Kathrynboor@gvpennysaver.com 585-226-5862
Kathrynboor@gvpennysaver.com 585-226-5862
Hours: Sun. 12:00PM-6:00PM; Mon. Closed; Tues.- Fri. 3:00PM- 6:00PM; Sat. 9:00AM- 6:00PM 7406 Groveland Station Rd. Groveland, NY 14462 585-243-5260
Note: we will be closing for the season on Monday, Dec. 12th. We will reopen in April 2023. ank you all so much for your business.
flat, long-lasting, aromatic needles. Balsam fir and Fraser fir have many similar characteristics and some botanists consider them extensions of the same species. Their geographic ranges do not overlap and the Balsam fir has to have cold winters and cool summers. Balsam fir has a nice, dark green color and very fragrant. The tree was named for the balsam or resin found in blisters on bark and which was used to treat wounds in Civil War.
Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving yearand yet, for all that, when it speaks, its voice has strong authority. ~W.J. Cameron
Hemlock Hill Tree Farm
Carol and Larry Myers
Fresh cut on-site or cut your own. 3’ to 15’. Firs, Spruce, Pines 4825 Federal Rd. 21/2 mi. south of Livonia Center Sat. 9-5:30 Sun., Thurs., Fri. 12:30-5:30; 585-346-2746
* Burned rice? No problem. While it’s still hot, carefully remove to a new pot any rice not browned or blackened. Then top it with a single slice of white bread. Allow it to sit for several minutes under a tightly fitted lid. The burned smell is absorbed by the bread, and the rice is fit to eat. -- M.U. in Michigan
* Plastic holiday tablecloths can be a festive addition to any family celebration. But what to do if you unpack yours and it’s wrinkled? Get those wrinkles out in a hurry with a hair dryer. Set the hair dryer to a low setting, and gently run the warm air over the wrinkles. Smooth and set the table.
* Freshen rugs without the heavy perfume smell of store-bought brands; Simply sprinkle a little baking soda on your carpet and let it sit for about 10 minutes before vacuuming.
* Wrap the lint from your dryer in 6-inch strips of wax paper. Roll it up, twist both ends and you have a perfect firestarter.
* For light and unbelievably fluffy pancakes, try subbing the water in your recipe with club soda. Yummo. -- E.S. in Florida
* Add a few drops of water to votive cups before adding a candle. The wax will float on the water, and when the candle burns down, it won’t get stuck in the votive glass. -- O.J. in Wyoming
Take your next step with con dence. Schedule a con dential pregnancy test appointment and get the answers to move forward. Call 607-288-3772 today! For more information www.be-prcv.org
Catholic Charities of Livingston County 585-658-4466 Email: cclc@dor.org • www.aboutcclc.org
Council on Alcohol & Substance Abuse of Liv. Cty. 585-991-5012 • www.casa-livingston.org
Teresa House
21 Highland Drive, Geneseo, NY 14454 585-243-1978 • www.teresahouse.org Geneseo-Groveland Food Pantry 585-991-8220
Chances and Changes Inc 585-658-3940 Hotline 1-888-252-9360 www.chancesandchanges.org
Literacy Volunteers of Livingston County, Inc. Phone: 585-658-7970 • lvalc@gvboces.org
Geneseo Parish Outreach Center 585-243-3120 • geneseopoc@gmail.com
e largest geographic Arc in the state, covering 2,400 square miles. 18 Main Street, Mt. Morris, NY 14510 (585) 658-2828 • www.lwarc.org facebook.com/ArcGLOWny (Arc GLOW)
Inter Faith Center
11 Franklin Street, Geneseo • 243-1460 ifc@geneseo.edu
Livingston County Historical Society and Museum
Center Street • Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-9147
Livingston County Habitat for Humanity (585) 335-5634 * livingstonh @gmail.com http://www.livingstoncountyhabitat.org
Host a “snowed in” party. Spending a day cooped up inside when the roads are covered in snow might not be your idea of fun, but invite a mix of friends and neighbors who live nearby over, and this impromptu party can make the cabin fever disappear. Ask guests to bring one food item or beverage. Light a fire in the fireplace and set out some cozy throw blankets. If possible, invite everyone outdoors to build a snowman.
Hi! I'm Creed. I am Apollo's brother. I am also a rescue. I have been with the family almost a year now. My parents have figured out that I was trained to be a fighting dog. Before them I was made to run the treadmill every day for 3miles. No lie. So now I am a super lazy LUG that loves to cuddle, sometimes play with Apollo and sleep. My mom wants everyone in the community to know that neither Apollo or Creed have had a lot of socialization. So when you see us out, our bark is bigger than our bite.
Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: sales@gvpennysaver.com or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Christmas 2022 Hours: 12 Noon-5PM December 9-11; 15-19; 23-24 Other times by appointment
Sign out when you stop using an app. It may be convenient to stay signed in to an app at all times, but that can leave you vulnerable to hackers and/ or thieves. Many apps store users’ credit card numbers so shoppers don’t have to enter such information each time they make a purchase. If you staysignedintoanappatalltimes,hackerswhoaccessyoursmartphone can then access your credit card information, as can thieves should your phone be stolen. Signing out when you finish using an app provides an extra measure of protection.
Local businesses are owned by people wholiveinyourtown, go to your church or synagogue, donate to local animal shelters, coach Little League teams. When you spend money in their stores and cafes, you support yourneighbors. usatoday.com
76th Annual Santa Claus presented by the East Avon Fire Dept.
Sun., DEC. 18 • 1pm
All residents of the Town & Village of Avon are invited to join us at the Village Circle. There will be candy and gifts for all the kids!
Name: Address: City, State, Zip:
Name: Address: City, State, Zip:
Nearly everyone has experienced a sticking door that just will not close properly. This problem may become more noticeable when temperatures rise and humidity contributes to the swelling of wood doors and frames.
According to The Family Handyman, a home improvement resource, the standard remedy for alleviating a sticking door is to remove the door and pare down the edges that are rubbing so that the door will once again swing freely. While this can solve the problem, it can be a hassle, as it requires refinishing the pareddown edge and rehanging the door. Try these shortcuts first before creating more work than might be necessary.
• Identify the problem area and rub it with a dry bar of soap. This should reduce friction and allow the door to close more easily.
• Remove humidity with a dehumidifier or by running an air conditioning unit.
• Check for loose hinges or sagging around the hinge. Tighten the fasteners to sure up the door and create better alignment.
• Spray the hinges with lubricant if you suspect sticking is originating because of squeaky hinges.
• Look for obstructions at the bottom of the door. Is the door dragging on carpeting or being caught on something on the floor? It may be a matter of simply clearing away the obstruction.
1948 Vintage Penny Saver
(Cell) 721-9654 (Office) (585) 349-6036 heidiprentice@howardhanna.com Heidi Prentice, Licensed Associate R.E. Broker Honesty, Integrity, 31 years experience
Cornerstone Baptist Church
4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo • 243-4514 www.baptistchurchgeneseo.com
Pastor John Zatkiewicz
Worship 11am • Sunday School 9:45am Wednesday Prayer, 6:30pm
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church
4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130
Pastor Don Ray • E-mail: pvbc@frontier.com pleasantvalleybaptist.com • Sunday School 10:00am Worship Services Sunday, 11:00am • Bible Study Wed., 6:30pm Children’s Church • Youth Activities
Pastor David eobald
9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190
Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM www.gracebcdansville.org
St. Luke the Evangelist Parish
Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas
Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community
St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia www.stsmaryandmatthew.com - Rev. William Laird 9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew
Holy Family Catholic Community
O ce: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228
Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton
St. Agnes, St. Rose, St. Paul
96 Prospect Street, Avon • 226-2100 Saturday: 4pm at St Agnes in Avon Sunday: 8am at St Rose in Lima Sunday: 9:45am at St Paul of the Cross in Honeoye Falls Sunday: 11:30 at St Agnes in Avon
Christian Science Church
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
e Center Church Meeting at the Lakeville Fire Training Grounds 5604 Stone Hill Rd., Lakeville, NY 14480 Service: Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Phone: 585-376-0749
Livonia Community Church
A non-denominational Evangelical church 41 Spring St., 346-5290; e Rev. Harry V. Vellekoop Sunday School – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am LivoniaCC.org
GraceLife Church 275 E. Main Street, Avon, NY 14414 • 585-226-2916 www.gracelifeavon.com Sunday Services 9:00 & 11:00am Gospel • Community • Mission • Family
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127 Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434 stpetesdansville.org • Handicap accessible Sunday Service @ 10:30am
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
175 North Street, Caledonia, NY 14423 Holy Eucharist Sunday Mornings @ 8:30am Rector Canon Johnnie Ross standrewso ce1888@yahoo.com Call M-F, 10am-2pm: 585-294-5004
• A er hours: 859-285-9361
Zion Episcopal Church
10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 zionepiscopalchurchavon.org
Sunday Worship and Holy Communion 10:00am Online Facebook: facebook.com/Zionchurchavon Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am
St. Timothy Lutheran Church -
A Sanctuary and Reconciling in Christ Church 5015 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-4490
Vicar Lisa Frauens • vicarlisaf@gmail.com • sttimothylutherangeneseo.org Sunday worship 9:30AM, & Live Streamed: www.facebook.com/sttimothygeneseo Intergenerational Sunday School, 10:30am 1st Sunday of the month Oct-May.
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany LCMS
6050 East Avon-Lima Rd. (Rt. 5 & 20), E. Avon • 226-2200
Pastor Clayton Zuber
Facebook: epiphanyavon • Handicap Accessible Sunday Worship and Sunday School 10:30am Children’s Sunday School
Geneseo United Methodist Church
Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160
8:30am Non-Traditional Worship, 10:30am Traditional. 9:30am co ee hour • Sunday School classes for all ages. Nursery care provided • Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired. “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible
United Methodist Church of Livonia
Pastor: Hoyt Brown • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511
E-mail: UMCLivonia@gmail.com • Website: UMCL.us Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: UMCL.us or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church). Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children.
Springwater United Methodist Church
8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560
O ce: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt
Sunday Service: 11am
Children’s Church/Sunday School Handicap accessible.
Dansville United Methodist Church
5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville
Church phone: 585-335-5354
Sunday Worship: 11am Pastor Michael Whitcomb-Tavey
Avon United Methodist Church
130 Genesee St., Avon • 226-8600 • www.avonnyumc.org Rev. Keith Griswold
Worship: Sundays in church at 10am, Facebook Live 10:10am Radio Ministry: 7:30am Sundays on 1040AM or 92.1FM
To join us for worship or anytime on our website.
Faith Fellowship Church
5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www. cny.org
Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship Pastor Cli Baker, Youth Sunday Worship Prayer 10am
Holy Ground Ministries Church
2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome. Bible Study - 2nd and 4th Saturday at 9:30am See what the Lord can do in your life. www.holygroundministries.org
Genesee Valley Church Of Christ
Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center) Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 9:45-10:30am Non-denominational New Testament Teachings.
Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church 161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311
Pastor David Missel www.seekinggodtogether.com
Adult Sunday School: 10am • Worship Service: 10:30am Please Join Us!
First Presbyterian Church of Livonia Center
3836 Richmond Mills Road Rt. 20A, Livonia Center 346-5075
Sunday Worship 9:30 am • Handicap Accessible
York United Presbyterian Church 2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266
Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am
Available on the YouTube channel: “York United Presbyterian Church”. Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome!
Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669
Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster Sunday Worship at 10am @www.cpcgeneseo.org Sunday School and Nursery provided.
Located at the Corner of Rts. 15 and 5&20
Rev. Michelle Allen: 585-226-6460; pastor@eastavonchurch.com
Sunday Worship: In person at 10:00 AM; Via Zoom at 10:00 AM (www.eastavonchurch.com)
Everyone is always welcome!!
Avon Central Presbyterian Church
Pastor Carin Farmer • 133 Genesee St., Avon • 226-2626
Sunday Worship 10:00am (July & August - 9:00am)
Children’s Sunday School during Worship (Sept.-May). Nursery provided • All are welcome! • cpcavon@frontier.com
Sunday Radio Ministry: 8:30 am at 1040 AM or 92.1 FM and 95.5 FM
Lakeville United Church of Christ
5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville • 346-5235 www.facebook.com/Lakevilleucc
Sunday Worship at 10:30am All are welcome/Open and A rming Church.
Katsy LLC led Articles of Organization with the NY Department of State on December 2, 2022. Its o ce is located in Livingston County. e Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served, and a copy of any process shall be mailed to 5252 Hammond Road, Dansville, New York 14437. e purpose of the Company is any lawful business.
On Dec. 14, 1909, workers place the last of the 3.2 million 10-pound bricks that pave the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Since then, most of that brick has been buried under asphalt, but 1 yard remains exposed at the start-finish line. Kissing those bricks after a successful race remains a tradition among Indy drivers.
Provides funds to assist the home-delivered meals program and legal services aid for the elderly who choose to remain living independently in their homes. The Livingston County Office for the Aging offers programs and services to individuals ages 60 and over. www.livingstoncounty.us/ 133/Aging-Office-for-the
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Last year, I caught my uncle and aunt feeding our King Charles Spaniel, Doogie, food from their plates a er anksgiving dinner and pouring wine into a dish for him. As you know, holiday feasts have rich, fatty foods with ingredients that are bad for dogs, like onion, garlic, avocado and chocolate. Fortunately, Doogie only su ered a bit of indigestion. is year, I added a list of rules to the anksgiving invitation, including: Do not feed the dog; do not leave plates where Doogie can reach them; do not give alcohol to the dog; do not let Doogie out of his kennel.
My uncle and aunt posted the list on Facebook and said the rules are the reason they will not come this year. ey’re trying to shame me for protecting my dog. Some of our other relatives commented on the post and said they might not come because of the rules, either. What would you do? -- Carole & Chuck in Marietta, Georgia
DEAR CAROLE & CHUCK: I’m no master of etiquette, but I can speak on this issue: e welfare of your pet comes rst.
Dogs will not turn down yummy food, especially if it’s bad for them. Dogs don’t know alcohol is bad for them. Many dogs don’t know how to handle the stress of a sudden crowd of strangers in the house. Dogs will react badly to inconsiderate handling. Dogs will take advantage of your distraction to reach abandoned plates and countertops laden with deliciousness.
Your rules about Doogie are reasonable. You can respond to the post calmly with your side of the story, and let the other relatives decide for themselves what to do. Best of luck.
Do you have a story about pets and the holidays? Tell us at ask@ pawscorner.com.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper.
The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
Researchers must be worried about us. ere are hundreds of studies done around the world on the topic of isolated seniors and how it’s bad for our brain and physical health. While we can appreciate their concern, it would be nice if they could all agree on the facts they report.
A Norwegian university has released the results of a report on maintaining brain health and preventing cognitive decline. ey’ve concluded, a er reviewing 101 other studies, that social activity is important, along with physical exercise and interesting hobbies.
One study praised us for following the Covid rules and staying home and not having face-to-face social activity, saying we mentally weathered our isolation better than any other age group. Another study said that we didn’t do well, that we su ered from sleep disturbances, depression and anxiety.
Another study analyzing information from before and during the pandemic concluded that yes, there was physical and social isolation, but not digital isolation. In other words, we’ve been online communicating with others.
One serious study looked at 12 possible relationships (friends, neighbors, family and so on) and concluded that being socially isolated made one more susceptible to the common cold.
Yet another study said that it was when the Covid rules were li ed, when we could go to stores and back to our meetings, that our real stress started.
In the U.S., 27% of seniors over the age of 60 live alone, as opposed to several other countries where multiple generations live together. One thing researchers need to consider: Some seniors might like the peace and quiet of living alone, might like having control about who comes over and when, and might prefer the independence.
Still, if you sense you don’t get out enough, go. Take a walk. Volunteer to walk a dog at the shelter. Stroll the aisles at the library.
Or don’t. It really is up to you.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have always wondered if it matters if you swallow a bunch of pills in one swallow or if it would be better to space them out. I take a bunch, like Eliquis, dicyclomine, gabapentin, etc. -- B.A.
Attend information sessions. Health insurance providers and employers typically schedule enrollment meetings whenever a plan is up for renewal and/or being changed. Such meetings can easily get lost in the hectic fray of modern business environments, but professionals should find the time to attend them. Enrollment meetings explain benefits in detail and provide a great opportunity to speak directly with an insurance provider without having to go through the often time-consuming customer service hotline.
ANSWER: With most pills, it’s OK to take them as a bunch together if you can tolerate doing so (I’ve known people who have a tough time taking multiple pills at the same time due to gagging). There are a few combinations of pills that shouldn’t be taken together, such as tetracyclines and calcium, but these should be labelled clearly on your bottle. A few medicines, like alendronate (Fosamax), can’t be taken with any other medicines. Some medicines, including all the ones you mentioned, can cause sedation, which can be worsened if taken together.
As always, your pharmacist is your best friend for questions about medication interactions.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Despite having family history of high cholesterol (including early death due to heart failure), I was told at 53 that my 10-year risk is not alarming. I do not smoke, nor do I drink.
I recently had some tests done and was told that my Lipoprotein(a) level is above normal. I am wondering if that may explain my concern of why, despite keeping a very careful diet over two decades (and a fairly good Mediterranean diet before as well) and an ideal BMI, my figures are not getting better. (I still have a high LDL, low HDL and high triglyceride count.)
After I recovered from COVID, I seemed to have a high pulse and was advised that my stress ECG is positive. I find aerobic exercise very challenging, but I keep active when I can. I tend to be anemic and feel tired very often due to heavy periods, but I take iron supplements.
What should I do concerning my cholesterol in my blood?
I am concerned that my high figures may indicate a serious silent illness. -- M.H.
ANSWER: The 10-year risk is a good place to start in deciding whether elevated cholesterol needs to be treated; however, the 10-year risk does not consider some risk factors, including the high Lp(a), which is an independent risk factor on top of your high LDL and low HDL. The Lp(a) doesn’t affect the other cholesterol numbers.
Diet and exercise do tend to help cholesterol numbers and definitely help reduce heart disease risk, but it is possible to have cholesterol results that are not ideal despite a very good lifestyle.
A positive stress test is a concerning finding and is usually followed up by a definitive test for blockages in the artery, such as an angiogram. The results of that will absolutely guide your cardiologist as far as further treatment, including whether you need treatment for your cholesterol numbers. Although statin drugs do not reduce Lp(a), they do reduce the risk of heart disease in people with elevated levels of Lp(a). I follow the advice of experts who recommend a lower threshold for medication treatment in people with high Lp(a) levels, especially in people with a family history of heart blockages or heart attacks.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
(c) 2022 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Manypeoplechoosetheirclothes basedlargelyontheirownunique fashion sense. But the clothes people wear can serve a greater purpose than broadcasting their sense of style to the world. The Skin Cancer Foundation notes that clothing is the first line of defense against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet, or UV, rays. The right clothing can absorb and block UV radiation and the SCF recommends wearing such attire as part of an effective sun protection regimen. When purchasing clothing, consumers are urged to determine each article’s ultraviolet protection factor, or UPF. The UPF factor indicates what fraction of the sun’s UVA and UVB radiation can penetrate the fabric and reach the skin. Clothing with a UPF of 50 will only allow 1/50th of the sun’s UV radiation to reach the skin. The UPF rating system is relatively new, so consumers in North America may not find UPF ratings listed on the labels of clothing they typically purchase from their favorite retailers. In addition, the sun protective clothing industry in North America is self-regulated, which means some, but not all, manufacturers’ claims regarding the safety of their clothing may be dubious. However, consumers concerned about the safety of the clothing they wear when spending time in the sun can speak with dermatologists about finding clothing manufacturers with strong reputations of producingsunprotectiveclothing that can protect them from the sun’s UV rays.
Cheers to the Park Theater in Avon for putting on such great shows - film and live performances. The latest performers were Chris Wilson and Brian Ayers, along with a terrific bass player, whose name I don't know, playing the wonderful music of Simon and Garfunkel. Their voices, harmonies and rendition of that popular duo was so well executed and fun to listen to, even the audience was spellbound. So nice to have such outstanding talent perform locally!
Thank you to all of the people who came to my aid when I fell and struck my head: the librarian who sat with me the whole time and called for help; the people who stopped and assisted; and, finally the emergency responders for their quick response. I cannot thank all of you enough for your caring and compassion. GB
Thank you so much to the two wonderful ladies who stopped their cars and the man walking his daughter’s dog who came to my rescue after I fell in my driveway on December 1st. They helped me into my house and stayed with me until my daughter arrived. They were so kind and thoughtful. May God bless them and may they and their families have a very happy holiday season.
Remember, there are only about 10 weeks we use the stadium a year. Probably 4 or 5 (or more) of those are during good weather. That leaves the stadium sitting there 40+ weeks a year. That means heating, cooling and maintaining it for all those weeks when it is not being used. Even if a rare concert or other event appears, you can see the costs involved. Now set that aside, the addition of a roof would also add another billion dollars to the cost. I am not sure how happy taxpayers in Bayshore Long Island would be, or politicians in Albany. There is also the “Dome” losing syndrome. Not too many Dome teams have won the BIG GAME. In fact at one time no Dome team had ever won the BIG GAME until two dome teams faced each other I think in 2013 or so?? Just a guess. I would submit that if you think about it seriously, the Bills made 4 straight Superbowls, mainly because they did not have a Dome. There is an obvious strategic advantage in not having a roof.
Theft Whoever stole all the quarters out of my car just at the beginning of the snow storm at a senior living facility, those quarters were there so I would always have my copays to pay for my medications. And you stole the only pair of gloves I had that I left in my car. Shame on you, I hope your parents are wondering where $30 in quarters and a pair of gloves came from. I have to let two of my meds go until mySS check now. Shame on you.
Please, to the people going in the senior apartments parking area lot, please some very old, from finding a parking spot. They then have to park way down which is such a long walk for those using walkers or canes. Be considerate and respectable. This lot is reserved for the Senior Apartments. There are signs. [local business] has plenty of parking across the street and right at the [local business] which many do not use. This is more problematic in winter for handicapped seniors. You are walking fine. Use the lot across the street from the [local business].
Turn lights off when going to bed and/or leaving the house. Interior and exterior holiday lights should not be left on when no one is home or everyone inside is sleeping. If left on overnight or when no one is home, lightsmaycontributetofiresthatdamagehomesandmayevenprovefatal.
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org
Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3
Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311
Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. (Oct.-May) 9-noon
Livonia Public Library 2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-3
Wadsworth Library 24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
Any openSaturdays,Jointhe CrossroadsCrafters’Circle!Bring yourknitting,quilting,crocheting, orothercraftofchoiceandchat withfriends!9:30AM-12:00PM Haveyouheardofouronline authortalks?Watchalivechatwith anationalbest-sellingauthorfrom thecomfortofyourlivingroom. PastauthorsincludeAlkaJoshi,Liz Moore,andKateQuinn.Registeror catchuponpasttalksatlibraryc. org/lima.
SantawillbevisitingusonWednesday12/14at10:30AM.Visitus! WewillbeclosedonSaturday 12/24andwewillre-openonTuesday12/27forChristmas.Wehope youandyourshaveahappyholiday season,howeveryoucelebrate! WewillbeclosedSaturday12/31 andreopenon1/3.Happy2023! Formore,visitlima.owwl.org
An EveningofClassicalGuitarwith musicianAnthonyCatalano Wednesday,December14from 6:30-7:30pm
Enjoyanhour-longconcertofrich anddiverseguitarmusic.Opento allages.Registrationisnotrequired.
Thisprojectismadepossiblewith fundsfromtheStatewideCommunityRegrantsProgram,aregrant programoftheNYSCouncilonthe ArtswiththesupportoftheOffice oftheGovernorandtheNYSLegislatureandadministeredbyGeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts.
ChristmasOpen Thursday,December15from 6:30-7:30pm
Afunfamilyevent!Therewillbe ornamentmaking,photoswith SantaandMrs.Claus,music,and refreshments.Registrationisnot required.
TechTutorHelpSaturday, December17from1-3pm OurtechnologyinstructorMorgan willbeatthelibraryonSaturday, December17from1-3pmtoprovidetechhelptopatrons.Call(585) 568-7602oremail:lctechtutoring@ gmail.comtoschedulean appointment.
Please joinusforSmallFryFun,ages 2-5,Tuesdaysfrom10:30am11:00am.HomeschoolMakerspace, Ages5-11.Tuesdaysfrom1-2pm.K2MakerCrewTuesdaysfrom3:304:30pm.TeenTues.SensoryPlay Wednesday,from10:30-11:15amfor ages1-3,withacaregiver.3rd-5th gradeMakerBrigade,Wednesdays from3:30-5:00pm.MiniMakerTime. Ages2-5yrs.Thursdaysfrom10:3011:00am.TweenMakerspace,Grades 6-8,Thursdaysfrom3:30-5:00pm. TeenAdvisoryBoard-3rdTuesdayof theMonth,6:00-7:30pmforages 13-18.Wiggles&Whimsies:Story TimefortheWholeFamily, Wednesdaysfrom6:30-7:00pm.FamilyMovieNight-Showingwillbegin promptlyat6pm.Themovieofthe eveningwillbe;ArthurChristmas, suitableforallages.Noregistration required.Pleasevisitlivonialibrary.org forsignupandmoreinformation.
AvonSeniorNutritionProgramWeek ofDecember13-December 16,2022
Tuesday:VeggieLasagnawith MeatSauce,Peas,Carrots,Wheat BreadSlice,MixedFruit,Brownie Wednesday:DeconstructedBeef Wellington,WildRice,CapriMix Vegetables,CheesecakewithRed BerrySauce,TomatoJuice
Thursday:ShreddedPork,Mashed SweetPotatoes,Corn,Wheat BreadSlices(2),Peaches,Grape Juice
Friday:TunaNoodleCasserole, Beets,Broccoli,WheatBreadSlice, Grapes,OrangeJuice (585)226-6353
TheAvonFoodPantry is opento clientshopping.Pleasebringyour ownreusablebags.Tuesdays11-2 PMandThursdays3-5PM.Located at:108ProspectStreet,Avon. Emergencydeliveriesarestill availablebycalling358-1671.
“TOPS”-TakeOffPoundsSensibly: New Location-UnitedMethodistChurch,130GeneseeSt., Avon.Tuesdays,2pm-3:30pm.Still only$2perweek.FirstweekFREE! Everyonewelcomed!Comeinfront door.
WednesdayFreeVeteransSoup and Sandwich- AvonAmerican LegionAuxiliarywillreopenour doorsandbeginservingourFree VeteransSoupandSandwichat 11:30am-1pmeveryWednesday. VeteranSupportersarewelcometo enjoythemealalsoforasuggested donationof$5.Themealwillincludecoffeeandwater,sodawill beavailablefor$1.Welookforwardtoseeingallofourfriends returnandmeetingnewones. Questions,call585-746-2608.
WeekofDecember12-December 15,2022 Monday:ChiliLimeChicken,SpanishRice,BlackBeans,WheatBread Slice,Clementine,AppleJuice Tuesday:VeggieLasagnawith MeatSauce,Peas,Carrots,Wheat BreadSlice,MixedFruit,Brownie Wednesday:DeconstructedBeef Wellington,WildRice,CapriMix Vegetables,CheesecakewithRed BerrySauce,TomatoJuice Thursday:ShreddedPork,Mashed SweetPotatoes,Corn,Wheat BreadSlices(2),Peaches,Grape Juice SiteClosedonFriday (585)335-8130
AvonPreservationandHistorical Society ishostingaprogram onthe100THANNIVERSARYOF THECOYNEFARM,Sunday, December11,2022,2:00pmatthe AvonParkTheater.https://www. avonpreservation.org/
AvonPreservationandHistorical Society- Forthemonthof December,theAvonPreservation andHistoricalSocietywillbecelebratingtheexcitementof Christmasmorningbydisplaying toysthathavebeenenjoyedby childrenthroughouttheyears.Toys fromtheearly1900’stotheearly 2000’swillfillthewindowsand displaycasesthroughoutthemuseum.Comeseeifyoucanfind yourbelovedtoyfromyesteryear. HeldSUNDAYSbeginning December4from1pm-4pmatthe AvonPreservationandHistorical Society,23GeneseeSt.,Avon.The toyswillbeondisplayattheAvon PreservationandHistoricalMuseum onthefollowingSundays: December18andJanuary8,22 and29.
LetchworthStateParkInterpretive Programs- Autumn2022 Calendar:Thecalendarofeventsis partofTheGeneseeNaturalist.Programscheduleswithtimesand meetingplacesofallparkprograms maybeobtainedattheVisitor CenterorHumphreyNatureCenter whicharelocatedatthesouthend ofLetchworthStatePark.Additionalinfo.:ParkInterpretiveProgram,1LetchworthStatePark, Castile,NY14427,585-493-3625. parks.ny.gov/events
FillmoreCommunityChoir Presents “JosephtheCarpenter” MusicalbyJoeE.Parks.Directedby JanetPotter.Friday,December9th, 7:00p.m.,CastileBaptistChurch, 5824Rt.19A,Castile.FREE-ALL AREWELCOME!Comeandhear howeverydaypeopleandatiny littlebaby,havebrightenedthe world.ListenaswesingtheStory ofthefirstChristmas.
ChristmasEveCandlelightService: Join usforlightrefreshments andaChristmasevecandlelight service.Everyoneiswelcome,bring yourfamilyandfriends.Saturday, December24,7-8:30pm,Christ CommunityChurch,26Center Street,Geneseo.https://www. c3ofg.com/
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Drop o your non-perishable food items at the Genesee Valley Penny Saver 1471 Rt. 15, Avon during o ce hours Monday- urs: 8:30am-5pm; Friday 8:30am-3pm
Panic/AnxietySupportGroup for thosedealingwithPanic/ Anxietyissuesmeetsatthe GeneseoUnitedMethodistChurch, 4520GeneseeStreet(Route63), Geneseo.Meetingsheldthefirst Fridayofeachmonth1-2:30PMin theYouthSundaySchoolroom.All ageswelcome.Thefocusofthe supportandencouragementinthe groupwillbecopingskillsbasedon cognitivebehavioraltherapy.IncorporatedwillbetheteachingsofDr. ClaireWeekes.Thegroupstudies Dr.Weekes’bookHopeandHelp foryourNervesandappliesthe techniquessheoutlines.Wearenot doctors,wearejustfolksthatcome togethertosharecopingskills basedonlifeexperiences.
GeneseoGrovelandEmergency Food Pantry- Themissionofthe GeneseoGrovelandEmergency FoodPantryistoofferfoodassistancetothoseinneedinthe GeneseoGrovelandschooldistrict andsurroundingareas.Weare openTuesdayandThursday10-2 andWednesday4-6:30.Weare locatedinthebasementofthe CentralPresbyterianChurchatat 31CenterSt,Geneseo.Stopbyor call585-991-8220formoreinformation.Allarewelcome.http:// ggefoodpantry.org
CallingAllSingers! Doyouliketo sing,butfinditdifficulttocommit toattendweeklychoirrehearsals? Comejoinusfortheholidays.The GeneseoUnitedMethodistChurch ispreparingmusicfortheseason, especiallyfortheafternoonof December11whenwewillpresent NightoftheFathersLovebyPepper Choplin.ContactGeneseoUnited MethodistChurchatoffice@ GeneseoMethodist.orgformoreinformation.
GeneseoChristmasintheVillage Saturday,December10th 12-6pm.CookieStroll-20Main StreetBusinessesofferinglocally madetreatstoeatorshare.$12 ticketsavailableatEventbrite.GlacierArtIceSculptingdemonstration,HorsedrawnCarriagerides, holidaycoloring&candlemaking forkids&adults,elfhuntforprizes, craftvendors,music,promotionsin manybusinesses&strollingSanta& Elves.
ComeVisitSanta! Saturday, December 17from6-8pmatthe GrovelandFireDept.,Route63, GrovelandStation.EnjoyCookie andHotChocolate!
JohnDadyHolidayConcertJohn DadyandFriendswilldelight uswiththeirmusicattheLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.,Hemlock,December10th, 7:00pm(doorsopen6:30).The evening’stheme,“SantaClausis ComingToTown”.Cost:$22.00pp andincludesasnack.Ticketscanbe purchasedonlinewww. littlelakesny.orgorattheLLCCgift shop,openTue.,Wed.,Thurs.and Sat.10-2.Alcoholicandnonalcoholicbeveragesavailableto purchase.Rafflesinclude-50/50, twogiftbaskets,andalovelygently usedVirginiaHouseRocker.Gift Shopsatthecenteropenbefore theconcert,duringintermission, andattheendoftheshow.
USVeteransPhotography Classes TheLittleLakesCommunityCenter(LLCC)isexcitedand proudtosupporttheLivingston CountyPFCJosephP.DwyerProgram.December13th,aphotographyclasswillbeofferedforveteransfrom6:00-8:00PMatLLCC, 4705S.MainSt.Hemlock.Ifyou areaveteranfromanycounty, havealwayswantedtolearnmore aboutphotography,andenjoythe companyofotherveterans,considerjoiningusforagreatFREE photographyclass.Formoreinformationonthisandmanymore freeprogramsforveteransgoto www.livcovets.com.
About half of all Americans say it doesn’t matter how people greet them around the holidays, with “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” being non-preferential.
Bells,Brass,Strings,&Voices!,a Christmas Celebration! Geneseo UnitedMethodistChurch&ReverendBethS.Maloneinviteyouto Bells,Brass,Strings,&Voices!,a ChristmasCelebration!Aconcert ofChristmasmusic&aperformanceof”NightoftheFathers Love”.ComposedbyPepper Choplin&orchestratedbyMark Hayes.FeaturingaCommunity Chorus!Sunday,December11, 2022at2:00PM,GeneseoUnited MethodistChurch,4520Genesee Street(Route63&CourtStreet). Thisconcertispresentedtothe GloryofGodandasagifttoall! Admissionisfree!Donationstothe GeneseoParishOutreachCenter willbegratefullyaccepted.
at the Lakeville Training Grounds building on Stone Hill Road. Santa Claus will arrive at about 1pm by Lakeville VFD Fire Truck to talk to the children and give them small presents. There will be refreshments, free pictures with Santa, rides on fire trucks, and fun for all.
Contact: Cynthia Nelson at (585) 346-2513.
The Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department will do a fire truck Christmas parade with Santa through their Lakeville Fire District. Santa will hand out presents and stuffed animals to all the children on the route. Route of the parade will be Rochester Rd., Pennsylvania Ave., West Lake Rd., Greyshores Rd., Cluny Pt., Pebble Beach Rd., Turtle Rock subdivision, East Lake Rd., and Wilkens Track area. Contact: Cynthia Nelson at (585) 346-2513.
WalkThroughBethlehem Join usforourindoor,walkthrough nativity,asashepherdguidetakes youonaWalkThroughBethlehem. Eachpartofthejourneyisacted outbeforeyoureyes.Freeevent, pricelessexperience.Friday, December9,7-9pmandSaturday, December10,6-8pm.AFreeIndoorLiveNativity(approx20minutewalkthrough).Presentedby: FaithFellowshipChurch,5630PebbleBeachRoad,Lakeville.
ChristmasParty! On December 17,2022,from1to3pm,The LakevilleVolunteerFireDepartment willholditsfreeannualChristmas PartyforChildrenattheLakeville TrainingGroundsbuildingonStone HillRoad.SantaClauswillarriveat about1pmbyLakevilleVFDFire Trucktotalktothechildrenand givethemsmallpresents.Therewill berefreshments,freepictureswith Santa,ridesonfiretrucks,andfun forall.Contact:CynthiaNelsonat (585)346-2513.
ChristmasParade! On December 17,2022,from4:00to5:30pm, theLakevilleVolunteerFireDepartmentwilldoafiretruckChristmas ParadewithSantathroughtheir LakevilleFireDistrict.Santawill handoutpresentsandstuffedanimalstoallthechildrenonthe route.Routeoftheparadewillbe RochesterRd,PennsylvaniaAve., WestLakeRd,GreyshoresRd., ClunyPt.,PebbleBeachRd,Turtle Rocksubdivision,EastLakeRd,and WilkensTrackarea.Contact:CynthiaNelsonat(585)346-2513.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,December14,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.Pleasefollowsignsin churchparkinglotfordrivethroughinstructions.
LivoniaSeniorFunNight2023Bulldogs! $5,000 ReverseDraw. Comejoinusforafunnightoutto supportourLivoniaSeniors!!!$50 Donationperticket.Saturday, January28,2023from7pm-9pm attheNOBSBrewCompany,3474 BronsonHillRd.,Livonia.Events: LiveMusic,GrazingStation,Cash Bar,50/50Drawing,BasketRaffle andmore!!*DONOTNEEDTOBE PRESENTTOWIN*.Contactany LivoniaSeniorFunNightCommitteeMemberorNicoleWestat(585) 953-5530togettickets.Thankyou foryoursupport!
HolidayBakeSale by LivoniaArea Preservation&HistoricalSociety. Saturday,December17from8AM until1PM.Location:MauriceF. SweeneyMuseum,10Commercial Street,Livonia.HomemadePies, Cookie,SweetBreadsandMany OtherTreats!
LivoniaFoodPantryhasnew Home andMoreHours! The LivoniaFoodPantryhasmoved! NewlocationisintheLakeville UnitedChurchofChristat5687 BigTreeRoad,LakevilleNY14487. Thepantryisopentoallinneed. CurrenthoursareTuesdays10a12NandWednesday6-8pm.Please usethebackentrance.
FingerLakesUFOMeetup:Holiday Special- Presentationofthe inspirationaldocumentary Half LightHowParanormalExperiences InspireSpiritualTransformations by AlanB.Smith;hostofMystic LoungeYouTube&Podcast.Saturday,December10:6:00-9:00pm, UnitedMethodistChurchofLivonia (UMCL),21SummersStreet, Livonia.$5.00donationtoUMCL. RSVPsappreciated,butnotnecessaryto:MaryGraceviatextorcall: 585-766-9318.www. giftsofgraceministry.org
PennySocial- South Livonia UnitedChurchofChrist,Saturday, December10.Doorsopen6pm. Drawing7pm.
AmericanLegionPost#283 Breakfasts TheAmericanLegion Harrison-LeePost283hastheir monthlyBreakfastsonthethird Sundayofeachmonth.The Breakfastsareopentothecommunityandcost$8.TheBreakfasts includechoicesofeggs,choiceof meat,home-friedpotatoes,pancakesorFrenchtoast,wheator whitetoast,coffee,tea,and orangejuice.TheBreakfastisheld atPost283onthecornerofRichmondMillsRoadandFederalRoad inLivoniaCenterfrom7:30amto 11am.
BrockportSymphonyOrchestra Holiday PopsConcert- In collaborationwiththeGeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts,theBrockportSymphonyOrchestrawillpresenttheirHolidayPopsConcerton Saturday,December17,2022,at 2PMattheLivingstonCountyAuditorium,1MurrayHillDriveinMt. Morris.DirectedbyJonathanAllentoff,thisconcertwillfeaturevocal artistsMaryWojciechowskiandMichaelDeLuca.Admissionisfree, anddonationswillbegratefully accepted.TheGVCAArtfulHolidaysreceptionwillfollowatthe GeneseeValleyCouncilontheArts, 4MurrayHillDrive.Foradditional information,pleasevisitwww. brockportsymphony.org.
HolidayOpenHouseand Breakfast withStNick- Joinusat GCV&MonSunday,December18, from11a.m.-3p.m.tocelebrate theseasonwithamagicalmedley ofholidayhappenings!Strollthe HistoricVillagebedeckedinitsholidayfineryamidvillagersbustling withpreparationsandoffering greetingstotheirneighborsand friends.GeneseeCountryVillage Museum,1410FlintHillRoad, Mumford.https://www.gcv.org/ events/holiday-open-house/
NaplesHistoricalSociety Christmas CookieSale &Craft Boutique-Saturday,December 10th2:00-5:00attheMorgan HoseBuilding,22MillStreet,Naples.EnjoyCarolsonthepumporganandhotmulledciderwhile shopping.Jewelry,stainedglass, handknititems,andvintageGrape FestivalPostersareafewofthe offerings.http:// NaplesNYHistoricalSociety.org
SleepingBeauty- The StateBallet TheatreofUkrainewillpresentthe full-lengthballetSleepingBeautyin fouractswithoneintermissionand showtheworld’smostbeloved historytoPiotrTchaikovsky’smusic. TheevilfairyCarabossecursesPrincessAurorafor100yearsofsleep withasingle-fingerprickonher 16thbirthday.Doomedbyfate, onlyasweetkissfromtheprince canbreakthespellandwakeup theSleepingBeauty.December17, 7pm,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre, 885EastMainSt.,Rochester.Cost: $48+.https://www.rbtl.org/events/ sleeping-beauty/
Christmas: Jim Brickman,themultipleGrammynominatedsongwriterandpianosensationisback thisfestiveseasonwithhisannual holidaytour.Amagicalevening celebratingmusic,loveandfamily. Joininghimthisyearwillbethe daddy-daughterduoMat&SavannaShaw.Togethertheywill warmtheheartsofallassoundsof faithandlovemakespiritsbright, bringingfamilyandfriendstogetherforanythingbutasilent night.JointhemforthisLIVEand joyousconcertexperiencethat blendsyuletidememoriesandholidayfavorites!December15, 7:30pm,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885EastMainSt.,Rochester. https://rbtl.org/events/jimbrickman/
HollyTrolleyRides at theNew YorkMuseumofTransportation! Continuingitsholidaytradition,the NewYorkMuseumof Transportation,inRush,willwelcomeSantaandMrs.Clauson SundaysDecember11and18. They’reeagertomeetthekids, poseforpictures,andjointhemon themuseum’strolleyride.Holiday decorations,complimentarycookiesandhotchocolate,andthe fondlyrememberedMidtownPlaza Monorailwilladdtothefuninthis uniquecelebrationoftheholidays. Admissionincludingthetrolleyride is$15adults,$12age2-12.Rides departat11:00,11:45,12:30, 1:15,2:00and2:45.Reservations arerequired:http://nymtmuseum. org/christmas/.Locatedat6393 EastRiverRoadinRush.
SpaghettiDinnerbyDonationDecember 15,2022,4:30to7PM attheWebster’sCrossingUnited MethodistChurch,Route15betweenConesusandSpringwater. EatInorTakeOut.
WinterWonderlandBreakfast at Post905- WinterWonderland inSpringwaterbeginsatKernRobinsonPost905withbreakfast Saturday,December10thfrom 8:00to11:00.For$8,youcan enjoypancakes,eggs,sausageand homefries!Therewillbevarious vendorsandactivitiesinthePost andtheParkduringtheday,but wrapupyoureveningbackatthe Posttothawoutandrelaxtothe musicofTrevorDonlonfrom6:00 to9:00.SpringwaterAmericanLegion,7998SchoolStreet, Springwater.
HikeSpringwaterCenterin Springwater HikeandExplore theSpringwaterCenterproperty trailswithSpringwaterTrailson Sunday,December11from2-4PM. Foradditionalinformation/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
BreakfastBuffet Sunday, December11th,7:30-11:00AMat theLimaLegionPost282,2475 StateRoute65,WestBloomfield. $10Adults;$6Ages8-12;7and underFree.Scrambledeggs,home fries,Frenchtoast,bacon,sausage, pastries,fruit,juiceandcoffee. Takeoutsavailable.Everyonewelcome.
DID YOU KNOW? According to the American Cancer Society, the average age at the time of diagnosis of testicular cancer is 33. Young and middle-aged men are the most likely to be diagnosed with testicular cancer, though the ACS notes that 14 percent of cases occur in children, teens and men over the age of 55. The ACS estimates that roughly 440 men will die of testicular cancer in 2021. Though that’s troubling, testicular cancer can usually be treated successfully. In fact, the ACS notes that a man’s lifetime risk of dying from the disease is one in 5,000. However, the incidence rate of testicular cancer has been increasing in many countries, including the United States, for several decades. The reasons for that are unknown, though the rise in incidences underscores the need for men, especially young men, to discuss testicular cancer, including its risk factors and symptoms, with their physicians.
WHEELCHAIR LIFT for the back of the car. In good shape. Pick up, Livonia: 585-505-4655
ROCKING CHAIR - wood, red & white upholstered. Like new. And a 5’x7’ RUG, blue: Pick up, Livonia: 585-505-4655
CHEST OF DRAWERS. In good condition. You pick up: 585-831-6040
6’ ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS TREE. Needs lights: lilaccitylady@gmail.com
Jardiance 25mg ORAL DIABETES TABLETS: stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
ELLIPTICAL - Available for pick up Basom: 716-983-2676
Two sets of C7 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. A few bulbs need to be replaced. Ontario/ Webster. amodrovs@rochester.rr.com
Big box of MAGAZINES (hunting, boating, women’s, cooking, religion, general interest). Take some or all. 585-346-9777
FOAM MATTRESS, twin size - 4 1/2” thick, approx. 37” wide x 73” long. Like new condition. Fairport: marliej@frontier.com
INSINKERATOR DISPOSAL, 3/4 HP, with hookup accessories. Rarely used, worked when removed: stongey@frontiernet.net
POP UP TRAILER. Needs tires. Please leave a message and we will call back: 585- 637-3628
Collection of NEW POSTCARDS: 585-229-2186
COMPUTER DESK with HUTCH. 59” wide, 65” high, 23” deep. Canandaigua: n.carlycat78@twc.com
COUCH & LOVESEAT. In good condition. For pick up: powerbuglee@yahoo.com
36” MINI FITNESS TRAMPOLINE - Adult indoor trampoline rebounder supports up to 250 pounds, only weighs 14 pounds. Excellent condition: Rldthomas3@gmail. com
TWIN BOX SPRING. Pick up, Brighton: vangellow@bluefrog.com
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER on casters from furniture store. Pick up, Batavia: 585-536-6188
DISHWASHER, Maytag. Built-in model. Gently used by senior couple. Also 5-GALLON KEROSENE in approved container. Pick up, Hilton: jbcny@rochester.rr.com
WESTERN RED CEDAR SIDING - CLR. V.G - 8” wide and approx. 160 feet: bruceleonard77@gmail.com
PLATFORM BED w/INTERNAL DESK DRAWERS and TRUNDLE UNIT. Needs some TLC but very sturdy. We can deliver in Rochester area: 585-678-5194
Sony colored 24” CONSOLE TV in beautiful mahogany cabinet. Works well. You pick up: trilliume@gmail.com
SNOW BLOWERS and/or LAWNMOWERS in good working cond.: 585-531-4004
AFRICAN DRUM for daughter with Down Syndrome: 585-944-4855
AMERICAN MADE FLINTLOCK MUZZLE LOADER and STEEL ANIMAL TRAPS needed for American Historical Museum Display: usaanettkomo.com BUILT/UNBUILT MODELS, SLOT CAR BODIES. Parts & pieces okay. Restorer/ customizer looking for winter projects: 585-314-6989
Working METRONOME: lindalou0805@yahoo.com
ROCK and ROLL 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL ALBUMS for personal collection: gzintel@yahoo.com
Old-style OCCASIONAL CHAIR. Wood, straight-back, padded seat and back, 20” floor to seat top. For surgery rehab, PT: momzyhead@yahoo.com
CARPET, CARPET SQUARES or some RUGS to insulate a freezing floor: 585-500-8839
VHS PLAYER that works: 585-409-6559
Full size REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER: mhoskins@pvac.org
PRINTER w/DOCUMENT FEEDER for scanning/digitizing documents, Old ELECTRONICS, COMPUTERS, CAMCORDERS, PRINTERS, CABLES - NO TVs: Terry, 336-247-3245
SNOW BLOWERS, working or not: 518-888-4216
DINING ROOM TABLE w/LEAF (46” L x 41” W w/o leaf) for senior. Eastside area: 585-381-6546
In serious need of a COUCH in decent condition. Hoping for a holiday miracle that it can be delivered: 585-739-6257
Looking for COMPUTER DESK, DRESSER, and AREA RUG. Can pick up! gundrumnick0@gmail.com
Sturdy METAL or WOOD SHELVING and a CLOTHES RACK in good condition. Irondequoit/Webster area. Much appreciated: 585-424-0732
MINI TREADMILL for small apartment: stan1k1@yahoo.com
TRUE WEST / WESTERN-THEMED MAGAZINES: kilroy1983@hotmail.com
PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS in good condition (not toys) for middle schooler serious about his music: kallen6@rochester.rr.com
CROCHET THREAD #10. Looking for yellow, orange, white or any others. Thank you: 585-584-3734
LESLIE SPEAKERS for electric organ: 585-323-1762, please leave message
Used METAL ROOFING, 8 pieces, approximately 10’ long. Nail holes not a problem: whitcap9@yahoo.com
COPPER BRACELET for arthritis purposes for senior citizen: 585-334-5263
QUEEN SIZE BED & FRAME, clean condition: 585-409-6477
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Presentation is king when it comes to setting a memorable holiday table, and it needn’t be daunting or expensive. Here are some essential tips that will garner rave reviews at your next gathering.
It’s everywhere these days.
From trees, to pumpkins, to candlestick holders, it’s timeless and transitions well from season to season.
Don’t be afraid to mix metallics. This gold flatware, purchased second-hand, is a standout.
Start by scouring the house to see what you can mix and match to bring your table to life. Don’t be afraid to ask parents or grandparents for family heirlooms that they may be willing to part with.
One of the best investments you can make is solid white porcelain dishes. You can get them for a steal at most places and they’ll take you through every season. For a fun twist, layer them with whimsical holiday plates. Solid red napkins add a pop of color, and when placed under the plates, there’s no need for a runner or placemat.
Wooden reindeer, real pinecones and mixed greenery take the textural feel to the next level. Snips of spruce or boxwood trees from the yard up the texture, and best of all are free.
A mix of faux and metallic pine trees give your table the height it needs. Be sure to place them strategically so your guests can easily see one another.
Pinterest is a great place to get ideas. Take a stab at different napkin folding techniques and see what suits your fancy.
Think outside the box. These heavy metal pinecones are confiscated from an old cuckoo clock. Add some freshly clipped greens and you’re good to go.
Details make all the difference. Adding personal placecards is a great touch that makes everyone feel special. How about adding a surprise lottery ticket to the bottom of a random plate? Sometimes a winner, and always a hit!
This dining room table is a restored farmhouse table. It seats 22 people when all leaves are in. If you’re going to go all out, do it here and know that it will be enjoyed for generations to come.
AVON: 4725 LittlevilleRd. December10th(10-4pm) Garage/ CraftSale,Snowmenjewelry,crocheteditems,miscellaneousitems.
AvonLuminariesandChristmas Parade BereadyfortheSunday beforeChristmas!GetyourLuminariesKitsandtwoforyourneighbors everyWednesday11-2attheAvon VeteransHallorSaturday,December 17atTops.Kitsare$3/10.Thisisnot justaVillageevent,itwouldbegreat toseethewholeparaderoutelined withLuminaries.Lightthemat6, thenat6:30theparadeleavesthe AvonVeteransHalltoRoyalSprings, TwinCedars,down5&20,aroundthe CirclePark,Genesee,Spring,Sackett, Linden,Wadsworth,upW.Mainand endsattheAvonFireHall.Parade withusorspectateanywherealong theroutetocatchthespirit!
at this summer enrichment program at SUNY Geneseo to develop a sense of self-confidence, self-efficacy, and accomplishment through engaging, inquiry-based, provocative learning experiences that value the student, teacher, and the environment as equal contributors to the experience. www.geneseo.edu/soaringstars
10 Main Street, Bloomfield 585-394-1880 • 585-657-4470
Living Christmas tree, which refers to those with their roots still intact, are popular among eco-conscious holiday enthusiasts. That’s because living trees can be promptly planted after they’ve served their purpose indoors. Opt for a moderately sized tree, as root balls on larger trees can be heavy and difficult to move. Living trees can typically be kept indoors for around seven to 10 days before they will need to be returned outside. Move such trees to a sheltered outdoor area for one to two weeks so they can reacclimate to the climate. So long as the ground is not frozen, trees can then be planted when the reacclimation period ends. Better Homes and Gardens suggests selecting a mild day to plant the tree.
,Perry,NYat237-2126or 1-800-722-1877.Youwillbegladyou did! TheStandardofExcellence Since1877
Did you grow up on a farm? Or perhaps a ranch?
I did not. But I’ve known farmers, and their children, and a few ranchers. One of their common traits is their extraordinary work ethic. Incomprehensible. And also incomparable. And what’s more, they have no idea why everyone else isn’t quite like them.
Hard work is normal to them. But, for the rest of us, it is an acquired skill. What we grow up with is ‘normal’ and we think everyone’s situation is nearly identical to ours.
Which brings me to fences. Properties have boundaries. Can’t have the chickens in cahoots with the cattle, nor the bunnies fraternizing with the sheep. And, while the deer are lovelyand tasty - we’ve got to keep them outta the garden if we want veggies for dinner. Fences set boundaries. Limits constrain, but also protect.
Relationships have boundaries, too, and sometimes they get crossed. When a relationship boundary is crossed, sometimes good things happen. Think of your irst kiss, or the irst time you heard the words “I love you” from someone other than a relative. There’s risk, and sometimes risks yield rewards. And sometimes not. Which brings me back to farmers and their work ethic.
Farmers know fences, and farmers also know that everything, including fences, occasionally need mending. Farmers “get right on it,” they don’t dally. They ix that fence and “set it right.” And so we need to do that also with relationships.
Retirement is great. Lots of time to spend reading, playing, praying, preparing, exploring—and mending fences. Writing is a form of time travel, really. No kidding. The written word can sit quietly; we change, but the words remain. Silent and powerful. Enduring. In no hurry to go anywhere just yet. Words can be revisited, revised; tweaked until they are ‘just right’ and say exactly what we need to express. The written word travels through time and lasts; the spoken word can disappear like morning mist or be misremembered.
But, to some really smart people, the spoken word is their preferred communication modality. That’s ine; not everyone was meant to be a writer. So, how to mend fences with words? Offered, for your consideration, is a simple outline: re-introduce yourself, share happy memories and gratitude, apologize if needed, and inally offer to reconnect.
A ictional* example follows:
Hi Linda. My name is Don. We went to [blank] high school together way back in the late 70s. I was going through some old photos and stuff from high school and found some things reminded me of you.
I remember joking with you in a couple of classes we had together, and causing some mischief in study hall. You were part of
the theater and band crowd if I recall, and had a great singing voice. I remember that you were in several school plays as well, and you were really talented.
There was one time that I really regret. You were auditioning for the big school play; I don’t recall what the production was. I was clowning around with friends behind the auditorium while you were on stage. The back doors were open—the audience saw me, but your back was to me. As you spoke your lines and segued into a song, I stood behind you and pantomimed your actions. I was a jackass, and I apologize.
But I managed to make it even worse. A day or two later, you confronted me, asking if it was true. I looked into your beautiful brown eyes and lied to your pretty face.
I never had the nerve to ask you out. And after that profound level of stupidity, I never would. I am deeply sorry; I regret lying to you and mocking you. I was foolish and stupid. I ask your forgiveness even though this occurred decades ago. I hope that you continued singing and acting and have found success and joy in these; you really were very talented.
And, at that point, I would thank her for reading, and offer an email address or other method to reconnect, if she wished.
The Holidays and coming New Year are time for renewal, regeneration, forgiveness, healing and fence mending. Even if your efforts go unacknowledged, you have done what was necessary and right. Be brave; reach out. Fix what needs ixing.
May you and yours enjoy a happy, healthy, safe, restful, holy Holiday Season & 2023.
Dunn lives in Webster, shoveling snow in winter, dirt in summer, raking leaves in fall and mending fences when needed.
*Some names may or may not be real, and some events may, or may not, be ictional.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at AmandaDudek@gvpennysaver.com!
earned money. Your local merchant is working just as hard to earn your money. And when you choose to not support you’re local merchant and shop outside your community or county, you’ve robbed yourself of the bene ts of your money staying where you live.
THINK LOCAL, especially at this gi ing time of year. Make it a Merry Christmas for all of us because, ‘it matters!’
businesses was more important than getting the best deals. That may be due to the feeling of helping out a fellow neighbor.
Shopping at small businesses keeps those establishments afloat, along with their employees. Small businesses are the largest employers in the United States. That’s also true in Canada, where 68.8 percent of the total labor force works for a small business. A person may never know when he or she - or a relative - will need a job. Keeping small businesses viable provides a strong job market for locals.
The Small Business Administration says $48 out of every $100 spent at a small business stays in the community. Spend the same $100 at a national retailer and only $14 stays.
National retailers and other businesses follow a global business model that may not allow for much customization, but small businesses can provide products or services that relate directly to the needs of the communities they serve. These same small businesses may also be more inclined to work with local vendors and start-ups than national companies that have global supply chains.
To all the people who called or sent cards and the crew at Old Hickory Golf Course who did so much for Jim, we are very grateful. To the Lakeville Fireman’s Exempt Club, you are very special angels. ank you all again, e family of James (Jim) Kretchman
According to Mental Health America, individuals’ reactions to the death of a loved one can elicit unique emotions linked to their relationship to the deceased. For example, MHA, a community-based nonprofit focused on promoting mental health, notes that a child’s death could inspire different feelings than the loss of an elderly spouse. When parents lose a child, that death may arouse a sense of injustice that can overwhelm the child’s parents as they contemplate lost potential, unfulfilled dreams and, in certain instances, the child’s suffering. Elderly individuals who lose a spouse may be overcome by feelings of loneliness. Recognition of these different reactions is important because it can help individuals and their support networks more effectively cope with their grief.
Nearly everyone agrees that we have much to be thankful for and that we owe much to a beneficent providence for our many blessings. Certainly we cannot credit our own meager abilities for all of the good fortune. We have to believe that we were somehow guided to the good things that we have.
On Thanksgiving Day, families gather to give thanks to God. Such formal recognition of our dependence upon Divine Providence is good, but throughout the year, each grateful thought is a prayer of thanksgiving and every day is, as it should be, Thanksgiving Day.
Our staff is thankful for the many wonderful friendships they have formed in this community through our years of service.
“Agratefulthoughttowardheavenisof itselfaprayer.....” ~ G.E. Lessing
Hot cocoa is typically made with cocoa powder, heated milk or water, and sugar. However, some also call it hot chocolate, which causes a bit of confusion. Hot chocolate is made by using ground chocolate containing cocoa butter. Cocoa powder is made by fermenting, drying, roasting, and grinding cocoa beans. After this, the cocoa butter is removed, and we are left with only the cocoa powder. This cocoa powder is used to make hot cocoa.
White chocolate isn’t technically chocolate. White chocolate contains cocoa butter but doesn’t contain any cocoa powder or cocoa solids.
Facility and grounds, part-time to full-time depending on what you do yourself and what you contract out. For example: lawn mowing.
Flexible Hours • Self Supervise
Some organizational and basic homeowner skills required. Wage and bene ts based on hours and experience.
Dansville Dental Professionals Please e-mail Drkenhale@dansvilledental.com
Valley Energy Services has an exciting, full-time career opportunity for a propane driver to deliver to our residential, agricultural, and commercial customers. e candidate needs to be energetic and customer-focused and possess a valid CDL B w/hazmat endorsement. is growing propane distributor o ers excellent pay and bene ts including health, dental, and life insurance, LTD, 401K and paid vacation. To join the Valley team, please send your resume to: Valley Energy Services, LLC 10121 Poags Hole Road, Dansville, New York 14437 or by email to: blavallee@valley-fuel.com
e Library Board has an opening on the board for a ve-year term. Board membership is voluntary. e position requires attendance at monthly meetings and participation in library trustee training.
For more information on the duties of a trustee, please review the NYS Handbook for Library Trustees at: www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdrv/trustees/handbook/ Interested Livonia residents should email a letter of interest to ccruso@rochester.rr.com or mail to: Livonia Public Library, P.O. Box 107, Livonia, NY 14487, Attn: Christine Cruso Deadline for submission is December 16, 2022.
Engagement: A job seniors find engaging also is more likely to provide the types of benefits seniors are looking for in post-retirement work. For example, researchers at Boston College’s Sloan Center on Aging and Work found that seniors who find a job or volunteering opportunity truly engaging are more likely to benefit psychologically from those experiences than those whose post-retirement work is not engaging. If seniors find themselves simply going through the motions with their post-retirement work, they can look for opportunities that they can be more enthusiastic about.
Part-time OR Full-time
Experience a plus but training will be provided. Mail resume to:
Dr. Keith Koch 4376 Lakeville Rd. P.O. Box 186 Geneseo, NY 14454 or fax to 243-3333 or email to: koch@frontiernet.net
Taking steps to be more efficient at work can allow businesses and their employees to thrive while ensuring as little time as possible is wasted.
Applicant must be professional with good organizational and math skills and ability to work independently. Must have experience with MS O ce, including Word, Excel and Outlook. Responsible for leasing and managing apartments according to regulatory requirements, including screening applicants and conducting home visits. Experience working with older and/or disabled persons. Leasing experience a plus. Experience with regulated a ordable housing as well as Fair Housing and ADA requirements preferred.
Send cover letter and resume to:
Genesee Valley Rural Preservation Council 5861 Groveland Station Rd Mt. Morris, NY 14510
Or e-mail cjohantgen@gvrpc.com Call 585-658-4860 for an application
busy Internal Medicine Practice in Avon. Full-time - no weekends. Knowledge of EMR a plus. Interviews by appointment. Please Call 678-6886
Hope Internal Medicine
Hygienist needed to join a motivated team; experience preferred but not required. Must be a self-starter, a good communicator, and be eager to learn new skills. Our practice is a slower paced, comprehensive patient-centered practice with two Doctors. Our focus is more on adult restorative dentistry and treating occlusal problems.
• Employment is 4 days a week.
• Salary commensurate with skills and experience.
• Bene ts o ered based on availability.
• Our operating hours are Mon.- urs. 7am-3pm. Email resume and references to: care@livoniasmiles.com
Job description, minimum quali cations and Livingston County Application for Employment available at www.livingstoncounty.us and are to be submitted to: Livingston County Human Resources Room 206 Livingston County Government Center 6 Court Street Geneseo, NY 14454
Questions may be directed to: Jason Wolfanger, Highway Superintendent, 585-243-6701. Livingston County is an Equal Opportunity/A rmative Action Employer.
The Town of Lima Highway Department is seeking applicants for the position of Motor Equipment Operator. This position requires the operation of heavy equipment and performance of heavy manual labor for the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads. The applicant must be able to be on-call 24/7 from October 15-April 15 for snow removal on town roads.
Requirements: Class B CDL (Class A preferred), experience performing repairs and maintenance on heavy equipment i.e., oil changes, greasing, flat tire changes, daily equipment inspections, and related activities. Must be able to perform manual labor, lifting 50lbs. Applicant must pass a pre-employment drug and alcohol screening and ongoing random drug testing in accordance with Federal Motors Carrier Safety Administration.
Salary: $20-22 per hour, based on experience Veterans receive a Signing Bonus of $1.00 per hour. Send resume to: 7334 Dublin Street, Lima, NY 14485 or email to: highwaysuper@townoflima.org
Desired Quali cations:
• Long term care experience
• Strong communication and organizational skills
Location: Mt. Morris CTE
Salary: Based on experience
Starting date: September 2023 Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by December 23, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 2378, letter of interest, resume and proof of certi cation to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources
Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street LeRoy, NY 14482
East Rochester is seeking an individual who is able to supervise our evening building cleaners, perform routine and specialized cleaning and repair duties on campus, work with community groups and the public accessing our school in the evenings. Perform other duties as assigned. Full-time, 12-month position with excellent compensation and bene ts package per terms of the CSEA contract and eligibility for NYS retirement. Applicants must have or be eligible for the Civil Service Title of Working Foreman.
For more information and to apply, visit the online application site available through the employment tab at erschools.org. Contact Jen Flanagan with questions 585-248-6328
• Associate’s degree in Business Administration or a closely related field and one year of experience working with an employee benefit program OR
• Graduation from high school or equivalent and three years of experience
Job Duties:
• Provide information on and descriptions of benefit programs
• Assist with enrollment
• Contact insurance carriers to aid in completing forms
• Assist with resolution of issues regarding benefits, calculations and payments
• Maintain employee benefit records
• Provide clerical support to supervisor
• Perform general office duties including answering phone calls, meeting with employees and preparing reports
• Maintain office files
• Research and prepare various statistical and billing reports
• Attend new employee orientation and assist with paperwork
• Assure accuracy and timely payment of benefit invoices
• Work in a confidential environment
• Pay close attention to detail
Location: LeRoy Services Center
Salary: $41,000 and up based on experience
Start Date: ASAP
Reply by December 30, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 23-79, letter of interest and resume to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources
Valley BOCES
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By Fifi Rodriguez1. MOVIES: What does Susan Walker want as a gift from Santa in the movie “Miracle on 34th Street”?
2. MUSIC: Which famous rock band once called itself The New Yardbirds?
3. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the Thar Desert located?
4. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom’s theme song was “Thank You for Being a Friend”?
5. FOOD & DRINK: When was frozen food invented?
6. MOVIES: Which Disney princess is modeled after a real person?
7. ANATOMY: What is the only human organ capable of natural regeneration?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are male and female swans called?
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9. U.S. STATES: Which state’s motto is “Excelsior!”?
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1. A house. 2. Led Zeppelin. 3. India and Pakistan. 4. “The Golden Girls.” 5. 1924. Clarence Birdseye invented the quick freezing process. 6. Pocahontas. 7. The liver. 8. Cobs and pens. 9. New York (“Ever upward!”). 10. 56.
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