Since 1948 the Genesee Valley Penny Saver has been serving communities by bringing readers and local organizations and businesses together. Your faithful readership has allowed us to grow from our Avon, New York roots to becoming a trusted resource for residents in the greater Western New York and Finger Lakes region. Over the years people have come to know us simply as “ e Penny Saver.”
is has been a blessing, but we’ve also outgrown this name in many respects. Our customers are consistently surprised that besides print advertising, we also o er almost any type of marketing service a local business could need: commercial printing, promotional/branding products, direct mail and we’ve recently added a full-service digital marketing agency along with a vibrant video and photography skillset- all under one roof. We hope with the new name we’ll have the opportunity to share our services more with the local business community, and you too!
You name it: website design and hosting, Google SEO/ SEM, Programmatic Display Ads, Social Media marketing and management, email marketing, and OTT/OTC to name a few. Don’t know what those are? No worries, that’s what we’re here for.
Nothing! We’re still owned and operated by the same family that started the company in 1948. Both second and third generation family members work in the organization together along with a sta of just over 100 employees.
While our list of services is growing, we’re committed to the Penny Saver’s success just as much now as we have been at any time over the last 75 years.
We hope you’ll explore all the services we provide to help you grow and tell your story to the community. Our mission has always been to “reach” your customers in a variety of ways and while technology is constantly changing, our commitment to getting your message out is not.
Please continue to read our publication and shop locally! Doing business with your neighbors helps keep dollars in the local economy and supports good paying jobs. For businesses – check out our new website at featuredmedia.com. Our Genesee Valley Penny Saver content is also always available at gvpennysaver.com.
Once again, we’re very grateful for your support and we look forward to serving you for many years to come.
Steve Harrison, President and Publisher
Manuel Karam, General Manager
Colleen Mann, Director of Advertising Sales
Christopher Harrison, Distribution
Cristie Leone, Creative Director
Je Wasson, Production Supervisor
Shari Rapone, Circulation Manager
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’d like to have your thoughts on what value the NAC supplement may have in reducing cravings for marijuana or nicotine?
I’m 73 and have been smoking marijuana daily since I was 21. Now I’m quitting for health reasons. I’ve been taking 1,000 mg of NAC every morning, as I’ve read it helps with smoking cravings. It also seems to be used for anxiety and other mental health issues, lung and heart problems ... the list goes on.
I’m not going to smoke anymore, but I’m just wondering what your take is on this, as I’m thinking of sending it to my 38-year-old son who’s been addicted to vaping/ cigarettes since he was a young man. He has ADD, anxiety and problems with breath capacity, and he may have heart problems as well. He’s smoking to relieve his ADD and anxiety. And, of course, he’d like to quit, but it’s so hard to do so.
Can the NAC supplement help me with the urge to smoke? I think it has reduced the cravings, but how would I even know? -- M.M.
ANSWER: N-acetyl cysteine, a precursor to the amino acid cysteine, has several roles in medicine, as you say. When inhaled, it breaks up mucous, which helps people cough out thick sputum. When used intravenously, it’s a specific antidote to acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose. It has been used in these capacaties for years and is safe and well-tolerated.
But, in addition, there is data that shows oral NAC (sold as a dietary supplement) may have a role in helping people overcome addictions to tobacco, with small trials showing a reduction in smoking as well as the relapse rate in people using NAC compared with a placebo.
In people who want to reduce their cannabis use, most of the data on NAC has been on younger people (adolescents and young adults), but also shows some benefit. More stringent trials are ongoing.
It is very difficult for a single person (patient or physician) to tell whether it’s a “real” effect or a “placebo” effect that is causing the reduction in cravings. Only large-scale, placebocontrolled trials can show with confidence whether the treatment is more effective than a placebo. But, since the supplement is inexpensive and highly safe, and since a thirdparty lab found that the brands of NAC sold at reputable stores are what they say they are, I say it might be helpful. However, there are many other products that are proven to be safe and effective to help with quitting smoking, ranging from group tobacco cessation classes, to nicotine replacement therapy, to prescription medications like varenicline and bupropion -- all of which have many years of proven clinical efficacy.
Finally, there are a lot of people with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder who are not getting appropriate treatment as adults. Getting treatment by an expert in ADD might make quitting smoking easier and may also improve many other areas of functioning for your son.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Air fresheners: These seemingly innocuous products may be doing more harm than good. Information published in a 2015 issue of The Journal of Toxicological Sciences linked air fresheners to volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. They also may contain ultra-fine particles of formaldehyde and phenol. In addition, National Geographic’s The Green Guide states that many air fresheners contain nerve-deadening chemicals that coat nasal passages and temporarily block one’s sense of smell. Many widely available air fresheners use phthalates, which are linked to hormonal and reproductive issues, birth defects and developmental disorders. In lieu of chemical air fresheners, spray diluted essential oils around the house.
Peewee and Gizmo are brothers. We got them through a family member. They’re so cute and fun to watch play together. They love going for rides.
Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: sales@gvpennysaver.com or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Monday: $1 OFF Import Wines (750ml)
Tuesday: $1 OFF California Wines (750ml)
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Clifton Cork & Bottle
7 Clifton Plaza • Clifton Springs
Hours: Monday - Thursday 11am- 8:30pm Friday & Saturday 11am - 9pm, Closed Sunday
Serving the communities of Honeoye Falls, Mendon, Farmington, Manchester, Shortsville, Phelps, Clifton Springs, Newark, Geneva, Stanley, Penn Yan, Naples, Wayland, Cohocton & Dansville.
585-226-8111 • 585-749-2328
BATHROOMS: Bathrooms also tend to bear the brunt of winter weather, as mold and grime can accumulate throughout a season in which it’s too cold to open bathroom windows to let fresh air in after bathing. Inspect ceilings, tubs, shower stalls, and floors for any signs of mold growth or grime. Mold growth in a home can lead to respiratory problems and exacerbate existing conditions such as asthma, so it’s best to inspect bathrooms for any signs of mold growth throughout winter. If you have let that slip, prioritize such inspections come spring cleaning time.
MARCH 17, 2023
He was born Maewyn Succat around 385 A.D., son of a Christian church deacon and wealthy family, in Britain, which was under the rule of the Roman Empire at that time.
Today the world’s biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebration is the annual parade in New York City, where more than two million spectators line the parade route, all claiming to be Irish, at least for the day.
The four-leaf clover being lucky has nothing to do with St. Patrick — legend has it that St. Patrick used a green plant with three leaves, commonly called a shamrock, to teach the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity — only a three-leaf clover can be a shamrock.
At the House of John, a comfort care home on Spring Street in Cli on Springs, sta and volunteers work hard to provide physical care, emotional support, and spiritual sustenance as its terminally diagnosed residents approach the end of their lives. September 2023 marks 30 years the House of John has helped 786+ residents and their families.
e House of John provides compassionate care, and the phenomenal team there feels “privileged to be present with family and loved ones during bereavement.” Executive Director since 2018, Kathy Barrick, RN, says their well-trained sta and volunteers are dedicated to the care of the dying and their families. She says, “Working with the family and helping them through this transition as peacefully and comfortably as possible is so rewarding. It truly is a privilege to provide care to both the resident and their family.”
House of John was born in the hearts of two dedicated Registered Nurses and nurtured by a supportive community. Key to the House is caring for the dying in a comfortable, home-like setting. is care provides an alternative to dying at home or in an institutional setting. e house was given to House of John by St. Felix Church for use for many years until House of John, Inc. eventually purchased the home. Over the years, renovations made the home more comfortable for residents and their families.
law compared with the institutional regulations when my dad passed in a Rochester hospital’s palliative care unit where he could have no more than two visitors at any time. I have a small family, but still we needed to take turns being with Dad, which added another layer of stress.
Barrick says, “We’ve seen rsthand the kind of positive impact that neighbors taking care of neighbors can have in a community. In a world that seems to be in constant turmoil, some things remain the same. One of those is the compassion and care given to those who come to call House of John home during the end of their life. We feel honored to share in the journey with them.”
“Everyone deserves to be surrounded by kindness and love at the end of their life. House of John has provided a home for people to experience that alongside loved ones for the last 29 years at no cost to the resident or family.” Care at the House is covered by community donations, such as raised at their annual Casino Night, Wine Makers Dinner, Golf Tournament, and an Annual Appeal letter.
CommunitymembersareinvitedtohelptheHouseofJohnthrough donations or by volunteering. Barrick says, “Volunteers are the heart of our home! I do believe if you asked each of our volunteers, they would tell you that they get out more than they give. We may not have enough volunteers right now, but we have the very best volunteers!”
When my mother-in-law was in her nal weeks, the House of John was an incredible space for the extended family to congregate, take turns visiting Donna in her bedroom, but also just be with each other, sharing meals, and catching up on life’s adventures. Donna’s siblings and cousins came from across the country to bid farewell, and the House of John was the perfect space for such goodbyes.
e House has two large resident bedrooms with ample space for care, as well as a large open living room, kitchen, and dining space on the rst oor. Families could prepare meals in the large kitchen. Truly, the hospitality of the sta and volunteers was so helpful at that stressful time.
Upstairs at the House of John features bedrooms including a kids’ space with toys, games, and books, which was valuable to my family, as I could take the girls upstairs when they became antsy and needed a break from the family on the many times we spent all day at the House. End of life is stressful regardless of the situation, and the House of John allows families to be together during that time.
Goodness knows that we as a family greatly appreciated the community allowed at the House of John for my mother-in-
Barrick explains that since COVID reduced the House of John’s admission numbers (only one resident admitted at a time instead of the two capacity), they have had to keep the second bed closed due to low volunteer numbers. e House has two full-time daytime sta members including Barrick, as well as three part-time overnight caregivers. Volunteers cover the remaining shi s. Barrick would love to open the House’s second bed if volunteer coverage doubles.
To help, no special skills or medical background are needed, just a kind spirit, helpful hands, and a ready smile. Training is provided and volunteer hours are exible. To learn more about the House of John, visit houseo ohn.org or follow them on Facebook.
* Check your local newspaper or city/county government for programs that provide free or near free water barrels or trees. Many areas have a program, and they really do help keep your water costs down if you have flowers or vegetable gardens.
* To keep the edges of lettuce from browning, tear it or use a plastic knife sold just for this purpose. Metal will make the edges brown.
* “If you want same-size cookies, roll and freeze your dough for 10-15 minutes. Most doughs will harden enough to slice into perfectly uniform slices, and the freezing doesn’t really affect cooking time too much. (Watch your first batch, though.)” -- R.L. in Missouri
* If you are reattaching a button to shorts or pants, try using dental floss, the unwaxed kind. It’s much stronger and can hold the button better than regular thread. Use a marker to darken it if the color is an issue.
* “Shaving cream can be used as a spot remover for many carpets. Use only a small amount, and follow up with a damp cloth.” -D.L. in New Brunswick, Canada
* “To prevent a skin from forming on the top of a can of leftover paint, you can inflate a balloon and stick it in the can, cut a piece of wax paper to fit or store the can inverted, so that the skin will form on the bottom and stay there when you flip it.” -- W.B. in
AlabamaDogs are wildly popular pets. The American Pet Products Association says there are 63.4 million households in the United States that have a dog, and with the exception of 2002 and 2015, that number has steadily risen since 2000. Certain breeds remain especially popular among dog owners. In August 2021, the pet insurance provider Trupanion released the most popular dog breeds of 2020, and the top five breeds were:
1. Labrador retriever
2. Golden retriever
3. Goldendoodle
4. German shepherd
5. Labradoodle
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat Chester seemed perfectly healthy, but when I brought him in for his annual checkup, the veterinarian said that he has an ear infection. I didn’t notice any behavior or odd symptoms previously. I gave Chester the expensive eardrops he was prescribed, and he seems just ne. Was the vet just making up the infection? -- Jeanine C., Bu alo, New York
DEAR JEANINE: Cats are really good at hiding the symptoms of an illness. I’m glad you brought Chester in for his regular checkup, because those are very helpful in determining hidden acute problems like an ear infection, and noting potential problems (for example, if his weight is getting higher than normal, or he’s developing arthritis).
Now that Chester has been treated, keep an eye out for signs of the infection recurring. Look, listen and smell (yes, smell!) around his ears periodically and note certain behaviors. Hold Chester on your lap and shine a little ashlight into each ear.
A healthy ear is pale pink, with little to no earwax visible and no debris.
Trouble signs include: A strong odor from the ear; lots of earwax buildup; debris or discharge that looks like co ee grounds; or discharge that is yellow or black. You (or the vet) may see redness or swelling of the ear ap or in the ear canal.
Ear infections cause behavioral changes, too. Some of them are subtle: Chester may shake his head a er you scratch around his ears, or he may tilt his head more in one direction than another. More serious symptoms include loss of balance, disorientation, hearing loss or even facial paralysis.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
“Finnegan’sWake,”TheDropkickMurphys:AnotherclassicIrishballadthat tracesitsoriginstobeforethe20thcentury,“Finnegan’sWake”isacomical tale of the supposed death of Tim Finnegan, a man who loved his liquor. When his friends host a wake in his honor and accidentally spill whiskey on his corpse, Finnegan miraculously awakes and joins in the celebration. ThisversionofthesongfromtheBoston-basedCelticpunkrockerswillhave hosts and their guests bobbing their heads in between laughs.
As your lawn starts its spring growth, watch for brown patches that never turn green. Dead patches could be caused by grubs feeding on the roots in the fall. Dig up square-foot sections of sod to a depth of about two inches in several areas in your yard. Next, examine the soil for short, fat, whitish Cshaped worms. If you find 10 or more grubs per square foot you should treat your lawn. To treat 1,000 square feet of grass, dilute two tablespoons of liquid dish soap in a gallon of water and spray it on the lawn, preferably immediately after a rainfall. This will cause the grubs to come to the surface, where you can collect them if the birds don’t do the job for you. Repeat the treatment weekly until the grubs stop surfacing.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County
Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
WARDROBE MOVING BOXES. Pick up, Canandaigua city: 585-364-8666
QUEEN SIZE BOX SPRING. Good condition. Pick up, Shortsville: 585-469-7046
SOCKS, fair to good condition, others can be used for crafts: 585-236-0426
LOWREY ORGAN Model M-375, Walnut Finish. You pick up: 585-370-2535
TREADMILL, suitable for walking, not running on. Works. You pick up: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
Older CPAP MACHINE, works well: lorali58isdone@gmail.com
Used ARIEN SNOW BLOWER. Fairly old but still runs: 585-953-0163 (lv. msg)
SLEEPER SOFA, good condition and a SOFA, good condition but has some stains. Bloomfield: 585-747-5521
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER, solid, light oak. Fits 32” TV or could be used for computer monitor. Excellent condition. You pick up: 585-359-1652
WILTON NOVELTY CAKE PAN shaped like running/athletic shoe. Holds one entire cake mix recipe. Four STONEWARE .5L BEER MUGS. Fairport: jvc45@aol.com
SONY CD/DVD PLAYER. Works. Fairport: jvc45@aol.com
Who collects CLOTHING FOR THE NEEDY: motelmaid37@aol.com
STAMPED CROSS STITCH KIT, Serenity Prayer 16” x 20”. All floss and more. Pick up, LeRoy. Text or call: 716-352-1248
WOOD DINING ROOM CABINET w/GLASS DOORS. Good condition. You pick up: 585-213-4023
SUBARU VERTICAL SHAFT ENGINE, did run, needs pull start replaced: 585-737-0491
Clean QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, 2” thick. Perfect for camper: 585-755-1948
FELLED 4-5’ SECTIONS ASH WOOD; take as much as you want. Easy access; wood on edges of lawn: 585-281-1717
CASTRO CONVERTIBLE COUCH and SLIPCOVER - cushions ripped, but mattress perfect: grleah1@juno.com
FIREWOOD. Large cotton wood tree; felled, trunk and large branches broken down. Easy access. You pick up, Ionia: 585-657-4894
You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
WURLITZER PIANO - great condition; only one sticky key. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-755-9697
RESMED S8 ELITE II CPAP - Case, Heater/Humidifier, 2 Tanks, Cord, Manual, Hose, but CPAP part probably no good. West Henrietta: cmonroj1@rochester.rr.com
AVANA COMFORT MATTRESS ELEVATOR (king size). Pick up, Webster: 585-872-6756
PATTERNS for an 18” doll: 585-624-5144
SNOWMOBILE wanted running or not. Call or text: 585-733-2026
LARGE POTTERY JARS for indoor gardening: 585-374-5768
Jars of OLD, BROKEN JEWELRY for artwork: 315-694-2247
Clean EGG CARTONS: 716-432-4249
OLD WINDOWS. Must NOT be low-E glass: 814-397-1432
PIANO MUSIC (classical, pop, country): 585-358-6142
20 HP MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTOR for parts. Will pick up. Text: 585-230-9380
SLEEPER SOFA, any size. Please, not if it smells like smoke or cat urine. Will pick up! Thanks! 585-443-9338
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, motors, speakers, meters, turntables, communication gear, Advertising, Ham, Test Equipment: 585-538-9341
ROSARIES (old and new) to add to my 300+ collection: 585-293-2199
COMICS AND SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS, any condition, will pick up. I enjoy everything. Thank You! God Bless. Text: 585-260-0437
KEYBOARD in working condition for a 90s Dell computer for a disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022
CLEAN STORAGE BOXES, like copier paper boxes, with lids for moving. Stored indoors. Will pick up: 585-497-2327
HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61, new or expired okay. Thank you: 585-519-3325
OLD ELECTRONICS, will refurbish and pass on to others in need, or recyclecomputers, stereos, printers, etc.: terrybeckley1@gmail.com
Senior Navy Veteran needs any running VEHICLE that has passed inspection for himself and animal rescue: 585-531-4004
Rock music - 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL RECORDS for my own personal collection. Thanks in advance: gzintel@yahoo.com
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and carrying case for granddaughter who will be in this summer’s tournament: 585-334-6134
AIR COMPRESSOR - 10+ gallons: mhoskins@pvac.org
INVERSION TABLE, for senior with bad back: stujaxon@yahoo.com
TRAILER WHEEL & TIRE, ST175-80D13 13” wheel, 5 lugs: 585-993-1917
BUILT/UNBUILT MODELS OR KITS. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector seeks projects/restorations/customs. Auto, Truck, Plane, Military, etc. Call 585-314-6989
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
How does it feel when you’re the only one in the whole grocery store who’s wearing a mask? Or when you get three phone calls from the senior center asking if you’re interested in signing up for the monthly ladies lunch, a er you’ve already said no?
Do you feel tempted to explain to the young person who gives you the eye in the dairy aisle? Or worse, apologize to the senior center sta er who no doubt voted to dispense with all masks months ago?
Don’t. Don’t explain. Don’t apologize. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing for three years now, which is taking care of yourself as best you can.
Depending what source you read, you might be tempted to believe that Covid is no longer a problem, that it’s safe to go to lunches where everyone is sitting inches from each other, that it’s perfectly ne to go without the mask in stores.
However, if you look at graphs and charts and follow the progress of Covid, you’ll see that it’s still very much among us. Data taken from e New York Times Covid stats indicates that for a two-week period in February, there were in excess of a half million positive Covid cases in the U.S.
Individual states are doing better or worse than the average. In my state, the 14-day change has gone up 50%, and we’re not even in rst place.
ose positive Covid numbers are from people who were tested at a facility that reports their statistics. How many millions of people are using those at-home test kits and never see the inside of a doctor’s o ce and therefore don’t have their results reported?
None of us has a crystal ball to see when Covid might leave us for good. While it’s still here, take care of yourself. And yes, keep washing your hands.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Clifton Springs Library
4 Railroad Avenue
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street Geneva, NY 14456 315-789-5303
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Newark Public Library
121 High Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-0552
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9:30-7; Fri 9:30-6; Sat 9:30-1
Phelps Library
8 Banta Street, Suite 200 Phelps, NY 14532 315-548-5314
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
CalledtoCare,Canandaigua Meeting: Monday,March 20th, 4-6pm,St.Mary’sChurch,95 NorthMainStreet,Canandaiguain theParrishHall.Wearenowan establishedgroupofindividuals fromchurchesandotherorganizationswhohavecometogetherand welcomedUkrainiansandHaitians tofindnewliveshereinthecaring communityofCanandaigua throughsponsorshipandthe HumanitarianParoleProgram.We inviteyoutojoinustolearnmore orgetinvolved.Thismonth’smeetingwillinclude“HelpingWithout Hurting”aninformationsession presentedbyEricLintala,CommunityEngagementManagerat WorldReliefofWesternNY.For moreinformationcontactLinda Werts,315-447-0276.
TeaAt TwoFashionShowFundraiser:April30,CasaLargaVineyards,Fairport,2pm.Doorsopen 12:30pm.Aninspirationalafternoonoffashion,friends,foodand fun.Themodelsincludebreastcancersurvivorsalongwiththeirfamilies,friendsandmembersofour communities.Theeventsoldoutin 2022!SoDON’TDELAYongetting yourticketsNOW!Featuring: EmceeBillyKiddfrom92.5WBEE, GuestSpeakerJenniferHarvey M.D.fromURMCImaging,DJMike LaMarcafromSpectrumSounds. Enjoysweetandsavorysnacks/ beverages,cashbar,silentauction, wine,jewelry,floralteapotraffles, andmore!Fortickets,sponsorship opportunities,silentauctiondonations,andprogramads: www.embraceyoursisters.org/ 2023-tea-at-two-fashion-show
AnnualChicken BBQ- Ourannual ChickenBBQisSunday,April2nd 11amtillsoldoutattheCheshire VolunteerFireDepartment,4285 StateRoute21,Canandaigua.Obtain$15ticketsfromanyCheshire FireFighterorstopbyStation#1in downtownCheshireanyMonday evening6-7pm.Ticketsavailableon thedayofaswell.Mealincludes: 1/2chicken,potatoes,beansor coleslawandadessert.
FingerLakesCelticFestival- Presentedby FingerLakesCelticSociety.Saturday,May20,9:30am7pm.Newlocation:LincolnHill Farms,3792NY247,Canandaigua. BecomeCelticfortheday(ifyou’re notalready)andenjoyafundayof allthingsCeltic.Eventsinclude: HighlandHeavyGames,BagPiping competition,DanceExhibitions, CelticMusic,Demonstrations,A largeGatheringofScottishClans, Historical&HeritageSocieties,Artisans,KidsActivities,andsomuch more!Admissionfee:Adults$15, Age6-16$13,OverAge62$13 andAge5&underFree.Tickets onlineatwww.lincolnhillsfarm.org. Nopetsplease.ParkingisFree. HeldRainorShine.https://www. facebook.com/Fingerlakesceltic
MiddlesexHoseCo.RoastBeef Dinners!Dinners willbeheldon thelastSaturdayofeachmonth thruOctober28thattheMiddlesex HoseCoFirehall,5537WaterSt., Middlesexfrom4-7pm.Adults $15,Children$10(schoolageto 12),Preschoolfree(takeoutsexcluded).Dinnermenu:tossedsalad, rolls,relishdish,roastbeef,gravy, potatoes,corn,pie,icedtea,milk, andcoffee.
February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March. ~J.R. Stockton
PotterVolunteerFireDept. Breakfast! ThePotter Volunteer FireDepartmentwillbehavinga BreakfastatthePotterFireHouse, 1255PhelpsRoad,thethirdSunday ofthemonthforMarch19from 8AMtillNoon.Wewillbeserving Pancakes,sausages,homefries, breakfastsandwiches,eggs,toast, coffee,juiceandmore!
April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.
~ Christopher Morley, John MistletoeTheFourCountySchoolBoards Association ishosting itsfirstAnnualSpringConferenceonMarch 24,2023,attheWayne-Finger LakesBOCESConferenceCenterin Newark,8am-3:15pm.Thefocusof theconferencewillbeSchool Safety,Security&MentalHealth PlanningandPreparation.Wehave aterrificprogramplannedwithan outstandinglineupofspeakers scheduledthroughouttheday.For moreinformationandtoregister fortheeventpleasevisitourwebsiteatwww.fourcountysba.org. Pleasedon’thesitatetocontactme atstephen.miskell@wflboces.org, orourCoordinatorofMembership Services,SueWyattat 4countysba@edutech.org.Meeting noticewithlinkstoourwebsiteis attached.
EasterEggHuntandPetting Zoo: Joinus at1:00PMonSaturdayApril8thforourFREEannual EasterEggHuntandPettingZoo! Theegghuntisforkidsages0-12 yearsold.Kidswillbedividedinto ageappropriategroupsforthe huntaswellastheopportunityto hearaboutJesusandcelebratethe realmeaningofEaster.LeTourneau ChristianCenterislocatedat4950 CountyRoad11,Rushville.https:// letcc.churchcenter.com/ registrations/events/1513899
EasterSunrise: ComeEaster morning tocelebrateandhear moreabouttheresurrectionofJesusChrist,theSonofGod.Our CreatorlovesussomuchandHe desirestohaveapersonalrelationshipwithus.InHisamazinglove andkindnessHehasmadeaway. JoinusApril9that7amtocelebrateourrisenSavior,thenstay andenjoygreatfellowshipanda freebreakfast.Thiseventisfree, however,registrationishelpful. LeTourneauChristianCenterislocatedat4950CountyRoad11, Rushville.https://letcc. churchcenter.com/registrations/ events/1513973
* Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Gluten-Free Irish Soda Bread
1 cup brown rice flour
1/3 cup tapioca flour
1/3 cup potato starch
1 teaspoon xanthan gum
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2/3 cup buttermilk
6 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon honey
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup raisins or currants, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes
Preheat oven to 350ºF and line a standard loaf pan or baking dish with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients until wellincorporated. In a second bowl, stir together buttermilk, butter, honey, egg and soaked raisins.
Hollow out a small well in the dry ingredients and slowly pour in the wet mixture. Stir until combined and sticky. Form into a loaf and transfer to baking pan. Cook for 35-40 minutes until a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Let cool and remove from parchment-lined dish.
We were suddenly plunged into darkness last night when a car struck a utility pole at the north end of Bronson Hill Rd. in Avon. The first police officer arrived on the scene in what couldn’t have been more than 3 minutes. I counted four police cars and I don’t think ten minutes had gone by. The ambulance arrived shortly thereafter. The power company was there in less than 30 minutes and power was restored within an hour and a half. I hope all is well with the accident victims. I was amazed at how quickly the first responders were on the scene. Thanks to all involved. You really start to appreciate it when you’re sitting in the dark with no heat or electricity on a cold 30 degree night!
Thanks for helping our cat
Years ago, Anna, my daughter, went fishing. She heard loud meowing nearby. Anna found a small, gray kitten with funny, spiky hair. Anna brought the kitten home. Stryker got her name because she likes to stick out a paw and playfully strike people as they walk by. She has the heaviest, thickest fur coat I have ever seen. We are not sure if she is part Maine Coon, but she has a fur ruff around her neck, a bushy tail and thick fur like a bear. When Stryker went outside she would come back with ticks hidden in her thick fur. I tried to groom her myself but ended up taking her to the vet after I accidentally cut her. Beth at Lab’s Landing in Darien Center has been a lifesaver. We even discovered Stryker has gray stripes under all her baggy fur. Thanks Beth for making life so much easier.
To the wonderful people who helped me!
I want to say thank you to the three people who stopped on Route 63 yesterday to help me when I flipped my car over the guardrail in the snow storm. You stopped and helped me get out of my car and waited with me til 911 arrived. I really and truly appreciate your kind hearts to wait in the blistering cold with me. I am home and doing ok thanks to all of you and everyone who helped me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!
At a recent hockey game with 10yr. old players I was shocked by some parents’ behavior. First, the kids can’t hear you screaming constantly: helmets, hats, it’s noisy on the ice. Second, you are not the only parent who paid for gear, got up early on weekends and brought kids here, then help them get dressed. Third, your entire family should be embarrassed as you taught those kids to scream and complain if things don’t go your way. I did not go there to listen to you up in the top row screaming your opinion about refs, coaches and calling kids by name, telling them you know best! You are rude, sir.
Not really a Rant, but there is a lot of computer help out there. Libraries offer free computer use and probably instruction. Also used and rebuilt are really cheap these days. I’m no wizz but over 70 and I get by with the tech stuff.
This is in response to Technically Handicapped. I have an old-fashioned cell phone for use when I leave the house. I CHOOSE not to have a smart phone! I do have a computer, know how to use it, and think it belongs at home. I agree that there’s far too many businesses and medical
Wash your car at a commercial car wash. Some vehicle owners may enjoy washing their cars at home in their driveways. But getting a car washed at a professional car wash can conserve substantial amounts of water. That’s because many new car wash facilities employ water reclamation systems that reuse water. According to San Diego Car Care, a professional car wash that employs water reclamation technology, eachcarwashedattheirfacilityconsumesjustnineto15gallonsofwater per wash. That’s a considerable savings compared to washing at home, as the State of Maryland’s Department of the Environment estimates that 100 gallons of water are consumed during a single 10-minute car wash at home using a garden hose.
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Make sure you choose the right ladder. DIYers may spend ample time shopping for drills and other electronic tools and gadgets that are fun to use. But ample time also must be afforded to the type of ladder you intend to use on a project. Estimates from the West Bend Insurance Company indicate that roughly 90,000 people visit the emergency room due to ladder accidents each year. Never use a broken ladder or an aging ladder that’s uneven. In addition, do not use a ladder that forces you to reach far away. If you’re leaning while using a ladder, the ladder is either too short for your project or positioned too far away from the wall. The National Home Security Alliance advises DIYers to place their ladder one foot from the wall for every four feet it rises above the ground. Test your ladders for their sturdiness prior to beginning work so you aren’t tempted to use a subpar ladder.
Visit a garden center or nursery and select a tree that will be hardy in your planting zone. Choosing native trees can increases the likelihood that the new tree will adapt to its surroundings. Also, inspect trees to determine if they’re healthy before taking them home. Look for evidence of root girdling, which occurs when the roots circle around the perimeter of the container and surround the trunk. Trees should not have any dead or dormant branches.
The DIY Network suggests locating the tree where it can thrive. This means selecting a spot that can make it easier for the tree to grow tall and wide. Avoid planting near the house, where roots can crack concrete or asphalt, and always plant away from underground pipes.
Preplanning a funeral may not be something to look forward to, but doing so can protect families and provide men and women with some peace of mind.
Scott Jacob Turner December 4, 2022
Scott Jacob Turner (61) – Farmington, NY
Born star date February 9, 1961, and as an avid Star Trek fan, the “Captain” went on his nal voyage star date December 4, 2022.
Along with watching Star Trek, he loved spending time at the family camp in Boonville on the Black River, animals, westerns,
He is predeceased by his parents, Norman E and Betty (Liendecker) Turner along with several aunts, uncles, and cousins.
He is survived by his sister, Kim (Donald) DeLong and Elmer (the family dog); Aunts, Marilyn T. Fowler and Marion Liendecker; Cousins, Linda Sillick, Todd (Aneysa) Fowler, John (Sheila) Peruzzi, Karen (David) Blatzell, Jan (Bruce Ulmer) Liendecker, Randy (Sharon) Liendecker, Paul (Katie) Liendecker, Denise (Mike) Romeo, Raymond (Shirley) Shaver, Suzanne
e family would like to thank the sta and social worker of Moore Place (DeMay Living Center) in Newark, NY for their outstanding care, understanding and putting up with the Captain’s unique life style over the past 14 years. He loved every one of you. Words cannot express how thankful we are that he was cared for and loved by all of you!! “Live Long and Prosper!”
Donations in the Captain’s memory can be made to Finger Lakes oroughbred Adoption Program, Inc. P. O. Box 25043, Farmington, NY 14425. www. tap.org
ere will be no calling hours. Service and burial will be in Boonville, NY in spring 2023. Arrangements – Rochester Cremation.
Curtains also may have absorbed substantial amounts of dust, dirt and debris over the winter. This might be more visible near the end of winter when more sunlight begins to shine through. Clean the curtains in adherence to the manufacturer instructions before you open windows for the season so any wind that blows in does not spread debris onto nearby furniture. Once the curtains have been washed, opening windows may help them dry more quickly.
Entire inventory of Sale items $1.00 or less +tx. Spring/Summer items are now arriving. Call (315-462-3293) for an appt. to bring your clothing & non-clothing merchandise.
Quality clothing for the whole family at a ordable prices; books, jewelry, Princess glassware, household goods. Open Tues.-Fri. 10am-5pm. Closed Sat., Sun., Mon.
An outreach ministry of St. John’s Episcopal Church Masks optional, highly recommended 1 Coulter Rd., Clifton Springs, NY 315-462-3293 (left of Hospital entrance)
“Wild Mountain Thyme”: This classic folk song has stood the test of time and recently was covered by pop star Ed Sheeran. It has become synonymous with Ireland, even though it may trace its origins to 18th century Scotland.
Cash Only • 9am-noon each day! Tour the sugarhouse and sugarbush. Games and activities for the kids. Visit our FB page for more info.
We have openings at our Rochester Plant:
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The number of women entering the professional fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is slowly growing around the world, but there is still a sizable gender gap in these professions. According to the College Board, which produces many standardized tests, only 27 percent of all students taking the AP Computer Science exam in the United Sciencearewomen.Similarly,just 18percentofAmericancomputerscience degrees are attained by females. However, this is not the case elsewhere in the world. A paper by Gijsbert Stoet and David Geary published in Psychological Science noted that women who live in countries with traditionally higher gender inequality tend to choose STEM professions more readily. Algeria, for example, has one of the highest ratios of womeninSTEMprofessions,at41 percent. Stoet and Geary surmise that women in these countries may be choosing careers with the strongest path to financial independence.
By Lucie Winborne* A common issue with blood donation -- along with other types of charitable contributions -- is that if donors don’t know the recipient, it’s harder to convince them that donating is beneficial. Therefore, in an effort to encourage more young people to give blood, Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, sends a text when their donation has been dispensed to someone in need, providing proof that it’s going to good use.
According to a U.S. Department of Education report, students studying science or math in collegehaveahigheremployment rate and salary than other majors after graduation. STEM majors typically earn an average of $15,500 more annually than nonSTEM majors. Engineering and engineering technology tends to pay the most. Women eager to secure competitive, stable and well-paying jobs should carefully consider the opportunities available to them in STEM fields.
Part-time (25 Hours/week)
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• Participation in menu planning.
• Continuous improvement of operations by utilizing resident feedback.
• ServSafe Certi cation will be provided.
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Part-Time (Days) and Full-Time (Evenings)
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• Previous experience preferred, but not necessary.
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Part-Time (Days)
• Responsible for the cleaning of all occupied and vacant apartments as well as the common areas throughout the building.
• Orders and maintains housekeeping supplies.
• Completes minor maintenance tasks.
• Previous experience preferred, but not necessary.
If you are looking to enhance the lives of seniors and work with a kinetic and cohesive team, stop in and apply in person or visit our website: ashtonplaceny.com to download an Employment Application. We are looking forward to working with you!
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Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve, and retirement age can arrive in the blink of an eye. Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can find themselves in financial straits at a point in their lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts from Money, CNN and The Motley Fooladvisethatfinanciallysolvent people should begin saving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’ financial futures.
Come join our Wellness team providing physical and social care to our independent residents. We are currently o ering NEW incentive programs to include weekend and 12-hour shi s! Successful candidates are also eligible for a $500 retention bonus. Quail Summit o ers excellent bene ts, competitive wages, and excellent work environment!
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Liz Slater, Assistant Executive Director lslater@quailsummit.comor apply in person at 5102 Parrish St. Ext., Canandaigua
Salary: Of course everyone would love to earn more money when changing jobs, but there is more to changing jobs than just improving your bottom line. As you begin your job search, consider how much you currently earn and if that allows you to live a life you love. If so, don’t overemphasize finding a new job that pays considerably more than your currently earn. On the flip side, young professionals who want to start a family in the years ahead should consider the costs associated with such a decision and how the salaries they earn at their next jobs may affect what they want down the road.
Embrace keywords. Many employers now use application tracking software to sift through the scores of résumés that are submitted for each opening they post. Keywords make it easy for employers to sort through thousands of résumés. The right keywords will flag your résumé and increase your “relevancy score” in the main HR/recruiting software programs available. Adapt your résumé for each application you submit. Use some of the words listed in the initial job posting and description. In addition,lookatsimilarjobpostingsandincorporatesomekeywordslisted in those ads so that you have all the bases covered.
Take a moment to let a business owner know you saw their ad in the Penny Saver, tell a friend about an upcoming event or like any of our posts on social media. These small gestures make all the difference to us.
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STATISTICS SHOW JUST HOW BIG SMALL BUSINESS IS Small businesses and happiness might be linked. A 2019 survey from Guidant Financial and the online lending marketplace LendingClub found that 78 percent of small business owners rated their level of happiness as an average of eight on a scale of one to 10 (10 being the happiest).
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People with red hair are often assumed to be of Irish descent. Although not everyone with copper tresses can trace their lineage to the Emerald Isle, a deeper look at genealogy may, in fact, point out Irish origins somewhere along the way. According to Eupedia, a website that investigates European ancestryandgenetics,Irelandhas the highest per capita percentage of redheads in the world. The rates hover anywhere from 10 to 30 percent. In order to have red hair, a person must possess the MC1R gene, which is recessive andonlyoccursinabout2percent of the world’s population, says the National Institutes of Health. Both parentsmustpassonacopyofthe gene in order for their offspring to be born with red hair. Red hair also tends to skip generations, so if you are a redhead, your children may not be born with red hair, but your grandchildren may. The rarest combination is a person with red hair and blue eyes, which also are a recessive trait. Other cultures that historically have red hair are Scandinavian nations, like Norway. It is believed that since ancient Vikings took Irish slaves to Norway centuries ago, their genetics intermingled. Keep in mind that redheads should stay out of the sun. Research says the pigment that gives hair the red color can make redheads more susceptible to melanoma than even fair-skinned blonds.
1. MOVIES: What is the name of Scarlett and Rhett’s daughter in “Gone with the Wind”?
2. GEOGRAPHY: What body of water lies between Australia and New Zealand?
3. TELEVISION: Eric Camden is a minister on which TV dramedy?
4. CHEMISTRY: Which element has the Latin name stannum (Sn)?
5. LITERATURE: Which book is first written in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series?
6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the bird logo on Twitter?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How long does it take a sloth to digest food?
8. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the irrational fear represented by coulrophobia?
9. MYTHOLOGY: Which Greek god stared at his own reflection until he died?
10. INVENTIONS: What did Alessandro Volta invent?
thou wintry earthFling off thy sadness! Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth Your ancient gladness!Answers 1. Bonnie Blue Butler. 2. Tasman Sea. 3. “7th Heaven.” 4. Tin. 5. “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.” 6. Larry. 7. An average of 16 days, and up to 30 days. 8. Fear of clowns. 9. Narcissus. 10. The electric battery. ©
Seatings at 10am-12noon & 2pm
• A Complimentary Bloody Mary or Mimosa, Easter Bunny Punch, Orange Juice, Co ee & Tea for all guests
• Crab Tomato Bisque
• Caesar Salad
• Fruit Salad
• Green Goddess Couscous Salad
• Scrambled Eggs (10 am seating only)
• Bacon (10 am seating only)
• French Toast (10 am seating only)
• Cheesy Red Skin Potatoes
• Green Beans Amandine
• Chicken Piccata
• Citrus BBQ Glazed Salmon
• Braised Beef Short Ribs (12 & 2pm seating only)
• Vegetable Pasta w/ Garlic & Olive Oil (12 & 2pm seating only)
• Carved Ham
• Rolls and Butter
• Assorted Desserts & Pastries
$45 Adults
$35 Seniors 65+
$20 Children 12-3
2 and Under Free