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Puppy Piddling is a Real Pain
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-month-old, medium-size mixed breed dog Jake has a problem I can’t seem to train him out of. Whenever he gets excited, he leaves pee droplets across the oor. Jake is healthy and energetic, and he housetrained quickly. What can I do to stop the piddling? --
Pupper Dad in Ohio
DEAR PUPPER DAD: ere’s a very good chance that it can be resolved. It will take time and training, though.
Puppies under a year old piddle when they get excited or when they think they’re in trouble. Part of it may be a smaller bladder, but another part of it is what’s called “submissive urination.” Dogs piddle instinctively to signal that you are their superior. However, this isn’t a wild dog pack outdoors; it’s you and your dog and your beautiful hardwood oor.
Punishing or yelling at Jake when he piddles will not solve the problem. e real issue is one of con dence and of nding where he belongs in the household. Most puppies stop piddling at around one year old, especially in a home where there’s a predictable structure, as they mature and settle into their place in the family.
Encourage this during Jake’s rst year by staying calm when he piddles. Yelling or trying to correct on the spot can make the problem worse. Clean up the urine and lead him to a di erent spot, and work on a basic command with him like “sit-stay.”
Try not to pay attention to Jake when you come in the door from work. Ask visitors to look away from him when they come in. Later, when you and your visitors are settled on the sofa, pay attention to Jake with lots of praise. Learn more at this link: www.tu syourdog. com/dogtrainingandbehavior/the-three-reasons-puppies-piddle-indoors/.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
The Benefits To Joining A Local Gym
Resolving to get healthy is a worthy goal. A healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet and routine exercise can improve quality of life and decrease a person’s risk for various ailments, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
In an effort to exercise more, many men and women choose to join local gyms. Such a decision can have a profound impact on efforts to get healthier, benefitting men and women in myriad ways.
Gym members exercise more than non-members. It’s long been assumed that joining a gym motivates people to exercise more often, as few people want to pay monthly membership fees for facilities they don’t use. But researchers at Iowa State University backed up that assumption in a study of 405 relatively healthy adults. Half of the study participants had belonged to a gym for at least 30 days, while half had not been gym members for at least three months. Participants who belonged to a gym exercised an average of 484 minutes per week, greatly exceeding the 150-minutes-per-week minimum recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services. Non-members exercised an average of just 137 minutes per week, with only 18 percent meeting the recommended weekly exercise guidelines.
Joining a gym improves overall health. While common sense suggests joiningagymimprovesoverallhealth,theIowaStatestudyactuallyproved that to be true. The study found that, compared to non-members, gymgoers tended to have lower resting heart rates, higher cardiorespiratory fitness and smaller waist circumferences. Researchers found that those benefits were especially prevalent among participants who had kept their gym memberships for a year or more.
Joining a gym can increase the chances of getting more well-rounded workouts. DHHS guidelines say adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and should perform musclestrengthening exercises on two or more days each week. Non-members may be able to meet the guidelines for aerobic activity on their own, but the Iowa State study found that only about 20 percent of Americans meet guidelines for strength training. Gym memberships provide access to weights and strength-training machines that non-members do not necessarily have at home, increasing the chances that gym members will enjoy fuller, more well-rounded workouts.
Joining a gym can be a social endeavor. While many people join gyms to get healthy, it’s important that prospective members not overlook the potential social benefits of gym memberships. Exercise classes hosted at local gyms can provide great opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, and such individuals may ultimately become support systems people can lean on to achieve their fitness goals.
How Everyday Citizens Can Protect Local Parks
Leave nothing behind. Memories are not the only things park visitors should take with them when they leave the park. Estimates suggest that as much as 100 million pounds of garbage are generated at California’s Yosemite National Park each year. Significant damage can result if even a tiny fraction of that garbage is left behind. In addition, park officials forced to expend their limited resources on garbage pickup may not have enough resources left to address other issues, further threatening the park. Whether you’re hiking or camping, make sure everything you take into the park comes with you when you leave. If you have trash, make sure it’s deposited into the appropriate receptacles.
Hi all! Our names are Jerry and George!
We love to chase each other around the house, play with our toys, and snuggle with our favorite humans!
TIPS TO HELP MEN LOOK THEIR BEST: Make an effort to reduce stress. Stress produces a host of negative side effects, some of which can indirectly affect appearance. Some people dealing with stress end up suffering from insomnia, which can contribute to bags under the eyes. Stress also can adversely affect hydration of the skin, contributing to dry skin. Stress also can contribute to hormonal imbalances that lead to skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. If stress is a problem, make a concerted effort to reduce it, even working with a physician to reduce stress when necessary.
Charlie O’Shields, the creator of D dlewash® and host of the Sketching Stu podcast, founded World Watercolor Month in 2016. He created a blog and social ar st movement dedicated to promo ng and bringing together the vast co unity of watercolor ar sts around the world.
D dlewash and World Watercolor Month hope to raise funds and awarene for art educa on and cla es, n dy ar sts, and bring the magic of art to those who might not be able to pursue it otherwise.
What images are mi ing on each line? Each image wi only show once on each line whether it’s ver cal, horizontal, or diagonal.
Forgetting to preheat: Preheating the grill ensures that foods will cook quickly and as evenly as possible. Otherwise, meats can lose moisture and even stick to cooler grates. Reader’s Digest suggests preheating
350 F and 450 F depending on the food.
Warning Signs A Tire Is About To Go Flat
Tires often produce warning signs that a flat or blowout is about to emerge, so drivers who want to avoid such unfortunate developments can inspect their tires for the following signs.
• Varying wear: Tires should exhibit the same type of wear. The wear on front tires and back tires may differ, but one front tire should have the same amount of wear as the other and the same goes for the back tires. Uneven tread on tires indicates that the tire with more wear could be about to go out.
• Worn tread: Employ the quarter test. Insert a quarter into the tread of the tire, with George Washington’s head upright. If you can see the hairline of the United States’ first president, then you need to replace the tire. Perform this test on each of your vehicle’s four tires.
• Low pressure: Make sure their tires are at the manufacturerrecommended pressure, which can be found in a vehicle owner’s manual or by calling the tire manufacturer or visiting their website. An under inflated tire is under stress that can cause the tire to blowout.
• Vibration: A car that vibrates excessively may do so because tires are damaged. Whatever is behind a car that is vibrating, drivers should immediately take the car to their mechanic for an inspection.
• Physical damage to the tire: Sometimes tires exhibit physical damage like bulges or cuts, and such signs could mean a flat tire or blowout is just around the corner.