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Q&A Master Gardeners with the
I winter over amaryllis bulbs. This year the four I planted all have tall, beautiful, greens but no flowers came. If I keep them might they bloom next year?
While people often treat them as annuals, you can get amaryllis to rebloom next year.As flowers begin to fade,cut them off to prevent seed formation.Allowing seeds to form depletes energy resources and can lead to reduced blooming in subsequent years. Wait to remove the flower stalk until it begins to yellow. The flower stalk can photosynthesize (like leaves) and create energy/food stored for future flower growth.Leave the amaryllis leaves.As with other bulbs, like tulips and daffodils, the
from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County
leaves create energy/food so the plants can bloom again.
After your amaryllis is done blooming, place it in a bright indoor location (a window with southern exposure is best). Water regularly and fertilize monthly with an all-purpose houseplant or indoor plant fertilizer (follow the directions on the label).
Amaryllis can be taken outdoors after frost risk. Place them in an area that receives filtered sunlight at first, and then gradually move to where it will get a minimum of six hours of sunlight a day. Continue to water and fertilize as needed. In the fall, bring the amaryllis indoors before the first frost.
For amaryllis to rebloom, they need to be exposed to cool temperatures for a period. This can be done by forcing your plants into dormancy by placing them in a cool (45 to 55°F), dark location. The bulb needs a resting period of approximately 8-12 weeks before it can bloom again. During this time, do not water the plants. Once the leaves yellow, they can be removed.
While in this resting period, periodically inspect the bulbs. If they begin to grow, place them in a sunny window. If they don’tstarttogrowontheirown,forcenew growth by watering the soil thoroughly and putting them back in a warmer, sunnylocation.Whenbulbsshowsignsof growth, resume watering and fertilizing. Flowers will usually develop about 4-6 weeks after this dormant period.
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The United States eats 350 slices of pizza every second, with 36% of Americans thinking pizza is a breakfast food. In your opinion, what’s the best pizza topping?
• Pepperoni
• Sausage
• Ham and pineapple
• Mushrooms
• Olives
• Onions
Poll ends 06-27-2023
Poll ended 06-20-2023
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DID YOU KNOW? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, air currents can carry pesticides that were applied to nearby properties. That means even people who do not apply pesticides in their lawns and gardens can still be at risk of exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals. People concerned by the prospect of being exposed to the pesticides being applied by their neighbors can stay indoors with their children and pets while the substances are being applied. Those who live near fields and parks where pesticides are routinely applied can plant hardy, thick-branched trees to reduce their risk of airborne exposure. The EPA notes that such plants and shrubs can serve as buffers against airborne pesticides, essentially acting as walls around a property that prevent gusty winds from blowing pesticides into yards and gardens.
Jonathan Crye CLASS OF 2023
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We’re very proud of you!
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
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Love, Papa Larry & Grandma Marilyn Crye
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Gas mileage: Unless you just purchased your vehicle, you likely know how many miles you can drive on a full tank of gas. If that gas mileage is suddenly slipping and you find yourself visiting the filling station more frequently, then it might be time to replace your air filter.
Engine light: Drivers may be alerted to engine issues when the “Check engine” lights up on the vehicle’s dashboard. This light may come on to indicate a problem with the air filter, as clogged air filters reduce air flow to the engine, resulting in an imbalanced air-fuel mixture that adversely affects the engine.
Starting and idling problems: Vehicles sometimes don’t start up as smoothly as they once did, and drivers may also notice vehicles are not idling smoothly. These symptoms may indicate misfiring spark plugs that are being polluted (and made less effective) by a dirty air filter that is reducing the flow of air to the engine.
Acceleration difficulties: Automobiles that are operating at peak capacity accelerate quickly. But dirty, worn out air filters adversely affect acceleration. Drivers who notice that their cars are struggling to accelerate when stoplights turn green or on highways may need to replace their vehicles’ air filters.
Dirty air filter: Perhaps the biggest indicator that an air filter needs to be replaced is the filter itself. If you cannot find the air filter on your own, consult your vehicle owner’s manual to determine where it is. Once you find the air filter, examine it in broad daylight. Clean air filters are white, so if the filter has darkened, it may need to be replaced.
The role small businesses play in thriving local communities cannot be overstated. Vibrant downtown areas that feature independently owned shopping, dining and entertainment options help distinguish communities from surrounding towns and generate tax revenue that is ultimately funneled back into the community.
Only time will tell if the Delta variant puts more small businesses in jeopardy. In the meantime, residents can embrace four unique strategies to help locally owned establishments stay afloat.
Offer pro bono professional expertise. Successful professionals can help small business owners by offering their services free of charge.
Help small businesses strengthen their digital presence. Individuals with web design and e-commerce experience can help small businesses revamp their websites and improve their online shopping offerings.
Support legislation that benefits small businesses. Many small businesses would not have survived the pandemic without government assistance programs.
Spread the word. Share stories about positive interactions with a given business using social media platforms.
There’s a great deal individuals can do to support small businesses as they continue to recover from and confront the COVID-19 pandemic.
Access: Access is another aspect that must adhere to local safety guidelines. Many attics are accessible only through pulldown ladders, but that will have to change if homeowners repurpose their attic spaces. A staircase that complies with local laws will need to be installed, and contractors can work with homeowners to build that and estimate the cost. Homeowners who simply want to put desks in their attics without going with full-fledged conversions are urged to adhere to local access requirements anyway, as they’re intended to ensure residents can safely escape attics in the case of a fire or another emergency.
How Everyday People Can Cut Energy Consumption
Curtailing energy consumption is a great way for people to protect the planet’s natural resources and save money at the same time. Part of the difficulty with regard to reducing energy consumption is that energy plays such a big role in our lives. Smartphones and tablets have become must-have items, and these items, though not necessarily big consumers of energy, must be plugged in and charged. But individuals won’t have to unplug from their lives to reduce their energy consumption. In fact, there are several easy, non-invasive waysforeverydaypeopletoreduce theirenergyconsumption.
Reducing energy consumption does not require substantial sacrifice, but it can produce substantial savings and benefit the planet in myriad ways.