4 minute read
Hemorrhoid Surgery Doesn’t Deserve Its Bad Reputation
DEAR DR. ROACH: My 30-year-old, and otherwise healthy, grandson has been suffering from, and treating, hemorrhoids for two years. He is anemic due to his loss of blood. He’s had several bandings; they couldn’t complete the last one because he was in too much pain. They said they couldn’t anesthetize the area because his lack of feeling would prevent them from knowing if they were near a nerve. So, now they say he should have surgery, although it is said to be quite painful and difficult.
Do you agree that they can’t anesthetize the area for banding, and is the surgery as horrible to deal with as they say? Under what conditions would you say it is advisable to have the surgery? -- A.P.
ANSWER: Most people with a banding procedure do not need anesthesia, and nerve blocks are not used in hemorrhoidal banding because a feeling of pain is a useful indication that the band is not in the best position. When home treatments and office procedures (like banding, scleral therapy or infrared coagulation) are ineffective or can’t be used, it is time to consider surgical treatment. The surgery’s reputation of being “horrific” is undeserved. I have had several patients in the last few years undergo this surgical procedure, and although they have certainly had a few days of pain after the procedure, all have been happy with the outcomes. Surgeons often use long-acting local anesthetics, and the pain is greatly reduced when they are combined with better surgical procedures, compared to older surgical techniques and anesthesia.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
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Ways to Become More Active Every Day
In addition to working toward at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week, it’s important to avoid being sedentary, when possible. You can do that by making choices that build activity in your day. Some examples include:
• Taking the stairs
• Printing to the printer farthest away from your desk at work
• Getting off the bus or subway one stop early
• Parking in the farthest space from the door
• Walking around while you are on the phone or having walking meetings
Support with Cushion!!
* On July 19, 1799, the Rosetta Stone is found in Egypt by a French soldier. The irregularly shaped black basalt slab contained fragments of passages written Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian demotic. It held the key to solving the riddle of hieroglyphics, a written language that had been “dead” for nearly 2,000 years.
Pure joy!
Many thanks to the fine ladies that volunteer at Avon’s Livingston County Humane Society. They allowed me to take a kitten to visit a dear friend at the Avon nursing home. She and some others enjoyed the kitten and a worker there may possibly adopt “George”! Please keep them in mind if you are looking to give a cat or kitten a furever home or even if you could provide foster care, they supply all the kitty’s necessities. Their dedication is appreciated by many.
Floral Beauty!
Thank you to the volunteers in the towns and parks that maintain the flower beds, everything is looking so wonderful this year!
Byrne Dairy - Geneseo
I would like to recognize Paul at Byrne Dairy in Geneseo. Paul goes above and beyond to keep the business clean, neat, items organized, and keeps fresh food stocked and if not available on the shelf, he will make it for customers. All employers could benefit from someone like Paul. Kudos to you, Paul...keep up the good work.
Concert prices
Why are concert prices skyrocketing?! The artists are just pricing out the little people who cannot shell out hundreds of dollars for a single evening out. Add to the $100 on a single seat, $10 for a bottled water or $20+ for anything else, that’s a solid day’s pay for a lot of people who would love to check out live music. No wonder people choose other options for their free time. I understand there’s a lot of hands in the pot, a lot of people who make the event happen, and salaries on top of venue costs, but when every person in a 10,000 person crowd paid a good $100 for that evening’s event, that’s a whopping $100,000 just for one event, not to mention the major profit of the food and beverage sales. Kinda outrageous, don’t ya think?
Do not judge by appearances!
As per the abuse of handicap parking signs: Perhaps it does exist, and I too get upset when I see people who seems to be without a need using the spaces. However, I am one of those whose health needs are not obvious. I have two very bad knees, as documented by X-rays. I have chronic insomnia which leaves me very weak and fatigued all the time. I need to park as closely as possible in order to get to a store. Using a cane does not work for me, because I also have poor balance. Although there may be a misuse of these signs, my doctor knows that I am truthful. I do use my sign. What bothers me is when people use these spaces without the needed signage to prove their need. As our population ages, we’ll need more of these spaces. May our society grow in courtesy toward those in need because it is seriously lacking!
Wills should include a host of information, including who a person wants to assume guardianship of their minor-aged children should they pass away. This is especially important information to include in a will, as surviving relatives may have to go to court to contest guardianship if parents do not dictate who they want to serve as guardians in their wills.
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District IS
• Elementary School Counselor
• Secretary to the Director of Community Programs
• Student Support Partners (Security)
• Food Service Helper
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
Avoid Financial Peril After A Job Loss
Prioritize saving. Lightning may not strike twice, but plan ahead for another job loss by prioritizing savings in the future.