your tomatoes, pruning off branches might be something you will want to do.
You could try an experiment in your garden to see for yourself what happens with and without pruning. Just a side, at the beginning, if you root some of the suckers, you could get a few more plants that will produce tomatoes for you before frost kills them.
Master Gardener Edward Beary
www.wnyblues.org NEW
Camping VISIT
• Keep a cleanup bin handy. Put an empty basket in a central location, using it to gather stray items scattered around main living areas. Once everything has been collected, items can be returned to their rightful place.
• Make the bed. One of the easiest ways to keep a room looking neat is to make the bed each day. Store clean linens in a pillow case so the entire set is together and ready to go.
• Purge closets and cabinets. There’s no point allowing old, stained or damaged items to take up space. Set aside days to clear expired medication from the bathroom cabinet, discard ripped or ill-fitting clothing from the closet, or to dispose of broken toys in a nursery.
• Write things down. Tasks seem more manageable when they are written down in black-and-white and can be crossed off as completed. Writing things down also helps make the mind feel more organized.
• Exercise caution before buying. Don’t buy more than you need; otherwise, you’ll have to find space for extra items. Also, keep inventory of food and supplies in the house so you’re not unwittingly buying duplicates.
• Sort mail and paperwork. Establish different categories for papers so they can be sorted and discarded as needed. These may include bills, invitations, school papers, and junk mail. Reduce paper clutter by opting for digital correspondence when possible.
• Make one repair at a time. Tackle that source of stress by focusing on one repair and seeing it through to completion.
Dog’s Food Guarding Aggression Is Getting Worse
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted an energetic, bouncy little Terrier mix a few months ago from a friend who had found him abandoned and wandering near his farm. Eddie is around 1 year old, and according to the vet he was likely abused or in a puppy mill situation. He’s now caught up on his shots, neutered, has put on weight and is pretty happy. However, he is an absolute terror if anyone, including me, approaches him while he’s eating. He snarls and snaps. And he’s gotten worse. He even nipped my hand once, and ran o in fear when I yelled. How can I stop this behavior? -- Jack H. in Newton, Massachusetts
In the short term, you’ll need to make sure Eddie won’t bite you or anyone else. Feed him in a location away from foot tra c and other pets. If you use a kennel cage, you can feed him in the cage. Feed him at consistent times each day. Don’t let anyone else attempt to feed him, even with treats.
e ASPCA has a helpful article with training exercises to start helping Eddie relax when you’re near him during feeding time. Find it here: www.aspca.org/ pet-care/dog-care/common-dog-behavior-issues/food-guarding
However, they also recommend working with a trainer. Resolving a resource guarding behavior can be tricky, but the long-term bene t is a happy, healthy companion.
your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Expert Bat Proofing & Removal
Serving Western New York
What’s the best way to start a day?
• With a cold beer
• With a cup of coffee
• With a nice warm shower
• With the snooze button
Poll ends 08-29-2023
Poll ended 08-22-2023
If animals could talk, which species would you want to communicate with?
27.3% Birds
59.1% Dogs
9.1% Giraffes
4.5% Monkeys
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Trimming • Take Down
Brush Chipper
Stump Grinding
Reasonable Rates
Free Estimates • Insured
Office - 538-2745
Cell - 585-259-5117
Silver: Apex Auto Collision • Block, Longo, La Marca & Brzezinski, P.C.
Copy Town Enterprise • Fugle’s, Inc. • Springwater Amish Workshop
Auble Family
Briggs Tire Service Inc.
Clar's Collision
Canandaigua National Bank
Commercial Automotive
Community Bank, N.A.
D.G. Marshall, Inc.
Donna Jopson and Karen Wheaton
Dougherty Funeral Home
Genesee Lumber of Lakeville
Hemlock Hills Alpaca Farm
Honeoye Auto Parts
Jerry and Janet Elman
Jim and Sue Slocum
Kulzer Family
Lake Life Accessories
Liberty Tax Service
Livonia Pharmacy
Margaret Graf Linsner, Attorney
Moyle Chevrolet
Mudd-N-Mutts Pet Grooming
Nails on Commercial
NAPA Auto/Livonia and Honeoye Falls
Old Fort Farm
Marie Peterson
Sugar Daddy’s Trucking LLC
Sykes Family
Tawn Feeney
Tangles Hair & Tanning
Tee & Gee Bar and Grill
e Diesel Shop LLC
Wanda’s Family Restaurant
Wester’s Country Store
West’s Shur ne
Bald Hill Automotive, Beachcomber Designs, Birdhouse Brewing Company, Bonnie and Greg Young, Copy Town Enterprise, Dave's Towing Service, Dyer Straights, Enchanted Crystal Gi Shop, Haute Hair & Nail Design, Julies's Floral & Gi s, Jamie Wrobel-Consultant, Pampered Chef, Lake BBQ, Lakeville Liquor, Lisa's Phase ll Hair and Nail Design, Little Lake Brewing, Noble Shepherd Cra Brewery, Papa Joe's Pizzeria, Pete's Auto, Rick Praino, Ryan's Wine and Spirits, Simply Positive, Twisters Ice Cream, Valley Inn at Honeoye Lake, Vincenzo's Pizzeria, Ward's Lumber, Whimsical Lady Gi Shop, Wizard of Clay, Young Sommer Winery
Mark your calendars for next year - tentatively planned for Saturday, August 10th, 2024
ext. 19 - Kim McDowell, by noon on Thursday before Dump Days for pickup service. All pick-up items need to be at the curb or end of driveway by 7am Friday before Dump Day.
The Town of Avon reserves the right to restrict or refuse patrons due to misuse. Avon Town Office 226-2425 ext. 19
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org
Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3
Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311
Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. (Oct.-May) 9-noon
Livonia Public Library
2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-3
Wadsworth Library
24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
We willbeclosingat3:00PMon Friday9/1forscheduledmaintenanceandalsoonMonday9/4 forLaborDay.RegularhoursresumeonTues9/5.Haveahappy holidayweekend!
TheFriendsoftheLimaPublicLibraryarealsocontinuingtohost GameNights.Seeourwebsitefor confirmeddates.
Thursday9/217PMatLimaTown Hall,2ndFloorAuditorium-Lima HistoricalSociety&LimaPublicLibraryCollaboration:Pathwayof Resistance:TheErieCanalandthe UndergroundRailroad
Thursday9/286:30PMROCthe Eclipse2024-JamesPorter,NASA Ambassador-Learnallabout eclipsestogetreadyforthe2024 totaleclipse!
Didyouknowwehaveonline authortalkswithnationalbestsellingauthors?Visitlibraryc.org/ limaformoreinfo.
Ifyouwantthemostupdatedinformation,pleasefeelfreetovisit ourwebsitelima.owwl.orgorfind usonFacebook(LimaPublicLibrary -NY).
WADSWORTHLIBRARY: Wadsworth LibraryBookChat
Monday,September11at6:30pm Joinusforbookclubatthelibrary! MeetingsareheldthesecondMondayofthemonth.Thebookwewill bediscussinginSeptemberis
TwentyYearsLaterbyCharlieDonlea.Registrationisrequired.Sign upatwadslib.com/calendar/ OperationSAVE:AnIntroductionto SuicidePrevention
Thursday,September28at10:30 am
JoinAshleySmith,community engagementandpartnerships coordinatorfromtheCanandaigua VAwillpresentthisworkshop. Learnhowtosavealife,getan overviewofVeteransuicidedata, identifysignsofamentalhealth crisis,howtousetheSAVEmodel torespondtosomeoneincrisis, andhowtoreduceriskofself harm.Thisprogramissupportedby theLivingstonCountySuicide PreventionTaskForceandtheVA FingerLakesHealthcareSystem. ThelibrarywillbeclosedMonday, September4inobservanceofLaborDay.
LIVONIAPUBLICLIBRARY: The LivoniaPublicLibrarywillbe closedMonday,September4thin observanceoftheLaborDayholiday.ThelibrarywillreopenTuesday,September5that10am. FriendsoftheLivoniaPublicLibrary BookSale.SaturdaySeptember9, 10am-3pminthePattersonRoom; duringAutumnintheVillageFestival.$5/bag.Bagwillbeprovided. AllGenres,bigselection!
ToddlerStoryTimeEveryMonday (09/11;09/18;09/25)10:30am 11:00am
ToddlerStoryTime(bestfor0-3 yearolds,butallageswelcome) withMs.McKenzie!
PreschoolStoryTimeEvery Thursday(09/07;09/14;09/21; 09/28)10:30am11:00am
PreschoolStoryTime(bestfor3-5 yearolds,butallageswelcome) withMs.McKenzie!
CreationStationWednesday, September13th6:30pm
SpaghettiTowerChallenge:Use spaghettiandmarshmallowsto buildthebiggest,strongesttower youcan!Opento2nd-4thgraders, registrationrequired.Adultsare askedtostayonsiteduringprogramming.
TheAvonFoodPantry is opento clientshopping.Pleasebringyour ownreusablebags.Tuesdays11-2 PMandThursdays3-5PM.Located at:108ProspectStreet,Avon. Emergencydeliveriesarestill availablebycalling358-1671.
BetterHealth&FriendshipCome joinusTuesdays2pmfor ”TAKEOFFPOUNDSSENSIBLY”. WemeetattheUnitedMethodist Church,130GeneseeSt.,Avon. Whatdoyouhavetolose?!?!
MonthlyPancakeBreakfastHeld thefirstSundayofthemonth (SEPTEMBER3)from8-11amatthe AvonVeteransHall,5480AvonEastAvonRd.,Avon.Cost:$10.All welcome.HostedbyAmericanLegionPost294.
RummageSale! First Presbyterian ChurchofEastAvon(5605East AvonLimaRoad,Avon).September 15th&16th.Friday9-2pmand Saturday9-2pmwithBagSale 12:15-2pm.
Formoreinformationcall: TownHall(585)346-3710orvisit:www.livoniany.org
MUMSALEtoBenefit:Humane Society ofLivingstonCountyHUGEpotsofChrysanthemums, $13perpotor2for$25.Orderby August28.Deliveryaround September1.Toplaceanorder, call585-234-2828extension6. Won’tyouhelpthecatsandkittens ofLivingstonCounty?Wearenotfor-profit,totallyvolunteer,andrely uponyou,ourneighbors,tocontinueourwork.Wewillcallyoufor pickupordelivery.HSLC,Box233, 5GeneseeSt.,Avon,NY14414.
FridayNightFoodTruckRodeo Batavia! August25th! Thefifth ofsixFridayNightFoodTruckRodeoisscheduledforFriday,August 25thattheGeneseeCountyFairgroundsinBatavia.FoodTrucks fromalloverWesternNewYork willbereadytoserveyoufrom4 PMuntil8PMorsoldout.Thisisa freeadmission,freeparking,cash onlyevent.StopinsayHiandgrab abitetoeat.FridayNightFood TruckRodeoissponsoredbyGeneseeCountyAgriculturalSociety, Inc.
Week ofAugust28-September1
Tuesday,8/29:Meatloafw/Gravy, GarlicMashedPotatoes,Mixed Vegetables,WheatBreadSlice,AppleSauce,CranberryJuice.
Wednesday,8/30:ChickenCaesar Salad,TomatoCucumberSalad, CarrotRaisinSalad,WheatBread Slice,Peach,GrapeJuice.
Thursday,8/31:Egg&Cheese Bake,Peppers&Onions,Spinach, WheatBreadSlice,Grapes,Orange Juice,OatmealRaisinCookie.
Friday,9/1:GarlicHerbPorkLoin, RoastedPotatoes,BrusselsSprouts, Cauliflower,WheatRoll,PearCrisp. (585)226-6353
Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundations -FALLARTS, CRAFT,VENDORS&RAFFLEFAIR! JoinusonSunday,October8,2023 from10am-4pmattheBatavia Downs&Casino,Batavia.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
FarmAidFundraiser- Come out toourFarmAidfundraiseronAugust26thfrom11-3pm!Helpsupportourlocalfarmersandspread theword.FarmAidcelebratesand strengthensfarmers,advocatesfor fairfarmpolicies,connectsfarmers andeaters,andbringsfamilyfarm foodtoeveryone.50/50raffle-ticketsarebeingsoldnow!Different YardGames,SilentAuction,Yard Sale.Foodavailable.GPSLocationWhite’sFarmMarket,2180NY-64 North,Bloomfield.
TheSethGreen,CaledoniaFish Hatchery will remainupthrough theendofAugustattheBig SpringsMuseum,3095MainSt., Caledonia.Info.:585-538-9880. Hours1pm-4pmSundays,9am12pmMondaysorbyappointment.
UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
MoonlightStrolls- Music inthe moonlitgardensofSonnenberg. Greatforthewholefamily!Seeour websiteforalistofmusicalguests. HeldFridays,throughSeptember 1stfrom8pm-10pmatSonnenberg Gardens&MansionStateHistoric Park,250GibsonSt.,Canandaigua. https://www.sonnenberg.org/ events/
Breakfast- Conlon Mulvaney AmericanLegion,6317Marshall Road,Conesus.Heldthe4thSundayofthemonth,August27th, from8am-11am.Thankyouforthe greatsupport!
ChickenBBQ - ConlonMulvaney AmericanLegion,6317Marshall Road,Conesus.HeldSaturday, September9thwithaDJfrom1pm till.Priceis$12.
VeteranPlus1-Photography Group FieldTrip: September6, 10am.ThismonthwewillbevisitingStonyBrookStatePark,10820 NY-36inDansville,toputourskills tothetest.VeteransPlus1cansign uptojoinusasweenjoynature andcontinuetodevelopour photographyskillswithourprofessionalphotographertohelpyou learnanddevelopyourcraft.RSVP required,visitwww.livcovets.com tosignup.We’llseeyouthere.
ConesusLakeRidersMotorcycle Club -AllYouCanEatBreakfast: Helduntilfurthernoticethe2nd and4thSundayofeverymonthat theConesusLakeRidersMotorcycleClub,6199LibertyPoleRd.in Dansvillefrom9am-12noon.We supportCampGoodDays,Teresa House,WoundedWarriors, Christmasmealsandmanymore. AnyquestionscallJohnHynesat 585-314-1244.
VeteranOnly-WarriorWednesday Dinner: Veterans,comejoin usonthefirstWednesdaysevery monthforourWarriorWednesday Dinner.Thismonth(September6) wewilldineatScovill’sGrill,60Red JacketStreetinDansville.RSVPis required,visitwww.livcovets.com tosignup.Wewillreachoutand confirmyourrequestforareservation.Wehopetoseeyouthere.
ArcGLOW’s2023FRIENDS& FAMILY 5K -September16thin Elba!Register/paybySeptember7 tobeguaranteeda2023Friends& Family5Kt-shirt!PostPartyincludes:MUSIC!FOOD!KIDS’ ACTIVITIES!FUN!Alsofeaturing “TASTEOFTHECOUNTRY!”
Check-inbeginsat8:45amon September16th.The5KandFun Walkbeginat10am!PreregistrationPrice:$205Kand$15-Fun Walk.LOCATION:ArcDayHabilitationCenter,4603BarrvilleRd., Elba.Sponsorship/registration checksmaybemadepayableto Friends&Family5K/Arc.Sendregistrationandsponsorshipinformationto:Friends&Family5K/Arc,64 WalnutSt.,Batavia,NY14020. Questions?SandyKonfederath, 585-343-1123ext.1715, skonfederath@arcglow.org
Hike&ExploreItalyValley Sunday August27from4-6PMwith SpringwaterTrails,followedbya socialget-togetheratthe MiddletownTaverninNaples.For additionalinfo/directions/updates visitthewebsite:springwatertrails. org
GeneseoYAH- Sunday, September10.Dessertmeeting(refreshmentsprovided);1:30p.m.at theGeneseoUnitedMethodist Church;program:WarsawBarbershoppers.
Panic/AnxietySupportGroup -
A supportgroupforthose strugglingwithPanic/AnxietyDisordermeetsattheGeneseoUnited MethodistChurch,4520Genesee Street(Route63),Geneseo.MeetingsareheldonthefirstFridayof eachmonth1-2:30PMinRoom3. Allageswelcome.Thefocusofthe supportandencouragementinthe groupisdevelopingcopingskills basedoncognitivebehavioraltherapy.Incorporatedwillbethe teachingsofDr.ClaireWeekes.The groupstudiesDr.Weekes’book HopeandHelpforyourNervesand appliesthetechniquessheoutlines. Wearenotdoctors,wearejust folksthatcometogethertoshare copingskillsbasedonlifeexperiences.
Veteran &FamilyPicnic -Hello WNYVeterans,theVeteransOneStopCenterofWNYishavinga Veteran&FamilyPicnicattheNationalWarplaneMuseumin Geneseoon2Sep23from1-6pm forallofourtwelve(12)County coveragearea(Erie,Niagara,Orleans,Genesee,Cattaraugus, Chautauqua,Alleghany,Livingston, Ontario,Steuben,Wyoming,and Yatescounties).Pleasecomeout andjoinusforadayoffun,games, foodandmusic.Pre-registrationis requiredby29August2023toget admittance.Freemeal,raffles, games,andcraftsforthewhole family.Wehopetoseeyouthere!
AnnualFallFestival at Pleasant ValleyBaptistChurch.September 2,1-4pm,PleasantValleyBaptist Church,4631LakevilleRdin Geneseo.PonyRides.PettingZoo. Candy.FacePainting.Games.Bible Story.BounceHouse.FunCrafts. SnoCones.Food.Drinks.Popcorn. AndMore!EverythingisFREE! ClothesClosetwillbeopen.Anyoneiswelcome!
AtticTreasuresSale - OnSaturday,August26,10-3pmcome shoponthegroundsoftheLivingstonCountyMuseumat30Center StreetinGeneseoforvintageand qualityitems.Proceedssupportthe LivingstonCountyHistoricalSociety.
HemlockFiberCircle- Join uson Thursdays1:00pmatLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.Hemlock,wherewewillgather toworkonourhandiworkprojects. Knitters,Crocheters,NeedleFelters, comeandfindinspiration!Getunstuckwhenyourunintotrouble. Bringyourprojects,nomatterthe type.Ourgoalistohaveafun groupthatmeetstoshareour knowledgeandloveoffiber.Starts ThursdayJune29th.
Provides disaster services, supports military families, preparedness services and youth services.
1950’sThemedRollerSkating Party at theLittleLakesCommunityCenter,4705S.MainSt.Hemlock,onSeptember8thfrom6:008:00pm.Lotsoffiftiesmusicanda twentyfivedollarmoviecertificate forthetheaterinGeneseogivento thepersonwhocomesdressedin themostauthentic50’srollerskatingattire.Costis$7.50ppand refreshmentswillbeavailableto purchase.Payatthedoor.You cannotwearyourownskates.Childrenunderthirteenmustbe accompaniedbyanadult.Ifthat adultisnotskatingtheydonot pay.
LittleLakesFarmersMarketLittle LakesFarmer’sMarketevery Saturdayfrom10:00am-1:00pm atLittleLakesCommunityCenter, 4705S.MainSt.Hemlock.Local farmers,gardeners,artisans,and othervendors.Locallygrown produce/products,somethingnew everyweek.Stopinandcheckus out!
OracleandTarotCardsWorkshop: Join TheCircleonSeptember 7thandlearnaboutOracleand TarotCardswithJessicaRomera, noexperienceneeded.September 7thfrom7-9pmatLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.Hemlock,2ndfloor,room26. FormoreinformationgotoThe CircleFacebookpageoremail enchantedmindbodysoul@gmail. com.
SummerHealingCampaign: Have youeverdoubtedthatGod wantsyouhealed?Ifyou’reready tocastasidedoubtandgrabhold ofwhatJesushasalreadyprovided foryou,thenjoinusAugust2527th,SupernaturalCommunity Church,1400LehighStationRd.in Henrietta!ExperienceGod’shealingpowerthroughthisconference. Weexpecttherewillbeboldness fortheministertohealthesick. Don’tmissthisopportunitytowitnessmiracles,deepenyourunderstandingofthebiblicaltruthabout healing,andbeempoweredto walkinsupernaturalhealth.We’re waitingtoreceiveyou!Registerfor thismeetingat: Summerhealingcampaign.org
Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge WEDNESDAYS, July12thSeptember27thfrom2-6PM.OPEN tothepublicatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020.
TheHoneoyeFalls-Mendon Historical Society willpresenta programbyPrestonPierceentitled “APeanutofaLine.Thestoryof theCanandaigua&NiagaraFalls Railroad,LatertheBataviaBranch oftheNewYorkCentralRailroad.” TheCanandaigua&Bataviaran throughHoneoyeFallsandwas referredtoasThePeanutLine.Held September7,7:30-9pm,TheMendonCommunityCenter,167North MainStreet,HoneoyeFalls.http:// hf-mhistorical.org
25thAnniversaryIoniaFallFestival, Saturday, September16th,all daylong,celebratingouragriculturalheritage,ontheIoniaUnited MethodistChurchgrounds,2120 EltonRd.TractorParadebegins 1PM,butyoucanlookatthe tractor&implementdisplaysbehindthechurchalldaylong.Food available:Coffee&Donuts7:309:30AM;ChowHutserveshot dogs,burgersandmore10AM4:30PM;ChickenBBQ11:30AMtil soldout.Cake&DessertWheel; CoinToss;DoorPrizes,Hayridesto theWolkObservatory;Children’s Games&Crafts;Historical&other Displays&Demonstrations;& more!Information:www.ioniaumc. org.Tractorparade:JohnBennett 585-657-6245.Vendorbooth: MarnaEvans585-624-4993.
TrevorIrbyMemorialFund Drive ThruChickenBBQ: The fundsupportslocalstudentsinextracurricularactivities.TheBBQwill behostedattheparkinglotacross fromtheRemaxBuilding,20A, LakevilleonSeptember1,2023. Ticketsare$13.00.TheBBQwillbe at4pmandwillendwhenwesell out!!!Forpre-saletickets,call Monicaat5854650934after 8/22/23.PreSaledinnersMUSTbe pickedupby5:00pmthedayofthe BBQ!!Thankyouforsupportinga greatcause!!Cash,checkand Venmoaccepted.PRE-SALEtickets arestronglysuggestedasthisevent alwayssellsout!ChickenbyPaul Teed!!
LimaVolunteerFireDepartment - $14,000CashRaffle! Saturday, DECEMBER9.Tickets$20each. Only1500TicketsAvailable!15 Winners!1stPrize$9800,2ndPrize $1500,3rdPrize$1200,4thPrize $250,5thPrize$250,6th-15th Prize$100each.Allticketseligible foreveryprize.Ticketsavailable fromanyLimaFireDept.member oronlineatwww.limafd.com. Venmo@limafiredept.Drawingon Saturday,December9,2023.Must be18oroldertopurchasetickets. Taxesaretheresponsibilityofthe winner.Iffewerthan1500tickets aresoldbyDecember9,2023prize moneywillbeproportionally adjusted.Thankyoutotheorganizationsandbusinessesthat supportourfundraisingefforts!
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,September13,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia ThriftShoppe ispleased toofferallfurnitureat50%OFF throughAugust31st!!!!Also,to makeroomforwinterclothing,all clothingattheThriftShoppewillbe FREEonthefollowingdates:August31,September1stand2nd andSeptember7th-9th.TheThrift Shoppeislocatedatthecornerof SpringandChurchStreetsin Livonia,NY.ThriftShoppeHours: ThursdayandFriday9am-3pm, Saturday9am-2pm
TheFriendsoftheLivoniaPublic Library BookSale- Saturday, September9from10am-3pmin thePattersonRoom,LivoniaLibrary.Prices:$5/bagonSaturday, September9;bagwillbeprovided. Bagsalecontinuesthefollowing week(September11-16)during regularlibraryhours:$2/bagon Monday&Tuesday,booksareFREE WednesdaythroughSaturday.All genres;bigselection!
MiddlesexHoseCo.RoastBeef Dinners! The nextMiddlesexHose Co.RoastBeefDinnerswillbeon SaturdayAugust26atthe MiddlesexHoseCoFirehall:5537 WaterSt,Middlesex,4-7pm. Adults$15,Children$10(school ageto12),Preschoolfree(take outsexcluded)Dinnermenu:tossed salad,rolls,relishdish,roastbeef, gravy,potatoes,Corn,pie,icedtea, milk,andcoffee.https:// middlesexfire.org/
PancakeBreakfast&OpenTrap Shoot. Youth activitiesincludefree archery&indoorpelletrange.Sunday,September3rd,8am-11amat theMiddlesexConservationClub, 6087SouthHillRoad,Middlesex. http://www. middlesexconservationclub.org/
TourofMountMorrisDam: Walking Toursoffereddaily:(May1 -October25).Reserveticketsat www.Recreation.gov.MondayThursday:2pm.Friday-Saturday: 11amAND2pm.Limitedspace; walk-upticketsnotguaranteed. ValidphotoIDrequiredforparticipation.Reservewww.Recreation. govor877-444-6777.MountMorrisDamandRecreationAreaVisitor Centerisopen10am-4:30pm daily.Location:6103VisitorCenter Rd.,MountMorris,NY.Fordetails call:(585)658-4790.
NaplesHistoricalSociety Cleveland HouseMuseum: The museumisopeneachSaturdayin JulyandAugustfromNoon-4:00. 2023exhibitsincludeCleveland FamilyGenealogy,FromNundawao toNaples:TheEarlyYearsto1850, NaplesMillsofthePast,andBedchamberStenciling.Saturday7/15 specialartistKatieBrockmanwillbe onthegroundsdisplayingher“Eye totheSkyCeramics”.SaturdayAugust5,artistDahliaElizabethWist willshowherartwork.Saturday August12,NaplesTownHistorian, JohnMurphywillanswerquestions. ClevelandHouseMuseum,201 NorthMainStreet,Naples.
EmbraceYourSistersPositively Pink inPittsfordWalk -Sunday, September24th.Thewalkstartsat PittsfordSutherlandHighSchool; registrationbegins9amandthe walkbegins10am.Wearedog friendlytoo!Nofeetoparticipate; however,donationsareappreciatedandifyouraise$30,youwill receiveaneventt-shirt.Thesewill beavailableforpick-upattheregistrationtableonthedayofthe walk.TheEmbraceYourSisters PositivelyPinkinPittsfordWalkis alongtheErieCanal,covering1.8 miles.Ifyouhavebreastcancerand areinneedofemergencyfinancial support,visit:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/financialassistance.Toregisterforourwalk, todonate,orforsponsorshipopportunities:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/2023-ppip.
Disney’sFrozen- Frozen features thesongsyouknowandlovefrom theoriginalOscar-winningfilm, plusanexpandedscorewitha dozennewnumbersbythefilm’s songwriters,OscarwinnerKristen Anderson-LopezandEGOTwinner RobertLopez.DisneyonBroadway performancesarerecommended forageneralaudience.Asanadvisorytoadultswhomightbring youngpeople,Disneyrecommends itsproductionsforages6andup. Allguestsenteringthetheater,regardlessofage,musthaveaticket. HeldOctober3-8,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885EastMainSt., Rochester.https://rbtl.org/events/ frozen/
LeTourneau5thAnnual5KRun/ Walk andFallFestival- Saturday, October28th!Our5Krun/walk registrationopens8AMwiththe racestartingpromptlyat9AM.Fall Festivalactivities10AM-2PM! PulledPorkBBQwillbereadybetween10AM-12:30PMandmaybe pickedupatyourappointedtime, appointmentswillbeassignedas lunchregistrationscomein.Every runnerandwalkerwillreceivea 2023FallFestival5Kshirt,apumpkinforfinishingtherace,waterand snacksaftertherace,andapulled porkBBQmeal.*Pleaseseeour registrationtochoosevirtualorin personraceentryoption.https:// www.letcc.org/fall-5k/
OrganGrindersatthe Transportation museum! Visitors totheNewYorkMuseumof TransportationonSunday,August 27,willdelighttobarrelorgan musicplayedbyseveral“organ grinders”andtheiruniqueinstruments.Trolleyridesandtheorgan grindergatheringareincludedin theadmissionpriceof$10for adults,$9forseniorsage65and up,and$6youthsage3-12. Admissionisfreeforyouthsunder agethree.Noreservationsare needed.TheNewYorkMuseumof Transportationisopen11am-4pm onSundaysandislocatedat6393 EastRiverRoad.Information: 533-1113orhttp://www. nymtmuseum.org.
“MakeAnOffer/Donation Sale” @ theGatheringPlace,Cty Rd.46,SouthDansvilleonAugust 24th&25thfrom9-3pm.SponsoredbySouthDansvilleMethodist Church.
CampStellaMarisCar&Truck Show -September16,10-2pm, PinnacleAthleticCampusLLC, 7600PinnacleDr.,Victor.Vehicle showingwithcarandtrucktrophies.BestinShow,BestCar,Best Truck,Top30,Camper’sPick,VeteranOwned,andFemaleOwned Awards.Preregisteronlineat https://www.campstellamaris.org/ car-show/for$15acar.$25day of.Centrallylocatedrightoffof NYSThruway90.Fullypavedparkinglot.Raffle,SilentAuction, 50/50,andFood.Proceedsbenefit thecampershipfund.Sendakidto camp!
BreakfastBuffet - Sunday September10th.7:30-11:00AM. LimaLegionPost282,2475State Route65,WestBloomfield.$10 Adults;$6Ages8-12;7&under Free.Sausagegravy&biscuits, scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice&coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.
BINGO!! Genesee ValleyHenrietta
Moose,5375WestHenriettaRoad. Phone:359-1937.ElevatorService Available.WearenowSmoking Free!ATMAvailable.Beourguest! Opentothepublic.EveryTuesday at7:30pm.$15-AllyoucanplayJackpotIncluded.NewGames. Smallerpackagesavailable.Queen ofHearts&BonusBallPlayatevery session.Food.Raffles.Surprises! SealCards&PullTabsSold.Must beatleast18yearsoldtoplay. ComingSoon!ELVISBINGOto benefitSt.JudeChildren’sResearch Hospital.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
and costly to update and make changes? If you checked any or all of the above boxes, it’s time you give us a call!
DID YOU KNOW? As more people work remotely, electricians and safety advocates are warning that various missteps may be putting people at unnecessary risk of fire and other unsafe conditions. Electrical equipment is necessary to run home offices just like it is traditional offices. Some people may find they have a shortage of electrical outlets to power their devices, and as a result they may turn to extension cords or power strips. While that may seem like an easy fix, it is easy to inadvertently overload outlets and circuits by connecting more than one power strip or extension cord together in a practice known as “daisy chaining.” According to the U.S. Office of Compliance, using a daisy chain in the workplace violates the National Electrical Code as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s rules. While it may not break code at home, overloading any outlets increases risk for fire. The National Fire Protection Association indicates that more than 45,000 residential fires are started each year due to electrical failure and malfunction. Overload causes products to overheat, and that can spark fires in the power cords themselves or inside the wall where electrical lines are hidden.
Participate in local events: Local events like holiday bazaars and town festivals provide great chances for business owners to communicate directly with new and existing customers. Take advantage of the chance to set up a booth at such events, and make a concerted effort to reach out to consumers who stop by the booth. The customer feedback experts at Apptentive found that 97 percent of consumers are somewhat likely to become more loyal to a company that implements their feedback. Setting up a booth at a bazaar or festival provides a great chance to solicit feedback that businesses can then implement to retain more customers.
My name is Echo and this is my teddy bear I have lots of toys.Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties (GLOW) Lead Coalition working together for safe and healthy communities
HEMLOCK: 7300 AdamsRd. Friday,Saturday,&Sunday AUGUST25,26,27.Tools, Golfclubs,Mini-refrigerator, Bike,coolers,coats,Misc.
AVON:2892Bronson Hill Rd.,9/1 &9/2(9am-5pm)Kitchenitems, furniture,mysterybooks,clothing, shoes,&more
MOUNTMORRIS:-30Stanley Street -LaborDayWeekend 9/2-39am-4pm/Men’s (Med)Clothing,Women’s (Plus)Clothing,Household Goods,Lamps,Glassware, Cookware,BikeRack,Weight BenchandWeights,andMore
DANSVILLE: 1 GreenmountAvenue.9/1&9/2(9-4pm). YARD SALE. Pricedtosell!Exercise DVDs,Teachingmaterials,chairs, manymiscellaneous,items,cigar boxes,tablesaw,muchmore!
GENESEO:33Stuyvesant. Sept 2nd (9am-5pm)MULTIFAMILY SALE.Babyitems,furniture, householditems,women’s clothing,Sportinggoodsand more.
AVONMOVINGSALE: 5128 Lake RdSeptember1st&2nd (9am-4pm)NoEarlyBirds. Furniture,glassware,bakeware, china,householditems
Lic. RE
Keller Williams Realty
11 Megan Dr., Geneseo
Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom includes hot water + 24 hour emergency service, storage & laundry in each bldg. Cat friendly. Cable TV ready, A/C & gas heat.
Convenient Location! Walk to stores, library, etc.
585-360-7742 • ducciarealty@gmail.com www.facebook.com/LakeGlenApartments
RECIPES FOR FUN: If you’re preparing a meal, it could be a good time to teach children of reading age how to review a recipe. Evaluating ingredients to learn how food transforms from raw to cooked or how a dish is created can help kids learn kitchen skills.
FOOD GROUPS FOCUS: Get kids involved in making dinner by setting a rule that each food group must be represented. Give them a warmup activity by asking which food groups are found in family favorites like chicken soup, lasagna or meatloaf. Asking kids to guess which ingredients are used in these dishes and identifying which food group each ingredient belongs to can help them understand dietary balance.
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. When forced to confront sudden and unexpected job losses, millions of individuals learned how to get by on less income. Cost-saving measures adopted during the pandemic can be continued or reimplemented, helping individuals to combat higher energy costs and other rising expenses.
Appointments Required Limited # Of Spots
When: Sat., Sept. 23, 2023
Where: Mt. Morris
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm ONLY*
Open to residents in Genesee, Livingston & Wyoming Counties
Acceptable Materials*
FREE: Monitors and TVs, computers, keyboards, peripherals, microwaves
(Contact the GLOW o ce for a complete list) (NOTHING WITH REFRIGERANT)
*Please do not leave materials at this site before or a er the collection!
No Household Hazardous Waste – Please contact GLOW o ce for information.
TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: online at: www.glowsolidwaste.org
E-mail: glow@co.genesee.ny.us call: 585-815-7906 or 800-836-1154 (for long distance callers)
Sponsored by: GLOW Region Solid Waste
Dogs are a human’s best friend for a reason, so why not celebrate them? These furry friends range in all different shapes, sizes, and breeds. There is a dog out there for everyone! Whether you like big dogs or small dogs, every pup should be celebrated on National Dog Day.
September 13, 1969 Jinkies!
American mystery cartoon “Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!,” produced by Hanna-Barbera, debuts on CBS.
2 3
86% of people tell their dog “I Love You” at least once a month
Happy 3rd Birthday
Feature your birthday girl or boy in our BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS SECTION!
Submit online at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Birthday Celebrations; stop by the office; or mail to: Birthday Celebrations, P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414
Submissions must be received at least 1 week prior to publication date. Your child must be 15 years or younger.
Photo may be submitted by a parent/guardian/grandparent.
Nunda Health Center
Tuesday: 8am-5pm Wednesday: 8am-5pm Thursday: 8am-5pm Mon./Fri./Sat./Sun.: CLOSED
A big thanks to our the Village of Geneseo workers who pick up our lawn bags and tree branches so regularly. They are always neat and careful to get all of the trimmings that we leave by the curb. We appreciate your service.
This past weekend I was at Batavia Downs Gaming, hoping to win some money, yet gained much more in the end! I absent mindedly set my wallet on the stool next to me and eventually Ieft the casino, only to realize I did not have my wallet. A HUGE SHOUT OUT to the great samaritan that turned my wallet in to lost and found, and to Batavia Downs staff, Mary, Maya, and Maggie! When I realized I left it, I called and left a message, Mary tried to call me back three times. When we finally connected, Mary and Maya kindly told me it was locked in the safe. The next morning I went to pick it up, and Mary directed me to Lost & Found where I met Maggie, who pleasantly helped me retrieve my wallet, with some great conversation too! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, my mishap truly turned out to be a blessing in disguise & the best win ever -
Due to COVID, restaurants understandably added outside sidewalk seating. Our village downtown restaurants have done so, and we have enjoyed their service. Unfortunately, some of the tables are too large and have seating that spills out almost to the curb. Pedestrians should not be forced to step down into the street and around parked cars to get past those seated at tables. This is especially difficult for parents pushing strollers, wheelchair users and senior citizens. Restaurant managers, please use smaller tables or push them up against the building, limiting the number of chairs at the tables. This would provide a wider path for pedestrian use.
People! Stop throwing trash out of your car! The amount of garbage in the roads, on the side of highways, and in the grass is pure disrespect and laziness. If you’re picking up fast food, the paper bag and your wrappers do not belong in the road. Your plastic cup that had your soda in it from the convenient store does not belong in the road. Have some respect for the environment. The animals do not deserve to have their habitats polluted because you don’t want the trash in your car. YOUR GARBAGE=YOUR PROBLEM. We should be able to drive around and see the beauty in Rochester, not all the garbage that needs to get picked up. Show some respect. It’s not other people’s job to clean up after your mess. Wait until you get home to throw it out properly. In YOUR own trash can.
Homer Lee Cessna
July 21, 2023
Homer Lee Cessna of Lima, NY passed away peacefully on July 21st. He is predeceased by his wife of almost 67 years, Donna Cessna; brother, Miles (Darlene) and parents, Homer and Mildred (Rearick) Cessna. He is survived by his son’s,Tom Cessna (Lisa), Jim Cessna (Denise), Bill Cessna (Renee); grandchildren, Josh Hastings (Candice), Alisha Creager (Josh), Cody Cessna, Shawn Cessna (Shannon), Dana Cessna, Jessica Shirey (Tom), Dayton Cessna, Christopher Cessna (Gloria), Shane Trautman, Derrick Cessna (Halle), Jerrick Cessna (Jamie); 15 great-grandchildren; brother, Fred Cessna (Fran) and many nieces and nephews.
Homer was born in 1938, in Pennsylvania. He worked and retired from Enarco Machine in Lima. Homer was an avid hunter and shermen.
Homer will be buried with his wife in Pennsylvania in a private ceremony.
A large part of healthy eating involves choosing the right foods. In addition to choosing the right foods, health-conscious individuals must choose the right methods to prepare those foods in order to maximize their nutritional value.
Cooking methods such as frying can make for delicious meals, but such meals may not be so healthy. For example, each tablespoon of oil used when frying can add more than 100 calories to a meal. When counting calories, men and women should recognize that the way they prepare foods can affect the overall calorie count of a meal.
1. MOVIES: In which U.S. state does the movie “Field of Dreams” take place?
2. FOOD & DRINK: What is sauerkraut?
3. ACRONYMS: What phrase does the acronym GPS stand for?
4. GEOGRAPHY: The country of Guyana lies on which continent?
5. TELEVISION: What is the pub where characters in “The Office” gather after work?
6. SCIENCE: How many karats are in pure gold?
7. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the fear represented by autophobia?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: How big is a newborn kangaroo?
9. AD SLOGANS: What product is advertised as “the snack that smiles back”?
10. LITERATURE: Who wrote “The Canterbury Tales”?
© 2023 King Features
What are the symptoms of peripheral nerve injuries? The Mayo Clinic notes that symptoms of peripheral nerve injuries, including pain, range from mild to severe. Severe symptoms can seriously limit individuals’ ability to perform and engage in daily activities. Symptoms differ depending on which nerve fibers are affected. Motor nerves regulate all the muscles under conscious control,helping people to walk,speak and hold objects. Sensory nerves relay information about touch, temperature and pain, while autonomic nerves regulate activities that are not consciously controlled, such as breathing, heart function and digestion. Since these functions are so different, it’s no surprise that injuries to each type of nerve produce different symptoms.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 74-year-old woman who loves to read the newspaper every morning. I have a problem that’s not serious, just annoying. My eyes tear up frequently while I read, causing me to wipe them. After I’m done reading, the problem stops. I see my ophthalmologist every year and have my vision glasses updated as needed. I am not yet a candidate for cataract surgery. Could you enlighten me about a probable cause for this irritating problem? -- A.H.G.
ANSWER: By all means, ask your ophthalmologist at your next visit, but the most common cause I see for watery, tearing eyes are ... dry eyes! This apparent paradox is caused by the fact that your eyes have three different fluids.
One of them, called meibum, is a long-lasting, oily material secreted by the meibomian glands, found around the edges of the eyelids near the eyelashes. This covers the eye and prevents fluid from evaporating quickly. Without this fluid, the lacrimal gland (near the temple above each eye) then has to make a lot of its watery secretions, which cause symptoms of tearing. Most commonly, the meibomian glands get clogged up by secretions becoming dry. Gently cleansing the eyelash area with warm water and baby shampoo helps many people unclog these glands. Artificial tears lubricate the eye and will reduce the symptoms of watery eyes (and maybe some eye irritation, too, which you might not have mentioned).
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
R.L. in Utah writes: “Do onions make you cry? Tip: Cut o root rst. Cut o top second. Remove outer skin and discard the rst outer layer of the onion. Slice/ dice/rings. Works great.” How do you cut your onions, and what helps to keep your eyes from watering? Write to us with your onion tips!
* You may not think to do this o en, but you should: Clean your laptop! Not just the screen or keys, but the exterior as well. Get a micro ber cloth, spritz the cloth (never the machine itself) with a bit of isopropyl alcohol and rub away dirt and grime.
* “Grass stains can be removed from kids’ clothing by rubbing the stains with a bar of Ivory soap. (I keep one just for stains.)” -- M.F. in Washington
As summer ends and families prepare for the upcoming school year, the importance of food pantries becomes even more pronounced. For many households, the transition from summer vacation to school routines can cause additional nancial strain. e costs of school supplies, clothing, and other related expenses can stretch already limited budgets, making it challenging for families to provide an adequate and consistent supply of nutritious meals.
Food pantries during this period serve as a critical resource to ensure that children and their families have access to the sustenance they need to thrive academically and emotionally. By o ering a variety of food options, including nutritious snacks and meals that children can take to school, these pantries play a role in promoting equitable educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their economic circumstances. Food pantries’ support re ects a community’s commitment to upli its members and foster an environment of compassion and solidarity.
In November 2020, the Rush-Henrietta School District unveiled the Kicking Hunger School Food Pantry initiative in conjunction with the Town of Henrietta, RHEA, RH Rotary, RHAA, FISH/RHAFT, Foodlink, and the Kicking Hunger 5k. is pantry helps address individuals’ and families’ food insecurity within district borders, and helps families meet nutritional needs. In this way, the Food Pantry helps contribute to a stronger and more resilient community, in which each individual has the chance to succeed and ourish.
Evolving beyond the backpack program of years past, in which students took home extra food for their families over breaks and summers, the Kicking Hunger School Food Pantry now serves residents with and without school-aged students from their facility within the Good Shepherd building on East Henrietta Rd. ey provide dry foods,
the community for donations during October’s Make a Di erence Day each year, as well as area churches who run donation drives especially around the winter holidays. Coddington says one school runs a Souper Bowl Drive for canned soups and other goods each winter. To sweeten the pot, area organizations make birthday bags of cake mix, frosting, candles, a game, and a decoration to help Food Pantry families celebrate the special days.
Coddington says a few families bring extra food each week a er their weekly grocery shopping trips. All these donations immediately go toward families and individuals, and Coddington says, “Every little bit helps.”
To receive food, visitors must be Rush-Henrietta district residents and ll out an attestation form saying they qualify by receiving other services (SNAP, SSI, Medicaid, etc.) or maintaining a family income less than a certain threshold depending on family size. When visitors come the rst time, volunteers walk them through the process and then bring
Coddington says the pantry is currently well-stocked with school supplies, ready for the new school year, but they welcome donations year-round. Please visit their website at www.rhnet.org/foodpantry for a donation list of needs. At this printing, that includes: rice, tomatoes, hearty soups, canned chicken/tuna, beans, peanut butter, preserves, mac & cheese, pasta, juice, canned fruit and veggies, applesauce, cold cereal, oatmeal, snack bars, and crackers.
Coddington says the food pantry uses its monetary donations toward food but gives away personal care and cleaning products to families whenever they have donations, so they always seek: deodorant, shampoo, diapers, wipes, toilet paper, toothpaste, bar soap, feminine products, laundry detergent, pods, dish soap, and paper towels.
Coddington says the food pantry’s goal is simple: “Feed as many hungry people in the R-H community as possible.” She explains that food pantries across the region are short on supplies, so if you have the means and would like to donate what you can, they appreciate it. Let’s work together to help Kick Hunger.
Coddington says the pantry is a Foodlink partner, receiving free, reduced cost, or full-price food to stock the pantry’s shelves. ey also rely upon donation drives from community organizations such as the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in the district, a wide variety of high school clubs, and the RH Rotary, all of whom regularly coordinate donation drives. e volunteers and coordinators of the pantry thank
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By Lucie Winborne* The maddening but addictive Rubik’s Cube was created by accident. Professor of architecture Erno Rubik built a twistable box with colorful rows of labels on each side in an attempt to design blocks that could move without collapsing the entire structure. After rotating a few rows and mixing up the colors, the real challenge began: realigning the hues! It took Rubik about a month to restore his cube to its original condition.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.
We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
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Install a pool: Pools are the ultimate spots to cool off on hot days.An elaborately shaped inground pool can blend in with the landscape and offer the ultimate hang-out zone. However, above-ground pools also serve the purpose and are more budget-friendly. Stock tank pools are popular among those who want minimal pool expenditure or have small spaces to work with. Stock tanks are metal vessels traditionally used as watering holes for livestock. They also can be “adult kiddie pools” when combined with some plumbing.Galvanized steel frames make them sturdy.With floats and other accessories, they can become the perfect oasis.
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I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.
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Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration.
Garden during the cooler parts of the day. Lawncare professionals advise against watering lawns between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the summertime, as water is more likely to evaporate during this time, which tends to be the hottest time of the day. Gardeners should avoid working in their gardens during these hours as well. Garden in the early morning hours when the sun is not burning as hot or in late afternoon or early evening hours when temperatures are less threatening.
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Rather than rushing to the store each time your family decides what’s for dinner, try keeping your pantry stocked with non-perishables that are often necessary in a variety of meals. (Family Features)
SEASONINGS AND SPICES (salt, pepper, dried herbs, cumin, chili powder, paprika, onion powder, etc.)
CANNED GOODS (tomatoes, beans, corn, broth, cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, etc.)
GRAINS (flour, pastas, breadcrumbs, rolled oats, instant rice, etc.)
CONDIMENTS AND OILS (olive oil, canola oil, ketchup, mustard, vinegars, barbecue sauce, butter, cooking wines, etc.)
We grow everything in our own greenhouses! Thousands of plants & flowers. 1487 Rush-Scottsville Rd.
Rt. 251 in Rush, Just East of Rt. 15 & 251 Corner.
533-1396 Open: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat.& Sun. 9-5
TIPS FOR STAYING SAFE AND CONNECTED DURING A MOVE (NAPSI) — Planning a move can be stressful, but planning a move in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic brings a new set of challenges. Stay safe and connected with some smart pre-move planning; here are some tips:
Follow Approved Protocols — If youcan’tpostponeyourmove,takeextraprecautionsbeforemovingintoensureyournewplace is clean. Follow general disinfecting guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among other surfaces,disinfectdoors,doorhandles,bathrooms,kitchenappliances,countertopsand—somethingmanypeopledon’treallythink about—cabinet and doorknobs as well as light switches.
Safely Stay Connected — New work-from-home protocols and online schooling mean reliable Internet connectivity is more important than ever.Prior to your move,SmartMove can connect you to your local provider and help arrange newTouchless Installs that let you safely connect your tech services yourself.Cable companies deliver equipment with step-by-step activation information so you can set up your system on your own,or with support over the phone,online,through chat functionality or video tutorials.In most cases, no technician will need to enter your home.
Keep in Touch & Maintain Daily Routines — You may be staying in more, but don’t forget to take a break from unpacking boxes. Use your new online connection to find delivery services to help stock your pantry and fridge and refill prescriptions. Your new house will feel more like home if you take time to watch your favorite shows,maintain your exercise program or explore online courses that can help you discover new talents or resume old hobbies. Don’t forget to connect with friends through group video chats or viewing parties—you can even take your friends and family on a virtual tour of your new place!
(NAPSI)—Toreduceindoorpollution,get yourHVACairductscleanedbyaNADCA professional. NADCA members have certified specialists on staff and comply with a Code of Ethics. Learn more and find NADCA members at www.nadca. com. For a free Homeowner’s Guide, visit https://nadca.com/sites/default/ files/docs/2017/nadca_homeowners_ guide_print_version.pdf.
According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association, about one in 10 U.S. households owns a boat. If yours is among them, change the oil regularly, advise the experts at Honda Marine. Learn more at https://marine.honda.com.
You may be able to sell your life insurance policy to get money for your retirement years. To learn more about life settlements and whether you could be eligible for a free review of your life insurance policy, visit www.LISA.org. With the right technology, people can work together better and make their companies more competitive, says Lieven Bertier, who’s responsible for strategic marketing at Barco, Inc., a technology leader that develops networked visualization solutions. He advocates design and usability in product development. Learn more at www.barco.com.
A new generation of pesticidefree products has been designed with formulas that kill lice and eggs. Vamousse Lice Treatment is a convenient, clinging mousse that makes application easier, so you can better target the scalp and roots where lice live. Learn more at www. vamousselice.com/tips-choosing-licetreatment.
Your car’s VIN is a unique code. Before you buy a used car, do a VIN lookup to get the vehicle history report and find records of its previous owners, accidents, and repairs advise the experts at https://driving-tests.org.
3M is leading the way with roofing technology solutions for improving environmental impacts on human healthandwelfare.Tolearnmoreabout 3M’s commitment to using science for the greater good, visit www.3m.com/ sustainability.
Atlas roof shingles with Scotchgard Protection provide a long-term solution to help prevent algae growth from taking hold—protecting your home and helping to keep it looking good for years to come. To learn more, visit 3M at www.3M.com/resistblackstreaks.
footing. It’s important that homeowners who want to upgrade their homes enter the home improvement process with a realistic grasp of their finances. Many home improvement projects stall when homeowners run out of money. Homeowners can avoid such unfortunate situations by only beginning a project they know they can afford. Whether funding a project with a loan or savings or a combination of both, homeowners should make an honest assessment of what they can afford to commit to a given project. If the amount of money available does not add up to the estimated cost of the project, delay the project now or you might be facing a stalled project down the road.
Makes 4 servings
4 beef tenderloin medallions (each 6 ounces and 3/4-inch thick)
2 tablespoons olive oil
Seasoned salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup roasted green chile peppers (see below)
1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1. Brush steaks thoroughly with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper
2. Place medallions on preheated grill, close lid and grill, turning once, until an instant-read thermometer registers 145 F for medium rare, 5 to 8 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate, tent with foil and let stand for 10 minutes.
3. Preheat broiler with rack 3 to 4 inches away from heat. Place steaks on individual ovenproof plates. Top each steak with equal amounts of chile and cheese. Broil until cheese melts, about 2 minutes. Serve immediately.
Toroastchiles:Preheatgreasedoutdoorgrilltomediumorpreheatanoven broiler. Place fresh chiles on outdoor grill or gas stovetop over medium heat or arrange on a baking sheet and place 2 to 3 inches away from heat under broiler. Grill or broil, turning often with tongs, until surfaces of skin are lightly charred and blistered. Immediately place peppers in a paper bag or an airtight container and close tightly. Let peppers cool for 12 to 15 minutes. Peel off charred skin and remove stems and seeds. Tear into strips or chop as needed according to the recipe. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling chiles. Refrigerate peppers for up to 3 days or freeze in airtight container for up to 6 months.
(NAPSI)—According to the Federal Reserve Board, four in 10 adults, if faced with an unexpected expense of $400, would either not be able to cover it or would cover it by selling something or borrowing money. If you’re ever among them, or the 78 percent of American workers who live paycheck to paycheck, you can assist yourself.It can pay to consider these six hints that can help you save:
1. Know your numbers. Keep track of where you spend your money. Include groceries, gas, utilities, entertainment, housing and debts.
2. Make tough choices. Distinguish between things you need (utilities, debt paymentsandrent)andthingsyouwant (vacations, eating out). Subtract what you have to spend on “needs” from your monthly income to determine what you have left for “wants.”
3. Pay yourself first. Have a percentage of each paycheck routed automatically into your savings account. Saving needs to be a priority—consider it a “need.”
4. Expect the unexpected. No matter how well you budget, life may throw the unexpected at you.
5. Keep your stuff in shape. Similarly, keeping major appliances and vehicles in good condition can help you save.
6. Comparison shop for financial products. Take the time to compare insurance policies, bank accounts, savings accounts and credit cards. For instance, there’s the new Unlimited Cash Back Bank Account, by Green Dot Bank. With this account, Green Dot pays its cardholders a 3 percent cash back bonus when they make online or in-app purchases. People spend lots of money online at various websites and buy through apps,such as ride sharing, video streaming and meal delivery services, so getting an additional 3 percent cash back on the things you normally buy anyhow can add up.
What’s more, you can earn 3 percent annual interest when you save your money in the Green Dot Bank HighYield Savings Account (Member FDIC)—higher than what many banks pay in annual interest. It’s free with the app and the interest earned is automatically added to your annual Cash Back Bonus amount.
To sign up for the account or learn more about it, go to the Green Dot app or www.GreenDot.com.
(NAPSI)—While replacing your roof can be expensive, it may pay to know more about increasingly popular stone-coated metal. There are five good reasons:
1. Durability: Combining the strength of steel with the design versatility of crushed stone, stone-coated metal roofing offers a better-looking way to protect your investment. Thanks to its engineering, stone-coated metal stands up to harsh conditions, including fire, wind, hail, hurricanes, seismic activity, and extreme cold and heat.
2. Curb Appeal: Stone-coated metal comes in a collection of eye-catching contours and colors. Panels can resemble Mediterranean tile, hand-split wood shake, heavyweight shingle or even old-world Italian tile.
3. Long-Term Value: Stone-coated metal offers greater longevity— three—plus times more—and lower maintenance needs than most other roofing products. “In an average lifetime, a homeowner will need to replace an asphalt roof at least three times as often for the same cost of one stonecoated metal roof,” explained Mark Gallant, Vice President of New Product Development at DECRA Metal Roofing, the original stone-coatedsteelroofingsystem, with over 60 years of research and practical experience.
4. Keep It Cool: Metal roofing can help cool your home through air space between the panels and the roof deck, reducing heat transfer. Some roofing colors can also reflect unwanted solar heat.
5. Save Money: A stone-coated metalroofcouldnetyouadiscount on your homeowners insurance. Check with your insurance agent. Overall, a stone-coated metal roof can help your home look better, feel more comfortable while you live in it and be easier to sell when you want to.
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Firewood • Snowplowing
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• Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County: 4-H Dog Club Leader - Plan monthly educational meetings for youth ages 5-18. Inspire the next generation, call us today! Email genesee4h@cornell. edu or call 585-343-3040
• Livingston Day Services: Looking for an individual looking to practice paper shredding skills by interning at non-pro t on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM. Email angela.m.kennelly@opwdd. ny.gov
• Patrick Place Comfort Care Home: We are a 2-bedroom comfort care home providing 24/7 care to residents. We are in need of hands-on resident care volunteers; no experience required, all training will be provided! Call or email us today to learn more! directorpatrickplace@gmail.com
• UR Medicine Home Care: Deliver meals to our participants in Monroe County. Email julie_cunningham@urmc.rochester.edu or call 585-274-4385
• Girl Scouts Western NY: Adults needed to work with troops as leaders, those with a special talent to o er girls or be an extra pair of hands at events. Jfusco33@juno.com or 585-226-6434
• Community Reading Partnership: Community Reading Partnership (CRP) promotes family literacy in the greater Canandaigua area by donating new and gently-used books. Volunteers are needed to process books stored at the Canandaigua Primary School for Little Red Bookshelves and to assist with outreach programs. Volunteers contact by email: communityreadingpart.org
• Webster Comfort Care Home: Our volunteers o er compassionate care to our 2 residents who are approaching the end of their lives. We o er around the clock care. Volunteers are responsible for all aspects of resident care. Email volunteercoord@webstercomfortcare.org
• Advent House: We are a 2-bed comfort care home for the dying. Seeking volunteers to provide hands-on care. Contact us for more information. 585-223-6112 or email volunteer@theadventhouse.org
• Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society: e Honeoye Falls - Town of Mendon Historical Society is in need of docents to volunteer at our Museum for its standard Sunday a ernoon hours (2-4pm). Email president@hfmhistorical.org or call 585-281-0014
• Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum: Available roles for volunteers include ride operator, special events, maintenance, and docent. Email info@carrouselmuseum.org
• Webster Community Chest, LLC: Serving 14,580 area residents in need of help. Volunteers needed for monthly food distribution, other fundraisers and food drives. Seeking new Board members also. See our website for details. Email webcommchest@gmail.com
• Hospeace House Inc: Looking for something meaningful in your life? We are a 2-bed comfort care home for those facing end-of-life. In addition to resident care volunteers, we are seeking volunteers to assist with social media, newsletters, events and fundraising. Visit us- www.HospeaceHouse.org Email volunteercoordinator@ hospeacehouse.org or call 585-374-2090
• House of John: e House of John is a 2-bedroom Comfort Care Home located in Cli on Springs. We provide end-of-life care to those unable to be cared for at home at no cost to the resident. We are looking for caring, reliable people willing to share 4-8 hrs. a month to assist with resident care. No caregiving experience required. All training is provided free of charge. If interested, please call or email the House at 315-462-5646 or house@houseo ohn.org
YAMAHA BABY GRAND PIANO. Excellent condition. Ebony finish. Nonprofit only, need tax ID number and organization name. babygrandpiano2@gmail.com
BEEKEEPERS. Honeybees in my windowsill. Come get them, Springwater area. tjpr@yahoo.com
SOLID POOL COVER and a LEAF NET. 18 x 36 feet. Fits 16 x 32. Used but good shape. psitter585@gmail.com
VINTAGE ELECTRIC SINGER SEWING MACHINE with table and chair. Works. njcalcote@gmail.com
GENUINE LEATHER COUCH by Basset. Reclines at both ends; dark brown; very heavy. Very good condition. You pick up. 585-237-5803
Cable Nelson UPRIGHT PIANO, trying to downsize. You pick up. aduncan@fatduncan.com
IGLOO SHAPED DOGHOUSE for medium / large dog. Text 585-260-3506
20-25 STYROFOAM BOXES. Could hold 10-12 cans. 585-346-6089
Dismantled METAL SHED for scrap and two BICYCLES. 585-430-4205
Frigidaire WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER. Older model. Works! Pick up in Stafford.585-259-0868
OLDER ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED. Good condition. 315-719-4032
FLOATING LOUNGE CHAIR with cup holders and adjustable back for pool or pond. Perfect condition. Call 585-730-3933.
BENCH TOP SANDBLASTER, excellent condition with exhaust fan and light. Gloves good. 23x20x18. Call 585-730-3933.
VHS and CASSETTE TAPES. Ten Commandments (2 VHS), Fulton Sheen A Man for All Seasons (4 VHS), Alzheimer’s Caregiving Strategies (VHS), & Barb Cacia Care for Chronic Illness (cassette). Fairport. 585-388-0318.
CANNING JARS. Assorted sizes. 585-657-5451
ELECTRIC CITRUS JUICER. You pick up. Text or email. Amy8595@mail.com
Brand new GIRL BURP CLOTHS and BIBS. You pick up. Text or email. amy8595@mail.com
3 CUSHION SOFA. Light tan, multi-color. Good condition. daldrich51@gmail.com
3 - RECLINERS, slightly faded, good condition. daldrich51@gmail.com
SEARS TREADMILL and STATIONARY BIKE. Airdyne type good condition. Pick up Webster. gangie01@yahoo.com
STYROFOAM BOARDS – ½” thick. Sizes: 12”x12”, 12”x24”; 18”x24”. Clean. Must take all. Avon. 585-226-3073 leave message
CHOIR ROBES – 12 red robes and 14 white robes. 585-229-2327
Medium brown ELECTRIC RECLINER in good shape. 585-697-4489
Clean DOUBLE BOX SPRING in very good condition. Working DVD PLAYER for refugee family in Canandaigua area. Call/text 585-754-1275
Too many ZUCCHINIS? I would like to take some off your hands. 585-698-5937
POKER TABLE that will seat eight people. 585-347-4283
MOVING BOXES, all sizes, in structurally good shape. Much appreciated! penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
PROPANE CAMPING STOVE and SCREEN HOUSE for some kids on their first camp out. Thank you. jenabrado@gmail.com
CANNING JARS, any size. Mzsodus50@gmail.com
HOSPITAL BED, extra wide 42” to 48”: 585-300-9257
Looking for a BOX TRAILER. 585-789-7663 (text only) or 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
OLD NEWSPAPERS needed for canning by August 30th. 585-261-7321
SHELVING and FILE CABINETS. 585-424-0732
Seeking an ATV or DIRT BIKE for father son project. Call or text 315-576-1278 ask for Matt
Clean, medium to large BOXES. East Rochester area. 585-698-5937
VINTAGE ARCHERY RECURVE BOWS/ARROWS/ACCESSORIES for Scout Merit Badge. Text 585-794-0448 or mintshape@netacc.net
AMERICAN HERITAGE MAGAZINES, especially the hard copy editions. 585-755-3195 leave message
FLAT BLACK SHEETS and BLACK CURTAINS. ejohn2908@frontiernet.net
TELESCOPE for stargazer. Leave voicemail. Speak slowly. 585-752-1562
Large/sturdy/wood burning PIT FIREPLACE. To burn lots of firewood. 585-752-1562
Looking for a 1983 AVON CENTRAL SCHOOL YEARBOOK jrranch5764@gmail.com
DAVIS VANTAGE PRO2 model 6312 or VANTAGE VUE model 6351/6510
DISPLAY CONSOLE for a Davis weather station ISS. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DATA-LOGGER model 6510USB or 6555IP to fit the display console. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
Granddaughters want to learn to can. Need any size CANNING JARS. Also, BABY CLOTHES and TOYS for great-grandchild. dobstarczyk@hotmail.com
PATIO BARSTOOL CHAIRS in good condition. Please text. 585-749-2432
Single mom of two kids in need of WORKING WASHING MACHINE penguinprincess73577@gmail.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Quali cations:
• NYS Certi cation in Agriculture OR
• A Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science with one year of experience in the animal science industry involving the reproduction, husbandry, care and maintenance of large and small animals including farm, domestic, laboratory, wildlife and/or exotic animals. Experience may include, but is not limited to, veterinary medicine, dairy production and management, the animal feed industry, and wildlife management.
• An Associate degree in Animal Science and two years of experience as described above.
• A high school diploma or equivalent and four years of experience as described above.
Location: Mt. Morris May Center
Salary: $45,000-$50,000
Start Date: September 2023
Reply by August 30, 2023 with reference to Vacancy 24-23, letter of interest, resume, and proof of certi cation to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources
Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street
LeRoy, NY 14482
Job description:
Each substitute is expected to perform the duties associated with a teacher, teacher aide, or teaching assistant as needed. e employee may be asked to report to either the middle/high school or elementary buildings depending on the needs of the day.
Job Quali cations: NYS certi ed teacher or pursuing NYS teaching certi cation.
– Substitute Teacher, Substitute Teacher Assistant: $110 per day non-certi ed, $120 per day certi ed teacher.
– Substitute Teacher Aide: $14.20 per hour.
Application Process: Apply online at www.geneseocsd.org.
Geneseo Central School District Business O ce 585-243-3450 x2213
Food Service Workers
Bus Drivers
Bus Monitors
Hours and pay vary by position.
NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
A new year often sparks change. Many people aspire to change jobs at the dawn of a new year, and such changes are more frequent than one might think.
Grocery stores are seeking friendly, mature, reliable individuals for:
Candidates must be motivated, have excellent customer service skills, be organized with attention to detail & have a exible schedule. Previous experience helpful but not necessary. Apply online at Westsshur ne.com
Social Studies Teacher 7-12
Special Education Teachers K-6 and 7-12
General Science Teacher 7-12
School Counselor, Psychologist, or Social Worker (Grades 7-12)
School Aides
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes: Teachers (Certi ed and Uncerti ed) Aides/TAs • RNs/LPNs
Play by the rules. Your employer may have a plan in place for how the company prefers resignations to be handled. The standard two- to threeweek’s notice is a guideline. Visit with human resources if you need more information, such as whether or not a resignation letter or other documentation is required.
All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information and application available: www.yorkcsd.org
Minimum Quali cations: is is a professional nursing position involving responsibility for giving care to students and for performing related nursing services such as pupil health screening and noti cation of defects and communicable disease control requiring judgment and skills.
Hiring Range: $25.70-$30.70/hr. as per experience.
Bene ts: Health Insurance as well as Sick and Personal Time.
Applicant must be 18 years of age, customer service-oriented, be able to handle multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment, be a team player, good communicator, and willing to learn new skills. Interested applicants may apply at www.honeoyefallsmarketplace.com
$2,000 Sign-on Bonus after 90-Day Probationary Period
Matthews Buses, Inc. has an opening for a Body & Paint Technician at our Avon Facility. We are seeking a motivated individual who can work independently and possesses the following experience:
• 3 Years’ Experience
• Fabrication Skills
• Must have own tools
• Clean Driving Record
Matthews Buses offers excellent pay and a full benefits package including health, dental, 401k program with generous company match, holidays, and paid time off.
Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com
Minimum Quali cations: Either One (1) year of full-time paid work experience in construction, building maintenance, grounds maintenance or landscape, or in a recognized building trade; OR Possession of a vocational or technical training program certi cate in one of the building trades; Valid NYS Operator's License required.
Hiring Range: $14.20 - $16.20/hr. as per experience.
Bene ts: Health Insurance as well as Sick, Personal and Vacation Time.
One Full-time TEACHER ASSISTANT: is is a permanent position working with Elementary School Students
Minimum Quali cations: NYS Teaching Assistant Certi cation OR willingness to obtain your NYS Teaching Assistant Certi cation. Experience working with children is preferred.
Hiring Range: $14.70 - $16.70/hr. as per experience.
Bene ts: Health Insurance as well as Sick and Personal Time.
One TEMPORARY TEACHER ASSISTANT: is is a full-time Temporary position for the 2023-2024 school year, with the possibility of becoming a permanent position.
Employment Dates are August 30, 2023 through June 30, 2024. is position entails working with High School students.
Minimum Quali cations: NYS Teaching Assistant Certi cation OR willingness to obtain your NYS Teaching Assistant Certi cation. Experience working with children is preferred.
Hiring Range: $14.70 - $16.70/hr. as per experience.
One TUTOR for the 2023-2024 School Year:
Minimum Quali cations: Teacher Certi cation Preferred; Minimum of two years of college required.
Rate of Pay: $30.00/hr.
Location: Tutoring will be held at Naples Central School or another public location such as the Naples Town Library.
Applications are available on the Naples Central School Website at http://www.naplescsd.org and must be submitted by Wednesday, August 30, 2023. EOE
Are you seeking a career with meaning and not a “job?”
Early Childhood careers are available at Annie’s Ark!
Submit a resume w/explanation of why you want a career in early childhood and how you will foster a Christian atmosphere in the workplace to: arkoffice1982@gmail.com
Annie’s Ark, Inc.
“A Christian Childcare Center”
Rate of Pay $22.33-$26.70
Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance Job description, minimum quali cations and Livingston County Application for Employment available at www.livingstoncounty.us and are to be submitted to: Livingston County Human Resources, Room 206, Livingston County Government Center, 6 Court Street, Geneseo, NY 14454 Questions may be directed to: Jason Wolfanger, Highway Superintendent, 585-243-6701.
Livingston County is an Equal Opportunity/A rmative Action Employer.
Establish your priorities. Make a list of the things that are most important to you. Having this list put on paper can make goals more attainable. Think about the main things you want to focus on in life and go from there.
Quali cations:
• Civil Service Eligibility
• High School Graduate or equivalent
• Physical ability to perform assigned duties
• Team player with strong work ethic and positive attitude
• Dependable and safety-oriented
• Ability to li 50lbs
• Valid NYS Driver’s License
Location: Mt. Morris B Shi - 2:30-11:00pm
Salary: $33,280 + $939.60 shi di erential
Full-time with bene ts including NYS Retirement
Starting Date: September 2023
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org.
Reply by September 7, 2023 with reference to Vacancy 24-24, resume & cover letter to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources
Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street
LeRoy, NY 14482
is looking to ll the following position for the 2023-2024 School Year:
Split Schedule - Morning and A ernoon Runs.
6:45am-8:00am & 2:10pm-4:40pm; Salary Range: $21.40 to $23.70/hour;
Bene ts: Health Insurance, Sick & Personal Time; Minimum Quali cations: CDL License w/ P and S endorsement OR we o er paid training to obtain a CDL License; Good physical condition; Meets 19A requirements; A desire to work with children; An ability to work well with others.
Applications and information are available on the Naples Central School Website at http://www.naplescsd.org and must be submitted by Wednesday, September 6, 2023. EOE
Competitive compensation. Full-time, part-time, and on-call positions available.
Reply w/resume and/or job/experience history, salary requirements, and contact info. to: maustin0513@gmail.com or 585-615-1557
Livonia Recreational Program is looking for a
Mon. and Wed. 6-7:30pm Starting Nov. 1st through March. If interested call 329-6700
needed for disabled person. Will pay for gas. Livonia/Conesus area. 585-346-7022
No calls before Noon.
Research the job market. Look into the industries for the field you are considering. Is it the right time for success in this field? Industries tend to ebb and flow. Do not leave a job only to find the next career has few, if any, openings. Job growth projections are available through resources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Wed.-Sat., 2pm-close
Prep, Catering
Responsibilities include Desserts, Appetizers, Salads & Banquet Production. Pay based on experience.
Call Je for an interview
or apply in-person
Caledonia Village Inn
3137 Main St. • Caledonia
Starting Wage: $100,000-$115,000
Department Head
11 Murray Hill Dr., Mt. Morris, NY 14510
Responsibilities include overseeing and performing a variety of accounting and business management duties related to nancial management, payroll and data processing functions of the Livingston County Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation (LCCNR). e work is performed under the general direction of the Director of Long Term Care with considerable latitude given for the exercise of independent judgment. Supervision is exercised over subordinate employees engaged in accounting and clerical duties. e Deputy Director for Finance does related work as assigned.
To apply, contact: mgmiller@co.livingston.ny.us or call or text (585) 322-2950
• Deputy Director of Finance
• Full-Time Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
• Part-Time Neighborhood Asst. CALL ABOUT RATES!
• Additional shift differential pay
Full-time WITH health insurance rate range:
CNATs: $18.34
CNAs: $22.45 to $25.66
LPNs: $24.64 to $28.41
RN: $33.38 to $38.45
RN Charge: $43.08 to $48.47
To apply, contact: mgmiller@co.livingston.ny.us or call or text (585) 322-2950 (EEO/AAE)
Full-time WITHOUT health insurance rate range:
CNAs: $27.70 to $30.91
LPN: $30.89 to $34.66
RN: $40.63 to $45.70
Charge RN: $43.08 to $48.47
(As I recover from back surgery) Long-term. Honeoye Falls Area. Must have reliable transportation.
Send your resume & contact information to: annlill@aol.com
Come for a job…. Stay for a career
Matthews Buses, Inc., New York’s largest omas Built Bus dealer has immediate full-time openings for entry level technicians, detailers, paint & body technician, and a Bus Prep Tech in our Avon facility. Successful candidate must possess:
• Experience with lettering and/or graphics installation is a plus.
• Pro ciency in the cleaning/detailing of automobiles, vans, and buses.
• Fabrication Skills.
• Must have own tools or at least the basics to perform the job.
• Work independently and with a “team.”
• Clean Driving Record.
• Will train the right individual.
Matthews Buses o ers excellent pay and a full bene ts package including health, dental, vision, 401K program with generous company match, paid holidays, and earned paid time o along with sick time.
Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com
Look for ways to be more efficient. Interactions with coworkers can make work more enjoyable, but working parents should not spend too much time shooting the breeze with their fellow employees. Doing so wastes time and only contributes to work-related stress. Commuters who don’t drive themselves to work can be more efficient by using their commutes to read emails, arrange meetings or catch up on projects. Doing so allows for more time to get work done while in the office, which can make it easier to go home on time.
Seeking a reliable team-oriented individual whose duties include receiving shipments, stocking, preparing orders, assisting walk-in customers, answering phones, faxes and e-mails, performing inventory counts and maintaining general tidiness. Successful applicant will have excellent math and communication skills, basic computer skills, be detail-oriented, self-motivated, have a clean driver’s license and be able to work independently. Must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Dairy/warehouse experience preferred, but not required. FT position. M-F with some Saturday hours. Benefits available. Please send your resume to Chris at cmeyer@perryvet.com.
Lakeview Dental is seeking a Dental Assistant and Licensed Dental Hygienist for a comprehensive care private practice. Experience is preferred. Willing to train Dental Assistant. Must be motivated, willing to learn, be punctual and have a positive demeanor. Hours are Monday through ursday 6:45AM to 3:00PM. Compensation and bene ts to be discussed at interview.
Please send your resume, references and cover letter to: care@livoniasmiles.com
Competitive salary
Program operates: Monday- ursday 2:10-5pm, Oct 16-May 30. Closed during school breaks.
Please contact Jen Cole at asacademy.livonia@gmail.com
( is is a private program and not operated by LCS)
Many working parents struggle to maintain a healthy balance between their responsibilities at work and their obligations to their families. An inability to maintain that healthy balance can have adverse effects on men and women’s careers as well as the relationships they have with their families.
A 2015 survey of more than 2,000 adults commissioned by the workplace solution provider Workfront found that 38 percent of survey participants have missed life events because of a bad work-life balance. Access to technology that means work is never too far away might contribute to poor work-life balance, as 57 percent of respondents also acknowledged feeling that technology has ruined the definition of a family dinner. Finding a healthy balance between work and life at home may require a concerted effort on the part of working parents, but there are ways to successfully juggle a career and family.
The Genesee Valley Penny Saver is ranked the number one publication in New York by the Circulation Verification Council. With one of the largest footprints in the state, we bring businesses and readers together in Genesee, Livingston, Monroe and Ontario counties.At the heart of our organization are people who care about their customers and foster relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to create innovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising, design, digital, printing and promotional products.
In a survey of 3,500 working professionals, Allied Van Lines found that 17 percent had relocated for a job. Roughly 50 percent of those who relocated did so for career advancement and/or more money, while 8 percent moved to be closer to family or for other relationship reasons. Moving is often characterized as stressful, and 31 percent of survey respondents who moved indicated that finding a home was the most challenging part of relocating for a job. Acclimating to a new community (29 percent), finding services such as utilities and medical care (13 percent) and making friends (12 percent) were also cited as some of the most challenging parts of relocating for a job. As difficult as relocating can be, 64 percent of those who had relocated expressed positive sentiments toward their job relocation, while just 7.5 percent harbored negative feelings about relocating (28 percent were neutral).
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
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