5810 Goodale Rd., Canandaigua Call 585-394-4722
* Some 60% of human DNA is identical to that of a banana.
Look for EV-friendly lodging: Many hotels now feature charging stations exclusively for guests with EVs. Some hotels include the cost of utilizing such stations in their parking fees, while others may charge an additional amount. Either way, the convenience of finding a hotel with its own charging station outweighs any extra costs, as cars can be charged overnight while guests are asleep, leaving more time to travel in a vehicle that’s fully charged each morning.
Current debate has resurfaced over the potential that artificial turf may cause unnecessary injuries on football fields across the nation. Should artificial turf be banned on football fields?
• Yes
• No
Poll ends 09-26-2023
Poll ended 09-19-2023
If you were a type of food, what would you be?
31.6% Chocolate cake - we both bring joy to people’s lives
21.1% Pizza – it’s a classic comfort food that brings people together
5.3% Ramen - warm, comforting, and complex in flavor
10.5% Salad - I value health and wellness
31.6% Sushi rolls - I love the mix of flavors and textures
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
235 High Street Ext. • Victor • 585-400-7625
Plan a day to shop local fairs, shops & stands
Autumn is tailor-made for getting out of the house to enjoy the great outdoors. With crisp temperatures perfect for strolls or sightseeing and breathtaking scenery awash in bright autumnal hues, autumn landscapes make for the ideal backdrop for weekend plans, including shopping excursions.
Fall is a great season to enjoy festivals, farmer’s markets and craft fairs, as merchants look to liquidate inventory before they prepare for the rush of the upcoming holiday season. Cities, towns, hamlets, and everything in between will host their share of open markets and more with great deals to be had, and fall is an ideal time to visit local shops and stands.
Created just for your big day, we've put together sets of stunning wedding invitations to perfectly match your style.
www.printingbypennylane.com ginad@pennylaneprinting.com
* English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is believed to have eaten a paste of ground pearls and lemon juice to cure illness.
* Speaking of pearls, the ancient Greeks believed they were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, goddess of love.
* Fear of young people is known as “ephebiphobia.”
* The astronomer William Henry Pickering thought that black spots on the Moon were migrating insects.
Hang a hammock: Few things evoke feelings of relaxation better than a hammock. Fitted between two trees (or two posts if trees are sparse), a hammock is an ideal place to grab a nap or read a book.
Cutworms: The lawn care experts at Scotts® note that cutworms are moth larvae that hide in the thatch layer of a lawn during the day before emerging at night to feed on grass blades. Patches of brown grass between one and two inches in width is a sign of cutworm infestation. Homeowners who notice a growing number of birds pecking away in their lawns may have a cutworm infestation, which can be confirmed by peeling up a section of damaged grass and looking for cutworms, which are brown, gray or black and tend to be around two inches long.
I used to visit and revisit it a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil, or a rose of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mosses from and Old Manse
Shop too dark? Two large plate glass THERMAL PANE FIXED WINDOWS. No frame. Heavy. 44-1/2” x 60-1/2” x 1” Bristol. 585-730-3933
COLOGNE: Armaf Sillage, Similar to Creed Silver Mountain Water, 105ml. bottle (90mls. left). Must be willing to drive to Penfield! jeff21973@gmail.com
Box of HALLMARK HOLIDAY VALUE CARDS. Assortment. Never used. 1wilcox.mj@gmail.com
Four CHAIRS (need caning). Good condition. 585-223-5581
POOL LADDER w/child protection door and FILTER. 585-226-2771
Box full of RECIPE MAGAZINES - mostly Taste of Home. duells2010@hotmail.com
COMPRESSED HARD WOOD DESK 5’ x 2-1/2’. Good for doing crafts. You pick up. Gates area. diacel49@yahoo.com
Roper above stove MICROWAVE OVEN. wth4email@rochester.rr.com
FREE FIREWOOD: Batavia: Trees dropped August 1. Call 585-356-3439 for details. New hand-crocheted BABY/LAP BLANKETS: 12 average size 36”x36”. Assorted colors from pet/smoke-free home. Email: JKMMJKCLJ@aol.com
Standard size (36”) full GLASS STORM DOOR. Needs handle and a closer. Please text 585-465-3130
PING PONG TABLE: 585-381-8875
HP CARTRIDGES (905 black & 951 color). 585-261-0905
Roper MICROWAVE (for over stove). 585-281-1562
POOL TABLE 8’ - free to a good home. Excellent condition. 315-871-6631
Complete set ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA plus extra year volumes. Ex cond. Mendon. 585-414-0845
Complete set FUNK AND WAGNALL ENCYCLOPEDIAS, Ex cond. Mendon 585-414-0845
2 Ft tall GLASS CASE displaying a beautiful GEISHA FIGURE with fan. Ex cond. Downsizing. Mendon area. 585-414-0845
11 boxes of WHITE CERAMIC TILE. Rushville. 585-721-8963 HOSTAS in Clifton Springs. koko92505@yahoo.com
WOOD DOUBLE BED with headboard, footboard, side rails and slats. Good condition. You pick up. 585-346-2215
REFRIGERATOR - Amana 20 cu ft refrig bottom freezer. Works good. Color cream. You pick up. Gsstauffer92@gmail.com
DIAMOND PAINTING - you complete. Pick up, Batavia. Text only. 845-309-9373
Brand new INFANT GIRLS’ ONESIE, plaid, bow in front. 0-3 months. Text only. 845-309-9373
Beautiful UPRIGHT PIANO/PLAYER with bench. Pick up Pavilion. Text 585-519-7750
OLD STAIRCASE: wood or metal: 585-343-2382
MAHJONGG GAME for an 80-year-old veteran. 585-377-0878
TONNEAU COVER 8’. Push bumper as well. Call/text 585-447-0201
WORKING WASHING MACHINE: Any kind. Even old wringer type is fine. 315-6946197
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/Penfield area, call 585-217-3397
In need of WOOL BLANKETS. 585-919-4542
Copy of GRADUATION CERTIFICATE from Geneseo Normal and Training School from the 1920s for a historical project. 585-229-2186
Plastic or metal SHELVING, and FILE CABINETS. 585-424-0732
CHAIN LINK FENCE. 25’ section of used 4’ high chain link fencing. Call or text Don. 585-370-2301
WHOLE, RED CLAY HOUSE BRICKS from the 1980s. Need 100. Will pick-up. Call/text. 585-743-9912
ZUCCHINI. stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
ELECTRIC SCOOTER for person with MS. Had one but kept breaking down and cannot get replaced yet. 585-297-9273
KODAK CAROUSEL PROJECTOR in very good working condition. 510-230-7592
A lot of PAPER TOWEL TUBES (the brown paper inner tube) needed for kids’ crafts. Webster/Penfield area. 585-217-3397
Elderly man looking for a RECLINER, ENTERTAINMENT CENTER and a workable WHEELBARROW. 585-883-7387
SMALL UPRIGHT FREEZER. mfarru1.mf@gmail.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DISPLAY CONSOLE model 6312 or 6351. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DATA-LOGGER model 6510USB or 6555IP. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
Need ACCESSORIES FOR KIRBY G5, attachments like wand and hand-held nozzles, etc. Terry, 336-247-3245 Geneva, NY.
STAINED GLASS sheets/pieces, any colors/textures/sizes. For retiree starting a new hobby. penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Old COMPUTERS, PRINTERS, ELECTRONICS, CELL PHONES for recycling (no tube heavy TVs or computer monitors). Terry 336-247-3245
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/Penfield area. cmstudio@rochester.rr.com
ADULT DIAPERS/GUARDS - Male, large/extra-large. Other sizes welcome as they may vary. For elderly parent in nursing home. cpalone@yahoo.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Winter Squash • Gourds • Apples & Cider
Cabbage • White Pumpkins • Naples Grapes
FAll Decorations
Large & Mini Indian Corn • Cornstalks • Straw Mums • Birdhouse Gourds
One-Of-A-Kind Pumpkin Path Small Corn Maze
U-Pick Pumpkin Patch
(Small fee for corn maze)
8382 Rt. 5 & 20
W. Bloomfield 764-0892
Shopping local shops, farms and fairs is a great way to enjoy the fresh autumn air while supporting local businesses.
Look No Further For Reliable Appliance Service!
Call Joe Appliance Sales & Service
10 Main Street, Bloomfield 585-394-1880 • 585-657-4470
Servicing most brands for 43 years.
Servicing most brands for over 46 years!
1st Annual Lima Great Pumpkin Weigh-Off & AG Day
October 7, 2023 • 10am-5pm Free Admission!
Mark Tubbs Park, Lima, NY
Pumpkin & Sunflower Prizes awarded at 4pm!
Children's Pumpkin Ac vi es 10am-4pm
Youth Tractor Pull 12-2pm
Sweet Corn Ea ng Contest 3pm (Adult & Youth ages 15 & under)
Chicken BBQ by Lima Scouts 12-4pm ...
Lima Bean & Pumpkin Pie Contest Judging 1pm
Horse Drawn Wagon Rides by Honey Locust Farms
Bounce House sponsored by Elim Life Church ...
Farmers Bounty Farm Market Up Close & Personal with Modern Farm Machines
An que Farm & Toy Display ...
Chain Saw Carving
Contact Steve Werner for more info 585-943-1206
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY
FAIRPORT:2Colony Circle, Fri. 9/22&Sat9/23(9am-4pm)Stationarysink,interiordoors,laminate flooring,antiquerocker,chairs,quilts, electricmobilityscooter,wheelbarrow,andmuchmore.
VICTOR:MOVINGSALE 6381 Roberts Drive,(inGypsumMills) Friday&Saturday9/22&9/23 (10am-3pm)Livingroom furniture,dressers,office furniture,china,decorandmore!
LIMAESTATESALE: Fri/Sat Sept 29-30th8am-4pm1941 BuellAve.Dropleafmahogany table/chairswleaf(s)thatseats 4-10,cornerchinacabinet,localartwork,kitchentablewith 3chairswbenchseat,sofa& endtables,lamps,secretary desk,vintagemahoganycarved shelldresserwithpullouttray, Bombaynestingtables,floral wingbackchairs,woodcane rockingchair,window treatments,bedroomsets includingfullsizebedwith dressers,endtables&mirror& 2twinposterbedswith dresser(s),endtables&mirror, basketstoragecabinet,office desk,electricfireplaces,TV’s, books,fullkitchenincluding cookware,silverware,Cutco utensilset&singleknives, bakeware,linens,towels,doilies,vases,vintagedishes includingpyrex&corningware, Christmasfinechina,glassware foreverydayaswellasentertainmentuse,depressionglass &teacup/saucercollection. Detachedgaragefullofvintage power,woodworking&hand tools,tablesaw,lawn&landscaping,includinghedgetrimmers,Mantistiller,gardening, powergenerator,Coca-Cola cooler,vintagetrunk,white wickerfurnitureset,whitecast aluminumseating,potted plants,seasonaldisplayitems, craftsupplies,canningjars/ lids,castironskillets,extensive candlecollection&evenscrap metal.MANYTOOLS!!Hosted byT’sTreasures
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am male, age 65. I exercise regularly. A shortness of breath led me to get a chest X-ray, which showed that I have emphysema. I smoked for 10 years, but quit 33 years ago. As an avid runner, this revelation was perplexing and depressing. Is it possible that other factors contributed to me getting emphysema, and how do I minimize this disease, if possible? -- T.W.
ANSWER: Emphysema is most often caused by smoking in North America or by cooking fires in many parts of the world. The exact type of emphysema you have can help tell what caused it, but that usually requires a biopsy, which is generally unnecessary for a diagnosis or treatment. Although X-rays and CT scans can help with the diagnosis, the definitive study is the pulmonary function test. For this test, you must breathe in and out for more times and in more ways than you ever thought was possible with a respiratory technician and a lot of machines. (When I was a fourth-year medical student, I had my own PFTs done as a learning experience -- thank you, Dr. Julian Solway -- and have respect for how hard they are to perform correctly.)
Besides smoke exposure, another cause is the genetic Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, which can affect the liver as well. This diagnosis is made by blood testing and confirmed by DNA testing through a genetic counselor. I always consider this diagnosis in a person with emphysema who is a nonsmoker or has minimal smoking history. If you do have AAT deficiency, there may be other treatments available, but specific treatment requires special expertise.
Regardless of the cause behind your emphysema, you have already made the most important change by quitting smoking. Avoiding secondhand smoke and other lung irritants is important, too.
There are no treatments to reverse emphysema, but many can improve symptoms. These include medication (such as inhalers), pulmonary rehabilitation and oxygen in people with emphysema that is severe enough to cause low blood oxygen levels. Most people who quit smoking have a very slow progression of the disease. However, it’s important to quit smoking as soon as possible so that there is enough reserve lung function.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
We Listen More...To Help You Hear Better!
Offices in Victor • Newark
1331 East Victor Rd.• Victor (585) 398-1210
513 W.Union St.• Newark (Cannery Row) (315) 573-7844
Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness andlossofinterest.TheMayoClinicsaysdepressioncanproduceavariety of symptoms and affect the way a person thinks, acts and feels. Symptoms may include changes in sleeping patterns, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, unexplained aches and pains, and difficulty concentrating.
Julie Labrecque, D.M.D. 2 S. Main Street, Manchester, NY 14504 Call now for an appointment: (315) 462-5633IMPROVE VISION WITH THESE ITEMS
I also save some mulch (or buy/get more) to pile on to those beds that I want to keep from getting “weedy” now & in the early spring.
Besides harvesting all my veggies & cleaning out extraneous vegetation
from those beds, this year (instead of mulching) I am going to plant a “cover” crop of mustard seed to rejuvenate those beds.
prep soil for Spring. Clean and disinfect outdoor equipment. Put it away in a dry place.Make any notes on current garden noting soil amendments, rotations, pests, or other concerns for next year. For my vegetable gardens, I totally clean them out except for late season/ winter vegetables- kale, winter density spinach & greens, carrots and garlic. Pulling all plants and vines and discarding them in a place away and downwind of the garden for biosecurity. The garden is then rototilled. I prefer to seed the freshly tilled garden with oats as they help clean the soil.
Hydrate Evergreens
Deep soaks in the fall are important if autumn has been dry. Conifers, such as yews, and broadleaf evergreens, such as hollies and boxwoods, are susceptible to winter burn because they release moisture through their leaves year-round. Pay particular attention to broadleaf types that have a south/ southwest exposure to the afternoon sun, and give them extra water as needed.
Finally, I have dahlias that I dig up when they’re done blooming (& store inside for the winter) and daffodil bulbs to plant before the snow flies.
Harvest all crops. Pull up all plants. Sort diseased and seed bearing and discard. Weeds should be removed to get rid or seeds and insects. Remainder of plants can be mixed with leaves and composted. Test soil pH in Fall in order to
In one known to be very wet garden, that is not an option as it would mean not being able to get on it to spring tiller in a timely manner ( June or July??) So that wet garden is often free seeded w/ perennials/herb mixture such as dill, red clover, old sunflower seed. It is surprising what comes up next year and is also fun to watch the turkeys in that wet garden.
Newly planted trees, especially fruit trees, have thin bark that can suffer sun scald or crack from fluctuating day/night temperatures. Tree wrap tape and plastic spiral tree protectors can help prevent this problem.
will sell at Public Auction for CREDIT ONLY all the personal property stored by the following: Chris Mathis-C18. e Auction will take place at 12:00 PM, Friday, Sept. 29, 2023. e sale shall be held online at www.StorageTreasures.com.
Facility Office: 21 Norton St., Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Second-hand items, especially electronics, building supplies, appliances and helmets, may carry certain risks if damaged or used. If you are planning on reselling consumer items, check the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Web site for a guide on things that can and cannot be sold, and for product recalls. CSA Group, a leading certification and testing organization, offers these safety tips for yard sale shoppers.
Counterfeit or illegal goods: Check the “look and feel” of goods. Fake products often seem light and flimsy.
Mowers ~ Shop Tools ~ Boat ~ Snowblowers ~ Generator ~ Smalls
urs. Evening, Sept. 28th, 2023
5:30 PM
4849 E. Lake Rd., Geneva, NY 14456 (Town Of Varick)
Partial Listing: Grumman 16’ Aluminum Boat w/Trailer
30 HP Yamaha Outboard (Center Console), Ferris 400S Zero Turn Mower, John Deere D160 Lawn Tractor, Scag 48” HD
Commercial Mower, Bolens GT 2000 Hydro Lawn Tractor, Troybilt 32” Snowblower (Like New), Honda EG 3500 Watt Generator, Pull Behind Sprayer w/Gas Engine, Homelite Mini Pump, Agri-Fab Lawn Sweeper (Like New), Homelite Chain Saw, Makita Mitre Saw, Shop Air Compressor, Delta Bench Grinder, Bench Vice, 2 ¼ Ton Floor Creeper Jack, Milwaukee Sawzall,, Milwaukee Hammer Drill, Cra sman Tool Box On Wheels, Power Tools, Aluminum Extension Ladder, Sets of Wrenches, Hand Tools, Wood Planes, Chisel Set, Punch Set, Chain Fall, Wheel Barrows, Mobil Gas Cans, Galvanized Tubs, Valvoline Can, 3 Cases of Mobil Super 5W 30 Oil, Lots of Wire, Breakers Pitch Forks, Fishing Poles, Tackle, Shop Lights, Paints & Supplies, Battery Charger, 2 Heavy Duty Wagon Wheels, Early Grinding Wheel, Buck Saw, Duck Decoy, Barn Lanterns, Owl Decoys, Many Hess, Mobil Toy Trucks (In Boxes), Garden Tools, Cra sman Power Hand Mower, Simplicity Snowblower, Misc. Pipe & Iron, Shop Vac, Turkey Fryer, Pro-Form Exercise Bike, Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner, Some Household Goods, Amana 18 Refrigerator (Nice), Lawn Furniture & Much More! Won’t Be A Long Auction, So Please Be On Time.
Terms: Cash, Good NYS Checks, Visa, M/C & Discover Cards
Accepted w/4% Fee. I.D. Required For Bidding Numbers. No Good Removed Until Settled For. Inspection 2 Hours Prior To Auction Time. Standard 10% B.P.
James C. Hoyt ~ Auctioneer
Alton, NY • 315-483-1900 • Cell: 315-573-4466
Benton Volunteer Fire Department
SAT., SEPT. 30, 2023 • 9:00am
Benton Volunteer Fire Department
932 State Route 14A, Penn Yan, NY 14527
e Benton Volunteer Fire Department is looking for consignments or donations of new and used items for their Annual Fundraising Auction, including: Farm Machinery, Lawn & Garden, Household Goods, Tools, Homemade Crafts, Toys, Baked Goods, or Anything Suitable for an Auction! All Consignments will be taken in Monday, 9/25, through Wednesday, 9/27, from 9am to 8pm. Please call Menno Martin with your consignments at 315-536-3807. Online bidding on Proxibid.com will be available on select equipment! Listing will be updated as calls are received. Items listed will be subject to consignor delivery. Please go to www.dannauctioneers.com for updated listing and photos!
Tractors/Combines/Skid Steers: Case IH 5230, 4x4, open, pwr shift, 10,678 hrs; JD 7405, canopy, 4x4, pwr quad, weight bracket, been through shop, field ready, 9,311 hrs, S/N P07405X002110; JD 6415, o-rops, 4x4, pwr quad, left hand reverser, (2) remotes, 540 & 1000 PTO, field ready, 4,882 hrs, S/N L06415D468573; JD 7810, MFWD, 19-spd, pwr shift, 540 & 1000 PTO, front fenders, 18x42, 10,850 hrs, S/N RW7810P058225; 2019 MF 4710, 4x4, w/931 X-loader, (3) remotes, air ride, A/C, 540 & 1000 PTO, 920 hrs; NH 7740S, dual remotes, dual PTO, 2WD, front weights, 5,000 hrs; JD 6310, 2WD, pwr quad, open cab; JD 7405 tractor, 4x4, open, pwr quad, 8,375 hrs; JD 6410 tractor w/loader; JD 1026 compact tractor w/loader, 4x4, low hours; 2014 Kubota L4760 GST compact tractor; 2008 JD 2305 compact tractor w/ loader & mower deck; JD 1840 tractor, high/low, dual remotes, on steel; Farmall MD diesel tractor, wfe; JD 6600 combine, good cond.; 2019 Bobcat T590 skid steer loader, 1,700 hrs, good cond.; Equipment: Brillion 16’ cultipacker, 4” axle; 25’ transport elevator w/B&S engine; JD 215 flex head; IH Viper chisel; (8) JD suitcase weights; Miller Pro 7914 hay merger; Martin 6’ ag bagger w/sileage conveyor & Horning roller mill; new 5’x8’ trailer, removable sides, tandem, LED lights, blue; JD 3960 chopper w/7’ hay head & 3-row corn head, green w/new set of knives, JD kernel processor; IH 370 12’ disk, field ready; skid steer mount rototiller, low wear; 20’ silo roof; Patz barn cleaner unit w/12’ chute, good cond.; Kioti KL4030, self-levelling loader w/ bucket; Badger silo unloader, 14’ pack drive; 2004 Enorossi 2-star hay tedder; Oxbo 1416 hay merger, good cond.; H&S rack wagon; DMI gravity bin, center dump; new Enorossi 2-star tedder; JD 635 discbine, excellent cond.; (2) H&S XL forage wagons, 16’, tandem, single auger, good cond.; JD 750 no-till drill, 15” spacing, dolly wheels; Brent 572 auger cart w/tarp; JD 693 6-row corn head; Bush Hog 9-shank chisel w/ tandem; JD 10’ rotary mower; JD 10’ transport disk; H&S SR 420H rotary hay rake; Koyker seed cleaner; (2) gravity wagons; bale spear, skid steer mount; JD 348 baler w/#42 kicker, hyd. tension; 36’ skeleton hay elevator w/transport; 2014 PJ trailer, 7’x18’, 7,000lb axle, tandem; 6’x7’ farm dump trailer; NH 510 manure spreader; 24’ Valmetal silo unloader; front steel belting wheels for 4720; Grizzly 5’ rotary mower; NH 316 baler w/thrower, nice; Hesston 530 4x4 round baler; Woods THD25 post hole digger w/(2) augers, like new; Woods BSE 5’ box scraper, like new; Lawn & Garden: 2016 Ferris F320 commercial zero-turn, 61” deck, Kawasaki, 35 hrs; 2010 JD 657A QuikTrak commercial stand-on zero-turn; Kubota T2090 w/42” mower deck; Craftsman snow blower; JD L120 lawn mower; JD 325 lawn mower, hyd. lift; JD X495 diesel lawn mower, 54” deck, 850 hrs; 2015 JD X300, 42” deck, 291 hrs; Misc.: Honda powered pressure washer; Generac standby generator; Miller 212 wire feed welder; 250 amp Miller stick welder; Lincoln 255 Mig welder; 10-ton Porta Power; 2017 2-seater carriage, fiberglass wheels, LED lights; Generac 20kw genset, LP; 200 amp electronic double throw box; 1,100 gal, 500 gal, 200 gal water tanks; (2) tote bags of oats; (2) tote bags spelt; 3rd cutting baleage; brand new gray 12’x22’ carpet
Second-hand items, especially electronics, building supplies, appliances and helmets, may carry certain risks if damaged or used. If you are planning on reselling consumer items, check the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Web site for a guide on things that can and cannot be sold, and for product recalls. CSA Group, a leading certification and testing organization, offers these safety tips for yard sale shoppers.
Second-hand items: Avoid purchasing used bicycle, hockey or construction helmets, as you don’t know their history or what damage may be hidden from plain view.
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon.-Thus. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
ON-GOINGTHURSDAYS,6:00PM: Drop-InTechHelp(newtime!)
WED.Sept27,11:00AM:Toddler/ Pre-KSTEAMPlay
WED.Sept27,6:30PM:AdultCraft Night
WED.Oct4,5:00PM:OtherHalfX BookClub(off-site)(Registration required)
MON.Oct9,7:00PM:Friendsof theBloomfieldPublicLibrarymeeting
PENFIELDPUBLICLIBRARY: Fall StoryTimes:comejoinour children’slibrariansforfunstories, specialsongs,andmore!Story TimesbegintheweekofSeptember18;registrationisopen: TerrificTwos:Tuesdays, Wednesdays,orThursdays, 9:40-10:05AM
PreschoolStoryTimes:Mondaysor Thursdays,10:30-11:00AM
K-4CraftyFunDay:Wednesday, September27|4:15PM|forkids| registrationrequired
TeenAdvisoryBoard:Thursday, September28|6:30PM|forteens |registrationrequired
MendonPublicLibrary: Book Talkwithco-authorValerie DiminoaboutJessicaRenee’smemoirofsexualabuseandharassment andapowerfuladditiontothe“Me Too”movement.Materialsuitedto olderteensandadultsduetointensesubjectmatter.Monday, 9/25,6:30-7:30PM.
HealthRX:HearingLossAssociation VisitsMPL,Tuesday9/26,1:00-2:30 PM.
CreditandDebtBasics:Infofor Teens&Adults,Tuesday9/26, 6:30-7:30PM.
StoryTime,Tuesdays,10:00-10:30 AM,Forpreschoolersandtheir caregivers.
PawstoRelax,2nd&4thTuesdays ofeachmonth.6:30-7:30PM.
BLOOMFIELDPUBLICLIBRARY: Death Café:Tuesday9/266pm Joinusforalivelydiscussionabout death.Manybelievethosewho discussitlivericherlives!Registrationrequired.
FallWreath-MakingforAdults: Wednesday9/276:30pm Comecraftafestivedecorationfor yourdoortowelcomeintheseason!Registrationrequired. HollowayHouseCookbookParty: Thursday9/285pm
Yourfavoriterecipes&memories ofHollowayHousearepreservedin thisfabulouscookbook,which Dawnwillhaveavailableforpreorderpickupandpurchase.Follow thescentofOrangeRollstothe library!
WorldReliefQ&AonSupporting Refugees:Thursday10/55pm Weallwanttomakeadifferencein theworld.Learnhowyoucanconnect&walkalongsidefamilies& individualsastheyrebuildtheirlives inWesternNewYork.
Wednesdays11am:Toddler/Pre-K orBabySensoryPlay Wednesdays4pm:Afterschool Crafternoons
1stWednesday5p.m.:BookClub atOtherHalf
Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.... I thought of the future, and spoke of the past.
~Truman Capote
Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundations -FALLARTS, CRAFT,VENDORS&RAFFLEFAIR! JoinusonSunday,October8,2023 from10am-4pmattheBatavia Downs&Casino,Batavia.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
13thAnnualFallGardenSymposium - SonnenbergGardensnonprofitisexcitedtohostauthorand philanthropist,ThomasMickey,as ourguestspeakeratour13thannualGardenSymposium.Thomas willbepresentinghisbook,All AboutFlowers:thestoryofJames Vick’s19th-centuryseedcompany. Therewillalsobeawalkwith ThomasMickeythroughourbeautifulhistoricestate.Boxluncheswill beprovided.September30,103pm,SonnenbergGardens&MansionStateHistoricPark,250Gibson St.,Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
MansionMysteries: Live whodunnit dramainSonnenberg Mansion.PresentedbySonnenberg Players.Fiveperformances!October13-15and20-21from7pm9pmatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Tickets mustbepre-purchasedonline https://www.sonnenberg.org/ events/Admission$30/Members| $35/Non-members|Pre-saleOnline TicketSalesONLY(onlinesales throughtheWednesdaybeforethe eventweekend.
BuffaloBillsTailgateParty!Saturday, October21 at17Foster St.,Canandaiguafrom10AM-4PM. “CelebrateTheBills”Fundraiserfor BlueStarMothers,Inc.,NY1.Food Trucks!CraftTables!BasketRaffle! ChiliandBakingContests!Fire TruckVisit!Comeandjointhefun tohelpussupportourActiveDuty MilitaryandVeterans!!!ToparticipateintheChiliCookoffandBaked GoodsContestscalltoregistereither:BobbieMetcalfe 585-200-0121orJoyceMader 585-301-2662.
CallforSubmissions:ArtExhibit “Words” - SubmissionsdueWed, Sept27.Exhibitopeningreception Oct.14-sponsoredbytheOntario CountyArtsCouncil.Useyourcreativitytosubmitupto3images showcasingwords.Anymedium! AllOntarioCountyArtsCouncil membersareinvitedtosubmitart. Formoreinformation,submission guidelines,andtobecomeamember,see: www.ocarts.org
UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
“ClucksforBucks,” an annual chickenbarbecuebenefittingpalliativecare,returnsonThursday, September28,intheparkinglotof CrosswindsWesleyanChurch, 3360MiddleCheshireRoadin Canandaigua.Thedrive-thruevent willbeginat3p.m.andcontinue untilthechickenissoldout.PreparedbyGroveBarbecueCompany ofNaples,mealswillincludea marinatedhalfchicken,saltpotatoes,coleslaw,andadinnerroll. Thecostis$13perpersonortwo for$25withproceedsbenefitting thePalliativeCareProgramatthe 178-bedM.M.EwingContinuing CareCenter,thenonprofitskillednursingfacilityoperatedbyUR MedicineThompsonHealthonParrishStreetinCanandaigua.
FreeDinner- The FirstCongregationalChurchofEastBloomfield willhostaFreeCommunityDinner onFriday,September29from 5-6:30.Themenuwillbechicken andbiscuits,mixedvegetables,carrotsaladanddessert.Comeand partakeofgoodfoodwithgood company!We’relocatedat10 SouthAve.,EastBloomfield.
WelcomingNewMembers: Congregation EtzChaimisaReform JewishsynagogueintheTownof Perinton.Ourmissionistoprovide well-roundedanddiverseprograms,services,andactivitiesthat touchoneveryaspectofJewishlife andaremeaningfulandaccessible toall.Wehaveadiversemembershipwhichincludesthosewho havegrownuppracticing Orthodox,Conservative,orReform, culturalJewsandinterfaithfamilies choosingtoraisetheirchildrenin Judaism.Wearecurrentlywelcomingmembersfromthroughoutthe GreaterRochesterarea.PleaseinquireaboutattendingaShabbat serviceorholidayeventbyemailingourAdministratorat benetzchaim@gmail.comorvisit ourwebsiteatwww. congregationetzchaim.org
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
SpringwaterFallFestivalPlayground Restoration -September 30,Saturdayfrom10AMtill4PMat theSpringwaterParkbenefitfor theSpringwaterPlayground.Plenty offood,games,activities,artisans andmore!
AnnualFashionShow& Luncheon: Featuring Fashionsby Chico-modeledbyourmembers. TheWoman’sClubofRochesteris avoluntarynon-profitorganization dedicatedtocommunityservice. Throughourfund-raisingprojects, weprovidefinancialsupportand servicesforthoseinneedinour community.Weareaskingyouto supportourphilanthropicFashion Showfund-raisertobeheldon Sunday,October22,2023from 11:30-3:30pmatMidvaleCountry Club,2387BairdRoad,Penfield. Cost:$35.Allproceedsfromthis eventwillbenefitourcharitieschosenforthisyear.https://sites. google.com/site/ womansclubofrochester/annual-fashion-show?authuser=0
Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge
WEDNESDAYS, July12thSeptember27thfrom2-6PM.OPEN tothepublicatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020.
RunningwiththeAngels5K through fallfoliagein neighborhoodstreetarea.FREE ChickenBarbecue.Post-racefood andentertainment!Sunday,October8,2023at1pm,St.Peter’s EpiscopalChurch,3825E.HenriettaRd.,Henrietta.Adults$25, Children10andunder$20.ProceedsbenefittheWendellHercules ScholarshipFund.OnlineRegistration:https://runsignup.com/or Sendto:RunningwiththeAngels at3825E.HenriettaRd.,Henrietta, NY14467by10/1/23.Checkspayableto:St.Peter’sEpiscopal Church-“race”inthememo.Cash orchecksonly.Moreinformation: Barbara585-754-4571. Registration/PacketPickupatSt.Peter’sSaturdayOctober7from1pm4pmRaceDayRegistration:$30, Children10andunder$25.
TheHoneoyeFalls-Mendon Historical Society- TheOctober 5thmeetingoftheHoneoyeFallsMendonHistoricalSocietywillfeatureHenry“Hank”Besanceney, Artist/Barber/Villageresident. Pleasejoinusforaneveningof conversationandstoriesrelatingto thehistoryofHoneoyeFalls.Those attendingwillbeencouragedto participate.TheMendonCommunityCenter,167NorthMainStreet, HoneoyeFalls,7:30pm-9pm.
Encourage your family or friends to make small business shopping a larger part of their overall spending plan.
Auction - WearehostinganAll YouCanEatPancakeBreakfast withasideofSausageandEggs, alongwithaSilentAuctionon SaturdaySeptember23rdfrom811am,ElimLifeChurch,1679DaltonRd.,Lima.Theproceedsgoto helpafamilyinthecommunity covercostsassociatedwithMental Healthservices.Comebidonitems likeanE-bike,2nightstay,Bills tickets,hotairballoonride,baskets,giftcardsplussomuchmore. Ticketsare$10,fourandunderare free.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,October11,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
LeTourneau5thAnnual5KRun/ Walk andFallFestival- Saturday, October28th!Our5Krun/walk registrationopens8AMwiththe racestartingpromptlyat9AM.Fall Festivalactivities10AM-2PM! PulledPorkBBQwillbereadybetween10AM-12:30PMandmaybe pickedupatyourappointedtime, appointmentswillbeassignedas lunchregistrationscomein.Every runnerandwalkerwillreceivea 2023FallFestival5Kshirt,apumpkinforfinishingtherace,waterand snacksaftertherace,andapulled porkBBQmeal.*Pleaseseeour registrationtochoosevirtualorin personraceentryoption.https:// www.letcc.org/fall-5k/
Sizzlin’SummerOnlineSale! Hospeace HouseofNaplesis hostinganonlineauctionofartand jewelrythroughSeptember30. Visitourwebsiteatwww. hospeacehouse.orgfordetailsor callusat585-374-2090formore information.
PuttheGlaminMammogramFree mammogramsandclinical breastexamswillbeprovidedby Newark-WayneCommunityHospitalforuninsuredwomenonSaturday,October14from9a.m.to noon,Newark-WayneCommunity Hospital,1200DrivingParkAvenue,Newark.CalltheCancerServicesProgramoftheFingerLakes Regionat585-224-3070tomake anappointment.https://events. rochester.edu/event/ free_breast_cancer_screening_day_2391
OntarioCountyHistoricalSociety LakefrontWalkingTourJoinusonFriday,September22, 2023foratourhighlightingthe CanandaiguaCityPier,Boathouses, SkenohIsland,Kershaw,andmore! Thetourwillmeetnearthe restroomsonthePier.Thetourwill beabout1hourandinvolveswalkingandstanding.Tourisfree/ donationswelcome.Canandaigua CityPier,LakeshoreDrive, Canandaigua.
RochesterOutoftheDarkness Walk - Manypeople’sintroduction toAFSPcomesthroughtheOutof theDarknessWalks.Atour communitywalksthoseaffectedby suicideandthosewhosupport themraiseawarenessandmuchneededfunds,stronglysendingthe messagethatsuicidecanbe preventable,andthatnooneis alone.HeldOctober7,10-1:30pm, Veteran’sMemorialPark,3100 AtlanticAve.,Penfield.Wewill havecommunityresourcepartners attending,speakerAntDeMario, musicbyJonAkers,basketraffles andmerchandise,andfoodtrucks. Registeryourteamatwww.afsp. org/RochesterNY
PhelpsLionsClubFallBroomSale - Get broomsyoumightneedatour PhelpsLionsClubFallBroomSaleon October7,2023.Wewillbeatthe intersectionofRoutes96and88in Phelpsfrom10AMto1PM.Wewill haveseveraltypesofbrooms.(Whisk, Toy,House,BarnandPushbrooms).
EmbraceYourSistersPositively Pink inPittsfordWalk -Sunday, September24th.Thewalkstartsat PittsfordSutherlandHighSchool; registrationbegins9amandthe walkbegins10am.Wearedog friendlytoo!Nofeetoparticipate; however,donationsareappreciatedandifyouraise$30,youwill receiveaneventt-shirt.Thesewill beavailableforpick-upattheregistrationtableonthedayofthe walk.TheEmbraceYourSisters PositivelyPinkinPittsfordWalkis alongtheErieCanal,covering1.8 miles.Ifyouhavebreastcancerand areinneedofemergencyfinancial support,visit:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/financialassistance.Toregisterforourwalk, todonate,orforsponsorshipopportunities:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/2023-ppip.
The bright summer had passed away, and gorgeous autumn was flinging its rainbow-tints of beauty on hill and dale.
~Cornelia L. Tuthill, “Virginia Dare: Or, the Colony of Roanoke,” 1840
Disney’sFrozen- Frozen features thesongsyouknowandlovefrom theoriginalOscar-winningfilm, plusanexpandedscorewitha dozennewnumbersbythefilm’s songwriters,OscarwinnerKristen Anderson-LopezandEGOTwinner RobertLopez.DisneyonBroadway performancesarerecommended forageneralaudience.Asanadvisorytoadultswhomightbring youngpeople,Disneyrecommends itsproductionsforages6andup. Allguestsenteringthetheater,regardlessofage,musthaveaticket. HeldOctober3-8,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885EastMainSt., Rochester.https://rbtl.org/events/ frozen/
Eco-friendly lawn care can save energy, money and natural resources.
RushParkDedicationSeptember 30-NativePlantSanctuaryWalksalongtheRiver!Cometothe ParkDedicationoftheHundred AcresNaturePark-onemilealong theGeneseeRiver(250Rush ScottsvilleRd-Route251,Rush)on SaturdaySeptember30at1pm. RaindateisFriday,October6at4 pm.Enjoyguidedwalks,refreshments,raffles,andnative plantsforsale.Moreinfo:rushrpa. orgclickevents.
UsedClothingSale- The Women ofSt.Dominic’swillbeoffering theirannualusedclothingsale Thursday,October5th(9am-5 pm),Friday,October6th(9am-5 pm),andSaturday,October7th(9 am-Noon)atSt.Dominic’sParish Center,97WestMainSt., Shortsville.Clothingandshoesfor infantsthroughseniorsingood, cleanconditionatreasonable prices.Seeyouthere!
Craft&VendorFair- Shop with our25vendorsandsupportVictor FarmingtonAmbulanceatthesame time!October7th,10-4pmatthe KaleidoscopeEventsLLC,7217Rt. 96,Victor.http://www.facebook. com/sfacny
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Wednesday,October4from 1:30p.m.to6:30p.m.,FirstPresbyterianChurch,70EastMainSt., Victor.Participantsmustbeages17 orolder;16withparentalconsent andbringID.Forinformation: redcross.org.
ModelTrainDisplay- Eastview Mall. LocationneartheformerLord &Taylor.SaturdayOctober7and SundayOctober8.ViewingHours: Saturday10amto8pmandSunday 11amto6pm.Presentedbythe Genesee&OntarioModelNGineers.
WEBSTER Magnificent Autumn! He comes not like a pilgrim, clad in russet weeds. He comes not like a hermit, clad in gray. But he comes like a warrior, with the stain of blood upon his brazen mail. His crimson scarf is rent.... The wind.... wafts to us the odor of forest leaves, that hang wilted on the dripping branches, or drop into the stream. Their gorgeous tints are gone, as if the autumnal rains had washed them out. Orange, yellow, and scarlet, all are changed to one melancholy russet hue.... There is a melancholy and continual roar in the tops of the tall pines.... It is the funeral anthem of the dying year.
FallBloodDrive- The Women’s ClubofWebsterissponsoringa BloodDonorDriveonWednesday, October11th,from12:00-7:00 p.m.attheWebsterVolunteer Firemen’sBuildingat172Sanford St.,Webster.Thebuildingislocated,adjacenttotheWebster Firemen’sField.Blooddonorswill berewardedwithhomemade cookiestoenjoywiththeirjuice. Appointmentsarenotrequired. Donorsshouldfeelfreetojustdrop in.Formoreinformationorto scheduleanappointment,call1800-RED-CROS(1-800-733-2767). ForinformationabouttheWomen’sClub,contactNancyMelrose at585-330-9928.Newmembers alwayswelcome!
~Henry Wadsworth LongfellowEvents should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’
Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
(9 month warranty)
Vincent With over 23 years’ experience, we will treat your home, business, or cottage so you’re bug-free all season! All major credit cards accepted.
J. Salvati for West Bloomfield Town Board
* You can plant deciduous trees (trees that lose their leaves in the fall) strategically in order to reduce your heating and cooling costs. eir leaves grow in the spring, blocking summer’s heating rays, but when winter comes, they fall off to let the sun in, warming things up a bit.
* Keep nail-polish bottles easy to open by rubbing a little bit of petroleum jelly inside the cap of the bottle.
* M.C. in Arizona would like to know some alternative uses for hair conditioner. Here goes: use as a shaving lotion for legs or face; a makeup remover; ouch-free bandage removal; so en makeup brushes or paintbrushes before storage; get knots out of doll hair or costume wigs; wash delicates (think silks and pantyhose); rub on a shower rod to help curtain glide effortlessly; and lastly, soak a shrunken sweater in a conditioner/water solution to so en the fibers, then gently try stretching the sweater back to size.
* “Clean an egg carton very well. Flip it over and make slits in each egg cup. is works wonders as a child’s card holder for card games.” -- L.P. in Maryland
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Ontario County Safety Training Facility 2914 County Road 48, Canandaigua, NY 14426
ere is no charge for the event
• Medicare Plans and Agency Information Tables Open from 9am - 12:30pm
• 9:00am Registration
• 9:30am Public Forum: Triciajean Jones, Director, Office for the Aging
e Office for the Aging will be presenting the 2024 Annual Plan and an overview of Office for the Aging Services. e Public Forum provides an opportunity for discussion and comment on the needs of older adults in Ontario County.
• 10:00am Medicare Overview: Terri Haley, HIICAP Coordinator, Office for the Aging
• 10:30am Medicare Savings Plans: Gabrielle Dotterweich, EPIC Outreach Specialist
• 11:00am Medicare Advantage Plan Presentations: Aetna, CDPHP, Excellus, MVP, United Health Care
• 12:00-12:30pm Visit Information Tables
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED • 585-396-4040 or 315-781-1321
e site is handicap accessible and accommodations for hearing or visual impairments are available with 72-hour advance notice
Canes are handheld devices that provide a little extra stability or support to weakened limbs. Canes are easily transported and can assist those who need only a little help.
In mid-August, teens from the Monroe County 4-H UNITY program at Agape Haven of Abundance visited Ironwood Studios in Springwater, NY to learn about the field of welding. e teens learned about welding techniques as well as vocational opportunities in the welding field from professional metal sculptor Stacey Mrva. Mrva hopes to provide opportunities for young people from the city of Rochester, especially young women, to use welding as a means to empowerment and to forge their own lives’ paths through welding.
As Mrva began the first demonstration and the first round of sparks began to fly, a sense of excitement and astonishmentfilledtheroom. eyouthfollowedalong carefully, then one by one were led to first carve their initials into metal, later moving on to create their own welded 4-H clover.
Mrva shared her thoughts on the experience: “Welding with the teens from Agape Haven was such a wonderful experience. e remarkable courage displayedbytheseyoungindividualswastrulyinspiring. As they each took their turn, their initial apprehension and unease gradually dissipated. Witnessing their mutualencouragementandtheirwillingnesstoexplore a completely unfamiliar territory was undeniably rewarding.”
Some of the youth instantly took to the experience, quickly turning to become teachers themselves as they guided and encouraged fellow participants in the activities. Finding their spark among sparks, these youth discovered a sense of accomplishment within themselves, and possibly opened the door to a future interest or career. Not only did the youth create a physical, tangible creation to show for their work, but they were also forming something deep within themselves.
Julia Oakley, executive director at Agape, shared that she felt a shi in energy while the group was at the studio. e teens seemed more at ease, opened up to one another, and came together as a team.
4-H Educator Jessica Reid added, “You could really sense the energy and aura around the group change – they were findingsomethingspecial within themselves. I could tell the group really benefited from being able to relax and unwind.”
As Mrva led the youth through the day’s activities, the teens benefitted not only from learning new skills and discovering opportunities, but by experiencing a moment of mindfulness as well.
For Mrva, the experience also le a positive mark. She said, “It was an honor to share my passion for welding with them. I look forward to showing more young people and especially girls that they can weld too!” While the group arrived at Ironwood Studios not quite knowing what to expect from the experience, the teens le with a newfound sense of empowerment and the tools to develop their confidence to enter the workforce, on whatever path they may choose.
4-H UNITY (Urban Neighborhoods Improved rough Youth) is part of the Children, Youth and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Program. e project is supported by Smith Lever funds, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Bronfenbrenner Center for TranslationalResearch,NewYorkState4-HandCornell University. 4-H UNITY is conducted in Endicott and Rochester by Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Broome County and CCE of Monroe County in close partnership with New York State 4-H, Cornell University.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Recently, a new member joined our family: a toy poodle mix named Petey who was rehomed by an acquaintance who said they just couldn’t handle him and that he was untrainable. Petey is 4 years old, bounces everywhere, and loves to play soccer by catching a ball and then bouncing it off of his front paws back toward me. He’s incredibly smart, but training him has indeed been a challenge. I know the previous owners never made an effort to train him in basic obedience, and they le him alone for days at a time. His house-training is spotty. How can I make the training process faster and easier for both of us? -
Doug L., Burlington, VermontDEAR DOUG: You’ve taken on a real challenge: a smart, independent and energetic dog. Petey sounds like a wonderful little guy, though, and I’m so glad you’ve added him to your family and committed to his well-being.
Building trust with Petey is important so that he knows what to expect from you and the rest of the family. Do that by adhering to a schedule: walks, feeding and training at the same time each day, with as little deviation as possible.
Obedience-training a smart and independent dog requires you to be smart about training, too. Petey needs to know the house rules, and he must want to do the things you’re asking him to do (or not do). Look into positive reinforcement methods like clicker training (https://www. akc.org/expert-advice/training/clicker-training-your-dog-mark-andreward/). Commit to a consistent training regimen so that desirable behaviors are reinforced and negative ones are discouraged. Work with a trainer if you are still struggling with Petey a er a few weeks.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com • Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* Cats have more than 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about 10.
& Hopper Bailey (golden) is Hopper’s mama! He was the first born in Bailey’s litter. ey are both mini golden doodles!
Dear Diary Day
Itisaimedatcelebratingtheway diarieshelpusgetourthoughtsout anddocumentourlives.Didyou knowthatdiarieshaveb ninuseby humansforover2,000years?Theyare noteb ksthatprovidelisteningearsfor aanythingwehavetosay.Diariescaninclude andeverything,fromtheeverydaytrivialthingslikege ingstuckintraffictoyourmostsecretsecrets.
Fun Facts
200 A.D. ARomanEmperorwithaDiary: EmperorMarcusAureliusk ps adiaryinGr k.
Whydowewrite‘Deardiary’? Usingtheword‘dear’givesa personalsenseofcommunication withsomeone,hencemakingthe diarycomealive.
Now that I'm back on my feet again after two falls, I'd like to send out a huge thank you to two people who helped me on Father's Day at Oakwood Cemetery. While trying to plant a flower, I lost my footing, fell, and was unable to get up. When I called for help, a lovely lady heard me and signaled a man in a white car who told me his name was Andrew. Andrew was driving his baby around to get him to sleep. Andrew got me upright, walked me to my car, put my walker in the trunk, and then proceeded to finish planting the flower. How great was that?! And how lucky that baby will grow up with Andrew as his father. And how lucky I was to have that lovely lady look for help for me.
I am a Senior Citizen who gets treated badly by some younger people, however when I attend senior activities at the Henrietta Senior Center, Shelly and her staff treat all of us well. The same happens at the Wheatland Senior Center where Shanna and her staff go out of their way to make seniors feel happy and comfortable. Thank you all, but especially Shanna and Shelly.
I detest weddings, and here is why: They have become showy extravaganzas.The music is so loud that one must shout to talk with others. The expenses for the gown, the reception, the band, and the food, not to mention any other perks deemed “necessary” are excessive. And why get married in a church when a garden or a barn or a beach will do? What happened to modest weddings where couples exchange their vows before God and truly mean it? What happened to guests wearing respectful and modest clothing? What happened to families rejoicing in the union of two families and where children are welcome? Weddings were meant to be holy and beautiful celebrations of the sacrament of marriage.
This is not for responsible motorcyclists. This is for irresponsible motorcyclists. To put it bluntly, stop riding like self-centered idiots! Speeding, ignoring stop signs, passing on double yellow lines, etc. In addition to making automobiles aware of motorcycles, how about a campaign directed at irresponsible riders. Motorcycles vs. automobiles in a crash: the bike looses.
Secretary to the Middle School Principal Paraprofessionals
Substitute Teachers
Bus Drivers
Hours and pay vary by position.
NYS Pension and benefit eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4hfl.org
Providing energy saving improvements to lower energy bills & improve a home’s comfort in Monroe County
Knowledge of the home performance industry or experience in home energy field preferred. Entry level opportunities also available. To apply go to: https://bit.ly/450Hq0B
Also accepting applications for: Crew Leader and/or Crew Positions
General labor skills with carpentry, insulation and minor home repair experience preferred.
Send Resume to: cbrandau@pathstone.org
No Phone Calls Please
All Applicants Must:
Have Valid Driver’s License • Pass Background Check
All tools, equipment and additional training will be provided.
The Town of Rush is seeking an individual to fill the position of Supervisor’s Secretary. We are looking for an individual who can multi-task and is a self-starter. Position is part-time; 20 hours per week and includes three nights per month to provide clerical support to the Planning, Zoning and Conservation Board meetings. This is a somewhat flexible work week based on the right candidate’s available schedule, but the three-night meetings a month are a must. Applicant must be proficient in computer use Microsoft as well as basic IT knowledge for running meetings. Applicant should enjoy interfacing with people. Ability to maintain confidentiality is a must. Basic accounting background will be helpful. Basic job duties include but are not limited to scheduling, minutes, agendas, memos, interacting with residents, answering phones, emails, updating town’s website, filing, being a support for boards, and any projects that the Supervisor would need help with. Benefits include NYS Retirement System and paid holidays.
Send resumes to: Pamela Bucci, Town Clerk 5977 East Henrietta Road, Rush, NY
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes:
• Teachers (Certified and Uncertified)
• Aides/TAs
• RNs/LPNs
All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information and application available:
Local private gun club, looking for candidate to perform part-time field maintenance. Entry-level position. Pay based on experience. Must have the ability and willingness to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Tasks performed include, but are not limited to: filling clay target machines, minor janitorial labor in the clubhouse and on shooting ranges, mowing and string trimming around stations, and stocking bar and beverage coolers. Work schedule will typically be Wednesday evenings, and during the day on weekends throughout the summer and fall months. ere will be a need for other days and evenings. Must have a reliable source of transportation.
Call 585-533-9913
or email: manager@rbgunclub.com
Part-time, 3-5 days/wk. - Mornings at an established family owned plumbing distributor Responsible for providing customers with product or service information to assist them in determining appropriate merchandise to purchase. Duties also include: recommending additional products or services to meet customer needs, restock merchandise as needed and answering phones. Hourly wage based upon plumbing experience. No nights or weekends. Stop in to apply or mail/email resume to: Geck Plumbing & Heating Supply
620 Meigs St. Rochester, NY 14620 gecksupply@gmail.com Call 585-271-8311 for more info.
A long workday can be both mentally and physically draining. As a result, office workers and professionals whose jobs are more physically demanding than office work may find themselves less alert at the end of the workday than at the beginning. Alossofalertnessastheworkday draws to a close might be unavoidable. But professionals whose sense of alertness begins to dwindle in the thick of the workday might need to take steps to improve their alertness to protect themselves from injury and to ensure the quality of their work does not suffer.
By Fifi Rodriguez1. GEOGRAPHY: Which European city has almost 2,500 bridges?
2. MOVIES: How many infinity stones exist in “Avengers: End Game”?
3. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How many digits do pandas have on each hand?
4. AD SLOGANS: Which car manufacturer used the ad slogan, “Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride”?
5. LITERATURE: What is Hogwarts’ motto in the “Harry Potter” book series?
6. TELEVISION: Which show spawned the spinoff TV comedy “Laverne & Shirley”?
7. SCIENCE: How long is an eon?
8. MUSIC: What is the name of the band that John Lennon, George Harrison and Paul McCartney were in before The Beatles formed?
9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the Apgar score measure?
10. U.S. STATES: Which state has an active volcano named Mount St. Helens? Answers
www.GVPennySaver.com or call 1-866-812-8111
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