4 minute read
A great educational preschool program for Livingston County children, located at KidStart in Mt. Morris.
Accepting applications for 3 & 4 yr olds for the 2023-2024 school year
• Head Start is a no cost, federally funded preschool program for income eligible families. e program runs September-August.
• Head Start is a comprehensive child development program with supports for children with disabilities and for families with severe hardships.
• Head Start utilizes the High Scope curriculum which is research-based and child-centered, focusing on child strengths for positive child outcomes and school readiness. Many opportunities for family involvement.
For more information or to apply in Livingston County please call 585-658-4023
Get Kids Excited About Volunteering
Volunteering benefits people of all ages, but can be especially beneficial to children. Studies have indicated that teenagers who volunteer are less likely to become pregnant or use drugs. In addition, in a review of 60 studies on child engagement, Child Trends found that children who participate in civic engagement programs are likely to be more involved in school, to graduate from high school and to hold more positive civic attitudes than those who do not get involved in such programs. Getting kids to volunteer as they progress through adolescence may not be so difficult. In its 2014 analysis of volunteering trends, Child Trends found that 39 percent of twelfth grade students volunteered at least once a month in 2014 compared to just 27 percent of eighth graders. Older students might feel compelled to volunteer to improve their college admissions applications, but parents can take steps to get their younger children excited at the prospect of volunteering.
Set a positive example. Young children want to emulate their parents, so moms and dads who volunteer may find ready and willing partners in their children. Parents can inform their children when they volunteer and why they do so before bringing kids along to join them.
Don’tforgetfun.Youngchildrenmaybemorelikelytoembracevolunteering if the activity is fun. Kids might not find it too fun to sit next to their parents while mom and dad balance a soup kitchen’s books, but a beach cleanup excursion or a trip to refurbish an inner city park may inspire kids to spend a lifetime giving back to their communities and helping the less fortunate. Keep it simple. Kids may not enjoy volunteering activities that consume too much time or make them feel exhausted. As kids grow older, parents can encourage them to embrace more challenging activities and/or commit more time to volunteering. But keep things simple with especially young children or older children who have never before volunteered.
Try and try again. It might take some trial and error before parents find volunteering opportunities their children truly enjoy. When volunteering with children for the first time, be careful not to commit to more than one day. If children enjoy themselves, then parents can commit more time. If kids do not seem excited by an activity, parents won’t feel guilty or let the charity down by not returning.
Children can benefit greatly by volunteering, and parents can get their youngsters involved at an early age.
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(NAPSI) — Planning a move can be stressful, but planning a move in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic brings a new set of challenges. Stay safe and connected with some smart pre-move planning; here are some tips: Follow Approved Protocols — If you can’t postpone your move,take extra precautions before moving in to ensure your new place is clean. Follow general disinfecting guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among other surfaces, disinfect doors, door handles, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, countertops and—something many people don’t really think about—cabinet and doorknobs as well as light switches.
Safely Stay Connected — New work-from-home protocols and online schooling mean reliable Internet connectivity is more important than ever. Prior to your move, SmartMove can connect you to your local provider and help arrange new Touchless Installs that let you safely connect your tech services yourself. Cable companies deliver equipment with step-by-step activation information so you can set up your system on your own, or with support over the phone, online, through chat functionality or video tutorials. In most cases, no technician will need to enter your home.
Keep in Touch & Maintain Daily Routines — You may be staying in more, but don’t forget to take a break from unpacking boxes. Use your new online connection to find delivery services to help stock your pantry and fridge and refill prescriptions. Your new house will feel more like home if you take time to watch your favorite shows, maintain your exercise program or explore online courses that can help you discover new talents or resume old hobbies. Don’t forget to connect with friends through group video chats or viewing parties—you can even take your friends and family on a virtual tour of your new place!
Interested Candidates
Town of Avon
Appointed Positions
Zoning Board of Appeals
Board of Assessment
Livingston County Youth Board – Avon
Representative Committee volunteer members needed for reviewing the Town of Avon Solar Law
No prior experience or special education required. Must be Town of Avon resident. Please send a letter of interest to: David LeFeber 23 Genesee Street, Avon, NY 14414
Or email: DLefeber@avon-ny.org
Must be received by March 1, 2023
Facts About February
In the northern hemisphere, February is the equivalent to the third month of winter. In the southern hemisphere, it is the thirdmonthofsummer.
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
, Community Manager
/ TDD Relay 711
300 Laughlin Lane, Geneseo, NY 14454
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
8:00AM-4:30PM and Thursdays from 12:30-4:30PM
Website: http:www.livingstoncountyapartments.com