New York’s Builder Direct Source of Quality Sheds and Garages

Q&A Master Gardeners with

New York’s Builder Direct Source of Quality Sheds and Garages
difficult to start from seeds. If you take the time in fall to spread the dried seed heads every year, you might not need to replant.You could decide to add additional varieties. You can begin now by killing all existinggrowthbysmotheringitwith sheets of cardboard. Put this down soon while plants are still growing. I would wait until March to remove it. Sprinkle the seeds and go over them with a leaf rake to get better soil contact. Your first year you will plant the fewest seeds; subsequent years seeds from plants you have grown
will be plentiful.Some seeds will be eaten by critters over the winter,so I prefer early-spring planting the first year.
American Meadows offers a seed mix selected for part shade and instructions for creating this type of garden. More details are offered on YouTube, so you can get a better
feel for this project. You will need to periodicallyremoveinvadingweeds; a couple of times per year might be sufficient. These seed mixes are offered in a selection of sizes for smaller or larger areas.
- Julie Brocklehurst-Woods, Master Gardener
We are closed 9/4-9/11 for staff vacation. We will reopen September 12th at 4pm. ank You!
Smoked sausage and deli meats are easy to add to a bun for an instant meal, and there’s plenty of ways to dress your tailgate menu up or down based upon the preferences of your guests. Be sure to keep some basics on hand for those who prefer traditional preparation, but for the more adventurous types, try out these ideas for toppings that create a new dimension of flavor.
Grilled onion
Grilled peppers
Grilled, roasted or sauteed
Spicy mustard
Flavored ketchup (think spicy, fruity or sweet)
Ethnic flavors like curry or marinara sauce
Hot sauce
Roasted corn relish
Crumbled or shredded cheese
Bacon crumbles
to be presented Saturday, November 4, 2023
Who can be nominated?
Someone who has generously given of their time and talent for the benefit of the Avon Community. Perhaps a person who has quietly contributed to your organization that you feel is deserving.
Who can nominate?
Any Avon resident or organization (civic groups, churches, private citizens). Simply write a letter explaining how your nominee has devoted his or her time and energy for Avon community service.
Nomination Deadline:
With Much Gratitude
A huge thank you to the woman in line behind me at the Geneseo Wegmans last Wednesday. I inadvertently left my credit card in another wallet, and even though the cashier said they would put my order aside while I went home to get my card, you insisted on paying for my groceries. At 94 I am grateful for each day, and for people like you.
Angels DO exist among us
While shopping on August 26, I took a nasty spill outside of Target in Webster. It resulted in some cuts and abrasions and was witnessed by a woman and her son whom I consider to be true angels. They helped me to a bench in the store and got some wet paper towels for the bleeding and stayed as the store manager and security talked with me, patched my wounds, and filled out an accident report. She filled out a witness report. I thanked her over and over for all they did. I continued with some shopping and as I was checking out, she approached me with a bag with home medical supplies and a get well card and gift card to help me feel better. Her kindness and support blew me away and I forgot to get her first name. So, this is a huge thank you shout out to her and her son for being angels beyond what anyone would normally do. I intend to pay your kindness forward and it is encouraging to know you and others like you care in an ever-increasingly greedy world. Thank you again and always.
Excuse me! Genesee Valley Penny Saver!
Seniors are not the only ones who need to watch for school buses, their lights, children, etc.! I resent being selected as one who does not drive safely. If you drive at all, you will have seen drivers running red lights, tailgating, passing illegally and speeding. Roads are a very dangerous place to be these days. I wish there were more traffic cops to deal with these reckless drivers. Driving a car is a privilege, not a right owed to anyone. So please, GVPS, how about tending the cautionary note to all drivers and not just seniors?
(A note from GVPS: Sorry if it looked like we were addressing this message only to seniors. We had a note for everyone on the front cover about watching out for buses with the start of school, but this particular piece ran in the Active Living 50+ page and that’s why it was addressed to seniors. We’ll do our best to catch this kind of thing in the future as the message is important for all. Thanks for pointing it out!)
Handicap parking
At a local Labor Day Festival, I had a scuffle with some people over handicap parking. My wife is recovering from a stroke, but the handicap parking lot at this festival was completely full, with several cars lacking handicap plates or hangers. I confronted some people at one of these cars about parking for my wife, and received a rage-filled obscenity-laced refusal to move. Fortunately a police officer came over to de-escalate the situation. But it turned out that one of these people really was handicapped, and he said he couldn’t find his hanger. Yet he “found” it very quickly when the police officer spoke to him. Then I tried to apologize to the man and received more of the same anger and rage.
People, if you have a handicap hanger, use it, and please don’t argue with someone who stands up for handicap rights. If you aren’t handicapped, please don’t take parking spaces from the people who really need them.
Ten participants from the third annual Genesee Valley PreApprenticeship Program graduated from this year’s six-week paid training program. e “boot camp” style program is an earn while you learn model which pairs in-class instruction at the GeneseeValleyBOCESinBataviaandon-the-jobtrainingatseveral local advanced manufacturing companies.
e Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program was created in 2021 to assist companies in the greater Rochester and GLOW Region(Genesee,Livingston,Orleans,andWyomingcounties)with recruitment and training for one of the region’s largest industries. Participants graduated from the program with 96 hours of state-ofthe-art mechatronics training and more than 100 hours of on-thejobexperienceatadvancedmanufacturingatcompaniesinGenesee, Livingston, and Monroe counties.
“ is program continues to train workers of all ages, skill levels, and abilities for a wide array of high-demand careers in advanced manufacturing,”saidBobCoyne,ExecutiveDirectoroftheRochester TechnologyandManufacturingAssociation(RTMA).“ e‘Genesee Valley Boot Camp’ is an incredible partnership between industry, academia, and workforce development partners in our community.”
eGeneseeValleyPre-ApprenticeshipProgramincludeshandson simulation training for a variety of available careers including electromechanical trades, construction materials manufacturing, agricultural manufacturing, and more. In addition to the classroom time, participants received paid, on-the-job training and a fast-track opportunity for a full-time career with local manufacturing companies.
“ e BEST Center at Genesee Community College remains grateful for the funding provided by SUNY DOL and its Reimagine Workforce Preparation Training Program that provides resources for high demand training for industry-recognized credentials like the Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program,” said Jennifer Wakefield, Executive Director of Workforce Development. “We look forward to continued collaboration in this program to expand opportunities for increased pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training.”
Training was provided at no cost to the students and companies due to grants secured by Genesee Community College’s BEST Center, Genesee Economic Development Center and the Workforce Development Institute.
Participating employers for the 2023 program include Oxbo,UnitedStatesGypsum, Triton Mechanical, Goforth Electric,DiamondPackaging, Arctic Refrigeration, Maris Systems Design, and more.
“ is year’s Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program offered students a unique opportunity to discover their career path and their future without the burden of college debt. anks to our participating employers, students have been introduced and empowered to succeed in these in-demand careers through instruction and on-the-job training,” said Chris Suozzi, Vice President of Business and Workforce Development, Genesee County Economic Development Center.
e Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program is primarily funded through the SUNY Reimagine Workforce Preparation Training Program and is supported by the Genesee Valley BOCES, RochesterTechnologyandManufacturingAssociation,FingerLakes Youth Apprenticeship Program, GCC, Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC), GLOW Workforce Development Board and Workforce Development Institute.
incurring any costs, the Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program stands as a pivotal workforce enhancement,” remarked Jon Sanfratello, Director of Instructional Program at Genesee Valley BOCES. “ is remarkable training initiative forges a career pathway that effectively addresses workforce employment demands. Such practical skills development serves as a shining illustration of our dedication to aiding GLOW regional students and current employees, while also meeting the precise needs of our local business community.”
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September 14, 2023
Everyone has memories of school picture day — picking out the perfect outfit, working hard to achieve a hairstyle, and practicing your best smile. Picture Day documents milestones and captures memories that parents and kids will hold for many years. These photos become a collection that shows a child’s growth from a wide-eyed preschooler to a proud senior.
Late 17th Century Earliest Yearbooks
Proto-yearbooks in the form of scrapbooks first appear in the U.S. East Coast schools.
Inaugural Yearbook
The first formal yearbook launches for part of the class that graduated at Yale College.
1939 Photo Company Launches Picture Day Services
Lifetouch begins taking school pictures for children annually in the U.S. and Canada.
What is your school picture going to look like in the yearbook?
Name & Grade
Don’t leave pets in a parked car. The temperature inside a vehicle can quickly approach dangerous levels on hot days, so pet owners should never leave their pets in parked cars, even if they leave the air conditioning on and the engine running. The HSUS notes that on an 85-degree day, temperatures inside cars with slightly cracked windows can reach 102 degrees in as little as 10 minutes. Rather than taking pets with you on car trips, leave them at home inside a comfortably air conditioned room where they won’t be vulnerable to rising temperatures.
Though we are wild rabbits we have made a home here at what we call the Carrot Man’s home. We get fed lettuce/ carrots bowls as an extra special treat. And then shredded carrots at least 3 times a day!
Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Teller is a 1-3 year old 65+ lb. Shepherd mix. He loves to go for walks and loves attention. Not sure how he is with cats. He has met older children and was good with them. He will need to meet existing dogs.
If interested in Teller, please call
Err on the side of caution at the start and take the pup outside once every 30 to 60 minutes to establish a system of reward and praise for going outside.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Can we talk about people on hiking paths who let their dogs run off-leash? I’m getting increasingly frustrated at the number of loose dogs that run up to my dog, Chester, when we’re out for a day hike. Since the pandemic, it seems to happen much more o en. I keep my dog on a leash because he’s big, boisterous and could knock an adult down if he took off running. Why can’t other people do the same? -- Bev in Stoneham, Massachusetts
DEAR BEV: I hear you! As a hiker myself, I get the appeal of going out to wild spaces. And I love bringing my dog along. But she stays on her leash. It’s not just the right thing for dog owners to do, it’s the law in most state parks. Some federal parks don’t even allow dogs or other pets, o en because of fragile ecology.
Hikers, check the rules of the park or wildlife area you’re planning to walk through before leaving home. Even if there are no rules about dogs, keep your dog on a leash. Not only will it protect your dog from encounters with unappreciative wildlife (like skunks, rattlesnakes and porcupines), it will also protect other hikers and their dogs from injury and undue stress. Not all dogs on the trail are friendly or well-socialized.
And finally, pick up your dog’s poop and carry it out with you. Yes, it’s gross. But it preserves the beauty and ecology of the park. And it’s the right thing to do.
Soap and water will do little to remove tar and other petroleum-based products from vehicles. Commercial tar removal products use a strong solvent or detergent to loosen the tar. This may include kerosene, mineral spirits or another item mixed with lubricants. Go slowly and use caution so that you remove the tar and not the paint.
We specialize in collision repair, so you can count on us for quality work.
Frame straightening, custom color matching, dent and ding removal, insurance specialists
Sudden car trouble is something no driver wants to experience, but many a driver has been driving down the highway only to feel his or her vehicle start to sputter. Such sputtering might indicate a car is running low on fuel, or it could be a sign of something more serious that requires motorists to think as quicklyandsafelyaspossible.
When car trouble strikes while a vehicle is on the road, the first thing many drivers do is check their fuel gauges. A car that runs out of gas is certainly inconvenient, but if you can pull over to the shoulder or make it to the nearest filling station, then this unfortunate situation can be remedied rather easily. But when a car’s tank is full and it is still showing signs of trouble, drivers must take steps to protect themselves,their passengers and theirvehicles.
Camber, or the inward or outward angle of the tire when viewed from the front of the vehicle, will be adjusted. In addition, “toe,” or the extent to which the tires turn inward or outward when viewed from above, will be adjusted. Caster angle also helps balance steering, stability and cornering. Caster is the angle of your steering axis when viewed from the side of your vehicle.
When tires are balanced correctly and aligned, vehicles will offer a smooth ride with little to no vibrations. Having tires serviced can maximize their performance and lifespan.
Participate in a school-based transition program. Middle schools frequently host open houses for elementary school students, who can take tours of the campus. Parents can take part in these events with their children. If your schedule does not allow you to attend, then schedule a private tour with the middle school principal or a faculty member. Middle school guidance counselors or guest speakers also may make the rounds, visiting elementary schools directly. Be sure your student attends such information sessions so he or she can get an idea of what to expect during middle school.
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Catholic Charities of Livingston County 585-658-4466 Email: cclc@dor.org • www.aboutcclc.org
Council on Alcohol & Substance Abuse of Liv. Cty. 585-991-5012 • www.casa-livingston.org
Teresa House
21 Highland Drive, Geneseo, NY 14454 585-243-1978 • www.teresahouse.org
Geneseo-Groveland Food Pantry 585-991-8220
Chances and Changes, Inc.
585-658-3940 Hotline 1-888-252-9360 www.chancesandchanges.org
Literacy Volunteers of Livingston County, Inc. Phone: 585-658-7970 • lvalc@gvboces.org
Geneseo Parish Outreach Center 585-243-3120 • geneseopoc@gmail.com
e largest geographic Arc in the state, covering 2,400 square miles.
18 Main Street, Mt. Morris, NY 14510 (585) 658-2828 • www.lwarc.org
facebook.com/ArcGLOWny (Arc GLOW) Inter Faith Center
11 Franklin Street, Geneseo • 243-1460 ifc@geneseo.edu
Livingston County Historical Society and Museum 30 Center Street • Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-9147
Livingston County Habitat for Humanity
(585) 335-5634 • livingstonh @gmail.com
Little Lakes Community Center 4705 S. Main St., Hemlock, NY 14466 • 585-367-1046 contact@littlelakesny.org
(NAPSI)—“Zombie Hands.” That’s what can happen to an estimated 5 to 10 percent of the population whentemperaturesstarttofall.
In a typical case of Raynaud’s phenomenon, also known as Raynaud’s disease or syndrome, sufferers experience numbness and pain in their fingers, toes and other extremities. Fingers turn white, blue or red as the small bloodvesselsgointospasmwithin minutes of exposure to cold or stress, and they appear to be “dead”asbloodflowisconstricted.
Named for the French physician
Maurice Raynaud, who first recognized the condition in 1862, it causesaninterruptionofbloodflow to the fingers, toes, nose or ears. There may be associated tingling, swelling or painful throbbing. The attacks may last from minutes to hours. In severe cases, the area may develop ulcerations and infections, which can lead to gangrene.
Raynaud’scanoccurasa“primary” disease—thatis,withnoassociated disorder—or as a “secondary” conditionrelatedtootherdiseases, such as scleroderma, lupus, and rheumatoidarthritis.
“Ninety percent of Raynaud’s sufferers don’t seek treatment and too many physicians pay short shrift to those who do,” says Lynn Wunderman, founder and chair of the Raynaud’s Association. “Treatment is important because some sufferers may have an underlying condition such as systemic scleroderma or lupus. Awareness of such a problem may allow for earlier medical intervention.” Simple blood tests can rule out the presence of antibodies associated with diseases that have Raynaud’s as a component.
Tohelp,theRaynaud’sAssociation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit health organization, launched a new and assertive campaign,”Don’t Turn a Cold Shoulder to Painful Fingers,” to urge those with the disorder— and their doctors—not to dismiss the pain that Raynaud’s sufferers endure,orthelifestyleadjustments they make to minimize exposure to coldorstress.
Although there is no known cure as yet, treatment options such as calcium channel blocker drugs have been clinically proven to alleviate symptoms by opening up the blood vessels so blood circulatesmorefreely.
You can support the Raynaud’s Association with a tax-deductible donation. Contributions help fund member mailings, the website, awareness-building efforts, and thousandsofeducationalmaterials distributedeachyeartosufferers.
Learn More: For further facts, visit www.raynauds.org.
1. FOOD & DRINK: What does the acronym “IPA” stand for in a beer?
2. LITERATURE: Who is the author of “The Hunger Games” series?
3. U.S. STATES: Which state has the most lighthouses?
4. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of New Zealand?
5. GAMES: What is a perfect score in bowling?
6. SCIENCE: What does an auxanometer measure?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a female donkey called?
8. MOVIES: Which holiday is celebrated at the end of “When Harry Met Sally”?
9. TELEVISION: Which entertainer has hosted “Saturday Night Live” the most?
10. ANATOMY: What is the anatomical name for the kneecap?
The American Heartworm Society advises dog owners to have their furry companions tested for heartworm annually. Such tests can typically be conducted during routine preventive care visits to the veterinarian.The AHS notes that such tests are necessary even for dogs that are taking year-round heartworm prevention medications. Tests can confirm that such programs are working or indicate if they are not effective. The American Veterinary Medical Association notes that antigen tests are the most commonly performed tests. These tests detect the presence of adult female heartworms and they are typically highly accurate. If a test is positive, veterinarians may recommend further testing, including radiographs, a blood profile and an echocardiogram. Such tests can determine a number of things about the infection, including its severity. The AVMA also notes that the additional testing can help determine the best course of treatment. Cat owners should know that it’s more difficult to detect heartworm in cats than in dogs. The AHS indicates that cats are much less likely than dogs to have adult heartworms, making the disease harder to detect in felines.Veterinarians may recommend cats receive both the antigen test and an antibody test, which detects exposure to heartworm larvae. The AVMA notes that more testing may increase the likelihood of detecting the disease in cats.
diagnosis of testicular cancer is about 33. Unfortunately, the rate of testicular cancer, at least in the United States, increased over the last several decades, particularly in seminomas. It is important to note that testicular cancer can usually be treated successfully, so the risk of dying from the disease is very low. Still, it is important to discuss risk factors with one’s doctor, alerting physicians to any abnormalities in the testes or during urination, which may indicate a problem.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Have you ever heard of a “low blood pressure stroke”? That was my husband’s (incorrect) diagnosis several years back when he suddenly could not move his arms and legs. He was told that not enough oxygen was getting to his spine. (His blood pressure is historically low, usually around 90/60.)
That lasted about seven months, and he was bedridden the entire time. He then went to a neurosurgeon and was (correctly) diagnosed with a spinal cord injury. He had C1-C2 surgery and had use of his limbs the next day. After months of physical therapy, he regained a lot of function. We’ve never heard of that diagnosis before or after his experience. Does it really exist? -- E.S.K.
ANSWER: The brain has tremendous ability to regulate its own blood flow under a very wide range of blood pressures, but there are some limits. When a person is used to very high blood pressure levels, such as 200/110 for months or years, a sudden drop to 90/60 (or even 120/80 sometimes) can cause a stroke. That’s the main reason we don’t lower blood pressure too quickly in people who have had very high blood pressure levels for a long time. It takes weeks or months for the brain to recover its ability to regulate blood flow.
In a person who has a heart attack, prolonged low blood pressure (or no blood pressure) will also cause brain damage. That’s why starting CPR as quickly as possible is so critical in order to preserve brain function.
In both of these cases, not enough blood is getting to the central nervous system (the brain, the spinal cord and the retinas), which can lead to cell death -- the hallmark of a stroke. But these are extreme cases.
A healthy person whose normal blood pressure is around 90/60 is at risk for fainting when suddenly standing; however, they are at a lower-than-average risk for heart disease and stroke. The diagnosis of “a low blood pressure stroke” for your husband doesn’t make any sense at all to me, and advanced imaging of the brain should have made it abundantly clear that it was not the right diagnosis. I’m shocked that he wasn’t treated correctly for that long. But I’m very happy to hear that his neurosurgeon did not assume the diagnosis of a stroke, instead making the correct diagnosis and performing the procedure to help him recover. Your husband is fortunate that he still had neurological function to recover after such a long time, since spinal cord injuries generally heal better when treated promptly.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Telecommunications According to the NDC, telecommunications technology has evolved considerably in recent decades. That evolution has made it easier than ever for deaf individuals to communicate.
Servicing most brands for over 46 years!
Servicing most brands for 43 years.
The NDC notes that telecommunications technology for deaf individuals is an umbrella term that includes telephone devices, platforms and services that are employed when standard phones are ineffective. The NDC identifies three primary telecommunications services:
1. Video relay service (VRS)
2. Telecommunications relay service (TRS)
3. Video remote interpreting (VRI)
Regulated by the Federal Communications Commission,VRS andTRS are free programs, whereas VRI is a fee-based service. TRS is a text-driven service that, unlike VRI and VRS, does not employ video.
(Check your choice or choices)
New King James Bible
Eight Lesson Bible Correspondence Course
DVD “Searching for Truth” with Workbook
Searching for Truth Workbook alone (has same info as DVD) Where do we go when we die? DVD
Mail this ad to: Genesee Valley Church of Christ
PO Box 324, Dansville, NY 14437 or email us at: churchofchrist2@stny.rr.com with your request.
We will need your:
Phone Number:
(if you wish someone to contact you)
No one will come to your home unless you request a Home Bible Study. If you would like to attend our services, we are located at 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg, NY. We meet in the Sparta Community Center. Bible Study at 9am, Worship Service following at 9:45am. We would love to see you! 10:00AM.
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N.W.A - N.W.A.helped bring hardcore rap to the masses and inspired many other artists, including Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg. The group is widely considered one of the greatest and most influential hip hop acts of all time.
Appointments Required
Limited # Of Spots
When: Sat., Sept. 23, 2023
Where: Mt. Morris
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm ONLY*
Open to residents in Genesee, Livingston & Wyoming Counties
Acceptable Materials*
FREE: Monitors and TVs, computers, keyboards, peripherals, microwaves
(Contact the GLOW office for a complete list) (NOTHING WITH REFRIGERANT)
*Please do not leave materials at this site before or a er the collection!
No Household Hazardous Waste – Please contact GLOW office for information.
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E-mail: glow@co.genesee.ny.us call: 585-815-7906 or 800-836-1154 (for long distance callers)
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Embrace eco-friendly activities. Various activities, from organic gardening to planting trees to beach cleanups, provide a great way to get outdoors and help the planet at the same time. Men and women who grow their own vegetables can take solace knowing that the vegetables they’re eating each night did not require the depletion of any natural resources to go from garden to table. Signing up for beach cleanups can prevent trash, including harmful plastics, from making its way into the world’s oceans, and such cleanups provide a great excuse to go to the beach.
(NAPSI)—Firefighters report that it takes about an hour and a half for a fire to breach a brick home-as compared to fiber cement in under an hour and vinyl siding in just minutes.
Choosing brick exteriors to protect their own firehouses, firefighters say brick homes help slow the spread, offering the extra few minutes to help save lives and property as this brief video shows.
While the International Residential Code (IRC) does not require cladding on singlefamily homes to have a fire rating,the International Building Code (IBC) acknowledges that fired-clay brick has tested to provide a minimum one-hour fire resistance rating alone, regardless of backing material.This is something that synthetic materials—such as fiber cement—cannot claim.
Primarily made of clay, brick is classified as a noncombustible material that will not burn, melt or combust.
In a one-hour severe fire test conducted independently for the Brick Industry Association (BIA), vinyl siding burned after only 18 minutes, fiber cement failed within one hour and fired-clay brick withstood the flames after one hour. The test was conducted in accordance with ASTM E119, the Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.
Learn More: BIA is the nationally recognized authority on clay brick construction representing the nation’s distributors and manufacturers of clay brick and suppliers of related products. To learn more, go to Fire Prevention at www.gobrick.com.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
* When I need to dust the ceiling, I don’t have a fancy contraption; I just use my broom. If you have popcorn ceilings, you can rubber band a feather duster to the end of your broom. Look around your house, and maybe you’ll find a sneaky cleaning purpose for everyday items.
* Dirty candles can be cleaned up quickly with a leg of panty hose. Slip the candle in the hose, rub the outside of the candle and release.
* You can use a coffee filter to clean the screen of your television. It’s not scratchy and non-static. Be sure not to press down hard into today’s screens. And use only approved cleaners for your flatscreen and plasma television sets.
* Need to clean your iron? Scrub the face with salt. en heat it and run the iron over the salt. I pour the salt on foil for even more heat effect.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org
Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3
Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311
Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. (Oct.-May) 9-noon
Livonia Public Library
2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-3
Wadsworth Library
24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com
Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3
Save thedateforourGrandOpening Celebrationoftherenovatedfront entranceandyard:Saturday,September23rd@1:00pm
Back-to-schoolDoorHanger: Thursday,9/14@6:00pm Mahjong:Thursday,9/14,@6:00pm Sit‘NKnit:Friday,9/15,9/22& 9/29@11:00am
BabySensoryPlay9/18@10:00am Librarywillcloseearly@6:00pmon 9/21forastaffmeeting
SeptemberCraft-WineCorkVases: 9/28@6:00pm
EarlyLiteracyStorytime:mostTuesdays&Fridays,10:30AM Chess:Wednesdays@11:00AM
*Formoreinformationortosign-up foranevent,gotoavonfreelibrary.org orcall585-226-8461
The FriendsarecontinuingtopresentGameNightsevery2ndand4th Monday.Pleasenotetherewillbe noGameNighton9/11.Seeour websitefordatesandmoreFriends events.
JoinusforStoryTimewithBetsyon Thursdaysat4:00PMstarting9/14. LookforSaturdayStoryTimeswith Betsybeginning10/14.
Thursday9/217PMatLimaTown Hall,2ndFloor-LimaHistorical Society&LimaPublicLibrary Collaboration:PathwayofResistance:TheErieCanalandthe UndergroundRailroad Thursday9/286:30PMROCthe Eclipse2024-JamesPorter,NASA Ambassador-Learnallabout eclipsestogetreadyforthe2024 totaleclipse!
Didyouknowwehaveonline authortalkswithnationalbestsellingauthors?Visitlibraryc.org/ limaformoreinfo.
Ifyouwantthemostupdatedinformation,pleasefeelfreetovisit ourwebsitelima.owwl.orgorfind usonFacebook.
Operation SAVE:AnIntroductionto SuicidePrevention
Thursday,September28at10:30 am
JoinAshleySmith,community engagementandpartnerships coordinatorfromtheCanandaigua VAwillpresentthisworkshop. Participantswilllearnhowtosavea life,getanoverviewofVeteran suicidedata,howtoidentifysigns ofamentalhealthcrisis,howto usetheSAVEmodeltorespondto someoneincrisis,andhowtoreduceriskofselfharm.Allare welcome.ThisprogramissupportedbytheLivingstonCounty SuicidePreventionTaskForceand theVAFingerLakesHealthcareSystem.
SpanishwithMissRocio EveryThursdayfrom3:15-4:00pm October12-November16.
Thissix-weekSpanishclasswillintroduceschoolagechildren(K-2nd Grade)toSpanishasasecond languagethroughstories,songs, andavarietyofplayfulactivities. Registrationisrequired.Signupat wadslib.com/calendar/.
Formoreinformationonupcoming libraryeventsgotowadslib.com/ calendar/.
AvonPreservation&Historical Society 2023Programs -Heldat theAvonParkTheater.Program heldonSunday,September17, 2pm- HistoryoftheUnderground RailroadthroughAvon withJoy Lewisasourspeaker.Theprograms areallfreeandopentothepublic. Becomeamember!Donationsare welcome.
TheAvonFoodPantry is opento clientshopping.Pleasebringyour ownreusablebags.Tuesdays11-2 PMandThursdays3-5PM.Located at:108ProspectStreet,Avon. Emergencydeliveriesarestill availablebycalling358-1671.
BetterHealth&FriendshipCome joinusTuesdays2pmfor ”TAKEOFFPOUNDSSENSIBLY”. WemeetattheUnitedMethodist Church,130GeneseeSt.,Avon. Whatdoyouhavetolose?!?!
RummageSale! First Presbyterian ChurchofEastAvon(5605East AvonLimaRoad,Avon).September 15th&16th.Friday9-2pmand Saturday9-2pmwithBagSale 12:15-2pm.
AvonSeniorNutritionProgram Week ofSeptember11-September15
Tuesday,9/12:Carnitasw/Spanish Rice,WhiteTortilla,RoastedCorn, BlackBeans,Pear.
Wednesday,9/13:ChickenSalad, BurgerBun,TomatoCucumber Salad,BroccoliSalad,Clementine, OrangeJuice.
Thursday,9/14:SalisburySteakw/ MushroomGravy,MashedPotatoes,Carrots,Peach,AppleJuice.
Friday,9/15:TurkeyMeatSaucew/ Pasta,ChoppedSpinach,Green Beans,Pineapple,VanillaPudding. (585)226-6353
FoodlinkMobilePantry, now calledPUPPantry,distributionof fooditemswilltakeplaceatEast AvonFireDept.,1615W.Henrietta Rd.,onFriday,SEPTEMBER22, 2023from10AM-12PM.DRIVE THRUONLY,STAYINYOURCAR. SponsoredbyAvonFoodPantry.
GirlScoutInformationMonthAvon GirlScoutsarewelcoming newgirlsthisfall.Informationon theprogram,howtovolunteerand tohavegirlsjoincanbefoundout byemailingorcallingJeanne jfusco33@juno.com.226-6434. GSWNY.org
Friends&FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundations -FALLARTS, CRAFT,VENDORS&RAFFLEFAIR! JoinusonSunday,October8,2023 from10am-4pmattheBatavia Downs&Casino,Batavia.Formore informationcallortextMarkat 585-519-1917. FriendsandFamiliesMuscularDisordersFoundation 501(c)3not-for-profitorganization dedicatedtoimprovingthequality oflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwith neuromusculardisorders/diseases andover100otherdiseases.
FridayNightFoodTruckRodeo Batavia! September15th! The lastofsixFridayNightFoodTruck RodeoisscheduledforFriday, September15thattheGenesee CountyFairgroundsinBatavia. FoodTrucksfromalloverWestern NewYorkwillbereadytoserveyou from4PMuntil8PMorsoldout. Thisisafreeadmission,freeparking,cashonlyevent.StopinsayHi andgrababitetoeat.FridayNight FoodTruckRodeoissponsoredby GeneseeCountyAgriculturalSociety,Inc.
DineInForACause: Wednesday, September 20,4pm-9pmatthe MissBataviaDiner,566EastMain St.,Batavia.InsideorOutsideSeating.Takeoutsincluded.MissBataviawilldonate30%ofthe Evening’spre-taxreceipttoAlzheimer’sofWesternNY.NOCouponNecessary!
TheGreatBataviaTrainSale has been oneofthepremierhobby eventsinWesternNewYork.Our movetotheRichardC.Callarena hasallowedustogrowtheeventin astate-of-the-artfacility.Allforms ofmodelrailroadandtrain-related merchandisewillbeavailable.Items offeredincludeallscalesofmodel trains,historicrailroaditems, books,DVD’sandtoys.Held OCTOBER15,9:30AM-3:30PM, GeneseeCommunityCollegeRichardCCallArena,OneCollegeRd., Batavia.Freeparking.$6adults,$3 under18,freeforchildrenunder 13.http://gsme.org
WalktoEndAlzheimer’s- Join the Alzheimer’sAssociationandthe residentsofGeneseeandWyoming CountiesastheyWalktoEndAlzheimer’sonSept16.Visitourwebsiteatwww.alz.org/walk.Register asanIndividualorcaptainofa team,theninvitefamilyandfriends tojoinyourteamatthesame website.Fundscanberaisedon Facebookorbyaskingthoseyou knowtosupportyou.Walkday includesbasketstobewon,vendor tablestovisit,afunwalkaround Batavia,andendswithfreepizza!! CentennialParkintheheartof Batavianeverlookedsogoodwith thePromiseGardenfullofflowers andpurplecolorgalore!
Spaghetti Dinner: Wednesday, September13th,4:30until6:30, VeteransParkAmericanLegion, 6910Routes5&20,Bloomfield. Adults$10(13andUp)Children$5 (12andUnder).Dinnerincludes: Spaghetti,Meatballs,salad,bread andicecream.
SeniorSafetyFair- Caledonia Fire DepartmentishostingaSenior SafetyFaironOctober15from 12n-3patJWJonesHall.Agencies suchasLivingstonCountySheriff, OfficeoftheAging,Lifespanof GreaterRochesterandmorewillbe availabletoanswerquestionssurroundingOpenEnrollment,online/ phonescamsetc.OurEMT’swillbe onsiteforbloodpressurechecks. Thiseventservestoremovebarriers andimproveaccessibilitytoimprovequalityoflifeandindependenceforourSeniorCitizensand theircaregivers.Pleasereachoutto FireCommissionerMeganChurchill withanyquestions-mgn.churchill@ gmail.com
CaledoniaLibraryFallFestivalSaturday, September16,9am3pm,HamiltonPark.Vendors,Ice Cream,HotDogs,BasketRaffle, 50/50,BookSale,Mums!Information:CallGail313-7975.
NextToNewSale: The Gah-AYan-dukChapterOrderoftheEasternStarNEXTTONEWSALEwillbe heldSaturday,September9,from 9:00AMto3:00PMatthe1stCongregationalChurch,10SouthAve., Bloomfield.Somethingforall, householditem,clothing,and muchmore!
UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/
13thAnnualFallGardenSymposium - SonnenbergGardensnonprofitisexcitedtohostauthorand philanthropist,ThomasMickey,as ourguestspeakeratour13thannualGardenSymposium.Thomas willbepresentinghisbook,All AboutFlowers:thestoryofJames Vick’s19th-centuryseedcompany. Therewillalsobeawalkwith ThomasMickeythroughourbeautifulhistoricestate.Boxluncheswill beprovided.September30,103pm,SonnenbergGardens&MansionStateHistoricPark,250Gibson St.,Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
Celebrating our 11th Season! FALL DANCE starting Saturday, September 9th
Event location: 5801 Price Rd. • Livonia, NY 14487
Mom’s cancer is back. She’s been on this rollercoaster for years and she’s fed up with chemo being the only option. She’s receiving alternative therapies that are not covered by insurance, therefore she has to pay out of pocket to kill cancer this time. Any donation or help would be greatly appreciated so she can heal instead of stressing about how to fund these therapies. Please join us as we come together as a community to help li up a very special person! Email Lisa for more info: powerbuglee@yahoo.com
Scan QR Code to donate GoFundme:
• Chicken BBQ
• Bake Sale
• 50/50
• Raffle Prizes
• Live Music
• Yard Sale
Event sponsored motorcycle ride from Niagara Falls to Livonia
3509 Thomas Drive Lakeville Office Park Register at www.avdance.co
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
RochesterOratoricalSuffrage Program: Presented byTheRochesterOratorioSociety.Bringing15 yearsofexperienceincommunity engagementproductions,including “destinationevents”whichreflect thevaluesthatcharacterizelifein ourregion:innovation,inclusion, respect,tolerance,andequality. TheArtisticDirectoroftheRochesterOratorioSociety,EricTownell, workedwithJeannieM.Guerrero toplananewprogramthatwould honorthe100thanniversaryof women’ssuffrageandconnect withyoungpeopleinadiverse society.September17,2-4pm, SonnenbergGardens&Mansion StateHistoricPark,250GibsonSt., Canandaigua.https://www. sonnenberg.org/events/
BuffaloBillsTailgateParty!Saturday, October21 at17Foster St.,Canandaiguafrom10AM-4PM. “CelebrateTheBills”Fundraiserfor BlueStarMothers,Inc.,NY1.Food Trucks!CraftTables!BasketRaffle! ChiliandBakingContests!Fire TruckVisit!Comeandjointhefun tohelpussupportourActiveDuty MilitaryandVeterans!!!ToparticipateintheChiliCookoffandBaked GoodsContestscalltoregistereither:BobbieMetcalfe 585-200-0121orJoyceMader 585-301-2662.
ChickenBBQ - ConlonMulvaney AmericanLegion,6317Marshall Road,Conesus.HeldSaturday, September9thwithaDJfrom1pm till.Priceis$12.
ConesusLakeRidersMotorcycle Club -AllYouCanEatBreakfast: Helduntilfurthernoticethe2nd and4thSundayofeverymonthat theConesusLakeRidersMotorcycleClub,6199LibertyPoleRd.in Dansvillefrom9am-12noon.We supportCampGoodDays,Teresa House,WoundedWarriors, Christmasmealsandmanymore. AnyquestionscallJohnHynesat 585-314-1244.
PulledPorkDinnerFundraiser for Missions- Saturday,September16from11:30-1:30pmatthe DansvilleFreeMethodistChurch, 25FranklinStreet,Dansville.Cost: $10.PulledPorkSandwich,salt potatoes,coleslaw.TakeOut& DineIn.UseBattleStreetentrance.
E. BLOOMFIELDTheEastBloomfieldHistorical Society presents “EastBloomfield MenintheCivilWar”,aprogram byTownHistorianJudithStewart onThursday,Sept21,2023atthe Societybuildingat8SouthAve.in EastBloomfield.Programstartsat 7pm.Lightrefreshmentsserved. Comeearlyandtakearideonthe newlift-programtobeheldon thenowaccessible2ndfloor.On theside,DawnWaynewillbethere at4:30withhernewcookbookof HollowayHouseRecipes.Ifyou haveorderedoneyoucanpickitup then,ifyouhavenot,youcandoso until6:30.
MushroomForayHikein Springwater - Hike&Searchfor mushroomsontheAllWestern TreeFarminSpringwateronSundaySeptember10from2-4PM withSpringwaterTrails,followed bymushroomidentificationanda socialget-togetherontheFarm. Foradditionalinfo/directions/ updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
GeneseoYAH- Sunday, September10.Dessertmeeting(refreshmentsprovided);1:30p.m.at theGeneseoUnitedMethodist Church;program:WarsawBarbershoppers.
St.Michael’s200thAnniversary Organ Concert- AnneLaver, internationallyknownconcertorganistwillbeperforming“Heroes &Saints”forSt.Michael’sChurch’s 200thAnniversaryConcert.Eclectic programincludesmusicbyJ.S. Bach,DieterichBuxtehude,Clara Shumann,AdolphusHailstork, ConnorChee,andHansZimmer, amongothers.ItwillbeheldFriday, September15that7:30PMatSt. Michael’sEpiscopalChurch,23 MainSt.Geneseo.Suggestion donation$20.Receptionfollowing. Allarewelcome!
RummageandBakeSale- St. Timothy LutheranChurchishosting anindoorrummageandbakesale onSaturday,September16thfrom 8:30amto1:30pm,witha$2bag salefrom1:00pmto1:30pm. Proceedswillbenefitlocalfood pantries.We’relocatedat5015 LakevilleRd.,Geneseo.Hopetosee youthere!
GeneseoYoungatHeartprogram - Thursday,September21. Meeting;2:00p.m.attheGeneseo UnitedMethodistChurch.Program:sharingchildhoodmemories.
Geneseo/GrovelandEmergency Food Pantry: TheGeneseo GrovelandEmergencyFoodPantry isheretohelp.Locatedat31 CenterStreetinthebasementof theCentralPresbyterianChurch, weareopenTuesdayandThursday 10-2andWednesday4-6:30.We offeravarietyoffruitsandvegetables,grains,proteinsanddairyas wellasfreshproducewhen available.Formoreinformation, visitourwebsiteggefoodpantry. org,emailggefoodpantry@gmail. comorcall585-991-8220.
ChickenBarbecue - SpartaFirst PresbyterianChurch,7369 GrovelandHillRd.,Groveland.Saturday,September9,Noonuntil soldout.Pre-saletickets$13.Contact585-261-2067.Ticketsatthe door$15.
MonthlyBookClub - Starting September13thatLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.Hemlock.ThesecondWednesdayofeachmonthfrom2:00pm4:00pmyoucanjoinabookdiscussion.Herearethebookstoreadfor eachmonth:September13th,On TheRooftopbyMargaretWilkerson Sexton,October11th,Infinite CountrybyPatriciaEngel,November8th,LessonsinChemistryby BonnieGarmusandDecember 13th,TheChristmasBookshopby JennyColgan.BookClubisFreeto thepublic,hopeyoujoinus.
HistoryEvent“AmericanIndian Presence at HemlockandHoneoye Lakes”-WithFallcomesoneofour wonderfulhighlyanticipatedtalks byHoneoye’sveryownTown Historian,JoyLewis.Joywillbe joiningusonSept.15thfrom 6:30pm-8:30pmatLittleLakes CommunityCenter4705S.Main St.Hemlocktopresent“American IndianPresenceatHemlockand HoneoyeLakes.”Joyisapleasure tolistentoasshetakesusallback intimesheddinglightontothetrue historyofourarea.Questionand answerperiodwillfollowalong withlightrefreshments.PresentationisFreetothepublichowever, donationsarealwaysappreciated.
HemlockFiberCircle- Join uson Thursdays1:00pmatLittleLakes CommunityCenter,4705S.Main St.Hemlock,wherewewillgather toworkonourhandiworkprojects. Knitters,Crocheters,NeedleFelters, comeandfindinspiration!Getunstuckwhenyourunintotrouble. Bringyourprojects,nomatterthe type.Ourgoalistohaveafun groupthatmeetstoshareour knowledgeandloveoffiber.Starts ThursdayJune29th.
VeteransPlus1-Kayaking: September 30,10:30-1:30pm.VeteransPlus1signupandcomejoin usonHemlockLakeaswepaddle throughapristinenaturesetting. Wewillshoveoffat1030andeach lunchlakeside.FillouttheRSVP formbyvisitingwww.livcovets.com andletusknowyou’reinterested. Wewillreachoutandletyouknow ifwehaveroomleft.Wecan’twait topaddlewithyou.
FallEquinoxDrummingCelebration at theLittleLakesCommunity CenterwithBobandJodieKiss. CelebratetheFallEquinoxameaningfultimeofyeartohonorthe harvestwehaveplantedorthe harvesteffortsandintentionsfor ourlifepaththatwemayhaveset earlierintheyear.Joininthis celebrationwhichwillincludea guidedmeditationandahealing meditationenhancedbyroundsof drummingandNativeAmerican StyleFlutes.Friday,September22, 2023,7:00pmatLittleLakes CommunityCenter4705S.Main St.Hemlock.A$10.00donationis suggested.
Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge WEDNESDAYS, July12thSeptember27thfrom2-6PM.OPEN tothepublicatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020.
25thAnniversaryIoniaFallFestival, Saturday, September16th,all daylong,celebratingouragriculturalheritage,ontheIoniaUnited MethodistChurchgrounds,2120 EltonRd.TractorParadebegins 1PM,butyoucanlookatthe tractor&implementdisplaysbehindthechurchalldaylong.Food available:Coffee&Donuts7:309:30AM;ChowHutserveshot dogs,burgersandmore10AM4:30PM;ChickenBBQ11:30AMtil soldout.Cake&DessertWheel; CoinToss;DoorPrizes,Hayridesto theWolkObservatory;Children’s Games&Crafts;Historical&other Displays&Demonstrations;& more!Information:www.ioniaumc. org.Tractorparade:JohnBennett 585-657-6245.Vendorbooth: MarnaEvans585-624-4993.
September21,22,23-New2U Clothing, Shoes,Purses/Bags, andLinensBagSales-Largeselectionofqualityclothing,shoes,and linens.Infant,kids,anduptoadult plussizes.$12/bagfull.Bring family/friendsandbargainshopto fillyourcloset.FirstPresbyterian ChurchofLivonia,GPS:3837CenterSt.,Livonia.(Thiswilltakeyou tothehamletofLivoniaCenter acrossfromtheLivoniaLegion alongRoute20A).Facebook @LivoniaNyPresbyterianChurchfor additionalinformation.Thurs.Sept. 21st-4pm-7pm;Fri.Sept.22nd9am-1pmandSat.Sept23rd9am-noon.
FingerLakesUFOMeetupUFOs, UAPs&ETsaremakingthe News!Cometodiscusswithlikemindedpeople.Saturday,September16:6:00-8:00pm.Food& Fellowship:8:00-9:00pm.United MethodistChurchofLivonia (UMCL),21SummersStreet, Livonia.$5.00donationtoUMCL. Snackstoshareareappreciated. Info:TextorcallMaryGrace: 585-766-9318.www. giftsofgraceministry.org
LimaVolunteerFireDepartment - $14,000CashRaffle! Saturday, DECEMBER9.Tickets$20each. Only1500TicketsAvailable!15 Winners!1stPrize$9800,2ndPrize $1500,3rdPrize$1200,4thPrize $250,5thPrize$250,6th-15th Prize$100each.Allticketseligible foreveryprize.Ticketsavailable fromanyLimaFireDept.member oronlineatwww.limafd.com. Venmo@limafiredept.Drawingon Saturday,December9,2023.Must be18oroldertopurchasetickets. Taxesaretheresponsibilityofthe winner.Iffewerthan1500tickets aresoldbyDecember9,2023prize moneywillbeproportionally adjusted.Thankyoutotheorganizationsandbusinessesthat supportourfundraisingefforts!
LimaGoldenAgers will meeton Tuesday,SEPTEMBER12THatLima Diner.Arriveat12:00pmwith Lunchat12:30pm.Meetingtofollow.MakereservationsbySEPTEMBER8TH.CallTrudyTonesat 585-261-8554.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,September13,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
TheFriendsoftheLivoniaPublic Library BookSale- Saturday, September9from10am-3pmin thePattersonRoom,LivoniaLibrary,2WashingtonSt.Prices: $5/bagonSaturday,September9; bagwillbeprovided.Bagsale continuesthefollowingweek (September11-16)duringregular libraryhours:$2/bagonMonday& Tuesday,booksareFREEWednesdaythroughSaturday.Allgenres; bigselection!
TheLivoniaHistoricalSociety is excited toshareitsplanstohighlightdowntownLivoniainthe monthofSeptember.Captioned photosfromthe1800’stothe 1970’swillbefeaturedateach downtownbusinessandatthe LivoniaPublicLibrary!OnSeptember9,1-3pmduringtheLivonia AutumnintheVillageFestivalthere willbeaguidedwalkingtour, “StepIntothePast.”Grouptours willbeginattheMauriceSweeney Museum,10CommercialStreet (lookforthebigclock),thenonto therecreatedDemasCandy Kitchen,Livonia’sownPrettejohn OperaHouse(throughphotosand yourrecreator).Lastly,youwill strolldowntotheoldLA&L RailroadDepot.
AARPDriversSafetyCourseMonday &Wednesdayfrom 8:00am-11:00am,SEPTEMBER11 &13attheLivoniaLegion,20A& FederalRd.,LivoniaCenter.Must attendbothdays.Contact:Bee Sank585-658-4115.Ifnoanswer, leavemessage.
AmericanLegionPost#283 Breakfasts - TheAmericanLegion Harrison-LeePost283hastheir monthlyBreakfastsonthethird Sundayofeachmonth.The Breakfastsareopentothecommunityandcost$8.TheBreakfasts includechoicesofeggs,choiceof meat,home-friedpotatoes,pancakesorFrenchtoast,wheator whitetoast,coffee,tea,and orangejuice.TheBreakfastisheld atPost283onthecornerofRichmondMillsRoadandFederalRoad inLivoniaCenterfrom7:30amto 11am.
VeteranOnly-EarlyRiser’sCoffee Club: September18th,7am9am.Veteranscomejoinusat Brian’sUSADinerinMt.Morrisfor ourmonthlyEarlyRiserCoffee Club.Thethird(3rd)Mondayevery monthwewillmeetwithother veteransandenjoythecoffee,conversation,andcompanyasweget readytotackletheweektogether. RSVPonourwebsite,www. livcovets.comWehopetoseeyou there.
LeTourneau5thAnnual5KRun/ Walk andFallFestival- Saturday, October28th!Our5Krun/walk registrationopens8AMwiththe racestartingpromptlyat9AM.Fall Festivalactivities10AM-2PM! PulledPorkBBQwillbereadybetween10AM-12:30PMandmaybe pickedupatyourappointedtime, appointmentswillbeassignedas lunchregistrationscomein.Every runnerandwalkerwillreceivea 2023FallFestival5Kshirt,apumpkinforfinishingtherace,waterand snacksaftertherace,andapulled porkBBQmeal.*Pleaseseeour registrationtochoosevirtualorin personraceentryoption.https:// www.letcc.org/fall-5k/
VeteranOnly-FishingCharter: Veterans only,comejoinusfor anothergreatfishingadventure withHarringtonOutfitters.We’re windingdownoursummerwith anotherfishingtrip,ifyouhaven’t joinedus,RSVPnowbeforethe weatherchangesandit’stoolate. RSVPbyvisitingwww.livcovets. com.Wewillreachoutandgive youthedetailsandletyouknowif yougotaseat.September22, 5:45am,CanandaiguaLakeSOUTHENDLaunch,7201State Route21,Naples.
FallFestforHospeaceHouseThree daysofcrafts,goodfood, pettyzooandmore!HeldSeptember8-10,10-4pmattheFlintand SteelFarm,350BassettRoad,Naples.TobenefitHospeaceHouseof Naples.$10perperson;$35family of4$5eaadd’l.2andunderfree. http://www.hospeacehouse.org.
AnnualChickenBBQ! Saturday, September 16th,4-7pmattheItaly ValleyUnitedMethodistChurch, 915ItalyValleyRd.,Naples.Menu: 1/2chicken,bakedbeans,salt potatoes,coleslawanddessert. Icedtea,lemonade,andbottled waterwillalsobeavailable.$15. Dine-InorTake-Out.
Sizzlin’SummerOnlineSale! Hospeace HouseofNaplesis hostinganonlineauctionofartand jewelrythroughSeptember30. Visitourwebsiteatwww. hospeacehouse.orgfordetailsor callusat585-374-2090formore information.
TheGeneseeValleyCivilWar Roundtable will meetWednesday, September20that7pmatthe PavilionUnitedMethodistChurch atthecornerof63&19inPavilion. Thepresentationwillbepresented bytheTonawandaReservation HistoricalSocietyonthetopicofEly Parker.Allarewelcome.
“BrewsforBuilds”SecondAnnual Fundraiser tobenefitHabitat forHumanityraises$10,000infirst monthofsales.Lookingforarefreshingwaytosupportanimportantlocalcause?Purchasea$40 passforthisyear’s“Brewsfor Builds”tobenefitGreaterRochesterHabitatforHumanityathttps:// www.grhabitat.org/brewsforbuilds. Passholderscanbuyonedraftbeer andgetthesecondfreeateachof theparticipatingcraftbreweries throughSeptember30,2024. Thankstothegenerousparticipationofthesebreweries,100%of the“BrewsforBuilds”saleswill benefitHabitatdirectly.
EmbraceYourSistersPositively Pink inPittsfordWalk -Sunday, September24th.Thewalkstartsat PittsfordSutherlandHighSchool; registrationbegins9amandthe walkbegins10am.Wearedog friendlytoo!Nofeetoparticipate; however,donationsareappreciatedandifyouraise$30,youwill receiveaneventt-shirt.Thesewill beavailableforpick-upattheregistrationtableonthedayofthe walk.TheEmbraceYourSisters PositivelyPinkinPittsfordWalkis alongtheErieCanal,covering1.8 miles.Ifyouhavebreastcancerand areinneedofemergencyfinancial support,visit:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/financialassistance.Toregisterforourwalk, todonate,orforsponsorshipopportunities:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/2023-ppip.
Godfrey’sPondHuntingand Fishing FallFestival -Godfrey’s PondBestKeepSecretinGenesee County.Tours,BurgersandHot Dogs,Demonstrations,Crafts,ChineseAuctionandmuchmore.Saturday&Sunday,September16& 17atGeneseeCountyFish&Game ProtectiveAssoc.Inc.,7925 Godfrey’sPondRoad,Bergen.
CampStellaMarisCar&Truck Show -September16,10-2pm, PinnacleAthleticCampusLLC, 7600PinnacleDr.,Victor.Vehicle showingwithcarandtrucktrophies.BestinShow,BestCar,Best Truck,Top30,Camper’sPick,VeteranOwned,andFemaleOwned Awards.Preregisteronlineat https://www.campstellamaris.org/ car-show/for$15acar.$25day of.Centrallylocatedrightoffof NYSThruway90.Fullypavedparkinglot.Raffle,SilentAuction, 50/50,andFood.Proceedsbenefit thecampershipfund.Sendakidto camp!
September10th.7:30-11:00AM. LimaLegionPost282,2475State Route65,WestBloomfield.$10 Adults;$6Ages8-12;7&under Free.Sausagegravy&biscuits, scrambledeggs,homefries,French toast,bacon,sausage,pastries, fruit,juice&coffee.Takeouts available.Everyonewelcome.
Saturday,SEPTEMBER16THfrom 3-6PMattheYorkBaptistChurch, 2738MainStreet,York.Drive-Thru Only!$12-Adults,$8-Students (SchoolandCollege),Free-Children(5andunder).
Invest in quality gear. The right photography gear makes it much easier to take great photos. Lenses are very important for capturing shots. Macro lenses are designed for insects and flowers. Wide-angle lenses help snap landscapes. Telephoto lenses can focus on animals without having to get too close.
Classes begin the week of September 11, 2023 and are limited to 8 students
Drawing Classes start 9/12 • 9-11:30am
Acrylic Painting starts 9/14 • 1:30-4pm
Advanced Oil Painting starts 9/13 • 2:30-5:30pm Evening classes forming.
Schedule also includes art for elders with memory loss with caregivers.
Gi certificates & demos available.
Karin Wallin, Artist 435 High Acres, Avon, NY
Please call for schedule or to ask questions. 438-4016
Five Arch Self Storage hereby gives notice that all of the property of the following tenants stored in the following units will be sold in their entirety at
2027 Avon-Geneseo Road, Avon, NY 14414
Sat., Sept. 23, 2023 at 9am
Beverly Wright #20
Jamie Mitchell #52
Dwayne Rose #83
Mark Savino #105
Mark Savino #106
Tyler Kostraba #170
Michelle Garwood #186
Herm Walker #200
Peter Gabak #241
Kim Gorton #253
Meghan Campbell #307
Richard Morrow #321
Terms: Cash Only
$50.00 refundable clean-out fee. Units are subject to redemption.
Under §182 of the New York State Lien Law will sell at Public Auction for cash only all the personal property stored by:
Call for details: 607-962-2583
RED DOOR – Sat. ,September 23rd, 2023 at 2:30 PM
7205 Longwell Lane, Bath, NY 14810 –8 Units for Auction
C. Cook Unit 5 AB Full 8x12, Couch, Dressers, Bed, End Tables, Floor Lamps, Boxes, Totes, stereo
V. Pfund Unit 9 Stereo, floor fan, folding lawn chair, tent, and storage bins full J. Cook Unit 74 window A/C unit, dresser, tent, bathroom rugs, kitchen supplies, PS4, coolers, car seat, bike, blow up mattress
J. Weed Unit 93 Frig, box spring, small grill, washer, dryer, dresser and a few full bins
J. Chaffee Unit 149 Full 10x20 Fish Tanks, Christmas decorations, Lamps, Skis, hammock, animal incubator and several full boxes
E. Conklin Unit 155 table saw, drill, small air compressor, metal shelving, industrial upright air compressor, tools, tool box and saw blade
D. Davis Unit 156 dresser, box TV, vacuum, weights, coffee table, kitchen pots and pans, mattress, folding chair, rug and several full boxes
A. Hoad Unit 27 AB baby gate, fire pit, kids picnic table, several full boxes, shop vac, fire wood, suitcases, TV, dresser and vacuum
MY STUFF SELF STORAGE - Sat., September 23rd, 2023 at 3:40 PM
64539 Route 415, Wayland, NY 14572 –3 Units for Auction
D. Harold Unit 9 insulation, ladders, end stand lamp, love seat, dresser, shovels, V. Verstraten Unit 23 Floor fan, luggage bags, Harry Potter LEGO box, floor light, foldable table, small love seat or chair, tall wood mirror and some full bins.
C. Dickey Unit 33 Mattress, box spring, skis, couch, ladders, wood chairs, tent, fold up lawn chair, 2 big boxes and a few bags full of stuff
GENESEO MINI STORAGE - Sat., September 23rd, 2023 at 5:00 PM
4550 Genesee St. Geneseo, NY 14454 –2 Units for Auction
M. Diaz Unit 116 Ironing board, Box fan, skate board, coats, 3 drawer storage bin and few bags of stuff
M. LaCruise Unit 145 swiffer mop, vacuum, Ottoman storage bin, suitcase, rug, Bins and bags full of stuff
ELMIRA MINI STORAGE (So Main) – Sat., September 23rd, 2023 at 9:00AM
768 South Main St., Elmira, NY 14904 – 3 Units for Auction
WEST ELMIRA MINI STORAGE– Sat., September 23rd, 2023 at 9:45AM
7 Hendy Creek Rd., Elmira, NY 14905 –4 Units for Auction
CORNING MINI STORAGE (Beaver Dams) –Sat., September 23rd, 2023 at 10:50
550 State Route 414, Beaver Dams, NY 14812 6 Units for Auction
CORNING MINI STORAGE (414) – Sat. September 23rd, 2023 at 11:50 AM
3656 State Route 414, Corning, NY 14,830 –11 Units for Auction
PAINTED POST MINI STORAGE – Sat.,September 23rd, 2023 1:15PM
218 Bronson Street, Painted Post, NY 14870–1 Unit for Auction
ERWIN MINI STORAGE - Sat., September 23rd, 2023 1:35 PM
613 Rita’s Way, Painted Post, NY 14870 – 3 Units for Auction
Gift auctions are a fun way to raise money for good causes.
* Encourage participants to enjoy food and drink. Refreshments can make the event more lively, and selling refreshments is another way to raise money. Offer a selection of beverages, both alcoholic and nonalcoholic, as well as chips and other finger foods. Consider catering the event or asking for volunteers to bring in food pot-luck style.
HP 67 INKJET CARTRIDGES for HP Envy 6055e printer: 1 XL black, opened, 1 black and 1 tricolor unopened. 585-475-1637
4 Harbor Freight folding wood/steel SAWHORSES. Only used twice. Some shallow cuts on wood surface. cochise@post.com
RADIAL ARM SAW KIT for circular saw. New in box. cochise@post.com
MEDICAL FURNITURE includes bed frame with side bars, wheelchair, bathroom chair, bed tray, recliner on wheels. HEAVY, you haul away. jnzholmes@gmail.com
TWO HEATED SLEEPING MATS FOR PETS. I used them for cats, they loved them. Removable and washable covers. 585-394-8917
Full set of ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Pick up Penfield. 585-381-8875
VINTAGE 1960s SEWING MACHINE in cabinet with zigzag accessory. You pick up. 585 313-5940
SPEED QUEEN WASHER. Needs pump. Two years old. Pick up, Cohocton. 585-519-1694
PORTABLE BASKETBALL HOOP. Height adjustable to ten feet. Good condition. You pick up, Bloomfield. 585-203-7013
8x10 METAL SHED. Bought new but never assembled, due to change of mind. Text or call. 585-697-4671
AIR COMPRESSOR 3HP 20 Gallon tank. Compressor motor works. Tank has rust hole leaks. Honeoye Falls. Text 585-260-8951
FULL SIZE BED FRAME with headboard and footboard. Light color wood. In Scottsville. schatziny@gmail.com
Green leather ROUND TOP FOR A CARD TABLE. Seats 6-8 people comfortably. daldrich51@gmail.com
24’ ABOVE GROUND ROUND POOL, aluminum. Includes solar and winter covers and filter. In good shape. You remove. 585-749-4705
QUEEN BED FRAME with headboard & footboard. Light wood color. In Scottsville. Email schatziny@gmail.com
SCRAP METAL. 585-705-9103
UPRIGHT BALDWIN PIANO. You remove. Regulation sized POOL TABLE with cue balls. You remove from basement. 585-733-3593
6-person INTEX INFLATABLE HOT TUB. Used 1 year. Cover and all accessories included. Motor may need repair. Call for details. 585- 820-1365
Box of MAGAZINES (men’s, women’s, religious, cultural, wine). Lakeville. Call or text 585-649-8706
Two BOWLING BALLS w/bags, five TENNIS RACKETS. Webster. tegouse@aol.com
Genuine SWEDISH BLUE EGG CHAIR. Purchased in Sweden. (Grandkids are gone.) bkgranny@rochester.rr.com
A lot of PAPER TOWEL TUBES (the brown paper inner tube) needed for kids’ crafts. Webster/Penfield area. 585-217-3397
Elderly man looking for a RECLINER, ENTERTAINMENT CENTER and a workable WHEELBARROW. 585-883-7387
SMALL UPRIGHT FREEZER. mfarru1.mf@gmail.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DISPLAY CONSOLE model 6312 or 6351. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DATA-LOGGER model 6510USB or 6555IP. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
Need ACCESSORIES FOR KIRBY G5, attachments like wand and hand-held nozzles, etc. Terry, 336-247-3245 Geneva, NY.
STAINED GLASS sheets/pieces, any colors/textures/sizes. For retiree starting a new hobby. penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Old COMPUTERS, PRINTERS, ELECTRONICS, CELL PHONES for recycling (no tube heavy TVs or computer monitors). Terry 336-247-3245
STATIONARY BIKE in good condition for physical therapy. barbaragreen0806@yahoo.com
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/ Penfield area. cmstudio@rochester.rr.com
ADULT DIAPERS/GUARDS - Male, large/extra-large. Other sizes welcome as they may vary. For elderly parent in nursing home. cpalone@yahoo.com
PLASTIC PET CARRIER for a dog that is 35lbs/medium sized. Please Text Wendy 585-520-7823
Metal or plastic SHELVING and a two-to-four-drawer FILE CABINET. 585-424-0732
Too many ZUCCHINIS? I would like to take some off your hands. 585-698-5937
POKER TABLE that will seat eight people. 585-347-4283
MOVING BOXES, all sizes, in structurally good shape. Much appreciated! penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
PROPANE CAMPING STOVE and SCREEN HOUSE for some kids on their first camp out. Thank you. jenabrado@gmail.com
CANNING JARS, any size. Mzsodus50@gmail.com
HOSPITAL BED, extra wide 42” to 48”: 585-300-9257
Looking for a BOX TRAILER. 585-789-7663 (text only) or 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Seeking an ATV or DIRT BIKE for father son project. Call or text 315-576-1278 ask for Matt
Clean, medium to large BOXES. East Rochester area. 585-698-5937
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Cornerstone Baptist Church
4232 Reservoir Rd., Geneseo • 243-4514
Pastor John Zatkiewicz
Worship 11am • Sunday School 9:45am
Wednesday Prayer, 6:30pm
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church
4631 Lakeville Rd., Geneseo • 243-0130
Pastor Don Ray • E-mail: pvbc@frontier.com
pleasantvalleybaptist.com • Sunday School 10:00am
Worship Services Sunday, 11:00am • Bible Study Wed., 6:30pm
Children’s Church • Youth Activities
Grace Baptist Church
Pastor David eobald
9316 Main Street, Dansville, NY 14437 585-335-6190
Sunday School 9:15 AM; Worship Service 10:30 AM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting/Kids Block/Youth Group 7:00 PM www.gracebcdansville.org
St. Luke the Evangelist Parish
Sat. 4:00 pm at St. Lucy, Retsof • Sun. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Geneseo
Sun. 8:15 am at Holy Angels, Nunda • Sun. 10 am at St. Patrick, Mt. Morris • Sun. 10:15 am at St. Mary, Geneseo
Daily Masses: Mon. 8:00 am at St. Mary, Tues. at St. Patrick, Wed. & Fri. at St. omas Aquinas
Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Community
St. Mary’s, Honeoye • St. Matthew, Livonia
www.stsmaryandmatthew.com - Rev. William Laird
9am Daily Masses: Mon. & Wed. at St. Matthew • Tues. & urs. at St. Mary’s
Weekend Schedule: Sat. - 3:30pm Reconciliation, 4:30pm Mass at St. Matthew • Sun. - 8:30am Mass at St. Mary’s, 10:30am Mass at St. Matthew
Holy Family Catholic Community
Office: 206 Fremont St., Wayland, NY 14572 • 728-2228
Hours: Mon- urs. 9:00am-4:00pm, Fri 9:00am-12:00noon
Mass Schedule: Sat. 4pm @ St. Mary’s, 40 Elizabeth St., Dansville
Sun. 7:30am @ St. Joseph’s, 206 Fremont St., Wayland
Sun. 9:15am @ Sacred Heart, 11119 Chapel St., Perkinsville
Sun. 11am @ St. Pius, 35 Maple Ave., Cohocton
St. Agnes, St. Rose, St. Paul of the Cross
saintagnespaulrose.org • 226-2100
Saturday: 4pm at St. Agnes in Avon
Sunday: 8am at St. Rose in Lima
Sunday: 9:45am at St. Paul of the Cross in Honeoye Falls
Sunday: 11:30am at St. Agnes in Avon
Christian Science Church
3350 Middle Cheshire Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424
Sun. Service & Sunday School: 10:30AM
Wed. Testimonial Meeting: Noon at Church
Reading rm. @ Church Tues. 11AM - 2:30PM & before & a er services
christiansciencechurch@frontier.com • christianscience.com
Find us on Facebook at Christian Science Canandaigua • 585-393-9935 for info.
e Center Church
Meeting at the Lakeville Fire Training Grounds
5604 Stone Hill Rd., Lakeville, NY 14480
Service: Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study: Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Phone: 585-376-0749
By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
~Thomas MertonLivonia Community Church
A non-denominational Evangelical church
41 Spring St., 346-5290; Pastor Benjamin Nickels
Bible Study – all ages 9:45am; Worship Service 10:30am
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
25 Clara Barton Street • Box 127 Dansville, NY 14437 • 585-335-5434
stpetesdansville.org • Handicap accessible
Sunday Service @ 10:30am
Zion Episcopal Church
10 Park Place (on the Circle), Avon • (585) 226-3722 zionepiscopalchurchavon.org
Sunday Worship and Holy Communion 10:00am
Online Facebook: facebook.com/Zionchurchavon
Sunday School (Pre-K-12) 9:00am
St. Timothy Lutheran Church - ELCA
A Sanctuary and Reconciling in Christ Church
5015 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo, NY 14454 • 585-243-4490
Pastor Lisa Frauens • pastorlisaf@gmail.com • sttimothylutherangeneseo.org
Sunday worship 9:30AM, & Live Streamed: www.facebook.com/sttimothygeneseo Intergenerational Sunday School, 10:30am 1st Sunday of the month Oct-May. Accessible building with hearing loop available.
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany LCMS
6050 East Avon-Lima Rd. (Rt. 5 & 20), E. Avon • 226-2200
Pastor Clayton Zuber
Facebook: epiphanyavon • Handicap Accessible
Sunday Worship and Sunday School 10:30am
Geneseo United Methodist Church
Rev. Beth Malone • Rt. 63 & Court Street, Geneseo • 243-3160
8:30am Non-Traditional, 10:30am Traditional, 9:30am coffee hour
Sunday School classes for all ages • Nursery care provided
Now “Looped” for the Hearing Impaired Worship services available via Zoom - more info at www.geneseomethodist.com
“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” • Handicapped accessible
United Methodist Church of Livonia
Pastor: Sung Ho Lee • 21 Summers St., Livonia • (585) 346-3511
E-mail: UMCLivonia@gmail.com • Website: UMCL.us
Sunday School 9:45AM • Worship service Sundays at 9AM, in-person in the sanctuary or online. Online access is available via the church website: UMCL.us or on our Facebook page (Livonia United Methodist Church). Nursery Care available for infant to preschool-aged children.
Dansville United Methodist Church
5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville
Church phone: 585-335-5354
Sunday Worship: 11am
Pastor Michael Whitcomb-Tavey
Springwater United Methodist Church
8001 South Main St., Springwater, NY 14560
Office: 585-669-2131, Pastor Dawn Merritt
Sunday Service: 11am
Children’s Church/Sunday School Handicap accessible.
Avon United Methodist Church
130 Genesee St., Avon • 226-8600 • www.avonnyumc.org
Rev. Keith Griswold
Worship: Sundays in church at 10am, Facebook Live 10:10am
Radio Ministry: 7:30am Sundays on 1040AM or 92.1FM
To join us for worship or anytime on our website.
Genesee Valley Church Of Christ
Calvin Watson, Minister • 7351 Rt. 256, Scottsburg • 281-4733 (Sparta Community Center)
Sunday Bible Study 9-9:45am • Sunday Worship 10:00-11:00am
Non-denominational New Testament Teachings.
Faith Fellowship Church
5630 Pebble Beach Rd., Lakeville • 703-1340 www.ffcny.org
Pastor Stephen Sweeting • Pastor Steven LaMar, Discipleship
Pastor Cliff Baker, Youth Sunday Worship Prayer 10am
Holy Ground Ministries Church
2637 Genesee St. (Rte. 63), Retsof, Across from York School bus garage. 585-245-3334 • Sunday at 10am. All are welcome.
Bible Study - Every Saturday at 9:30am
See what the Lord can do in your life. www.holygroundministries.org
Sparta Center Church
Pastor David Zastrow • 585-236-0887
8455 Sparta Center Rd., Dansville, NY 14437
Service at 9:00 am. Outdoor services weather permitting. Find us on Facebook at Sparta Center Church.
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
York United Presbyterian Church
2662 Main St., York, NY • 243-1266
Sunday Worship Service in person at 10:00 am
Available on the YouTube channel: “York United Presbyterian Church”.
Pastor: Rev. Michelle Sumption • All are welcome!
First Presbyterian Church of Livonia Center
3836 Richmond Mills Road
Rt. 20A, Livonia Center
Sunday Worship 9:30 am • Handicap Accessible
Central Presbyterian Church of Geneseo
Corner 2nd & Center St. • 243-0669
Pastor Rev. Dr. Nancy E. Lowmaster
Sunday Worship at 10am @www.cpcgeneseo.org
Sunday School and Nursery provided.
East Avon First Presbyterian Church (USA)
Located at the Corner of Rts. 15 and 5&20
Rev. Michelle Allen: 585-226-6460; pastor@eastavonchurch.com
Sunday Worship: In person at 10:00 AM; Via Zoom at 10:00 AM (www.eastavonchurch.com)
Everyone is always welcome!!
Leicester Evangelical Presbyterian Church
161 Main St., Leicester • 382-3311
Pastor David Missel
Adult Sunday School: 10am • Worship Service: 10:30am
Please Join Us!
Avon Central Presbyterian Church
Pastor Carin Farmer • 133 Genesee St., Avon • 226-2626
Sunday Worship 10:00am (July & August - 9:00am)
Children’s Sunday School during Worship (Sept.-May). Nursery provided • All are welcome! • cpcavon@frontier.com
Sunday Radio Ministry: 8:30 am at 1040 AM or 92.1 FM and 95.5 FM
Lakeville United Church of Christ
5687 Big Tree Rd., Lakeville • 346-5235
Sunday Worship at 10:30am
All are welcome/Open and Affirming Church.
South Livonia United Church of Christ
5087 South Livonia Rd., Livonia • Pastor Susan Smith
585-346-0420 • slucc2021@charter.net
Worship 10:00am
Children Sunday School 10:20am
FB - South Livonia UCC
Cognitive decline is a condition that is often associated with aging, but even middle-aged people can experience memory loss or cognition issues.
The Alzheimer’s Association says that more than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. By 2050, that number could rise to as high as 16 million people. More than 747,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, says the Canadian Alzheimer’s Association.
Although there is no definitive way to prevent dementia, living a long, vibrant life may be possible by encouraging some healthy habits for the brain. It is never too late or too early to begin health and lifestyle changes.
Exercise: Becoming more active can improve brain volume, reduce risk for dementia and improve thinking and memory skills. The journal Neurology found that older people who vigorously exercise performed better on cognitive tests than others of the same age, placing them at the equivalent of 10 years younger. Increased blood flow that occurs with physical activity may help generate new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with learning and memory.
The Harvard Medical School says aerobic exercise may help improve brain tissue by improving blood flow and reducing the chances of injury to the brain from cholesterol buildup in blood vessels.
Quit smoking: The Alzheimer’s Association indicates that evidence shows smoking increases the risk of cognitive decline. Smoking can impair blood flow to the brain and cause small strokes that may damage blood vessels.
Eat healthy foods: Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels also are good for the brain. These include fresh fruits and vegetables,
whole grains, fish-based proteins, unsaturated fats, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Neurologists state that, while research on diet and cognitive function is limited, diets, such as Mediterranean and Mediterranean-DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), may contribute to a lower risk of cognitive issues.
Consume caffeine: Caffeine may help boost memory performance and brain health. A Journal of Nutrition study found people ages 70 and older who consumed more caffeine scored better on tests of mental function than those who consumed less caffeine. Caffeine may help improve attention span, cognitive function and feelings of well-being. Information from Psychology Today also indicates caffeine may help in the storage of dopamine, which can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. In addition, compounds in cocoa and coffee beans may improve vascular health and help repair cellular damage due to high antioxidant levels.
Work the brain: Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can create new brain connections and more backup circuits, states Dr. Joel Salinas, a neurologist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. Working the brain through puzzles, reading and participating in social situations can stimulate the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a molecule essential for repairing brain cells and creating connections between them.
A good way to combine these lifestyle factors is to take an exercise class with friends, mixing the social, stimulation and exercise recommendations together.
Cognitive decline can come with aging, but through healthy habits, people can reduce their risk of memory loss and dementia.
Sitework: Residential and Commercial Paving: Driveways
Concrete Work: Sidewalks, floors, slabs, patios
Firewood • Snowplowing
Cell: 507-7591
Fully Insured PO Box 15, Conesus, NY 14435
To our Local Community,
On behalf of the team of people who put on the fourth annual Chicken BBQ for the Trevor Irby Memorial Fundraiser, we truly appreciate your support. anks to the success of the BBQ and all of the giving donations, we were able to make a significant contribution to the fund. is money will be used to support youth activities in our local communities and would not be possible without the generous spirit from each of you. ank you for helping make this day so positive and for showing such compassion and grace. You are appreciated.
A special thank you to the Stewart family, a constant support and pioneer of this fundraiser. Also, a special thank you to Wegmans and Paul Teed for making all this possible.
~ e Warner FamilyNONSENSE
(NAPSI) — During these challenging times, people are avoiding the supermarket and, instead, stocking up on shelf-stable and frozen foods. Unfortunately, these can often be loaded with preservatives and lack nutrition. Many families also resort to take-out foods that can be high in sodium, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars.
“The best solution is to find healthy, prepared products that can be purchased in bulk at the supermarket, online and delivered to your doorstep,” advises consumer trends expert Merilee Kern.
One of Kern’s personal favorites is Veggies Made Great, which offers easy, familyfriendly and delicious veggie-rich meals and snacks such as muffins, frittatas and veggie cakes. They can fill freezers and keep families healthy—even during stressful times.
Vegetables including carrots, zucchini and kale are the first and primary ingredients in any Veggies Made Great item, and all are free of gluten, soy, peanuts and dairy. Available in the freezer section, each is individually wrapped and can be quickly and easily heated in the oven or microwave. It’s an easy and tasty way to have veggiedriven nutrition on the menu every day.
You can find them at www.TheHealthfoodStore.com and locate retailers at www.VeggiesMadeGreat.com.
• Industrial
Lima, New York
SeniorCitizen Discounts
• Walkways & Patios
• Steps
• Driveways
• Monolithic Slabs
• Chimney Installation & Repair
• Repair Cracked & Bowed Foundation Walls
• Retaining Walls & Architectural Block Walls
• Pavers of Any Kind
• Water & Electric Lines
• Lakeside Creative Parking Solutions
• Foundation/Basement Drainage
• Cottages, Houses, Garages
Bees are one of the most important pollinators of flowers, crops and fruit trees. These small insects can make or break entire food supplies. They also pollinate clover and alfalfa that provide feed for cattle. Some experts place the economic value of bees at roughly $15 billion per year.
A consortium of universities and research laboratories that reported to The White House in 2015 found that beekeepers lost 42.1 percent of their colonies between 2014 and 2015. Bee populations continue to decline. According to the conservation organization Save the Bees, recent surveys suggest close to a 99 percent loss in bees over the last 150 years, primarily due to increasing agricultural intensification.
To combat this sharp decline in bee populations, people from all walks of life can do their part to help bees thrive once again. And by helping bees, individuals also may indirectly help other beneficial pollinating insects, such as butterflies.
As days get shorter and natural light is less abundant, interior lighting becomes ever more important. Chandeliers, pendant lamps, recessed lighting, and tableside lamps are most effective when they are clean. HGTV experts say dirty lights can give off up to 20 percent less light than clean ones. Dirty fixtures also waste energy.
Gutters and downspouts are designed to move rainwater away from the home. Too often, however, gutters and downspouts become clogged or do not work effectively. Overflowing gutters will transfer rainwater down the side of a home, where it can puddle at the foundation. This water can ultimately suffocate a lawn, and it may cause interior damage to the home as well.
First, inspect and clean all gutters. Leaves, nests, sticks, and even dead animals can block the flow of water in a gutter. Test downspouts by running hose water from the top of the gutter. Downspouts should be pointed away from the home and may need to be extended so they direct water away from the dwelling.
it comes to crafting
condition. Many people garden alone, so it’s important that gardeners learn the symptoms of heat-related illnesses. The CDC notes that elevated body temperatures, headache, rapid pulse, dizziness, nausea, and/or confusion are some common symptoms of heat-related illnesses. Gardeners should go indoors the moment any such symptoms appear.
Koi ponds can make for beautiful additions to backyards or home gardens. While many people are drawn to koi ponds because of their aesthetic appeal, there are many additional reasons for homeownerstoconsiderinstalling koi ponds in their backyards. Ponds and water gardens can transform yards rather quickly. Ponds can add appeal to otherwise mundane yards and provide eye-catching, relaxing spots to sit and enjoy the scenery. Koi ponds have recently fallen into a favor with homeowners in North America, but these popular water features date back several centuries to Asia. Centuries ago, Chinese rice farmers began keeping carp in their rice paddies, and that practice eventually caught on in Japan. The fish started to breed and form slight color variations. Koi, often referred to as “Nishikigoi,” are actually descendants of the common carp, though the koi of today are more brightly hued and ornamental fish than carp.
Koi can become a lowmaintenance family pet. These fish tend to grow accustomed to having people around, and will often interact with visitors at the surface of the water. It’s not unusual to have koi beg for food or take food from a person’s hand. They also may tolerate some light handling.
Koi ponds also provide some psychological benefits. The sound of the water can be soothing and relaxing. Sitting by the pond may help alleviate stress, as unwinding next to a pond and watching the fish swim by can help individuals decompress.
I express my deepest gratitude for the loving, kind acts of comfort and support extended to me upon the passing of my beloved John. His love of life here in Avon is reflected back by the presence of the community, the many cards, gi s, garden flowers, food, cookies, and nourishing words!
Many thanks and hugs, Mary
THINGS PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CREATING WILLS Funeral instructions: Settling probate will not happen until after the funeral. Therefore, funeral wishes in a will often go unnoticed, states the legal advisement resource Find Law.
Submit a resume w/explanation of why you want a career in early childhood and how you will foster a Christian atmosphere in the workplace to: arkoffice1982@gmail.com
“A Christian Childcare Center”
Meetings: Meetings may be well-intentioned,but they often compromise productivity and distract professionals from their jobs. A recent study titled “Meetings in America” commissioned byVerizon Conferencing found that 90 percent of professionals admitted to daydreaming during meetings, while 39 percent admitted they had fallen asleep during meetings in the past. Managers can help employees get more done and limit distractions by scheduling fewer meetings or reconsidering just who needs to attend meetings more carefully.
Applicant must be 18 years of age, customer service-oriented, be able to handle multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment, be a team player, good communicator, and willing to learn new skills. Interested applicants may apply at www.honeoyefallsmarketplace.com
Applicant must be 18 years of age, customer service-oriented, be able to handle multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment, be a team player, good communicator, and willing to learn new skills. Interested applicants may apply at www.honeoyefallsmarketplace.com
a career with meaning and not a “job?”
Hainsworth Farms LLC is in search of a qualified Welder. Must be able to weld aluminum, stainless steel, and steel. Must be good with a MIG welder and plasma cutter. Helpful experience: heavy equipment mechanic, good with hydraulics, electrical wiring, and air brakes.
Competitive pay and benefits (Medical/Dental Insurance, 401K, Paid Vacation); overtime available over 40 Hours.
Resumes can be emailed to: HainsworthFarm@gmail.com or call Chuck at (585) 734-3264
(NAPSI)—Don’t let window replacement become a “pane” in your wallet. There’s a disconnect between saving money on energy with window replacements, according to government agencies. In fact, they found, it may take decades to recoup the cash spent on the installation of new, energy-efficient windows.
The Problem
The assessed value of adding 20 new energy-efficient windows in California, for example, may range from $10,220 to $18,580 based on a 2019 building assessors manual listing $511 to $929 for each window. Annual energy savings for the replacement of existing windows in a home are from $27 to $111 for dual-pane windows and $126 to $465 for single-pane windows, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. This means it may take decades to financially justify window replacements based on energy savings alone.
An Answer
Fortunately, there’s an alternative.
Window films offer advanced energy savings and other benefits and can be quickly installed at a fractionofthecostofreplacement windows, often with a return on investment in under three years.
“Window films professionally installed on structurally soundsingle or double-pane windows may reduce energy consumption by as much as 30 percent, while the installation cost may be 91.5 percent less than putting in new windows,”explainedDarrellSmith of the nonprofit International Window Film Association.
Learn More: For further facts and stats about saving money and energy, go to www.iwfa.com.
Lakeview Dental is seeking a Dental Assistant and Licensed Dental Hygienist for a comprehensive care private practice. Experience is preferred. Willing to train Dental Assistant. Must be motivated, willing to learn, be punctual and have a positive demeanor. Hours are Monday through ursday 6:45AM to 3:00PM. Compensation and benefits to be discussed at interview.
Please send your resume, references and cover letter to: care@livoniasmiles.com
Starting Wage: $100,000-$115,000
Department Head
11 Murray Hill Dr., Mt. Morris, NY 14510
Responsibilities include overseeing and performing a variety of accounting and business management duties related to financial management, payroll and data processing functions of the Livingston County Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation (LCCNR). e work is performed under the general direction of the Director of Long Term Care with considerable latitude given for the exercise of independent judgment. Supervision is exercised over subordinate employees engaged in accounting and clerical duties. e Deputy Director for Finance does related work as assigned.
To apply, contact: mgmiller@co.livingston.ny.us or call or text (585) 322-2950
• Deputy Director of Finance
• Full-Time Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
• Charge RN Adult Day Care Manager CALL ABOUT RATES!
• Additional shift differential pay
Full-time WITH health insurance rate range:
CNATs: $18.34
CNAs: $22.45 to $25.66
LPNs: $24.64 to $28.41
RN: $33.38 to $38.45
RN Charge: $43.08 to $48.47
To apply, contact: mgmiller@co.livingston.ny.us or call or text (585) 322-2950 (EEO/AAE)
Full-time WITHOUT health insurance rate range:
CNAs: $27.70 to $30.91
LPN: $30.89 to $34.66
RN: $40.63 to $45.70
Charge RN: $43.08 to $48.47
• Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma OR
• Two years of full-time, paid experience in a clerical position involving Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable or bookkeeping, which shall include typing or word processing
• LeRoy
• $34,000-$38,000
Start Date:
• September 2023
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by September 14, 2023 with reference to 24-26, cover letter, resume, and proof of certification to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
Anticipated Speech Language Pathologist Long Term Substitute School Psychologist
Bus Drivers
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and benefit eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4hfl.org
When leaving a job, professionals should always be courteous and considerate toward their current employers.
Geneseo United Methodist Church (4520 Genesee St.,Geneseo, NY) is in search of a quarter time (up to 12 hours per week) Youth Minister. Primary duties would be to build a network of youth and their families, lead Youth Group, teach Junior and Senior High Sunday School classes and plan other programs for the youth including connecting with our United Methodist Conference Youth organization. Knowledge and use of social media is a must! Persons involved in continuing education are preferred.
Application, job description and the Safe Sanctuary Policy may be obtained at the Church Office by calling 585-243-3160 or by emailing GeneseoMethodist@gmail.com.
is currently Advertising for an Open Position for a Machine Equipment Operator (MEO)
DUTIES: involve responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of trucks and various types of road maintenance & construction equipment. Employees are also required to closely monitor the operation of equipment, report necessary repairs to the shop manager & perform routine maintenance involving lubrication and maintaining liquid levels. In addition, manual duties related to the operation of the equipment. Work is performed under general supervision in accordance with established policies and procedures. General instructions are received regarding routine work and detailed or specific instructions are received regarding new or unusual assignments. Supervision may be exercised over the work of subordinate employees. A Motor Equipment Operator does related work as required.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must meet all requirements described in the following outline and list to be approved for examination and/or appointment:
• Training/Education: Highschool Diploma/GED Equivalent.
• General Experience: One year of full-time paid experience in the operation of Class 7 Trucks.
• Supervisory experience: None required.
• License/Certification: Possession of a valid New York State Class A or minimum B commercial driver’s license.
• Other requirements: See Special Qualifications below. Perform mechanical repairs on automotive & highway used equipment, for the purposes of these minimum qualifications includes, pickup truck snowplows, small rollers, small wheel loaders, 1-ton utility trucks, small flatbed or dump trucks, 40-HP or larger tractor mowers, chain saws, power tools, or forklift. A Class A commercial motor vehicle driver’s license may be substituted for a Class B commercial motor vehicle driver’s license.
1.) Must authorize and execute any necessary releases to enable the appointing authority to verify licensure & driving history involving violations and/or crimes.
2.) A driving record evidencing safe and responsible vehicle operation is required.
3.) Must possess a valid New York State Class B commercial driver’s license with endorsement.
4.) Appropriate licensure, with necessary endorsements, must be maintained throughout employment.
5.) Ability to lift and move 50 pounds.
6.) Pre-Employment Drug Screening
Mechanical knowledge & ability a Plus!
~ Applications Are Available ~
Submit a Copy of Your License & Resume at the Town of Mount Morris, 103 Main Street, Mount Morris, NY 14510. Highway Department Contact: 585.658.3375
We will set up in-person interviews upon submission of applications.
• Batavia/Rochester Area
• Full and part-time positions available
• For qualified applicant, training to upgrade licenses may be available
• CDL B with Passenger Endorsement required
Competitive wages ($20-$24.99/hr) gratuities, 401k, flexible schedules, paid holidays and paid vacations! Email your resume to coreys@bedoretours.com
Full and Part-time positions. Must have experience in light duty towing and recovery, light service work. No CDL required. Must have a tow endorsement and clean driver’s license. For more information apply at: M&R Automotive Service Geneseo, NY or send resume to: mras1automotive@gmail.com
Assist music teacher by providing piano accompaniment during chorus rehearsals and musical performances. Must have ability to sight read at a NYSSMA Level III and perform at a NYSSMA Level V-VI. Bachelor’s degree in piano performance preferred, related experience and audition required. Apply: Rush-Henrietta Central School District, rhnet.org
Quitting a job can be full of mixed emotions. Just be sure to time it correctly and leave in as positive a way as possible to maintain a strong professional network.
Assess your budget carefully. You naturally will have to make concessions that impact finances, particularly as it pertains to spending. Cut back on non-necessities like dining out, gym memberships, streaming subscriptions, and other luxuries. Avoid adding other new debt.
Special Education Teachers K-6 and 7-12
Special Education Teacher K-6 (Long Term Substitute)
ELA Teacher 7-12
Earth Science Teacher 7-12
School Aides
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes: Teachers (Certified and Uncertified) Aides/TAs • RNs/LPNs
All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information and application available: www.yorkcsd.org
Matthews Buses, Inc., one of the nation’s largest school/commercial bus dealers in the United States, has an opening for a Service Administrator at our Avon, NY location.
Successful candidate will be responsible for providing support to our Body & Collision Center Manager, assisting in job estimating and reviewing cost analysis of bus repairs.
Job Description:
• Manage shop production schedule to meet budget.
• Consult with customers regarding vehicle repair needs based on repair diagnosis.
• Create work schedule and maintain proper accounting of Technician’s productivity.
• Invoice and record completed work orders in system.
• Ensure a safe working environment.
Job Requirements:
• Experience in Service Writing and Administrative roles.
• A knowledge of warranty procedures and work scheduling is preferred but will train the right candidate.
• Excellent customer service, organizational and negotiation skills.
• Experience developing and managing third party vendor relationships.
• Goal-oriented and enthusiastic presence in Team Matthews environment.
• Strong written and communication skills.
• Valid and clean driver’s license required.
• Professional work ethic
We offer excellent pay, full benefits package, 401(K) with company match, 13 paid holidays a year, paid time off, and company paid life insurance.
Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com
Please email: familydentalgeneseo@yahoo.com or call 243-2320
Come for a job…. Stay for a career
Matthews Buses, Inc., New York’s largest omas Built Bus dealer has immediate full-time openings for entry level technicians, detailers, paint & body technician, and a Bus Prep Tech in our Avon facility. Successful candidate must possess:
• Experience with lettering and/or graphics installation is a plus.
• Proficiency in the cleaning/detailing of automobiles, vans, and buses.
• Fabrication Skills.
• Must have own tools or at least the basics to perform the job.
• Work independently and with a “team.”
• Clean Driving Record.
• Will train the right individual.
Matthews Buses offers excellent pay and a full benefits package including health, dental, vision, 401K program with generous company match, paid holidays, and earned paid time off along with sick time.
Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com
Pavilion High School
As the Audio Visual & Computer Equipment Repairer your job duties will include testing, repairing & maintaining of audio-visual & computer equipment, installation & troubleshooting of so ware, some basic budgeting & billing, and keeping accurate records.
Our new team member will need an Associate degree in Audio-Visual Technology or closely related field & two years of experience in the field OR be a High School graduate with four years of experience in the repair & maintenance of audio visual & computer equipment & so ware installation.
All this fun and you will get paid, too! e compensation package comes with a salary range of $37,500-$39,000, full health benefits, NYS pension and time off.
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by September 19, 2023 with reference to Vacancy 24-30, letter of interest & resume to hr@gvboces.org or snail mail to:
Human Resources
Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson St., LeRoy, NY 14482
Full-time or part-time position available
Pay rate: $42/hr
Benefits: paid vacation, 401 k, holiday pay, no nights or weekends, medical insurance available, family dental discount, fully equipped operatory, $1,000 - $2,000 signing bonus based on experience
Send Resume to:
No previous experience required. Will train. Good customer service and phone skills a must.
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DONATEYOURCAR to Veterans Today!HelpandSupportourVeterans.Fast-FREEpickup.100%tax deductible.Call1-800-245-0398.
MASSAGETABLE:Oakworks wide table withstool,excellentcondition, $275.585-703-3987
FORSALE: FORD 8N&9Ntractor machinery.OldHarleypanandshovel headpartsandaccessories.55&56 Fordparts.Vern585-857-7482
Ifyouareaformeremployeeof EastmanKodakinRochester,NYbetween1963and1991pleasecontact Mr.Roskosky’sattorney,JosephBelluck,at:
Belluck&Fox,LLP 877-534-2503
Email:tcarini@belluckfox.com Anyinformationwouldbegreatly appreciated. Thankyou.
DAYCAREFAMILYSETTING Creative environmentwithindividual attention.Ages3monthstokindergarten.Flexibleschedule,fullorpart time.18yearsexperience,references available.585-346-9296
EMPLOYMENT: Looking forcarefor 65yearoldmale.AllShifts$16.20 /hr.CallMaria585-752-1058.
FORSALE:Vintage stereo components.Sansui5000areceiverandDual 1019turntable.Bothinverygood condition.$400.585-705-1592
GOLDENRETRIEVERPUPPIES: Vet checked.Shots.Parentsonpremises.$1000.585-880-4251
GOLDENDOODLEPUPPIES-F1BB raised inhome,socializingand training.Parentshaveexcellenttemperaments;hips,elbowstested,geneticallysound.ReadySept.13. Call585-519-3586
MEGHAN:ONEPLACETOGO FOR MYFRIENDSANDTOMATOES; Oneplacetopausebefore eachSaturdaygoes;Datesatthe market-ourlastsummer”flings”; Theseareafewofourfavorite things...@PerryFarmers’Market. The”fling”runs8:30-12:30,don’t miss.LOVE,RICK.
EXPERTPIANOTUNING & REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.
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MINIATUREPOODLEPUPPIES: for sale.Born7/30/23.Allblack,1 male,3female.Familyraisedandboth parentsareonpremises.Asking$500. 585-831-3454.
JUNKCARS,TRUCKS, andVans Wanted!Highercashpaidformost. Alwaysfreepickup.Wearethe ONLYlocalcompanythatpaysHonestandFairestforover30years. 585-305-5865.
ATTENTIONOXYGENTHERAPY USERS! Inogen OneG4iscapableof full24/7oxygendelivery.Only2.8 pounds.Freeinfokit.Call 877-929-9587.
CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem!
Ifyoulikehavingchoices,you’ll love Hart’sInsuranceAgency: A trulyindependentinsuranceagency since1877.ForHome,Auto,Business orFarmcoveragescall237-2126or 1-800-722-1877.TheStandardofExcellenceSince1877.
FORSALE10 Goldendoodle Puppies DOBJuly3,somecurly,somestraight haired,verycute,playfulandfriendly. 1stshots&wormed,$350forstraight haired,$500forcurly.call 585-567-86556:00to6:15PMor 585-365-5346days
PUPPIESFORSALE: Pembroke Welsh Corgis,2females,born 8/1/2023.Ready9/17.Shots, wormed.NoahMiller,6679 WrightsRoad,Wayland,NY 14572.NoSundaysales.
SCOTTSVILLE:1BEDROOM apartment, ranchstyle$995/month, pluselectric.NoDogs,nosmoking. 680NorthRoad.MarkGugginoReal Estate.585-334-3166
MT.MORRIS: 1 bedroomlower apartment.Includeswater,sewer, garbage,appliances.Laundryhook-up. Security,references.Nosmoking.No pets.585-658-4642.
FORRENT: Very nicesecondfloor2 bedroomapartmentinMountMorris. Nopets,nosmoking,securitydeposit andreferencesrequired!$900.00per month.Garbage,waterandsewer included.Call585-519-1773.
MT.MORRISAPARTMENT: Two bedroom, $800/month,1bedroom $600/monthplusutilities.Niceresidentialneighborhood.Nopets,No smoking.Lease,references.Security required.585-455-5967.
CONESUSLAKE. Year-round.1or2 matureadults.$1699.585-243-5332.
GENESEEVALLEYTREE & BRUSH REMOVAL:WeSpecializeinthesmall jobsthebigguysdon’twanttodo! Callforanestimate.585-261-3285
TREESERVICE: Trimming. Completeremoval.20yearsexperience. Verycompetitiveprices.Now availableSTUMPGRINDING!Free estimates.Fullyinsured. 585-346-0352.
GARY’SDOORCOMPANY for GarageDoorsandOpeners.Parts,Service,SalesandInstallations.Commercial,Residential,Automatic.FREE ESTIMATES.585-226-8995.Insured.
Residential JunkRemoval Cleanout...
Estates,Hoarders,MoveOuts Attics,Basements,Garages,Barns Demo...Garages,Pools, Sheds,Barns BBBMember Mike,585-975-9019, 585-482-8366.
Dansville N.Y.
Freeestimates.Fullyinsured Allworkguaranteed.
4.5NationalStarRatingfor Contractors/Painting. 585-335-3636;585-259-0931
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Email:dhw202@yahoo.com fireplaceandchimneyservice.com
HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS? Maintenanceitems,orsmallprojects thatneedattention?Call BAKER, askilledcraftsmanwith25plus yearsexperienceservingDansville andsurroundingareas.Callor textforhelp, BAKER 814-706-6862.ProudUSArmy Veteran
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Interior Painting Roof-Sheds-T-11Repair House-DecksPressureWashing BushTrimming,MailBox-Post ReplacedGutterCleaning.Take PrideInMyWorkVeteranOver 25Years.Lenny, 585-857-6326
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Honeoye-Pittsford 585-322-5909
WANTEDTOBUY: Black powder rifles,32,36,or40caliber,pistols, rifles.Mechanic’sTools,Vintage Woodworkingtools.585-507-5488
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HANDYMANNEEDED: Help with installingroofingandsidingfor 12X12+Shed,experienced,theweek of9/11or9/18.585-747-4264.
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