2 minute read
Thank You!
Because the wise men brought gifts to the Infant King, we continue to celebrate Christmas by giving gifts. Gifts for children delight both the child and the donor. The child may not fully understand why he is being given so much but his enjoyment is always obvious and reward enough for the gift-giver.
Where gifts are just expected and accepted as a matter of course, there is a real danger that the true spirit of giving will be lost. Let us try to give a bit of ourselves with every gift.
Our entire staff wishes you and your family a Christmas that is not only significant, but Merry as well.
A special thank you from the family of Diann Werder.
Anyone who sent a card, paid a visit, sent owers, we thank you.
A special thank you to Rhonda, Donna, & Kenna for all you did.
A special thank you to Partyman
Catering for the great food.
John, Alecia, & Jessica Werder
Nicole Hendrickson
Don & Bonnie Hendrickson and siblings, Daniella, Marji, omas, Christine, & Donna
Gas Station Thanks
Thank you so very much for the young man and his daughter who paid for my gas on Thursday, February 3rd in Bloomfield. My sister and I started out to meet another sister for coffee when I realized my car was on empty. I stopped at the next gas station but was having difficulty getting my credit card to register when this gentleman put gas in my tank from his host. A very large amount of gas! Can you imagine such thoughtfulness! And I didn’t even get his name. Thank you again and bless your kindness.
Thank You Naples!
I was pleasantly surprised to find beautiful Valentines posted all along Main St. in Naples. Thank you to the organizations, businesses and individuals responsible. Made my day! Happy Valentine's Day!
Rural Road Rager
Last week I was sitting at the stop sign at the bottom of our rural and partial seasonal road, waiting for you, an oncoming car, to pass by before entering the County Rd. You decided to put on your blinker at the last minute, pull in front of me, stop, and roll down your window. You then proceeded to yell, claiming I am in your lane (not true) and ask "what am I doing?"! I said "I am turning" and sweetly said goodbye and drove off. This enraged you as you shouted expletives and laid on your horn. I thought you would come after me next, but didn't. Wow, what an angry and aggressive young man you are, triggered by something that was so nothing!
Mind My Own Business?
According to the CDC, obesity costs the Healthcare System $173 billion dollars each year. A cost we all pay in the form of higher insurance premiums. So your daily garbage plate is taking money out of my pocket. I'd say that makes it my business.
To The Anti Dog Woman
To the woman who lives on my street and hates dogs, STOP harassing me every time I simply walk by your house with my dogs. They’re NOT going to the bathroom in your yard. We are allowed to utilize the PUBLIC sidewalk. If you don’t stop I will call the police on you just like you do to everyone else on the street. Get a taste of your own medicine.
I would like to thank all the folks who stopped and made sure I was alright on Friday morning when my Ford truck went off the road and into a ditch on Rt. 46 just before Rt. 21. I was pinned in the truck in the ditch. AAA got there three hours after it happened. I want to thank ALL who stopped to make sure I was ok. Kudos to the state trooper who also stopped.