DEAR PAW'S CORNER: My small mixed-breed dog, Tara, has terrible anxiety, especially when I leave the house or during thunderstorms. I have to either put a cone on her or socks on her paws so she doesn't chew them bloody during these episodes. I hear from other friends that their dogs have anxiety issues as well. Is this problem on the rise? -- Sherri L., Kansas City, Mo.
DEAR SHERRI: Evidence isn't clear that anxiety in dogs is rising, but there is a rise in the understanding and diagnosis of anxiety in pets by veterinarians. is has led to an increase in diagnosis and treatment for pet anxiety.
While that is good for pets, there is no "magic bullet" to quickly cure a dog of an anxiety disorder. Tara's vet can diagnose the problem, and can help you determine di erent ways to treat her.
Medication can be a big help in easing anxiety symptoms, but you also want to look for causes of Tara's anxiety, and trigger points that set o her paw-chewing. understorms are one trigger; your leaving the house is another. ere are a number of di erent techniques, both training or interaction, to turn o those triggers. While there's not room in this column to list them, do some quick research and look for dog training manuals that stress positive reinforcement. Ask the vet and your friends about local dog trainers or specialists who treat pet anxiety issues.
In evaluating such professionals, ask what therapies they use or are open to, and make sure they emphasize your role in working with Tara (owners have to put in the time with their dogs). Be circumspect about pet therapists who insist they have a single, one-sizets-all solution for anxiety. Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
Hi! My name is Scout (Finch), and this is my big sister Jo (March). We’re both rescue cats and both named after literary characters. I love to play and jump on humans. Jo loves to lay in the sun and watch birds. She doesn’t like it too much when I jump on her, but we’re still best friends!
Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: sales@gvpennysaver.com or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
• Use medications wisely. Be mindful of medications, making sure none of your pills fall on the floor where they can be gobbled up by pets.
To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you can help, just download this simple app and watch this story come to life:
Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers
WESTHENRIETTA: 75 Sedgley ParkOctober21,22,23HUGEGARAGESALE:Householditems. Kitchenitemsincluding,glassware, bakeware,dishes,utensils,cooking gadgets.CollectiblesandHoliday Decorations.Gardenandyarditems! Cashonlysale.10am-5pm
CANANDAIGUA: 125 Saxton Lane EstateSale inCanandaigua. ThisSaturday,October22nd, (9-4pm)ONEDAYONLY!This beautifulhomeofferingalmost brandnewfurniture,leatherchairs, barstools,reclinersinexcellent condition,cubcadetlawnmower withrollers,antiques,paintings, QueenSizeRVMattress,verygood condition,Lorexwireless monitoringsystem,electricfireplace,exercisebike,lotsofcraft stamps,ribbons,CitizensofLondonshirefigurines,twinbed,snow blowerSnowtechbyAriens,craft books,greatpiecesoffurniture, computerdeskandmanymorehigh endcleanpiecesoffurnitureand tools.Amustseesale.Cashor Venmo.www. lalasestatesalesandorganizing.com AllsalesfinalNorefunds
help avoid steering and “pulling” problems. Bridgestone Tires defines tire alignment as an adjustment of the vehicle’s suspension, or the system that connects a vehicle to its wheels.
When tires are not properly aligned, drivers may notice uneven tread wear. Misaligned tires also may cause the vehicle to pull to the left or right. Drivers who notice their steering wheel is off-center or vibrating when they are driving may need to adjust their tires’ alignment.
Camber, or the inward or outward angle of the tire when viewed from the front of the vehicle, will be adjusted. In addition, “toe,” or the extent to which the tires turn inward or outward when viewed from above, will be adjusted. Caster angle also helps balance steering, stability and cornering. Caster is the angle of your steering axis when viewed from the side of your vehicle.
When tires are balanced correctly and aligned, vehicles will offer a smooth ride with little to no vibrations. Having tires serviced can maximize their performance and lifespan.
Follow along all 4 weeks in October as we spread awareness about breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, recovery and life after breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. It is estimated that in 2022, approximately 30% of all new women cancer diagnoses will be breast cancer.
What can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer?
• Limit alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer.
• Maintain a healthy weight. If your weight is healthy, work to maintain that weight.
• Be physically active.
• Breast-feed.
• Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Asparagine is found in foods like asparagus, whole grains, soy, seafood, eggs, poultry, beef, legumes, and more. While reducing asparagine will not a ect the original breast cancer tumor, it could stop cancer from showing up elsewhere in the body. Researchers suspect that many women with breast cancer do not lose their lives to the original breast cancer tumor, but instead they succumb to metastases or subsequent growths away from the primary site.
1471 Route
Send us your photos and captions at gvpennysaver.com under My Hometown
While on my daily walk in Henrietta on September 13th, I suddenly felt something was wrong and woke up a few moments later, laying in a very wet and muddy ditch! Apparently, I had momentarily lost consciousness. A nice lady in a white car saw it happen and stopped to help me, and she even took me home. Thank you, Good Samaritan, whoever you were! (By the way, the same thing happened a few days later, so I now have a new pacemaker to prevent any more episodes like that.)
Many thanks to the Penfield Delta Sonic staff! They detailed my car to a very high standard of excellence. They all worked very hard, and it showed! I cannot say enough about their professionalism and friendliness. My CRV is once again clean, shiny, and fragrant! Again, a great big thank you! Keep up the good work! - JMD
On Oct 12th at around 5pm, an angel stopped on Route 33 to give me and my son a ride home. Our ride was canceled, and my phone was dead, so I had no way of communicating with anyone. Not that we had anyone to call since we just moved here and don’t know anyone in town. She was kind enough to take us even as three troopers drove by and looked at me like I was crazy. We are forever grateful. May God bless you a million times. Please continue to be a great soul. Thank you! -Debbie
Now Hiring! You see the signs everywhere today, but tomorrow, they may be gone. Not because the positions are full, but because the position no longer exists because the business is no more. There is no reason that someone who wants a job may not have one right now.
You may not value your life or care to be around for your family, but I do, both yours and mine! I don’t understand. It only takes a few seconds to come to stop at the stop sign. I’m traveling 30-55mph. I am less than 3-4 car lengths from the intersection. You run the stop sign. I don’t want to hit you, and I’ll do everything in my power to stop my car, but you’ve got to try harder to drive defensively and understand what a stop sign means.
Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
Last week, someone ranted about young or (seemingly) able-bodied persons hopping out of cars in spaces for disabled persons. He or she doesn’t mention whether or not the cars have tags or plates entitling them to park there. Many disabilities are not visible to others but exist nonetheless (recent surgery, COPD, back braces, brittle bone disease, etc.) If someone has a tag or plate, they have documented a disability with the DMV and do not need to look elderly to you!
4500 Rt.
hereby gives notice of sale under Section 182 of the New York Lien Law that all the property of the following units will be auctioned in their entirety at: Linden Self Storage
870 Linden Avenue • Rochester, NY 14625
Sat., Oct. 29th, 2022 at 12:00 pm Sharp
Charles Curran - Unit #1040 • Kevin Reed - Unit #0728
Michael Townley - Unit #1024
Leon Sporn - Units #1139 & 1144
Norman Brooks - Unit #0702
Reginald Walton - Units #0413 & 0825
Ricardo Bailey - Unit #0848
Karen Sillitoe - Units #0974, 0943, 0922 & 0950
Brian Nolan - Unit #0208 • Michael Mangus - Unit #1005
Leia Malone - Unit #0347 • Melissa omas - Unit #1041
$50 refundable clean out deposit returned when unit is empty. Units are subject to redemption.
A house with any kind of age will have dozens of stories to tell. I suppose if a novelist could live long enough, one could base an entire oeuvre on the lives that weave in and out of an antique house. ~Anita Shreve
DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife’s handicap parking placard expired, and she asked her primary care physician to fill out a renewal application. The new placard was received, followed by a letter from the DMV instructing my wife to return her license within 10 days because a medical professional had deemed it unsafe for her to drive. There was no discussion with my wife about driving.
My wife had a stroke about two years ago, but there are no obvious signs that she shouldn’t be driving outside of that. She recently had a Watchman device placed, but no one ever said she shouldn’t drive. My wife has had no symptoms since the surgery. She saw the cardiologist who performed the Watchman surgery, and he said she is doing well. She also saw her regular cardiologist, and he also said she is doing well. She saw both of these doctors after seeing the physician who notified the DMV that she should not drive.
I have seen the after-visit notes of all the doctors my wife has seen in the last three months. All say that she is doing well. The doctor involved said, in her notes, “She is doing well, no concerns.” She has not had any device implanted to maintain rhythm. Was it unethical to not discuss revoking my wife’s license with her before doing it? -- Anon.
ANSWER: The Watchman device is placed to reduce the risk of stroke in people with atrial fibrillation (AFib), a rhythm disturbance of the heart. Its placement has no bearing on her driving, but AFib potentially does. AFib does predispose people to strokes and, occasionally, to a heart rate so fast that they can’t think properly. Conceivably, a person could have a stroke or a very fast heart rate while driving, but this is a very rare cause of motor-vehicle accidents. The most common medical cause for impairment while driving is epilepsy, which is a whole separate discussion.
There are international guidelines to help clinicians decide whether a person with a history of arrhythmia is safe to drive. In the case of atrial fibrillation, the guidelines are consistent that only if a person is having symptoms or is incapacitated should they stop driving, and they may resume once the symptoms or incapacity is better. From what you tell me, she had no reason for her driving to be restricted. Unless her primary care physician knows something that you haven’t told me, this decision was not supported by consensus guidelines.
Was the decision ethical? I don’t think so. An ethical decision is one that minimizes harm, both to your wife and to the community. Your wife has been harmed, and I don’t think the community is safer because she can’t drive. I don’t think she was treated fairly. Lack of truth-telling undermines trust, which is essential for ethical patient care.
It is possible that the decision to restrict her driving privileges was done in error, either by her physician or by the DMV. I do feel strongly that her physician should have told her that her driving privileges would be restricted: This would have allowed for some discussion, perhaps with her cardiologists, and would remove the question of whether there was an error.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2022 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Judge the neighborhood critically. Neighborhoods also can be a factor to consider. What may be a safe environment during the day may no longer be so safe when darkness descends and children are unchaperoned.If parents recognize the neighborhood tows the line between being safe and dangerous, they may want to push off trick-or-treating alone until their children are older. But even the neighborhoods parents would characterize as “safe” are not invulnerable to safety issues.It pays to check where registered child predators live nearby, and that information is available to the public in most areas.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
* “Gigi” author Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette could only write after she had plucked all the fleas off her cat.
* Using your fireplace? Try adding citrus peels to the logs for a nice aroma. They can be a good starter material as well.
* Those hide-a-key rocks can be a little obvious -- at least they are to me. I have a spare key hidden outside too, but I sealed mine in a plastic baggie and buried it in a spot known to our family members. Also, it’s not right by the door. -- I.E. in Mississippi
* When closing up our cabin for the season, we brought a box of mothballs and scattered them around the porch perimeter. This keeps the small animals like mice and skunks from setting up shop there while no one is around. -S.F. in Pennsylvania
* Now’s a great time to start weatherstripping! Check and recaulk windows. Caulk along baseboards to deter drafts. Add insulation to electrical outlets and under sinks around plumbing. Seal it up to stay toasty this winter.
* Remember to turn off bathroom fans after 10 minutes. In the winter, if your house is on the dry side, don’t use the fan at all: Open the door so the humidity from the shower or bath reaches into the house.
* “To remove the skin from salmon, I freeze it and skin it while frozen. The skin comes off much easier, and I waste less of the fish. I buy a large piece and parcel it into several smaller pieces, since it’s just me. I like salmon, and it’s healthy for me!” -- L.A. in Florida
Honeybees are a popular pollinator of apple trees.
It is impossible to identify the first Halloween costume and which masks the earliest celebrants donned in efforts to keep away the evil spirits during Samhain,which historians believe is the Celtic precursor to Halloween. According to Lesley Bannatyne, an author who has written extensively about the history of Halloween, masks and coverups were designed to symbolize ghosts and the souls of the dead, first for Samhain and later for the custom of “souling,” which was intended to cut back on pagan influences. Costumes of saints and evil spirits also were popular during this time. When immigrants brought Halloween customs to North America, early 20th century costumes featured much of the same - ghosts and ghouls. It wasn’t until the 1920s and 1930s that pop culture began to infiltrate costumes. In fact, one of the first costume companies, J. Halpern Company, began licensing pop culture images like Mickey Mouse and Popeye around this time. By the 1960s, costumes were largely store-bought, spurring entire industries. Many 1980s kids recall buying boxed costumes that consisted of rigid plastic masks with eye holes (and very small holes by the mouth and nose) that stayed in place with thin elastic straps, and a plastic sheeting costume that went over clothes. Modern costumes have evolved into outfits
are far more complex.
faucets that each produce one
will waste 104 gallons of water per year from these
by simply
Automatically Eligible Income guidelines are: Family of 1: $32,748
Family of 2: $42,828
Family of 3: $52,908 Family of 4: $62,988
Appliances: A new breed of smart appliances can make it possible for users to turn on the washing machine while out of the house, close refrigerator doors from afar or even start their vacuum cleaners remotely.
After its game against Kansas City, Buffalo is leading its division at 5-1, currently bested only by Philadephia.How do you expect Buffalo to fare this season?
• We’re going all the way!
• End of the playoffs
• Into the playoffs
• Won’t make the playoffs
Poll Ends 10-25-22
Poll Ends 10-18-22
Category 4 Hurricane Ian has been heralded as one of the deadliest hurricanes of the century with its death toll rising past 100 persons this week. Many of the hurricane survivors have lost everything and face an uncertain future. If you are so moved, how will you help them?
10% Donate money
20% Fundraise to send supplies 10% Volunteer to rebuild 60% Not sure yet
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Though most breast cancer survivors don’t get cancer again, the American Cancer Society notes that they are at higher risk for getting some types of cancer. According to the ACS, the most common second cancer in breast cancer survivors is another breast cancer. That only underscores the importance of continuing to get screened even after successful treatment. In addition to a second breast cancer, breast cancer survivors have a greater risk of developing salivary gland cancer, cancer of the esophagus, stomach cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. The risk for thyroid cancer, sarcoma, melanoma of the skin, and acute myeloid leukemia also is greater after successful treatment for cancer.
PLAYER PIANO with many music scrolls: phdgst@aol.com
FUTON in good shape, mattress has very little use. IN-GROUND POOL COVER. 8888red@gmail.com
Commercial grade UPRIGHT FREEZER, 62” x 32” x 26.5”. Works well. You move from garage: mauramar@juno.com
Two grocery bags of 12 COUNT EGG CARTONS; both Styrofoam and cardboard: 585-447-9160
Working VACUUM; heavy, older style made of metal. Bagless, extra set of washable filters. Churchville: Suesassy1231@gmail.com
NETGEAR ROUTER. Very good condition. Will meet in public area to give away: allentom322@gmail.com
KENMORE FREEZER, 63” H x 30” W x 31” D. Includes shelves and baskets. Excellent condition. Fairport: 585-223-9014
BED PADS and TRANQUILITY OVERNIGHT DISPOSABLE ABSORBENT UNDERWEAR, XL and XXL. Six packages of each, 14 in package: barbhetrick@msn.com
TUBBS SNOWSHOES, for male and female. Excellent condition. Made in the USA: brokers@bizbrokersny.com
Used exercise equipment: BENCH, BIKE and ROWER. You pick up. Text if interested: 585-820-2554
WOOD. You cut and remove. Phelps area: 315-945-8143
Two large WHITE UPHOLSTERED SOFAS and one small single LOVESEAT in white with cushions. Pretty good condition. Pick up Fairport. Willing to send photos: 585-223-5154
COMPUTER DESK 35-1/2” W x 50” T x 21” D. Two pairs 39” & two 40-1/2” WINDOW SHADES. Two pairs of LINED DRAPES 84” L, burgundy. Fairport: 585-388-0318
Eleven 8” x 8” Dusty Rose CERAMIC TILES (whole) and three small Chewy boxes of CUT/BROKEN TILES of the same (have pics): ahubbar1@rochester.rr.com
Ladies ethnic white/orange embroidered UKRAINIAN BLOUSE size small. I want this to go to a displaced young lady: christinaplaton20@gmail.com
SHORT PILE CARPET. Approximately 10’ x 12’. East Pembroke area: sbly5722@gmail.com
25 QUICK & EASY PAINTING BOOKS: jimelaineo@frontier.com
PLAYER PIANO WITH MUSIC ROLLS. Must pick up as delivery is unavailable. Geneseo area. Call if interested: 585-243-4894
BOX OF MAGAZINES (hunting, boating, women’s, general interest): 585-346-9777
NEBULIZER - Medline brand. Ontario/Webster area: amodrovs@rochester.rr.com
Rock and roll ‘70s-’90s 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL ALBUMS: gzintel@yahoo.com
SNOWBLOWER and/or LAWNMOWER in good working condition, as well as DOG KENNELS: 585-531-4004
SMALL BOAT TRAILER for 92 year-old vet: 585-494-6025
SPORTS CARDS, POKEMON CARDS and any old MAGIC CARDS. Can pick up: 585-315-3916
LESLIE SPEAKER for electric organ: 585-323-1762, please leave message ATV, ATC, TRACTOR - something for disabled veteran. Help this person to hunt again: jedallas83@gmail.com
FULL SIZE BED FRAME: Bmacspassion@gmail.com 5’x 7’ INDOOR/OUTDOOR RUG in light blue, green or lighter beige/brown: 585981-9053
THIN CLIENT COMPUTER (small, basic, size of a book) for weather forecasting experiments. Thank you: jfz_rhy@yahoo.com
USED MEDICINE CABINET for drug prevention education campaign. Will pick up. Reach Jerry at: jprevention@earthlink.net
PORTABLE DISHWASHER in good working condition: 585-300-7630
Small ROWBOAT type dinghy: 585-507-8788
Smaller type PIANO for our granddaughter. In good condition: 585-637-0933
GOOSEBUMPS BOOKS by R.L. Stine. I am building a collection and would give any unwanted/unused copies a great home: bewarevega@gmail.com
PELLET STOVE in good working condition to help with heat for an elderly, handicapped person: 585-905-8809
FLAT SCREEN TVs, 55inch or larger. Used or unwanted. Will pick up: stan1k1@yahoo.com
GOLF CART for disabled Marine, for school booster club president. Needing minor repairs okay: butts38@hotmail.com
Avon is getting an ice rink! Seeking ICE SKATE DONATIONS, all sizes. Donate at the Village Office (74 Genesee Street): avonholidayspectacular@gmail.com
INFARED HEAT LAMP BULBS for chicken coop: 585-374-5768
HO SCALE ITEMS for train layout. Norfolk and Western J611 with Powhatan Arrow passenger cars, working transformer, track, scenery; buildings: 315-694-6197 DAGUERREOTYPE/TIN TYPE PHOTOS. Any subject: Text or email mintshape@netacc.net or 585-794-0448
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
317 Main St., E. Rochester, NY (585) 586-8302 www.eastrochester.org
Mon. 9am-7pm; Tues.-Thurs. 9am-6pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun. Closed. (ERPL Book Nook: open Mon., Wed. & Sat. 10am-1pm
1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport (585) 223-9091
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 12pm-3pm (Oct.-April)
1985 Baird Rd., Penfield (585) 340-8720
Mon.-Thurs. 10am-9pm; Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm
24 State St., Pittsford (585) 248-6275
Mon.- Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm
Webster Public Library 980 Ridge Rd., Webster (585) 872-7075 www.websterlibrary.org
Mon.-Thur. 9am-8pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Closed
BookCoversWeLovewithArtDirectorStephenBrayda:Monday,October 24|7PM|ForAdults|Registration required
K-4CraftyFunDay:Wednesday, October26|4:15PM|ForKids| Registrationrequired
Self-CalmingSensoryStrategies:Saturday,October29|10:30AM|ForAll Ages|Registrationrequired
ScienceSaturday:PumpkinScience: Saturday,October29|1PM|For Kids|Registrationrequired RochesterReads!AuthorVisit&Book Signing:Tuesday,November1|7PM |ForAdults|Registrationrequired
TrickorTreatandShopwith ERFD! Saturday,October22,104pm,EastRochesterFireDept.,415 MainSt.Shopwithour approximately30craftersandvendors.Manywillbedressedforthe occasion!Bringthekidsincostume andtheywillreceivetreatsfromthe vendors!https://fb.me/e/ 2GCOpGtlE
Craft&VendorFair- Over30 craftersandvendorswithunique fallandholidayitems,tobenefit MissJulie’sSchoolofBeauty.Miss Julie’sisanon-profitcosmetology schoolempoweringsurvivorsofhumantraffickingthroughvocational training.HeldSunday,October23, 10-4pmattheEagleValeGolfClub Inc.,4344NineMilePointRd., Fairport.https://fb.me/e/ 2S7XOdCkj
PalmyraHistoricTour- Historic tourtoPalmyraincludes:1875 GeneralStore,PrintShop,Alling CoveletMuseum,OriginalDepot; Palmyra23RoomMuseum.Lunch ppisonyourowncostatthe YellowMillsDinerLaststopwillbe atSmittenCollectivewithgently usedclothing,shoes,jewelry, housewaresetc.Thecostforthe touris$15.00pluslunch.Mustbe attheLittleLakesCommunityCenter,4705S.MainSt.onNov.15th at9:45AM.Registrationisby 11/8/22@3:00.Pleasearrive15 minutesearly.www.littlelakesny. org
AHalloweenHappening! Wear yourcostumeandjoinusatHeritageSquareMuseum,7147OntarioCenterRoad,Ontario,NYfor anafternoonofHalloweenFun! Therewillbetrickortreatingatour historicbuildings,spookystoriesfor allages,andcraftsandgamesfor kids.Warmbeveragesandfrycakes canbepurchasedintheBarn. Festivitiesbeginat1:00pmand endat4:00pm.Parkingis$3per car.Thegiftshopwillalsobeopen. Wehavetoys,collectiblesand booksbylocalauthors.Hopetosee youthere!
2022HomeFortheHolidaysBazaar- TheNorthOntarioUnited MethodistChurch(otherwise knownas“TheBrickChurch”)will behostingaHomeFortheHolidays BazaaronFriday,October28th from9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.and Saturday,October29thfrom9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.at7200Ontario CenterRoadinOntario.Wewillbe servingTakeOutlunchonlyon bothdaysfrom11:00a.m.-1:30 p.m.andsharingmanydelicious bakedgoods,craftsand“Nextto New”treasurestosharewith everyonethatstopsbyforavisit. Welookforwardtoseeingyou there!
LuncheonCard/GameParty fundraiser,Tuesday,November 8th,atGlendoveers,2328Old BrowncroftRd.,Rochester, 10:00am-4:00pm.Donation: $35.00/perperson.10:00am coffee/beveragesandpastries. 12:30pm:luncheonbuffet.Doorprizes.Netproceedstobenefitlocal charitiesincludingWebsterComfortCare.Guestsencouragedto bringgames.Reservations:check payableto“WCW”byTuesday, November1.Mailto:DianeMiller, 428SenecaParkAve.,Rochester, NY14617.Statename,phone number,emailaddressandnames ofotherplayers,ifany.Information?DianeMiller,230-6042.
RochesterBeekeepers:Saturday, October22,1-3pm,intheTinker ParkNatureCenter,1525Calkins Rd,Pittsford,NY14534.Speaker: PeterSieling,SixandaHalfReasons forSmokingandDrummingBees. Beforetheinventionofmovable combhives,smokinganddrummingbeesgavemasterbeekeepers almostasmuchcontroloverbox hivesandskepsasthemoveable framehive.Thetechniqueisstill usefultodayandshouldbeinevery beekeeper’smentaltoolbox.Suggesteddonation5-10.00
Nutcracker:MagicofChristmas Ballet- ThisChristmas,bringthe wholefamilybacktoasimplertime withNUTCRACKER!Magicof ChristmasBallet!Theacclaimed holidaytraditionisLIVEintheaters forthe30thAnniversarytour. Gatherfriendsandfamilytore-live yourfondestchildhooddreams, overflowingwithlarger-than-life puppets,breath-takingacrobatics anddazzlingcostumes.Experience theexquisiteartistryoftheinternationalcast,featuringstarsof Ukraineballet,performingatthe highestlevelofclassicaltechnique. ShareinthemessageofPeaceand Harmony.November18,7pm, RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885 EastMainSt.,Rochester.Cost: $33+.https://www.rbtl.org/events/ nutcracker/
Hamilton- HAMILTON,isthestory ofAmericathen,toldbyAmerica now.Featuringascorethatblends hip-hop,jazz,R&BandBroadway, HAMILTONhastakenthestoryof Americanfoundingfather AlexanderHamiltonandcreateda revolutionarymomentintheatre.A musicalthathashadaprofound impactonculture,politics,and education.IthaswonTony, Grammy,andOlivierAwards,the PulitzerPrizeforDrama,andan unprecedentedspecialcitation fromtheKennedyCenterHonors. November1-13,RBTL’sAuditorium Theatre,885EastMainSt.,Rochester.https://rbtl.org/events/ hamilton/
HearingLossAssociationof AmericaRochesterchapter: HEARINGOTHERPEOPLE’SEXPERIENCES(HOPE).Prospective,new, orexperiencedhearingaidusers cansharetheirexperiences,trials, andhearinglossjourneysinan informaldiscussion.Welearnfrom oneanother.Retiredaudiologist andhearingaiduserJoseph KozelskyCCC/Afacilitates.November1,10-11am,St.PaulsEpiscopal Church,25WestministerRoad (acrossfromGeorgeEastmanMuseum),Rochester.http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: Hear Together-Speech-languagepathologistKristinBergholtzconducts avirtualsupportgroupforparents andcaregiversofDear/hardof hearingchildren.Itconnectsand advisesadvocatesofthose youngsters.Heldthe4thTuesday ofeverymonth,8pm-9pmuntil June22,2023.VIRTUAL-register atkristinbslp@gmail.com
AnEveningOfFun...WithAPurpose! The FirstPresbyterianChurch ofChili,3600ChiliAve.,ishosting PhyllisContestable,akaReverend Mother,onSaturdayevening, October29th,at7:00p.m.Rev.
Motherwillentertainyouwith, “AgingAin’tALaughingMatter.... orisit?Themoneyraisedthrough thisevening’seventwillbeshared between”HabitatforHumanity“ andtheTOPSMarketinBuffalo. Ticketsare$5.00atthedoorwitha “freewill”offeringbeingtakento supportthesetwocauses.Refreshmentswillfollowtheshow. Seatingislimited-ifyouwanta fun,entertainingeveningwhile supportingourneighbors,putthis onyourcalendar!
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: Hearingotherpeople’sexperiences (HOPE)Prospective,new,orexperiencedhearinghearingaidusers cansharetheirexperiences,questions,andhearinglossjourneysin aninformaldiscussionfacilitatedby retiredaudiologistJosephKozelsky CCC/A.Tuesday,November1,1011am,St.Paul’sEpiscopalChurch, 25WestminsterRdacrossfrom GeorgeEastmanMuseum. hearinglossrochester.org
AnnualFallRoastBeefSupper Fundraiser TheFirstPresbyterian ChurchofChili,at3600ChiliAvenue,invitesthecommunitytotheir AnnualFallRoastBeefSupper fundraiseronSaturday,November 5th.DrivethruTAKEOUTONLY 4pmuntilsoldout.Generousportionsforonly$15.Formoreinformation,call585-889-9896or checkoutourwebsiteathttp:// chili-presbyterian.org.
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: HONORFLIGHT:HISTORYAND MISSION.HearingLossAssociation ofAmerica/RochesterChapterwill honorveteransbyintroducing HonorFlight.VeteransofWorld WarII,Korea,andVietNamare invitedtotravelwithacompanion onHonorFlighttoWashingtonDC andshareadayofhonoratour nation’smemorials.Representatives ofHonorFlightwilldiscussthe mission,activitiesandhistoryofthe organization.PrecededbyHLAA socialandannouncements.November1,12-1pm,St.Paul’sEpiscopal Church(25WestminsterRd.across fromGeorgeEastmanMuseum) ANDVIRTUALONZOOM;see www.hearinglossrochester.orgfor Zoomlink
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: Your identityasapersonwithhearing loss.PsychologistDr.MichaelHarveytreatspeopleaffectedbytheir hearingdeficits.Depression,isolation,shamecanaccompany communicationproblems.Dr.Harvey’svirtualpresentationwillprovidetoolsfora“hero’sjourney” formingone’sidentityasaperson withhearingloss.Visitwebsite www.hearinglossrochester.orgto registerfortheZoomlink.Tuesday, November1,12-1pm,St.Paul’s EpiscopalChurchANDVIRTUAL throughZoom,25WestminsterRd acrossfromGeorgeEastmanMuseum,Rochester. hearinglossrochester.org
GPASVeteransDayConcertHonoring ourVeterans,thisgala programwillfeaturepatrioticmusic andAmericanafavoritesperformed bytheGreeceChoralSocietydirectedbyDr.RolloFisher,Greece CommunityOrchestradirectedby JonathanAllentoff,andtheGreece ConcertBanddirectedbyBJ Comer.Specialguestsinclude EmceeBrendaTremblayfromWXXI Classical91.5,NewYorkState SenatorSamraBrouk,ColorGuard, PrimeTimeBrass,andvocalartist MaryWojciechowski.Ticketsare $10generaladmission,andVeteransarefree.Areceptionisincluded.Foradditionalinformation andtopurchasetickets,pleasevisit www.greeceperformingarts.org.
Speak with business owners about your experience as a customer, sharing insight about both good and bad experiences.
HalloweenTrolleyExpress! Sunday, October23,withrides scheduled11:15,12:05,12:55, 1:45,2:35and3:25.Reservations required:www.nymtmuseum.org/ halloween/.Thetrolleywilltravelto thePumpkinPatchwherechildren willdecorateababypumpkin,and everyonewillenjoydeliciousapple cideranddonuts.Backatthemuseum,toteswillbeprovidedfor trick-or-treating.Inthemodel railroadroom,theSpookyHalloweenWalkwillamazeanddelight!Theeventisnotscaryandis suitableforallages.Kidsareinvited toweartheircostumes.Familyfriendlyadmission:$15adultsand $12ages2-14.TheNewYorkMuseumofTransportation,6393E. RiverRoadinRush.585-533-1113.
WalworthUnitedMethodist Church -RoastPorkDinner: Join usSaturday,October22,2022 from4pm-7pm-(oruntilsoldout). Adults-$12.50,Children-$6.50. TAKEOUTONLY!3679Main Street,Walworth.https://www. walworthumc.com
PreventingParentBurnout: Stress ManagementforParentsof ChildrenwithSpecialNeeds - Extraordinaryparentingresponsibilities createextraordinarypressureson parents.Joinusforthistrainingto discoverpositivewaystocopewith andeffectivelymanagestress. SharonfromParenttoParentwill present.ParenttoParentisa supportivenetworkoffamiliesthat helpsreduceisolationandempowerthosewhocareforpeople withdevelopmentaldisabilities. Registrationisrequired.October 27,7-8pm,WebsterPublicLibrary, 980RidgeRoad.http://www. websterlibrary.org
NewHorizonsBandFallConcert - A BountifulHarvestofMusicfor BandMarches,Classics,Pops& More!Saturday,October29,4pm attheWillinkMiddleSchool,900 PublishersParkway,Webster.Thisis afreeconcertandeveryoneiswelcome.
Harvest/PorkRoastDinnerCottreall-Warner AmericanLegion Auxiliarywillhosttheirannual Harvest/RoastPorkDinnerSaturday,October29thfrom4:30pmtill soldoutattheirPostHome,818 RidgeRoad,cornerofFiveMile Line,Webster.Ticketsare$15.Enjoyroastporkloin,parmesanpotatoes,greenbeans,withsquash,red cabbagefromlocalfarms,plus homemadeapplesauce,rolls,& choiceofdessert.Takeouts available.Purchaseticketsnightof dinneronly.Proceedswillbenefit ourveteransandvariousWebster communityorganizations.
WestHenriettaBaptistChurch Craft &VendorSale- Saturday, October22,2022from10:00am -3:00pm.Itwillbelocatedatthe WestHenriettaBaptistChurch, 5660W.HenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta.CRAFTS,VENDORS&RAFFLE!
Halloween may seem like a relatively modern holiday, and while it may have become modernized, Halloween traditions actually can be traced back to ancient Celtic rituals. It’s believed Halloween traces its origins to a Celtic festival for the dead known as Samhain. During the festival, people would dress up in costumes and leave treats on their front doorsteps to appease spirits that were believed to be roaming the Earth on this holiday. Many historians also feel that trickor-treating can be linked to the European practice of “mumming” or “guysing,” in which costumewearing individuals would go door-to-door, performing dances and plays in exchange for treats.
1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the coldest ocean on Earth?
2. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What kind of animal is represented by the scientific order Proboscidea?
3. LANGUAGE: What does the Greek prefix “pan-” mean in English?
4. MEDICAL: What is the common name for Hansen’s disease?
5. LITERATURE: Which 1970s nonfiction book begins with the line, “We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold”?
6. THEATER: Who wrote the Tony Award-winning play “The Heidi Chronicles”?
7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The Empire State Building in New York has how many stories?
8. ACRONYMS: In photography, what does the acronym SLR stand for?
9. FOOD & DRINK: Which country produces a cheese called Manchego?
10. HISTORY: Who was the first House Speaker in U.S. history?
“FearandLoathinginLasVegas” (HunterS.Thompson).
King FeaturesThis week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
Welcome to the season of increased scam telemarketer phone calls, either political or holiday related.
e National Do Not Call Registry is a government program intended to block unwanted sales calls. It’s a free service, and all you have to do is sign up either on your phone or on the internet.
Call 888-382-1222 from the phone you want to block and follow the steps. Or go online to donotcall.gov and read the info. A word of warning: If you register your number online, you are also required to enter an email address. ey’ll send you a note asking you to click a link in that email to nish the registration to stop unwanted calls -- if they stop.
Blocking scammers on the registry doesn’t take care of the whole problem. e FAQ on the site says that certain types of calls are allowed: political, charitable, debt collection, informational and surveys. ink about the holes those leave.
I maintain that receiving a political call is still a sales call -- they’re trying to sell us on the idea of voting a certain way, and therefore political calls also should be blocked in the Do Not Call Registry. Surveys can be just as bad if the questions they ask are clearly skewed in one direction or another.
I see charitable calls as scams if they take your personal banking or credit-card information. Additionally, if you’ve ever done business with a company, they’re allowed to call you.
So, there are holes in the system. But you can take steps to stop at least some of the calls by registering with Do Not Call.
As an aside, I called the registry to verify that my phone is already listed. Yes, despite all the calls I get, it’s been listed as a do-not-call number since 2006.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.Mary, like some of your neighbors, can’t drive anymore. She could use a lift... a visit to a doctor, a trip to the grocery store, a stop at the bank. If you have a couple of hours a month, please call us to volunteer. We provide training and supplemental insurance.
Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat. By the time symptoms appear, cancer may have begun to spread.
Scientists are trying to better understand which people are more likely to get certain types of cancer. They also study the things we do and the things around us to see if they cause cancer. This information helps doctors recommend who should be screened for cancer, which screening tests should be used, and how often the tests should be done.
It is important to remember that your doctor does not necessarily think you have cancer if he or she suggests a screening test. Screening tests are given when you have no cancer symptoms.
If a screening test result is abnormal, you may need to have more tests done to find out if you have cancer. These are called diagnostic tests.
Come October, people across the United States and various other countries participate in a tradition that has been around for some time.Trick-or-treating, which involves costumed children going door-to-door in the neighborhood asking for candy, is a staple of fall.While the exact origins of Halloween and trick-or-treating are hard to pin down,historians believe that Halloween came from a holiday known as Samhain, which ancient Brits and Celts once celebrated in recognition of the onset of winter. During Samhain, revelers believed that the world of the gods and ghosts was open and that these beings played tricks on the mortals. In turn, mortals lit bonfires and wore costumes so they would be unrecognizable to the ghosts. Unlike the lighthearted activities of today’s Halloween, ritualistic sacrifices and other more sinister events also took place 2,000 years ago on Samhain. Once Christianity took root in formally Celtic locales,the tide of Samhain celebrations turned and a focus was placed on celebrating the holy and dead in more meaningful ways onAll Saints Day (November 1) and All Souls Day (November 2). In fact, Halloween, which comes from All Hallows Eve (hallow meaning “holy”), offered an opportunity to come together and pray, dress in costumes of hallowed saints and evil spirits, and act out the battles of good versus evil. Poor individuals also were known to travel to the homes of more fortunate individuals and receive pastries known as “soul cakes” in exchange for a promise to pray for that homeowner’s deceased relatives.The tradition of “souling” eventually gave way to trick-or-treating. History.com says it is unknown when the term “trick-or-treat” came into the vernacular.However,the phrase has at least been in use since 1951,when the popular “Peanuts” comics published a Halloween edition.The title “Trick or Treat” also was used on a Disney cartoon featuring Donald Duck in 1952.
For book lovers, there is almost nothing as exciting as a library book sale. e scent of paper and binding, the crackle of book covers, all those exciting titles…it is a reader’s wonderland. From ursday, October 13th – Sunday, October 16th, the Friends of the Victor Farmington Library held their biggest book sale yet. Held in the former Lane Bryant store in the Macy’s wing of Eastview Mall, the giant book sale was even more successful than anticipated.
Jessica Pritchard, Victor Farmington Library Development Manager, and Patty Bascomb, President of the Friends of the Victor Farmington Library (Friends), are pleased with the book sale’s success.
“We have been having Friends book sales since the 1990s, and years ago, they did take place in the mall,” shared Pritchard. “Holding the book sale at the library really takes up the library’s activity space for at least two weeks, so we reached out to Eastview Mall.”
Eastview Mall was only too happy to oblige. “ ey were fabulous and happy to have us,” said Pritchard. “ ey made the space available and helped to get it set up. ey were so happy to help and to be a part of the community in this way.”
e results were fantastic! “We started with about 5,000 books and sold about 3,000, which is an incredible number and a better ratio than we usually see,” shared Bascomb. e success of the event went beyond sold books, however.
“ e Friends support the library, the library community and programming. We hold the book sales to purchase useful products as well as to enhance and beautify the library inside and out. is book sale gave us a much larger audience all over Rochester, beyond those who are familiar with the Victor Farmington Library,” explained Bascomb. “ is allowed us to talk to people about all the activities we have, not just the books.”
“We have children’s, teens’, and adults’ programing, cra s, cooking, book clubs, Zumba,videogames, Mahjong, bridge, and more,” shared Pritchard. “Library guests can check out items like snowshoes, museum passes, ski poles, and more.”
e Friends of the Victor Farmington Library vote on how to best use the funds they raise, traditionally funding children’s and adults’ programing as well as purchasing equipment for the library.
“ e Friends have made a grant every year to our children’s programming budget and to our adults’ programming budget,” said Pritchard. “One year, we brought in a circus performer to do hula hooping and exercising with the kids. We would not have been able to do that without the Friends’ help. e Friends also purchase toys for the
children’s area and have donated a beautiful display case which is now showcasing a collection about caring for fall foliage and trees. If we had an area in dire need, the Friends would de nitely consider making that improvement.”
volunteers—including Friends’ volunteers—who did all the work behind the scenes and during the book sale, making this event possible. “We have revitalized the Friends group,” said Bascomb. “When we held our meeting in August, we had 30 people, several of whom were new. is has given us a great core of people with whom to move forward as a strong, local group like many other libraries have.” Bascomb invites those interested in joining the Friends of the Victor Farmington Library by lling out an application online (Individual membership: $12 and Family membership: $24).
“Many hands make merry and light work,” added Pritchard. “Under Patty’sleadership,Friendsmembershelpthelibraryandhaveapleasant, social experience at the same time. I am grateful to Patty for bringing that to the table.”
e Friends of the Victor Farmington Library encourages teenagers and young adults to get involved, as well. “One local sophomore gave countless hours to set up and help with this book sale,” said Pritchard. “We encourage people of all ages to join and bring their energy to our group.” e Friends hope to hold their next book sale in the spring.
e Friends of the Victor Farmington Library thank the many volunteers and donors who make this annual favorite possible!
Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great stories online at www.gvpennysaver.com:
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