Expert Bat Proofing & Removal
Residential/Commercial Serving Western New York 585-335-7902
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY
Think about becoming a beekeeper yourself. There are many different resources availabletohelpyougetstarted.
nonjudgmental place to feel loved and accepted. Child care, family dinner and a baby shower. Begins urs. evening, Sept.5th - Henrietta.
Contact Lynn at embracegracerochester@gmail.com or lyoungman5@gmail.com Text 585-507-2960
Saturday, September 14th, 2024
Mendon Ponds Park, Stewart Lodge Rochester, NY
• Blow-up Colon
• Food
• Vendors
• Live Music
• Kids Fun Run
Donations & Sponsors Visitwelcome!are our website
Run @ 9:30am • Walk @ 9:50am Opening Ceremonies @ 9am
Event is supported by these amazing sponsors: A fundraiser event for Colon Cancer awareness, research, patient support & education
• Raffles & Prizes
• Education
• Gastroenterologists available for any questions
Pre-register online at:
He is 5 months old and adopted from Pet Pride in Victor. He quickly took over command of the house and his new bestie, Chai. He spends his days wrestling with her and finding the best napping spots. His little personality is emerging and while he loves to play and craves action, he’s also an amazing cuddler.
Send us a photo and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us.
Or, Mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Yields 64
21/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cups butter or margarine, melted
3 cups pecan halves, divided
2 cups packed brown sugar
3 eggs
4 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon salt
Powdered sugar, optional
Preheat oven to 350 F. For crust, combine flour, powdered sugar and baking soda in a batter bowl. Add butter; mix until crumbly. Lightly press crumb mixture over bottom of stoneware bar pan; roll lightly. Bake 15 minutes; remove from oven to a cooling rack.
Meanwhile for filling, reserve 1 cup of the pecans for garnish; chop remaining pecans. Combine chopped pecans, brown sugar, eggs, butter, vanilla, and salt; mix well. Pour filling over warm crust, spreading to edges of pan. Arrange remaining pecan halves over filling. Bake 17 to 19 minutes, or until filling is set in center. Remove from oven; cool completely.
Sprinkle with additional powdered sugar, if desired. Cut into 32 squares using a utility knife; cut each square in half diagonally.
GENESEO:239LIMA Rd. August 23rdand24thMULTI-FAMILYYARD SALE!Manyitemsincludinghome decor,tools,household,holiday decorations,clothingandmuchmore.
EXIT9FLEAMARKET open every Sundayfrom8to3.Freesetupforfirst timevendors.ContactClaudefor information585-734-3789.
RUSH: 7600ERIVERRDFri.8/16 (9-4),Sat8/17(9-4),Sun8/18(9-1). GARAGE/ESTATESALE:Antiques, collectibles,Christmasdecorations, glasses,dishes,china,gamesandpuzzles,electronics,lamps,accenttables, foldingtablewithchairs,metalsigns
GENESEO: 3579 Avon-Geneseo Road.Sat-Sun,August24-25 (9am-4pm).LARGESALE.Reasonableprices.Household; furniture;collectibles;jewelry;antiques;books;projectors;patio;air conditioners;equine,pets;tools; clothingandaccessories;various craftsupplies;holiday;CDs;videos;more.
GENESEO:3696Lakeville Groveland Road.8/16&8/17 (8-3pm).LargeGarageSale,riding lawnmower,tools,household,antiques,puzzles,andmetalart.Come takealook!
AVON: 2688 LakevilleRoad.August 24(9-3pm).LARGE10FAMILY YARDSALE.Antiques,tools,lawnmowers,hunting,fishing,glassware, sportinggoods.
PIFFARD: 2596 MainStreet. Aug16th&17th,2024Multi familyyardsale.Furniture, Clothing,Householditems, electronics,tools,Truck,MotorCycle,Scrap,Perfectfor MenWomenandChildren ParkinYard.
Advertise the sale. The more shoppers the better, so advertising yoursalecanbeadvantageous.
Geneseo-5190 WarnerRoad. HugeYardsale:Multi-Family. 8/30-8/319:00am-4:00pm,no earlybirds.Antiques,Collectibles, LawnFurniture,Playground Equipment,BoutiqueMakeup, NameBrandClothingSmall-3x: ManyNWT,LotsofChristmas Decor,SnowbabiesandBoyds BearsFigurines,Housewares, BabySupplies,Tools,andmuch muchmoretobeadded.
Livingston County Museum, 30 Center Street, Geneseo
Catered Lunch available for purchase,
25th(9am-3pm)Couch,dresser,night stand,collegefridge,books,Children’s bikes,sportsequipment,American GirlDoll,clothesandaccessories.
DANSVILLE: 54 SewardStreet. August23,24(9am-4pm).YARD SALE.Lotsofbabystuff,plussize clothes,shoes,housewares,holidaydecorations,tools,Franklin minttrucks,craftitems,home decor,computers,Scentsy,fire pit,dogkennels,manyother items.
DANSVILLE:13GREENMOUNT Ave August24th9AM-1PM Furniture,Kitchenitems,glassware, books,movies,puzzles,picture frames,holiday,snowblower,and more.
Livonia/Conesus: 5672 HolmesHill Rd.SaturdayAugust17th.9am-3pm. E-Bikesforsale.
CONESUS:6381E SwampRoad. Friday,August23rd&Saturday,August24th(8-4pm).3Families,Hunting,fishing,householditems, highchair,twinsizemaplecanopy bed,andmuchmuchmore.Please comecheckitout!
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390
Karam Creative
15lbs= 10 packages of 6oz patties
15lbs= 12 packages of 5oz patties
Fri., 3-5
15lbs= 15 packages of 4oz patties
Sat./Sun., 10am-3pm August Patty and Bulk Ground Beef Special: 80/20 Choice Graded Bulk Ground Beefonvenient 1lb Pkgs. Online price- $5.50/lb. ve by purchasing in store- $5.00/lb. Buy 15lbs of USDA Select or Low Choice raded Beef Patties and SAVE! Online Price- $95.00 n Store- $90.00
Thanks to the Rush Public Library staff for a wonderful summer reading program. Readers had lots of books to choose from even with the kids’ book section being closed for repairs. The staff is so enthusiastic and friendly—they are special people! Thanks!
In these times of rising food prices, it is so wonderful to see all the items that the Avon community donates to the Avon Food Pantry. They give not only non-perishable foods but toiletries, laundry soaps and overages from their garden. It is heart warming to see all the items coming in to help people in need.
A big THANK YOU to all.
Went to CHURCH rummage sale just a few minutes ago. It started at 8. I was the last person in line. Myself and the lady in front of me had to take our time going down two flights of stairs. Over 10 people found out the books were upstairs and made their way past us, almost knocking into us. Then a lady blocked the jewelry spot and no one was able to look. I was pushed again, so I paid for my 2 items and said “Sorry, I’m getting pushed around too much to look further.” The next person in line was a collector. The lady who was taking the money said “I marked these and they weren’t $2.00 each.” He said “it’s what’s marked,” and she said “Ok. Why?” It was a CHURCH trying to raise some money. How do you live with yourself? The cashier even said that wasn’t the price, he didn’t care. I left but paid what the price was. How do you cheat a church?
I think balloon releases should be illegal. Look it up: the harmful effects of balloon releases. Also you can look up ecofriendly alternatives to balloon releases. Remember, birds, fish, turtles, pets or any animal in the world can suffer due to balloon releases.
Servicing most brands for 43 years. Call
Servicing most brands for over 46 years! Open Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm. Saturday, 9am-3pm.
6304 Gibsonville Rd, Leicester, NY • Online bidding closes August 22nd at 11am for RE and 5pm for Machinery. Real Estate: Parcel #1: House & barns on 50 acres of tillable and pasture land. Parcel #2: 27 acres of tillable and wooded land. Machinery: JD 6310 w/ loader, MFWD; Kuhn FC243RG discbine; Vicon RV157 round baler; Kverneland 3btm plow; Brillion 12’ cultimulcher; 12’ transport disc; drag; cultipacker; gravity wagon; NH 717 chopper; auger; flail chopper; log splitter and more! Preview for machinery ursday, August 22 from 10am until 1pm.
Bidding closes August 27th at 5pm
Selling: items around WNY including tractors, vehicles, lawn mowers, tools and much more!
Sheldon, NY • Bidding closes Wednesday, August 28th at 5pm
Selling: Case IH 125 MFWD tractor with loader; JD 6210M MFWD tractor; IH 784 tractor; IH 656 tractor; Hyundai HL730-7 loader; Case W18 loader; ‘06 Peterbilt w/ 22’ Meyers live floor box; ‘08 Freightliner w/ 16’ Eby aluminum box w/ gate; ‘82 GMC w/ Husky 4000 gallon tanker; Komatsu D20P dozer; ‘14 Featherlite 20’ aluminum livestock trailer; ‘05 PJ 20’ equipment trailer; Glencoe flat fold cultimulcher; BushHog SM60 ditch mower; Brillion FC; JD 1750 6 row planter; (2) Case 5100 drills; Krone EZ Cut gang mower; NH BB9080 square baler; (3) Agro Trend dump wagons; Case IH 600 blower; HD flat wagon; Sawdust spreaders; Kuhn Knight 8124 manure spreader; roller; Kuhn Knight 3142 mixer wagon; KillBros gravity wagon w/ auger; Poly tanks; A bunk walls; Suzuki 4 wheeler; barn fans; elevators; wateres; commodity bins and more!
See our website, www.williamkentinc.com for more information.
2-4pm, 3-5pm, 4-6pm for $20
month of September as the thirty-day period for submission of petitions by landowners for inclusion of land that is highly suitable for a commercial farm operation into an existing Agricultural District. If you would like to have your land included in an existing Agricultural District, please submit your written request, along with the tax map identification number and a description of the farming activities on the land, to the Livingston County Planning Department, 6 Court Street – Room 305, Geneseo, NY, 14454 by September 30, 2024. Petitions cannot be accepted for removal of parcels from an Agricultural District.
Questions can be directed to the County Planning Department at (585) 243-7550 or (585) 335-1734.
With coupon. Exp. 9/30/24 Per person. Up to 4 people per coupon ATTENTION VILLAGE OF AVON RESIDENTS:
The Village of Avon is in search of a
to join our team.
Interested candidates should contact: Village Clerk’s Office 74 Genesee Street, Avon, NY 14414 Phone: 226-8118 hrandall@village.avon-ny.org for an application
Applications due by 8/30/2024
Thank you, Heather Randall Village Clerk
Tuesdays, July9th-August27that 10am GardenAdventures
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org
Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3
Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311
Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. 9-noon
Livonia Public Library
2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 10am-7pm; Fri. 11am-5pm; Sat. 11am-3pm Sun.Closed
Wadsworth Library
24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Inthiseightweekseries,localCCE MasterGardener&retiredteacher, MaureenMcCarron,willteach school-agedchildrenlife-longgardeningskillsrighthereatthe LivoniaLibrary!Eachweekwillexploreathemethroughhands-on gardeningactivities,artprojects, read-alouds,andsnacks. JointheLPLBookClub Lookingforabookclubtojoin? Looknofurther!TheLPLBookClub meetseveryfirstTuesdayofthe monthat6:30pm.September3rd selection:Hello,BeautifulbyAnn Napolitano
Monday,August19that1pm BingoAdventures!Comeandenjoy anafternoonfilledwithfun,prizes, andlightrefreshmentswithus.All ageswelcome.Registrationrequired.
Tuesday,August20that5pm TeenTestKitchen:MugCakeRecipesTestoutdifferentmugcake recipesthatyoucanmakeathome withjustamugandyourmicrowave!Bringyourownmicrowaveablemug,ages10+
AVONFREELIBRARY: The annualbooksalewasahuge success!ThankyoutotheFriendsof theAvonFreeLibraryandallthose whovolunteeredtheirtimetoorganize,haul,andbethesmilingface behindthescenes. Andcongratulationstoallthosewho participatedintheSummerReading Program,includingthegrandprize winners!Intotal,ourcommunityread over145,900minutes!
Mahjong:Friday8/23at10:30am& Thursday,8/29at6:00pm EarlyLiteracyStorytime:MostTuesdays&Fridaysat10:30am PositiveExpressions-InfantFeeding Support:Tuesdaysat11:00am Chess:Wednesdaysat11:00am Backgammon:Wednesdaysat4:00pm Formoreinformationortosign-upfor anevent,gotoavonfreelibrary.orgor call 585-226-8461
PUP,Foodlinkfooddistribution will takeplaceatEastAvonFire Dept.,1615W.HenriettaRd.,on Friday,AUGUST23,2024from 10AM-12PM.Drivethroughonly, pleasestayinyourcar.Sponsored byAvonFoodPantry.
AvonAmericanLegionFamily Post 294-SpaghettiDinner: Wednesday,August28from4pm7pm.Menu:Spaghettiw/meat sauce,salad,bread,dessert.Donation:$1213&up,$55-12yrand Freeunder5.Proceedstobenefit AvonAmericanLegionFamilyPrograms.Facebook: @avonamericanlegionpost294.Call 585-738-4642.Email: avonnyalpost294@gmail.com
XYZMeeting, Wed.,Aug.21, 2024at5:30pm.Wemeetinthe AvonVillagehall,74Genesee Streetinthesameroomasthe nutritionalcenter.Bringadishto passandyourtablesetting.Coffee isprovided.Anyoneover55is welcome.Enjoythesocialtimewith localfellowseniorcitizens.For moreinformationcallCarolHank 226-9792orAndreaKrajka 226-2038.
Join usattheMountMorrisLibrary forour“Hatchet”BrownBagBook Discussion.Saturday,August24that noon.Bringyourownlunchina brownbagtohavefunwithusatthe library.CookiesandRefreshmentswill beserved.Thisprogramisforallages! AdultsandYAareencourageto participate.
My FirstDayofKindergartenStorytime
Wednesday,August21 10:30-11:15am
Forchildrenenteringkindergarten inSeptember2024.Celebratethe firstdayofschoolwithspeciallyselectedstoriesandacraft.Registrationisrequired.Spaceis limited.Signupatwadslib.com/ calendar.
EverySecondMondayofthe Monthat6:30pm
Thenextbookclubmeetingwillbe onMonday,September9.The groupwillbediscussingthebook TheLibrarianistbyPatrickdeWitt. Signupatwadslib.com/calendar. Meetingsarehybridandcanbe attendedin-personorremotely. MakerspaceMonday:CreateButtons&Magnets Monday,September16 6:00-7:30pm Stopbythelibraryandmakeyour veryownbuttonsandmagnets!All materialsprovided.Spaceislimited. Forages13andup.Registrationis required.Signupatwadslib.com/ calendar.
ThelibrarywillbeclosedonMonday,September2inobservanceof LaborDay.
AvonSeniorNutritionProgram Week ofAugust19-August23 SiteClosedMonday. Tuesday,8/20:BakedHam,Chive MashedPotatoes,HarvardBeets, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Apple Juice,ChocolatePudding. Wednesday,8/21:SloppyJoe, WholeWheatBun,Zucchini, Cauliflower,TapiocaPudding. Thursday,8/22:TunaNoodleCasserole,Beets,YellowBeans,Whole WheatBreadSlice,AppleJuice, BirthdayBrownie.
Friday,8/23:Turkey&Swiss,Whole WheatBread(2),PastaSalad, BroccoliSalad,Snickerdoodle Cookie.
VeteranOnly-WarriorWednesday Dinner: Thismonth’sdinner willbeforVeteransonlyandwe willdineatScovill’sGrill,60Red JacketStreetinDansville-4Sep 2024at6pm.RSVPbyvisitingour website,www.livcovets.com.We willreachoutandconfirmyour reservation.Wehopetoseeyou there.
AvonVeteransHallBloodDrive: Held Tuesday,August20,125:30pm,attheAvonVeteransHall, 5480EAvonRd.Donorsneeded! Scheduleyourapptat redcrossblood.organdsearchkeyword:AvonVeteransHallAvon.Give bloodinAugustfor$20Amazon. comGiftCardbyemail.See rcblood.org/Help
ACommunityBreakfast is held on4thSaturdaysfrom9-11am.All arewelcomeforfoodandfellowship.Afreewillofferingis accepted.EastBloomfieldUnited MethodistChurchat2ParkPlacein Bloomfield.
ChickenBBQ will beheldby CaledoniaWarMemorialat Caledonia,AmericanLegionPost 255,3155ChurchSt.onAugust 24thfrom12noontillgone.1/2 Chickenandallthefixinsplusdessert.Donation$15.00.Allarewelcome.TakeOutsOnly.Helpsupportyourlocalveteran organization.
VeteranOnly-CharterFishingCanandaigua Lake: Veterans comejoinus7Sepandfish CanandaiguaLakewithHarrington Outfitters.Wewillfish CanandaiguaLakeforfourhours andshareamealafterwards.Valid NewYorkStateFishingLicenseis required.Besuretoaskaboutthe Veterandiscountedfishinglicense atyourlocallicensingfacility.Space islimited,don’tmissout,RSVPat www.livcovets.comnowtogeta spot.Wehopetoseeyouthere.
Paddle/HikeCanandaiguaLakeHike orPaddleeastsideof CanandaiguaLakeSundayAugust 18from4-6PMwithSpringwater Trails,followedbyasocialgettogetheratMurphy’sLaw.For additionalinfo/directions/updates visitthewebsite:springwatertrails. org
Breakfast - ConlonMulvaney AmericanLegion,6317Marshall Road,Conesus.Heldthe4thSundayofthemonthfrom8am-11am. $10Adultsand$5under10.Thank youforthegreatsupportandwe lookforwardtoanothergreatyear!
Veteran+1-LIVCOVetsGolf Classic 2024: Comejoinus28Sep atConesusGolfCourseforthe LIVCOVeteransGolfClassic2024 check-inat9:30a.m.Formatistwo (2)personscramble,Veteranplus 1,shotgunstart.Veteranscan bringanyonefortheirsecondteam member.HotDogattheturn,meal andprizesaftertheroundofgolf. Weonlyhavespacefor40teams (80golfers),don’twaittoregister. Pre-Registeratwww.livcovets.com by18Sep,wewillreachoutand confirmyourspot.Hopetoseeyou there!
UMCGeneseoCommunity Blood Drive: HeldTuesday,August27,1-6pm,atUMCGeneseo, FellowshipHall,4520GeneseeSt. DONORSNEEDED!Scheduleyour apptatredcrossblood.organd searchkeyword: GeneseoCommunity.Givebloodin Augustfor$20Amazon.comGift Cardbyemail.Seercblood.org/ Help
AnnualAugustFundraiserSale at TheInterfaithCenter,11 FranklinSt.(offCourtSt.)Geneseo onFriday,August23rdandSaturday24thfrom9amto4pm.Gently useditemsfromcrockerytocutlery, furniture,smallappliances,etc.
150FamilyYardSale&Wellness Fair will beSaturday,August24th from9amtil3pmattheGeneseo UnitedMethodistChurch,4520 GeneseeStreet,Geneseo,NY.
OutdoorMovieattheMuseumINSIDE OUT.Friday,August16, 8:10pm-10pm,LivingstonCounty Museum,30CenterSt.,Geneseo. Bringablanketorchairsandnibblesandsips.Sitonthelawnofthe MuseumandenjoythemovieINSIDEOUTatsunset.Restroomswill beavailableinsidetheMuseum.
DAGregMcCaffreytoSpeakon Bail Reform- OnJanuary1,2020, landmarkcriminaljusticereforms wentintoeffectinNewYorkState, lawswhichchangedandaltered criminaljusticeinourcommunity. LivingstonCountyDistrictAttorney GregMcCaffreywillexplainthe nuancesofbailreform,the eliminationofbailformostoffensesandthesignificantimpacts bailanddiscoveryreformhavehad onourcourts,prosecutors,defense attorneysandlawenforcement. Learnaboutthecurrentstateof criminaljusticelawsinourcommunityandhoweverythingchanged in2020onAugust28atLittle LakesCommunityCenter,4705S. MainSt.,Hemlockfrom7-8:30PM.
Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge WEDNESDAYS, July10thSeptember25thfrom2-6PM.OPEN TOTHEPUBLICatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?Gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020. TobenefitMoose Charitiesandlocalcharities.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
2024 Town of Livonia Vitale Park Concert Series
8/18/24 - John Dady & Friends Some Irish, some Folk, always good. 8/25/24 - Blue Sky Pop, Rock & Country
Comebycarorboatandbringalawnchair! Formoreinformationcall: TownHall(585)346-3710orvisit:www.livoniany.org
Geneseo Parish Outreach Center, Inc. Providing Access to Health Care
4520 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Geneseo, NY 14454 Fax: (585) 243-1189 • e-mail: GeneseoPOC@gmail.com website: http://gpocenter.org
Facebook: Geneseo Parish Outreach Center Hrs: Monday - Thursday 9:00-noon by appointment
MasterForestOwnersProgram and MasterGardeners- JoinKen Estes(CornellCooperativeExtension)andLydiaWilliams(Natural ResourcesEducator/YatesCounty) astheydiscusstheimportanceof maintainingandmanagingourlocalforests.Woodlotownerswill learnsomehelpfulinformationto makethebestoftheirwoods.In addition,otherMasterPrograms, likeMasterGardeners,willalsobe discussed.ThisFREEprogramwill beheldWednesdayAugust21at 6:30atTheWatershedEducation CenterinVitalePark,Lakeville. Registeratconesuslake.org
LimaHistoricalSocietyYard Sale! The LimaHistoricalSociety willholditssemi-annualYard/Barn SaleonAugust23rdand24that 7364EastMainStreetinLima,NY. Itwillbeginat10AMandcloseat4 PM.JoinusonFridayandSaturday totakeadvantageofourusual greatbargaintreasures!Allproceedsgotosupportthecollections atTennieBurtonMuseum.Info.: http://www.imahistorical.org
MiddlesexConservationClubPancake Breakfast&OpenTrap Shoot. PancakeBreakfast,Open TrapShoot.Additionalactivitiesincludefreeyouthsupervisedarchery &pelletranges.Sunday,August 18th,8am-11amattheMiddlesex ConservationClub,6087SouthHill Road,Middlesex.http://www. middlesexconservationclub.org/
Veterans-NYSLifetimeLiberty Pass: LIVCO VeteranServices Agencywillholdan“openhouse,” walk-ineventtoassistourVeterans withsigningupfortheNYSLifetimeLibertyPass.Ifyouarea Veteran,GoldStarParent,Spouse orChild;youarenoweligiblefora FREELifetimeLibertyPasswhich givesyouaccesstoallNYSParks andBoatLaunchesacrossNew York.Pleasestopinon28Aug9 am-3pmandseeusifyouneed assistancesigningupforyourfree pass.BringyourDD214.
Veterans+1-DayattheYMCA: Veterans comejoinus19Aug,7 a.m.atBrian’sUSADinerinMt. MorrisforourmonthlyEarlyRiser CoffeeClub.Wewillmeetwith otherveteransandenjoythecoffee,conversation,andcompanyas wegetreadytotackletheweek together.Registeronourwebsite atwww.livcovets.com.Wehopeto seeyouthere.
TheGeneseeValleyCivilWar Roundtable will meetWednesday, August21stat7pmatthePavilion UnitedMethodistChurchatthe cornerof63&19inPavilion.The topicontheAbolitionistsof WyomingCountywillbepresented byPatMeek.
WheatlandHistoricalAssoc. Summer Open thedoorstothe historicSage-MarloweHousein Scottsville.Stepbacktothemid19thcentury.Thelittle,“working man’s”stylehomeonMainStreet reflectssimplertimesinthehistory ofthisvillageontheOatka.August 18:kitchengardenherbharvest. August25:TBD(watchour Facebookpagefordetails).Open Househours:2pm-4pmeachofthe Sundayslistedabove.SageMarloweHouse,69MainSt., Scottsville.Details:whascottsville@ gmail.comorFacebook.
BeautyandGracebook presentation andpot-lucklunch.Author, ChristinaM.Abt,willjoinusatthe GatesHouseMuseum,15Perry Ave.,Warsaw,onSaturday,August 24th,at1pm.Freetothepublic. Pleasebringadishtopass.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: In two weeks, I am supposed to get Botox injections for my overactive bladder (OAB) and my frequent need to urinate at nighttime. Are these injections safe? Are there any bad side effects? How long do they work? -- D.J.
ANSWER: The initial treatment for OAB symptoms usually consists of lifestyle changes (i.e., quitting smoking and avoiding medications that worsen symptoms at night), pelvic floor muscle exercises, and bladder training. If these are ineffective, medication is often used. If medications don’t work or cannot be tolerated, additional treatments are considered, such as Botox.
The underlying problem with an OAB are uncontrolled bladder spasms. Botox is a powerful suppressor of muscle activity. If just the right amount is used, the excess muscle spasms are reduced, and the person gets good results. However, if too much is used, the person may not be able to urinate spontaneously at all, so your urologist will be giving you instructions on how to self-catheterize, in case you are unable to void your bladder after the injection.
If you note that the leakage has worsened a week or so after the procedure, this is a big clue that the bladder is not functioning after the injection. This can last for months, but typically no more than three months. Fortunately, this complication happens uncommonly, in about 2%-7% of people. Other complications include infections and bleeding, but these are not common. Antibiotics are given to reduce the risk of infection. Very rarely, muscles outside of the bladder are affected, including generalized weakness and eye muscle weakness.
When it works well, most people start noticing benefit in a week or so, and relief typically lasts 9-12 months before another injection is given.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Helps reduce inflammation: Honey is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, honey can help treat diabetes, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and other diseases traced back to widespread inflammation, according to Greek researcher Natalia Vallianou of the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens.
DID YOU KNOW? The demand for qualified,talented nurses figures to grow in the years to come.According to the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than half a million nurses are expected to retire by 2022. Couple that with an existing nursing shortage, and the BLS projects a need for 1.1 million registered nurses in the near future. A shortage also figures to affect Canada, where the Canadian Nurses Association recently estimated that the country would be forced to confront a nursing shortage of roughly 60,000 nurses by 2022. Various factors are contributing to the nursing shortage in both countries, including an increasingly large aging population that will require more and more nurses to meet its health care needs. In the United States, the Affordable Care Act, which was passed in 2010, increased access to health care for millions of people across the country, thereby creating a greater need for nurses and other health care professionals. In addition, a greater emphasis on preventive care in many countries across the globe figures to compel more people to visit their physicians even when they’re otherwise feeling healthy. As more people prioritize preventive care, the need for more nurses will likely increase.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin prefix “audio-” mean in English?
2. TELEVISION: Gladys Kravitz is the annoying neighbor in which TV comedy?
3. ANATOMY: About how many taste buds does the average human tongue have?
4. GEOGRAPHY: The Brandenburg Gate is in which European capital city?
5. HISTORY: Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during WWII?
6. MOVIES: Which movie features the line “I’m the king of the world!”?
7. MYTHOLOGY: What is the name of the Egyptian sun god?
8. LITERATURE: “The Great Gatsby” is set in which U.S. city?
9. MONEY: What is the basic currency of Poland?
10. FOOD & DRINK: Which country is associated with the side dish kimchi?
DatafromtheUnitedStatesDepartment of Justice indicates that partner violence accounted for 20 percent of all violent crime in the U.S. in 2018. The World Health Organization defines intimate partner violence as behavior within an intimate relationship that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm. Such violence can include acts of physical aggression, sexual coercion, psychological abuse, and controlling behaviors. Violence perpetrated by both current and former spouses and partners falls under the umbrella of intimate partner violence. Domestic violence is so prevalent that the National Network to End Domestic Violence reports that it fields more than 19,000 calls on a typical day. Anyone who is a victim of domestic violence or suspects a loved one or acquaintance is being abused is urged to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-7873224 (TTY) right away.
Home improvement projects can be expensive. While the size and complexity of a project will affect how expensive the project is, homeowners can expect to shell out a pretty penny when they renovate or remodel areas of their home.
According to HomeAdvisor, an online resource for homeowners looking to connect with home improvement, maintenance and repair professionals, the average bathroom remodeling project costs $9,348, while the average home addition costs slightly less than $41,000. But renovation-minded homeowners need not reconsider their commitment to remodeling, as there are various ways to cut the costs associated with home improvement projects.
One such way is for homeowners to pitch in and do some of the work themselves. Calculating labor costs can be difficult, as such costs can vary greatly depending on the project, the contractor and the amount of hired help that contractor intends to employ. However, some estimates suggest labor will account for anywhere from 25 to 50 percent of the overall cost of the project. So it’s no surprise that homeowners can save themselves substantial amounts of money by doing some of the work themselves. Homeowners who intend to do some of the labor themselves should discuss this plan with contractors during the vetting process. Before hiring a contractor, make sure homeowners’ expected labor contributions are clearly defined in the contract. It’s best to leave the most complicated parts of a project to the professionals.
Remodeling&RepairService Over25years’experience Painting • Bathroom Upgrades • Floors Porch Rebuilds • Kitchen Upgrades Mini Excavation services including site work and drainage tile
KEEP CALM & DON’T BUG OUT ABOUT THE ASIAN GIANT HORNET by Dick Rogers, principal scientist and entomologist, Bayer Bee Care Program (NAPSI) — Scientific information can ease the fears of many people concerned about the arrival of the Asian giant hornet in the United States.
What do we know?
Hornets are found in many parts of the world and play a vital role in the balance of natural ecosystems through pollination, biodiversity and natural pest control. Unfortunately dubbed the “murder hornet,” the Asian giant hornet (AGH), the world’s largest, was sighted for the first time in the United States in December 2019.
Who (or what) is at risk?
While the AGH is large in size and has a big sting compared to other hornets, it is typically not aggressive with humans (Whew! That’s a relief). As always, those allergic to bee or wasp stings should practice caution and avoid contact with hornets in general. However, the AGH can pose a risk to honey bee colonies because it feeds on large insects, including wasps and bees. So far, they’ve only appeared in the northwest part of the United States, and monitoring efforts by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) are underway to better understand these hornets and help educate beekeepers on how to protect their colonies.
On top of this, our team at Bayer is taking action by organizing a first detection trapping program in North Carolina and Missouri, which will be deployed in early July. We will then share our results with the WSDA at the end of the season. While we do not expect to catch any AGH this year, early detection is key to an effective eradication effort if needed.
You can be confident that the early introduction of the AGH in the United States and Canada is being closely monitored by professionals who have management plans in place should there be any future sightings. There’s no need to worry about catching a glimpse of these hornets in your yards or gardens, as they are not yet established in the United States. In fact, the only hornet that is established in our country, the European hornet, has been around since the late 1800s.
How can we help protect the bees?
It’s not only researchers and entomologists who can help protect honeybees. Everyone can support bees by getting outside to plant pollinator-friendly gardens or flowers.
As pollinators play a vital role in our ecosystem, crop production and biodiversity, I recommend you stay calm and keep gardening to provide your fuzzy friends with the flowers and habitat they need to thrive.
Learn more about how to plant pollinator-friendly gardens that help bees, monarchs and other important pollinators by visiting https://beehealth.bayer.us/home.
Dick Rogers has been a professional entomologist for more than four decades and has been keeping and studying bees for over 40 years. He joined the Bayer Bee Care Program in 2009.
burn wood, which may appeal to homeowners who already have wood-burning fireplaces inside their homes. Because they don’t require homeowners to tap into gas lines, wood firepits are generally easy to set up and install, and many homeowners prefer the aesthetic appeal of crackling wood and flames that’s synonymous with wood firepits.
Many an amateur landscaper has encountered grubs while tending to their lawns, but even the most attentive green thumber may have a lawn infested with grubs and not know it. According to the pest and weed experts at Roundup® , grubs often go unnoticed until late summer, when they’ve already done substantial damage to a lawn. Oddly enough, one of the telltales signs of a grub infestation is not the grubs themselves but the animals looking to dine on them. Fully grown grubs make for hearty meals, so homeowners who notice raccoons, skunks, armadillos, and/or birds digging up their lawns may have a grub infestation. That’s because these unwanted guests like to dine on mature grubs who have spent summer feasting on organic matterinthesoil.Anothersignofa possible grub infestation is a lawn that feels spongy when stepped on. Patches of dead grass that peel back easily are a sign that grubs have eaten the roots that keep healthy grass in place.
Plants need sunlight to thrive and grow, but some need less sunlight than others. People who find their landscapes are less supportive to sun-loving plants can choose from a variety of shade-tolerant plants, shrubs and trees.
Shade tolerance refers to a plant’s ability to withstand low levels of light. Certain plants have adapted this feature to survive in the wild. Plants that grow at the base of forest floors, for example, will get less sunlight than others outside of the tree canopy. Such adaptations enable a wide variety of foliage to grow even though they are not exposed to much sunlight. While sun-loving plants often have broad leaves and expend significant energy to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, shade-tolerant plants expend less energy and tend to be more efficient consumers of soil nutrients and sunlight.
Penn State Extension’s Plant and Pests division says the amount of shade a plant is growing under will directly affect the density of the foliage and the plant’s flowering and fruiting characteristics. Blending shade-tolerant plants into the landscape can be an effective use of space. Before choosing plants for an existing landscape, it’s important to assess the level of shade or sun the plants will receive.
Once homeowners understand which type of shade they are dealing with, they can then visit plant nurseries and select their plants. Most greenery comes with care instructions that include recommendations regarding the amount of shade/sunlight the plant will need to do well. If further assistance is needed, a knowledgeable employee can make suggestions based on landscape needs.
Shade-tolerant plants can make welcome additions to the landscape, offering greenery and color in the darker areas of a property.
Establish the budget. Homeowners should figure out how many dollars they can designate to a living room makeover before purchasing supplies or hiring out the work. Figure out the scope of the remodel, visit stores or suppliers to price out materials, get estimates from contractors, and then plan for some unforeseen circumstances along the way to determine if this type of renovation is affordable. If not, scale things back until the project more closely aligns with your budget.
“We have nothing to fear and a great deal to learn from trees, that vigorous and pacific tribe which without stint produces strengthening essences for us, soothing balms, and in whose gracious company we spend so many cool,silent and intimate hours.”
- Marcel Proust, Pleasures and Regrets, 1896
Kevin Lopez lopezconstruction@frontiernet.net
& Residential
Not all bees build the wax or paper structures associated with traditional beehives. Those hives may not be readily visible even for bees that do build them. Wood-nesting bees can nest in twigs or dead trees. Bees may nest underground or use the burrows abandoned by small rodents. Before excavating or disturbing more remote areas of the yard, check to see if it is a habitat for bees. Leave some natural areas of the landscape untouched and do not remove twigs, mounds of dirt and native flowers to attract more bees.
Don’t overdo it: A cluttered stall at a festival or marketplace may make it difficult for consumers to browse or find what they’re looking for. NFIB® advises business owners to fill the space without it making it appear cluttered. Keep extra inventory on hand to restock displays as sales are made throughout the day.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW'S CORNER: I recently visited an older relative who owns two dogs. Here in the Northeast, air conditioning isn’t common in older houses, and it’s been fairly hot for the past several weeks. When I went in, I saw both her dogs were lying down and panting because it was so warm inside. ere was no water for them, so I filled up their bowls and added a couple of ice cubes to each one. ey both drank nearly all the water. Please remind your readers that heat is dangerous for pets of all kinds, and even if they’re at home and indoors, they’re at risk. Sign me -- Concerned Cousin in Manchester, New Hampshire
DEAR CONCERNED: ank you. You just reminded them, and you’re absolutely right. Water needs to be available to pets at all times, indoors or out.
Heat injuries are no joke. ey can permanently injure or kill pets (and people). While much attention has been given to not keeping pets inside cars during the warm months, there are more danger areas to be aware of.
- If your dog is out in the yard, make sure they have a shady area to rest with plenty of fresh, cold water. Monitor them frequently: every 10 to 15 minutes.
- Homes without air conditioning can get very hot and stuffy, endangering pets of all types. Maintain airflow at all times with a fan and open windows, and always have water available.
When a pet shows signs of heat stress -- panting, lying down, whining or mewing -- get them to a cooler room immediately. If they don’t improve, contact the veterinarian.
TIPS TO HELP MEN LOOK THEIR BEST: Protect your face. Skin dries with age, but men can take steps to protect their skin and keep it glowing as they grow older. When spending time outdoors, always wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 and, ideally, one that includes moisturizer as well. Exposure to the sun without adequate protection can lead to the formation of lines and wrinkles while increasing a man’s risk for skin cancer. Night creams that contain retinol can help smooth wrinkles and give skin a more even-toned look. Prescription night creams tend to be considerably more potent than over-the-counter alternatives.
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Marjorie M. Brooks (Piampiano)
August 9, 2024
Avon: Passed away on August 9, 2024 at age 85. She is survived by her children, Sandi (Robert) DeBruycker, Robert (Francine) Brooks, Lisa (Terry) Flynn, Stephen (Tammy) Brooks; sister, Fran Frew; brothers, Peter (Diane), John, Don (Maria) Piampiano; 10 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Franklyn A. Brooks, Sr.; son, Franklyn “Bucky” Brooks, Jr.; parents, Dominic and Vivian Piampiano.Services and interment will be held at the convenience of the family. Private interment St. Agnes Cemetery, Avon. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Avon Food Pantry, 96 Prospect Street,Avon,NY 14414 in her memory.
To share a memory or send a condolence visit: stephensondoughertyfuneralhome.com
The flower most commonly associated with funeral services in the popular mind is the lily. Lilies are often interpreted as a symbol of the innocence that has been restored to the soul of the departed. A white stargazer lily symbolizes sympathy and any type of white lily expresses majesty and purity.
addeus “Ted” A. Sikorski
August 10, 2024
Conesus: At age 73, Ted passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Saturday, August 10, 2024, at his home in Conesus. He was born in Lackawanna, NY to the late Frank L. and Sally V. Sikorski. Ted is predeceased by his brother, Michael Sikorski. Survived by his beloved wife of 44 years and his best friend and true love of 48 years, Kathy (Muhs) Sikorski; his sons, Matthew L. Sikorski, and Kristopher J. Sikorski; his godson, David S. Hammond and his goddaughter, Kim K. Clark, along with his siblings, Frank Sikorski, John Sikorski, and Carol Sikorski.
Ted graduated from Frontier Central High School in Blasdell, NY. He went on to earn his Bachelor’s Degree from Fredonia College. Ted was a supervisor for Chloride Electro Networks in Caledonia, NY, and an avid fan of the Tennessee Titans, the Detroit Tigers, and hunting.
In keeping with Ted’s wishes, no formal funeral services will take place. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: e Conesus/Webster’s Crossing Food Pantry for the Christmas Gi s for Families Program, 6176 Elm Street, Conesus, NY 14435.
To share a memory or a condolence, please visit: www.doughertyfuneralhomes.com
Choosing coverage. When choosing how much coverage to purchase, it’s easy to go overboard and aim for as much as possible. However, many financial advisors suggest purchasing enough coverage to pay for funeral costs and a level of income replacement you can comfortably afford. If your spouse does not work, you should consider purchasing enough coverage so he or she can afford to pay the family’s day-to-day cost of living expenses.
Neal G. Dunkleberg
August 6, 2024
Conesus: At age 90, Neal passed away peacefully on August 6, 2024, at Noyes Hospital in Dansville. He was born on June 20, 1934, to the late Grover and Eleanor (VanVleck) Dunkleberg. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his sister and brother-in-law, Noelle (Raymond) Walker; sister , Gail Mann; brother, Jay Dunkleberg; and brother-in-law, William Loeber. He is survived by his wife, Cecile (Sabik) Dunkleberg; daughter, Karen (Fernando) Savella; stepson, Louis Polizzi; sisters, Linda Loeber and Dana Bosson; sister-in-law, Nancy Dunkleberg; grandchildren, Jonathan (Hajin), Aaron and David Savella (Kisaira), and Jenna Polizzi; great-grandchildren Ada and Vivian Savella, and several nieces and nephews.
Neal was a ‘larger than life’, outgoing, people-friendly (in fact a peopleseeking) person. He went out of his way to meet people; at a wedding, a restaurant, or wherever he was, and was regularly the life of the party. Kids were always delighted by him as he got down to their level and talked with (not to) them.
Neal was one of the smartest men most had ever met and he was a teacher and mentor to many from a young age. Many of his best friends are 15 years or more his junior. If you had a question, Neal usually had the answer, be it something about psychology, medicine, astrophysics, chemistry, nuclear weapons; the list goes on; as his interests were wide and varied. One could find just about anything in his library. He was funny, witty, and compassionate. His knowledge, wit and sincerity made him sought-a er and loved by folks from 2 to 102.
Not only did Neal know facts, he knew how to do things. He built his home (with a bit of help) in Conesus, he was a skilled writer and editor, he knew how to fell a tree that he couldn’t get his arms around, he could carve leather, he could cook, and so much more.
Neal loved to sing - always waking up singing a song - and could move from Opera to e Who to Tom Lehrer without a hitch. We can hear him singing still.
Neal had a positive influence on just about everyone he met and will be dearly missed by all who he touched.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, September 8th from 1-5 PM at the Willow Creek Venue, 3100 Rochester Rd., Lakeville, NY 14480. Neal will receive Air Force Military Honors at 1 PM. Memorial contributions can be made to Genesee Valley Conservancy, 1 Main St, Geneseo, NY 14454.
To share a memory or a condolence, please visit: www.doughertyfuneralhomes.com
Sun., August 25th
1:00pm til gone – Chix BBQ • $15
2:00pm – Craig Wilkens
4:30pm – Sam Lowe
6:00pm – WHEY JENNINGS (meet and greet)
Breakfast Pizza
Put a healthy twist on pizza for a quick, satisfying breakfast kids and adults will love. Start with sliced naan or a whole wheat bagel. Toast to warm and add a smear of ricotta cheese. Then top with sliced tomatoes and sprinkle with a dash of fleur de sel and dried basil, if desired. If you prefer a sweeter pizza, skip the tomatoes and use sliced fruit instead. This tasty breakfast will fight hunger pangs straight until lunchtime.
August Early Bird Specials! 4-6pm
Dine in only. Tuesday-Friday & Sunday
Chicken and Biscuits over Mashed Potatoes
Breaded Cube Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Haddock Parmesan over Pasta
Garden Patio Open! Live Music every weekend, weather pending! $18 each
Liver & Onions with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
All dinners include garden salad, homemade dinner roll and homemade specialty bread
Route 5, Stafford • 343-6972
New parents often need a respite from the near-constant demands of infants. Dining out can be one of those breaks. When a babysitter is unavailable or if you’re not yet comfortable leaving a little one with someone else, bringing baby along may be possible.
First, find a family-friendly restaurant or try an establishment that has outdoor seating where you can quickly distance yourself from other diners if need be. Time dining out around the baby’s feeding and sleeping schedule. Babies sated by a recent feeding and a relaxing car ride may be more inclined to sleep through your restaurant meal. Just in case, pack an extra bottle or prepare to breastfeed to keep your baby happy.
11am-12pm ..... Sign-in ... $10 per ... Wadsworth 12:15pm ..... BLAST-OFF
12:45pm ..... Dirty Dave’s- Scottsville 2pm ..... Jim’s Saloon- E. Pembroke
3:15pm ..... My Saloon- Darien 4:30pm ..... Vets Club- Warsaw 5:30pm ..... Wadsworth Grill oke
7 to 11pm
The enticing aroma of marshmallows roasting over an open fire is a sensory hallmark of summer evenings and camping trips. is classic American treat - known as the s’more - has a history that is as rich and gooey as the confection itself. But did you know that Rochester, NY played a pivotal role in the mass production of marshmallows and the creation of s’mores?
e origins of the marshmallow can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where the mallow plant, a wild herb with a delicate, sweet sap, grew in abundance. e Egyptians, known for their innovative use of natural resources, discovered that by extracting sap from the mallow plant and mixing it with nuts and honey, they could create a delectable treat that was considered fit for the gods and royalty. is early version of the marshmallow was a luxury item, enjoyed by the elite and used in religious ceremonies.
As centuries passed, the art of making marshmallows evolved. Fast forward to the 19th century in France, where confectioners took the ancient concept and gave it a modern twist. French chefs began to whip mallow sap with sugar and egg whites, transforming the sticky, chewy substance into the fluffy, airy marshmallow we recognize today. is innovation made marshmallows more accessible and appealing to the general public, though they remained only in small batch tedious production.
Rochester’s connection to marshmallows began in earnest during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. e burgeoning city, renowned for its innovation and industrial prowess, emerged as a significant center for candy manufacturing. Local confectioners, driven by a spirit of experimentation, began refining the marshmallow recipe and experimenting with mass production techniques. Rochester’s Joseph Demerath of Rochester Candy Works developed a machine to mass-produce marshmallows. ese efforts were instrumental in popularizing marshmallows across America, setting the stage for the treat’s future success.
e s’more, a delicious contraction of “some more,” is a simple yet indulgent combination of roasted marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. e treat’s origins can be traced back to outdoor enthusiasts who sought a perfect campfire snack. e first recorded recipe for s’mores appeared in a 1927 Girl Scouts handbook titled “Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.” is cookbook included the s’more recipe as a part of its outdoor cooking section, introducing the treat to a broader audience.
e s’more quickly captured the imagination of campers and outdoor adventurers. Rochester’s Finger Lakes region, known for its
breathtaking landscapes and abundant camping spots, provided an ideal setting for the treat to gain traction. Campers in this picturesque area embraced the s’more, sharing stories and recipes around crackling campfires. e city’s local confectioners, who had already perfected the art of marshmallow-making, played a crucial role in making s’mores widely available and popular.
Today, Rochester’s legacy in marshmallow and s’more history continues to thrive. e city’s confectionery heritage is celebrated in various local museums and annual festivals that highlight its contribution to American culinary traditions. Modern confectioners have embraced the rich tradition of marshmallow-making, taking it to new heights with gourmet variations and inventive flavors. Social media platforms have also engaged in the innovation of the s’more, with some creators turning it into a dip, and others substituting cookies for graham crackers. ese contemporary twists on the classic treat delight both locals and visitors, ensuring the sweet legacy of Rochester endures.
From the ancient mallow plant of Egypt to the Girl Scouts’ campfire treat and beyond, the journey of the marshmallow and the s’more is a testament to Rochester’s sweet influence on American culinary traditions. Next time you bite into a gooey s’more, take a moment to savor not just the flavors, but also the rich history and local legacy that made this delightful treat possible. And when you drive by the Rochester Marshmallow Factory’s final location at the corner of Factory and Toronto Streets, you can still see the faded lettering of the company since its closure in 1924.
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To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.
~ Henri Frederic Amiel
The Summer Olympics ended with 126 US medals, new sports highlighted on the world’s stage, various viewership records posted, especially rebounding postCOVID, and myriad global reactions to news big and small throughout the past two weeks. How do you feel after watching the Summer Olympics?
- National pride
- Inspired and motivated to pursue my own fitness
- Curious to learn about different sports
- Nostalgic for past Olympics
- Disappointed by results or controversies
- Grateful for global unity
- Indifferent – I didn’t follow the Olympics closely
- Excited for the LA Olympics Poll ends 08-20-2024 Poll ended 08-13-2024
What is your favorite part of living in Western NY?
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(Family Features) Here are three things you can do to help protect your mobile devices and your identity: Password protect your device. A recent study by Javelin Strategy and Research found that even though many smartphones are being used to handle sensitive financial information, only 33 percent of smartphone owners password-protect their devices. If your phone falls into the wrong hands, you could make it very easy for someone to access your personal information and steal your identity.
Review your social network privacy settings. It’s not just advertisers taking advantage of the personal information you include on your social network sites. As the use of social networking continues to increase, it’s expected that the use of malware will rise, too. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to steal information and money. So you need to review your privacy settings frequently, be careful of what apps you install, and never “friend” someone you don’t know.
Consider getting extra protection. There are a growing number of tools available to help you monitor and protect your identity as well as restore your name and credit, should your identity get stolen. For example, Mobile Rhino is a specialty insurance program that not only insures your device, but also offers an Identity Monitoring Service that alerts you of any changes that could indicate someone else is using your information.
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BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Repair enlarged screw holes with a wooden golf tee. Use a hack saw to saw it flush, sand and finish!
* Punch holes in paint can rims with a nail so the paint that gets sloshed on the rim will drain back into the can. To seal the can, wipe the rim with a damp cloth, and rub it with a little petroleum jelly and cover with a piece of plastic wrap and tap the lid back into place.
* While boating or fishing, tape small blocks of Styrofoam to your eyeglass arms so they will float if they go overboard. -- R.D. in Florida
COUCH with electric footrest – both sides. Light gray. Heavy. Pick up, Manchester. 585-831-6040
WOODEN BED LOFT, twin. Good condition. Great for creating floor space in a small bedroom. mlsheahan1234@gmail.com
21’ ABOVE GROUND POOL still in use. Grandkids outgrew it. You remove. mikebaker77@gmail.com
N-SCALE RAILROAD. Runs, partially complete, 28” x 80” (closet door), with foldable legs, many accessories inc. Henrietta. 860-912-6996
PATRIOT 10 HP CHIPPER/SHREDDER and STIHL MS280 CHAINSAW. Good condition but may need tune-ups. Naples area. Please leave message. 585-554-6809
LENTEN ROSE & SPIREA bush seedlings. ROSE OF SHARON bush seedlings & up to a ft. awallace152@yahoo.com
NEBULIZER with new tubing. Used but clean and like new! Call or text 585-705-2259
WeatherTech, black front FLOOR MATS for a 2021 Ford F-150. Well used, in good condition. Elba/Oakfield area. clkendall57@yahoo.com
Magnavox 30” LCD flat screen HDTV w/remote. Not a Smart TV. You pick up, Canandaigua. 585-905-0109, leave message. CRIB w/MATTRESS and SAFE TENT. Very good condition. Farmington. 315-939-3334
HAVAHART SQUIRREL CAGE, over-the-door SHOE RACK for eighteen pairs and a VINTAGE HARDBACK SUITCASE. Clifton Springs. drth55@gmail.com
PLANTS – Black Eyed Susans, Violets, Forget-Me-Nots, Lambs Ear, and Lemon Drops. 585-374-2395
ABOVE GROUND POOL, 52” H x 24’ Dia. You dismantle and remove. Henrietta. 585-953-5082
RETURNABLE CANS/BOTTLES. Not clean, found at estate property. At least six, 55gal bags full. Must take all. insomnia114487@yahoo.com
CANNING JARS - Quarts and Pints. 585-391-3232
KITCHEN CABINETS, base and upper. In great condition, oak color. Remarkllib@aol.com
Used SLIDE for home playground equipment. Over 8 ft. 585-309-7333
DOG RAMP/STEP, iPAD and any HANDHELD GAME SYSTEMS with games. 585-415-8513
WHITE BIRCH BRANCHES, preferably 5-10’ length. Text 585-764-9769
Does anyone have an overabundance of ZUCCHINI they would like to share? stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
4’ FLORESCENTS w/TUBES. Canandaigua. 585-657-6103
COMIC BOOKS, any & all. Avid collector. Will pick up any amount & condition. Call/text 585-260-0437
Disabled vet w/bad knees would like a RIDING MOWER in good working condition to supplement his income. 471-4424 or 531-4004
FLEECE FABRIC for pet beds. No use for your stash? I will take it for shelter blankets. Minimum half yard. ejohn2908@frontiernet.net
DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD and CAT LITTER. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
ROLL-A-WAY BED for a disabled vet. 585-944-0558
Looking for TOOLBOX for garage. Doesn’t have to be pretty... just work. 585-447-0201
New to amateur radio. Looking for HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT that I can start with in this hobby. 607-936-3137
MODELS - Built or Unbuilt, Automotive, Military, Aviation, Ships, etc. Parts and pieces ok. Collector looking for projects, restore. 585-314-6989
OLD ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, old radios, transistor radios, microphones, speakers, meters, turntables, video games, 1970s computers. 585-538-9341
CPAP MACHINE, for sleep apnea/COPD. speetski@yahoo.com
Seeking a DIRT BIKE or ATV, gas powered, running or not for father/son project. Please text or call Matt 315-576-1278
KITCHEN TABLE. 585-236-0426
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Vacation locally. Another way to help the planet when spending time outdoors this summer is to vacation locally. People who vacation close to home typically do not fly, and that’s a significant benefit to the planet. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change notes that aviation emissions release black carbon, nitrous oxide and sulphur oxide, which contribute to the greenhouse gas effect. And while the EIA notes that automobiles and airplanes produce relatively similar amounts of carbon dioxide per gallon, airplanes burn considerably more fuel than cars, thanks in large part to the considerable amount of fuel planes burn on the runway. By vacationing locally, outdoor enthusiasts can reduce their reliance on airplanes, thereby reducing the effects those airplanes have on the environment.
Scott Joplin (c. 1868-1917): Born into a musical family that included his mother, a singer and banjo player, and his father, a violist, Scott Joplin grew up in Texarkana, learning to play the guitar and later the piano at a very young age. By the time Joplin was a teenager, he was working as a traveling musician and eventually became the foremost composer of ragtime jazz. Biography.com notes that Joplin was a true student of music, studying at the George R. Smith College for Negroes in Missouri during the 1890s. Though one of history’s most celebrated jazz musicians, Joplin also composed ballets and operas.
Mitch destroyed thousands of homes and predominantly affected Nicaragua and Honduras. It is the second deadliest hurricane on record.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
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Cell: 507-7591 Fully Insured
15, Conesus, NY 14435
Try evaporated milk. Heavy cream can add five grams of fat and 50 calories in just one tablespoon. In lieu of heavy cream, opt for fat-free evaporated milk in soups and other recipes that call for cream. Evaporated milk provides the creaminess of dairy without the excessive calories.
Top off meals. Fruit salads, oatmeal or even a baked potato can be enhanced with low-fat yogurt instead of other fat-heavy or sugary toppings like whipped or sour creams.
• General Production: $19/hour
• Maintenance Technician (10-hour Evening & Overnight): $25.50-$35.50/hour
• Maintenance Supervisor: $81,760 to $114,464
• Human Resources Manager - $81,800 to $114,500
• Maintenance Manager - $93,206 - $130,489
Watermelons provide cooling, juicy refreshment during the warm days of summer. But while they’re most associated with summer, watermelons can typically be found in grocery stores yearround. Watermelons are members of the cucurbitaceae family, which includes other gourds, such as pumpkin, squash and cucumber. Watermelons can be considered a fruit or a vegetable. In some areas of the world, watermelons are considered a fruit used primarily in snacks and desserts. In Russia, watermelon rind is pickled, while some Asian countries stir-fry or stew watermelons. To quench one’s curiosity about watermelons, the following are six facts about this beloved food, courtesy of The Watermelon Board.
1. Washing watermelons before cutting into them will help prevent the transfer of any dirt or bacteria into the fleshy center.
2. An average 15- to 20-pound watermelon offers 90 6-ounce servings.
DID YOU KNOW? A landmark study conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom discovered a notable link between low to moderate alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk. According to the Million Women Study, every 10 grams (roughly 0.35 ounces) of alcohol a woman consumed per day was associated with a 12 percent increase in her risk for breast cancer. The Million Women Study focused on various areas of women’s health but included 28,000 women who had breast cancer. In addition, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes that more than 100 epidemiologic studies have examined a potential association between alcohol consumption and the risk for breast cancer, consistently finding that risk for the disease increases as alcohol intake increases.
3. Watermelons grow in warm climates and are harvested from Florida to Guatemala. Residents of the United States who want to enjoy domestically grown watermelons should look for them in June, July and August.
4. Seedless watermelons contain small, white “seeds.” These are actually seed coats that didn’t fully form. Crossing watermelons that are a diploid plant (having two sets of chromosomes) with a tetraploid plant (having four sets of chromosomes) will form a fruit with a triploid seed three sets of chromosomes). It’s the triploid that produces seedless watermelons.
5. Whole watermelons do not necessarily need to be refrigerated. But once cut, any remaining pieces should be refrigerated.
6. Watermelons are 92 percent water, and they’re the perfect carrying case for beverages. Early explorers even used watermelons as canteens.
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Current Job Openings Genesee Country Christian School Business Manager (Full-time or part-time)
Qualifications: Proficiency in Microso Office and Google Workspace. Candidates must have strong communication skills. Marketing background and knowledge of QuickBooks a plus.
Interested candidates please send letter of interest and resume to: Genesee Country Christian School 4120 Long Point Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454
Attn: Kelly Smith or email: Office@geneseecountrychristian.org
Please call (585) 243-9580 with any questions or for more information.
Baker and Baker Trucking is looking for FULL-TIME
Local routes, home every night
Paid health insurance
Paid sick days
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Looking for a full-time Dental Hygienist for our growing practice in Geneseo.
Send resume to: geneseo@roligo-dental.com Or call: 585-243-2320
Keywords, phrasing, formatting, and having the right skills for the job can ensure a résume is seen by a recruiter, and perhaps even lead to a new career.
We are a small manufacturer of proprietary and custom packaging equipment with an internal machining job shop in Bergen, NY, looking to add to our
Our current need is for candidates with Vertical CNC Machining Skills, to be able to run limited quantities of precision machined parts, and who will also be involved with System Component Assembly and TestOut Processes, as well as assisting with Equipment Design & Development
New and later model, modern CNC equipment will be provided.
Opportunities for full and part-time employment available. New tech school graduate, or semi-retired machinists would certainly be considered. Competitive wages paid, with health insurance.
Please respond via email to: Support@adtechgraphicservice.com or call for an interview at: 585-494-0476….or fax inquiry to 585-494-1233.
For a busy independent repair facility in the Geneseo area.
• 2+ years experience in the automotive field working with domestic, import & light trucks
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Pay and benefits are based on experience. Stop in for full job description, to get an application or to drop off a resume.
4561 Morgan View Road, Geneseo, NY 14454 • mras1automotive@gmail.com
LICENSED VETERINARY TECHNICIAN – FT or PT for our busy Perry Pet – Livonia Center office. New grad or experienced applicants considered. Successful applicant is self-motivated, with excellent communication skills and thorough attention to detail. Some weekend hours. You will work with compassionate team members to deliver outstanding patient care. Salary commensurate with experience and excellent benefits. Please e-mail resumes to ehall2@perryvet.com No phone calls please.
Full-time position: Primarily Monday-Friday, 8-hour shifts
Excellent Benefit Package.
A nursing opportunity to become part of a diverse and multidisciplinary radiation oncology team. A broader prospect to be a patients’ advocate, educator, and care-coordinator. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: patient assessment and care, patient education, care coordination, telephone triage, and collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. Must possess a positive attitude, flexibility, excellent assessment/critical thinking skills, strong interpersonal communication skills, and autonomous decision-making skills. Recent acute and/or oncology experience preferred.
To apply please visit www.rochester.edu/people/nursing and reference posting #252628
Questions call (585) 275-3478 – Nursing Recruitment Office
EOE Minorities/Females/Protected Veterans/Disabled
Matthews Buses, Inc., one of the nation’s largest school bus dealers in the United States, has an opening for a Sales Administrator at our Avon, NY location. e position serves as a key operational and administrative liaison in the sales department, providing our sales team with administrative and strategic support. is position requires a highly motivated self-starter with excellent organizational skills. Should be results-oriented and able to thrive in a fast-paced environment. e position requires exceptionally strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and technical savvy with a high level of expertise with Microso Office Products and Google Drive
• Maintaining pricing catalogs and quoting so ware
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Job Requirements
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• Strong interpersonal skills and attention to detail
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Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com
Honeoye Central School has openings and is seeking to hire
Preference will be given to candidates with experience. Willing to train qualified and serious applicants. Full-time employment starting rate of pay is $16.07/hour, pay differential for night shi work, includes health and dental insurance, paid holidays, and paid vacation time.
Serious inquiries only.
Please complete the application on the Ontario County Civil Service Employment Portal.
Contact Jennifer Green at 585-229-4125 or Jennifer.green@honeoye.org with any questions.
Aldon Corporation
Barilla America
Bristol ID Technologies Career Start Catholic Charities Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation Coast Professionals
Conesus Lake Nursing Home Department of Corrections
Howard Hanna Kra Heinz
Liberty Balloon Company Livingston Associates
Markin Tubing LP National Guard
NYS Dept. of Civil Service
Employers, are you interested in participating in future, monthly, free, job fair events?
Contact Workforce Development at 585.243.7047 or jjaeger@co.livingston.ny.us
Plan B Express Transit
Sabin Metal Corporation
Sheriff Dept. / 911 Dispatch
Tenco Industries
Western New York Crop Management
For an updated list of employers and job openings visit: www.livingstoncountyny.
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