6 minute read
Junk Cars Wanted
Serves 6 to 8
2 to 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 pounds apples, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices
1/2 cup honey, preferably sage honey
1/2 cup white wine
Zest of 1 lemon
Juice of 1 lemon
Fresh sage sprigs for garnish
1. Melt the butter in a large skillet overmediumheat.Addtheapples, turn the heat to high and sauté until they begin to brown on the edges, about 5 minutes. If some are getting too well done, remove them and place on a plate while the rest continue to cook, then return them to the skillet when all are done.
2. Reduce the heat to low and add the honey, wine, lemon zest, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup water. Cover and allow to cook until the apples are tender but still firm; you don’t want them to turn into applesauce.
3. Serve this in a bowl, tuck in a couple sprigs of fresh sage from your garden, and tell your guests all about sage honey.
is Cat Clings too Much
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-year-old cat Ella has gotten very clingy lately. She was always fairly independent and preferred to lounge atop the sofa and watch the world outside the window. Now she refuses to do that. She runs to greet me at the door, meows nonstop until I feed her and then wants to climb into my lap the instant I sit down. She also begs to come into the bedroom and curl up at the end of the bed next to my feet. I know this sounds just darling, but it’s unusual behavior from her. What’s your advice? -- Susan W., Burlington, Vermont
DEAR SUSAN: It’s interesting that Ella’s behavior has changed so noticeably, so fast. Has anything changed in the home environment, like you have a new work schedule, or moved furniture around, or added (or lost) a human family member?
Also, has anything about Ella’s health changed? Does she have any underlying condition that might be getting worse? Check with the vet to be sure.
If neither environment nor health are the problem, you can try to enforce some rules to alter Ella’s behavior.
-- Boredom: Make sure you play with Ella more o en each day. e clingy behavior may be a request for additional attention.
-- Boundaries: Don’t change feeding times just because Ella demands it. And don’t let her into the bedroom if you don’t want her there. Keep the door shut.
-- Bribery: Well, not really bribes, but positive reinforcement. When Ella goes to her old lounging spot, reward her with praise or a treat. Don’t give her treats when she’s in your lap; instead, lead her away and give a treat to her elsewhere.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
—Albert Einstein, The World as I See It
Cli on Springs United Methodist Church
1 East Main Street, Cli on Springs, NY 14432 • http://csumc.com
Service: Sunday @ 9:30am
Pastor Brian Fellows 315-462-2274 or secretary@csumc.com
Online worship at csumc.freeonlinechurch.com
List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.
WOODWORKING MAGAZINES - 160 in all, six different kinds, 2020-2023. Pick up: 585-704-9816
DOCK SECTIONS - Sixteen 10’ long pressure treated with legs. Pick up Conesus: 585-346-2390
VARIETY OF CRAFT ITEMS. Pick up Lima: 585-624-2633 or najhedanglis@gmail.com
LOVESEAT, pale yellow, floral. Good condition: 585-233-6073
QUEEN SIZE COMPLETE BED. Excellent condition. You move: goodgilly1028@hotmail.com or text only 585-738-6232, 8am to 8pm
You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
MIKASA (Harvest) CHINA, 61-pieces. Very good condition. Picture upon request. Pick up, Henrietta: 585-797-4133
EVERBEARING RED RASPBERRY BUSHES. You dig. Pick up, Village of Avon: 585-305-4786
Sears Craftsman 42”cut LAWN TRACTOR, 2003 model 917. Needs service. Pick up Wayland/Cohocton area: 585-461-0667
WIGS - 2 dozen assorted lengths, colors. In original packaging, new or opened only once to view product, never worn: jbe70@frontiernet.net
LUMBER - various sizes, pieces & types of wood available for woodworking projects or hobby. You pick up: schatziny@gmail.com
BROWN COUCH and four CAR SEATS: 585-721-2278
BOOKCASE/DESK – 6’ cabinet with storage shelves, desk compartment, and drawers. Pick up, Wayland: 585-766-5925
A couple hundred MIXED BRICKS. Many of a few types and in decent condition. Some poor. Take any amount desired! 716-954-3141
EGG CARTONS – Do you need any? How many? Must pick up, Hilton: 585-752-1562
Ten medium-sized MOVING BOXES. Fairport: 585-943-3226
OLD WOODEN DESK - 60”x34” removable top for easy transport. From Dr.’s office: amparmil@rochester.rr.com
LA-Z-BOY RECLINER and BUS ENGINE: sbly5722@gmail.com
Large GOLF TROPHY, Fisher & Paykel CPAP SUPPLIES - small cushions, headset, tubing & filters: 585-343-5957. Please leave a message.
Everett UPRIGHT PIANO – needs tuning. Pick up, Geneseo: 585-441-8978
GARDEN BOX SPACE (w/plants) available at St. Timothy Church in Geneseo: 585-243-4777
Six TIRES 185/55R/16. Very good tread: 585-424-0982
Food grade 55-GALLON BARRELS WITH LIDS: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net
WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt: 315-576-1278
CPAP. Gently used: 585-313-4315
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, stereo equipment, Vintage radios
Test equipment, speakers, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, Early TVs, records, communication, parts: greg3151@ymail.com
Elderly disabled mechanic looking for a good VEHICLE to go to doctor appts., grocery shopping, etc. Minor repairs okay: 585-883-7387
BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Old TABLETOP MANUAL MEAT GRINDER in useable condition (sometimes worded vintage): 585-201-6001
Two disabled veterans would like a CAMPER TO FIX UP: dobstarczyk@hotmail.com
Working WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS for refugee family in Canandaigua area: Text or call 585-754-1275
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: 585-334-6134
Looking for a decent GARAGE DOOR, 85”x9’: 585-298-0040
TRUCK for low-income Senior Citizen. Road-worthy, for transportation of elderly mother, and general handy work/yard work. Soon to be urgent need! 585-483-1054
Looking for CLEAN PINE NEEDLES: 585-520-3819
Looking for any OLD/NEW VIDEO GAMES/CONSOLES or COMPUTERS. High school student looking to learn. Can be working/not working. Text 585-450-1172
FOLD-UP TREADMILL. Can pick up: Breit11763@gmail.com
All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: timpani_m@yahoo.com
MANNEQUIN or MANNEQUINS. Used or unwanted for school project. Will pick up: stujaxon@yahoo.com
THE CHOSEN SERIES: braduns@yahoo.com
Small SUV or PICKUP needed for disabled veteran for transport to appointments and errands: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
Full size SOFA BED / HIDE-A-BED needed for Boy Scout Leader’s cabin. Rips or stains okay. Will pick up: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com
LAWN ROLLER and a GRASS CATCHER to pull behind my lawnmower. Text or call: 585-260-0437
COMICS - Any and all! Any years, any condition, any amount. Avid collector who still loves comics: Text or call: 585-260-0437
RASCAL SCOOTER in good working condition, scratches, and dents okay.
COSTUME JEWELRY, any condition and an ATARI 2600 w/accessories and games: 585-415-8513
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Clifton Springs Library
4 Railroad Avenue Clifton Springs, NY 14432
315-462-7371 cliftonspringslibrary.com
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street Geneva, NY 14456 315-789-5303 genevapubliclibrary.net
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Newark Public Library
121 High Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-0552 newarklibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9:30-7; Fri 9:30-6; Sat 9:30-1
Phelps Library
8 Banta Street, Suite 200 Phelps, NY 14532 315-548-5314 phelpslibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
AloquinFlintFundraiserChicken BBQ: Sunday,June11, 11amtilsoldout.JoinusatRunningsPlazainCanandaigua.Cost: $12each.
PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot, Lawn&Garden EXTRAVAGANZA!Youthactivities includefreearchery&indoorpellet range.Lawn&GardenSale!Sunday,June11,8am-11amatthe MiddlesexConservationClub,6087 SouthHillRoad,Middlesex.http:// www.middlesexconservationclub. org/
SpaghettiDinner: Vine Valley UnitedMethodistChurchAnnual SpaghettiDinner,Sat.,June10th,4 til7p.m.Spaghetti,meatballs. saladandroll.Glutenfreeoptions available.Takeoutsavailable.Vine Valleyapparelwillbesold.$12.00 (adults)$6.00(12andunder)Childrenunder3Free.VineValley CommunityHouse,6369VineValleyRd.,Middlesex.
Central SchoolAlumniReunionAugust3,2023atClub86Geneva, from11am-4pm.Additionaldetails tofollow-AlumniCommittee.
Banquet - JoinusfortheVCS AlumniBanquetattheRavenwood GolfCourse,LynaughRoad,Victor, NYonSunday,June11,2023. Reservationsrequired.ContactSusanWhitneyMasseth. 585-727-2359orsusanjmasseth@ gmail.com.Cashbar5pm.Dinner 6pm.Nospeeches!Doorprizes. Payableonarrival.Joinus!
Ways To Support Local Businesses
Shop at small businesses regularly.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
Understanding food labels is a great first step toward eating healthy.