthewholefamily. Signuponlinetoshowoffyour wheels!June18,11-4:30pm,SonnenbergGardens&MansionState HistoricPark,250GibsonStreet, Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
AARPMeeting: Come joinusas wemeetthe3rdTuesdayofevery monthattheSalvationArmyin Canandaiguaat110SaltonstallSt. upstairs(elevator).Newmembers arealwayswelcome.Ournext meetingisonTuesday,May16,at 1PM.Formoreinfo,callKarenat 585-229-2116.
ChickenBBQFundraiser for East BloomfieldUMC.$12mealincludes1/2chicken,saltpotatoes, roll,andchoiceofmacaronisalad orcoleslaw.May28,10:30-4pmin theRunningsparkinglot,3191Co Rd10inCanandaigua.Cateringby Gale-Wyn.
CalledtoCare,Canandaigua Meeting - Monday,May15th, 4-6pm,parishhallatSt.Mary’s Church,95NorthMainStreet, Canandaigua.EricLintala,CommunityEngagementManagerat WorldReliefWesternNY,willoffer aGoodNeighborTeamtraining session.GoodNeighborTeamsare thecaringgroupsof6-10volunteersfromalocalchurch,organizationorcommunitygroupwho willpartnerwithCalledtoCare, CanandaiguaandWorldReliefto walkalongsideanewlyarrived refugeefamily.Allareinvitedto learnmoreaboutthepracticaltasks ofwelcomeandresettlementand howtoempowerfamiliestomove towardsself-sufficiency,while buildingmeaningful,long-lasting relationships.Information:Linda Werts,315-447-0276.
FingerLakesCelticFestival- Presented byFingerLakesCelticSociety.Saturday,May20,9:30am7pm.Newlocation:LincolnHill Farms,3792NY247,Canandaigua. BecomeCelticfortheday(ifyou’re notalready)andenjoyafundayof allthingsCeltic.Eventsinclude: HighlandHeavyGames,BagPiping competition,DanceExhibitions, CelticMusic,Demonstrations,A largeGatheringofScottishClans, Historical&HeritageSocieties,Artisans,KidsActivities,andsomuch more!Admissionfee:Adults$15, Age6-16$13,OverAge62$13 andAge5&underFree.Tickets onlineatwww.lincolnhillsfarm.org. Nopetsplease.ParkingisFree. HeldRainorShine.https://www. facebook.com/Fingerlakesceltic
SportsCardandMemorabilia Show, June 3rdfrom9-3atLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.Hemlock.Greatselection ofbaseball,football,basketball, Pokemon,Yugiohcardsandmore. Sportsmemorabiliaavailableas well.Comeandseewhatyoucan addtoyourcollection.Admission $2.00.
AmericanLegionMother’sDay Breakfast - SundayMay14th, 8:00-11:00.Motherseatfree! Everyoneelse$8withkidsunder5 free.Pancakes,frenchtoast,eggs, sausage,homefries,toast,orange juice,coffeeetc.Sitdownandget servedbytheAmericanLegion Auxiliary.Comeenjoyadelicious breakfastwithyourfamilyand ours.Honeoye-HemlockAmerican LegionPost1278,4931CountyRd 36Honeoye.Thiseventisopento thepublic.Seeyouthere!
Every April, God rewrites the Book of Genesis. ~ Author Unknown
OpenHouseHoneoyeFallsMendon VolunteerAmbulance: CommunityOpenHouseforthe HoneoyeFalls-MendonVolunteer Ambulance.ComeVisitOurFirst RespondersandLearnAboutTheir RoleinOurCommunityonMay21, 1-4pm.
FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup - ExploreETs,UFOs&the Paranormal.Shareyourexperiences withlike-mindedpeople.Saturday, May20,2023:6:00-8:00pm.It’s BigfootNight!GuestSpeaker;inperson:MikeofTacticalBigfoot Research.UnitedMethodistChurch ofLivonia(UMCL),21Summers Street,Livonia.$5.00donationto UMCL.Anextradonationisappreciatedforourspeaker.RSVPsare welcome,butnotrequiredto:Mary Graceviatextorcall: 585-766-9318,www. giftsofgraceministry.org
LeTourneauGolfScramble- Let’s build agymforthemanychildren andyouthwhocometo LeTourneau!Helpraisefundsfor thisprojectbyenjoying18holesof golf!Grabyourfriendsandget yourteamof4andjoinusonJune 9thatReservoirCreekGolfCourse inNaples,NYforourthirdannual 4-persongolfscramble!4-Person Scramble.$100/personor$300/ team.Friday,June9,2023;9am shotgunstart.Registrationisopen untilJune2,2023.Atthatpointit willclosesobothLeTourneauand ReservoirCreekhaveparticipanttotals.
PhelpsCommunityHistoricalSociety -RoadTriptoAuburn!The PCHSinvitesyouonaroadtripto Auburn,NY!MeetatHoweHouse Museum10AMonSaturdayMay20. SitesincludeNYSEqualRightsHeritageCenter,FortHillCemeteryand OldErieCanalHeritagePark.Free admissiontosites,lunchnotincluded. Driveyourownvehicleorcarpooling canbearranged.Toregisterplease contactPCHSofficeat315-548-4940 orhistsoc2@gmail.com
TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s May program isscheduledfor May15at7:00pmintheGates TownHallAnnex,1605Buffalo Road.GaryLarder,Chairmanofthe BoardoftheRochesterRedWings, willdoapresentationwhichwill includethehistoryofprofessional baseballinAmericaandhowRochesterhasmanagedtobepartofit alltheseyears.Thereisnocharge forthisprogramandfacilityis handicappedaccessible.
SIX: From TudorQueenstoPop Icons,theSIXwivesofHenryVIII takethemicrophonetoremixfive hundredyearsofhistorical heartbreakintoaEuphoricCelebrationof21stcenturygirlpower!This neworiginalmusicalistheglobal sensationthateveryoneislosing theirheadover!Featuringanallwomancastandall-womanband! TheSIX:LIVEONOPENINGNIGHT BroadwayalbumdebutedatNumber1ontheBillboardcastalbum chartsandsurpassed6Million streamsinitsfirstmonth.Ages 12+.May16-21,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885EastMainSt., Rochester.https://rbtl.org/events/ six/
NCADD-RA2023Annual Luncheon: The NationalCouncil onAlcoholismandDrug Dependence-RochesterArea’s (NCADD-RA)AnnualLuncheonWednesday,May24,11:30-2pm, DoubleTreebyHiltoninRochester. KeynotespeakerKevinMcCauley, M.D.,wroteanddirectedtwofilms “MemotoSelf”and“Pleasure Unwoven”abouttheneuroscience ofaddictionwhichwonthe2010 MichaelQ.FordAwardforJournalismfromtheNationalAssociation ofAddictionTreatmentProviders. HeisaseniorfellowatTheMeadowsofWickenburg,Arizonaandis currentlyagraduatestudentatthe UniversityofArizonaSchoolof PublicHealth.Information/register: ElaineAlvarado(585)719-3481or ealvarado@depaul.org.https:// ncadd-ra.org/events-trainings/ ncadd-ra-annual-luncheon/toregisteronline.
ShortsvilleRailroadStationMuseum OpenHouse: TheLehigh ValleyRailroadHistoricalSociety StationMuseumat8EastHigh StreetinShortsvillewillbeopento thepubliconSunday,May21. Hourswillbe1:00p.m.to3:00 p.m.Alargecollectionofhistorical artifactsfromtheLehighValley Railroadisondisplayatthemuseum.Thegiftshopwillbeopen. Admissionisfree;donationsare welcome.Formoreinformation, visitwww.lvrrhs.orgorcall 585-289-9149.
HikeGeneseeValleyGorgeand Mt. MorrisDam- Hike&Explore theGeneseeValleyGorgeandMt MorrisDamonSunday,May14 from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails.Visitthewebsite: springwatertrails.orgforadditional information/directions/updates
HenriettaOl’Henries22ndAnnual ScrambleGolfTournament - Saturday,May20th,2023atthe VictorHillsGolfCourse.RegistrationdeadlineMay13th.$85per Golfer.9:30amRegistration,10am TeeTime.Dinnerat4pm(ish). Includes18holes,cart,lunchatthe turn,refreshmentsandourusual bevyofdoorprizes.FormoreinformationcontactGregWood 585-202-2204orDeanMarshallat 585-532-8875.
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Thursday, June1-American RedCrossBloodDrive:2p.m.to7 p.m.,WillowbrookChristian Church,619HighSt.,Victor. Participantsmustbeages17or older;16withparentalconsentand bringID.Forinformation:redcross. org.
AttentionClassmatesofWebster H.W.SchroederHighSchool CLASSOF1973-Worktocomplete our50threuniongettogetherfor July15,2023isunderway.Additionalinformationtobeposted soon.Emailusat HWSclassof1973@gmail.comorrefertotheHWSchroderClassof’73 50ReuniononFacebookforadditionalinformation.Pleasepassthis ontofellowclassmatesyouassociatewithorknowwholiveelsewhere.
Hundreds of thousands of new businesses are started each month, with Yahoo! reporting that about 543,000 entrepreneurs open a business in a typical month.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
BreakfastBuffet: Sunday,May 14th,7:30-11:00AMattheLima LegionPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.$10Adults; $6Ages8-12;7&underFree. Scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice&coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.
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Female entrepreneurs are on the rise. A 2017 report from American Express found that female entrepreneurship grew by 114 percent between 1997 and 2017.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have so many thoughts a er reading the letter from the woman with the shared driveway whose neighbor leaves her dog’s poop on her side.
I’m of the opinion that life would be more enjoyable if people learned to meet others where they are. e dog owner clearly doesn’t want to pick up her dog’s poop, and I don’t think checking with an HOA or municipal ordinance will change that. Maybe she has mobility issues. e writer says she and her neighbor “get along ne,” and there’s a LOT to be said for that. If I were her, I would simply buy poop bags and clean up a er the dog. If the neighbor sees her and says something, I would say: “I’ve asked that you pick up a er your dog, but I don’t want that to become a big issue between us because we get along so well. Your friendship means more to me than my taking a few minutes to clean up the driveway.” -- Susan W., via email
another reader shares their advice:
I have had this issue several times in the past. I have successfully resolved this issue every time it has come up.
I used a new tool to solve it -- the power of social media. My solution was simple: When I observed an individual allowing their canine to defecate on my property, I announced loudly from my front door that if they did not clean it up, I would locate their property and defecate on theirs as well. I made the same announcement on the neighborhood’s Facebook page.
Aside from the occasional beer can thrown out of a vehicle full of teenagers, we have been at peace. -- Zack in Murieta North
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
On the other hand, I don’t understand the enthusiasm for everything in the antique shop that Grandma threw out. There, the sense of quality has declined; otherwise Grandma wouldn’t have thrown it out. ~Arne Jacobsen
will sell at Public Auction for CREDIT ONLY all the personal property stored by the following: Sheilla Stone-M11.
e Auction will take place at 12:00 PM, Friday, May 26, 2023. e sale shall be held online at www.StorageTreasures.com.
Facility O ce: 21 Norton St., Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
e Town of Canadice is soliciting proposals for the parking lot replacement at the Town Hall and Town Court facilities 5949 County Rd 37, Springwater, NY 14560. Visit the Town’s website to download RFP documents. All pertinent and required data is indicated on the website at: www.canadice.org
Bids are due no later than 4:00pm, June 7, 2023
* On May 18, 1917, six weeks after the United States formally entered World War I, Congress passes the Selective Service Act, giving the president the power to draft soldiers. Of the almost 4.8 million Americans who served in the war, some 2.8 million were drafted.
* On May 20, 1506, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus dies in Spain. Columbus, and most others, underestimated the world’s size, calculating that East Asia must lie about where North America sits on the globe.
* On May 24, 1844, before members of Congress, American inventor Samuel F.B. Morse dispatches a telegraph message from the U.S. Capitol to a railroad station in Baltimore.The message -- “What Hath God Wrought?” -- was telegraphed back to the Capitol a moment later.
Parents who want to encourage their children to volunteer may find their efforts at doing so are more convincing if they volunteer themselves. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Adolescence examined the effects that parents who volunteer and talk about volunteering have on children. Researchers found that the children of volunteers were 27 percent more likely to volunteer than children whose parents did not volunteer. In addition, adolescents were 47 percent more likely to volunteer when their parents volunteered and talked about volunteering with their children.
By Fifi Rodriguez1. MOVIES: Which animated movie includes the line, “Fish are friends, not food”?
2. TELEVISION: What is the name of the “Sesame Street” Muppet who lives in a trashcan?
3. GEOGRAPHY: What is the largest country geographically in Africa?
4. ANATOMY: What is complete heterochromia?
5. U.S. STATES: Which two states don’t recognize Daylight Savings Time?
6. LITERATURE: Which best-selling novel (1989) is set in Clanton, Mississippi?
7. FOOD & DRINK: What is the national dish of Spain?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of leopards called?
9. HISTORY: Which two Greek citystates fought the Peloponnesian War?
10. AD SLOGANS: Which company once urged customers to “reach out and touch someone” by telephone?
Yield: 12 squares
1 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup reduced-fat peanut butter
3/4 cup raisins
8 cups air-popped popcorn nonstick cooking spray
In large saucepan, combine corn syrup, sugar, brown sugar and peanut butter.
Bring to boil over low heat, stirring constantly; boil 2-3 minutes. Remove saucepan from heat.
In large bowl, combine raisins and popcorn; pour hot mixture over popcorn and toss carefully with wooden spoons until well-coated. Spray 9-by-13 inch baking dish with cooking spray; press popcorn mixture into pan and cool completely.
Cut into squares and serve.
Mulching can benefit plants around a property in various ways. Many people lay mulch because the mulch helps soil retain moisture in the summer, when temperatures tend to be at their hottest. This can help plants survive summer heat waves.
Mulch also can be used to suppress weeds. Weeds, which steal moisture plants need to build strong roots and survive summer, need light to grow. When laid correctly, mulch deprives weeds of the light they need to grow. Organic mulches can even provide homes for crickets and a type of beetle that feed on weed seeds.
Mulch also can deter harmful pests depending on the type of mulch homeowners choose. When purchasing mulch, homeowners will have to choose between the aforementioned organic mulch or man-made mulches, which may be made of plastic or rubber. While man-made mulches may repel pests, they also can have adverse effects. Plastic, for example, can heat up in the summer and cause plants to burn. Certain organic mulches can repel insects that can threaten plants. That’s because the majority of organic mulches increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in the soil, and they also increase the presence of helpful insects that do not pose a threat to plant life. Those helpful insects help keep harmful insects at bay. Compost is a type of organic mulch that may attract harmful insects. While that does not mean homeowners should shy away from using compost as mulch, they should know that they may need to employ organic insecticides to combat their unwanted guests.
“Oak trees come out of acorns, no matter how unlikely that seems. An acorn is just a tree’s way back into the ground. For another try. Another trip through. One life for another.”
- Shirley Ann GrauCurled, cracked or missing shingles may prove troublesome. Inclement weather can test the strength of even the most durable roofs. Even though many roofs are designed to last up to 30 years, some may need to be replaced early, particularly when they have been exposed to harsh weather over a period of years. Individual shingles can be replaced as spot treatments, but if the damage is widespread, a new roof may be necessary.
Find your worship times here on the Worship Page.
Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community
St. Mary’s, Honeoye and St. Matthew, Livonia
www.stsmaryandmatthew.com • Rev. William Laird
9am Daily Masses - Mon. & Wed. St. Matthew, Tues. & urs. St. Mary’s
Weekend Schedule:
Saturdays - 3:30pm Reconciliation and 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew
Sundays - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew
St. Agnes, St. Rose, St. Paul of the Cross
saintagnespaulrose.org • 226-2100
Saturday: 4pm at St. Agnes in Avon
Sunday: 8am at St. Rose in Lima
Sunday: 9:45am at St. Paul of the Cross in Honeoye Falls
Sunday: 11:30am at St. Agnes in Avon
Christian Science Church
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM
Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church
Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
First Congregational Church of Canandaigua
We’re a Di erent Kind of Church! • All Are Welcome!
Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen, Pastor
IN-PERSON WORSHIP: 58 N. Main St., Canandaigua
LIVESTREAM: www.canandaiguachurch.org • 585-394-2184
St. John’s Lutheran Church LCMS
153 Church Ave., Farmington • 315-986-3045 • www.pumpkinhook.org
Pastor Robert Weidmayer
Wednesdays 7:00pm live/streaming
Sundays 9:45am live/streaming (8:30am Sunday School) www.facebook.com/pumpkinhook
St. Mark Lutheran Church (Mendon) - LCMS
18 Victor-Mendon Road, Rte. 251, (east of Rte. 64) • 624-1766
Pastor Brian K. Smith www.stmarkmendon.org
Sunday 9am Services in person and streamed on Facebook Live (facebook.com/stmarkmendon)
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany LCMS
6050 East Avon-Lima Rd. (Rt. 5 & 20), E. Avon • 226-2200
Pastor Clayton Zuber
Facebook: epiphanyavon • Handicap Accessible
Sunday Worship and Sunday School 10:30am
Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church
31 East Street, Honeoye Falls • 585-624-3387
honeoyefallsumc.org • o ce.hfumc@gmail.com
Pastor Christine Mitchell • PastorChrisMitchell.UMC@gmail.com
Sunday Service is held in person at 10:30am and available on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/HoneoyeFallsUMC. Come as you are, all are welcomed.
Vine Valley Methodist Church
6370 Vine Valley Road, Middlesex 585-554-0402
Pastor J. Lanni
Sunday Worship – 9:15am
Finger Lakes Bible Church
Barry Slater, Pastor “Building Lives on God’s Word” FLCC, Canandaigua Campus, Room 2302
Worship: Sunday 9:45am • Bible Study: Wednesday 6:45pm (online only) 585-622-7161 • bcnys@gmail.com • FingerLakesBibleChurch.org
Faith Bible Church
9041 West 20A, Honeoye • 367-3230
Pastor John Karle
Sunday School 10am • Service 11am
Sunday Evening Services 6pm
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.
John Calvin Presbyterian Church
50 Ward Hill Rd., Henrietta, NY • 585-334-2130
www.jcpconthehill.org • johncalvinpc@frontiernet.net
In-person Worship Services Sun. 10am. Select Sunday services are available on our website. Live services are available via Zoom most Sundays. We are a small church with a big heart. We hope you will come and join us.
Farmington Friends Meeting
A Quaker Worship Community
187 County Road 8 • Farmington, NY 14425
Sunday Meetings for Worship
Unprogrammed Worship 8:30 a.m. • Programmed Worship 11:00 a.m. 315.986.5559 • www.farmingtonfriendsquakermeeting.com
Professional Pest Control Services
Spring Special - What’s Bugging You?
Bees, Ants, Stinkbugs, Spiders and Boxelders plus tax
Includes 9-month warranty. If you experience issues from these pests during the warrantied 9 months, we come back FREE of charge
Philodendron: Philodendron are easy to care for and hearty. While not fatal, a bite of philodendron can irritate the skin and cause nausea and swelling of the mouth, throat andtongue.SimilareffectsoccurwithPothos,anorthercommonandheartyhouseplant.
Rather than rushing to the store each time your family decides what’s for dinner, try keeping your pantry stocked with non-perishables that are often necessary in a variety of meals. (Family Features)
SEASONINGS AND SPICES (salt, pepper, dried herbs, cumin, chili powder, paprika, onion powder, etc.)
CANNED GOODS (tomatoes, beans, corn, broth, cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, etc.)
GRAINS (flour, pastas, breadcrumbs, rolled oats, instant rice, etc.)
CONDIMENTS AND OILS (olive oil, canola oil, ketchup, mustard, vinegars, barbecue sauce, butter, cooking wines, etc.)
CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS. All white. Used. Fairport: 585-354-8339
BOOKS - Art Books, some instructional, some famous artists’ paintings, Encyclopedias, some children’s books. You pick up. Call for info: 585-728-5316
DIESEL BUS ENGINE, already taken out of bus. Pick up only: sbly5722@gmail.com
Four boxes of OLD CAR MAGAZINES, DIRT BIKE MAGAZINES and HUNTING MAGAZINES going back to at least 1981. You pick up: 585-329-5631
HP PRINTER - Laser Jet 1320 (no cartridge). May work but have no time to fool with it: 585-346-3829
BROTHER PRINTER, corporate quality with new laser cartridges - TN431, TN433, TN436. Touch screen needs adjustment. Very high-quality print and copy: aelaine636@gmail.com
SERESTO FLEA and TICK COLLAR - large dog. just in time for tick season: enaginny@gmail.com
HOLLISTER NEW IMAGE FLEXTEND SKIN BARRIER; 2-pc ostomy skin barrier, convex, tape. #14904 Green 1 3/4”/pre-sized 1”; 23 boxes, 5 ostomy barriers in each box: 585-226-8887
WEBER GRILL owner’s kit, very good condition, double doors, hardly used, tank storage, sturdy cover, battery ignition starter: 585-202-1639
ORGAN MUSIC BOOKS: Seven books of organ music. (Wedding, preludes and Postludes, Christmas Solos, Miscellaneous organ solos). Bob8lin13@yahoo.com
COMPUTER DESK, 5’x2’x30” with slide out drawers for printer, file cabinet and keyboard shelf. 42” PLASMA TV with glass stand shelf: 585-410-2808
Two NEW DIAMOND PAINTING KITS. You do them. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
COMPLETED DIAMOND PAINTINGS - Multicolored Marilyn Monroe and a kitten. Pick up, Batavia. Text only: 845-309-9373
Perry, take notice, found the HOSPITAL BED HEADBOARD: 585-658-3188
55” PANASONIC FLATSCREEN TV. Works great! whitelily1@twc.com
Beauty rest Elite QUEEN MATTRESS, fair condition. PATIO TABLE and CHAIR SET You pick up: 585-554-6793
TREADMILL in good shape. Only needs a switch to get it going. You move: 585-538-9508
Seeking DIRT BIKES, ATVs or GO-KARTS for father son project. Will pick up, call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
In need of a FOLDING GROCERY CART for a new refugee family: 716-430-2876
FLATSCREEN TV, any size. In good working condition: 585-867-3355
RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition: 585-415-8513
Used/New SUV in good working condition for retired couple to transport the elderly to appointments and errands: 585-398-7626
TWIN SIZE BED in good condition. Needed for elderly couple. Call or text: 585-719-7866
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
9” or 10” straight edge, GLASS PIE DISH: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Large MOVING BOXES. Deliver in ER: stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
BB RIFLE. Must work. Fairport: 585-354-8339
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
DIRECT VENT NATURAL GAS HEATER for a basement: 585-208-9784
Gently used WOMEN’S MOUNTAIN BIKE to have fun with my kids: 585-260-2610
TELESCOPE: stujaxon@yahoo.com
WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Will pick up. Please call or text Matt: 315-576-1278. Thank you.
A collection of POP TABS for crafts, colored or silver of any type, shape, or size: junkbox232@gmail.com
Old SIDEWALK SLATE for garden path in Canandaigua. Will happily pick up! Please leave a text message: (585) 315-9160
RIDING LAWN MOWER in good condition and a pair of WOMEN’S WHITE SHOES, preferably size 9-1/2 to 10W: 585-346-9777
Any condition. Will pick up. Avid collector. Text: 585-260-0437
A TRAILER to haul my mower on. Can pick up. Thanks & God Bless! 585-260-0437
PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE. Plain sewing for quilts. Older is fine. WORKS! christinaplaton20@gmail.com
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, Test equipment, speakers, meters, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, TVs: greg3151@ymail.com
Large BIRD CAGE: 585-485-9663
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age. ~ Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Rosemary was a woman at a receptionist desk in a waiting room adjacent to the surgical area at Rochester General Hospital. I had accompanied my wife to this surgical area about 1PM a week back. After she was checked in for surgery I went to the waiting room. About 1 1/2 hours went by and I got nervous since I did not know anything. I asked Rosemary as she was about to leave work if she could get me any information on my wife as it was now 2:30PM. She made a call and all she could find out was that my wife was taken in for surgery a little over 1 hour 15 minutes prior. She could tell that I was very nervous. She stated she would make another call to see if a message via phone could advise of how surgery was going and when it might be done. She then stated that she would not leave until a call came back. That call came back at 3:30PM. Rosemary found out that surgery was going well and would be done within 2 hours. As Rosemary left she gave me two free passes for valet parking.
The beautiful Historic business sections of our villages in [local county] are NOT ashtrays! For those who continue to smoke and crush you butts on the sidewalk and walk away, PLEASE STOP. This is littering plain and simple. Crush it out, pick it up and wait until you find a proper waste receptical.
It never ceases to amaze me how some sports coaches do not have a transparent process that is fair and based on prior performance (goals, batting average, runs, TD’s, tackles, etc). If a player is close friends with the coach, they are almost a “shoe in” to make the team. Also, why is it that the coach’s son (no matter their level of skill) always makes the team? As a parent who has multiple children that are all good athletes and starters in multiple sports in high school and college, I’m frustrated having observed numerous acts of favoritism, which leaves good character athletes on the bench or off a team. Especially disappointing is watching senior athletes in high school sit the bench as coaches play freshman or sophomore players. It’s unfair to constantly sit a senior who will soon graduate and never have the chance to play in high school again. It would be nice to see more transparent, communicative, and equitable player selection and give all players an opportunity to play.
If you are going to post an item for free and only use an email address, please have the courtesy to reply, even if the item has already been claimed. Some people may receive the Pennysaver sooner than others, so the item may already be gone when you see the ad. That is fine, but it only takes the same few minutes to respond as it took to put the ad in. I was very interested in an item and responded more than once, but never received an answer. Thank you.
* On May 14, 1999, President Bill Clinton apologizes directly to Chinese President Jiang Zemin on the phone for the accidental NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade,Yugoslavia. China refused Clinton’s calls for four days and banned American films and music in protest.
AsArmedForcesDayapproaches(May20ththisyear), I didn’t have to think hard to nd an extraordinary service member to feature in this column. Kyle Soliz is my cousin, and the daughter and niece of Army veterans. She is now serving her third deployment, this time in Iraq, and all of us are so proud of who she is and all that she has accomplished. Even as she nears Army retirement, we know she will go far, helping people and making the world a better place in her future pursuits as well.
Kyle says she always knew she’d join the Army; she “never had a Plan B.” When she was 13 years old and her older brother, Dan, enlisted, Kyle knew that was the lifestyle and tradition she wanted to follow, and she enlisted as a healthcare specialist (combat medic) four years later. She cares for soldiers in clinic and eld settings, trains other medics and medical specialties, and provides aid station medical care during deployments.
is July marks 14 years Kyle has served in the Army, and she says, “ e culture and structure became my home, so to speak – the military has become my identity. Each unit, duty station, and deployment becomes my extended family and home. At rst, each re-enlistment was for my own personal and professional growth, and then I continued my contracts to mentor others.” In March 2023, Kyle swore her nal oath of enlistment.
Kyle has served in a few roles throughout her career. For the rst three years, she served as an evacuation and aid station medic in Iraq. She then became an emergency medical treatment NCO responsible for a eld emergency department in Afghanistan, working with Spanish medical personnel. She has served as a basic training Drill Sergeant, run a 36-bed emergency room, managed a hospital education department, and currently works within eld hospital operations in Iraq.
She is grateful for the experiences and people she’s met along the way. She met her friend Matt at Ft. Bliss, Texas over a decade ago and they were stationed together again in Tripler, Hawaii, where their families spent almost every weekend together. When Kyle served as a Drill Sergeant, she and her friend Amanda “always found time to be human and get a few laughs in” amidst their stern, serious roles.
Kyle says a key lesson she has learned in her career is to be adaptable. She says, “Nothing about my profession now is what it was like thirteen years ago. My training will never stop. I will always learn something new every day.” And she says, “I have also learned you are never too old for a Nerf gun battle in the middle of your operations tent.”
Challenges have been countless throughout her career. She says 12-mile ruck marches, repelling, and running more miles than her legs would like to acknowledge challenges the
body. Testing technical and tactical knowledge almost every day mentally challenges her. And being away from home and family much more than she would ever want challenges her emotionally. But to handle the challenges, she says, “I remember the greater purpose of my position, making a di erence for my Soldiers, the mission, and the Unit. Challenges are what shape me and make me who I am.”
Especially poignant for her was a “full circle” moment she’ll never forget: “My father was a member of the Finger Lakes Disabled American Veterans, and the term pride doesn’t begin to capture his passion supporting it. My entire youth was lessons on respecting and caring for our veterans. One year a er he passed, I was selected to be part of the 161st Infantry Regiment color guard, presenting the national colors for the unit’s reunion. I had the honor to spend a weekend with these gentlemen and learn from their time served. In every one of their stories and faces, I saw my father and listened with his ears and mind.”
Kyle spends her o -time with her husband and threeyear-old son, “which means a lot of children’s museums, zoos, and events.” She enjoys James Patterson, Elin Hildebrand, and Jodi Picolt novels, and has become a scarf crocheting master, even when it’s too warm to wear them.
She intends to complete her Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Administration, retire as a Master Sergeant, and move the family to a quiet piece of land either in NY or CO. She says, “I want to be as present as I possibly can in my son’s life and enjoy the simple pleasures. My current passion beyond my family is self development. I push to make myself as healthy and well-rounded as I can be, not only to secure a stable future a er retirement, but to provide a sound example for my son and continue to make a di erence any way I can.”
ank you for your service, Kyle!
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Don’t wait for a job to splash you in the face, Come be a Waterfront Lifeguard at the Town of Richmond
Must be certi ed by the American Red Cross
Pay is above minimum wage. For application call or text 585-330-7066
Full Time TEACHER needed for Universal Pre-K classroom. Monday through Friday from 8:45-2:30. UPK runs from September 2023-June 2024. Need Bachelor’s Degree and be willing to get your Master’s within 5 years, or have a Master’s degree in Early Childhood.
ASSISTANT needed to help teacher of UPK class. Monday through Friday from September 2023-June 2024. A background working with children or in education would be wonderful.
Please call 585-624-5630 or email mjchatterton@msn.com to ask questions, apply, and set up an interview. We are in Lima, NY on Route 15A, about 20 minutes south of Rochester and about 20 miles from Geneseo. We have been in business for 18 years. Visit our website at: greatexpectationschildcare.org to learn more about the center.
Paving positions (Rochester, NY)
Rush- enrietta CentralSchoolDistrict Is Hiring...
•Paid training program to obtain Commercial Driver’s License(CDL)available
•High SchoolDiploma/GED required
•Flexibleworkhours •Excellentbenefits
Call(585)359-5380or visitrhnet.org/drive
Experience the RH Advantage!
Compensation: to be determined by experience
• Truck Drivers
-current CDL Class A or B license and DOT physical
• Machine/Heavy Equipment Operators
• Paving Machine Operator
• General Paving Labor - rakers, rollers, tampers, etc
• Hardscape and Paver Stone Work
We o er bene ts.
Experience and valid driver’s license preferred. Send resume to pittsfordpaving@aol.com or apply in person at 2053 Brighton Henrietta Townline Road
• Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
• Do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or o er.
$20/Hr. to Start
Experience Helpful But Will Train Call 585-409-4717 or Email Resume to joannshriver@yahoo.com
Earthwork • Utilities • Asphalt Paving • Structural Concrete • Masonry
Seeing candidate to operate lowboy to deliver heavy equipment and materials to various job sites throughout the Rochester area. Responsible for the safe transport of all equipment/materials, loading/unloading, and securing equipment to trailer. Class A Commercial Driver’s License required.
Please apply in person, online or send resume to: Pooler Enterprises, Inc., 783 Country Rd. #42, Fishers, NY 14453 Phone: 585-924-5200 • Fax: 585-924-5205
For more information about our company visit our website www.poolerenterprises.com
This organization is committed to ensuring that employees are selected based on their skill, experience and qualification, and are compensated with respect to these factors. This company is an equal opportunity employer and we do not engage in practices that discriminate against any person employed or seeking employment based on race, color, gender, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, veteran’s status, or any other protected status. As a company we pride ourselves on the quality of our personnel - you represent us. Join a team that is setting the standard in the industry for technology, workmanship and capability. It’s not just a job, it’s a career. We offer competitive wages, comprehensive benefits package, and a 401k retirement plan.
Many students believe that the next natural step after graduating from high school is to go off to college. Secondary education has become such a common transition that many parents begin saving for college tuition as soon as their children are born. Although college can be the next chapter in a student’s education, many teenagers still choose to attend trade school.
Television personality Mike Rowe says the country is in the midst of a skilled labor shortage because workers lack the necessary training to fill the hundreds of thousands of available jobs. Lack of information may drive the notion that trade jobs are nothing more than a backup plan if college doesn’t pan out. However, by realizing that trade jobs, along with short-term vocational training, is a smart investment - and eventually a lucrative career choice - attitudes about trade schools and laborintensive jobs may shift.
A great number of college graduates enter the workforce with degrees that may not help them land jobs. And these students typically carry thousands of dollars in tuition debt. Many college grads are underemployed and working in jobs that aren’t even in their fields of study. Career and technical schools help students develop specialized skills that make graduates immediately marketable in their chosen fields, and trade salaries can be very competitive.
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
In today’s competitive job market, individuals need to channel all possible assets to get ahead. Working more efficiently and improving productivity can be an advantage to anyone.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
WBlmfldRuralCemetery Assoc. AnnualMeetingwillbe heldTues.May,16,2023at WBlmfldCongChurchat9035 NY-5WBlmfldat7pm.
GUNKNIFE&AMMOSHOW: Sunday onlyMay21st(9am-4pm) KingsCatering&PartyHouse,4031 Routes5&20Canandaigua.85tables toviewBuySell&Trade$5admission. NFGShows.com
FINALLY!! Good Refurbished Appliances CallJoeApplianceServiceshaswhatyouwant.Noelectronics,justgood”ole”reliableWashers, Dryers,StovesandRefrigerators.Stop byandcheckthemout!Hours: Monday-Friday,9-6pm.Saturday, 9-5pm.10MainStreet,Bloomfield, NY585-394-1880
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• Helping her with chores she doesn’t like to do
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Poll Ends 05-16-2023
Poll Ended 05-09-2023
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