13 minute read
July 8th, National SCUD Day, has nothing to do with Cold War missiles the name may evoke. e idea is to Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama (SCUD), which is apropos advice year-round. Research shows that humor is good for physical and mental well-being.
e Mayo Clinic says, “Laughter lightens your mental load [and] induces physical changes in your body such as enhancing oxygenrich air intake, which in turn stimulates the heart, lungs, and muscles, and increases endorphins released by the brain. Laughter also activates and relieves stress responses, decreasing the heart rate and blood pressure, resulting in a good, relaxed feeling. Laughter can also have signi cant positive long-term bene ts on the immune system, pain responses, mood and feelings of personal satisfaction.” across the nation and world make their way to Western NY, so there is usually ample opportunity to nd live shows around town. Perhaps even consider checking out one of the local open mic nights to lighten your day and take a break from the drama and weight of human existence.
Why not try to infuse comedy and fun in life, right?! So, in honor of National SCUD Day, turn down the drama and intentionally seek a good laugh.
National SCUD Day’s founding goes back to 2007 with Stephanie West Allen. An author and lawyer, Allen also studied psychology and knew that people were too stressed and needed time away from that stress. She hoped to encourage folks to forget being so serious, relax a bit, and infuse humor into life.
Lisa Fybush manages and hosts two open mics around Rochester, one on the rst and third ursday of the month at Rosen Krown (875 Monroe Avenue), and the other more casual Comedy on Deck with her husband, Scott, in their back yard (at an address privately available – nd her on FB for details), typically on the ursdays she’s not at Rosen Krown. is year, the Fybushes are having people vote for their favorite comics, and the winners will be in our Fringe show, Comedy On Deck Comes Inside.
“Life can be very di cult and bleak and if we weren’t able to see the funny side we would be miserable most of the time. ere are some religious philosophers who consider comedy a sacred profession because it helps people forget their troubles for a while,” Fybush says. She continues: “Savor the comic every day by not taking [yourself] too seriously and trying to be open to the funny side of situations. is world is crazy. Sometimes you just have to laugh.”
Shane Allen hosts the ROC Cinema Open Mic each Friday night (957 S. Clinton Ave.). Allen says, “ ey say laughter is the best medicine. I don’t think it can cure bunions, but I believe comedy is like a pressure valve for your soul. Comedy helps the audience confront uncomfortable truths, helps the comics work through their demons, and is a great reminder for us to never take ourselves too seriously.”
Allen says Rochester is “absolutely stacked with hilarious people – and the comedy community is engaged, supportive, and constantly growing. ROC Cinema have been amazing hosts and have gone all out to make the movie theater an amazing space for comedy. e open mics give the comics a real stage, a sound system, and the experience of performing in a theater.”
Focus on the positive, eliminate the negative, and simply enjoy life, even if only for a day. Allen says, “Celebrate by getting yourself out of the Drama Zone and into the Comic Zone! Try avoiding all the drama in your life – leave all that noise behind for the day.”
National SCUD Day is an ideal time to take a break from national/global news or even ctional dramas, and instead intentionally insert silliness into life. Consider scheduling time with fun/ny friends, watching a comedy lm or sit-com, even clicking on funny videos and memes when you have only a moment. Or simply keep handy a funny greeting card or comic strip, a website of jokes, or a humorous podcast. Find a way to laugh about situations you encounter, and stress will fade away.
Jamestown, NY, just a couple of hours from Rochester, is home to the National Comedy Center, drawing incredible acts celebrating small and big names in comedy. What a treasure! Comedians from
Allen and Fybush encourage everyone to attend open mics, follow local comics on social media, and share their content, all free but bene cial ways to support the local comic scene. For the latest in comedy events around Rochester, check out Rochester Comedy on Facebook.
Whatever you do, try to intentionally unplug from the day’s drama and I’m sure you’ll nd the weight of the world li ed, even just for that moment.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon.-Thus. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
On-going Fridays,1:30PM:Drop-in
Tues.Jul25,11:00AMWalking Club
Tues.Jul25,3:00PM:Crafts& Games
Tues.Aug1,10:00AM:Storieswith theSunniesatDuvallFarms
Tues.Aug1,3:00PM:Crafts& Games
Thu.Aug3,10:00AM:Walking Club
Thu.Aug3,1:00PM:BabySensory Play Sat.Aug5,9:00AM:AARPDriver SafetyClass
SummerStorytime&Playtimein thePark
Mon.Aug7,4:00PM:Outdoor Playtime4:00PM
Mondays2-4PM:MahJonggJoin MahJonggenthusiasts!
Mondays12:30PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays6:00PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!
WalkersWednesdays10AM-1PM: BasicComputerSkillsforAdults*
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Tuesday8/1Alzheimer’sSupport Group*Allcaregiverswelcome.
Thursday8/3Tarot:AnIntroduction toUnlockingtheWisdomWithin* Learnaboutthisoftenmisunderstoodtool,includingabrief history,whatitisandhowitworks.
Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.
Mario &Friends:Sunday,July23|1 PM|forgrades3-8&family|registrationrequired
Dungeons&DragonsforBeginners: Monday,July24|6:30PM|forteens |registrationrequired
TheGetawayGuy:Wednesday,July 26|7PM|foradults|registration required
AllTogetherforPJStoryTime: Wednesdays,July26&August9| 6:30PM|forthefamily|noregistrationrequired
Amigos:Friday,July28|2PM|for kids|registrationrequired
MakeNo-SewCatBlanketsforLollypopFarm:Friday,July28|2PM| forteens|registrationrequired
AllTogetherforFamilyStoryTime: Mondays,June26-July31|10:30AM |forfamilies|noregistrationrequired
1:00PMBeginningMahJonggSeries*LearntoplayMahJonggfrom ourmasterinstructors.
Friday8/412:30PMHoopingfor EveryBody*Foradultsofallages andabilities.
Saturday8/510:30AM:Drawing andWatercolorswithDarryl Abraham*Letyourcreativejuices flow,thisprogramisforeveryone! *Visitwww. victorfarmingtonlibrary.orgfor moreinfoandtoregister.
And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.
~F. Scott Fitzgerald
~Russel Baker
SaveTheDate:August11,2023. 31st AvonAlumniBanquet HostedbytheClassof1973.The banquetisforallgraduatesofAvon CentralandtoclassmatesthatattendedSt.AgnesSchool(Avon). Thiswillalsobethe50threunion forclassof73.Classof63,thisis your60th,classof83,your40th andclassof93your30th.The reunionisallplanned,sogetyour classmatestogetherandcatchup witholdfriends.Togetacopyof theinvitationorformoreinformationpleaseemail:slane@rochester. rr.com.
BloomfieldRotary’sConcertsin the Park-WarrenPaul: The BloomfieldRotarypresentsWarren Paul(acousticfolk,pop,rock, bluegrass&comedy))onTuesday, July25thfrom7:00-9:00PMat EltonParkinBloomfield.Bottled waterandhotdogswillbe available.Donationssupportthe manyRotaryprojectsthatbenefit ourcommunity.Bringalawnchair andbepreparedforadelightful evening!Formoreinformation, contactMarceat585-472-1775.
MoonlightStrolls- Music inthe moonlitgardensofSonnenberg. Greatforthewholefamily!Seeour websiteforalistofmusicalguests. HeldFridays,July28th-September 1stfrom8pm-10pmatSonnenberg Gardens&MansionStateHistoric Park,250GibsonSt.,Canandaigua. https://www.sonnenberg.org/ events/
OntarioCountyHistoricalSociety’s CourthouseWalkingTour highlightsnotablepeopleand eventsfromtheCounty’shistory. Tourparticipantswillberequiredto followallcourthousesecuritymeasures,includinggoingthrougha metaldetectoruponentryand avoidingphotographyinsidethe courthouse.Tourswillmeetatthe OntarioCountyHistoricalSociety (55N.MainSt.,Canandaigua)and willstartat2PMonJuly28.Admissionisfree/donationswelcome. https://www.ochs.org/
FishFry-BenefitingTheNaples VFW Auxiliary:JoinusAugust4th foraFishFryfrom5-8attheNaples VFWPost,7811StateRoute21, Naples.Allproceedstobenefitthe JamesRMooreVFWAuxiliary. CASHONLY.ATMavailableonsite. Dinnertoinclude,friedfish,salt potatoes,coleslaw,dinnerrolland dessertofchoice.Ticketscanbe purchasedattheNaplesVFWPost for$14.Orpurchasedatthedoor for$15.
CarandMotorcycleShow! The East BloomfieldHistoricalSociety willbesponsoringtheir3rdAnnual CarandMotorcycleParadeand ShowonSat.July29,2023.The paradewillstartattheHistorical Societyat8SouthAve.inEast BloomfieldandendupatVeterans Parkat6910Rt.5and20.Itwillbe openfrom10:30amuntil3:00pm. Pre-registrationforacarwillbeat 9:30attheHistoricalSocietyandis $20.00.Therewillbefood,music prizesandmanyvendorsatVeteransPark,comeforafunafternoon!!!!Admissionis$20.00.Call 585-657-7244or585-657-7700 ext.1formoreinformation.
Anthony Mazurkiewicz -RocOn Harley-DavidsonandPowersports willbesponsoringarideonAugust 26,2023inhonorofOfficer AnthonyMazurkiewicz.Allproceedswillbedonatedtothefallen officer’sfamily.Theridewillbegin atRocOnHarley-Davidson(witha continentalbreakfast)andendat theVeteransofForeignWars,300 MacedonCenterRoad,Fairport. Music,foodandofcoursesupport forourBLUE.Fora$10donation, afterpartywristbandswillbe availableforthosewhowereunabletoparticipateintheride.Cash barandfoodavailableforpurchase.Questions/info.:email bsardone@roconharleydavidson. com
Hike/BikeHoneoyeLake- Hike or BikeHoneoyeLakeSundayJuly 23from4-6PMwithSpringwater Trailsfollowedbyasocialgettogetherdish-to-passpicniconthe lake.Foradditionalinfo/directions/ updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
Ways To Support Local Businesses
Shop at small businesses regularly.
FarmingtonFireAssociation 75th AnniversaryCarnival- August3-5.ThursdayNight:6PM12AM.Feadan‘OrPipeBandopeningnightmusic.Smokin’Tails Distillerymoonshinetasting.2tix forthepriceofonebeer.Johnny Bauer-LiveMusic-8-11.Food Trucks!Friday:5PM-1AM.5PMFoodOpensAND6PMRidesOpen. 6:45-75thannualParade!OffThe GridPartyRock-LiveMusic9:00-12:00.Saturday:Noon-1AM. Noon-Foodopens.12:30Kids’ CostumeParade(lineup11:45). WitchyWomenoftheFingerLakes. NoonuntilsoldoutCHICKENBARB-Q.1-5PM-Pay1priceridematinee($20).SlowRiders-LiveMusic8-12.10:00PM-GrandFireworks Display!
ChristmasinJulyChildren’sProgram - Parents,areyoulookingfor somethingspecialforyourthird, fourthandfifthgraderstodothis summer?OnTue.July25thfrom 1:00pm-3:00pmatLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.Hemlock,wewillmakegoodies toeat,createcoolChristmasornaments,andplayfunChristmas games.Costis$7.00ppandincludestreatsandDIYtakehome projects.Registerearlyatwww. littlelakesny.orgunderupcoming events,minimumof10andamaximumof25forthisprogram.Questionsemailbsykes@littlelakesny.org
Honeoye Falls
Joinusfor the 15THANNUAL YOUNGANDWYLD5KRACE throughbeautifulhistoricHoneoye Falls.Wednesday,August2at 7PM.Startsacrossfromthe HoneoyeFallsPostOffice.Further Details/Registeratrunsignup.com. Includesfreefoodandrootbeer floatspostrace.Opentoallages, families.Walkerswelcome.ProceedsbenefitYoungLife.Questions:lesley54321@yahoo.com
TheHoneoyeFallsCommunity Concert Band willperformtheir finalsummerconcertinHarryAllen ParkinHoneoyeFallsFriday,July 28th.InthetraditionalMusicand Moviesformat,achildren’smovie willfollowthebandperformance whichstartsat7PM.Themovie Minions:TheRiseofGruwillstart atdusk.Sadlybutinterestingly, actorAlanArkin,whopassedaway atage89onJune29th,performed hislastdramaticroleasthevoiceof WildKnucklesinMinions(2022). Also,forRedsWingsfans,membersoftheHoneoyeFallsCommunityConcertBandwillplaythe nationalanthemtoopenthegame thisSunday,July23rd,atInnovative Field.
HLRCGolfTournament- On July 31,2023,theHoneoyeLakeRotary Clubwillhostits38thAnnualGolf TournamentatOldHickoryin Livonia.Thefunbeginswithregistrationstartingat9,shotgun startat10anddinneraround4. Golfcart,lunchanddinnerare includedwithyourroundofgolf foronly$95.Silentauctionand rafflewillalsoaddtothefun. ComejoinusforourannualfundraisertosupportCamp ONSEYAWA,communityservice projectsatHoneoyeCentralSchool, andotherprojectsaroundour town,nationandworldwide.For moreinformationcontactJeanne Hamele585-729-9118orbyemail jnnhamele@aol.com.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,August9,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot, Sportsman’s Extravaganza -Hunting/Fishing Sale!Youthactivitiesincludefree archery&indoorpelletrange.Sunday,July23rd,8am-11amatthe MiddlesexConservationClub,6087 SouthHillRoad,Middlesex.http:// www.middlesexconservationclub. org/
SavetheDate!AnnualPhelps Central SchoolAlumniReunionAugust3,2023atClub86Geneva, from11am-4pm.Additionaldetails tofollow-AlumniCommittee.
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. ~Sam Keen
Joinusforthe“JunkinThe Trunk” CommunityYardSale eventatWestBloomfieldCongregationalChurchonAugust5th from9am-4pm.We’llhavelivemusic,foodavailableforpurchase, andotherfunthingstomakethis eventfunforeveryone!Information:SarahWilliamsatwbccoffice@ rochester.rr.com.-
“HiddenTreasuresofWest Bloomfield” - WestBloomfield HistoricalSocietywillofferapublic programon“HiddenTreasuresof WestBloomfield”onTuesday,August1stat7pmattheSociety, 8966Rt.5&20.Theslideshow andnarrationwereproducedmore than20yearsagobyhistorianand author,thelateSandraBortle Schlenker.Increatingtheprogram, Schlenkerspentdecadesconductingresearch,collectingoralrecollections,andtrampingthrough fieldstolocatehiddenlandmarks. TheSocietywillpresentheroriginal imagesandscript,recentlydonated byherfamily.Theprogramisaccessibleandopentoall.Informationat wbhsny.org
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On July 26, 1948, President Harry Truman signs Executive Order 9981, banning discrimination in the military. It ended a long-standing practice of segregating Black soldiers and relegating them to more menial jobs. African Americans had been serving in the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War.
SCHLENKER FARM MARKET eedeeryesq18@outlook.com WWW.DEERYLAW.COM Plan for the Future, Plan for Life.
Open With Our Own Sweet Corn, Grown Here
Open With Our Own Home-grown Sweet Corn And Other Seasonal Fresh Produce 8424 Route 5 & 20, West Bloomfield 585-764-0892
8382 Route 5 & 20 West Bloomfield, NY 585-764-0892
WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, Complete 22 Volume Set. 585-690-3161
4 qty rounded LANDSCAPING EDGING, brick. 2’ long by 3’ high pieces. Penfield: 585-820-9245
Two PLAYER PIANOS and a LOWREY HOME THEATRE. 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message)
POOL TABLE w/ balls, but no cue sticks. Particle Board. Warped, but good for kids to learn on. You remove from basement. msmalter2@gmail.com
Sony 5 CD/DVD CHANGER. Ask for Bill. 585-402-8870
FUTON MATTRESS, full size, burgundy. Old, but gently used. Not exposed to pets or smoke. Call or text 585-330-7818.
45” LG FLAT SCREEN TV, older model but great picture, not a smart TV. You pick up in Canandaigua. bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
OneTouch Blood GLUCOSE METER. sscott01@rochester.rr.com
CUSHIONS for the glider rocker picked up on Taylor Road in Mendon. 585-624-4647
Metal OFFICE DESK. Heavy duty measures 29” tall, 30” deep and 60” wide. Fairport. Donna, 585 943 -8487
BENCH SEAT PROTECTOR, 53” wide, black, had in my pick-up. 585-334-8636
WOOD for crafts. 585-698-0111
AIR CONDITIONER for 1 room or small apartment. Works good. You pickup. Brockport. 585-431-3666
PRODUCE / VEGGIES for compost. 585-300-3301
OPERA RECORDS (Caruso, Pavarotti, more), HISTORICAL RECORDS (JFK & landing on the moon), MUSIC CDS/CASSETTES, BLANK CDS. 585-388-0318
BANANA BOXES. All in good shape: 315-548-3872
BURGUNDY ROCKER RECLINER. Good condition. Slight sun fading on back. Small puppy chew on one corner. Taker picks up: vlovesbruce@gmail.com
Ornate FRENCH PROVINCIAL BABY GRAND PIANO. Tuned: womyn430@yahoo.com
3’ x 5’ x 1-1/2” solid surface COUNTERTOP. Excellent condition: cindypfeifer59@gmail.com
WOMEN’S SUPER-ABSORBENT PADS XL: nickrusso224@gmail.com
NATURE MADE VITAMIN D, 5000 IU, 90 ct., unopened. Expiration 3/24. Avon: 585-503-7083
Canning season coming. Have many PINT & QUART CANNING JARS, all with rings: clkendall57@yahoo.com
1 set YAKIMA # 00124 Q TOWERS, cross bars not included. Not sure of applications: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
IMPACT ADVANCED RECOVERY IMMUNONUTRITION DRINK for before and after any surgery. 1.5 cases. Dansville. You pick up: 585-432-0506
Sturdy desk-type CHAIR on wheels. Will pick up within 10 miles of Geneseo. Call 585-382-3705
Looking for a BOX TRAILER. 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message) MUSIC ALBUMS and 45s from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s. Call Bill 585-402-8870
NUTRIBULLET processor for veggies. stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
Lawn & garden TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. 585-883-7387
POOL TABLE for senior citizen community center. 585-409-5384
6’ or larger KAYAK for veteran. 585-770-8162
Sturdy SHELVING, FILE CABINETS, and TARPS. Call: 585-424-0732
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or Text 315-576-1278
92-year-old Vet needs a 12’ CANOE BOAT TRAILER: 585-494-6025
Gently used GAS GRILL for Hospeace House. Needed for residents’ family use and for fundraising events. Call or text: 585-797-7643
TRADING CARDS, vintage or new. Sports or non-sports. Will be appreciated and displayed! 585-729-1259
BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
“REACHING TOOL” used by elders. Suesassy1231@gmail.com
Many 2-liter EMPTY SODA BOTTLES (not crushed). Need a lot for a project. 585-698-0758
Seeking an ATV OR DIRT BIKE for father/son projects. Please call or text Matt at 315-576-1278
POOL TABLE: 585-409-5384
Disabled person needs working RIDING MOWER. Old one finally quit: piamiamine@yahoo.com
Would like to dig up some WHITE BIRCH TREES in the Canandaigua area: scoutmasterdavid@yahoo.com
COOKBOOKS and CORNINGWARE. Old or new. Will be used and treasured! 585-729-1259
WATER TABLE for children to play in: 585-288-2661
ROCK 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, and RECORDS from ‘70s/’80s/’90s for own personal collection: gzintel@yahoo.com
8-OUNCE JELLY JARS: llibby@rochester.rr.com
Looking for 5-10 LB. WEIGHTS stan1k1@yahoo.com
VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Scout Archery Merit Badge. 501C compliant. Text 585-794-0448 or email mintshape@netacc.net
KAYAK. 6 ft or longer. If you no longer want or use your kayak please email: mmshining42@gmail.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
CANANDAIGUA:PARKAVE Friday 7/28,Saturday7/29(9am-3pm)
PARKAVENUEMULTI-FAMILY SALE-A-PALOOZA!Furniture,gemstonejewelry,clothes,toys,books, household,plussoooomuchmore-somethingforeveryone,bargainsgalore,nottobemissed!Bringyour friends,bringyourfamily,youwon’t besorry!Fourstars,highlyrecommend!
HENRIETTA:535Pittsford Henrietta Rd.7/28&7/29(10am-4pm), Raindate8/4&8/5.DealersWelcome,Cash.Household,cameras, Prada,Coach,toys,DVDs,etc.
HONEOYEFALLS:9Hurlingham Dr. July28-29Movingsale. Everythingmustgo.Bedroom furniture,6-personsaltwaterhot tub,chinacabinet,metalartwork, kitchenitems,weddingdress,too muchtolist.Fri./Sat.July28-29 from9am-3pm.9Hurlingham Drive,HoneoyeFalls.
BRISTOL:4645Ganyard Hill Rd. July28&29(8am-1pm)Tools,car ramps,Coca-colacooler,oldfarm tools,redwagon,HessTrucks,Pepsi 6-packs,Christmaswreaths,couch, chair,householditemsandmuch more.Stilldiggingout!
Fall Day Tours with Bus America
October 3 A Chorus Line at Merry Go Round
October 9 Windmill Fall Festival & Luncheon
October 11 Letchworth Fall Spectacular
October 18 NEW Finger Lakes Scenic Train Ride
November 13 Veterans Appreciation Tour
Expert Bat Proofing & Removal
Residential/Commercial Serving Western New York
Puzzle Answers This
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. WEATHER: What is the name of the hot wind that blows from the Sahara Desert to the southern coast of Europe?
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the condition of seeing human faces in random or ambiguous objects or patterns?
3. GEOGRAPHY: What is the only country that borders the United Kingdom?
4. THEATER: Which Broadway play features a helicopter on stage?
5. LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude”?
6. MEDICAL: What is the common name for the ailment called epistaxis?
7. TELEVISION: Which TV comedy popularized the phrase “Yabba Dabba Do”?
8. MOVIES: What is the nickname that Steven Spielberg gave the mechanical shark in the movie “Jaws”?
9. HISTORY: When did the Boxer Rebellion take place in China?
10. MATH: Which number doesn’t have a corresponding Roman numeral?
10. Zero.
9. 1900.
8. Bruce.
7. “The Flintstones.”
6. Nosebleed.
5. Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
4. “Miss Saigon.”
3. Republic of Ireland.
2. Pareidolia.
1. Sirocco.
Kitchen Design With Health And Ergonomics In Mind
(NAPSI)—Whether you’re among the 50 million Americans over 65 (90 percent of whom hope to continue to age at home), the 60 percent of families with children at home, have other ability issues or safety concerns or think you could someday, incorporating ergonomic elements that promote a seamless experience in the kitchen can make it a more comfortable place for everyone for many years to come.
Smart Sinks Given the amount of time spent in front of the sink, selecting one that considers your lifestyle and how you cook should be a priority. Details such as the durability and hygienic qualities of a sink’s material along with its style and size can impact efficiency and comfort.
For example, the latest sink from BLANCO, a manufacturer of finely crafted sinks, is designed to enhance workflow and accommodate all users. A first of its kind, the IKON® 33” Apron 1 3/4 Bowl with Low Divide sink is made with the brand’s exclusive SILGRANIT granite composite material. Easy to clean and scratch resistant, patented SILGRANIT material is a repellent, nonporous surface that eliminates the need to use harsh chemicals when cleaning.
The IKON sink also has a convenient low divide that sits just 5 1/2” from the sink bottom, making it easier to handle large pots and baking sheets while still dividing the sink into cleaning and prepping bowls. The apron front or farmhouse design, minimizes the need to lean over as much and so helps reduce strain.
Optional accessories further enhance comfort and workflow. A floating grid provides an extra level within the sink so handling hot and heavy pots can be safer and easier. A Floating Cutting Board that fits right on top of the sink instantly creates another workspace beyond the countertop.
Faucets Semi-professional and pull-down faucet models help make clean-up more efficient with their easy-to-maneuver design and powerful dual spray features. To make washing hands, food and dishes easier, consider a faucet with sensor technology such as the BLANCO SOLENTA™ Senso Semi-Professional Kitchen Faucet that lets you turn on the water with a wave of your hand. You don’t have to touch the faucet with your hands to get them clean—or if they’re full.
Other ways to enhance the ergonomics in your kitchen include:
• Use drawers instead of cabinets for storage so there’s less reaching
• Install different countertop heights to accommodate various users
• Raise the height of the dishwasher and oven if you can
• Select nonporous counter materials like quartz that are easy to keep clean
• Use LED lights for more brightness from less energy and that are cool to the touch
• Consider an easy-to-clean induction cooking surface—it can reduce energy costs, too Learn More: For further facts about sinks and faucets that can make your kitchen safer, more efficient and even better looking, visit blancoamerica.com.
Protecting Honeybees
Honeybees and other bees require some sort of shelter. Dead trees and plants provide adequate shelter, so don’t be so tempted to pull out all of the undergrowth in the name of aesthetics.
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Moments In Time
* On July 22, 1934, outside Chicago’s Biograph Theatre, notorious criminal John Dillinger -- America’s “Public Enemy No. 1” -- is killed by federal agents. In a yearlong bank-robbing spree, Dillinger and his associates robbed 11 banks for more than $300,000, broke jail and narrowly escaped capture multiple times, and killed seven police officers and three federal agents. (The History Channel)
Get Summer-Ready with Expert Style Tips (Family Features) Warm weather means fun-filled days spent in the sun by a pool or at the beach. Style and beauty-on-abudget expert Lilliana Vazquez of www.CheapChicas.com shares the following tips to help you get summer-ready. Bathing suits, back to basics. Choose a bathing suit that is not only stylish, but flattering for every body type, like a retro-inspired one piece.