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Professional Pest Control Services is here to help you with all your pest concerns!
Yellow Jacket, Wasps & Hornet Nests treatment
Cluster Fly, Boxelder and Stink Bug treatment (9 month warranty)
Protect Your Mobile Devices - and Your Identity (Family Features) Mobile devices have become an indispensable tool for many people - and the thought of losing one of those devices, or having it stolen, is disconcerting, to say the least. But it happens every day. It’s estimated that lost or stolen phones alone could cost U.S. users $30 billion in 2012.
When a phone or tablet goes missing, so does a lot of personal information. And that can lead to more than just some inconvenience - it can lead to a stolen identity.
The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. While identity thieves still resort to old-fashioned methods of information gathering, like going through trash and stealing wallets and purses, they can also get the personal information you store on your mobile device.
Reasons To Shop
Many farmers’ markets offer foods that are organically grown and are produced without GMOs. Farmers’ market retailers also tend to give firsthand accounts of where their foods come from and how they are grown or raised.