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Hometown Events
Avon Free Library
143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615 www.avonfreelibrary.org Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3 Lima Public Library
1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311 Mon. 10-noon & 1-8; Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. (Oct.-May) 9-noon Livonia Public Library
2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911 facebook.com/LivoniaPublicLibrary livonialibrary.org Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-3 Wadsworth Library
24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429 www.wadslib.com Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3 Here’s what ’s happening at your local library…
Livonia Public Library: Please join us for IN-PERSON EVENTS! Masks required. Please join us for Small Fry Fun, ages 2 - 5, Tuesdays from 10:30am - 11:00am. Homeschool Makerspace, Ages 5-11. Tuesdays from 1 - 2pm. K - 2 Maker Crew Tuesdays from 3:30 - 4:30pm. 3rd - 5th grade Maker Brigade, Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00pm. Mini Maker Time. Ages 2 - 5yrs. Thursdays from 10:30 - 11:00am. Tween Makerspace, Grades 6-8, Thursdays from 3:30-5:00 PM. Teen Advisory Board - 3rd Tuesdays of the Month, 6:00-7:30 pm for ages 13-18. “Spring” - Stories and Craft for Kids with Friends of the Library member Kirsten McCorkle! Saturday, March 19 from 10:30am - 11:30am. “Women’s History Month” - Stories and Craft for Kids with Friends of the Library member Kirsten McCorkle! Saturday, March 19, 2022 from 12:00pm 1:00pm Go to livonialibrary.org for more information! Check the library’s Event Calendar to register.
Lima Public Library: Crossroads Crafters’ Circle (Knit, crochet, craft of your choice) on Saturday mornings 9:30 AM-12:00 PM. Make Pie Dough for Pi Day Kids’ Program CCE Nutrition Educator Lucille Tang on Saturday 3/12 10:30 AM-12 PM. Register at the library so we have enough supplies on hand. Presented by the Friends of the Lima Public Library. Game Night for Adults - Mexican Train Dominoes - Monday 3/14 6:30-8:30 PM. Join us for a game and to have some pie on Pi Day. Register at the library. Brought to you by the Friends. Food Preservation 101: Intro to Dehydrating on Tues 3/22 from 6:30-8:00 PM. Can’t make it? Stop by for the same program on Wednesday 3/23 from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM. Presented by the Friends of the Lima Public Library. Visit the Friends of the Lima Public w e b s i t e a t h t t p s : / / friendsoflimalibrary.wordpress.com. For all the latest news and events, visit us at lima.owwl.org
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Wadsworth Library: Oculus Quest Virtual Reality Monday, March 14 from 5-7:30 pm · ‘Anne Frank House’ · ‘National Geographic Explore’ · ‘Traveling While Black’ · ‘We Live Here’ Using an Oculus Quest virtual reality headset participants can explore the world of virtual reality. Choose from a selection of four stories that bring you experiences that let you see, hear, and feel a different reality. Appropriate for adults and teens ages 13 & up. Time slots are available from 5-7:30 pm. Register for a 30 minute session at https://wadslib.com/calendar. This event is sponsored by the Marjorie Harding Memorial Fund. The Livingston County Historian’s Office presents: W o m e n ’ s B i o g r a p h i c a l R e v i e w : Achievers, Leaders & Role Models Meet & Greet the Authors Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30 pm County historian Amie Alden and Deputy historian Holly Watson will introduce their new book, get your own copy of the book, and then get it signed by the authors. Avon Free Library: Registration is required for events, contact library or visit avonfreelibrary. org and Facebook for details. Knitting Needles: Friday 3/18 at 11 AM and Thursday 3/24, Watercolor Class: Monday 3/21 at 6 PM, Book Discussion of “The Mighty Queens of Freeville” by Amy Dickenson on Wednesday 3/30 at 2:00 PM, Adult & Teen Craft on Thursday 3/31 at 6:00 PM, StoryTimes *most* Tuesdays & Fridays at 10:30AM. The Friends of the Avon Free Library are looking for donations of books and DVDs in good sellable condition, donations can be brought to the library. More: Access OWWL2Go for e-books, eaudio books, and Ancestry.com. Access our wifi inside & outside the building. Request up to 20 items from any library in the 4 county system. Spaces available for study and one-onone meetings. Follow us on Facebook and check out our website avonfreelibrary.org for information and updates. AVON
The Avon Food Pantry is open to client shopping. Please bring your own reusable bags. Tuesdays 11-2 PM and Thursdays 3-5 PM. Located at: 108 Prospect Street, Avon. Emergency deliveries are still available by calling 358-1671. The Choruses & Theatre of Avon Central School District present BIG FISH. Held Friday & Saturday, March 11 & 12 at 7pm and Sunday, March 13 at 2pm, at the Avon Central School Auditorium. All seats $12. Tickets at the door or go to: showtix4u.com. This show is rated PG-13 and best suited for students in Grades 5 + and adults. Chili Cook Off, Music and Fun!! The Avon American Legion Family is hosting a CHILI COOK OFF and f r e e l i v e m u s i c , S A T U R D A Y , MARCH 19, 12-4pm. Bring your best crock pot full of CHILI to enter for prizes and fame, or just come for lunch with free tastings! We will also be selling Burgers, Hots, Fries, Rings or Sticks. Free music, & friendship. Fun for the whole family. Sign up to enter at chill82616@ gmail.com, text or call 746-2608.
Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans 50th Anniversary Celebration - The Firing Pin and Bergen Business & Civic Association will be hosting a celebration of the Vietnam War on June 11th. We are Honoring all Vietnam Veterans and veterans from all the wars to participate in the parade starting 12pm at the Bergen Fire Department Hall (10 Hunter St. Bergen). There will be a ceremony after the parade and then all veterans are invited to The Firing Pin where the Vietnam Veterans will receive Lapel pins and certificates. Free refreshments for all veterans. Please RSVP to palretired@gmail.com if you need to ride on the float or have any questions.
Breakfast - Sundays, March 27 and April 24 from 8-11AM. $8 adult, $5 children. Open to the public. Conlon Mulvaney American Legion, 6317 Marshall Road, Conesus.
St. Patrick Day Party! Join us at the Conesus Legion Post (6317 Marshall Road). We are having our St. Patrick Day party on Saturday, March 19th from 6pm - closing. Drink Specials.
Conesus Lake Riders: ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST will be held on the second and fourth Sundays until Spring from 9am-12noon. $7 for Adults, $6 Senior Citizens, Children over 6 yrs $4, under 6 yrs Free. Held at the Clubhouse, 6199 Liberty Pole Road, Dansville.
Huge Clothing Giveaway - Huge Clothing Give away every Wednesday morning 9:30-11:30 at the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, 4631 Lakeville Rd, Geneseo. Quality new and used clothes and shoes all sizes, men, women, children, babies, maternity. Call 243-0130 for questions or emergency needs.
Organ Recital Series: Wednesday, March 16, 12-1pm at the Central Presbyterian Church, 31 Center St., Geneseo. Organists Kateri Andress and Oliver Lear. Facility is fully accessible. Donations gratefully accepted. cpcgeneseo.org.
Organ Recital Series: Wednesday, March 23, 12-1pm at the Central Presbyterian Church, 31 Center St., Geneseo. Organist Keith Reas. Facility is fully accessible. Donations gratefully accepted. cpcgeneseo. org.
Greece Arcadia 50th Reunion! GREECE ARCADIA CLASS OF 1972 CLASSMATES, PLUS TEACHERS AND STAFF WHO GUIDED US FROM 1968-1972: SAVE THESE DATES!! The 50th Reunion of the Class of 1972 is 8/26/2022 8/27/2022! Please contact Nancy Tripp at 352-509-5700 or email at GAHSClassof1972@gmail.com so we can plan for your attendance. Weekend Highlights: Friday: Arcadia tour and Memorial Service for departed classmates. Saturday: Celebrations at Greece Canal Park. We’d love to see you there!!
Spring Wire Wrapping Class Come join Kristi Metzger for a fun-filled beginners Spring Wire Wrapping class. Kristi has been wire wrapping professionally for two years. We are so excited to be able to have Kristi offering a class April 2, 2022 from 2:00-4:00pm. Come join us for a fun afternoon and make something pretty to hang in your window. Cost: $25.00 and will cover all materials needed to make a beautiful flower shaped sun catcher, snacks and a beverage. Masks required. Register early as there is a class limit of twelve. Register online www. littlelakesny.org or at Little Lakes Community Center 4705 S. Main St. Hemlock, 585-367-1046.
Beaded Bracelet Making Class Corky Culver will be teaching a class on making beaded jewelry at Little Lakes Community Center (LLCC). The cost of the class is $25 and this will include supplies needed to make a beautiful beaded bracelet for yourself or to give as a gift. We hope you can join this class and learn from this skilled artisan. Class will be held 4/3/2022 from 1pm-3pm at Little Lakes Community Center, 4705 S. Main St., Hemlock. Register online at www. l i t t l e l a k e s n y . o r g o r c a l l 585-367-1046. Cut off for registration is 3/28.
Lookin fo plac t hav
Please consider the Lakeville Volunteer Fire Exempt Club
Located at 5939 Stone Hill Road, Lakeville NY We can accommodate up to 85 people. Self catered. Full bar available. Please call Linda Gascon at 585-732-1748
Zumba Class - Every Monday from 6 : 0 0 - 7 : 0 0 p m a t L i t t l e L a k e s Community Center. Cost $7.00 drop in or $25.00 per month punch card (5 classes). LLCC, 4705 S. Main St. Hemlock. (585) 367-1046, www.littlelakesny.org
THE UNION CEMETERY ASSOCIATION of Livonia will hold their Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 22, at 3:30pm at the Livonia Center Presbyterian Church, Rte. 20A, Livonia Center. All lot owners and interested parties are invited to attend.
Garden Club of Mendon - The Garden Cub of Mendon will be meeting on March 15, 2022 at 1:30 PM at the Mendon Community Center. Duane Pancoast will be our guest speaker this month, talking about Adaptive Gardening for Seniors. He will be bringing books he has authored to sell at our meeting. All are welcome to attend. If there are any questions, please contact Joan Heaney at (585)-624-8182.
Raising Poultry, Learn the Basics - Thinking about raising poultry? Chickens are a fun and easy project for the entire family! Join 4-H & Ag in the Classroom Educator Jennifer Schwab to learn the ins and outs of raising poultry. From brooding chicks to mature laying hens we will go over everything you need to know to grow healthy, productive birds. We will also touch on breeds, housing options, and keeping your b i r d s s a f e f r o m p r e d a t o r s . Thursday, March 17th at 6:00 pm at the Chip Holt Nature Center in Vitale Park, Lakeville.http://www. chipholtnaturecenter.org
Annual Spring Chicken BBQ The Kiwanis Club of York-Leicester has scheduled their Annual Spring Chicken BBQ for Saturday, MARCH 19, 2022. Drive Through Only. Serving 4pm until Sold Out at the Leicester Fire Hall, Main St., Leicester. Cost: $12 each. Tickets may be purchased in advance from any Kiwanian or may be purchased at the door. Na vi g a t i n g sn o w y l a n d sc a p e s a n d i c y st r e e t s c a n b e d i f f i c u l t a n d un c o mf o r t a b le . W in t e r c lo t h in g is la r g e ly c la ssif ie d b y c lo t h e s t h a t ke e p yo u w a r m a n d so me t h a t ke e p yo u e ve n w a r me r, b u t w in t e r n e e d n o t b e st r ic t ly a b o u t f u n c t io n . A lt h o u g h w in t e r mig h t n o t b e t h e se a so n o f h ig h fa sh i o n , a n yo n e c a n e m p l o y st r a t e g i e s t o i n c l u d e f o r m , f u n c t i o n a n d fa sh io n in t o t h e ir w in t e r e n se mb le s.
Saturday, March 12, 3-6 p.m. Pulled Pork Dinner (drive-thru service) - Slow-roasted pulled pork BBQ with Kaiser roll, baked beans, salt potatoes, coleslaw, and dessert; $12. First Presbyterian Church of Livonia, (in the hamlet of Livonia Center) GPS: 3837 Center St. Livonia. Enter in the south end of the parking lot, look for the entrance sign.
A m e r i c a n L e g i o n P o s t 2 8 3 Breakfasts - American Legion Harrison-Lee Post #283 offers breakfast to the community on the third Sunday until July 17th at the post in Livonia Center on the corner of Richmond Mills Rd and Federal Rd. The breakfast is served from 7 am to 11 am. Cost: $8. Take out is available. Profits will be used to donate to local charities.
March 26: Penny Social - Doors open promptly at 2:00 pm for ticket purchase and lot selection. Prize drawing begins at 3:00 pm. Fun prize choices! What is a penny social? The combination of a silent auction and a raffle. Purchase tickets ($3 ticket cards for white tables with door prize ticket; 50 cent red table tickets), place your ticket in the cup of a corresponding lot of items for a chance to win. Join the fun! First Presbyterian Church of Livonia. 3837 Center St Livonia in the hamlet of Livonia Center along 20A across from the Livonia American Legion.
Potter Volunteer Fire Dept. Breakfasts! Sunday, March 20th, 8AM to Noon. Join us at the Potter Fire House, 1225 Phelps Road, Potter. We will be serving: Breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, eggs, toast, sausage patties and links, home fries, as well as orange juice, hot cocoa, milk, coffee and hot tea. Mother’s Day at GCVM - On Mother’s Day interpreters in the Historic Village will showcase a number of tasks and activities reflective of what life was like for 19th-century mothers. Explore historic homes, kitchens, and heirloom gardens, and don’t forget to treat mom to a traditional 19th-century pastry from the D.B. Munger & Co. Confectionery! And most importantly - don’t forget that all Moms receive free admission on Mother’s Day! Sunday, May 8th, 10-4pm, Genesee Country Village & Museum, 1410 Flint Hill Rd., Mumford. Cost: $18. https://www.gcv.org/ events/opening-day/
December days were brief and chill, The winds of March were wild and drear, And, nearing and receding still, Spring never would, we thought, be here. ~Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861)
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner - Corned beef & cabbage dinner. Eat in or take out. Sunday, March 13, 3:00 until gone. Cost: $12. Join us at the Springwater American Legion Post 9 0 5 , 7 9 9 8 S c h o o l S t r e e t , Springwater.
Hike Keuka Outlet in Penn Yan: Hike & Explore the Keuka Outlet Trail in Penn Yan with Springwater Trails on Sunday, March 13 from 2-4PM followed by a social gettogether at an area brewery, where you can bring your own meal. For additional info/directions/updates visit the website: springwatertrails. org
Spaghetti Dinner by donation Thursday, March 24th between 4:30 and 7 PM at Webster’s Crossing United Methodist Church, 7260 State Route 15, Webster Crossing Road, Springwater. Dine In or come for Take Out. The meal will include Spaghetti, Meat Balls, Sauce, Parmesan Cheese, Italian B r e a d , B u t t e r , T o s s e d S a l a d , Dressing, and a cupcake. Those eating in will have a beverage choice. Music jam in the sanctuary afterwards.
Breakfast Buffet - Join us on Sunday, March 13th, 7:30-11:00 AM at the Lima Legion Post 282. 2475 State Route 65, West Bloomfield. $10 Adults, $6 Ages 8-12, 7 & under Free. Enjoy delicious scrambled eggs, home fries, French toast, bacon, sausage, pastries, fruit, juice & coffee. Take outs available. Everyone welcome.
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