BLOOMFIELD: 2149 Elton Road.June2-3(9-4pm).BARN SALE.Antiques,furniture, household,Christmas,glassware, walkingwoolspinningwheel,and more!
CANANDAIGUA: 4586 Route 21South.June2-4(8-4pm). ESTATE/BARNSALE.Furniture, householditems,baby/kids items,clothing,tools,toys/ games,andmore!
WESTBLOOMFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY: 31styardsalecomingup July8-9.Informationaboutrenting spaceat:wbhsny.orgor585-657-7060
❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ PITTSFORD: SHERWOOD ASSOC.&EASTPITTSFORD MANOR,HUGE NEIGHBORHOODSALE:Near corner31F/Washington.6/2,6/3 (9am-4pm).Everythingfrom householditems,Antiques,tools, furniture,Brandnamedclothesfor all,sportinggoods,kids’stuff. 30+House.
PITTSFORD: 30 BenedictDrive. May31(9-3pm)&June1(9Noon).ESTATESALE.Likenew Hondapowerwasher,spreader andcart.Hundreds(ifnotthousands!)ofbooks.Collectible,vintageglassware.TONSofhigh-end women´sclothingandpurses, includingFossilandCoach.DozensofpairsofnewClarkswomen´sshoes,mostlysize81/2. Collectionof9framedoriginal KentuckyDerbyhorses.Setof4 Hitchcockchairswithdrop-leaf table.Adventspeakers.Fullsetof Thoreau.Tools,Christmas,linens, furniture,garden,yard,etc.Tons more! STUFF!
VICTOR6392Plastermill Rd June 2ndand3rdHUGECOMMUNITY YARDSALE50plushomes.Lunch andbakedgoodsforpurchase!
EXIT9FLEAMARKET Open every Sunday,8am-3pmthruOctober.Antiques,vintage,glass,new,food, howsholdclothes,tools,furniture. Vendorswanted!ContactClaude 585-734-3789.
If you own a small business, keep business cards, flyers or a sign advertising another small business in the area to show mutual support.
We carry Mountain Merit & Iron Lady tomatoes. Most resistant varieties to late blight.
Starting at $24.99 (While they last)
We carry vegetable plants, seeds, annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs and small fruit trees to add color to your home and garden.
Jumbo Flat of 48 Plants $19.99
Mixture of colors. (While they last.)
Jumbo Flat of 48 Plants $19.99 (No Mixing Colors. While they last.)
Tipping men and women who work in the food service industry is commonplace in the United States and Canada, where citizens typically tip between 15 and 20 percent when dining out at restaurants. But American and Canadiantravelersabouttodepart for overseas destinations may want to familiarize themselves with the practices regarding gratuities before their planes touch down. Some countries automatically add gratuities onto customers’ bills. For example, the government in Dubai mandates that a 10 percent service charge be added to all hotel, restaurant and bar bills. This service charge is then divided by the staff at the establishment, making the charge the equivalent of a tip. Diners in Morocco, where the gratuity is sometimes included in the bill, might be surprised to learn that a 10 percent tip in that country is considered generous. Tips are included in the bill in Costa Rica, where travelers need not feel obligated to leave any additional gratuities. Service is often included in the bill within the United Kingdom as well, though travelers should inspect the bill before assuming gratuity was included. Visitors to Spain should not feel obligated to leave a gratuity larger than 13 percent, and even a tip in the range of 7 percent is considered acceptable.
1. TELEVISION: What is the name of the high school in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”?
2. MOVIES: Who voiced the character Woody in “Toy Story”?
3. LITERATURE: Who are the tragic lovers in the novel “Wuthering Heights”?
4. AD SLOGANS: Which product invites consumers to “taste the rainbow”?
5. FOOD & DRINK: Which root vegetable is known as Japanese horseradish?
6. ANATOMY: What substance gives skin its color?
7. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the Great Pyramids of Giza located?
8. HISTORY: Who was the first female prime minister of Great Britain?
9. SCIENCE: What is the hollow, woody tissue that carries water and nutrients from a plant’s roots to the entire plant?
10. U.S. STATES: Which is the only state that doesn’t have a mandatory seat belt law for adults?
Many homes do not have space for guest rooms, kids’ play areas andhometheaterloungesthatare possibleinhomeswithsubstantial square footage. But they may not be missing out at all.
While large homes remain popular, many people are embracing the benefits of smaller residences. Small homes help owners save money, require less maintenance, havesmallerenvironmentalimpact, and reduce the temptation to accumulate“stuff.”
Owners of small homes or apartments can still enjoy the benefitsoflargerspaces,theyjust need to equip rooms to perform double duty.
Shop at small businesses regularly.
Handrails, grab bars, nonslip stair treads, and many other devices can make homes safer for people of all ages and abilities. Outfit cabinets and closets with organizers that put frequently used items within easy reach. A sturdy step stool can reduce the risk of injury while reaching for items stored on high shelves.
Homeowners often choose to save money and learn valuable skills by doing their own home improvement projects. These minor or major renovations are made much more successful by having the right tools for the job. Investing in good tools can be smart, but those tools are only effective if they are accessible and in good repair. Homeowners who emphasize taking care of their tools can make DIY projects that much easier and more rewarding.
Ferris Bueller says, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” What do you do to escape life’s stresses?
• Spend time in nature, maybe a hike or play in the park
• Relax through yoga, deep breathing, meditation, sleep, etc.
• Spend time with a friend
• Have a dance party to my favorite tunes
• Exercise - Bike, Run, Lift Weights, etc.
• Dive into hobbies
• Go on vacation, large or small
Poll Ends 5-30-2023
Poll Ended 05-23-2023
May is National Military Appreciation Month, with Armed Forces Day on May 20th and Memorial Day on May 29th this year. Within which branches do you personally know someone currently / previously serving the US military?
38.5% Army
7.7% Air Force
7.7% Air National Guard
38.5% Navy
7.7% Space Force
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
The History Channel
On May 27, 1939, a ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees is turned away from Cuba. The ship sailed close to Florida, hoping to disembark there, but a State Department telegram stated that the asylum-seekers must first “await their turns on the waiting list and qualify for and obtain immigration visas.” After appeals to Canada also were denied, the ship was forced to sail back to Europe.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “No matter what path you’re on in this life, if that path isn’t about love, you’re on the wrong path.”
-- Lawrence OvermireWhat can I do to guarantee my perennials come back in the spring? For example, my lavender didn’t make it through this past winter. I planted last May and it had good blooms.
When it comes to gardening, guaranteeing anything can be risky business. There are just so many variables to consider. We can, however,doourresearchandincrease ourchancesof success.
When planting perennials, such as lavender, one of the first things to check includes hardiness of the particular variety or cultivar you are planting. Lavender originated in the
Mediterranean regions and prefers fullsun,dryair,andwell-drainedsoil. It does not require a lot of fertilizer. Sandyorgravellysoilwilldojustfine. Therootsneedtobreathe.
There are a number of different cultivars to choose from available from commercial nurseries. French lavender and Spanish varieties are not hardy in most of the Northeast (e.g. French lavender – zone 7-9). There are, however, a few English cultivarsthatcantakethecoldwinters hereinupstateNY(zone5-8).
The less hardy cultivars may grow well and bloom for one summer season but will not survive our winters. Be sure to check the hardiness of any perennial you are considering planting. We are currentlyconsideredtobeinzone5. Have specific questions like the following? Why do my lilacs keep getting uprooted by NY winds?
Why do my butterfly bushes keep dying after 3 or so years? How/ where to plant juniper trees? Why do tulips die after 1 or 3 seasons?
Contact CCE to facilitate scheduling a site visit with a Master Gardener to assist with evaluating these issues as itcouldbeasoilissue.
Memorial Day is a day to remember and honor the brave menandwomenwhoservedintheUSmilitarytoprotect our freedoms but who lost their lives in that service. Memorial Day serves as a solemn reminder of the sacri ces our servicemembers make each day.
Communities converge with school and local bands, honor guards, dignitaries, service groups, and other citizens and community organizations to celebrate and honor the fallen. But why do we celebrate as we do?
Memorial Day’s origins trace back to the years following the American Civil War, with its birthplace o cially designated as Waterloo, NY. e Seneca County town of 5,000, centrally located between Rochester, Syracuse, and Ithaca, became known for its role in the Women’s Rights movement because a lot of the planning for the famous 1848 Seneca Falls convention occurred in Waterloo at the Hunt and M’Clintock houses. However, in 1866, Waterloo held the nation’s rst formal remembrance of veterans who died in the Civil War, and the US government recognizes the town as the o cial birthplace of Memorial Day.
According to Waterloo history, in 1865, Henry C. Welles “watched as a lone widow walked to the cemetery to place owers on the grave of her deceased Civil War soldier husband. How soon they forget, Welles thought, resolving to do something to make sure that those who gave their lives in defense of their country would not be forgotten.” Welles suggested placing owers on the graves of the “patriotic dead” from the Civil War, but nothing happened that rst year. When Welles mentioned it the following year to General John B. Murray, a patriotic Civil War hero, the two began plans for a local citizens’ committee to celebrate the soldiers who gave the ultimate sacri ce for their country (waterloony.com).
On May 5, 1866, with ags half-sta , the Village of Waterloo was “draped with evergreen and mourning black,” and a parade of veterans, civic groups, and residents marched to the three village cemeteries, where ceremonies celebrated soldiers whose graves were then decorated. So began the annual tradition of recognizing soldiers who served and died for the US.
In 1868, General John A. Logan, a “political general” in the Union Army, declared the rst national Decoration Day, May 30th, time to decorate the graves of the fallen and honor their sacri ces through ceremonies.AccordingtotheUnitedServiceOrganizations(USO), on May 20, 1868, more than 5,000 people decorated the graves of the 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
In May 1966, the State of New York o cially declared Waterloo, NY as the birthplace of Memorial Day, celebrating the centennial of the patriotic tradition. In 1971, the US Congress declared the federal holiday of Memorial Day to be celebrated on the last Monday each May.
Communities across the area and nation celebrate Memorial Day, coming together for parades and traditions. Waterloo retains its historic traditions, hosting a special Celebrate Commemorate Memorial Day event the weekend of May 26-28th. is event hosts Civil War reenactors from across the Eastern US, including infantry, signal corps, artillery, and fraternal organizations. Encampments with reenactors present Living Histories of Civil War camp life. Reenactors serve as dignitaries, President Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Dr. Mary Walker, and spy Belly Boyd, a Northern sympathizer, and Reverend Scott.
Saturday, May 27th features a parade with wounded warriors from the Canandaigua VA Hospital, motorcycle riders from the Patriot Guard and American Legion, as well as bands, oats, and military groups.
On May 30th, which Waterloo always observes as Memorial DayinkeepingwithLogan’sOrders,childrenwilldecorateveterans’ graves,therewillbeprayerservicesinthevillagecemeteries,andthe village’s VFW and American Legion will conduct a military parade at 4 pm. Ceremonies in Lafayette Park will feature government o cials and special dignitaries.
Memorial Day 2023 marks Waterloo’s 157th consecutive Memorial Day observance. Last year’s commemoration included the dedication of the Purple Heart Wall of Honor in Lafayette Park. is Memorial Day, check out Waterloo’s Celebrate Commemorate event and/or pay respects in your own town. Henrietta hosts theirs 5/21, Brockport and East Rochester’s is 5/27, Irondequoit and Newark celebrate 5/28, and most other towns and villages in the Rochester area hold parades and remembrance ceremonieson5/29.Checkyourlocaltown/villageforinformation. ank you to all who served and paid the ultimate price. May we all remember and appreciate your sacri ces.
Allens Hill Free Library 3818 County Road 40, Bloomfield 585-229-5636
Tues. 6-8pm; Wed. 3-6:30pm; Fri. 2:30-8pm; Sat. 1-4pm
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon. 2-7pm; Tues. 10am-7pm; Wed. 2-7pm; Thurs. 10am-7pm; Fri. 2-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat.: 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
Baby StoryTime:Tuesdays,May9-30 |11:30AM|forbabies|registration required
PreschoolCrafts:Wednesday,May31 |11:30AM|forkids|registration required
K-4CraftyFunDay:Wednesday,May 31|4:15PM|forkids|registration required
Movie matinee:June3,11:30a.m. Studynights:June5,7&9,4-7 p.m.forstudentsstudyingforRegentscometoaquietroomwith snacks.
Saturdaysummerstorytime&playtimeinthepark:June10,10:30 a.m.inVeteran’sPark.
VictorFarmingtonLibrary: Ongoing Programs:
Mondays2-4PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!
Mondays12:15PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays6:00PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library WalkersExplorelocaltrails, neighborhoodsandparksbyfoot.
Wednesdays10AM-1PM:Basic ComputerSkillsforAdults*Oneon-onehelpwithyourtechnology questions.
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Monday5/29:LibraryClosedfor theMemorialDayHoliday
Friday6/2:OntarioCountyChamberofCommerceOfficeHours SpeakwithOntarioCountyChamberofCommercestaff.
Saturday6/310:00PM:BicycleTire RepairClinic*-Learnhowtorepair aflattirewithoutdependingona bikeshop!
Monday6/5:RecreationwithFamilyandFriendsontheErieCanal* LocalresidentKeithPartingtonwill shareadventuresofallkinds availableontheCanalwayTrail. *Visitwww. victorfarmingtonlibrary.orgfor moreinfoandtoregister.
SaveTheDate:August11,2023. 31st AvonAlumniBanquet HostedbytheClassof1973.The banquetisforallgraduatesofAvon CentralandtoclassmatesthatattendedSt.AgnesSchool(Avon). Thiswillalsobethe50threunion forclassof73.Classof63,thisis your60th,classof83,your40th andclassof93your30th.The reunionisallplanned,sogetyour classmatestogetherandcatchup witholdfriends.Togetacopyof theinvitationorformoreinformationpleaseemail:slane@rochester. rr.com.
MemorialDayChickenBBQand Bake Sale, sponsoredbyBloomfield’sAmericanHeritageGirls TroopNY0024.ImmediatelyfollowingBloomfield’sparadeand memorialserviceservinguntil1:30 oruntilsoldout.Locationisthe CongregationalChurchparkinglot, acrossfromEltonParkin Bloomfield.Priceis$13presale fromanyAmericanHeritageGirl,or $14onMemorialDay.Priceincludesahalfchicken,saltpotatoes, coleslawandaroll,byKing’sCatering.Veteranswillgetafreecookie!
Speak with business owners about your experience as a customer, sharing insight about both good and bad experiences.
HeavenlyTreasuresRummage Sale - Th,June1(9am-2pm);Fr, June2,(9am-2pm);Sat,June3 (9am-noon),bagsaleandyouth bakesale.Somethingforeveryone! Wealwayshavemanygreattreasures!Allproceedswillbenefitthe ministryofourChurch.Bringing yourownbagsishelpful.East BloomfieldUnitedMethodist Church,2ParkPlace,Bloomfield. http://www.eastbloomfieldumc.org
UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
Father’sDayCarShow- Celebrate Dadwithclassiccars!Food, flowers&funforthewholefamily. Signuponlinetoshowoffyour wheels!June18,11-4:30pm,SonnenbergGardens&MansionState HistoricPark,250GibsonStreet, Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
KnittingWithBeadsWorkshop ~ a2-partworkshop,with instructorEugeniaMcLouth.Learn howtoaddbeadstoyourknitting, andmakeanamulettoo.June3& 17,1:00-3:30pm.Eachsessionin thelower-levelMeetingRoomof theOntarioCountyHistoricalSociety,55NorthMainSt.,Canandaiguia.Classcostforbothsessions is$50,plus$20materialsfeepayabletoinstructoratfirstclass. Participationrequiresstudents knowhowtoknit,preferably regular,notcontinental,including castingonandoff,andtheknit stitch.Limitedseatingforadults. Register:www.ocarts.org.Ifthe workshopisfull,pleasecontact ocacny@gmail.comforawaiting list.
Challenge22- A coalitionofveteransgroupswillbeholdinga suicideprevention/awarenessevent onJune10,9amatthe CanandaiguaAmericanLegionpost 256,454N.MainSt.toraisefunds forlocalorganizationsthatprovide programsthatwillhelpindividuals todealwiththeissuesthatcan causethemtocontemplateorattemptsuicide.Theeventwillconsistofa2.2milewalkthrough downtownCanandaigua,amotorcycleridearoundCanandaigua LakewithastopattheNaples VFW,acarshow,livemusic,food trucksandagreatselectionof silentauctionitems.
ChickenBBQFundraiser for East BloomfieldUMC.$12mealincludes1/2chicken,saltpotatoes, roll,andchoiceofmacaronisalad orcoleslaw.May28,10:30-4pmin theRunningsparkinglot,3191Co Rd10inCanandaigua.Cateringby Gale-Wyn.
InternationalGala- Thursday, June 8thfrom5-8pm. Calledto Care,Canandaigua isbringinganotherfuneventtoTheCentralon Main,111SouthMainStreet, Canandaigua.Theeveningwillfeaturefoodtopurchaseonsite,live music,dancingandaninternational marketplaceofferingSERRVcrafts, rafflesandmore.Afreewillofferingwillbeappreciatedwithproceedsbenefittingthevolunteerorganization’smissiontowelcome andresettlerefugeesbyprovidinga supportnetworktohelpthemstart anewlife.Formoreinformation ContactLindaWerts, 315-447-0276.
Challenge22MotorcycleRideOur coalitionofveteransorganizationshostingChallenge22,afund raisingeventforsuicideprevention/ awarenessJune10atAmerican LegionPost256inCanandaigua. Registrationwillbeginafterthe openingceremoniesat9amand weareaskingforaminimum $10.00donation.WewillbeleavingtheLegioninCanandaiguaat 10:00,stoppingattheNaplesVFW forabreakandthenreturningto theCanandaiguaLegionforacar show,foodtrucks,silentauction items,livemusicandexhibits.In ordertoprepareforthenumberof participantswewouldappreciate youemailingRideChairmanTerry Inschobyemailnecra19@yahoo. comor585-520-3618.
ChapinUMCDinner-Scalloped Potato &Ham onSaturday,June 3,11amtillgone.$13.Chapin UnitedMethodistChurch,2339 StateRt.21(3milesnorthof Canandaigua).TakeOutsOnly.
PancakeBreakfast! Come and joinus!TherewillbeaPancake BreakfastonSaturdayandSunday, June3rd&4thfrom9am-10amat theGeneseoAirshownexttothe AdministrationBuilding.Cost:$12 each. Proceedstobenefitthe GeneseoAirshow.
Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge WEDNESDAYS, July12thSeptember27thfrom2-6PM.OPEN tothepublicatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020.
GarageSale- FaithUnitedMethodistChurch(174PinnacleRoad, Henrietta)willholdanoutdoorgaragesaleonSaturday,June3rd from9amto3pm.Wehavemany, manyitemsavailable.Comeand findanewtoyoutreasure!
IoniaStrawberrySocial- Thurs., June15,4:30until6:30pm,Dine in&take-outavailableatIonia UnitedMethodistChurch,2120 EltonRd.Hotdogs,hamburgers, sausage,salads,&lotsofyummy strawberrydesserts!ItemspricesA lacarte.http://www.ioniaumc.org
TheCanaltownChorale annual springconcertsentitled“River Songs”.Featuringavarietyof waterrelatedmusic.Underthe directionofBarbSeppelerwithKay Oosterlingaccompanying.Friday, June2,7:30PM,UnitedMethodist Church,3679MainStreet,WalworthandSunday,June4,4PM, UnitedChurchofMarion,3848N. MainSt.,Marion.Suggesteddonationof$5perpersonacceptedat thedoorateachconcert.This organizationissupportedinpart withpublicfundsfromtheNYS CouncilontheArtsDecentralizationProgram,administeredbyAuburnPublicTheaterinourfive countyarea.Information:CanaltownChoraleonFacebookorgeneralmanager,BarbVandelinder 315-597-9558orDottieGraudons, membershipchair315-331-5961.
LeTourneauGolfScramble- Let’s buildagymforthemanychildren andyouthwhocometo LeTourneau!Helpraisefundsfor thisprojectbyenjoying18holesof golf!Grabyourfriendsandget yourteamof4andjoinusonJune 9thatReservoirCreekGolfCourse inNaples,NYforourthirdannual 4-persongolfscramble!4-Person Scramble.$100/personor$300/ team.Friday,June9,2023;9am shotgunstart.Registrationisopen untilJune2,2023.Atthatpointit willclosesobothLeTourneauand ReservoirCreekhaveparticipanttotals.
Jelly Roll Morton (18901941): New Orleans native Jelly Roll Morton, a pianist and songwriter, honed his pianoplaying abilities in the bordellos of theBigEasy.Infact,itwasinthose establishments where the man born Ferdinand Joseph Lamothe earned his distinctive nickname. Biography.com notes that while his claims to have been the inventor of jazz might have been dubious, Morton is considered to bethefirstjazzmusiciantocommit his arrangements to paper.
PenfieldBusinessChamber proudlypresentsPENFEST2023!
FoodTrucks-Music-KidZoneVendors-Raffles&More!Friday, June9th,4pm-8pmatthePenfield Recreation,1985BairdRd.,Penfield.Free&OpentothePublic! Bringyourownlawnchair!Thank YoutoOurSupporters!
CentralSchoolAlumniReunionAugust3,2023atClub86Geneva, from11am-4pm.Additionaldetails tofollow-AlumniCommittee.
CCEMonroeCountyMasterGardenerVolunteersPlantSaleSaturday,June10,20239AM2PM.Rainorshine!Heldinthe parkinglotthatisaccessedthru CCEMonroeCounty,2449St.Paul Blvd.,Rochester.Featuringan assortmentofplantspricedtosell. Plusanopportunityto“AskaMasterGardener.”
TransportationMuseumReopensSundayMay28!TheNew YorkMuseumofTransportation,in Rush,celebratingits50thanniversaryandfeaturingtheonlyvintage trolleyrideinNewYorkState,will holditsseasonopeningonSunday, May28,11-4pm.Inthegallerya videopresentstheRochesterSubwayincolor,andagiftshopcaters totheneedsofallagesandinterests.Trolleyridesareincludedwith admission.$10adults,$9seniors 65+,and$6youthsage3-12.The museumisopenSundaysonly114pmandislocatedjust20minutes southofRochesterat6393East RiverRoad,Rush.www. nymtmuseum.orginfo@ nymtmuseum.org(585)533-1113
HikeStidHillinBristol- Hike& ExploreStidHillWildlifeManagementAreaonSunday,May28 from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails,followedbyasocialgettogetheratnearbyLockStockand Barrel.Foradditionalinformation/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
33rdAnnualFarmington-Victor KiwanisGolfTourney2023: Enjoyafundayofgolf.Allproceeds benefitlocalKiwanisprojects. 10:30amRegistration.12pmShotgunStart.Monday,June5,2023at RavenwoodCountryClub,929 LynaughRd.,Victor.Lunch,Golf& Dinner-$125//Golferor$475/4Some(through5/15).Lunch,Golf &Dinner-$135/Golferor$515/4Some(after5/15).DinnerOnly$30/Person.Registernowat:Call usat:585-433-5926.Emailusat: farmingtonvictorkiwanis@gmail. com
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Thursday,June1-American RedCrossBloodDrive:2p.m.to7 p.m.,WillowbrookChristian Church,619HighSt.,Victor. Participantsmustbeages17or older;16withparentalconsentand bringID.Forinformation:redcross. org.
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Monday,June5,American RedCrossBloodDrive:1p.m.to6 p.m.,St.JohnsLutheranChurch, 888Victor-EgyptRd.,Victor. Participantsmustbeages17or older;16withparentalconsentand bringID.Forinformation:redcross. org.
AttentionClassmatesofWebsterH.W.SchroederHighSchool CLASSOF1973-Worktocomplete our50threuniongettogetherfor July15,2023isunderway.Additionalinformationtobeposted soon.Emailusat HWSclassof1973@gmail.comorrefertotheHWSchroderClassof’73 50ReuniononFacebookforadditionalinformation.Pleasepassthis ontofellowclassmatesyouassociatewithorknowwholiveelsewhere.
BreakfastBuffet- Sunday,June 11th,7:30-11:00AMattheLima LegionPost282,2475StateRoute 65,WestBloomfield.$10.00 Adults;$6.00Ages8-12;7&UnderFree.Sausagegravy&biscuits, scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice&coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that mushrooms contain about 15 vitamins and minerals, including folate magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6,andzinc.Mushroomsalsoarelowin calories and rich in antioxidants, which can help to lower risk for inflammation.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
The day’s main aim is to encourage more people to become BBQ masters as they spend time outdoors and enjoy a meal with their loved ones.
Can you guess what game the picture is depicting? Write your answer below.
The word ‘barbecue’ is said to have come from the Caribbean word ‘Barabicu,’ a structure made of sticks used for cooking by the indigenous people of the Caribbean who were called Taino. Food was prepared over an indirect flame and placed to the side or above the fire. It resulted in a charred and
SHOP MACHINERY: SCMI Wide Belt Sander 36” Single hd. 10 hp. 3 ph. SCMI Planer 20”
3 ph., SCMI Mini Max Stroke Sander 5” x 271” Single ph., Oliver Jointer 16” 3 ph. 440 V with converter., Ritter Edge Sander 6” x 48” 2 sided Powermatic Shaper 2700 3 ph., Powermatic Power Feeder, Northfield Bandsaw 32” 3 ph., Vacuum Bag & Pump w. 4’ X.8’ Platens, Her-Safe Vacuum Stand w/2 Platens, Speedaire Air Compressor 80 Gal. 3 ph. Kobalt Air Compressor 60 Gal., Single ph. Complete Dust Collection System (4-barrel system), Grizzly Dust Collector, Delta Sawdust Blower & pipe, Grass Hinge/shelf pin Machine 32 mm calibrated ext. arms w/hinges, tooling, Hess Mobile Elect./Pneumatic Edge Bander, Maka Oscillating Mortiser Sm 7 P with tooling and accessories, Apollo HVLP Turbine Sprayer Mod 1100, 2 Apollo HVLP Spray Guns, Felder Sliding Table Saw K700 Eco-line 12” x 48” sliding table 3 ph., Rockwell
Table Saw 10” Single ph, Dewalt Radial Arm Saw w. retract 16” 3 ph, Dewalt 1 0” Contractor
Table Saw w/stand, Dewalt 8” Sliding Compound Saw, Clamps: Bessie, Pony, Wrestler, and lots of bar and hand clamps. Also clamp rack, 2 Hyd. Plywood carts, asst. rolling shop and finish carts, (4) Lumber carts, pressure pot.
HAND AND POWER TOOLS: Festool, elect. Sanders, lots of specialty hand & palm sanders, Dynabrade, Porter Cable, Virturex, Domino mortiser and joiner w/tenons, Virturex hand jointer, Virturex biscuit joiner, (6) routers: Makita, Bosch, & Porter Cable, Electric thick viscosity paint sprayer, Sawzsall, Rotozip, Angle grinder, Paslode nailer, air compressor, Shop Vac, w/attachments, suction cups for glass, Kreg jigs, asst. chisels and hand tools, lots of sandpaper, fasteners, and screws. Duct work, brackets, and blast gates, drafting table & filing cabinets, drawer organizer cabinet, and Clark Forklift C-500.
GARAGE AND LAWN EQUIPMENT: JD 455 Riding Tractor 23 Hp Diesel 1155 Hrs, Sells w/2-stage snowblower - No Deck. Lawn trailer, wheelbarrow, and yard maintenance tools. 20 T shop press, rolling toolboxes, KNACK rolling work box. Mechanic’s tools, acetylene torch w/full tanks.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: A full line of woodworking machinery in excellent conditions. Lots of extra cutters & bits. Lumber and fastener inventory.
TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash or good check, day of the auction. Load out auction day & Tues., June 13th 12:00pm-4:30pm, Owner and Auction company not responsible for accidents.
For photos and more information visit Auction Zip https://www.auctionzip.com/Listings/3801884.html
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Festivals are fun for kids, fun for parents and offer a welcome break from the stresses of the nuclear family. The sheer quantities of people make life easier: loads of adults for the adults to talk to and loads of kids for the kids to play with.
June 2-4, 2023
STORE HOURS: Mon. 10am to 2pm & Tues. - Sat. 10am to 4pm
We gratefully accept your book donations Mondays from 10am - 2pm. cornerbookstore106@gmail.com
www.facebook.com/fairportcornerbookstore Operated by the Friends of the Fairport Library
106 Village Landing • Fairport, NY 14450
Bluegrass has brought more people together and made more friends than any music in the world. You meet people at festivals and renew acquaintances year after year. - Bill Monroe
I discovered after going to music festivals that I am a rock fan. I love the guitars, the phrasing, and the abandon of rock fans. -
Invest in quality gear. The right photography gear makes it much easier to take great photos. Lenses are very important for capturing shots. Macro lenses are designed for insects and flowers. Wide-angle lenses help snap landscapes. Telephoto lenses can focus on animals without having to get too close.
Don’t interrupt a conversation to text or answer a phone call. Many people now have no reservations about interrupting an ongoing conversationtotextsomeoneelse oransweranincomingphonecall.
Such behavior is disrespectful to the person you’re speaking with andcanhaveanadverseeffecton your relationship with that person going forward.
Shout out to the Mary Immaculate Parish Community in East Bethany for the delicious chicken BBQ Sunday, 5/21. The service from volunteers there is always so welcoming. It is great to see a supportive community come together. Thank you!
It’s the little things that brighten my day I love when I see people hold a door open for a stranger, pick up something a passerby dropped, or simply smile at each other. This life is hard enough without people ignoring each other and living in their own little worlds. I love seeing humanity shining on each other.
Every year the members of this club do an amazing job planning, planting and weeding the gardens in and around our downtown and Circle Park. Much gratitude to those who give of their time and talents to make our town a more beautiful place.
I am a senior citizen with multiple health concerns and find it difficult to walk great distances. I rarely shop the big box stores because it is too difficult. I purchased a patio chair online with the option for curbside pick up. I checked in upon notification of readiness and was assigned a pick up slot. When I got to the store, the slot was not there and neither was a clerk. I do not text nor do I do apps so I was out of luck in getting help. I ended up having to walk into the store to get help which also was not available. PLEASE…could some consideration be given to us! Many of us still live in our homes and are consumers, but we choose not to text or to have smart phones. Yet we need help in accessing purchases. I told the kind clerk who did finally help me to pass on this message. Will it make a difference? I hope so but doubt it. - A senior who was quite frustrated!
From one dog walker to another… I bet you love taking your dog for walks on trails around town as much as I do. Have you noticed all the lovely trillium, trout lilies, and may apple popping up this spring? Have you also noticed the brightly colored bags of dog poop dropped along our trails? Did you leave one, thinking you’d grab it on your way back? I hope you remember to do that, but even so, I’d rather not see it on my walk in the woods. Please carry it with you. I do and it’s no big deal. Thanks and see you on the trail!
Our water supply is being threatened, especially in the west. Recently traveling and going through airport security, as usual, I had a half used bottle of water and had to discard it in order to pass through security. What a waste. There must be some way to reclaim this precious resource and not just at airports.
* Use a mesh bag to hold owers in place in a vase. Just roll or wad it up and put it down in the bottom of the vase. When you are done with the owers, you can use a stick to swish the bag around and loosen any gunk inside the vase when cleaning. Launder the mesh or just toss.
* “To make a waterproof mattress protector in a pinch, slit a large garbage bag down the side and bottom, lay it at over the mattress and cover with a beach towel. en put the sheet over that. e garbage bag protects the mattress; the towel makes it comfortable. “ -- U.D. in Tennessee
* “Keep extra liner bags in the bottom of the garbage can. ey are handy, so you will be more likely to reline the can as soon as you take the garbage out.” -- K.P. in Massachusetts
* Keep a box of baking soda in the fridge. When it’s time to replace it, dump it down the drain and follow with a small bottle of vinegar and a hot water ush. Keep your kitchen smelling nice and use less chemicals to do it.
* “Here’s a fun invitation to make and receive: Blow up a balloon and pinch (don’t tie). Write the details of the party on the balloon in permanent marker. Let it dry fully before you de ate it. en send it!” -- R.A. in Washington
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and with the current state of human a airs, social and emotional well-being seems at the forefront of a lot of people’s minds. We are o en reminded that “Self-care is not self-indulgence. It is selfpreservation” (Audre Lorde). Or that “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s le of you” (Katie Reed). “When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the over ow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel” (Eleanor Brown)
It’s o en hard to remember to care for ourselves rst, to be sure our oxygen mask is securely fastened before we help another. As a mom, I took a very long time to fully realize the importance of this concept. I always put my kids’ needs and desires rst, last, always. Unfortunately at the sacri ce of my own mental health. Life is tough sometimes. It challenges us to be our best, to show compassion for others, to bravely face adversity, to keep our eyes on goals, to stay true to our convictions. It’s tough sometimes to keep our heads above water when the world seems so dark and draining.
Heather Newton, CEO of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Rochester, says, “ ere are ve vital, life-sustaining organs in the human body: heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, and brain. Of those ve organs, only one—your brain—is stigmatized when it is not functioning the way it should.” I for one am not ashamed to admit I su er as life hurls challenges my way. I wish I could say I stand strong every moment, even every day, but then I’d lie.
I love the idea that the mental health revolution shi s perspectives on one of our most crucial organs. e Dalai Lama says, “If you feel ‘burnout’ setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.”
I withdraw and restore myself on hikes in the nearby park. Sometimes I go with a friend, sometimes I go with headphones to lose myself in the natural world and my tunes, and sometimes I just go as I am, seeking peace and quiet, away from human trials. Squirrels don’t care if I am out of tune as I sing so ly; birds don’t care if I skip and dance along the path. No one cares what I look like. As long as I’m peaceful and don’t intrude upon their business, they couldn’t care less.
A er my interludes, I almost always return to human life refreshed, ready to face the challenges de jour. O en, I have come to conclusions, some ideas about what weighs on me, so it’s a win-win. I’ve grown to nally realize I’m not actually taking away time from my motherly duties to adventure solo or with a friend in the woods. In fact, I am being a better parent by taking time to refresh myself. I can honestly say that this past year has been especially challenging for me, and I needed help beyond what hikes or conversations with close friends or hobbies could do to heal me. I feel no shame in sharing that I sought professional help. Many of us do or have done so at some points in our lives. e (hopefully) impartial listeners help us gain perspective on challenges.
is Mental Health Awareness Month and throughout the year, remember to take time for you. Reach out to friends, family, coworkers when you feel challenges weighing you down too much. And connect with professional resources when those don’t work. Perhaps you need a bit of oxygen before you proceed in your incredible existence. You are a perfectly imperfect human being. You deserve to be content with life. ere is always hope. You are
valued. You are loved. You matter. Reach out for help when you need it.
For information on selecting a therapist to suit your needs and situation, contact the Mental Health Association of Rochester at mharochester.org. ey can help guide you through the sometimes intimidating process.
For community resources in the greater Rochester area, check out mharochester.org/mental-health-services to nd resources for individuals, families, and groups.
Monroe County’s Mental Health Services department o ers a comprehensive, single contact point for health care coordination and residential services. For adults call (585) 753-2874, and for children and adolescents call (585) 753-2881. A care manager will guide you to resources for your speci c needs.
For more information on the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Rochester serving Genesee, Monroe, Ontario, Wayne Counties, visit namiroc.org.
If you or someone you care about su ers from substance-use/-abuse and mental health care needs, reach out to Cli on Springs-based FLACRA at acra.org. FLACRA o ers comprehensive treatment services for substance use and other health-related disorders. FLACRA’s motto is poignant for those with mental health concerns: “Together We Will.”
Call Lifeline at 211 or text 898211 for immediate assistance, information, and referrals within Monroe, Wayne, Cayuga, Ontario, Livingston, and Seneca Counties.
The History Channel
On May 26, 1927, Henry Ford and his son Edsel drive the 15 millionth Model T Ford out of their factory, marking the famous automobile’s official last day of production. The “Tin Lizzie” averaged about 17 mpg and could travel up to 45 mph.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I purchased a puppy who is 2 months old from a breeder in another state. I’m having trouble housetraining her. She drinks water all day, but she can’t hold her pee and ends up wetting on the oor. I work from home, but I can’t catch her and correct her. Instead, I think I should just take the water bowl away for most of the day. Will that work? -Frustrated in Tallahassee
DEAR FRUSTRATED: Do not take away the water bowl. Pets should always have access to water, regardless of their housetraining status.
Puppies have really tiny bladders and cannot hold their water for very long. So they pee much more frequently than you realize. But they shouldn’t have to su er and be thirsty just because their accidents are inconvenient for you.
is link has detailed information and advice on managing puppy housetraining issues: iaabcjournal. org/housetraining-hang-ups/, including when to contact a veterinarian.
One great piece of advice here is to create a puppy playpen and line it with pee pads, as well as water-resistant chew toys. As your puppy grows and gets better at holding their bladder and understands your commands better, gradually take away pads until there is just one “target” in the pen.
Above all, be patient with your new puppy. She is starting out in a whole new world, in a tiny body that is constantly changing and growing. Set a routine with frequent outdoor potty breaks in the same spot. Reward her when she pees outside. She will get this -- eventually!
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
GARDEN BOX SPACE (w/plants) available at St. Timothy Church in Geneseo: 585-243-4777
RUSTIC BLUEBIRD HOUSE. Call Sunday evening 315-524-5495
SCHWINN RECUMBENT EXERCISE BIKE, model 223, in good working condition. Adjustable seat: 585-235-0935
Six TIRES 185/55R/16. Very good tread: 585-424-0982
Three 5-gallon containers of W.R. MEADOWS SEAL TIGHT, CS-309-25. Nonyellowing, curing, and sealing compound for protection of concrete: 585-993-5523
QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS w/frame and an ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED w/mattress, sheets and covers: 585-889-9021
FORGET-ME-NOT PLANTS in Penfield: 585-671-0703 (lv. msg.)
POOL SUPPLIES - Dual water bags, sand filter, ladder, 16x32 solar cover, hose. Webster: Call4carol@gmail.com
PING PONG TABLE. You pick up, Henrietta: 585-404-5763
MEDICINE CABINET, 16” x 22” full mirror: 607-382-8350
SHONINGER SPINET PIANO and BENCH. Good condition. Needs tuning. You move: lbuckner31049@gmail.com
OLD MAGAZINES - 40s Screen Guide, 50s Life, 1952 Colliers, 1941 Radio Mirror. All poor condition: 585-671-2598
HEATWAVE PORTABLE CAMPFIRE UNIT. Good condition. Comes with a grill top and a HIBACHI GRILL. Good condition: 585-671-2598
AGED HORSE MANURE. Great for gardening. Can load. Clifton Springs: 585-208-3982
TIRES. Hankook 275/55R20. Factory tires F150. 2 y/o good tread remaining about 30k on: pdc964@gmail.com
2’x4’ FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE. Works. Good for a shop or garage. Conesus: 585-764-8301
Large quantity of BUSINESS ENVELOPES WITH WINDOW. Return address is printed on but can be covered with a label: 585-748-3148
LANDSCAPING BRICKS and PAVERS. Several different styles. You pick it up. Text only: 585-519-7369
QUIET GLIDE 5-DRAWER TOOL CHEST: sdimpfl45@gmail.com
LAP QUILTING VHS TAPES (set of 10) by Georgia Bonesteel: 585-362-7914
ONETOUCH ULTRA 2 GLUCOSE METER with case and a sealed bag of Lancets. Does NOT Include Test Strips: eschroll123@gmail.com
RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition, scratches, and dents okay. COSTUME JEWELRY, any condition and an ATARI 2600 w/accessories and games: 585-415-8513
BROTHER ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER for senior citizen: 585-703-7196
VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Scout Archery Merit Badge: Text 585-794-0448 or email mintshape@netacc.net
Hobby grade RC VEHICLES, vintage or newer, gas nitro, electric, parts or whole, running or not, for father son projects: 585-363-1903
SPRING CEDAR TREES. Entire trees or just the limbs. Will load and remove! Mothersfield@aol.com
All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: impani_m@yahoo.com
INK PRINTER CARTRIDGES, Number 60 and 61 for HP Printer: 585-519-3325
Thank you
YARN - For a mission project. Can pick up. Thank you! Webster: 585-265-4548
One lightweight and one portable type of VACUUM CLEANER, TRANSISTOR RADIO, small FILE CABINET with key. Webster/surrounding area: 585-424-0732
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, a RECLINER, and a working 2.7L ENGINE to fit a 2008 Dodge Charger or a used vehicle in good working condition: 585-883-7387
LIFT CHAIR: Donna.lievense@gmail.com
70s STEREO EQUIPMENT: Receivers, Speakers, Turntables, Reel to Reels, Amplifiers, Records, Reel Tapes, Old Nintendo Games: 585-883-5334
RIDING LAWNMOWERS. Working or not: 518-888-4216
70s-80s-90s ROCK and ROLL 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, RECORDS for personal collection. Thanks: gzintel1967@gmail.com
INCONTINENCE ADULATION, men large, for elderly relative in nursing home. If you have any unused unwanted, I will take them! Bargainhunter22@ymail.com
Seeking DIRT BIKES, ATVs or GO-KARTS for father son project. Will pick up, call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
In need of a FOLDING GROCERY CART for a new refugee family: 716-430-2876
FLATSCREEN TV, any size. In good working condition: 585-867-3355
Used/New SUV in good working condition for retired couple to transport the elderly to appointments and errands: 585-398-7626
TWIN SIZE BED in good condition. Needed for elderly couple. Call or text: 585-719-7866
9” or 10” straight edge, GLASS PIE DISH: salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
with Bene ts
$20-25 per hour based on experience/skill level. Apply online
• Patrick Place - A Comfort Care Home: Resident Care, Fundraising, Community Outreach. Email cchpatrickplace@gmail.com
• Webster Comfort Care Home: Our volunteers o er compassionate care to our 2 residents who are approaching the end of their lives, we o er run the clock care. Volunteers are responsible for all aspects of resident care. Email volunteercoord@webstercomfortcare.org
• Advent House: We are a 2 bed comfort care home for the dying. Seeking volunteers to provide hands on care. Contact us for more information. 585-223-6112 or email volunteer@theadventhouse.org
• UR Medicine Home Care: Meals On Wheels needs volunteers to deliver meals in Monroe County. We deliver Monday- Friday between the hours of 10:20 am and 1:30 pm depending on where you deliver. Call 585-274-4385 for more information or visit our website at www. homecare.urmc.edu
• Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society: e Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society is in need of docents to volunteer at our Museum for its standard Sunday a ernoon hours (2-4pm). Email president@hfmhistorical.org or call 585-281-0014
Sherwin Williams
Paint & Stains
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All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Choking is a leading cause of unintentional death in infants. Young children not can choke on food as well as objects they put in their mouths while exploring the world around them. Parents of young children and hosts who intend to invite youngsters into their homes can learn how to respond when kids appear to be choking.The Mayo Clinic recommends the following approach when tending to children under the age of 1, which differs from the steps necessary to address choking instances in older children and adults.
· Assume a seated position and hold the infant facedown on your forearm, whichisrestingonyourthigh.Support the infant’s head and neck with your hand, and place the head lower than the trunk.
· Thump the infant gently but firmly five times on the middle of the back using the heel of your hand. The combination of gravity and the back blows should release the blocking object. Keep your fingers pointed up to avoid hitting the infant in the back of the head.
· Turn the infant face up on your forearm, resting on your thigh with the head lower than the trunk if the infant still isn’t breathing. Using two fingers placed at the center of the infant’s breastbone, give five quick chest compressions.Press down about 11/2 inches, and let the chest rise again in between each compression.
· Repeat the back blows and chest thrusts if breathing doesn’t resume. Call for emergency medical help.
· Begin infant CPR if one of these techniques opens the airway but the infant doesn’t resume breathing.
• Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum: Available roles for volunteers include ride operator, special events, maintenance, and docent. Email info@carrouselmuseum.org
• Webster Community Chest, LLC: Serving 14580 area residents in need of help. Volunteers needed for monthly food distribution other fundraisers and food drives. Seeking new Board members also. See our website for details. Email webcommchest@gmail.com
• Hospeace House Inc: Looking for something meaningful in your life? We are a 2-bed comfort care home for those facing end-of-life. In addition to resident care volunteers, we are seeking volunteers to assist with social media, newsletters, events and fundraising. Visit us- www. HospeaceHouse.org Email volunteercoordinator@hospeacehouse.org or call 585-374-2090
• Hospeace House In Naples: Serving Naples and surrounding communities in a two bedroom comfort care home. Donate to e Wild ower Challenge to defray operation costs and volunteer for resident care, cleaning, cooking and shopping. Visit Hospeacehouse.org or call 585-374-2090
• House of John: e House of John is a 2-bedroom Comfort Care Home located in Cli on Springs. We provide end-of-life care to those unable to be cared for at home at no cost to the resident. We are looking for caring, reliable people willing to share 4-8 hrs. a month to assist with resident care. No caregiving experience required. All training is provided free of charge. If interested, please call or email the House at 315-462-5646 or house@houseo ohn.org
• Perinton Ambulance: Seeking volunteers for general o ce/administrative work as well as building & grounds. Hours and tasks vary based on ability and availability. Email volunteer@pvac.org
• Catholic Charities of Bu alo: e Home Visitation Program needs Friendly Home Visitors, age 21+ to volunteer one hour each week through in person visits or calls to a 60+ older adult in Genesee County who is living independently and has expressed feelings of loneliness. Call Lisa Wittmeyer at 716-341-6751 to learn more about volunteering with us.
• Light Hill, of Canandaigua Comfort Care Home Inc.: A two-bed end of life care home. We are always seeking volunteers for hands-on care, home & garden maintenance, light housekeeping and/or fundraising support! Contact us today or ll out an application on our website at lighthillhome. org. We would be so honored to add YOU to our extended family! Email us at mk@lighthillhome.org or call 585-393-1311.
Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Whenever I got a wound while I was young, my mother would take me to the hospital to get stitches. I am now 94. I went to get a wound seen, and the nurse said that it needed to heal from the inside. They treated it with gauze, wrapping and then a stocking. It took months to heal. Why the big change? Why couldn’t they have just put in stitches and saved me months of healing?
-- D.J.ANSWER: A wound can be sutured (stitched) closed when it is new, clean and regular. A wound cannot be closed if it is infected or irregular. Most chronic wounds cannot be closed by stitching. Also, if there is a lot of swelling around the wound, there may be so much pressure that the wound cannot be closed and must be allowed to heal over time. This is often the case with larger wounds. Basic principles of wound healing are to treat and prevent infection by bacteria or other germs, control pain and bleeding, and avoid treatments that are toxic to open wounds. I hear very frequently from people who have mistreated wounds. Strong agents like hydrogen peroxide, iodine, bleach and even soaps will kill more of your body’s healing cells than bacteria, and they should not be used in open wounds.
I also hear people say wounds “need air,” but wounds heal faster when they are moist. A barrier like petrolatum (Vaseline or many other proper wound-care agents) and a clean cover will accelerate wound healing. Most wounds do not need topical antibiotics, and these should only be used when recommended by an expert. The best experts for wound care are wound-care nurses and, in extreme cases, vascular or plastic surgeons. It takes time for a wound to heal. How much time depends on many factors, but a time span of months is not unusual, especially with a person in their 90s, who may not have the same blood supply they had when they were much younger.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
To help you feel your best and sleep more soundly, try the following tips: Take a shower – About 90 minutes before bedtime, take a hot bath or shower. This will help to reduce muscle tension & accelerate sleep onset. Create an electronics curfew – The blue light from your favorite electronic devices interrupts your ability to relax and fall asleep. Don’t use your smartphone, tablet and other digital devices for one hour before bed. Stretch to relax – Stretching for 10-15 minutes before bed will help reduce muscle tension. Turn down noises and do some gentle stretches to relax the muscles and mind.
Set a wake-up schedule – Try to wake up at the same time each morning, even on the weekends. This will help keep your internal clock ticking correctly so you can fall asleep more quickly and sleep deeply.
Embrace natural light – About 15 minutes of sunlight each morning will help reset your circadian rhythm so you can rise more naturally and then sleep better in the evenings.
Learn more without obligation. Call today for details and your appointment.
We Listen More... To Help You Hear Better!
Dementia presents itself through various symptoms, and memory loss alone is not enough to lead to a dementia diagnosis. Dementia can affect thinking and social abilities, but the Mayo Clinic notes that some dementias may be reversible. The following are some common symptoms of dementia:
• Trouble communicating or finding words.
• Difficulty completing complex tasks.
• Challenges with planning and organization.
• Episodes of confusion and disorientation.
• Memory loss, which is often noticed by a third party.
• Personality changes that can include agitation, anxiety, inappropriate behavior and even hallucinations.
Apart from Alzheimer’s disease, which is a progressive disorder most common in people age 65 and older, there are other types of dementia. Thesecondmostcommoniscalled“vasculardementia.”Thisresultsfrom damage to vessels that supply blood to the brain. This damage can be the result of stroke, smoking and other blood vessel conditions. Brain imaging can often detect blood vessel problems implicated in vascular dementia. Dementia with Lewy bodies, or DLB, is another dementia that laymen may mistakeforAlzheimer’sdisease.TheAlzheimer’sAssociationnotesthatpeople with DLB often have not only memory loss and cognitive problems common in Alzheimer’s, but they also display initial or early symptoms such as sleep disturbances, well-formed visual hallucinations, slowness, gait imbalance or otherParkinsonianmovementfeatures,whichcanleadtomisdiagnosis.
Antibacterial products: Antibacterial soaps, lotions and wipes may contain triclosan, triclocarban and at least 17 additional ingredients that are linked to various negative health effects. In September 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of these antibacterial agents. These chemicals can disrupt hormone cycles and cause muscle weakness.
“There’s no data demonstrating that over-the-counter antibacterial soaps are better at preventing illness than washing with plain soap and water,” the FDA said in a press release issued shortly after the rule was announced.
Avoid peak travel times. The easiest way to find yourself stuck in Memorial Day traffic is to hit the road during peak travel times. Many people have embraced the “leave early” trend to holiday weekend travel, so the roads may be busier than drivers would expect on Thursday afternoon and evening. If it’s possible, drivers can hit the road prior to 3 p.m. Thursday. If work and kids’ school schedules make that impossible, delay your departure until late Thursday night or before the sun rises on Friday morning. Late at night or very early in the morning might not make for the most accommodating travel time, but roads tend to be the least congested at these times.
On Memorial Day and always, we remember and honor all who put service above self as members of our nation’s military. Thank you for your sacrifice and dedication to preserving our freedom.
Our respect and gratitude will forever be with our fallen military heroes and their families. Their service and sacrifice are beyond measure. We will never forget their dedication to our country and our freedom.
To all the brave men and women who serve in uniform today, we thank you.
Paying Tribute: Remembering and Honoring on Memorial Day
8053 Pittsford-Victor Rd
Victor, NY 14564 585-450-0589
We would like to honor those who served and their families.
7383 State Route 96, Victor, NY
We salute the service men and women and thank you for your service.
(585) 394-4260
Member FDIC
This Memorial Day, we remember those who sacrificed everything for our country. Thank you to them and their families.
79 West Main Street Victor 585-433-4661
On this Memorial Day we remember and honor all those men and women who gave their lives for our freedom.
5102 Parrish Street Canandaigua, NY 585-396-1010
Legendary Auto Interiors, Ltd.
Growing company seeking quali ed sales representative for Inside Sales Position.
Prefer 3 years sales experience with demonstrated record of achievement. Some weekend travel to attend car shows required. Previous industry experience and knowledge of muscle cars is a plus. Valid NYS drivers license, clean driving record needed.
We o er excellent starting wages and bene ts.
Give us a call or stop in 315-331-1212 ext 226 Ask for Heather.
121 West Shore Blvd, Newark, NY 14513
Victor Central Schools will be hosting a Job Fair for our Transportation Department on Wednesday, May 31st, from 9am-2pm in the Transportation Department, 7055 Lane Road, Victor
Sta will be on hand to answer your questions, assist with the application process, and provide on-the-spot interviews.
VCS is hiring full-time, part-time, and substitute Bus Drivers and Bus Monitors. We also o er a paid driver training program.
Our part-time and per diem positions come with exible schedules, competitive wages and optional NYS retirement system enrollment. Full-time positions also qualify for excellent health bene ts.
e Town of Lima is seeking an individual to provide cleaning service following the close of business Monday-Friday.
is work typically includes sweeping, vacuuming and washing oors, dusting furnishings, washing windows, doors and building hardware, cleaning and sanitizing bathrooms, gathering and disposing of o ce refuse.
e position requires physical condition commensurate to the requirements of the position which include the ability to bend, stoop, lift, carry, reach, push and pull, and climb ladders. e position requires no minimum quali cations, however experience in cleaning work and references are desirable. Ideal for HS graduates. Said position is eligible for NYS Retirement credit. oroughness and cleanliness are essential performance conditions of this position.
Pay Rate: $14.50 per hour.
Letters of interest may be submitted to: Jennifer Heim, CMC/RMC, Town of Lima Clerk 7329 East Main Street, Lima, NY 14485 582-1130 • clerk@townoflima.org
According to a 2018 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person changes jobs between 10 and 15 times during his or her career. In addition, many workers spend five years or less in each job.
Providing energy saving improvements to lower energy bills & improve a home’s comfort in Monroe County
Knowledge of the home performance industry or experience in home energy eld preferred. Entry level opportunities also available. To apply go to: https://bit.ly/450Hq0B
Also accepting applications for:
Crew Leader and/or Crew Positions
General labor skills with carpentry, insulation and minor home repair experience preferred.
Send Resume to: cbrandau@pathstone.org
No Phone Calls Please
All Applicants Must:
Hours and pay vary by position.
NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
Have Valid Driver’s License • Pass Background Check All tools, equipment and additional training will be provided.
our organization are people who care about their customers and foster relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to create innovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising, design, digital, printing and promotional products.
Must have 2-3 years experience in an assembly environment. Basic knowledge of measuring and hand tools very helpful.
Great opportunity for the right individuals. Excellent pay & benefits. Email resume: hr@aftechnologies.com or mail to:
American Filtration Technologies, Inc. 100 Thruway Park Drive W. Henrietta, NY 14586
Seeing candidate to operate lowboy to deliver heavy equipment and materials to various job sites throughout the Rochester area. Responsible for the safe transport of all equipment/materials, loading/unloading, and securing equipment to trailer. Class A Commercial Driver’s License required.
Please apply in person, online or send resume to:
Pooler Enterprises, Inc., 783 Country Rd. #42, Fishers, NY 14453 Phone: 585-924-5200 • Fax: 585-924-5205
For more information about our company visit our website www.poolerenterprises.com
This organization is committed to ensuring that employees are selected based on their skill, experience and qualification, and are compensated with respect to these factors. This company is an equal opportunity employer and we do not engage in practices that discriminate against any person employed or seeking employment based on race, color, gender, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, veteran’s status, or any other protected status. As a company we pride ourselves on the quality of our personnel - you represent us. Join a team that is setting the standard in the industry for technology, workmanship and capability. It’s not just a job, it’s a career. We offer competitive wages, comprehensive benefits package, and a 401k retirement plan.
Divide your responsibilities. Allow family members to tackle some chores or other household duties so it will free up more time to spend together.
Rush- enrietta CentralSchoolDistrict Is Hiring...
•Paid training program to obtain Commercial Driver’s License(CDL)available
•High SchoolDiploma/GED required
Call(585)359-5380or visitrhnet.org/drive
Candidate should possess:
• 3 to 7 years of accounting experience in manufacturing environment
• Excellent organization skills
• Understanding of computerized inventory modules regarding manufacturing environment
• Ability to maintain complete computerized accounting system and subsidiary ledgers
Perform Monthly:
• Bank reconciliation for various bank accounts and all general ledger accounts
• Reconcile Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Prepaid Sales to Subsidiary Ledgers
• Strong knowledge of inventory operations, organizing inventory items and routine quantity counts regarding inventory, and making adjustments to inventory system
• Perform timely monthly and year end close on accounting system to provide accurate nancial statement for third party needs
• Strong payroll knowledge to assist HR Department and outside payroll service
• Familiar with sales tax reporting, ling out of state sales tax returns, and registering for sales tax in states outside of New York
• Capitalize project cash ow needs and prepare budget
Please contact the Human Resource Department at 315-331-1212 ext 226 or 207.
Walk ins are welcome at 121 West Shore Blvd, Newark, NY 14513
while nding
A new year often sparks change. Many people aspire to change jobs at the dawn of a new year, and such changes are more frequent than one might think.
Background in electonics, pneumatics, hydraulics, computers, electrical, mechanical, fabricating, spray painting, and welding is helpful. Must have experience with all types of hand and power tools. Constant observation of safety and re procedures at all times. is is a fast-paced environment with some strenuous work involved. Must be a team player and a self starter and be able to work independently and multi-task. Have the ability to problem solve, good communication skills, and represent professionalism at all times. Must be willing to sometimes work outside normal hours to complete projects. Excellent attendance is a must. Must have clean and valid NYS driver’s license.
We o er excellent starting wages and bene ts.
Give us a call or stop in 315-331-1212 ext 226 Ask for Heather.
121 West Shore Blvd, Newark, NY 14513
Created just for your big day, we've put together sets of stunning wedding invitations to perfectly match your style.
Prioritize saving. Lightning may not strike twice, but plan ahead for another job loss by prioritizing savings in the future.
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Hi, my name is Shadow. I’m a southern gal. I’m very spoiled. Y’all have a good day!!