5 minute read
Jefferson Park Senior Apartments
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
How Everyday Citizens Can Protect Local Parks
Leave nothing behind. Memories are not the only things park visitors should take with them when they leave the park. Estimates suggest that as much as 100 million pounds of garbage are generated at California’s Yosemite National Park each year. Significant damage can result if even a tiny fraction of that garbage is left behind. In addition, park officials forced to expend their limited resources on garbage pickup may not have enough resources left to address other issues, further threatening the park. Whether you’re hiking or camping, make sure everything you take into the park comes with you when you leave. If you have trash, make sure it’s deposited into the appropriate receptacles.
East Rochester Public Library
317 Main St., E. Rochester, NY (585) 586-8302 www.eastrochester.org
Mon. 9am-7pm; Tues.-Thurs. 9am-6pm; Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun. Closed. (ERPL Book Nook: open Mon., Wed. & Sat. 10am-1pm
Fairport Public Library
1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport (585) 223-9091 www.fairportlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-5pm; Sun. 12pm-3pm (Oct.-April)
Penfield Public Library
1985 Baird Rd., Penfield (585) 340-8720 www.penfieldlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 10am-9pm; Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm;
Sun. Closed
Pittsford Community Library
24 State St., Pittsford (585) 248-6275
Mon.- Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm
Webster Public Library
980 Ridge Rd., Webster (585) 872-7075 www.websterlibrary.org
Mon.-Thur. 9am-8pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. Closed
Mondays,August7-21,10:15AM, forkids,registrationrequired.
ALLTOGETHERFORWRITING WORKSHOPS:Monday,August7, 12PM,forkids,registrationrequired.
STORYTIMEWITH ASSEMBLYMEMBERLUNSFORD: Tuesday,August8,10:30AM,for kids,registrationrequired.
ALLTOGETHERFORPJSTORY TIME:Wednesday,August9,6:30 PM,forthefamily,noregistration required.
THESPYSAGAOFJULIUSÐEL ROSENBERG:Wednesday,August 9,7PM,foradults,registration required.
THEPEARLZBANDCONCERT: Monday,August14,7PM,for adults,registrationrequired.
TWEENMAKERS:Thursday,August 17,1PM,forgrades4-8,registrationrequired.
PRACTICESATEXAM:Tuesday,August22,10AM,forgrades10-12, registrationrequired.
GirlScoutsofWesternNew YorkYearofFunKickoffParty! Forgirlsandfamilieswhoarenew membersorinterestedinjoining GirlScoutsthisyear.Thisfreeevent willincludegames,crafts,foodand morewhileprovidinginformation aboutGirlScoutsandachanceto registerforayearoffun!Heldat BrightonTownParkPavilion1,777 WestfallRd,Brighton,1PM-3PMon Sunday,August6th.RSVPathttps:/ /gswny.wufoo.com/forms/ xgkpk2h0051t9e/.Girlswhoregisterandattendwillbeenteredinto araffletowinafreeGirlScout uniform!Info./Questions:join.us@ gswny.orgorpaige.wasilewski@ gswny.org
The vivid colors and smells emanating from farmers’ markets indicate just how fresh and nutritious the offerings tend to be. Farmers who peddle their wares at farmers’ markets adhere to careful farming methods to ensure their foods are as nutritious as possible.
PerintonFoodShelfneedsfood donations- ThePerintonFood Shelfisverylowonfood.Please considerhostingafooddrive. DonationscanbedroppedoffbehindthePerintonTownHallon TurkHilloratthePublicLibrary.For moreinformationondoingafood drive,pleaseemailcontactus@ perintonfoodshelf.org.Beloware theitemsweareverylowonand need.Coffee,CannedPeaches, SaladDressing,CookingOil,Mustard,Ketchup,Cannedstew,Cake mixes,FrostingandBrowniemixes.
DailyLifeinEarlyOntario: Enjoy aninteractiveexperiencefocusing onpreparingfortheharvestinearly Ontario,technologyoftheperiod, children’sclothingandactivities, cooking,homechoresandleisure activities,andcrafts.Listentomusic byTheMelodyMakers,andmore. Allbuildingswillbeopenforselfguidedtours.August19,1:304:00pm,TownofOntarioHistorical SocietyandHeritageSquareMuseum,7147OntarioCenterRd., Ontario.$5percar.http:// Heritagesquaremuseum.org
TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s AugustProgram willbeheldon Monday,August21attheGates TownHallAnnexat7:00pm.Jim Dierks,fromtheNewYorkMuseumofTransportation,willbe sharingaboutthemuseumand presentingaslideshowentitled “TheInterurbanEra”coveringthe historyoftrolleylinesfrom 1900-1930.Thisprogramisfree. Thefacilitiesarehandicapped accessible.
ROCCityScaleModelersShare TheirSkills- Scalemodelsandthe enthusiastswhobuildthemwillbe onhandSundayAugust6,114pm,whentheNewYorkMuseum ofTransportationhostsmembersof theROCCityScaleModelers.The workondisplaywillincludeplanes, ships,militaryarmor,autos,and evenspaceandsciencefiction. Ridesonavintagetrolleycarare includedwithadmissionandthere arefivedepartures:11:30,12:30, 1:30,2:30and3:30.Thefamily friendlymuseumadmissionincludingthemodelshowandthetrolley rideis$10adults,$9seniors65+, $6youthsage3-12.Underage3 arefree.www.nymtmuseum.org (585)533-1113info@ nymtmuseum.org
CountryGardenersofWebster: Doyouliketo-Diginthedirt? Smelltheroses?Learnaboutthe birdsandthebees?Takeawalkin thepark?Eat,drinkandbemerry? LiveinWebster?Thenwewould lovetohaveyoujoinus!Country GardenersofWebster-Wewould lovetohearfromyou!Wemeet the2ndMondayofthemonth. PleasecontactElaineat 585-350-8270.Comeandtryus on!
CaringCommunityConcert to BenefitOurCommunity.AUGUST
9:8-Days-A-Week.Benefitfor WebsterFriendsofWebsterTrails... Freewilloffering.The60swere definedbythemusicofThe Beatles.Theband8-Days-A-Week willbringbackmanyofthose memories!They’vebeenentertainingintheRochesterareaformore thantenyears.8-Days-A-Weekalwaysprovideawonderfullynostalgicandauthenticsound.Enjoythe timelessclassicsofTheBeatles recreatedbythistalentedquartet! Concertheld6:30PMonthefront lawnofWebsterUnitedChurchof Christ,570KlemRoad,Webster. Bringablanket,afriend,apicnic, orChoosefromourpicnicmenu. Concessionsopen6PM.Information:churchoffice585-671-3757.
Strange But True
By Lucie Winborne
* The earliest written record that mentions the practice of medicine is Hammurabi’s Code from the 18th century BC in Mesopotamia, which includes information for physicians about payments for successful treatments and punishments for medical failures. For example, payment was better for curing the wealthy, but failing to do so could result in the loss of a hand.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
Scholarships can help students offset the rising costs of a college education. Those who are willing to put in the research, time and effort to apply may find a wealth of scholarship opportunities at their disposal.
NATURAL GAS ALARM, 3” wide x 5” long. Battery powered. petert100@gmail.com
BANANA BOXES and other boxes. All in good condition. Must pick up, Phelps. 315-548-8372
MOTOROLA CABLE MODEM w/Wi-Fi. Spectrum compatible and new in the box. 1900 MBPS Wi-Fi. petert100@gmail.com
Box of RECIPES, a STAMP COLLECTION, and a RAND MCNALLY ROAD ATLAS 10th Anniversary (1976). 585-388-0318
ENCLOSURE FOR A VEGETABLE GARDEN – 2 metal gates, 9 wooden poles, 9 metal poles. You dismantle. jwissick@rochester.rr.com
MIKI TABLE MOUNTED ROUTER, assorted bits. 37” H x 36” L x 18” W. 585-394-7746
8-SIDED LOUVERED CUPOLA, 28” H x 22” W, grey roof shingles. 585-394-7746
TABLE MAT 80” x 60” x 20”. WOOD QUEEN BED FRAME w/headboard. New COMMODE w/Roho Cushion. Pick up, Naples. Kalind5592@gmail.com
Used NORDIC TRACK. Good condition. jwalnes@yahoo.com
WEIGHT BENCH and all the WEIGHTS that go with it. It is a complete set: 585-538-9508
Possibly a pig or other animal farm could use 200+ CANS OF EXPIRED FOOD. 585-356-4315
UPRIGHT BALDWIN PIANO. Pick up in Rush. ermaperkins@me.com
MEDICAL SUPPLIES – bandages, saline solution, wound cleaner, body soap and lotions. 585-362-6906
MAPLE FIREWOOD in chunks on ground. Need chainsaw to cut to transport. Leave message. 585-237-5803
#1 CRUSHED WASHED STONE, 3-4 cu. yds. Bloomfield. You load & pick up. Please text 678-939-4378
ESQUIRE MAGAZINES 2008-2010. Good condition. 585-671-2598
1950s EZ SPIN WASHER. Poor condition. Good for collectors or scrap metal. You must remove from basement. Picture available. 585-671-2598
20-inch 2003 ENVISION TV. Good for gaming systems. Comes with plastic gaming center. 585-671-2598
4 qty rounded LANDSCAPING EDGING, brick. 2’ long by 3’ high pieces. Penfield: 585-820-9245
Two PLAYER PIANOS and a LOWREY HOME THEATRE. 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message)
POOL TABLE w/ balls, but no cue sticks. Particle Board. Warped, but good for kids to learn on. You remove from basement. msmalter2@gmail.com
OneTouch Blood GLUCOSE METER. sscott01@rochester.rr.com
CUSHIONS for the glider rocker picked up on Taylor Road in Mendon. 585-624-4647
Metal OFFICE DESK. Heavy duty. Measures 29” tall, 30” deep and 60” wide. Fairport. Donna, 585 943 -8487
Single mom of two kids in need of WORKING WASHING MACHINE penguinprincess73577@gmail.com
Small used SPINET PIANO in good condition for senior citizen in Dansville. 585-443-9974
VCR in good working condition. Wonder.ful.of.bread@theplate.com
GREENHOUSE and SUPPLIES needed for small startup. Any size and condition.
Looking for TRAILER for a 4-wheeler to help a retired veteran be able to hunt this season. 585-337-8580
MAGAZINES, particularly food-centered, for collages. angela.m.kennelly@opwdd.ny.gov
5’ METAL FENCE STAKES. Text me. 585-260-3506
STOCKADE FENCING. Will remove. 585-358-6850
CROQUET SET, solid wood. Good/playable condition. Manufactured between 1950s - 1990s. Call/Text 585-764-9769
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS needed for kids’ art camp. Webster/Penfield area. cmstudio@rochester.rr.com or 585-217-3397
LIONEL O-SCALE TRAINS, Locomotives, Rolling: stock, accessories, scenery, etc. For hobby and eventual layout. Got Bench-work? I will take it! 315-694-6197
Looking for a UTILITY TRAILER. Please call/text with pictures. 585-447-0201
TONNEAU COVER for 6.5’ bed. Call/text 585-447-0201 with info.
CELL PHONE. Used or unwanted. stan1k1@yahoo.com
Failing eyesight, need LARGE SCREEN TV for computer monitor. Also, will recycle your old computers. Terry: 336-247-3245
TRADING CARDS, Vintage or new. Sports, Buffalo Bills for my collection. Batavia/Elba area. Text 716-560-8840
FULL SIZE KAYAK. GOLD COLORED PICTURE FRAMES – all sizes. BIRD HOUSES –for outside decoration. Batavia/Elba area. Text 716-560-8840
Handicapped man needs a SAXOPHONE for his day music program. Text 585-305-0271
WOODEN BED SLATS, full size or queen size. Thanks in advance. doucette7@aol.com
FOLDABLE RAMP for a vehicle. 315-548-3872
Sturdy desk-type CHAIR on wheels. Will pick up within 10 miles of Geneseo. Call 585-382-3705
Looking for a BOX TRAILER. 585-323-1762 or 585-671-1996 (leave message)
MUSIC ALBUMS and 45s from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s. Call Bill 585-402-8870
NUTRIBULLET processor for veggies. stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
Lawn & garden TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. 585-883-7387
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111