Appliances: A new breed of smart appliances can make it possible for users to turn on the washing machine while out of the house, close refrigerator doors from afar or even start their vacuum cleaners remotely.
Autumn has officially descended upon Western New York, and its flavors are in full swing.
As the apple cider vs. pumpkin spice debate continues, what side do you “fall” on?
• Apply cider all the way!
Pumpkin spice for the win!
Neither Poll Ends 10-11-22 Poll Ends 10-04-22
According to reports, Ukraine states it has retaken about 3,088 sq. miles during the month of September, a space roughly three times the size of Rhode Island. Do you feel this is the beginning of the end for the Russian occupation of Ukraine?
21% Yes, in a heartbeat
Yes, but only as a last resort
No, but he will cause devastation
No, it’s an empty threat
love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Remove leaves as they fall. Much like apple-picking and foliage, raking leaves is synonymous with fall. Some homeowners may wait to pick up a rake until all of the trees on their properties are bare. However, allowing fallen leaves to sit on the ground for extended periods of time can have an adverse effect on grass. Leaves left to sit on the lawn may ultimately suffocate the grass by forming an impenetrable wall that deprives the lawn of sunlight and oxygen. The result is dead grass and possibly even fungal disease. Leaves may not need to be raked every day, but homeowners should periodically rake and remove leaves from their grass, even if there are plenty left to fall still hanging on the trees.
Used for both decoration and to increase the functionality of buildings, millwork comes in various types. Generally, millwork is fabricated in two ways. Stock millwork tends to be mass-produced commercial items. These low-cost items are interchangeable and may be widely available at retailers, including home improvement centers. Custom millwork is a product that is custom designed and produced for individuals and special building projects. Sometimes referred to as “architectural millwork,” these pieces may be more ornate and made-to-order. Homeowners who want to match a focal point of a home or an existing style often turn to custom millwork.
Mulch leaves. Falling leaves are a telltale sign that winter is coming. In lieu of raking leaves as they begin to fall, homeowners can mulch them into their lawns. Scotts®, an industry leader in lawn care, notes that mulching leaves is a great way for homeowners to recycle a natural resource and enrich the soil of their lawns. While it might not be possible to mulch fallen leaves in late autumn when they begin to fall en masse, doing so in the early stages of fall should be possible so long as the lawn is not being suffocated. Scotts® recommends mulching the leaves to dime-size pieces to a point where half an inch of grass can be seen through the mulched leaf layer.
Discuss how to share the news. Once your boss and HR department has been notified, seek their input regarding how to break the news to your colleagues. If you routinely work with people across multiple departments, it may be best to inform everyone through email, as it can be exhausting to break the news to each colleague individually. But it’s also alright if you prefer to keep the diagnosis under wraps. In the latter case, it might still be wise to inform those you work with closely each day, as that can help them prepare for increased responsibilities as your treatment progresses and potentially makes it hard for you to continue working full-time. When discussing how to share the news with an HR department, be specific about how much you want to share,as you may only feel comfortable discussing details of your diagnosis with certain coworkers, such as your boss.
Unfortunately, many people now feel that COVID isn’t a deadly threat anymore, but if you’re an older adult or a person with chronic or disabling conditions, getting COVID can still kill you. Getting Vaccinated was de nitely the right decision for me.“
David Wantuck - Amherst, NY
“Everyone is di erent. If you catch COVID, there’s no way to predict how severe it might be. It can kill you or you can have no symptoms at all. That’s why I got Vaccinated.”
Krystle Babbs - Bu alo, NY
If you are listening to all the misinformation out there, listen to this. The COVID vaccine is still the safest and most e ective way of reducing risk of a serious illness or death. Just ask your doctor, I did.”
Swarts - Holland,
According to the Lupus Foundation of America, 90 percent of people living with lupus are women. Most women who develop lupus do so between the ages of 15 and 44. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that it causes the immune system to attack healthy cells and tissues by mistake. The LFA reports that one-third of lupus patients suffer from multiple autoimmune diseases.
Leisure activities may be widely viewed as fun ways to fill up free time, but the benefits of leisure activities extend beyond beating boredom. A 2011 analysis published in the journal BBA Molecular Basis of Disease found that leisure activities have a positive impact on cognitive function and dementia. The analysis, conducted by researchers with the Aging Research Center in Stockholm who examined various studies regarding the relationship between certain activities and cognitive function, defined leisure activity as the voluntary use of free time for activities outside the home. After retirement, leisure time constitutes a large part of many retirees’ lives, and finding ways to fill that time is more beneficial than merely avoiding boredom. The researchers behind the study concluded that the existing research is insufficient to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effects of certain types of leisure activities on the risk for dementia and cognitive decline, though they did note that multi-domain cognitive training has the potential to improve cognitive function in healthy older adults and slow decline in affected individuals. A multi-domain approach to cognitive training involves memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and map reading, among other activities. Aging adults who embrace activities that require the use of such skills may find that they’re not only finding stimulating ways to fill their free time, but increasing their chances of long-term cognitive health as well.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Saturday, October 15th, 2022 • 10:00 AM
Held At 4500 St. Rt. 414, North Rose, NY
Bicycles, Junk Or Household Items. We Will Be Accepting Consignments Of: Tools, Farm Equipment, Tractors, Chain Saws, Vehicles, Power Tools, Lawn & Garden, Lawn Mowers, Generators, Lumber, Plants, Guns and Alike Consignments Accepted
Tuesday, October 11th-Frida,y October 14th 10am-5pm Or By Appointment. Any Questions, Please Call Jim Hoyt At: 315-483-1900 Or 315-573-4466
Consignment Checks Issued Promptly Terms: Good NYS Checks, M/C, Visa, Discover Accepted. I.D. Required For Bidding Numbers. No Goods Removed Until Settled For. Dress Accordingly! Breakfast & Lunch Available.
James C. Hoyt ~ Auctioneer
Village Landing • Fairport, NY 14450
STORE HOURS: Tues. - Sat. 10am to 4pm
are only accepted on Mondays from 10am to 2pm cornerbookstore106@gmail.com
by the Friends of the Fairport
* That little white paper strip coming out of the top of Hershey’s Kisses is called a plume and was originally introduced by the company to distinguish the product from phony knock-off candies.
317 Main St., E. Rochester, NY (585) 586-8302 www.eastrochester.org Mon. 9am-7pm; Tues.-Thurs. 9am-6pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun. Closed. (ERPL Book Nook: open Mon., Wed. & Sat. 10am-1pm
1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport (585) 223-9091 www.fairportlibrary.org Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 12pm-3pm (Oct.-April)
Penfield Public Library
1985 Baird Rd., Penfield (585) 340-8720 www.penfieldlibrary.org Mon.-Thurs. 10am-9pm; Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm
24 State St., Pittsford (585) 248-6275 Mon.- Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm
Webster Public Library
980 Ridge Rd., Webster (585) 872-7075 www.websterlibrary.org Mon.-Thur. 9am-8pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Closed
SalaffStringQuartet:Sunday,October 9|2:30PM|ForAdults|Registration required
FireSafetyVisit:Monday,October10 |10:30AM|ForKids|Registration required
HackaPainting:Monday,October10 |4:15PM|ForTweens|Registration required
TeenAdvisoryBoard:Thursday,October13|4PM|ForTeens|Registrationrequired MakingtheSeries“InThisMoment”: Thursday,October13|7PM|For Adults|Registrationrequired
TheJamesWebbSpaceTelescope: Saturday,October15|10:30AM| ForAllAges|Registrationrequired
ChessClub:Monday,October17| 4:30PM|ForTweens|Registration required
ThePerintonHistoricalSocietyand FairportPublicLibrarypresentavirtualprogram:“TracingourRoots AlongtheErieCanal”onThursday, October13that7:00pm. PresenterRebeccaHughesservesas seniordirectorofpublicengagement fortheNewYorkStateCanalCorporation.JoinRebeccaasshedescribesthe sometimes-complicatedworkof discoveringourrootsalongtheErie Canal.Registrationisthroughthe FairportPublicLibraryandislimited. TracingOurRootsAlongtheErie Canal(Zoom)-LibCal-FairportPublic Libraryorcallthelibraryat 585-223-9091.
Apples are one of the most widelygrown tree fruits and become available for picking in early fall. They can be put to use in all different typesof foodapplicationsfrom desserts to sauces to beverages. As a stand-alone snack,apples are a healthy source of antioxidants and fiber.
TrickorTreatandShopwith ERFD! Saturday,October22,104pm,EastRochesterFireDept.,415 MainSt.Shopwithour approximately30craftersandvendors.Manywillbedressedforthe occasion!Bringthekidsincostume andtheywillreceivetreatsfromthe vendors!https://fb.me/e/ 2GCOpGtlE
Craft&VendorFair- Over30 craftersandvendorswithunique fallandholidayitems,tobenefit MissJulie’sSchoolofBeauty.Miss Julie’sisanon-profitcosmetology schoolempoweringsurvivorsofhumantraffickingthroughvocational training.HeldSunday,October23, 10-4pmattheEagleValeGolfClub Inc.,4344NineMilePointRd., Fairport.https://fb.me/e/ 2S7XOdCkj
PalmyraHistoricTour- Historic tourtoPalmyraincludes:1875 GeneralStore,PrintShop,Alling CoveletMuseum,OriginalDepot; Palmyra23RoomMuseum.Lunch ppisonyourowncostatthe YellowMillsDinerLaststopwillbe atSmittenCollectivewithgently usedclothing,shoes,jewelry, housewaresetc.Thecostforthe touris$15.00pluslunch.Mustbe attheLittleLakesCommunityCenter,4705S.MainSt.onNov.15th at9:45AM.Registrationisby 11/8/22@3:00.Pleasearrive15 minutesearly.www.littlelakesny. org
TakeoffPoundsSensibly -Join TOPSClub.ReasonableRates/Team Support.Groupmeetingsfollow Weigh-InseachThursdayat8:15 AM.JoinusatAmericanLegion Hall,260MiddleRoad,Henrietta. Info-585-729-2192.
RunningwiththeAngels5K isa familyfriendly5Kracethatstartsat St.Peter’sEpiscopalChurch,3825 E.HenriettaRd.,Henrietta.The routegoesthroughthesurroundingneighborhoodstreets. HeldOctober16th,1pm.Online RegistrationatRunSignUp.com. Adults$20,Children10andunder $15.Bymail10/11/22.Sendto: RunningwiththeAngelsat3825E. HenriettaRd.,Henrietta,NY14467. Makeallcheckspayableto:St. Peter’sEpiscopalChurchandwrite “race”inthememo.Forfurther information:Barbara 585-334-9062.Cashorchecks only.Registration/PacketPickupat St.Peter’s-Saturday1pm-4pm$22|Sunday,dayofrace-$25. Children10andunder-$15(both days).
BBQ! Comeshopwithourcrafters &vendors(10-4pm)andenjoy somegreatChickenBBQ(12-4pm)! HeldSaturday,October8atthe RochesterElksLodge,3525E.HenriettaRd.,(downstairs).Tobenefit theNorthRushCemetery.https:// fb.me/e/1N2CziTox
2022HomeFortheHolidaysBazaar- TheNorthOntarioUnited MethodistChurch(otherwise knownas“TheBrickChurch”)will behostingaHomeFortheHolidays BazaaronFriday,October28th from9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.and Saturday,October29thfrom9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.at7200Ontario CenterRoadinOntario.Wewillbe servingTakeOutlunchonlyon bothdaysfrom11:00a.m.-1:30 p.m.andsharingmanydelicious bakedgoods,craftsand“Nextto New”treasurestosharewith everyonethatstopsbyforavisit. Welookforwardtoseeingyou there!
Women’sClubofWebsterOctoberMeeting featuresSyedAhmed Mustafa,President&CEOofthe NortheastQuadrantAdvancedLife Support(NEQALS)atMeeting& Luncheon-Thursday,October 20th.NEQALSprovidesEmergency AdvancedLifeSupporttoWebster, Ontario&Penfield.Areawomen invited:PenfieldCountryClub, 1784JacksonRd.Penfield.Mix-&mingle-11:15am,meeting-noon &lunch-12:30pm,presentation follows.$21.Entree:ThaiShrimp Wrap,CornedBeefonryebreador grilledchickensalad;includesfresh fruit,coffee,tea.RSVP&payment: October13th-Makecheckpayable toWCW.Sendto:CarolynRittenhouse,405CountyLineRoad,Ontario,NY14519.585-265-1303
59thAnnualPittsfordPTSASuperSale-October19-21st. The PTSASuperSaleisagiant,upscale rummagesalewhereyouwillfind dealsonclothing,shoes,furniture, babygear,sportsequipment,linens,homegoods,tools,outdoor items,bikes,andmore!100%of thefundsraisedgotothePittsford PTSAtoprovideprogramsand eventsineachofour9schoolseveryPittsfordstudentbenefits fromSuperSale!SUPERSALEIS OPENTOTHEPUBLIC:Wednesday, October19,9am-7pm.50%OFF SALE:Thursday,October20,9am7pm.BAG-ITSALE:Friday,October 21,9am-7pm.MendonHigh SchoolGym,472MendonRd.,Pittsford.www.pittsfordptsa.net/ super-sale.
SixandaHalfReasonsfor SmokingandDrummingBees RochesterBeekeepers:Saturday, October22,1-3pm,intheTinker ParkNatureCenter,1525Calkins Rd,Pittsford,NY14534.Speaker: PeterSieling,SixandaHalfReasons forSmokingandDrummingBees. Beforetheinventionofmovable combhives,smokinganddrummingbeesgavemasterbeekeepers almostasmuchcontroloverbox hivesandskepsasthemoveable framehive.Thetechniqueisstill usefultodayandshouldbeinevery beekeeper’smentaltoolbox.Suggesteddonation5-10.00
ShopfortheVets- Over20 vendorswithuniqueproducts. Donateanitemoffourlistof neededitemandreceiveafree ticketforourbagraffle.Raffle ticketswillalsobeforsaleand proceedswillbedonatedtoVOC. Bringoneofthefollowingitemsto donatetotheVOCandreceivea raffleticket:socks,blankets,jackets,otherclothingitemsforwinter, anypersonalhygieneitems,orgift cards.JoinusSaturday,October 15,10-4pmattheHiltonGarden Inn,30CelebrationDr.,Rochester. https://fb.me/e/1SWMxiBZX
Nutcracker:MagicofChristmas Ballet- ThisChristmas,bringthe wholefamilybacktoasimplertime withNUTCRACKER!Magicof ChristmasBallet!Theacclaimed holidaytraditionisLIVEintheaters forthe30thAnniversarytour. Gatherfriendsandfamilytore-live yourfondestchildhooddreams, overflowingwithlarger-than-life puppets,breath-takingacrobatics anddazzlingcostumes.Experience theexquisiteartistryoftheinternationalcast,featuringstarsof Ukraineballet,performingatthe highestlevelofclassicaltechnique. ShareinthemessageofPeaceand Harmony.November18,7pm, RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885 EastMainSt.,Rochester.Cost: $33+.https://www.rbtl.org/events/ nutcracker/
Concert- TheRochesterTheater OrganSocietypresents“Broadway toBeatles”onSunday,October9th at2:30PMattheAuditoriumTheatre.“2016YoungOrganistofthe Year”SeamusGethickermakeshis secondappearanceontheRTOSGriersonWurlitzer4/23theatre pipeorgan!AdmissionforNONmembersis$15perperson.Children12andunder,andstudents withschoolIDarealwaysFREE.The doorsopenat1:30PM.Seatingis GeneralAdmission,notReserved. ProofofvaccinationisNOTrequired.MasksareOPTIONAL,althoughhighlyencouraged!
Craft&VendorSaleatCasino Night! HeldOctober9th,2-6pm, ComedyattheCarlson,50Carlson Rd.,Rochester.AlongwithUpstate VegasEvents&Shoppingfora Cause,theHickokCenterinvites youtojoinusforour2ndannual CasinoNight&ShoppingFundraiser!!Your$10Admissionfee providesyouwith“FUNMONEY” (additional“funmoneyavailable forpurchase!)tobeusedata varietyofcasinogamingtables. PrizeWheel,50/50&BasketRaffles willbeupforgrabs!Food&Drink availableforpurchase!Note:All CasinoGamesareprovidedfor entertainmentpurposesonly!All proceedstobenefittheHickok CenterforBrainInjury,Inc.
RumoursofFleetwoodMac 45thAnniversaryTour- Rumours ofFleetwoodMac,theworld’s finesttributetoFleetwoodMac, returnstothestagein2022 performingtheiconicRumoursalbumnote-for-noteandinitsentirety,plusaspecialsetcelebrating theverybestofFleetwoodMac. PersonallyendorsedbyFleetwood Macfoundingmember,Mick Fleetwood,RumoursofFleetwood Macistheultimatetributetoone ofrockandroll’smostremarkable groups.October14,7:30pm, RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885 EastMainSt.,Rochester.https:// rbtl.org/events/rumours/
AnEveningOfFun...WithAPurpose! TheFirstPresbyterianChurch ofChili,3600ChiliAve.,ishosting PhyllisContestable,akaReverend Mother,onSaturdayevening, October29th,at7:00p.m.Rev. Motherwillentertainyouwith, “AgingAin’tALaughingMatter.... orisit?Themoneyraisedthrough thisevening’seventwillbeshared between”HabitatforHumanity“ andtheTOPSMarketinBuffalo. Ticketsare$5.00atthedoorwitha “freewill”offeringbeingtakento supportthesetwocauses.Refreshmentswillfollowtheshow. Seatingislimited-ifyouwanta fun,entertainingeveningwhile supportingourneighbors,putthis onyourcalendar!
TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s Octoberprogram willbeabout thehistoryoftheGatesVolunteer AmbulanceandpresentedbyMelissaGeffert,ChiefofGatesAmbulance.CometotheGatesTown HallAnnexonMonday,October17 at7:00pmtohearhowthisimportantorganizationbegan.This facilityishandicappedaccessible andfree.http://www.gateshistory. org
TrackingFallFoliagebyTrolleyEnjoythecolorsofanupstateautumnisfromthewindowsofa vintageelectrictrolleycaratthe NewYorkMuseumof TransportationinRush,NY.Rides operateSundaysonly,October9, 16,and30andareincludedfree withadmissiontothemuseum.The 20-minuteridesdepartat11:30, 12:30,1:30,2:30and3:30.The museumisopen11-4pm.Noreservationsneeded.NewYorkMuseumofTransportation,6393East RiverRoad.Familyfriendlyadmissionfortheentireexperienceisjust $10adults,$9seniorsover65,and $6youthsage3through12.(585) 533-1113,www.nymtmuseum. org,info@nymtmuseum.org
HalloweenTrolleyExpress! Sunday,October23,withrides scheduled11:15,12:05,12:55, 1:45,2:35and3:25.Reservations required:www.nymtmuseum.org/ halloween/.Thetrolleywilltravelto thePumpkinPatchwherechildren willdecorateababypumpkin,and everyonewillenjoydeliciousapple cideranddonuts.Backatthemuseum,toteswillbeprovidedfor trick-or-treating.Inthemodel railroadroom,theSpookyHalloweenWalkwillamazeanddelight!Theeventisnotscaryandis suitableforallages.Kidsareinvited toweartheircostumes.Familyfriendlyadmission:$15adultsand $12ages2-14.TheNewYorkMuseumofTransportation,6393E. RiverRoadinRush.585-533-1113.
Shop at small businesses regularly.
AuroraHouseBasketsand BrunchFundraiser- Joinuson Saturday,October22,8:30am-1pm atthePearceMemorialChurch, 4322BuffaloRoad,NorthChilifor AuroraHouse’sAnnualBasketsand BrunchFundraiser!Cost:$25. https://aurorahousewmc.com/ baskets-brunch-2021/
AuroraHouseBookClub:GriefItisuniqueforeveryperson,every instanceofloss.AuroraHouseis sponsoringagroupwhereone grievingcanfindsomesupport.We cometogetheronthe3rdWednesdayofeachmonth,10:00am11:00am,atAuroraHouse,2495S. UnionStreet,Spencerport.Opento thepublic.Itissuggestedthatyou buyacopyofthebook, It’sOK ThatYou’reNotOK:MeetingGrief andLossinaCulturethatDoesn’t Understand,byMeganDevine,but thisisnotrequiredallcanbenefit fromthediscussion.http:// aurorahousewmc.com
[T]he sun declined, and we both fell into twilight silence. Night, which in autumn seems to fall from the sky at once, it comes so quickly, chilled us, and we rolled ourselves in our cloaks...
WalworthUnitedMethodist Church-RoastPorkDinner: Join usSaturday,October22,2022 from4pm-7pm-(oruntilsoldout). Adults-$12.50,Children-$6.50. TAKEOUTONLY!3679Main Street,Walworth.https://www. walworthumc.com
October7,2022-SpaghettiDinner: TheWebsterMasonicLodge willserveapublicFundRaiserSpaghettiDinneronFriday,October,7 2022attheWebsterMasonicTemple,30OrchardStreet,from5to7 P.M.Ticketsare$11.00foradults and$6.00forchildren12yrs.and under.ForTAKEOUTScall 872-3500.Achairliftisavailable. AllNetProceedsfromthismonth’s supperwillbedonatedtotheWebsterSchroederGirlsSoccerTeam.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
RD.Oct.15th(9-4pm)Haveyou everwantedacouch,3curiocabinets,antiques,secretaryoakdesk, puzzles,stonewarecrocks,2twin beds,books,recliner,RoyalDalton tobyjugs,Avonvintagebeautifultea potsandteasets,alotofgreat holidayitems,JohnDeere42inch ridingmower,Pittsburgh300lb highlift,TroyBiltelectricsnow thrower,Ryobileafblower,Profile bikeZR4000withhelmet,Bridgestoneradial185/55r6,twinand queenbeds,furniture,glassware andsomuchmore...Asaleyou wontwanttomiss. Lalaestatesalesandorganizing.com
PENFIELD:1817Baird Rd.(BetweenWhalen&Atlantic) Fri./Sat.Oct.7th&8th.(9am-4pm) Greatprices.Antiques,Vintage, Household,Strollers,Holiday, GreetingCards.
HENRIETTA:464Wildbriar 14623,FridayOctober14thONLY (10am-3pm)Dolls,Xmasdecorations, HotWheels,Victorianpictures,House pressuretank,misc.
Have a nice display. First impressions can mean a lot. Buyers are more apt to visit neat, well-laid-out sales than those that are just a bunch of boxes that have to be dug through.
1. TELEVISION: Which TV cartoon show featured a Great Dane as part of the mystery-solving team?
2. MOVIES: Which 1970s movie’s tagline is, “You’ll never go in the water again”?
3. HISTORY: What was the nickname for American soldiers in WWI?
4. MEDICAL TERMS: What is dysphonia?
5. U.S. PRESIDENTS: How many state capitals are named after U.S. presidents?
6. ANATOMY: What part of the brain controls language and hearing?
7. PSYCHOLOGY: What is the fear represented in metathesiophobia?
8. GEOGRAPHY: How many countries are in the United Kingdom?
9. FOOD & DRINK: What are the two main ingredients in a meringue?
10. U.S. STATES: Which state is home to General Sherman, a sequoia more than 2,000 years old?
on or holding the eye dropper directly over her eye will freak her out. Instead, keep her comfortable and unaware of the dropper until the very last moment. Here’s how:
-- Approach her from the side, and pet her into a sitting position, giving lots of praise. If she is a large dog, have a friend cradle her from the side or stand behind her, placing your legs behind her shoulders so she can’t back up. If she is small, cradle her until she is calm.
8.Four:England,Scotland,Walesand NorthernIreland
5.Four(Jackson,Mississippi;Lincoln, Nebraska,Madison,Wisconsin,and JeffersonCity,Missouri).
Decreasing the length of time a woman’s breast tissue is exposed to estrogen may help prevent breast cancer. Exposure to estrogen is reduced
the following ways:
Early pregnancy: Estrogen levels are lower during pregnancy. Women who have a full-term pregnancy before age 20 have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who have not had children or who give birth to their first child after age 35.
• Breast-feeding: Estrogen levels may remain lower while a woman is breast-feeding. Women who breastfed have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who have had children but did not breastfeed.
2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
Encourage your family or friends to make small business shopping a larger part of their overall spending plan.
• Cup one hand below Maisie’s chin so you can gently li her head upward.
• Quickly wipe the eyes clean using a damp cotton ball or cloth.
• Unscrew the eyedropper top or have a friend do it where Maisie can’t see.
• Li her head and gently tug down her lower eyelid.
• Bring the eye dropper up and hold it at an angle to the eye so it’s close but not directly in her view.
• Gently tug her upper eyelid upward and quickly put a drop into the eye, being careful not to touch the eye.
• Repeat with the other eye.
• Wipe away excess medicine with a clean cotton ball.
• Give Maisie a treat right away She deserves it!
For visual details, watch this video by VideoJug/Battersea Dogs & Cats Home: http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=a8TtdwnPpzo. Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
On Saturday, September 17th, the Town of Perinton closed the eastern canal summer season and ushered in autumn with a one-of-a-kind Erie Canal bicentennial celebration featuring a very well-received otilla! e Erie Canal Bicentennial Celebration was heldinPerintonPark,startingintheearlyevening,throughthesunset, and into the twilight. e festivities were a tting salute to one of the area’s most historic waterways.
2022 is the 200th anniversary of the completion of the Perinton and Fairport portion of the Erie Canal. “ e Erie Canal was completed in sections,andoursection–approximatelyPerintontoBushnell’sBasin— was completed 200 years ago,” said Perinton Town Supervisor Ciaran Hanna. Since Fairport had its Erie Canal festivities in the spring along withthereopeningoftheirli bridgeandcorrelatingwiththeseasonof the canal’s actual completion and opening, the Town of Perinton decided to hold their canal bicentennial event at the end of summer as “a bookend” to the canal recreation season.
“We thought it would be a nice idea to have a otilla,” said Hanna. “ ere was a otilla back in the 1960s, which was a very well-intended, exciting event. Our town loves parades, and this was a parade with a bit of a twist.”
e Town of Perinton and the Perinton Recreation and Parks Department worked hand-in-hand to put the bicentennial event together, locating it at Perinton Park along with food trucks, live music, kid’sactivities,andmore.TownofPerintonHistorianBillPoraywasan important part of the bicentennial celebration, as well, giving a fascinating Erie Canal presentation. Perinton presented a commemorative plaque and received a proclamation from the state legislature.
withitsseveralboatslitupa erthesunset. ecollectionofvesselswas led by the Colonial Belle helmed by Captain Tammee. “ e Colonial Belle is the mainstay,” explained Hanna. “She led it all lit up…a very impressive sight.”
Perinton’s end of summer Erie Canal bicentennial celebration was an unquali ed—yet signi cant—success. “It is vital that people realize how important the Canal was for the settlement and development of this area.
at is why I think it essential to have our town historian at events like these,” stated Hanna. “When it rst opened 200 years ago, it was way for people to get their products to the east coast. We wouldn’t be what we are without it. A erwards, for a period of time, the Canal was underappreciated and underutilized. People have really come around to appreciate it much more over the last several years with a focus on recreation. It’s a pretty impressive piece of engineering.”
e otilla, led by the Colonial Belle, lit its lights as it returned!
e Erie Canal Bicentennial otilla proceeding along the canal.
“It was just a gorgeous day, and I couldn’t have asked for better,” Hanna recalled. “All of our state representatives were there. It was also Fairport’s Homecoming, and a lot of families came over to Perinton Park a er the football game. It was perfect timing! e park lled up with people, many of whom setting up their lawn chairs along the Canal.” People lined the Canal at the park and along the otilla route which began at the Parker Street Bridge and traveled to the Oxbow where it turned around and returned. Many boats participated in the otilla, including those from the Fairport Fire Department whichhadabandplayingpatrioticsongs,theDEC,theCanalCorps,all types of private boats, and more.
“Everyone who had homes along the canal were out waving, enjoying theevent,”saidHanna.“PeoplewerelinedalongtheCanalpath,around bon res, and loaded on decks. It was wonderful and great to see the crowd all along the route.”
e otilla travelled down to the Oxbow in the daylight and returned
Perinton Town Supervisor Ciaran Hanna expressed gratitude for the many people who helped make the bicentennial a success. “ ere are so many people I would like to thank, including the many people who participated in the otilla,” he said. “ ank you to Captain Tammee of the Colonial Belle whohelpedputthiseventtogether. ankyoutothePerintonRecreation and Parks Department as well as Nancy Ragus and the FairportPerinton Partnership for a Better Community.”
Follow along all 4 weeks in October as we spread awareness about breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, recovery and life after breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Awareness SERIES Sponsored By:
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. It is estimated that in 2022, approximately 30% of all new women cancer diagnoses will be breast cancer.
FAQWhat can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer?
• Limit alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk of developing breast cancer.
• Maintain a healthy weight. If your weight is healthy, work to maintain that weight.
• Be physically active.
• Breast-feed.
• Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Breast cancer is a complex disease that a ects millions of women across the globe each year.
ough the American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that only about 4 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States are under age 40, women of all ages can take steps to protect themselves against this deadly disease. Exercise bene ts women in a myriad of ways, and that includes lowering their risk for breast cancer.
e ACS notes that researchers are increasingly linking exercise to a reduced risk for breast cancer. ough the reasons behind that link remain unclear, some theorize that the positive e ects of exercise on body weight, in ammation, hormones, and energy balance could be why regular physical activity helps women reduce their risk of breast cancer.
Body weight and breast cancer
e National Cancer Institute reports that being obese a er menopause can signi cantly increase a woman’s risk for breast cancer. In addition, the ACS attributes the rise in hormone receptor-positive breast cancers to an increased prevalence of excessive body weight. Routine exercise is a highly e ective way to lose weight and keep weight o , which in turn could lower women’s risk for breast cancer.
Being sedentary and breast cancer
Exercise is a not a sedentary activity, and that could be another reason why women who are physically active have a lower risk for breast cancer. e ACS notes that more than one study has linked sitting time to a higher risk of various diseases, including breast cancer. Researchers with the ACS analyzed data from 77,462 women, who they followed for an average of 15.8 years. None of the participants had cancer when the study started, but researchers found that women who sat for six or more hours per day during their free time had a 10 percent greater risk for invasive breast cancer than women who sat for less than three hours per day during free time.
e human body is complex, and a host of factors, including those like age that women have no control over, can a ect cancer risk. However, engaging in routine physical activity seems to be an e ective way for women to reduce their risk for breast cancer. In fact, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation estimates that one-third of all breast cancer cases could be prevented with positive lifestyle choices that help women maintain a healthy weight, including exercise.
Routine physical activity can be a signi cant weapon in women’s arsenal as they continue their e orts to prevent and overcome breast cancer.
WYNDHAM TIMESHARES: 1 – Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and 1 – Las Vegas, Nevada. Fully paid. Available for one week, anytime: 680-766-0811
FIREWOOD – mostly small to medium size. Pick up, Henrietta: 585-781-4131
10’ x 12’ METAL SHED: 585-430-4205
WALKER in good condition. Brakes need repair. Nunda: 585-468-5047
WING-BACKED SOFA BED (Queen size), Medium Blue. Pick up in East Bloomfield. 585-657-6378 landline; no texts
SNOWBLOWER 24”. Runs good. Easy start. You pick up, Canandaigua: 585-396-7265
WOMEN’S SPECIALIZED CLIP-IN BIKE SHOES. Good condition. European size 38; US size 7.25: sdimpfl45@gmail.com
PRECOR RECUMBENT EXERCISE BIKE. Honeoye Falls. You move: faillt@hotmail.com
SMALL PIANO with BENCH, 24” GIRL’S BICYCLE, 3 speed, needs brake cable: jbennett55@rochester.rr.com
GAS GRILL, Kenmore, used with side burner. No tank. You pick up evenings or weekends: 585-217-1564
ARTIFICIAL, PRE-LIT GE CHRISTMAS TREE, 7 1/2 feet tall. White lights. PACKING BOXES, many sizes. Pick up, Rush-Henrietta area: 585-217-1564
SNOWMOBILE DASHBOARD STORAGE BAG for Polaris Indy wedge chassis; Zippered; “Klymax”; hunter green; very good condition. Email for photo: penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Almost 30 MOVING BOXES, small and medium, most heavy duty, PACKING PAPER, BUBBLE WRAP used only once: pmazikas@gmail.com
XBOX Pulse Red wireless controller. Series X|S. Xbox One. Never used: 1wilcox.mj@gmail.com
Two large containers of various weight of new and used MATERIAL and some SEWING NOTIONS. Must take all: 585-345-0523
Cartons of OSMOLITE TUBE FEEDING: 585-208-8851
JUMPER CABLES, BICYCLE CHAIN with lock, BROADCAST SPREADER (for lawn fertilizer, grass seed, etc.): 585-944-7792
6 new AIRFIT P10 PILLOWS for use with ResMed CPAP machine. These are in sealed unopened packages: oliviabutts43@hotmail.com
PELLET STOVE in good working condition to help with heat for an elderly, handicapped person: 585-905-8809
FLAT SCREEN TVs, 55inch or larger. Used or unwanted. Will pick up: stan1k1@yahoo.com
Set of FLATWARE/SILVERWARE for refugee family. Looking for 8 place settings. Call or text: 585-754-1275
GOLF CART for disabled Marine, for school booster club president. Needing minor repairs okay: butts38@hotmail.com
Avon is getting an ice rink! Seeking ICE SKATE DONATIONS, all sizes. Donate at the Village Office (74 Genesee Street): avonholidayspectacular@gmail.com
INFARED HEAT LAMP BULBS for chicken coop: 585-374-5768
Used RUGS to use in barn studio. Will pick up: 607-968-4094
HO SCALE ITEMS for train layout. Norfolk and Western J611 with Powhatan Arrow passenger cars, working transformer, track, scenery; buildings: 315-694-6197
DAGUERREOTYPE/TIN TYPE PHOTOS. Any subject: Text or email mintshape@netacc.net or 585-794-0448
FULLSIZE TRUCK TOOLBOX, doesn’t have to look pretty. Call Jason: 585-447-0201
Pet Safe HOUSEPLANTS. Disabled veteran will pick up. Near Medina please: 585-297-6095 / Terry
EARLY RECURVE ARCHERY HUNTING BOWS and/or ARROWS. Text or email: mintshape@netacc.net or 585-794-0448
DEER ANTLERS, SKULLS, TURKEY WINGS – anything to do with wildlife for a nonprofit’s wildlife education class for young adults: paulamir55@gmail.com
STAINED or LEADED GLASS WINDOW SASHES. Any condition, missing pieces or otherwise: kboheim@rochester.rr.com
UTILITY TRAILER: Jason 585-447-0201
Working 60 GALLON HOT WATER HEATER for double-wide in Penn Yan for local disabled Veteran: 585-759-4390
PIPING FOR WOOD STOVE or DUCT WORK, 6”: 585-323-1762
POKÉMON CARDS. Can pick up in Batavia. Text: 585-536-6269
CROQUET SET: 585-507-8788
ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR for sad elderly man in a home whose broke down and can’t afford another: 585-203-7637
J ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED in good working condition: 585-880-7650
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 71-year-old woman diagnosed with coronary artery disease. My latest calcium score was 801. My right coronary artery was 80% blocked, and the left artery was 25%. My cardiologist asked me to decide if I want to do angioplasty or not. I don’t have any symptoms, only shortness of breath on exertion. I can’t decide what to do. My cardiologist seemed against getting a stent, not that he said that exactly, but he stressed the risk of getting one. -- M.C. ANSWER: A cardiac stent is a device placed into an artery of the heart after it is re-opened, usually by a balloon in a procedure called an angioplasty. Stents help reduce the risk of the artery closing off after the procedure. In people with stable coronary artery disease, opening up a blood vessel can reduce symptoms, but has not been shown, despite many studies, to reduce risk of heart attack or death. You said you were asymptomatic, but shortness of breath is one of the major symptoms of blocked coronary arteries, which are the blood vessels that provide oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. It can be very difficult at times to judge whether a person’s shortness of breath is coming from blockages in the artery or not, and stress testing can help answer whether this is likely. People can have shortness of breath on exertion for many reasons, including lung problems, anemia, lack of exercise or persistent symptoms after a COVID infection.
While the decision is ultimately up to you -- it’s your body -- it’s best if the cardiologist gives you a definite recommendation and the reasoning behind it. You can’t make an informed decision without being informed. A stent might improve your shortness of breath, but there are risks of bleeding, infection and even heart damage from a stent placement. It’s not to be undertaken lightly. If your cardiologist doesn’t feel that your shortness of breath stems from the blockages, then a stent is not likely to be helpful. Revisit with your cardiologist to get a clear idea of the potential benefit and harm specific for your case, and bring a friend or family member to assist you.
that he
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
During the past two years when I stocked up on grocery staples, I ended up with canned foods and dry goods stored in three di erent places around the house.
I’d have to check all three places to be sure I grabbed the green beans with the nearest expiration date. Pasta was the same. Worse was when I discovered that I wasn’t having spaghetti for dinner a er all because I’d used the last of the pasta and only thought I had one more tucked away somewhere.
Enter the internet and the wide selection of kitchen storage products available.
I wish I’d known of this two years ago: a metal stacking unit that holds 36 cans. I put it on the bu et in the dining room, all cans in easy reach around the corner from the kitchen.
Not having a pantry, I’ve pulled the hall coat closet into service, moving the hangar bar close to the ceiling and opening up the whole bottom half of the space for four rows of wire shelving and baskets for dry goods and envelopes.
And when all seems lost, when you have no pantry and no basement, when your coat closet can’t be recon gured, there are still handy places you can store food. A small bookcase will hold cans. Slide a few baskets under an end table. Cereal keepers are smaller than boxes. A row of clear canisters for envelopes will let you see what you have at a glance.
e immediate bene t of having alternate storage places is that it opens up space in your cupboards for currently used items. e box of instant rice and the jar of peanut butter will all be right in front of you.
Remember to get a black marker to write expiration dates in big letters! (c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
* A Tip From JoAnn: I like bottled water, but it’s expensive and creates a lot of waste. I have plenty of reusable bottles, but bottled water always seemed more convenient and, frankly, better. I found that what I really like is to take a bottle of very cold water out of the fridge and drink it, so instead of storing those reusable bottles in the cabinet, I fill them straight from the dishwasher and put them in the fridge. Now I have the convenience of bottled water without spending the money, and I happily am not creating waste.
* To remove stubborn contact paper from kitchen shelves, use a hair dryer set on low to loosen the adhesive. Peel away slowly.
* Here’s a trick for removing hardwater stains on windows or glass doors: Apply full-strength fabric softener to surface. Let dry, then use a wet cloth to remove, rinsing the cloth frequently.
* “Hang a bag of clothespins near the laundry basket. Then if something has a stain that needs to be addressed, put a clip on it before adding it to the basket. This way, you’ll know what to pretreat on wash day.” -- D.W. in Washington
* “To keep pants on a hanger from creasing, I slit a paper towel cardboard roll and slip it over the hanger. I tape it together and then put the pants over it. This has worked for me for many years.” -I.R. in Nebraska
* Got a grease stain on your shirt? Cover it with baking soda right away. The baking soda will absorb oil. Repeat several times and launder as quickly as you can.
* According to Hasbro, the tallest Jenga tower ever was 40 levels, plus two additional blocks on top.
Recently, my husband and I went out to Texas Roadhouse restaurant to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. I needed some help with him for his walker and oxygen tank cart. A lady and her family were also walking in and asked to help me. When we got inside, the wait staff helped also helped us to our seats. It was a very nice time for us. The lady and her family ended up sitting across from us, and we had friendly conversations. When she got ready to leave, she told us, "Happy anniversary. I paid for your meals." I was in disbelief and shock. I said to her, "Are you kidding?" She said no and that she paid for our meals. I still could not get over it. At the end of our meal, the servers also helped us out to our car. Wow! It was nice to see the good people still out there. Thank you! - Bonnie L.
Thank you, Ray Weidman and Brian Lampher, for stopping by the Little Lakes Community Center table at The Festival at the Falls in Honeoye Falls. They won our raffle for a free John Dady concert ticket. Congratulations, and we will see you at the Concert on Dec. 10th!
On July 21st, we were at the Walmart in Brockport, and as we left our car, we dropped some paperwork. A very nice person found those papers and took the time to actually look at them and found our insurance company which was local. They went out of their way to return them to the agency. We got a call while we were still in Walmart that they had our papers. I can't express how grateful we are to that person. It really made us realize there are still great people in the world. Thank You again!
Go to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US
In January of 2022, our town’s snowplow got off course and knocked down three mailboxes in a row. Mine and that of my neighbor to the north and that of my neighbor to the south respectively. My post was taken off at ground level as was one of my neighbor’s. Their mailboxes were replaced by the town in a timely manner. Mine was overlooked for some reason that no one has explained. After numerous phone calls to the town and to the highway superintendent, the post for my mailbox was finally replaced. It only took eight months! The superintendent claimed my post was rotted (It is not), and denied responsibility for replacement, claiming it broke because it was rotted. If that is the case, why were the mailboxes to my immediate north and south also damaged? Here’s why he, and any town that claims no responsibility, is wrong. If it were a person that was crushed instead of a mailbox, would the town be liable? You’d better believe it. Town employees can’t destroy private property and not be held responsible.
On Friday morning while traveling north on the freeway,
I was behind a tow truck with a small SUV on its flatbed. Suddenly, the front fender came flying off the SUV and hit my car. I did my best to avoid it, but with heavy traffic and a 30-mph wind, that fender hit my Cadillac in the front left wheel, causing damages. It happened at a split and the driver went south as I continued north to my destination. When I reached out to the tow company, he said that he would check the rear facing camera and call me back. I could not veer away as I would have caused a major accident, but obviously, this company doesn’t care. Now my insurance will go up if I call in a claim even though I did nothing wrong. Imagine if that fender had hit my windshield at 60 mph with a 30-mph wind. As a car hauler wife, I know that towing companies must check their towed vehicles for loose parts, just as car haulers do, so that this type of situation never occurs.
(NAPSI)—These five tips can help you be prepared for the perils of the road.
1. Know Your Car. Like people, each car has a unique personality. Some features work better than others, and conditions can cause a vehicle to react a certain way. Knowing your car’s limits and behavior patterns can help you predict how it will respond in certain situations. How long does it take you to stop and how much pressure is required on the brake pedal? What’s your turn radius? Does your vehicle lean when you round a corner? Does it quake when you hit a certain speed? Knowing the answers can help you avoid accidents.
2. Use Extreme Caution During a Lane Change. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that one of the most common causes of two-lane auto accidents is unsafe lane changes.
3. Know Your Blind Spots. Most cars have at least one line of vision that’s not clearly evident in the rearview or side mirrors. Even carefully placed mirrors often cannot cover every possible angle. Move the side mirrors far outward so that the angle of view barely overlaps the view of the rearview mirror.
4. Keep Your Hands on the Wheel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration now advocates keeping your hands at the 9 and 3 o’clock positions instead of 10 and 2 because of air bags.
5. Keep Up on Maintenance. Routine work on your auto, like oil changes, fluid refills and tire rotations, can make all the difference in your car’s drivability.
Learn More: For further facts and tips about good driving from the experts at Driving-Tests, founded on the universal belief that everyone can be a safe driver, go to https://driving-tests.org. There, budding drivers can also learn how to pass the written test the first time.
Looking for highly motivated individuals to join our team! Competitive wages, attractive benefits package, and uniforms provided. SECURE job placement for reliable, responsible candidates.
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Set reasonable goals. Much of the difficulty men and women experience in regard to finding a healthy work-life balance may be a byproduct of working parents spreading themselves too thin. Setting reasonable goals can help avoid that, but doing so requires taking commitments to one’s employer and family into consideration before agreeing to take on new projects or setting deadlines for projects to be completed. This should be applied to both work and home. If a work deadline is unreasonable, professionals should discuss that with their employers, who might change the deadline or arrange for extra persons to work on the project. At home, parents should avoid taking on too many projects, such as chaperoning a child’s dance or coaching a sports team, if doing so will adversely affect the amount of time they get to spend with their families.
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* On Oct. 13, 1975, Charlie Rich stood at the Country Music
the Entertainer of the Year -- and set fire to the envelope after he saw that John Denver was the winner. It was later said that Rich was
gin-and-tonics that night.
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cannot write of things which even impassioned breath cannot utter. Autumn is coming with its days of gold, its days of reverie and of you—oh, such delightful hours that my heart burns within me at the anticipation.
~Byron Caldwell Smith, letter to Kate Stephens
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